December 13, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1691 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING METRA CEO DON (SGT) Adrian Noe Orosco who paid the ulti- Orange has recently passed away at the age ORSENO ON HIS RETIREMENT mate sacrifice while defending our nation on of 88. December 9, 2005, during Operation Iraqi Ms. Coontz was the city’s first female coun- HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI Freedom. SGT Orosco was killed when a ve- cil member and the first woman elected as OF ILLINOIS hicle-borne improvised explosive device deto- mayor. She will always be remembered for her nated near his dismounted position during political pioneering and her tremendous dedi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES combat operations in Baghdad, Iraq. SGT cation to the community. During her long polit- Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Orosco was assigned to the 1st Squadron, ical career, Ms. Coontz contributed and advo- Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, Fort Irwin, cated to various causes, some of which in- honor Don Orseno on the occasion of his re- California. clude the expansion of the Orange Public Li- tirement from Metra, Northeast Illinois’s com- Elizabeth Orosco, SGT Orosco’s wife, paid brary and the creation of its history center. muter rail agency. Don’s retirement is well-de- tribute to her husband on a memorial website. Moreover, Ms. Coontz helped establish a Vet- served after 4 years leading the agency and ‘‘He was a wonderful father and a beautiful erans Memorial at Depot Park and Pitcher 44 years in the railroad industry. person,’’ Mrs. Orosco wrote. ‘‘He was the love Park. Don began his railroading career in 1974 of my life and I had ten beautiful years with After her time in politics, she spent the rest when he was hired by the Chicago Rock Is- him. I love him. I miss him and he’s not forgot- of her life helping her community through non- land and Pacific Railroad Company as a com- ten.’’ Sergeant (SGT) Reynaldo Salazar profits such as Friendly Center and the Or- muter train ticket taker, later working his way served with SGT Orosco. He also paid tribute ange Community Historical Foundation, volun- up to become a locomotive engineer. These to SGT Orosco on a memorial website. ‘‘I met teering with the Orange Unified School Dis- experiences gave Don the applied knowledge Adrian at Fort Irwin, California,’’ SGT Salazar trict, and much more. that helped propel him to the top spot at one wrote. ‘‘He was a great soldier and foremost Ms. Coontz has contributed to the City of of the nation’s premier commuter railroads. a father, husband, and friend. I will never for- Orange in numerous ways and will always be After joining Metra in 1984, Don continued his get you, brother, and I will always remember remembered as one of the first trailblazers. upward trajectory by advancing to Deputy Ex- you.’’ Janey Medina, SGT Orosco’s aunt, also The City of Orange will never be quite the ecutive Director before his appointment as wrote a tribute on a memorial website ‘‘I know same without Ms. Coontz. CEO/Executive Director in 2013 and confirma- in my heart Adrian is in heaven today, watch- Mr. Speaker, it is with great privilege that I tion in 2014. ing over all of the rest of the family left be- celebrate the memory of Ms. Joanne Coontz. Don’s leadership at Metra could not have hind,’’ Ms. Medina wrote. ‘‘I truly grieve and A vibrant member of the City of Orange com- come at a more critical point in the agency’s miss him very much. He came to visit me be- munity, taken from us too soon. history, as he faced an uphill battle in tackling fore he left to serve in the war. I felt it was f the many issues with Metra’s operational per- something he truly wanted to do in his life. He formance and overall health. Leading a $1 bil- was proud of his career in the Army. I loved RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- lion commuter rail agency that runs 750 trains Adrian. I loved him like a son.’’ EN MISSISSIPPI MARINE MAS- per day across a 3700-square mile, six-county According to the Associated Press, SGT TER SERGEANT (MSGT) BRIAN region is a challenge under normal cir- Orosco, a native of Corcoran, California, PATRICK MCANULTY cumstances, but Don quickly showed he was played football and was a member of the the right fit for the job. Under Don’s tenure, band. He graduated from Corcoran High HON. TRENT KELLY Metra has pursued ambitious modernization School in 1997. SGT Orosco enlisted in the OF MISSISSIPPI efforts while dealing with political uncertainties Army in November 2001. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Noe Orosco, SGT Orosco’s father, had and complex regulatory mandates. Don’s re- Wednesday, December 13, 2017 cent successes at Metra include improving on- many fond memories of his son. ‘‘He was al- time performance, expanding train car rehabili- ways happy, that boy,’’ Mr. Orosco said. ‘‘In Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, tation programs, modernizing the ticketing and grade school, he enjoyed assembling model today I rise in memory of fallen Mississippi fare system, and beginning the installation of airplanes and rockets.’’ Alexander Medina, Marine Master Sergeant (MSgt) Brian Patrick wireless internet on Metra trains. SGT Orosco’s uncle, recounted his nephew’s McAnulty who paid the ultimate sacrifice while Don is not just an excellent leader and sea- military service. ‘‘He fully understood the cir- defending our nation on December 11, 2006, soned railroader, but he is also a great person cumstances and consequences of everything during Operation Iraqi Freedom. MSgt and those of us who have worked with him or going on,’’ Mr. Medina said. ‘‘He still believed McAnulty was killed when the CH–53 heli- have come to know him are fortunate for that it was the right thing to do.’’ copter he was riding in crashed just after take- opportunity. Metra is a better place because of SGT Orosco is survived by his father, Noe off in Anbar province, Iraq. MSgt McAnulty Don and he will be missed as he starts a new Orosco; his wife, Elizabeth; his three children, was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine chapter to spend more time with his wife, Adrian Orosco, Junior, Andrew Orosco, and Regiment, 1st Marine Division, lst Marine Ex- Charm, two children, and five grandchildren. Isabelle Orosco; his uncle, Alexander Medina; peditionary Force, Twentynine Palms, Cali- I ask my colleagues to join me in thanking and his aunt, Janey Medina. fornia. Don Orseno for his many years of service to SGT Orosco proudly served America. His MSgt McAnulty grew up in Vicksburg, Mis- Chicagoland commuters and wishing him well service and sacrifice will always be remem- sissippi, and graduated from Warren Central in his retirement. bered. High School in 1985. MSgt McAnulty then at- f f tended Hinds Community College in Ray- mond, Mississippi for three semesters before RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- CELEBRATING THE MEMORY OF enlisting in the United States Marine Corps in EN SOLDIER ARMY SERGEANT JOANNE COONTZ April 1988. (SGT) ADRIAN NOE OROSCO A Department of Defense (DoD) news re- HON. J. LUIS CORREA lease included details of MSgt McAnulty’s per- HON. TRENT KELLY OF CALIFORNIA sonal life and his many professional accom- OF MISSISSIPPI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES plishments. His first assignment was to Marine IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Corps Security Force Battalion, Norfolk, VA, Wednesday, December 13, 2017 for service onboard the aircraft carrier USS Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Mr. CORREA. Mr. Speaker, we have lost an John F. Kennedy (CV–67) In 1991, he was as- Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, incredible individual to our society. Joanne signed to Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team today I rise in memory of Army Sergeant Coontz, a trailblazer for women in the City of (FAST) Company, Norfolk, Virginia. In 1992,

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:27 Dec 14, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K13DE8.001 E13DEPT1 E1692 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 13, 2017 MSgt McAnulty was selected for service with Ribbon, the Kuwait Liberation Medal, the Ma- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Marine Security Guard Battalion. Later he was rine Security Guard Ribbon (3rd Award), the assigned to Marine Security Guard detach- Expert Pistol (6th Award), and the Expert Rifle HON. LUIS V. GUTIE´RREZ ments in Asuncion, Paraguay, Seoul, Korea, (9th Award). OF ILLINOIS and Budapest, Hungary. In 1996, orders MSgt McAnulty is survived by his parents, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES brought him to 1st Marine Division, Camp Robert and Frances McAnulty; brother and Pendleton, California, for duty with 2nd Bat- sister-in-law, Brett and Stacy McAnulty; and Wednesday, December 13, 2017 talion, 4th Marines. During that same assign- his two nieces, Cora McAnulty and Lily Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- ment, he deployed with Battalion Landing McAnulty. avoidably absent in the House chamber for Team 2/4 as part of the 31st Marine Expedi- MSgt McAnulty distinguished himself Roll Call votes 674 and 675 on Tuesday, De- tionary Unit from November 1998 until April throughout his military career. His service and cember 12, 2017. Had I been present, I would 1999. sacrifice will always be remembered. have voted Yea on Roll Call vote 674 and Nay MSgt McAnulty would further distinguish on 675. himself in 2001. When he was reassigned to f Marine Security Guard Battalion and trained to f serve in the coveted position of detachment CONGRATULATING BRIANNA commander. MSgt McAnulty commanded Ma- HALLER OF THE FATIMA COM- RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- rine Security Guard detachments at U.S em- ETS CROSS COUNTRY TEAM EN SOLDIER ARMY STAFF SER- bassies in war-torn Bujumbura, Burundi, and GEANT (SSG) MILTON RIVERA- in the dangerous city of Bogota, Colombia. VARGAS After excelling as a detachment commander HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER and being named ‘‘Detachment of the Year’’ in OF MISSOURI HON. TRENT KELLY South America, MSgt McAnulty was selected IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MISSISSIPPI to serve as an instructor/advisor at the Marine Wednesday, December 13, 2017 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Security Guard school in Quantico, Virginia from April 2004 to April 2006. Weeks prior to Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Wednesday, December 13, 2017 this assignment, during civil unrest in Haiti, today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, MSgt McAnulty’s expertise in embassy secu- gratulating Brianna Haller of the Fatima Com- today I rise in memory of Army Staff Sergeant rity and low intensity conflict was needed. He ets Cross Country team on winning the Class (SSG) Milton Rivera-Vargas who paid the was sent to the U.S. embassy in Port-au- 2 Girls Individual Cross Country State Cham- ultimate sacrifice on December 8, 2005, during Prince, Haiti, to ensure the readiness of the pionship. Operation Iraqi Freedom. SSG Rivera-Vargas embassy’s Marine detachment and provide Brianna Haller and her coach should be suffered a heart attack and died while on tactical advice to security personnel. commended for all of their hard work through- guard duty in Kalsu, Iraq. SSG Rivera-Vargas When MSgt McAnulty returned to the United out this past year and for bringing home the was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 296th Infan- States, he assumed the duties of instructor at state championship to their school and com- try Regiment, Puerto Rico Army National the Marine Security Guard Battalion head- munity. Guard, Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico. quarters in Quantico, VA, where he revamped I ask you to join me in recognizing Brianna Minerva Rivera, SSG Rivera-Vargas’ niece, the weapons training for the Marine Security Haller on a job well done. paid tribute to her uncle on a memorial Guard Battalion and was directly responsible website. ‘‘My uncle was the best person for improving the overall marksmanship capa- f around,’’ Minerva said. ‘‘He always had a bility of Marine Guards. This proved vital to smile on his face. He always protected us in the battalion’s role in the Global War on Ter- IN RECOGNITION OF BILL every way. It has been three years since he rorism. In conjunction with teaching duties, he NALEVANKO FOR TWENTY- passed away and there is not a day that continued an active security role within the SEVEN YEARS OF FEDERAL passes that I don’t think of him or speak of Marine Security Guard Battalion. In December SERVICE him. I still remember the last day I saw him. 2004, when terrorists attacked the US Con- The last thing he told us was to pray for him sulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, MSgt HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT and to not worry about him because he would McAnulty was immediately sent in to provide be home soon. That day never came.’’ OF PENNSYLVANIA extra security and provide tactical and per- SSG Rivera-Vargas was laid to rest at Los sonal guidance to the Marines. In March 2006, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Robles Memorial park in Cabo Rojo, Cabo MSgt McAnulty was transferred to 3rd Bat- Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Rojo Municipality, Puerto Rico, USA. talion, 4th Marines, 1st Marine Division in SSG Rivera-Vargas proudly served our na- Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise Twentynine Palms, California, and served as tion. His service and sacrifice will always be today to honor Bill Nalevanko, who will retire the company Gunnery Sergeant for Weapons remembered. Company and later as the Operations Chief. from the National Park Service on January 3, 2018. Bill spent twenty-seven years in federal He deployed to Iraq with 3rd Battalion, 4th f Marines for combat operations in direct sup- service, twenty of which were with the Na- port of Operation Iraqi Freedom. tional Park Service at the Steamtown, a na- CONGRATULATING THE FATIMA Brian McAnulty, MSgt McAnulty’s brother, tional historic site dedicated to Scranton’s in- COMETS GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY described his brother’s devotion to service in dustrial heritage and steam railroad transpor- TEAM an Associated Press news article. ‘‘He loved tation. what he was doing,’’ Brian said. ‘‘He wouldn’t Bill began his tenure with the National Park HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER have rather been anywhere else.’’ Service as Volunteer-in-Park in 1996, shortly OF MISSOURI after Steamtown’s grand opening in 1995. He His many awards include the Navy And Ma- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rine Corps Commendation Medal (With Gold worked his way up the ranks, becoming a sea- Star), the Navy And Marine Corps Achieve- sonal employee and eventually a Public Infor- Wednesday, December 13, 2017 ment Medal (With 3 Gold Stars), the Navy Unit mation Officer and Webmaster for the historic Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Commendation (With Bronze Star), the Navy site. For two decades, Bill has helped thou- today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- Meritorious Commendation Medal (With 3 sands of park visitors discover the wealth of gratulating the Fatima Comets Girls Cross Bronze Stars), the Marine Corps Good Con- history featured at the Steamtown National Country team on winning the Class 2 Cross duct Medal (With 4 Bronze Stars), the National Historic Site. Country State Championship. Defense Service Medal (With 1 Bronze Star), It is an honor to recognize Bill as he enters This team and their coach should be com- the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, the a well-deserved retirement. I am grateful to mended for all of their hard work throughout Southwest Asia Service Medal, the Iraqi Cam- him for his career of service helping to pre- this past year and for bringing home the state paign Medal, Global War On Terrorism Serv- serve the history of America’s railroads. His championship to their school and community. ice Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, the twenty-seven years on the job is a credit to his I ask you to join me in recognizing the Fat- Sea Service Deployment Ribbon (5th Award), community devotion, and I wish him all the ima Comets Girls Cross Country team for a the Navy And Marine Corps Overseas Service best in his retirement. job well done.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:27 Dec 14, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13DE8.003 E13DEPT1 December 13, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1693 HONORING THE 50TH ANNIVER- CONGRATULATING THE FESTUS and was a regular at both the SARY OF NEW HOPE BAPTIST TIGERS BOYS CROSS COUNTRY Sundance and Cannes film festivals. Print CHURCH TEAM journalism is tough and Graydon Carter will also be remembered for his successful naviga- HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER tion through the current age of media disrup- HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT OF MISSOURI tion. I wish him all the best in retirement. OF VIRGINIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, December 13, 2017 RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise EN MISSISSIPPI SOLDIER ARMY Wednesday, December 13, 2017 today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- SPECIALIST (SPC) TERRY KISHAUN GORDON Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise gratulating the Festus Tigers Boys Cross today to honor the 50th anniversary of New Country team on winning the Class 3 Cross Country State Championship. HON. TRENT KELLY Hope Baptist Church in Hampton, Virginia. This team and their coach should be com- OF MISSISSIPPI New Hope Baptist Church began as New mended for all of their hard work throughout IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hope Mission in 1967. Former members of this past year and for bringing home the state Wednesday, December 13, 2017 New Emmanuel Baptist Church in Newport championship to their school and community. News, Virginia felt compelled to establish their I ask you to join me in recognizing the Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, today I rise in memory of Army Specialist own place of worship, and they began to meet Festus Tigers Boys Cross Country team for a (SPC) Terry ‘‘Dantez’’ Kishaun Gordon who and cultivate their fellowship. The group origi- job well done. f paid the ultimate sacrifice while defending our nally began meeting in a store on North Ave- nation on December 18, 2013, during Oper- nue and later at Carver High School, both in TRIBUTE TO GRAYDON CARTER ON ation Enduring Freedom. SPC Gordon was Newport News. Reverend C.B. Potts served HIS RETIREMENT FROM VANITY killed when the Black Hawk UH–60 he was as the mission’s spiritual leader during this FAIR riding in crashed in Naw Bahar, Afghanistan. time. The mission officially became New Hope Also killed were Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2) Baptist Church in October of 1967. HON. STEVE COHEN Randy L. Billings, Sergeant (SGT) Peter Reverend C.B. Potts oversaw the church’s OF TENNESSEE Bohler, Sergeant First Class (SFC) Omar W. move into their first building on April 10, 1969. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Forde, Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2) Joshua B. Silverman, and Staff Sergeant (SSG) Jesse With more space, proper furnishings, and a Wednesday, December 13, 2017 L. Williams. SPC Gordon was assigned to 1st growing community presence, the church soon Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Squadron, 6th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Combat experienced an increase in membership and pay a special tribute and recognize the career Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, Fort the creation of their first choir. Pastor G.I. of hall of fame magazine editor Graydon Car- Riley, Kansas. Melton, installed as pastor in 1970, provided ter. Graydon Carter is one of the great journal- Following the crash, a statement was issued guidance and direction throughout this period. ists of our time and retires today after 25 from Fort Riley. ‘‘We offer our heartfelt condo- Under his leadership, the church saw over 100 years as editor of Vanity Fair. He co-founded lences to the families and friends of these ’Big new members and the creation of the Chil- Spy Magazine which he also edited, as well Red One Soldiers,’ ’’ Major General Paul E. dren’s Church Ministry and Transportation as The New York Observer. And at Vanity Funk, II, 1st Infantry Division and Fort Riley Ministry. This growth continued over the years, Fair, he gave writers like Michael Lewis and Commanding General, said. ‘‘We stand ready and under the leadership of Pastor Melton the Dominick Dunne a venue, and Christopher to support them and I urge our community and congregation broke ground on a new sanc- Hitchens, one of the great journalists of our the nation, while remembering their sacrifices tuary in 1980. The construction of New Hope time. Graydon said about Christopher this holiday season, to do the same.’’ Baptist Church’s new sanctuary was com- Hitchens upon his passing that he was ‘‘a wit, According to the Associated Press, SPC a charmer and a troublemaker and to those Gordon, a Quitman, Mississippi native, grad- pleted in August of 1981, two months after the who knew him well, he was a gift from—dare uated from Quitman High School in 2011. death of Pastor Melton. Today, New Hope I say it?—God.’’ I’m sure Hitch would have While in high school, SPC Gordon served as Baptist Church has grown beyond any of its said the same about Graydon. From the be- a member of the high school’s U.S. Army Jun- founders’ expectations. Members of New ginning of Spy Magazine and through the days ior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) Hope Baptist Church have seen the expansion of The New York Observer and Vanity Fair, he Michael McDonald, Quitman High School prin- of the church through membership and the pointed out the shortcomings of Donald cipal, described SPC Gordon as a great young creation of many ministries such as the Wom- Trump. And he gave him the appellation man. ‘‘His leadership and confidence was en’s Fellowship, Men’s Fellowship, Evangelism ‘‘short-fingered vulgarian.’’ For that and much clearly evident,’’ Mr McDonald said. ‘‘He just Team, Seniors’ Ministry, Tutorial Ministry, and more, Graydon Carter will be remembered—a oozed confidence and he was dependable and many more. In January 1995, Rev. Dr. Chris- great journalist, a great human being, a great well-respected among the students here.’’ A topher C. Carter, Sr. was installed as Pastor. raconteur, and a friend. Graydon Carter will Mankato Times article states that SPC Gordon In 2004, Pastor Carter led the congregation as also be remembered for publishing such great loved helicopters and that he knew early on they broke ground on a 12,000 square foot fa- writers as David Halberstam, Walter Isaacson, that he was meant for the Army because he cility located in Hampton, Virginia, where they David Kamp, Nicholas Lemann, Jeffrey E. could fly on a Black Hawk. worship today. Stern and William Langewiesche, and for Miriam Gordon, SPC Gordon’s aunt, said he printing the brilliant photographic images of was a happy child who loved his family, Over the years, the congregation of New such artists as Annie Leibovitz, Mark Selinger friends, and his country. ‘‘Every time you saw Hope Baptist Church has been dutifully led in and Jonas Freedwall Karlson. With a show- him, he had a smile,’’ Mrs. Gordon said. ‘‘He prayer and service by the following men of man’s charisma, he brought glamor and poli- always did little pranks and jokes. If you were faith—Rev. C.B. Potts, Rev. W.W. Butler, Rev. tics together, throwing some of the best-re- having a bad day and saw him, you had a G.I. Melton, Rev. Dr. Ivan Harris, Rev. Virgil membered parties in New York, Los Angeles great day. He brought the goodness out of Newkirk, and Rev Dr. Christopher C. Carter, and Washington, including hosting the annual people. He was bigger than anything I could Sr. White House Correspondents Association ever imagine as far as being a model child. Vanity Fair after-party, the most sought-after Sometimes they stray, but this child didn’t Mr. Speaker, as New Hope Baptist Church invitation in D.C. A gourmet, his signature res- stray.’’ celebrates its 50th anniversary, the church’s taurants The Waverly Inn in the SPC Gordon and his fallen comrades were congregation can look back on its history with and Monkey Bar on the Upper East Side are honored on January 9, 2013, during a memo- pride. I would like to congratulate Pastor Car- destinations in good taste. Graydon Carter rial service held at Fort Riley, Kansas. Nearly ter and the entire New Hope Baptist Church was also the producer of documentaries in- 500 people attended the service that was held community on this special occasion. I wish the cluding ‘‘Gonzo: The Life and Work of Hunter at the Morris Hill Chapel. Lieutenant Colonel church another 50 years of growth and fellow- S. Thompson’’ and ‘‘The Kid Stays in the Pic- (LTC) Matt Weinshel commanded the crew ship. ture,’’ about legendary Hollywood producer while deployed in Afghanistan. ‘‘Each of these

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:27 Dec 14, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13DE8.007 E13DEPT1 E1694 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 13, 2017 soldiers knew the risks they assumed,’’ LTC CONGRATULATING THE FESTUS complex, traumatic and rare conditions. Home Weinshel said. ‘‘They loved their mission and TIGERS GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY to the James R. Gage Center for Gait and Mo- each other. They truly loved flying and told me TEAM tion Analysis, the hospital is one of only seven so on several occasions.’’ During the service, such accredited centers in the country that speakers told those in attendance that the sol- HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER helps to improve mobility and walking among diers were focused on their work, but also OF MISSOURI children who have walking and movement dis- smiled and offered hugs to break the tension IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES orders. while preparing helicopters for missions during Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Since its founding in 1897, staff devotion to deployment. compassionate and supportive care for chil- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise SPC Gordon is survived by his father, Terry dren undergoing treatment and recovery has today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- W. Gordon; his mother, Sabina R. Edwards; remained steadfast. Today, each child’s emo- gratulating the Festus Tigers Girls Cross his sister, Terruna Gordon; his stepfather, tional well-being remains at the core of Gillette Country team on winning the Class 3 Cross David Edwards; and his two half-brothers, Children’s approach to medical care. Mr. Country State Championship. David Edwards, Jr., and William Edwards. Speaker, please join me in honoring the 120th This team and their coach should be com- anniversary of Gillette Children’s Specialty SPC Gordon proudly serviced America. His mended for all of their hard work throughout Healthcare for all that it does to improve the sacrifice to protect the freedoms we all enjoy this past year and for bringing home the state lives of children in Minnesota and beyond. will not be forgotten. championship to their school and community. I ask you to join me in recognizing the f f Festus Tigers Girls Cross Country team for a job well done. RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- RECOGNIZING WAWA’S COMMIT- f EN MISSISSIPPI MARINE COR- MENT TO FIGHTING HUNGER, PORAL (CPL) MICHAEL BRANDON HONORING GRAND OPENING HONORING GILLETTE CHILDREN’S PRESLEY SPECIALTY HEALTHCARE ON ITS 120TH ANNIVERSARY HON. BRENDAN F. BOYLE HON. TRENT KELLY OF MISSISSIPPI OF PENNSYLVANIA HON. BETTY McCOLLUM OF MINNESOTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- Mr. BRENDON F. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. ognize Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare today I rise in memory of Marine Corporal Mr. Speaker, I rise today to call attention to of Saint Paul, Minnesota on its 120th anniver- (Cpl) Michael Brandon Presley who paid the Wawa, Inc., a Pennsylvania based company sary of providing world class, compassionate ultimate sacrifice while defending our nation that will be opening up their very first store in care for children and their families. on December 14, 2005, during Operation Iraqi our nation’s capital tomorrow. The citizens of Before the turn of the 20th Century, two pio- Freedom. Cpl Presley died at Landstuhl Re- Pennsylvania are well acquainted with Wawa neering leaders, Jessie Haskins and Dr. Arthur gional Medical Center in Germany from food stores; it’s where many of them go for Gillette, recognized the acute need to provide wounds he sustained on December 12 from a their morning coffee as well as a common a place where children with disabilities could suicide, vehicle-borne improvised explosive destination for fresh food at lunch or dinner receive state-of-the-art care that was tailor- device, while conducting combat operations time. made to fit their needs. At their urging, in 1897 against enemy forces in Fallujah, Iraq. Cpl Therefore I would like to recognize Wawa the Minnesota legislature created what would Presley was assigned to 2nd Combat Engi- as a Pennsylvania company with a firm com- later be named Gillette Children’s Hospital, the neer Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine mitment to fighting hunger and serving the first such institution in the country to focus ex- Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, North greater good. At Thursday’s grand opening, clusively on treating children with disabilities. Carolina. Wawa will announce its ‘‘Lending a Helping Today, not far from its first location on the According to the Associated Press, Cpl Hoagie Program,’’ which will donate a portion shores of Lake Phalen, Gillette Children’s Presley, a Batesville, Mississippi native, was a of the new location’s first week of hoagie sales Specialty Healthcare is celebrating 120 years standout student at North Delta School. Cpl to the Capital Area Food Bank. Along with that of outstanding service to the public and Presley was a lineman for the school’s 2000 program, Wawa will present the food bank groundbreaking treatment of children in our state football championship team when it won with a grant of $10,000 to help launch its sus- community and from around the globe. the Class 3A title. John Howell, North Delta tainable ‘‘Fresh Community Market’’ initiative. Gillette Children’s serves an incredibly im- School principal, said Cpl Presley kept in portant calling in our state and country. By touch with his teachers while he was stationed Wawa’s efforts in the fight against hunger overseas. ‘‘The neat thing that made him do not end there. Its Share Donation Food staying focused on what a child can do, rather than what they cannot, Gillette Children’s stand out for those of us who taught him was Program is a smart, compassionate program helps to make the difference in how a child the way he made a point to reconnect with us that quickly distributes leftover hot food—that will recover and grow after receiving care. periodically,’’ Mr. Howell said. ‘‘Often when would otherwise go to waste—to the commu- Caring for children and families from all across you teach, you have to guess at the work that nities that need it most. Additionally, until the the United States and around the world, Gil- you’re doing. Brandon let us know that he ap- end of this year, Wawa will continue its lette Children’s has improved the lives of preciated us, and that made him stand out ‘‘Check Out Hunger’’ campaign that allows countless children and their families since day more than other students I have taught.’’ customers to donate to Feeding America Food one. The official website of the U.S. Marine Banks at checkout. It is often said, that Gillette Children’s has Corps included a detailed account of Cpl Pres- I am proud to say that this Pennsylvania in- soul. This is because it not just a hospital, but ley’s service and commitment to the Marine stitution, with the help of its loyal customers a special place that connects entire families. Corps. Cpl Presley joined the Marine Corps on around the country, directly fights hunger in By providing lifelong care to individuals who September 22, 2003. He served with the 1st the communities it serves. Wawa stands as an were first treated there as children and now Marine Aircraft Wing, Okinawa, Japan, and example of a company that recognizes that its are adults, Gillette Children’s creates deep subsequently reported to the 2d Combat Engi- obligations do not end at its bottom line. It and meaningful bonds between the children, neer Battalion for duty as a motor transport demonstrates that corporations do not have to staff and volunteers. This unique practice is operator in March 2005. Cpl Presley was a choose between being prosperous and under- one of many reasons why Gillette Children’s skilled operator remembered for his broad taking initiatives to help communities. I ap- stands out as an extraordinary example of ex- smile, love of live, and his devotion to duty. plaud Wawa for its commitment to fighting cellence in care and community stewardship. His accomplishments and warrior spirit will for- hunger, and hope that other companies will As medical technology has improved, so too ever grace the passage spaces of 2d Marine follow its example and find innovative ways to has Gillette Children’s capacity to treat young Division while attached to 1st Battalion, Sixth make a difference in their community. patients who experience some of the most Marines.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:27 Dec 14, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13DE8.009 E13DEPT1 December 13, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1695 Details of Cpl Presley’s bravery were in- PROTECTING NORTH KOREAN those who profit from the labor trafficking cluded on a memorial website. The author re- REFUGEES should be held accountable. counted the details of the day Cpl was mor- The Congress has given the Administration tally wounded. ‘‘Corporal Presley was the ve- HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH the sanction tools that if used would send the hicle commander for the second Medium Tac- OF NEW JERSEY right message—whether through the North tical Vehicle Replacement (MTVA) in the con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Korea Sanctions Enforcement Act, the Global Magnitsky Act, or those sanctions attached to voy,’’ the author wrote. ‘‘As the convoy passed Wednesday, December 13, 2017 a taxi that had pulled off to the right side of China’s Tier 3 designation for trafficking in Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, persons. the route, the taxi pulled out and into the path yesterday I held a hearing on the current situ- All should be used strategically and swiftly of Cpl Presley’s vehicle. When Corporal Pres- ation facing North Korean asylum seekers and to send a clear message. For too long the ley observed this, he immediately started to assessed both China’s obligation to protect world has tolerated China’s failures to protect initiate escalation of force procedures. Due to refugees and the effectiveness of global ef- refugees. Those complicit in the repatriations the fact that the vehicle was non-responsive, forts to stop what the U.N. Commission of In- of refugees and those who profit from the traf- Cpl Presley drew his M16 A4 and was pre- quiry on Human Rights in North Korea called ficking of North Koreans will be held account- paring to engage the lone occupant of the taxi. crimes against humanity experienced by refu- able. As he did this, the SVBIED initiated its device gees. The ending of repatriations should be a bell- early, before it had actually impacted the At a recent House Foreign Affairs Com- wether for judging China’s willingness to cur- MTVA. This action undoubtedly saved the life mittee hearing, North Korean defector Ambas- tail Kim Jong-un’ s nuclear ambitions. of the MTVA driver. Cpl Presley was wounded sador Thae Yong-ho testified about the stra- In addition to the protection of North Korea by shrapnel in the blast and later died from his tegic value of both disseminating information refugees, this hearing also assessed global ef- wounds. Cpl Presley’s quick actions saved not into North Korea and the protection of North forts to surge news and information into North only his driver, but also the cargo that they Korean refugees in China. Korea. were carrying, the Iraq ballots He valiantly put Drawing on an analogy about the fall of the Expansion of existing efforts to disseminate his fellow Marines and mission accomplish- Berlin Wall, Ambassador Thae claimed that information into North Korea is critically impor- ment ahead of his own safety.’’ there may be a similar result if China stopped tant if for nothing else than to tarnish and un- repatriations of refugees and the U.S. and the dermine the Kim family’s cult of personality. A relative of Cpl Presley recounted the day international community expanded ‘‘soft The Kim family cult must be taken seriously of his memorial service. ‘‘There were two huge power’’ news and information flows into North as a national security threat and a barometer fire ladder trucks parked across from the fu- Korea. of Kim Jong-un’s power. This cult of person- neral home. Their ladders were fully ex- As the Congress continues to look at ways ality—sometimes called Juche—has inspired tended,’’ the relative wrote. ‘‘Draped between to best apply maximum diplomatic and finan- devotion from the North Korean people be- them was a huge American flag. As the pro- cial press on the regime of Kim Jong-un, this cause of the cradle to grave propaganda they cession made its way to the church from the hearing explored the strategic relevance of fur- endure. funeral home, there were firefighters, local po- ther pressing the Chinese government to pro- We must undermine the Kim family cult and lice, state police, sheriffs, active and retired tect North Korean refugees and evaluate the the propaganda that grants Kim Jong-un al- military lining the street and all standing at at- impact of surging outside information into most god-like status. This status has allowed tention and saluting as the process passed by. North Korea. three generations of the Kim family to starve It was really amazing to witness.’’ Amid escalating tensions on the Korean Pe- and abuse the North Korean people and divert ninsula, we cannot forget those suffering scarce resources to the military and nuclear Cpl Presley was laid to rest at Magnolia under the North Korean regime and those programs. Cemetery in Batesville, Mississippi. Cpl Pres- North Korean refugees who are in China We must have an information surge into ley is survived by his mother Pam Cousar; his North Korean asylum seekers are at immi- North Korea. Human rights groups are smug- stepfather, John Cousar; his brother, Colin nent risk of repatriation, torture, sexual vio- gling DVDs and USB sticks with video about Hawkins; and his grandparents, Mary Sue lence, forced abortions, hard labor and even the Kim family’s sins into North Korea right Presley, Mary Frances Woods and Mitchell execution. China’s repatriation of North Kore- now. Balloons are launched across the border Woods. ans is a stark violation of both the spirit and with promises of a better life in South Korea. Cpl Presley served our nation with courage the letter of the 1951 Refugee Convention and Radio programs broadcast daily messages and bravery. His service and sacrifice to pro- 1967 Protocol to which China has acceded. and news, urging North Korea’s ‘‘elite’’ to de- tect the freedoms we all enjoy will not be for- The Chinese government has a lot to an- fect and turn against Kim Jong-un. swer for. It is no wonder that the UN Commis- We know some of these efforts are having gotten. sion on Inquiry for North Korea Human Rights effect. We saw several high-level defections of concluded that the Government of the Peo- diplomats, military officers, and the families of f ple’s Republic of China is aiding and abetting North Korea’s elites in the last year. The num- CONGRATULATING THE HELIAS in crimes against humanity by forcibly repa- ber of asylum-seekers, depressed for several CRUSADERS VOLLEYBALL TEAM triating North Korean refugees. years by upgraded security efforts in China, As many as 90 percent of North Korean has again begun to rise. women refugees in China fall prey to traf- Efforts to get information into North Korea HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER fickers who sell the refugees into sexual slav- must be expanded dramatically. Washington ery or forced marriages. should be leading this covert effort, working OF MISSOURI Labor trafficking is also pervasive The gov- primarily with North Korea defectors groups in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ernment of North Korea and the government South Korea and with other human rights or- and businesses in China, Russia, and else- ganizations. Wednesday, December 13, 2017 where in the world, profit from the trafficking of The North Korean defector groups should North Korean laborers. be front and center in this effort—they know Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise In recent months, Chinese authorities re- North Korea and they know the minds of its today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- portedly deported hundreds of South Korean people. They know what information is needed gratulating the Helias Crusaders Volleyball missionaries and NGO workers who have pro- to permanently tarnish the Kim family cult and team on winning the Class 3 Volleyball State vided crucial help to the North Korean refu- what will motivate military leaders to defect. Championship. gees in China. Yesterday’s hearing took place amid grow- This team and their coach should be com- The international community—especially the ing tensions on the Korean Peninsula. We mended for all of their hard work throughout United Nations, the Trump Administration and must seek all viable options to deal with and the U.S. Congress—must insist that China resolve the North Korean issue, not only in this past year and for bringing home the state honor its treaty obligations and end its egre- military/diplomatic terms, but also in terms of championship to their school and community. gious practice of systematic repatriation of human rights and freedom of the North Ko- I ask you to join me in recognizing the North Korean refugees. rean people. Helias Crusaders Volleyball team for a job well Chinese officials and businesses, complicit I welcome and thank all of our witnesses. I done. in repatriation of North Korean refugees or valued hearing their observations and insights.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:27 Dec 14, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13DE8.012 E13DEPT1 E1696 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 13, 2017 PERSONAL EXPLANATION gratulating the New Haven Shamrocks Boys mother of Razavier, was also a member of the Cross Country team on winning the Class 1 Mississippi Army National Guard. HON. MARK SANFORD Cross Country State Championship. A funeral was held for SPC Davis at West OF SOUTH CAROLINA This team and their coach should be com- Tallahatchie High School in Webb, Mississippi. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mended for all of their hard work throughout SPC Davis was laid to rest in the family ceme- this past year and for bringing home the state tery located on Sharkey Road in Glendora, Wednesday, December 13, 2017 championship to their school and community. Mississippi. SPC Davis’ sisters and brothers Mr. SANFORD. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- I ask you to join me in recognizing the New wrote a special tribute to their brother which ably detained. Had I been present, I would Haven Shamrocks Boys Cross Country team was printed in the program for the funeral. It have voted YEA on Roll Call No. 672 and for a job well done. read, ‘‘Ralph, our beautiful brother, there’s YEA on Roll Call No. 673. f really no need for words. Your life spoke loud f and clear. You were not perfect and that’s RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- RECOGNIZING AND CELEBRATING okay. No human being is. You are still our EN MISSISSIPPI SOLDIER ARMY brother and we love you. There’s a lot of THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF SPECIALIST (SPC) RAPHAEL SPACE CENTER HOUSTON press these days about how there are no he- SAPTIAN DAVIS roes or great men for our children to look up to. They were wrong. Ralph, you are a hero HON. BRIAN BABIN HON. TRENT KELLY and we will make sure that all of your nieces OF TEXAS OF MISSISSIPPI and nephews know you were that special IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hero. We love you.’’ Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Wednesday, December 13, 2017 SPC Davis is survived by his father, Clifton Mr. BABIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Bailey; his mother, Betty Davis Pimpton; his Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, girlfriend, Deetra Tucker; the mother of his two ognize and celebrate the twenty-fifth anniver- today I rise in memory of Army Specialist sary of Space Center Houston, the Official oldest children, Kimberlie Blount; his three (SPC) Raphael Saptian Davis who paid the ul- children, Raphael Davis, Junior, Ravin Davis, Visitor Center of the NASA Johnson Space timate sacrifice while defending our nation on Center. and Razavier Seon Davis; his eleven brothers, December 2, 2003, during Operation Iraqi Cedric Davis, Demarcus Davis, Lamonte Har- Since opening in 1992, Space Center Hous- Freedom. SPC Davis was killed when his ve- ton has welcomed nearly twenty million visi- ris, Clifton Davis, Junior, Zavier Bailey, Ber- hicle was struck by an improvised explosive nard Berryhill, Taierry Brown, Areail Wallace, tors and currently hosts nearly one million visi- device in Tampa, Iraq. SPC Davis was as- tors annually in its 250,000 square-foot edu- Steve Hill, Terrence Steele, and Maurice signed to B Company, 223rd Engineer Bat- Steele; his two sisters, Wynde Bailey, and cational complex. The Manned Space Flight talion, Mississippi Army National Guard, based Foundation, a private entity separate from Premmie Stevenson. in Calhoun City, Mississippi. SPC Davis will always be remembered for NASA, funds Space Center Houston, its edu- According to the Associated Press, SPC cational programs and the preservation of arti- his service and sacrifice to protect America Davis grew up in the Mississippi Delta. He and to preserve the freedoms we all enjoy. facts in its space science museum. Edu- lived with his mother in Tutwiler, Mississippi. f cational emphasis is placed on science, tech- SPC Davis graduated from Tallahatchie High nology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) School in Webb, Mississippi in 1998. SPC GODSPEED MARTIN WHITMER in a fun and engaging way Davis attended Holmes Community College in At Space Center Houston you can see the Goodman, Mississippi where he was pursuing history and future of human spaceflight under HON. JOE WILSON a degree in engineering. He then attended OF SOUTH CAROLINA one roof and it is the only Smithsonian Affiliate Hinds Community College in Jackson, Mis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES museum in Houston. The Visitor’s Center is sissippi. Davis joined the Mississippi Army Na- home to a one-of-a-kind exhibit displaying the tional Guard in 2001. SPC Davis was de- Wednesday, December 13, 2017 world’s only shuttle replica (Independence) ployed during his second year of college. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- mounted on an original Shuttle Carrier Aircraft Clifton Bailey, SPC Davis’ father, remem- (NASA 905). For the first time, only at Space er, we are thinking of my family friend Martin bers the last time he talked with his son on Whitmer and his wife, the former Julie Thur- Center Houston, you can see the spacecraft the phone. ‘‘He called me on November 16th,’’ from the first and last lunar landings under the mond, as Martin is scheduled for open heart Mr. Bailey said. ‘‘He tracked me down until he surgery this Thursday, December 14. We pray same roof. Currently, Space Center Houston found me at work. I never heard him sound so is partnering with the Smithsonian National Air for his family in this difficult time and have happy. He told me he was coming home. We faith that he will recuperate quickly to become and Space Museum to display both the Apollo all assumed he meant Tutwiler, but he knew 11 and Apollo 17 command modules to com- even stronger than before. he was going to his heavenly home. He was f memorate the fiftieth anniversary of our na- calling to say goodbye.’’ Betty Davis Pimpton, tion’s extraordinary achievement of man’s first SPC Davis’ mother, said she always worried IN HONOR OF LANETT WINNING step on the Moon in 1969. about her son as any mother would. ‘‘You al- AHSAA CLASS 2A HIGH SCHOOL Through Space Center Houston, the founda- ways hope for the best, never thinking about FOOTBALL TITLE tion can teach future generations how far the worst that can happen,’’ Mrs. Pimpton we’ve come with the space program and em- said. ‘‘I was really proud of his service. He en- phasize how far we have to go to touch the HON. MIKE ROGERS joyed it and wanted to make a career out of rest of our universe. OF ALABAMA it. Mr. Speaker, as the Congressman who rep- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lakeitha Johnson, a classmate of SPC resents Space Center Houston, and as Chair- Davis, paid tribute to him on a memorial Wednesday, December 13, 2017 man of the House Subcommittee on Space, it website. ‘‘There isn’t a day that goes by when Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I is my distinct honor to recognize Space Cen- I don’t think about my classmate and friend, ask for the House’s attention today to recog- ter Houston on this milestone occasion. Raphael,’’ Lakeitha said. ‘‘I think everyone nize Lanett High School for winning the Ala- f here agrees that the last two years without bama High School Athletic Association CONGRATULATING THE NEW him have been tough. Even though his loss (AHSAA) Class 2A football state title for the HAVEN SHAMROCKS BOYS CROSS has left a huge void in our community, I al- first time ever. COUNTRY TEAM ways think of him and smile. I know that you The Panthers sealed their victory by beating are in heaven smiling down on us and we love Leroy High School 33–15 on December 8 at HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER you and miss you so much. We’ll see you Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa, Ala- OF MISSOURI when we reach that other shore, Raph.’’ bama. SPC Davis was the father of three children, Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Raphael Davis, Junior, Ravin Davis, and lating the students and faculty of Lanett High Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Razavier Seon Davis. His youngest child, School, the coaches, the players and all the Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Razavier Seon Davis, was born four weeks Panthers fans on this exciting achievement. today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- before SPC Davis was killed. Deetra Tucker, Go Panthers.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:27 Dec 14, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13DE8.014 E13DEPT1 December 13, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1697 RECOGNIZING THE BAYTOWN SUN Western Electric before obtaining and rising to said her son was liked by everyone. ‘‘He was ON ITS DESIGNATION AS A a senior level position at Quaker Oats where a very sweet person who got along with every- TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL he worked for more than twenty-five years. He body,’’ Mary Love said. ‘‘Everybody loved him MARKER later became a successful entrepreneur and and he loved everybody.’’ Robert Lee Love, owned a dock fish feed franchise and had an Senior, SSG Love’s father, said the loss of HON. BRIAN BABIN interest in a St. Louis based Miller Beer dis- their son was difficult. ‘‘It has been hard, but tributor-ship. Tim was passionate about life, we are holding up,’’ Mr. Love said. OF TEXAS civic engagement and politics. He served as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Graveside services for SSG Love were held commissioner and President of the Olympia on December 20, 2006 at the Pentecostal Me- Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Fields Park District and Administrator of Rich morial Gardens Cemetery in Russell, Mis- Township. Tim’s greatest legacy will be his sissippi. Elder Keith Tisdale and Bishop Mr. BABIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- service to the community and helping those in Marcell Evins officiated the funeral. SSG Love ognize The Baytown Sun for its designation as need is his passion, his mission. He was a is survived by his wife, Brianna; his two an official Texas State Historical Marker. well-respected pillar of the community who daughters, Brianna, and Tanessa; his father, The Baytown Sun can trace its roots to the made sure that the south suburban community Robert L. Love, Senior; his mother, Mary weekly newspaper The Goose Creek Gasser, of Cook County was never overlooked. established by Frank Boyer in 1919, two To say that he was immersed in politics Love; his two sisters, Rickitta Thomas and months before construction began on the would be an understatement. Tim worked Evelyn Ford; and two brothers, Reginald Love Humble Oil & Refining Company’s Baytown around the clock and became known as the and Jeremy Love. Refinery. The Gasser was created to serve Godfather of south suburban politics. He SSG Love proudly served America and the rapidly growing tri-cities of Goose Creek, served as vice chair for Cook County Demo- gave his life to protect the freedoms we all Pelly, and Baytown, which evolved from oil crats, a Commissioner of the Metropolitan enjoy. boom towns to a permeant community. In Water Reclamation District, RichTownship 1924, new ownership the paper’s name to the Committeeman, Rich Township Administrator, f semi-weekly tribune, and again in 1929 to the Matteson Rotary Club, Olympia Fields Police daily tribune, when it’s circulation was around Board and countless other civic organizations, TRIBUTE TO JOHNNIE MYERS 4,500. boards and commissions. Notwithstanding all The financial strain of the great depression of his external activities and affiliations, Tim led the owners of Goose Creek’s Tribune, The was totally devoted to his wife of 51 years, HON. JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR. Pelly Telegram, and Baytown’s Tri-Cities Mary-Ann and all other members of the Brad- OF TENNESSEE News-Herald to merge into a single paper, the ford clan, his mother, his brothers, his chil- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tri-Cities Sun, operating out of the Tribune’s dren, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, other building. First published on July 19, 1931, it family members and friends. Timothy (Tim) Wednesday, December 13, 2017 was renamed The Daily Sun two years later. Bradford was an extraordinary man filled with Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, boundless energy, a great mind and a heart Goose Creek, Pelly and Baytown consoli- In honor of Mrs. Johnnie Elizabeth filled with love for his family and anyone that dated in 1948, and the paper, renamed The Hammontree Myers, I would like to celebrate he might meet. Baytown Sun, became the sole daily news- the amazing life she lived with my colleagues Love is patient, love is kind, love is gen- paper in the old tri-cities area. In 1949, the fa- and others. cility was greatly expanded, including a new erous, love is Commissioner Timothy (Tim) press and, for the first time an air conditioned Bradford. Johnnie was a long time close, personal friend to both me, and my father, Congress- work space. That year, The Sun surpassed a f circulation of 8,000 and employed forty individ- man John J. Duncan, Sr. There couldn’t have uals. In 1965 the sun moved to its current lo- RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- been a stronger supporter of the Republican cation. The first papers printed at the new lo- EN MISSISSIPPI SOLDIER ARMY cause. cation went out to more than 12,700 sub- STAFF SERGEANT (SSG) ROBERT Born in 1919, in Greenback, Tennessee, scribers. LEE LOVE, JUNIOR Johnnie was brought up attending Pine Grove Longtime Publishers and editors of the Sun Presbyterian Church where she would become included William Pendergraft, Robert HON. TRENT KELLY an elder, clerk, and life time member. Matherne, Fred Hartman, and Preston OF MISSISSIPPI She volunteered her time in the community Pendergrass. Janie Gray has served as Pub- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as well. She was a past chair of the Loudon lisher since 2010. Wednesday, December 13, 2017 County March of Dimes, president of the Since 1919, The Baytown Sun and its pred- Loudon County Republican Women, and was ecessors have primarily focused on the area’s Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, the first female vice-chairman of the Loudon local news and history, while providing readers today I rise in memory of Army Staff Sergeant County Republican Party. (SSG) Robert Lee Love, Junior who paid the with matters of state, national and international She was a staunch, dedicated Republican, importance. Today, The Baytown Sun covers ultimate sacrifice while defending our nation on December 1, 2006, during Operation Iraqi but more importantly, she was a strong Chris- Southeast Harris County, Chambers County, Freedom. SSG Love died from injuries he sus- tian and truly patriotic American. and Southeast Liberty County. tained when an improvised explosive device When she wasn’t serving her church, or our Mr. Speaker, it is my distinct honor to recog- detanated near his vehicle during combat op- community, she was enjoying life to the fullest. nize The Baytown Sun on its designation as a erations in Ar Ramadi, Iraq. SSG Love was Texas State Historical Marker. She cheered on the University of Ten- assigned to the 16th Engineer Battalion, 1st nessee men’s basketball team as often as she f Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, could with the season tickets she held since TRIBUTE TO COMMISSIONER Glessen, Germany. 1962. TIMOTHY (TIM) BRADFORD According to the Associated Press, SSG She also loved to embark on trips to new Love, a Livingston, Alabama native, graduated places including Hawaii, Alaska, Israel, and from Livingston High School in 1996. Mary Europe. HON. DANNY K. DAVIS Love, SSG Love’s mother, said he enlisted in OF ILLINOIS the Army following graduation and served in Johnnie is an example to us all to live life each day with humility, compassion for others, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the military a total of eight years. Prior to de- ployment, SSG Love lived in Germany with his and grateful hearts. She will be greatly missed Wednesday, December 13, 2017 wife, Army Staff Sergeant (SSG) Brianna K. by me, my family, and our community. Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speak- Love. The couple had a three-year-old daugh- Mr. Speaker, this Nation is a better place er, Tim Bradford graduated from Richard T. ter, Brianna. SSG Robert Love also had an today because of the life that Johnnie Myers Crane High School on the Westside of Chi- 11-year-old daughter, Tanessa. led, and I hope that many people will read this cago where he was an outstanding athlete The Meridian Star newspaper interviewed tribute honoring one really outstanding and well-liked student. He secured a job at members of SSG Love’s family. Mary Love woman.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:27 Dec 14, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K13DE8.008 E13DEPT1 E1698 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 13, 2017 HONORING THE CAREER OF DR. RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- Captain Evans proudly served our nation. DAVID ZOLDOSKE EN MISSISSIPPI U.S. AIR FORCE He entered into the military ready to fight for CAPTAIN (CAPT) KERMIT O. the freedoms we all enjoy. His sacrifice will EVANS not be forgotten. HON. JIM COSTA f OF CALIFORNIA HON. TRENT KELLY HARK OF MISSISSIPPI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. PETE SESSIONS Wednesday, December 13, 2017 Wednesday, December 13, 2017 OF TEXAS Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to today I rise in memory of U.S. Air Force Cap- Wednesday, December 13, 2017 congratulate Dr. David Zoldoske on the occa- tain (Capt) Kermit O. Evans who paid the ulti- sion of his retirement after 35 years of dedi- mate sacrifice while defending our nation on Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I include in cated service to the Jordan College of Agricul- December 3, 2006, during Operation Iraqi the RECORD a poem, on behalf of Albert Carey tural Sciences and Technology at California Freedom. Captain Evans died when the Ma- Caswell, to honor the men and women of The State University, Fresno (Fresno State). He rine Corps CH–46 helicopter he was riding in Armed Forces and the families of the Fallen has been a leader in the effort for sustainable made an emergency water landing in western this Christmas. irrigation techniques across California. Anbar province. Captain Evans was assigned HARK to the 27th Civil Engineer Squadron, Cannon (By: Albert Caswell) David earned his Bachelor’s degree in Agri- Air Force Base, New Mexico. He deployed Hark the herald Angels sing cultural Economics from Fresno State. He with the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing, Balad Glory to the new born king worked as a student research assistant, spe- Air Base, Iraq. He was one of four service As our Lord up to heaven a new one brings, cializing in irrigation, before being hired as a members who died in the accident. Peace on earth and mercy mild full-time research technician in 1983. According to the Associated Press, Captain Across this Nation a mother just lost her child, David has worked at Fresno State for over Evans, a Hollandale, Mississippi native, was an avid sports fan and athlete who was pleas- Who on battlefields of honor stood tall the 30 years. He currently serves as Director for while ant and giving. Margaret Evans, Captain the Center for Irrigation and Technology, the God and sinners reconciled Evans’ mother, said her son liked taking things California Water Institute, and was also named As our Father looks upon his new Angel and apart and putting them back together. ‘‘He the Executive Director of Water Initiatives at smiles, also had an inquisitive personality that prob- Joyful all ye nations rise Fresno State. Through this capacity, he guides ably landed him in his military career as an For our freedom this day a hero died, the university’s water technology, water re- explosives ordnance disposal technician,’’ Mrs. Join the triumph of the skies source management, and policy initiatives. Evans said. ‘‘He liked to see how things A new Angel is on the rise. David has served in a number of leadership work.’’ Hark the herald Angels sing Glory to the new born king positions throughout his career. He served as Captain Evans graduated from Mississippi State University where he earned a degree in As a mother this Christmas stands with tear the President of the Irrigation Association, and in her eyes, the American Society of Agronomy California chemical engineering. Captain Evans enlisted For us all her baby died. in the U.S. Air Force in August 2001. Fol- Chapter. David was also the founding Execu- Hail the everlasting Lord lowing graduation, Captain Evans entered offi- tive Director for the Water Resources and Pol- Heroes like this heaven was made for, cer training school at Maxwell Air Force Base, Light and life to all he brings icy Initiative for the California State University Alabama and received his commission as a As up in heaven his new Angel sings, System, Senior Fellow with the California second lieutenant in November 2001. He was Here with healing in his wings Council on Science and Technology, as well promoted to captain in November 2005. In the As down below in their sleep, as member of the ‘‘SMART’’ Water Application second phase of his Air Force career, Captain To his loved ones in his tears in comfort he Executive Committee. David has also been Evans entered Explosive Ordnance Disposal whispers again we’ll meet, Mild he lay his glory by born that no man named an Honorary Member of the American School at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Fol- may die Society of Irrigation Consultants. lowing graduation, he was stationed at Can- As now in men and women of honor we un- David has been a member of the California non Air Force Base, New Mexico. While he derstand why was serving at Cannon Air Force Base, his Department of Food and Agricultural Nitrogen Bringing hope to all the land unit earned the Sergeant Stryzak Award as As did this magnificent hero in his short life Tracking and Reporting Task Force. He was the best EOD flight in Air Combat Command. span. Co-Chair of the Model Water Efficient Land- Captain Evans was the head of the bomb Peace to every child and man scape Ordinance Committee, Vice-Chair of the squad at the 27th Civil Engineer Squadron, As too was his plan. California Department of Water Resources Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico. In 2011, Hark the herald Angels sing Strategic Planning Caucus for New Water Glory to the new born king Cannon AFB officials honored their fallen com- Come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant Technology, and served as a member of the rade. They renamed the street in front of the As do those who stand guard so abundant, A–2 Subcommittee to the SBx7–Agriculture 27th CE Squadron building as Kermit Evans Come ye oh come ye to Bethlehem Stakeholders Committee. Avenue. Come and behold him, Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Stephen Wood, Come and behold them, Over the years, David has received numer- 27th Civil Engineer Squadron Commander, Born the King of Angels, ous awards from his colleagues and peers. said Captain Evans considered the Air Force Come let us adore him This includes being named ‘‘Person of the as a career at a young age. He said Captain Come let us adore him Year’’ by both the Irrigation Association in Evans had a solid Air Force career as a civil Oh come let us adore him Oh come let us adore them, 2013 and the California Irrigation Institute in engineer, but wanted to do more, and began 2015. The Fallen. exploring bomb disposal. ‘‘That top level strati- Sing choir of Angels, sing in exultation Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I fication was repeated throughout his career,’’ For those who did not waver, who on this applaud Dr. David Zoldoske for his many Lt Col Wood said. day have met our savior, years of tireless work on behalf of the Central A funeral service was held for Captain Sing all our citizens of heaven above Evans at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, To all our heroes who gave the greatest love, Valley. His dedication to education is ex- Nevada. A memorial service was held at the Glory to God, glory in the highest tremely commendable. I have personally Simmons High School Gymnatorium in Oh come let us adore him worked with David for years in my capacity as Hollandale, Mississippi. Captain Evans was Oh come let us adore him a Member of Congress and I can proudly call laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery in Oh come let us adore him Oh come let us adore them, him my friend. I ask my colleagues to join me Arlington, Virginia on December 12, 2006. today in recognizing the commitment, dedica- All the men and women who have died in war Captain Evans is survived by his parents, then, tion and success of Dr. David Zoldoske, and Charles and Margaret Evans; his wife, And the families who live in pain the more wish him well as he embarks on new endeav- Perneatha; his son, Kermit Evans, Jr.; and his then. ors. brother, Kervin Evans. Christ the Lord

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:27 Dec 14, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13DE8.022 E13DEPT1 December 13, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1699 Hark the herald Angels sing, Meetings scheduled for Thursday, De- New York, to be Ambassador to the Re- glory to the newborn King. cember 14, 2017 may be found in the public of Rwanda, and Joel Danies, of f Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. Maryland, to be Ambassador to the Gabonese Republic, and to serve con- SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS MEETINGS SCHEDULED currently and without additional com- Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, pensation as Ambassador to the Demo- DECEMBER 19 agreed to by the Senate of February 4, cratic Republic of Sao Tome and Prin- 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- 10 a.m. cipe, both of the Department of State. Committee on Banking, Housing, and tem for a computerized schedule of all SD–419 Urban Affairs 2:30 p.m. meetings and hearings of Senate com- Business meeting to consider the nomi- Committee on Rules and Administration mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- nations of Scott Garrett, of New Jer- To hold hearings to examine S. Res. 355, tees, and committees of conference. sey, to be President, Kimberly A. Reed, improving procedures for the consider- This title requires all such committees of West Virginia, to be First Vice ation of nominations in the Senate; to to notify the Office of the Senate Daily President, Mark L. Greenblatt, of be immediately followed by a business Digest—designated by the Rules Com- Maryland, to be Inspector General, and meeting to consider S. Res. 355, im- Spencer Bachus III, of Alabama, Judith proving procedures for the consider- mittee—of the time, place and purpose Delzoppo Pryor, of Ohio, and Claudia ation of nominations in the Senate. of the meetings, when scheduled and Slacik, of New York, each to be a Mem- SR–301 any cancellations or changes in the ber of the Board of Directors, all of the meetings as they occur. Export-Import Bank. DECEMBER 20 As an additional procedure along SD–538 with the computerization of this infor- Committee on Foreign Relations 10:30 a.m. mation, the Office of the Senate Daily To hold hearings to examine United Committee on Environment and Public Works Digest will prepare this information for States strategy for Syria after ISIS. SD–419 Subcommittee on Transportation and In- printing in the Extensions of Remarks 2 p.m. frastructure section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Committee on Foreign Relations To hold hearings to examine freight on Monday and Wednesday of each To hold hearings to examine the nomina- movement. week. tions of Peter Hendrick Vrooman, of SD–406

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