In Australia �
PUPPETRY I'\ IN AUSTRALIA � of Poppetcy has h,d , slow gcowth Puppet show - to play not only in ydn y and in Australia. In contrast to the rich traditional Melbourne, but to tour through country towns L,heritage of folk heroes in Europe, and the use in both States. These great puppet-md ters of puppets in Indian rites in North America, undoubtedly kindled a spark in many future the Aboriginal culture included no puppets. Australian puppeteers, and fanned int flame So, apart from the occasional Punch and Judy the spark already kindled in others. show, it has remained for individuals in the Peter Scriven, earlier a sensitive manipulator twentieth century to establish the Art in Aus in Bill Nicol's group, went overseas to make a tralia. further study of Puppetry - and after his One early group in Sydney worked with an return invented and established "The anthropologist, Elanora Lange, making the Tintookies", taking his company all over puppets for "Joseph and his Brethren", hand Australia, and making "Tintookies" a house weaving the garments of striped cloth; and hold word far and near. presenting the show in a City church in the Norman Hetherington, one-time cartoonist late "twenties". Some years later, Miss Lange on "The Bulletin" and now puppet-master in took the puppets to New Guinea, left them the A.B.C., is the creator of "Mr. Squiggle" with a mountain tribe, intending to return and of "Bill Steamshovel", as well as of a later to see how the primitives then regarded host of other superb puppets.
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