The Rochester Alumni-Alumnae Review
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ROSE GOULD HANG-S BY H.ER HeeLS - WITH NO OTHER SUPPORT AND NO NET- IN A STUNT THAT MAKES EVEN veTERAN CIRCUS HANDS 8L1NK.' ..II Featured aerialist of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Your" T-ZONE" .wi" tell you ... T FOR TASTE ... MORE PEOPLE ARE SMOKING T FOR THROAT.•. Thats ypur proving qround tor any ciqarefte. See if Camels don't suit y.our"T-ZON£" wa"T" THAN EVER BEFORE I. The Rochester Alumni-Alumnae Review DISTRIB TED AMO G THE GRADUATES ADU DERGRADUATES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER AL MI REVIEW-VOL. VI, 0.1 October- ovember, 1947 ALUM AE EWS-VOL. XVII, o. 1 Alumni Touchdown Club Sparks Football Spirit FOOTBALL enthusiasm is running high on the campus Another event was the Alumni Homecoming on the thi fall; there is a greatl improved spirit among under occasion of the Tufts game on October 18, with a special graduates, alumni, and friends of the niversity, and the program to mark the weekend. team morale has shown a noticeable lift this year as a The Touchdown Club also is making arrangements for re ult. ( ee football story, Page 15). a Dad's Day on November 1, when Rensselaer will play Much of this is due to the activities of the newly the Rivermen at the River Campus. Fathers of all the play organized Alumni Touchdown Club, sparked by Bill ers were to be invited to attend with a luncheon in their Blackmon, '35, chairman, and a committee composed of honor in Todd nion, and special seats assigned to them Pete Bleyler, '29, Al Brewer, '40, Charles "Dink" Erdle, at the game. '33, Lowell MacMillan, '28, Bob Stewart, '34, Bob Tucker, On November 20, the Alumni Touchdown Dinner will '40, and Gordon Waasdorp, '35. be held in Todd Union, at which it is expected that a Eating with members of the team in Todd Union during large number of grads will turn out to honor the football pre-season training, turning out to watch practice, encour team. On this occasion, the Touchdown Club will make aging attendance of alumni at home games-and, adding some new awards to the players. greatly to the rekindled interest, joining lustily in the col In that connection, a series of special enterprises has lege cheers and singing-are among the ways the Touch been arranged to keep interest in the team high. One is down Club has taken to show the Varsity that the alumni an alumni award to the "player of the week," given each are strongly behind the team. Tuesday night at the weekly showing in Todd Union of good-sized group of alumni had dinner with the team movies of the preceding game. The Rochester player who and coaches on September 11, at which Alumni Secretary in the opinion of the Touchdown Club committee has given Peter J. Prozeller, '37, Bill Blackmon, and others told the the best performance in each game is given an award and players of the Touchdown Club's plans to promote interest a cake, or cider and doughnuts, and acts as host to his in and support of football at Rochester. The gridders were teammates in distributing the refreshments. plainly pleased with these assurances, and the coaching At the end of the season, the club will present special staff reported that the team spirit rose markedly in suc awards to all members of the freshmen and Varsity squads ceeding workouts. One of the objects of the plan is to who have remained on the job throughout, whether or interest good high school players who meet University's not they get in a game. ~cholastic and athletic standards in coming to Rochester. On a larger scale was the Alumni Kickoff Dinner on eptember 25 in Todd Union, promoted by the club mem The limp-and-liniment season begins officially on bers just before the opening Clarkson game on September 27, which drew a good attendance of alumni and under Wednesday evening, ovember 5. graduates to give the football squad a rousing sendoff on That is to say, the first Alumni Gymnite of the the 1947 campaign. Assistant Coach Johnny Sullivan, '23, year will be held that night. Whether your class is whose football career at Rochester as player and coach '17 or '37, come on out and have some fun and co ers a span of twenty-five years, was the principal speak exercise. There was a consistently good turnout last er, and guests included Coach Elmer Burnham, Assistant Coach Tim Stapleton, Director of Athletics Lou Alexander, year. Let's have an even better one this year! and others on the athletic staff. Twenty Sons, Fifteen Daughters of Alumni, Alumnae ow on Campus as Members of Class of 1951 TWE TY sons and fifteen daughters of niversity of president of Long Island State Hospital, 1897-1900, and Rochester alumni and alumnre, some of them representing author of the "History of English Literature; Great the third or fourth generation of their family to attend English Writers." the University, are among the freshmen coming to Roch At the Men's College, Freshman DeHart G. Scrantom ester this Fall. Many other freshmen are nieces, nephews, of Maplewood N. J. is the son of DeHart G. Scrantom, '11, brothers or sisters of UR graduates. and great-grandson of Gen. Isaac F. Quinby, one of the Ann H. Kendrick, of Bowdoin, Maine, for example, is University's first faculty members, who taught mathe the daughter of athaniel C. Kendrick, '21, dean of Bow matics and natural philosophy from 1851 to 1884. doin College, grand-daughter of Professor Ryland M. Ken James P. Atwater of Batavia, . Y., is the grandson of drick, '89, for many years profe sor of Greek at Roche ter, Edward C. Atwater, '95, the nephew of Henry F. Burton, and great-granddaughter of Professor Asahel C. Kendrick, '23, William A. Perrin, '91, and Charles . Perrin, '02, acting president of the University in 1877-1878, and and brother of Edward C. Atwater, '34. elson R. Barrett, teacher of Greek from 1850 to 1895. of Kenmore, . Y., is the son of elson W. Barrett, '23, Ann R. Winslow of Brooklyn is the granddaughter of grandson of elson T. Barrett, '92, and brother of Clark the late Dr. Roscoe C. E. Brown, '89, for many years Barrett, '50. George E. Gosnell, of Brooklyn, is the son of president of Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn civil serv Ralph W. Gosnell, '21, grandson of James Gosnell, '90, ice commissioner, historical writer, and professor of and nephew of Frank, '14, Arthur, '16, and Harold journalism at Columbia University, and great-grand Gosnell, '18. daughter of the late Dr. Truman J. Backus, '64, president Other freshmen at the Men's College are William R. of Packer Collegiate Institute, from 1883-1908, and previ Anderson, Butler, Pa., son of John D. Anderson, '16, ously professor of English Literature at Vassar College, nephew of Homer, '14, Floyd, '19, and William Anderson, Most of the alumnae and alumni daughters in the Class of 1951 are shown in this photo (front row, from left): ancy Kingston, Carol Marian Rupert and Ellen Joanna Kall, all ofRochester; Jane Ruth orton, Schenectady; (middle row): Lois Marie Anderson, Pavilion; Elaine Judith Kroha, Rochester; Ann Raymonde Winslow, Brooklyn; Ann Hawkins Kendrick, Brunswick, Me.; (hack row): Marcia Van de Carr, Ann Jackling Bartlett and Grace Jeannette Hicks, all of Rochester; Dorothy Lucile Hussey, Springville. 2 Here are most of the twenty ons of alumni, and some whose grandfathers attended the University (front row, from left): Dudley Stewart, Wilson Bond, Eugene Surasky, all of Rochester; Charles D. ewton II, of Geneseo; elson Barrett, Kenmore, and Ralph Lewis, Rochester; (second row): Elliott A. Maynard Jr. and Donald Pearson, both of Rochester; DeHart G. Scrantom Jr., Maple wood, . J., David Ocorr and John Remington, both of Rochester, and George Auchterlonie, Birmingham, Mich.; (back row): Richard ppel, Portland, Ore.; James Edmunds, Brockport; Frederick Warner, Rochester; Richard Helmkamp, kron, Ohio; Chrislopher Cook, Rochester; John Stull, Hornell; (back): George Gosnell, Brooklyn. '13; Richard W. Appel, Portland, Ore., son of Edwin J. Ill., brother of Frederick Gehlmann, '42, 'varsity football Appel, '16; George J. Auchterlonie, Birmingham, Mich., star. Like his older brother before him, Karl is attending son of Alexander J. Auchterlonie, '20; Wilson D. Bond, the University on a Welles Scholarship. Rochester, son of Milton E. Bond, '13, and Mildred Bene Among the freshmen at the Women's College are Lois dict Bond, '14, nephew of Margaret Benedict Bond, '14, M. Anderson, Pavilion, J. Y., daughter of Clare A. An and brother of Margaret E. Bond, '47; Kendall B. Castle, derson, '16, niece of John D., '16, Floyd, '19, Homer, '14, II, Rochester, grandson of Kendall B. Castle, '89, who for and William Anderson, '13; nn J. Bartlett, Rochester, many years has been a trustee of the University; Christo daughter of Harold F. Bartlett, '23, and Violet J ackling pher J. Cook, Rochester, son of Otto W. Cook, '21, and Bartlett, '23, and sister of ancy W. Bartlett, '47; Linda Belmont Thompson Cook, '21; Richard C. Durkee, East W. Fabry, Rochester, daughter of Marion Fleck Fabry, Willston, . Y., son of Paul C. Durkee, '28; James P. ex-'25; Grace J. Hicks, Rochester, daughter of Lucretia Edmunds, Brockport, . Y., son of James M. Edmunds, Colby Hicks, '26; Dorothy 1. Hussey, Springville, . Y., '25. daughter of Edward H. Hussey, ex-'16; Ellen J. Kall, Also Richard J. Helmkamp, Akron, 0., son of Walter Rochester, daughter of Johanna Ramsbeck Kall, '17; and J. Helmkamp, '14; Ralph O. Lewis, Rochester, son of the sister of Margaret Kall, '47; ancy Kingston, Rochester, late Howard H.