Fifl Fertilizers
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2 The IU'rhitf Son Dispute. GHVHllAh XI2WS. Mr. Cilaiiatone nt Ilnme, CURRENT AFFAIRS. When relieved from the affairs of state. The Best Shirt Made Mr. Gladstone finds no pleasure so great appetite, S The Claims of Ilie t'lillt-i- l Mates, an tliey Vicinity, Massachusetts and Now Miu-Uii- as his home life at Hawardcn. There his And on .John V. Shot - cotj health Wlll III- Tried llrftur the Trllilliuil Hampshire Notes. family are gathered together, and the great ',"1XN3 IS THE Drop In of .trliltrntlfiii man romps and plays with his grandchil Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene Lottolene Collolene Cottolene Collolene cottolene 11 llnlr-linnn- e Old .Mllllllir Niecll-Inli- ir y n The United States claims In the Uerlng I'nnvoiilalil) cinltli (I from lit n k's lsue dren as though he never knew what it was Iml mil S i lninly Hurt the sea controversy, as they will he laid before The llnllrnnd Accident ul l.uilliitv. to be blamed for everything that went To assure both the above ends, ene Or Write In colo- ene iiiiIip( k Jlhie. wrong all Great Britain and her good, wholesome, palatable food is ene "EIGHMIE" l'mium the tribunal of arbitration In Paris, are as The railroad accident at Ludlow early nies. Mr. Gladstone Is a wonderful scholar, demanded. It is next to Impossible ne W. Mackay, the famous bonanza follows: up to the cession of Alaska Friday morning of last week resulted in the John That a busy writer and speaker, but the little to a sufficient variety of appe- ene Hip death of Engineer II. G. Andress of ltut-lan- d, present me king and financier, wa? shot In hack at to the United States, Hussia exercised ex- Gladstone children Know him best as a bills fare meals with- You inut do one the slight injury of Fireman II. W. tizing of for our fne San Francisco, last Saturday, just after clusive right to the seal fisheries In Uer- good, kind grandfather who Is fond of fun. out a liberal allowance of pastry and ene or the Other If JHl w'Ull white-haire- broken-dow- n Livingston of the same place, the wiecklng Cheap noon, by a d and lng sea, and also the right to prevent, e He, too, would prefer to enjoy their com other food In which shortening Is ine to know how of the locomotive and 13 cars, and the kill ene old man named lilpjiey, who lost his pany rather than to he surrounded by Eng required. How to make crisp, you an buy if necessary, any lnalouof such ex ing of 125 hogs. 1 he hog of 22 cars ,ene personal fortune of 7.j.000 in gambling In train land s great men at an session of pastry has ene clusive right. That Groat Urltaln, not from Rutland was to meet a special freight healthful, digestible mining stocks, and hud got a cranky no- parliament. His other recreations are puzzled the A difficulty in ene from Bellows Falls at Ludlow, and the side cook. ene tion Mackay ought to make up his having objected to such asseitlons of ex- walking is really very funny all good the been W ft" that track was too short to hold the latter train. and this cookingln past has ene losses. The old man fired two shot" at clusive right, is to he deemed as having chopping down trees. Our great George lard. Always Inkle, never unilorm, ene On coming into Ludlow the air brakes to UJ g. JIackay but only one hit him. He lireil a assented to them. That water now Washington, according to tradition, had a most unwholesome lard has always ene Furniture the the freight train did not work, and lo- ene bullet Into his own breast, Inflicting a the a like fondness In his youth, but by of cook and the third known as lteiing sea was not intituled in comotive crashed Into the rear end of the the been the bane the tne probably fatal wound. The shooting took time he became president he had probably obstacle to "good digestion." ene the phrase "Pacific ocean" used in the extra freight. Andress remained on his ene place in a paed court, back of the Lick j outgrown such fancies. Mr. Gladstone, f? UJ At the prwetit tlm treaty of between Great Urltaln and engine and was killed. Livingston saved CouoleneYfolloleneTo Cottolene House, where many people were passing. however, Is an expert woodman, and !) I'rk-e- rule the day lEussia. That all the rights and authority Ills lire by jumping. Andress leaves a wife Cottolene Cottolene Cottotene Coitotene Cottolene Mackay was walking toward the hotel to though ho destroy valuable cherry-tree- s, with us. of Itussla in respect to seal fisheries in Ue- loss Is esti- doesn't pack his valise ready to start for Virginia and one child. The property he goes out with his axe and takes rlng sea east of the water boundary estab- mated at $10,000. was a fireman City. He stepped to one side and turned Andress in trees In lished by the treaty of March 30, 1807, ac- the keenest pleasure felling around at the first shot, and was not aware until his promotion 20 days before the Hawarden A passed unimpaired to the United States park. visitor to the castle COTTOL ENEi that he had been hit until an eyewitness, cident. one day noticed an axe behind the door In come fiom the back of his under the treaty; that the United States Write Us who saw smoke t the great hall, where It had been left by have such property In the Alaskan seal M nnt-lititet- IVolen. Cottolene (Cottolene Cottolene C ottokne coat, told tilin of it. rutting his hand the statesman after one of his chopping Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene t nttolen: herd as to justify the employment by that II. Mayhcw, aged .111, around the millionaire found it cov- Frederick brother expeditions. A curious ornament for such Lotl blood. Investigation showed nation of means reasonably necessary to of II. 11. Mayliew, was found Cut popular ered with protect such a place, It seems. It may be out of com tot? comes now into And we will send you herd; and that compensation dead in a snowdrift about a mile east of -- that the bullet, which was readily found, pliment to the boy George Washington ( uu If should be made to the United States bv Shelbtirne Falls Monday. He lived at the favor as the new shorten prices tou can not come in, lias barely missed the spinal column, and and his hatchet that the "Grand Old Man" I ..tJ but the best way Is to Great Britain for the losses of the United 1 I Col) ine better than even the Itffi hail only inflicted a flesh wound. Mackay home of heodorc liompsou and started prefers to use an American axe. Haipcr' States, and should It be considered that the to drive to the village to get his mail. He tot) none of had no acquaintance with Itlppcy. 1 ounu I'eopie. Cot) best of lard with United States have not the lull piopcrty got stalled In a big snowdrift, and being Cot) lard's objectionable quali- All grades, Including a line clresf shirt. Iiitrrmtiiii; I'arlnln (lir llonniiln King's interest asserted, Great Britain should unable to get through, unhitched the horse Cot) An or Cot) ties. And Career. concur with the United States in enforcing anil started back. He had gone hut a Overlooked Fenture the Worlil's Sc in regulations to prevent the upon Cot PRATT. WRIGHT CO. Drop Mackay, who Is of Scotch-Iris- h capture short distance when he dropped dead. r'nlr. Cot John William high seas firySole agents for Brattleboro. descent, was born In Dublin, Ireland, the of seals belonging to the said The horse went home and its arrival gave Intent upon the mechanical and material Cot herd. The claims for losses will calcu- Cot' 01 years ago. Ills parents came to this be the alarm. wonders of World's the public lated on a basis of 30,000 seals. the Fair, Cot attended by both country when he was nine years old. His The Art Publishing company's large has not yet begun to realize that the most Cot1 conies And look at our stock two years later and on leaving The case will be formally opened before frame building at Gardner Centre, was Cot "APPETITE AND HEALTH." and get father died Important feature of the Columbian Expo- Cot school the boy was apprenticed to a the arbitrators, at Paris, March 23. burned Sunday, The company employed our prices. of State Foster, who Is the agent sition is to be Its congresses, which will Col about. ship-builde- In thejyard where he worked 85 hands, and its loss Is $125,000, with Cot Grocers sell it all many ships were built to go "around the of the United States before the commission, about $05,000 insurance. A part of the gather together the leading thinkers of the and Senator Morgan of Alabama, who, Cotolene Cottolene .Cottolene cottolene jcoiiDiene RETTING BROTHERS. Horn" to California. The returning sail- building was erected In 1787 and was used age. Those who are foremost In religion, Cotolene with Justice Harlan, is an for Cottolene CottojenejCjtoJeneomitene Sap ors often talked of the glories of the arbitrator for the first chinch In Gardner. The com- science, and sociology, are already on the the United States, are now on their way Mode only by "Golden state," and the fortunes to be pany built a large addition a year ago and way to take part In a discussion such as on the Pacific coast.