Session 706 Salzburg Global Finance Forum Financial Services in the Post-Pandemic Era: An Opportunity for a Green and Digitally-Enabled Recovery? 21 - 22 June, 2021

Program Day 1

Monday 13:45 Welcome and Co-Chairs Opening Remarks 21 June, 2021 Stephen Salyer, President and CEO, Salzburg Global Seminar

Shriti Vadera, Chair, Prudential plc

Tim Adams, President and CEO, IIF

14:00 Panel 1. Financial Services Post-COVID: Addressing Emerging Risks

This panel is intended to tackle the growing set of emerging risks in financial sector, including climate-related risks, issues regarding non-bank financial intermediation, the effects of low interest rates, asset bubbles and other repercussions of current massive government interventions.

Moderator: Jose Manuel Gonzalez Paramo, IESE Business School

Andrew Bailey, Governor, Bank of England

Lim Tuang Lee, Assistant Managing Director, Capital Markets, Monetary Authority of Singapore

Elizabeth McCaul, Member, Supervisory Board, European

Tajinder Singh, Acting Secretary General, IOSCO

Axel Weber, Chairman of the Board of Directors, UBS

14:45 Discussion

15:30 Networking Coffee Break in Groups of 5-7 Participants

16:00 Panel 2. Towards a Sustainable Future in Finance: Global Landscape and the Roles of Private and Public Sectors

Moderator: Shriti Vadera, Chair, Prudential plc

This panel is intended to analyze the complexity of the global landscape behind the sustainable finance transition and elicit

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All discussions held under the Chatham House Rule Session 706 Salzburg Global Finance Forum Financial Services in the Post-Pandemic Era: An Opportunity for a Green and Digitally-Enabled Recovery? 21 - 22 June, 2021

an open discussion on the scope of action for both the public and private sector towards a more sustainable future. What is a realistic and pragmatic division of labor between the financial and corporate and industrial sectors? What should be the public sector priorities? What are the limits of action? What is the impact of geopolitical and developmental issues on sustainability transition?

John Berrigan, Director-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission

Elizabeth Corley, Chair, Impact Investing Institute; Director, Green Finance Institute

Philipp Hildebrand, Vice-Chairman, Blackrock

Carlos Torres Vila, Chairman, BBVA

Daniel Mminele, former CEO, ABSA Group, former Deputy Governor, South African Reserve Bank

16:45 Discussion

17:30 End of the Day

Program Day 2

Tuesday 22 June, 2021 13:45 Keynote speech: Digital rails for green transformation

Benoît Cœuré, Head of the BIS Innovation Hub

14:00 Panel 3. Emerging Policy Challenges in the New Digital Economy

This panel is intended to focus on the main policy challenges that are emerging with the rapid digital transformation of the economy. How feasible are international taxation approaches? How to develop global policies on data, an area that remains significantly fragmented? How are financial regulators addressing the policy challenges associated with the entrance of digital players in the financial services industry?

Moderator: Wim Mijs, CEO, European Banking Federation

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All discussions held under the Chatham House Rule Session 706 Salzburg Global Finance Forum Financial Services in the Post-Pandemic Era: An Opportunity for a Green and Digitally-Enabled Recovery? 21 - 22 June, 2021

Benoît Cœuré, Head, BIS Innovation Hub

Chris Brummer, Professor of Law and Faculty Director, Georgetown's Institute of International Economic Law

Stefan Hoops, Head, Corporate Bank, Deutsche Bank

Wendy Redshaw, Chief Digital Information Officer, Retail Banking Digitech, NatWest Group

15:00 Discussion

15:30 Networking Coffee Break in Groups of 5-7 Participants

16:00 Panel 4. Financial Supervisory and Regulatory Policy Coordination: New Issues and Challenges

Moderator: Tim Adams, President and CEO, IIF

This panel is intended to focus on new challenges for regulators and supervisors in the context of new geopolitical issues confronting the financial services industry. How are policymakers facing these challenges? How coordinated are current efforts? How feasible are truly global approaches given geo-political and economic factors?

Denis Beau, First Deputy Governor, Banque de France

Jose Manuel Campa, Chair, European Banking Authority

Randy Quarles, Vice Chair for Supervision, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System; Chair, Financial Stability Board

Carolyn Rogers, Secretary General, Committee for Banking Supervision

16:45 Discussion

17:30 Closing Remarks

Shriti Vadera, Chair, Prudential plc

Tim Adams, President and CEO, IIF

Benjamin Glahn, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

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All discussions held under the Chatham House Rule