
The Development of the Idea of a Chemical Bond

BRIAN T. SUTCLIFFE Department of , University of York, York YO2 5DD, United Kingdom

Received July 27, 2994; revised manuscript received August 9, 1994; accepted May 6, 1995

ABSTRACT D The development of the idea of a chemical bond is traced from Frankland to Heitler and London and beyond with emphasis on how came to be considered essential to explaining the bond. 0 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

their nature much more like those which con- Introduction nect the members of our solar system.

The idea of representing a bond by means of a ost historians of chemistry now agree that straight line joining the atomic symbols we proba- M Frankland was responsible for inventing the bly owe to Alexander Crum Brown. (He was very chemical bond. According to Russell 111, the first long-lived, from 1832 until 1922, and as a young formal statement of the idea of a bond appeared in man, the author met someone who had actually Frankland’s article in J. Ckem SOC.19,377 (1866). In been taught by him at the University of Edin- that article, Frankland said: burgh.) Frankland, with due acknowledgment, adopted Crum Brown’s representation (which put circles round the symbols), but by 1867, the By the term bond, I intend merely to give a circles had been dropped and more or less modern more concrete expression to what has re- chemical notation became widespread. This was, ceived various names from different , in some measure, almost certainly because of the such as an atomicity, an atomic power, and ease with which of could be an equivalence. A monad is represented as represented and enumerated within this approach, an element having one bond, a dyad as an as shown especially in the work of Cayley 121. element having two bonds, etc. It is scarcely What is notable here is Frankland’s extreme necessary to remark by this term I do not caution ”to avoid any speculation as to the nature intend to convey the idea of any material of the tie which enables an element thus to attach connection between the elements of a com- itself to one or more of other elements” [l]. pound, the bonds actually holding the atoms The historical reasons for this caution are not hard of a being, as regards to fathom, but what is rather harder to understand

International Journal of , Vol. 58, 645-655 (1996) 0 1996 John Wiley 8, Sons, Inc. CCC 0020-7608 I96 1060645-11 SUTCLIFFE

is why, within 40 years of it being made, chemists algebra “the algebra of binary quantics,” but we (with some notable exceptions) were happy to should today call it the theory of binary or bilinear throw caution to the winds and espouse the elec- forms.) The reasons that he chose to do this can, at tron as the originator of the chemical bond. In this least in part, be inferred from the following quota- article, I consider how this came about and to tions: what it led after the advent of modern . Chemical graphs, at all events, for the pre- In describing what went on, I rely chiefly on sent are to be regarded as translations into secondary sources and it is in these that the refer- geometrical forms of trains of priorities and ences to the primary material may be located. sequences having their proper habitat in the Among the secondary sources consulted were sphere of order and existing quite outside the Russell [l],Lagowski [3], and Stranges [4]. Brock, world of space. Were it otherwise, we might in his [5], devoted a chapter to indulge in some speculation as to the direc- the bond in the context of a general history (pub- tions of the lines of emission or influence or lished in the US. by Norton and in Europe by or whatever else the bonds might Fontana). A work which provides a context within then be supposed to represent as dependent which the development of the idea can be seen in a on the ‘manner of the atoms entering into most helpful way is the book From Chemical Philos- combination to form chemical substances. ophy to by Nye [61. Such not being the case. . . . The perhaps unworthy suspicion does enter one’s mind that Sylvester founded and was first The Bond and the Until the editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Mathemat- Beginning of the Twentieth Century ics, in which his article appeared, to get things like this off his chest. This suspicion is supported The idea of a chemical combination as being somewhat by the following, in which some rather due to electrical has, of course, a long his- sententious thoughts are expressed: tory in chemistry. It is probably not unfair to In regard of atomicity theory (read ”valency attribute to Berzelius the early development of the theory”), all these modes of colligation are important ideas here, but the rise of organic chem- identical, and the supposition that there is istry, in which the combination was not obviously any real difference between them, or that of an electrical kind, led to the eclipse of his figures in space are distinguishable from fig- approach. The theory of types and the theory of ures in a plane (as I heard suggested might radicals both bid to replace it. It was not until the be the case by a high authority at a meeting 1850’s that the idea of atoms having autonomous of the British Association for the Advance- valencies developed, and through this idea (which ment of Science, where I happened to be he played an important part in developing; see, present), is a departure from the cautious e.g., [l, 31, Frankland arrived at the idea of a philosophical views embodied in the theory chemical bond. His caution about saying precisely as it came from the hands of its illustrious what a bond was was probably due to his desire authors and continued to be maintained by not to give hostages to fortune in a way that could their sober-minded successors and coadju- give support to those adherents of either of the tors, and affords an instructive instance of older theories of chemical combination. It could the tendency of the human mind to worship, also have had something to do with the philosoph- as if of self-subsistent realities, of the sym- ical controversies about the real existence of unob- bols of its own creation. servable entities, such as atoms and , which was then a lively part of the discussions The idea of directed was, of course, 4 or current in scientific and learned circles. It is inter- so years old by the time Sylvester wrote this and esting to remember that the distinguished he was not the only one who opposed van’t Hoff Anglo-American mathematician Sylvester wrote and le Bel. Kolbe (with whom Frankland actually an article in 1878 [7] whose aim was to show how published an article on valence in 1857), in particu- graphical formulas for molecules could be realized lar, remained vociferous in his opposition to the in purely algebraic terms. (Sylvester called his idea until his death in 1884. (An account of Kolbe’s

646 VOL. 58, NO. 6 DEVELOPMENT OF THE IDEA OF A CHEMICAL BOND extreme reaction to the article of van’t Hoff on the The graphical notation and the ideas of Frank- tetrahedrally directed bonds in can be found land were further developed by Werner in the in the entertaining book by Klotz [8] and Kolbe’s 1890s in his coordination theory for inorganic com- position is examined, in context, in Russell’s book.) plexes, but it was during this period that the first There was also an extremely suggestion tentative steps were made toward an electronic made in 1866 by Sir Benjamin Brodie [91, Wayn- theory of the chemical bond following J. J. flete professor of chemistry in the University of Thomson’s discovery of the electron in 1897. Oxford, that not only bonds should be treated as Atomic structure seems first to have been re- imaginative constructions but that so also should lated to valency when both Mendeleef and Lothar atoms. His Calculus of Chemical Operations, he as- Meyer had observed, independently, in the late serted, was based on no theories about anything 1860s how valency was correlated with position in but simply on observations. Again, some feeling the . It was also, perhaps in the air, for how these ideas were received can be gained for in his 1881 Faraday lecture that Helmholtz from Russell’s book and also from an article by revived and expanded the electrical theory of Farrar [lo]. (It is clear from his article that Farrar chemical combination. The connection between the regards Brodie as just about fit for the funny farm, electron and bonding originates with Thomson’s which I think rather unfair, but it is difficult to association of the electron with the structure of the regard him as other than pretty eccentric by the atom. By 1902, Oliver Lodge in his Romanes Lec- time of his second article in 1877 [lll.) ture discussion of chemical union could say (as In his article, Sylvester actually first attributed quoted in Stranges [4]) that: the idea of a bond to Kekul6 and corrected himself only in a footnote toward the end of the first It becomes a reasonable hypothesis to sur- appendix. Frankland, however, clearly kept an eye mise that the whole of the atom may be built open for his priority and wrote a letter to Sylvester, up of positive and negative electrons inter- which Sylvester published, just to keep things leaved together, and of nothing else; an ac- straight. At the end of this letter [12], Frankland tive or charged having one negative elec- said: tron in excess or defect, but the neutral atom having an exact number of pairs. I trust that you will go on with the considera- He then goes on to say that chemical combina- tion of chemical phenomena from a mathe- tion must be the result of the pairing of oppositely matical point of view, for I am convinced that charged . Lodge was, of course, developing the the future progress of chemistry, as an extact ideas of J. J. Thomson in the context of Helmhotz’s science, depends very much indeed upon the ideas. At this time, no positive electrons had been alliance of mathematics.. . . observed and, after Rutherford’s construction of the nuclear atom in 1911, the positive electron I cannot make up my mind as to whether or not became irrelevant in discussions of bonding. Frankland had his tongue in his cheek when he Ideas very similar to those of Lodge were form- wrote that. If he had really felt that, I feel that he ing in the mind of G. N. Lewis at about this time would perhaps of been more supportive of Sir (1902) but they were not published until 1916, Benjamin Brodie during the atomic debates that after the Bohr atom ideas had become prominent followed Brodie’s first article (see [13]). But per- in physics. haps Frankland’s pragmatic attitude prevented It is difficult to avoid presenting too ”tri- this. Sylvester, too, must have known of Brodie’s umphalist” a view of the history of the develop- work (he had an article that appeared immediately ment of the idea of a bond from now on. How before Brodie’s first article in Philos. Trans.) but he things actually developed is now known and seems never mentions him at all. As far as chemists were as if it were foreordained. The history of the period concerned, Brodie was undoubtedly an embarrass- after the discovery of the electron and up to the ment and they do not seem to have thought much coming of wave mechanics is surveyed in some of Sylvester’s ideas either. But it is interesting to detail in the book by Stranges and in outline in the note that Sylvester’s approach did seem to influ- book by Russell and in the book by Lagowski [3]. ence Matsen [14] in the 20th century, in the devel- But since it was Lewis’s ideas that were influen- opment of his spin-free quantum chemistry. tial, it is on Lewis that I shall concentrate. It was


Lewis’ skillful combination of electronic ideas with made it extremely attractive to working chemists. traditional ideas of the bond that proved so per- Lewis’ ’ approach carried the day and this was suasive to chemists. in no small measure due to the effectiveness of Langmuir as his fugleman (though this relation- ship was not without its strains as evidenced in The Bond from Lewis to Pauling Stranges’ book). The interesting things to notice, I think, are that In his 1923 book, Lewis [151 said the following the ideas here owe absolutely nothing to quantum about the development of his theory: mechanics and certainly nothing to Bohr, and, also, that the model of the atom that is presupposed is a In the year 1902.. . ,I formed an idea of the static one. It would be wrong to believe that this inner structure of the atom which, although it was because those involved in the developments contained certain crudities, I have ever since here did not know what was going on in physics. regarded as representing essentially the ar- They knew very well and were, on the whole, rangement of electrons in the atom.. . . pretty sceptical about them. At a meeting of the The main features of this theory of atomic AAAS in New York in December 1916, are as follows: devoted his address to the idea of a static atom [19], and he actually said: 1. The electrons in an atom are arranged in concentric cubes. Unless we are willing, under the onslaught of 2. A neutral atom of each element contains quantum theories, to throw over all the basic one more electron than a neutral atom of principles of physical science, we must con- the element next preceding. clude that the electron in the Bohr atom not only ceases to obey Coulomb’s law, but ex- 3. The cube of eight electrons is reached in erts no influence whatsoever upon another the atoms of the rare gases, and this cube charged particle at any distance. becomes in some sense the kernel about which the larger cube of electrons of the This absence of the effect, Lewis considered logi- next period is built. cally and scientifically objectionable, for, he said 4. The electrons of an outer incomplete cube [17]: “that state of motion which produces no may be given to another atom, as in Mg++, physical effect whatsoever may better be called a or enough electrons may be taken from state of rest.” other atoms to complete the cube, as in And he was not alone in his scepticism. J. J. C1-, thus accounting for “positive and Thomson was trying to work a static atom theory negative valence.” as late as 1923 as were Langmuir, Davey, Born, Land6, and Parson. All involved were trying to Although it is proper to accord Lewis’the intel- modify Coulomb’s law to get a theory in lectual priority here, the priority in publication of which the electrons in an atom remained still and the ”” is actually by Abegg in 1904 [161. were distributed at the corners of a cube. But in his Lewis did not publish until 1916 [17], and he was Nobel lecture in 1922, Bohr delivered an attack on nearly pipped at the post by Kossel [MI, who had static atom theories, pointing out that Earnshaw’s arrived at very similar conclusions by this time. theorem showed that a static distribution of However, in his article, Lewis introduced a new charges must be unstable if Coulomb’s law applies idea and a new means of representation, and these and extending the argument to cover the proposed new things are quite unambiguously Lewis’ con- modified potentials. tributions alone. The new idea was the ”rule of This clearly was, at least, a very uncomfortable two” in which he asserted that the occurrence of situation for chemists and some undoubtedly electrons in molecules in even numbers was pretty thought it intolerable. Among those who did was much universal. The new means of representation Sidgwick who attempted to avoid the difficulty by was the method of symbolizing electrons by dots, shifting the argument away from atomic structure which is now so familiar to us. The ability to make as such, to the idea of molecular structure in the correspondence of a pair of dots between two which pairs of electrons had common orbits of the atom symbols and the bond in this representation Bohr-Sommerfeld type involving the molecular

648 VOL. 58, NO. 6 DEVELOPMENT OF THE IDEA OF A CHEMICAL BOND nuclei. He seems to be the first person to point out had a clear program. He said: that it was possible to imagine a dynamical situa- tion in which a pair of electrons could hold a pair I formed the opinion that, even though much of nuclei together. This suggestion was made at a of the recent progress in meeting of the Faraday Society in Cambridge in has been due to quantum mechanics, it 1923 [20], and at that meeting, Lewis in his intro- should be possible to describe the new devel- ductory address signaled his accession to a similar opments in a thorough-going and satisfactory point of view and his mature views are expounded manner without the use of advanced mathe- in his book [151 as those of Sidgwick are in his matics. A small part only of the body of 1927 book [21]. Lewis is clearly still unhappy with contributions of quantum mechanics to quantum theory, for in the closing pages of his chemistry has been purely quantum mechan- book, he cannot resist referring to it as ”the enter- ical in character.. . . The advances which have ing wedge of scientific bolshevism,” but Sidgwick been made have been in the main the result had decided to bite the bullet. The preface to his of essentially chemical arguments.. . . The book begins: principal contribution of quantum mechanics to chemistry has been the suggestion of new This book aims at giving a general account ideas, such as .. . . of the principles of valency and molecular constitution founded on the Rutherford-Bohr Pauling starts his exposition from the idea of atom. the bond as envisaged by Lewis and In developing the theory of valency there shows how this can be understood in the context are two courses open to the . He may of the Heitler-London calculation as being due to use symbols with no definite physical conno- strong . After introducing the idea tation ...or he may adopt the concepts of of orbital hybridization, he then uses the idea of atomic physics,. . . and try to explain chemi- maximum overlap in discussing bonding gener- cal facts in terms of these. But if he takes the ally. It is an amazing tour de force with just enough latter course, as is done in this book, he must mathematics to provide ”corroborative detail, in- accept the physical conclusions in full.. . . tended to give artistic verisimilitude to an other- wise bald and unconvincing narrative” (to misap- propriate Pooh-Bah’s lines from The Mikado) and But, then, it is clear that he sensed the “cloud not too much to be daunting. I feel sure that every no bigger than a man’s hand” on the horizon when practicing latter-day quantum chemist must envy he acknowledged the newly published work of Pauling his facility and wish that they had written Schrodinger and said: the book. (Though perhaps some might have wished, on similar grounds, to have written It has yet given no proof that the physical Coulson’s Valence.) It brought quantum mechani- concepts which led (him) to his fundamental cal ideas into chemistry in an unthreatening way differential equation should be taken so liter- by realizing the electron pair bond in terms of ally as to be incompatible with the concep hybrid orbitals, maximally overlapping. It dealt tions of the nature of electrons and nuclei to with the problems that arose when equivalent which the work of the last thirty years has pairings were possible, by a judicious use of reso- led. nance. Thus, once the book’s ideas had been assim- ilated, chemists could carry on in much the same In fact, Sidgwick‘s book was a threnody for way as had been the case formerly but with reso- the old way of looking at things, for Heitler and nance and hybrids added to their armory. And London’s article appeared in that year and it fell to they did so with the comforting feeling that the Pauling to make what reconciliation was possible most sophisticated theory in modern mathematical between the Lewis theory and the approach made physics supported their actions. by Heitler and London. This he did in a series of It should not be thought, however, that all were articles published between 1928 and 1933 and convinced as was Pauling in the correspondence whose conclusions are brought together in his book between perfect pairing and the bond. Mulliken [221, dedicated to G. N. Lewis and published in arrived at very different conclusions from the 1939. In this enormously influential book, Pauling standpoint of theory. He devoted


his 1931 review [231 to a description of molecular The technical . reasons for this are well enough structure in terms of molecular orbitals, and at the known. The nonorthogonality between the hybrid end of the last section, felt constrained to say: orbitals, a feature essential for the justification of the Pauling approach, made formulating the equa- The fact that valence electrons almost al- tions for calculation just too complicated and diffi- ways occur in pairs in saturated molecules cult, and even if approximations were made, but appears to have after all no fundamental con- made in a consistent fashion, any consequent cal- nection with the existence of chemical bind- culations were impossible to perform. It was thus ing.. . . not possible to provide a means of tying Pauling‘s A clearer understanding of molecular ideas to the detailed equations in any unambigu- structure.. . can often be obtained by drop- ous way. ping all together the idea of atoms or ions In fact, almost all went the way that Mulliken held together by valence forces, and adopting proposed using a molecular orbital approach. In the molecular point of view, which regards this approach, it was possible to formulate the each as a distinct individual built equations in a manner suitable for calculation and up of nuclei and electrons. to develop consistent approximation schemes that allowed at least semiempirical calculations to be made. A number of semiempirical schemes were For Mulliken at least, it was clearly somewhat developed, particularly for aromatic and conju- doubtful even then that the bond was either neces- gated systems, which can be regarded as inspired sary for or explicable in terms of the quantum by the initial efforts of Huckel in 1931 to use mechanics required to account for molecular molecular orbitals in this area. For such systems, structure. the idea of a distribution came A very interesting and balanced account of the immediately out of the calculations, so that there field at about this time can be found in the 1935 was no need to invoke the bond or the idea of review “The Quantum Theory of Valence” by Van resonance. However, the parameterization schemes Vleck and Sherman [24]. On the whole, the review within these semiempirical approaches were cast seems to regard the molecular orbital viewpoint as in terms of integrals between hybrid orbitals, so being the more satisfactory one and maintains that aspect of Pauling’s ideas remained alive both Mulliken‘s scepticism about the importance of in chemistry and in quantum chemistry. electron pairs. The principal computational approaches to molecular electronic structure that developed from about 1950 onward had molecular orbitals (MOS) as The Bond from Pauling to the their basis. Since the MOS were realized in terms of Supercomputer linear combinations of atomic orbitals (LCAOS), the orbital remained a feature of the quantum mechan- In all the schemes proposed at this time for ical account of molecular structure. Initially at least, doing molecular calculations, the nuclei were it was not possible to realize fully the LCAO MO treated as providing a , in approach because, except in diatomic systems, the terms of which a molecular electronic structure integrals over the orbitals, which were exponential calculation was parameterized, i.e., the nuclei were in their radial parts (Slater orbitals), proved too considered as essentially classical particles, which difficult to evaluate quickly enough to make could be clamped at will to construct a molecule nonempirical calculation feasible. But even given with a chosen geometry. This was the approach these limitations, it was already clear that the role used by Heitler and London in their pioneering of the bond in the emerging discipline of compu- calculation and it became usual to say that tational quantum chemistry was going to be it was justified “within the Born-Oppenheimer problematic. approximation.” The state of affairs at this stage was well The fascinating thing about the actual computa- summed up by Coulson in his 1951 Tilden Lecture tional developments in this period, however, was [25], ”The Contributions of Wave Mechanics to that almost none used the approach, the so-called Chemistry.” In his lecture, he dwelt on three top- valence bond (VB) approach, that Pauling had pro- ics: the simple chemical bond, .Ir-electron chem- posed as the foundation of the theory of the bond. istry, and chemical and it is the first of

650 VOL. 58, NO. 6 DEVELOPMENT OF THE IDEA OF A CHEMICAL BOND those topics that is of interest here. Coulson used said there: the idea of hybrid orbitals in discussing bonds and molecular shape, as might have been expected, but The concepts of classical chemistry were the ground is shifting a little. He takes the elec- never completely precise.. . . Thus when we tronic as the origin of binding: carry these concepts over into quantum chemistry we must be prepared to discover We might say that the description of a bond just the same mathematical unsatisfactory- is essentially the description of the pattern of ness [ sic]. the charge cloud.. . . Indeed in the very last resort, we cannot entirely separate the charge In the nearly 10 years since Coulson’s Tilden Lecture, enormous developments had been made cloud for one bond from that for another in electronic computers and schemes for the calcu- bond. But, subject to reasonable lation of molecular electronic structure were al- limitations.. .they can be found in terms of ready far advanced, though not to be completely suitable patterns.. .for the isolated atoms. realized for another 10 years, with the further developments in integral schemes. It was against And, of course, this position presages much this background that Coulson introduced the cele- work done on in attempts to picture the bond as brated idea of the two groups of quantum chemists. related to the electronic charge density between Group I were those who wanted to do as accurate the nuclei. The first quantitative attempt here is calculations as possible and who believed that the probably by Berlin [26], who in 1951 tried to use role of wave mechanics was to obtain numbers. the Hellmann-Feynman theorem to account for Group I1 were those who believed that its role was the bond in terms of electrostatic forces engen- to account for the ”quite elementary” concepts of dered by the charge cloud. The bond analysis of ordinary chemistry. For those in group I, Coulson charge densities has been extensively developed maintained: by Bader and his co-workers; see, e.g., [27]. This viewpoint has encouraged some experimental Mathematically. . . , a bond is an impossible work to try to ”see” the bond by looking for concept.. . . It is not surprising.. . therefore localized charge densities in molecules and some that it is practically never used by them. Yet of this work was reviewed in [281. the existence of bond properties is basic to all Yet, in the closing section of his lecture, Coulson chemistry. seemed not quite sure that he was on the right track. In fact, he adopted a really rather positivistic In these circumstances, it is perhaps not surpris- attitude, reminiscent if not of Brodie then perhaps ing that Coulson was pessimistic about whether of Sylvester at least. He said: for much longer the two groups would continue to speak to one another. He opined that ”there is now little point in bringing them together. This is I described a bond, a normal chemical bond; probably the last conference of the old kind.” and I gave many details of its character (and But with his customary perspicuity, Coulson could have given many more). Sometimes it had touched the nerve of the problem and what he seems to me that a bond between two atoms said about computational quantum chemists and has become so real, so tangible, so friendly, the bond needs no modification even to this day. that I can almost see it. And then I awake Those who compute structure can often find ways with a little shock: for a chemical bond is not of getting bonds and the like out of their results. In a real thing: it does not exist: no-one has ever constructing trial wave functions, they are often seen it, no-one ever can. It is a figment of our guided by classical considera- own imagination. tions. But it is perhaps not too much to say that in these contexts the perceived role of the bond is A certain scepticism, perhaps not quite as that either of decorative embellishment in the first marked as in the quote above, also found its place instance or of intellectual scaffolding in the second. in Coulson’s after-dinner speech entitled ”The For the computational quantum chemist, the legiti- Present State of Molecular Structure Calculations” macy of a molecular structure is decided by the 1291, made at the Boulder Conference in 1959. He calculation. Though such a person appreciates the


aid of scaffolding and the appeal of decoration, with what Weininger so perceptively recognized, both, in the last analysis, can be done without. somewhat later, as much more radical objections One of the ways in which a wave function can to the idea of molecular structure and bonds [41]. be analyzed in a manner suggestive of a particular These are about whether you could actually get pattern of bonds is if important elements of the the bond and molecular structure out of quantum wave function can be seen as consisting of strongly mechanics without making assumptions about the overlapping orbitals. It is in this context that there way the nuclei moved. has been much discussion in the chemical educa- tion literature over the past 10 or so years about what should be taught about the bond in the light of present knowledge. The sequence of articles, Deconstructlng the Bond between which and from which there are many cross references, begins with some fairly radical For many involved in thinking about the prob- thoughts by Bent in two articles [30, 311 on atoms. lem of molecular structure, and, hence, of the But things began to warm up in an article by chemical bond at this level, it seems as if it is the Ogilivie entitled, ”There Are No Such Things As old philosophical problem of reductionism that is Orbitals” [32] in 1990. This generated a flurry of at the center of their anxieties. In general, it is responses [ 33-37] and, eventually, a thunderous those quantum chemists who discount the value of response from Pauling [38]. Pauling clearly felt a reductionist perspective, who tend to be most that he had dealt effectively with the whole con- sceptical about the possibility of accounting for troversy, for he ends a magisterial last section, molecular structure in terms of quantum mechan- entitled ”The Consequent Implications for Chemi- ics. It is odd, too, that their opponents in argu- cal Education,” with the observation that the infor- ment, generally, are also opposed to reductionism, mation that has recently become available in the sense that they would certainly resist attempts to account for chemistry as a branch of has not decreased the value of the concept of physics or even to account for as the chemical bond. I am pleased and gratified a branch of . that in 1992 the chemical bond is alive and Perhaps the widest-ranging account of the prob- well. lem of molecular structure is in the book by Primas [42]. This book is very radical in its at- All these articles appeared in The Journal of tempts to undercut any reduction through quan- Chemical Education, and in the fashion of editors tum mechanics to chemical ideas. In the precise everywhere in exchanges of this kind, the editor area of bonding and molecular structure, the im- declined to print any more contributions to the portant radical work is that of Woolley [43-511 debate after Pauling’s response. However, Ogilivie and that of Claverie 152, 531. provided a summary of and a commentary on the In general terms, the arguments are that if one whole exchange in his article [39]. The commen- knew only the isolated molecule Schrodinger tary does not pretend to be impartial. equation and knew nothing of classical molecular As noted earlier, all the discussion so far has structure theory then there is nothing that would been in the clamped nucleus approximation for lead one to expect molecule-like solutions among electronic structure calculations. The wave func- its eigenstates. Indeed, there is actually much that tion of interest, in terms of which all the above would make one hesitant about even looking for discussion has taken place, is the electronic wave such solutions. Thus, as Woolley pointed out, a function for the molecule at its equilibrium nuclear natural element of classical molecular structure geometry. The equilibrium geometry is supposed theory is to assign static to particular to be that nuclear geometry which minimizes the molecules. Such assignments are often made in sum of the electronic and the nuclear repul- terms of vector sums of bond moments, so sion energy, this last calculated classically. As a that bonds are deemed to play an important role in matter of fact, this process actually breaks the static molecular dipoles. But the Schrodinger permutational symmetry of the quantum mechani- Hamiltonian commutes with the inversion opera- cal problem by identifying the nuclei. This seems tor, so its eigenstates must be parity eigenstates first to have been mentioned in print by Berry in and, hence, must have zero expectation values for 1960 [40], and this early article attempted to deal the static dipole operator. But if an eigenstate

652 VOL.58, NO. 6 DEVELOPMENT OF THE IDEA OF A CHEMICAL BOND corresponds to a molecule with structure, then, it nature of quantum mechanics that has developed follows, that the molecule cannot have a static since the work of Bell on the Einstein- dipole moment. The result cannot be doubted, but Podolsky-Rosen paradox. (For a cheerful account it has a very paradoxical flavor. A similar argu- of the work of Bell, see the articles collected in the ment, as again Woolley showed, leads to the con- book by Mermin [541.) clusion that the existence of stereoisomers cannot However, it is actually possible to rescue partic- be accounted for in terms of solutions of the ular aspects of molecular structure even from full Schrodinger equation. Similarly, it is perfectly solutions to the equation by adopting tactics much well known that an electric dipole transition in a like those used in getting bonds out of clamped rotating-vibrating molecule cannot occur without nucleus calculations. For example, it is perfectly a change in the principal rotational quantum num- easy to show that given certain detailed assump- ber 1. The argument here is again one based en- tions about the form of the wave function that tirely on symmetry and the invariances of the describes the molecule undergoing the dipole tran- Schrodinger Hamiltonian. Thus, on the face of it, a sition spoken of above then the idea of a pure pure vibrational spectrum is not explicable in terms vibrational transition can be rescued from mathe- of Schrodinger wave functions. matics. The assumptions that have to be made are Woolley also made the point 'most eloquently in essentially those made by Eckart in designing his his discussion of the isomers of polyatomic body-mixed frame [551, which enables the wave molecules, [48, 511 that what one might think of, function to be written as a product of a vibrational e.g., as the molecular Hamiltonian for cubane, part with an independent rotational part. A de- C,H,, is also the molecular Hamiltonian for tailed study of this with some numerical results cyclooctatetrene, vinylbenzene, and many other for triatomic systems can be found in le Sueur et systems, too. Indeed, it is even the Hamiltonian al. [56]. Of course, such approximations will not for a system with optical isomers, 3-vinyl hexa- always work but it is arguable that they fail just 1,4-diyne, which has the molecular formula where it is unreasonable to persist with the classi- cal idea of molecular structure. Rather general H I discussions of what might be involved in CH,=CH-~-C=CH constructing and processing solutions of the I Schrodinger equation with a view to extracting CSC-CH, molecular structure from them can be found in two articles by Sutcliffe [57, 581. There are also and in which the central carbon is clearly chiral by articles on models of chemical bonding in the the conventional rules. collection edited by Maksi; [59]. Thus, the idea of a molecule with a particular It is thus arguable that if you know what you structure is, at best, only implicit in any molecular want to get out of the full wave function then you Hamiltonian and criteria other than purely quan- can usually get it by the use of suitable approxi- tum mechanical ones are therefore logically neces- mations. In this view, the position in the full wave sary to identify a particular solution as the chemi- function case is not too different from that de- cal molecule. A similar point can be made in terms scribed earlier when talking about results obtained of schemes, for there the Hamil- in the fixed nucleus approximation. The idea of tonian for the products must be identical with the molecular structure and the consequent idea of a Hamiltonian for the reactants. bond can then be accounted for in an approximate Examples of these apparently paradoxical re- and not entirely coherent way whenever it seems sults could easily be multiplied and, for some important to do so. However, accounting for radical thinkers, indicate that the Schrodinger molecular structure, and, hence, the bond, in terms equation for the isolated molecule cannot be the of straightforward recognition in the wave func- appropriate equation with which to describe tion is still an open problem here. In this view, if molecular structure. Thus, it is sometimes main- you want it out, you have to put it in. tained that molecular structure appears only when Naturally, this position cannot be taken without the molecule is considered as surrounded by other some feelings of anxiety, for it is perfectly conceiv- molecules or in its interaction with the vacuum able that the explanation that is offered of chemi- field and so on. Certainly, these ideas are in tune cal behavior in terms of molecular structure and with more modern thinking about the holistic bonding could be somehow misleading. It could,


perhaps, prevent us seeing more deeply into the scopic experiments. I think that it will also prove nature of things. If we were to clear our minds of unhelpful in the study of highly excited states. But our classical preconceptions and pay more atten- in most other areas, particularly organic chemistry tion to the quantum mechanics, then we might see and , I feel that I should have to more. follow Pauling and predict, that there, the bond will remain alive and well.

Conclusions This article is offered to Jens-Peder Dahl on the occasion of his 60th birthday. It is offered in grate- ful acknowledgement of my trust in the thought- There are, of course, no firm conclusions to be fulness and honesty of his opinions in all intellec- offered on a topic like this at this stage of its tual matters and the consequent confidence that development and it is perhaps hazardous even to I have always placed in them. It is offered, too, offer an opinion. But I think that most chemists with thanks for friendship over many years. Rara would agree that any theory is a work of the temporum felicitas . . . quae senfias dicere licet. imagination. They would thus agree with Coulson in recognizing the bond as a figment of our imagi- nation. However, I think that few would seriously ACKNOWLEDGMENTS doubt the utility of the idea of a bond in the standard explicatory scheme. Few would say that This article was completed while the author was there is no such thing as a chemical bond. Most on leave of absence at the Chemistry Department would agree that the bond has a perfectly satisfac- of New York University. He would like to express tory existence as a logical construct in a highly his grateful thanks to his colleagues there for their developed and extremely effective theory of help, interest, and forbearance, particularly Yorke molecular structure. However, I am sure that Rhodes for sharing his knowledge of chirality. He many, if not most, quantum chemists performing would also like to thank Roald Hoffmann and Guy calculations in the clamped nucleus approach Woolley for looking at and commenting on drafts would agree that the role that it plays in that of this article. theory cannot be reduced in any invariant way to an aspect of quantum mechanics. So, it is at least arguable that, from the point of view of quantum References chemistry as usually practized, the supercomputer has dissolved the bond. 1. C. A. Russell, The History of Valency (Leicester University In the context of solutions to the full Press, Leicester, 1971). Schrodinger problem, personal inclination is to 2. A. Cayley, Philos. Mag. 67, 444 (1874). agree with Charles Coulson’s Tilden Lecture posi- 3. J. J. Lagowski, The Chemical Bond (Houghton Mifflin, Boston, tion even here and to think that, subject to reason- 1966). able limitations, molecular structure can still be 4. A. N. Stranges, Electrons and Valence (Texas A & M Univer- sity Press, College Station, 1982). found if you know what you are looking for. I 5. W. H. Brock, The Fontana History of Chemistry (Fontana, acknowledge that the radicals could be right but, London, 1992). again with Coulson, I think that it is worthwhile to 6. M. J. Nye, From Chemical Philosphy to Theoretical Chemistry adopt pragmatic schemes for getting molecular (University of California Press, Berkeley, 1993). structure out of wave functions whenever possible. 7. J. J. Sylvester, Am. I. Math. 1, 64 (1878). I think that such pictures seldom mislead seriously 8. I. M. Klotz, Dealers and Feather Merchants. Tales whenever it is possible to draw them. However, I from the Sciences (Birkhauser, Boston, 1986). think that it will be unrewarding to search for a 9. B. C. Brodie, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. 156, 781 (1866). perfectly mathematically satisfactory invariant way 10. W. V. Farrar, Chymia 9, 169 (1964). of accounting for the bond by analyzing a wave 11. B. C. Brodie, Philos. Trans. R. SOC.167, 35 (1877). function. 12. E. W. Frankland, Am. 1. Math. 1, 345 (1878). If I were to guess the future, I should guess that 13. W. H. Brock and D. M. Knight, lsis 56, 5 (1965). the idea of the bond and of molecular structure 14. F. A. Matsen, Adv. Quantum Chem. 1,59 (1964). will prove rather slippery when it comes to inter- 15. G. N. Lewis, Valence and the Structure of Atoms and Molecules preting the results of really high-precision spectro- (Chemical Catalog Co., New York, 1923).


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