November Alumni Issue
NOVEMBER 1960 ALUMNI ISSUE Freshman Relatives of Alumni (See PaR'e 7) Springfield's 75 Year Heritage by Dr. Fred G. Bratton, Professor of Religion There is a certain magic in milestones as in the first cry of a new-horn hahy, the emoti.on the whole person - was the philosophy under of a commencement day, the moment of meaning in the marriage of man and wife, or the lying the distinctive curriculum of physical poignancy of a farewell. In such a milestone as this - the 75th anniversary of the college, education, health education, and recreation we are justified in taking more than routine notice of our heritage_ Today we have the oppor and youth leadership. This traditional, not tunity to look hack mOIlH'ntarily as we mount the crest of the wave to see where we have heen too self-conscious hut very real philosophy of and also, while on this high vantage point, hefore going down into the trough .of the waves the college identified itself with that part of again, to take measurt~ of our task, and finally, glancing toward the horizon, to mohilize our western thought which sees man as self energies and plan the voyage ahead. determininp;, evolving, emergent, as creator as well as creature, as capable of choice. Where The danger .of using the word "heritage" or other two men was to increase greatly as time man has heen devaluated and c.ondemned as "tradition" is that it hinds our minds to the went on. hopelessly corrupt, born in sin, and incapable of progress, it is because those who hold to past, and we allow this spirit whidl we call In many ways these three geniuses per such a view confuse man with men.
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