Death Valley“ Microregion

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Death Valley“ Microregion Integrated Development Strategy and Tourism Promotion of the Association of the „Death Valley“ Microregion The Strategy Paper for the Association of the „Death Valley“ Microregion Dobroslava Dlhoňa Havranec Kapišová Kružlová Nižná Písaná Svidnička Vápeník Vyšná Písaná Buyer: Municipality of Kružlová Registered office: Municipal Office Kružlová 8, 090 02 Kružlová Represented by: Mgr. Adrián Gužo – Mayor Company Identification No: 00330655 Contractor: ENVIO sp. z o.o. Registered office: Levočská 2 080 01 Prešov Represented by: Jozef Andrej - Managing director Company Identification No: 44402350 Research team: Jozef Andrej Ing. arch. Václav Hochmuth Ing. arch. Jozef Kužma Cecília Mihalová Ing. arch. Vladimír Nedelko Bc. Vladimír Nedelko CONTENTS: I. Analysis 1. Situational analysis 1.1. Introduction 1.2. The Death Valley microregion, purpose of its creation, object of activity, members of the microregion and its statutory representatives 1.3. Purpose of processing of the Strategy Paper for the Association of the “Death Valley” microregion 2. Basic characteristics of the villages of the microregion 3. Demographic structure of municipalities of the microregion 4. Amenities, social, cultural and sporting infrastructure of municipalities of the microregion 5. Transport and technical infrastructure of the microregion 6. Economic characteristics of the microregion 7. Environment 8. Tourism 8.1. Supply and demand of tourism, visit rate in the microregion 8.2. Competition and status of the microregion on the tourism market 8.3. Marketing of tourism, its organization and regional management 8.4. History 8.5. Archaeological sites 8.6. Cultural monuments 9. SWOT – analysis of respected territory 9.1. SWOT analysis of the potential of the villages associated in the microregion 9.1.1. Swot analysis of the potential of the cadastral territory of the village Kapišová 9.1.2. Swot analysis of the potential of the cadastral territory of the village Kružlová 9.1.3. Swot analysis of the potential of the cadastral territory of the village Svidnička 10. SWOT analysis of the potential of tourism in the microregion 11. Critical areas II. Synthesis 1. Proposal part 1.1. Vision of development and promotion of tourism in the microregion, strategic goals 1.2. Action plan 1.2.1. Proposed priorities, measures and activities of tourism 1.3. Proposal for strategy implementation and recommendations 1.3.1. Specification of priority tasks and main themes 1.3.2. Proposal for time schedule of the Action plan (2012 – 2014) 1.3.3. Database of priority projects (selected activities) 2. Cohesion of the strategy with the regional documents of the Prešov Self- Governing Region 3. Recommendations for Programmes of economic and social development of the villages and for Land use plans on the level of the villages 4. Conclusion 5. Reference document I. Analysis 1. Situational analysis 1.1. Introduction The Strategy Paper for the Association of the „Death Valley“ microregion is part of Integrated Development Strategy and Tourism Promotion of the Association of the „ Death Valley “ microregion project, which is co-financed by the European Union. It is implemented under the Regional Operational Programme – action: Support and development of tourism infrastructure; priority axis – Strengthening of cultural potential of regions and development oftourism. The main objective at the processing of the Strategy Paper is to evaluate, on the basis of carried analysis, strengths and weaknesses of the microregion in the field of tourism and to propose fundamental strategic vision. The Strategy will serve as fundamental programming document for promotion of tourism development in the area. The main reason is to support basic assumptions for coordinated development of tourism throughout the area, identify strengths and weaknesses of the current state of development and on its basis work out a development vision and strategy project for competitive product of tourism. The plan is fully in line with the programming documents at national (National Tourism Development Strategy of SR) and regional level (Programme of Economic and Social Development of the Prešov Region. Processing of the Strategy Paper is also a precondition for the possibility of applying for support from different subsidy titles of European, national and regional policy of regional development. All previous findings are summarized in this Strategy Paper using SWOT analysis. The result is a draft of strategic vision in time horizon until 2025 and a draft of strategic objectives, priorities and actions. Complete tourism analysis of the area was formulated in the first phase. The second phase focused on drafting a basic structure of priorities and actions and their fulfilment with activities. All villages, municipalities, business operators and non-profit organizations were actively involved in its creation. Critical success factor of the Strategy Development Paper will be primarily based on co- operation of all involved – representatives of public administration, SNC SR, entrepreneurs, SCCI, SAFC, non-profit organizations, professional and general public and others. Their collaboration will be crucial at all document processing stages and above all at a common framework agreement on the drafted priorities and actions. Relevant comments received by the processor or the buyer were evaluated and incorporated into the submitted complex version of the paper in due course. 3 1.2. „Death Valley“ microregion, purpose of its creation, object of activity, members of the microregion and its statutory representatives Association of the Death Valley microregion was founded on 5.1.2005 as an association of legal entities. The following municipalities are its members: Kapišová, Dobroslava, Vyšná Pisaná, Nižná Pisaná, Kružlová, Svidnička, Vápeník, Dlhoňa and Havranec. The purpose of the foundation of the Association was to preserve the history of the end of World War II Carpathian-Dukla operation, which is linked with the creation of the name of the microregion - „Death Valley“ and also in order to help attract tourists and raise the profile of this interesting region. The object of activity of the Association is to provide development documents of the microregion, land use plans of municipalities, raise standard of living of citizens, support activities aimed at developing cooperation with foreign partners, maintain and develop cultural heritage and assist in protection of cultural and natural heritage. The headquarters of the Association is Municipal Office of Kružlová. The statutory representative is Mayor of Kružlová - Mgr. Adrián Gužo. 1.3. Purpose of processing of the Strategy Paper for the Association of the „Death Valley“ microregion The purpose of processing of the Strategy Paper for the Association of the „Death Valley“ microregion is mainly the development of tourism and strengthening the cultural potential of the region. The need for implementation is substantiated by weak propaganda of the microrgion, absence of rules for management and coordination in the field of tourism as well as low level of utilization of historical cultural and natural potential. The main objective of the Strategy Paper processing is to evaluate strengths and weaknesses in the field of tourism and to propose fundamental strategic vision. The Strategy will serve as the fundamental programming document for promotion of tourism development in the area. The main reason is to support basic assumptions for coordinated development of tourism throughout the area, identify strengths and weaknesses of the current state of development and on its basis work out a development vision and strategy project for a competitive product of tourism. 2. Basic characteristics of the villages of the microregion The Death Valley microregion is a grouping of nine municipalities - Kapišová, Dobroslava, Vyšná Pisaná, Nižná Pisaná, Kružlová, Svidnička, Vápeník, Dlhoňa and Havranec and their cadastral areas. It is located on the southern slopes of Low Beskids, adjacent to the border with the neighbouring Republic of Poland (the border runs in the northern part of the microregion). The area is characterised primarily by its historical role in the liberation of Slovakia during World War II. It got its name – Valley of Death according to bitter battles in November 1944. The microregion lies in north-eastern Slovakia. It is a part of administrative units of Prešov Region and Svidník District. Interestingly, the only entry to the territory of the microregion is accessible by car only through a single access road – the turnoff the main international route– European route E371. 4 Positive element for the development of tourism in this area is its relatively good accessibility as well as proximity of the District Town of Svidník and from larger towns around Bardejov, Prešov and on the Polish side, Dukla and Krosno. Administrative incorporation of the territory BTU area Altitude Residential Municipality BTU code 2 in hectares in metres density/km Region: Prešov 524140 District: Svidník 527106 Dobroslava 527246 558 319 6 Dlhoňa 527238 885 355 8 Havranec 527301 765 385 2 Kapišová 527360 662 259 54 Kružlová 527483 828 282 77 Nižná Pisaná 527645 738 321 13 Svidnička 527858 572 317 22 Vápeník 527963 377 402 11 Vyšná Pisaná 528056 950 364 8 Note: BTU – basic territorial unit Source: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic Location of the microregion within Slovakia and Prešov region 5 6 Village: Dobroslava The village of Dobroslava lies in the northern part of Low Beskids, in the eastern part
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