Senate Support Heavy for 40% AVAILABLE BEFORE Becky Morgan, R-Menlo Park and Gary Han, D-Santa Bar- Sean Garrett
SPARTAN DAILY It Friday, April 3, 1992 Vol 9h, No. 50 Published for San Jose State University since 1934 A.S. ELECTION RESULTS WERE NOT Senate support heavy for 40% AVAILABLE BEFORE Becky Morgan, R-Menlo Park and Gary Han, D-Santa Bar- Sean Garrett. public affairs assistant for Gov. Wilson. a WENT TO bara, in favor of the 40 percent increase, the Senate's version What was needed to pass the Assembly's version was THE DAILY 10% package voted of the state budget is expected to carry the recommendation two-thirds vote. Gar- PRESS. RESULTS for the increase in student fees. "We knew the Republicans wouldn't pass it," said The dissenting vote in the Senate's subcommittee is rett. of the proposed $61 billion budget, a WILL BE POSTED IN down in Assembly Nicholas Petris, D-Oakland. With the demise The next step in the process is for both the Senate and trailer bill proposed by Assemblyman Thomas Hannigan, D- Assembly to come together in a conference committee and Fairfield, also died. THE WINDOWS OF By Les Mahler a come up with some form of compromise. Hannigan's bill, AB 2275. would have made permanent Daily staff writes THE STUDENT SER- Last Monday, the Assembly's Ways and Means Commit- 10 percent surcharge, as well as add an ackiitional 10 percent When the state Senate subcommittee on Budget and Fis- tee approved a budget package that included only a 10 per- fee increase. the governor, getting a vote in favor of the 40 percent VICES OFFICE AND cal Review meets Tuesday morning in Sacramento, it's cent fee hike.
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