A I III 111 II Mlttlll.. Ma.l.al laa.l l'oltortinK U llit proh'tam Tor I lit tmtittl, i knot nii'iim, AYER'S 1 IIIIIIUTAMA HT iUai mmammmmaA j concttl in aid or tlir fimdii CASTLE & COOKE IWiHuiiiimiHl G Vnlfavl Urdam lamm ltiehatiUirrt. (lit SiH-ld- Oj'Hh Owtirrli rh IVmrl IHT, mliil'ler. of lltwalUli fuf tlir lie , f 1 Bmli Hub.Uj-- July tH. Kund.y f'irry Pectoral llcf of Ihe Dmlltulc I'Ainillci ol nl ilnr. iiiii kk 1. a. .. I aat I av Ma. H LIMITlil), acini ihI IIIMe rlRW.v, VAU n til. I'lilllicul I'liaonera, at KniiiniViilli M:Niii;ui:it, 1 1. 1 IV aa Pllll'lK Mtninll kl n. N H. ouo r ei lows nt.li.. tl clitircli, Taat aa naal I'aMala fawia 1. Ml. and tliW II In, III llil ftlarlHvnl HAS NO tgUAL on TucvUy. July joih, IIOHItSKI.I.r'.ll. I II.. iraobaa.! 11111 HI im.r MUMarl'i at the Kiiinrili I In ura n i - t o'clock m It llnt(fal llm UbrHr it tilt". tn t k tin- ktrm 1 1 hi or l"9J, 7 1 ai.,4 fnr IW aaaalfHa. il ilir 4ilili. MmnliiK lliiiiir." NTATIONKIt. 1rllf tJMk fVMM. Importers, "lite Hiilin1iy nf I'rmiT " Kaihina I.OnlifntM .llnaanlinii llaml TT.. ,.,tlrlM-rt.t-- nftlirfM'. IVl t. H"ii Young (UW MtssswHirt litw-t-) "Tlw I'lllmt ill iCh Tnni'li-.- mi (Jolds, Ooughs, lUniiliaii hittiuiir J. M. M O N 8AUU AT. .if liM iTttlllrd, fttld Vliillii Mil W. A f r ,111 tlioii 1111. JiiirMtiillii ) iitp. 'iH)HiiniiHiii ir lit ITAItt Iria fftit'iHlkil hutMiiiin nvptitlr dmllmtid Hardware lUiilonarliiln, V ll M - mi (VMHitaUr. "; In 4. J Ca o Int.INN, ANINIMNS. tt(NI.TK ll laHswif rrttt- a tuturltius iKmiafor iiimiif Influerua, and jMfMr-.Haiqi- IIANJDt. Numl' rtliiaiU' Jftiaiiiw In l.i.ium: It. Wiiliilillr ,l)il. ILAIllONHrt. ATTOIUtKV AT LAW AND NOTAIIV tmHtWii tmttbrrti and iht wldowa and or III , ' ),PitlK7J,,l,n,ini Illlaliail Itiatrilinrtit Niliitlra. Amhii of rim kM T1m lionia U it H. In ISirtitirmi. In I'liurrli nn 1'UIII.IC iHHtilni and SOES THROAT. a 1 I ui Muala; nrli-ii.- liy rtramrr. m rail mth iff and MiHit iti'rt t S:lt) i. in A MmlUI url i,..i r.i it enrr Ijlierly, tlif (tit all Hi lliiwu n ramlaiurliii-- Mki In aim nf iIm ttamt lumutlful, hdllng blu urimnii' tvlif t, llui't, Cartxrlalit lilo k. Man bant Kl . Honolulu (Afae Ul IHAll dlt-- I'laii.i and Org'!! , V.t PlLXtJIJS. fMHa In Mlmrl Tl Wlsuuri iH HirtliK CATIHHJC CATIIItiltil. .Mr, Hra. 11.01 and General ar. XnfrtI'M. Irmklng rou(h. rlkfia.ml Tlrtl.n rlvrr wtmln It way Ihrm lullr tn Uia h, Himil Julj tNli, Kill lc aa fiHrilift 11m K Home . . Miaa K. Ward HMith Ilia liulltlltift lia thnm ktjrl aiid tili- V, Durl, Mamli.lln mid mni Kpi'rtarlrs G. SMITH IKS, ffllnw- 4 nt1 ? n, in Im Mnm mIiIi ntoia liultar. i:jrKliiKr R I lMHHiifDt, tvlul a lftrtr n IHon adjolii Scrofula . llotx Uuiuiuunlotii lift in. Mini fth .Uraara. Urdwar and llrnrupjr Carefully fitted to all n the iVTUtlt Tlu-- are 110 ruoma, rle-- Merchandise. ( J 111 pttUsM, 10. Miaa Mftjr Cuiumliia Accountant, Collector Copyist, , m., iKli I CHERRY ' foiiff K. nl K(IUIi Iii.IiuhIiiiii Ii 'diitd luHuco rr. 11. Mme. Yale's sights and frame com- The MftM HUlnirTrin Werst Case the villi tiftllrr nrrmnn. t i. m Irmliliig tlfp. Om.w with C. I). Chaw. Kiwary ftdil luatiui-iiun- i 4 fortably adjusted Ilulldlng. tera Ever law ttftii i. ii.. Yttt Ut rur i4 OnhwlM .... Male U'lmalt Tlie Lrougbt t'ftUve liialrunlon nl IVuvilirtioii; It. Hawaiian Iland JcXflir X 0111C. Trlrihune I HI. "Helen Hrcurr Mood's BarsaparH Surod i. acTtli-- af us a hh(pinentof OrmJs, amon arfef m. lirtUftiHM arlth lhne Ihr OMtrb, KOf iv w''iiiitiriii uKir iirraii. fit roilM-tlo- of OovartilD.bt tillUft aiaclalf lrge T, I. Co, i dinl.in. Wtrk tjiw liaa bi A . Mna t.11 I.aniKaAan (Imuran i air.irJ. which wit; Im-- -- - Ia1, Km la)ai Admiuion cent. plraaurti In lln of Domestic fUn4 a General ard iaar Mni wish, to uanfr M th (TMt ft tut T ft, in, IIh nilm.'MBO Irn.iUt 50 attention Uibkti ltMuun In in) YaVa Hair Tntiio wliUb la Complete Una of . , . . Tala. erf HaoS'a RarMtferiH. Arc iwt liiiltlt, I tro rriiMMl Sewing Machines. i ff mm Um I tlirtv otlirr m IIih HrH nial only tvo, Iv Lihiwii ha4 4 Marty I rr, caTiiuml. t.i K. M. NAK.U1NA, lra Uoukk arllh vkkfc uim.vt Vlrlvrla Taarliara. Iry ftliiili iMMilieir hair liark In Heating Marhlnea. Tills Wlfttrr M4UJJM4 tltf lornaiirar tlnnctlr lat ft VMJT i (Sutrtilli Buudaj aflir Trinlly. A tcaclieri' exclusion parly ol lla irllKUial cui.ir wlii,iulil)n I ,arMmallr luni'liine atiriiaa'a nil others In es- - Cotnuiissloiicr of Private Ways and Soree Appeared on Mjr Fsies) a.m. Il.il) Uuniuiunlun) II a. in.. I Aysrs Chtrry Ptctwal IniliH-- Ita ami ait llie ,mbtii' nit irlleliee id llni'li mid liuraliililri mi oim Tnumt home Ltvturr IgrimHiira) 3:110' aoleiun icuaralil. tliatithaa Iwrti 111! a L ftbd aTft6lUr lueraaaae la MBbiT Holy Coniinuninn and eight ladies arrived by the S. 8. Util I ran luaLo ln-- Mitrli, i.nalii Water Kij;ht. ffantly fiirulrlnd The lnm Um tmm HK1HE.T AWABM AT THE nnin-l.alil- i anil lia. prmed in-- lf rim r. KrwiMin,; in Hawaiian; 7:SU i. emr)' air, Milirh. KiuliMidrr, Hem Turk, liurtt, litiUl lbrr reach., ia la, stwid ftttateurs in.. Mlowcra from llrliish Columbia tnlaitliHoai.v llairHa.-IHr- It arum iiaih IVot a ilwirlc light and natrrwork Tba M14 It s th. worst cam U aercfi tber ever Ktariaofig ftnd aHiuitn. FAUJMl iuuunliat4.)' and a tin Uullli'. and m ile llullmi llnlps. l Itltllo f urnll unt In tlm Jiulldinjr orljrlually ixt iiiiTtMiris and Tttls, 11 Wtrld?8 ExpMlttows. and have taken up iMi.irUm the A (Irani Marriaire - uw aae la. Mit m(h as t. say was la T, Great at urliaia gruntli l onUina ihi liijurlnua inn tent to IJcenaer. tMKH t lo fllvtirwum aloii tlUK). m n'-- j rtm-- ahiklw raiiiuiaal. dit-n- rarable. I .ilalaim w4 MM tr Hawaiian liolel. 1 lie leader ol ll la uut atirky ih" grm iki Hie REM1HGTOH TYPEWRITERS Klgltty t buuwuid flullant vrrrw sjtcnt u f La feat lo . reercnrneftfll I JuxrtTs MiscellamsHS AMI The ftrrrlceaof llwrircond Cntrrifa- imilrarr. it lualra tlm lialraort, lirutliful, Jlwri-ao- laml and tlm bulldlnjf Tba HarMsrs. the party ta Miss Cameron who is lt mid .ViiiYr 1). .). tiiiflofKt. Aldrti'a iWliirdral tiilmir. ItnlTy, In url aial ruutmea ilaiidruir. Ttiirtiler CASIIMAN, irnuid l'RiK, "uyltiif U fur honit, ouly - said to lady Fur grntlrmrn Willi a li row. riunda), ill la- ca folio be a of more than ordi and laillii hair littl" liml Imkki, tlxt lukUucfl of pnr Including i: Afrfa Ifirrrr l'Mlaral I nnitB-ti- mi rar, atravik(.l rav, enlin4y Krar, and with 1 1 I 1 1 B ft 1 at J l' tn tar tle Hood'sCures tl:4ft a.m.. mornii.ft: aa jili arniti), lit wrt iMrr, ititd U ta tLi of M?b nary ability. She is principal of f Ity the Auitralm arillea a large and tbafm 3fh,tntj, lf(ijg uUtcrlU'd by a liraitr Ul IAl.ll in.AI)M,it la leoniuuieulol. irlc, Waaiaria. gad BhMi1i I tM ccapkUlj V. Ta I siir lauilUa, I.I.I.-- ., ..- -I 1 ! . I l(ially Wnllr. Choidili rill: Drum ail iucI.. ill vt'muna. Coniife btock of tUlun of MlxTtr LAWN MOWERS, ra.Mftlftrtt JuUlata, hulilran In V; inna and uium kuuui All Imrrlat-i. I'rlie. til ato Valr'a. Ckln Awning a Bpoclalty trlLJIMUMBfmlxMUItwllM4t)Mrr hi ii I nod, Vatf'a limnle,lon-n-Min- Tl" Odd KHlowii of Walt ham bate pur- - - --' AntlMini. of All Vjntr and f l.i' tl , HAY tm ffir-r--1 .auier ib si touts "I.r.l II. ud t'aarart. lala'a I'ace l'0nijir. VH: Vala'a llrauly Sporting U l,.f In Vf.va.a.t ,I..M CUTTERS, Migbt, Lr Maaoii. 0M p. ui arm. HOLLISTER DRUG CO., Knai, !,' llna Vale, llcallli an.i I'ooi- - Koot of Nuutnii Htrijet In California i)M They Won Al Moated. auug or Jo(U rfioaiJ)pmM,t and t COW DELLS, Willi acriuoiii Hmiinral, and The Hawaiian Dand, under tbc luaiion lall.t. leiiiiila Ill Hcbe-- b- (lultla U Goodc- - ah lodge jolntvl In purchasing th" I eooHaa--4 le take It, fcevsrer, uoUI I -l 14 Kuuc Dimillla. Ui double tli.nl. Iliruna lluautt frMi al FAMILY GRIN'D bMUa, ftftd boar f ftrn wall." WIIOI.HSALR AdKNTK. direction of Acting Dandmaslcr H. . . PUNCIllNtJ IIAOH. loL Sua KrfMir Kit, m and 2L THE HOBHON DRUG CO.. '2t. lUTIft BoaftXCKAVr. t lalWf J ana FOOlllAI.Lfl. TKNSIH 11AI.1X. Mutual Tclrihone IU!xrt K. Paulson Is a STONES, i. . Hcitinann, will give a public con bole Areata, KACKKTH, IIAHK I ftiwl effirUiit, al rutr jutuopmt maoopit. uitittn, TKNN1R WILLIAM WAGENEIt, monitor of OHre Ilrauch lodgt PblbvrVl Mood'o Plalft ftrt pronjt IIAI.I, HATS, HASKH, HAU.S, VICES, Vj aJJ tea. - cert this afternoon at Ktnuia Square, pbla. auf tatciloa. bold rucciau. Kr, II. W naator. Sun- . P. ril..lL I 1I1TTS nn.l 01.0VF.H CONTKACTOIt AND ltUILOEK, ! l'k. 10 U beginning : o clock, tsi a long before order ROI'E, (.Manila and Sisal) Hebron IlraK Compiui d.,. a. ni.l HuUldllliG bill HU HlllcllUd at 4 30 follow TKNNIK NKIH ANII POLLS It will time the m program Haivnil Flour tluimlulu In K?i.ie,ral will frum tha deftleUkd pan". mwi i. aaj, auirijil' ing will be rendered: PUNTERS' SPECIAL! AND CHOQOCT HU1 riaalutr Mill, t rt M. nwter Irndent. II a. in, fttrmou. f'VVorda OF I'lllLADIJU'HIA, PA. tn -- curl. und Injury lnl)lrU-- l by tba ex of Citerr." T&tt p.m., aarmnii: "HUphvn'a I. March "Tha Ducliev of York" All Kinds of Jobbing Promptly At- - pendlturu of lbe thousands of dollars In CHURNS. Hilton U). tba Yurhms prefuratlona IU naniie, n eonwaiar. p. in., rraiM. and Rsiars. tenutxi luridrnt to the mettijig. Mfttinga hrld In fieliction "Little Jaik Blien-Pird- A WostEr.holm's Pocttl tots advised iarnd which, after all, waa CART AXLES, ii the hall, Cash Capital : : (I Good Fertilizer. ILLUME' ART GALLEBf. of Kurt ami Holil $3,000,000.00 Lulr. I'aacal by the mlu. l'iilladeJphU Vn-m- f auataira. cirner 3. Wide it Butcher Rncfs fiorn 50c up. BLACKSMITH'S Eulrftixwoii Ktrry (luna'l for atrxfla. llolrl alrrt. YVataou HAS. SEYDONE lkiuty Krand sir, ICunp, Herman Assets, Jan. 1st, 1895. $9,562,599,92 I, Oarotte "Piuleato" To Suit the Times HUjckof UnowworUulnHoIsU-ln- , BELLOWS, 0' oncgivrn Lcoruiai 0. Wallt Danciiur BCENE AND Ioa, IItrfa(Tunl buaJow and takrn "The ...... Gerinnny, In lbe tlwiorilerwilh STOVE arccka to Oldrat Fire Inaurance Coniiuny in (1. llitlon "Carillon" Lvuliier Soft) Indoor Games. OUNAWKNTAL PAINTICK, int4rttof TRUCKS, advftatftKe of Ihe paat taro At l:iO tier Inn of . murk4l sunnifes. wa re Ihe United Ktatca. "Hawaii Ponol" II. HAI.MA.PAIICIIUSI.CIIIi'W.IXJM-INOKS- JSION WJtlTEIt STAPLES, reooaftt our atu'Jio brttef Ilirinunr Hall. Klne atrial. n Anal zed 11s follows! ..... hslge U fill fur ! Ixli Polirha laaued agalnat ailll, AUTIIOIiH and It Is discretionary with a wlietber llian n orlr Fort and Alakea alreU. lUit. T. I). luaabrflieon 0 PAPERHANCER and DECORATOR, prayer. of fttirirnt and. of Um fttirring an ciaaaca 01 ueairauie property. iier cnt. I'luwulinric Acid. otlier Card (lamus. It oMns and closea with MELTING, JUarali (Jftrriii. paator. rrraUiing at 11 n. ut. IIAIIIUKII. soluble and No. 15 IIktiiki, HT. of tiie lat IruwbUo. PortrftlUi Mornlna; II. LOSE. available. Grarwl offiters sJwmld not tm adinlttt to and I'M V. ni. tlirmr: "A Ckoslkv Annap A per rent. I'oiaah (actual.) Hand Sewing Machines $8:50 and of Ilia kadiojf vbftracC-r- a (iciftllr, Ih King' TaM." Eirning Ai;ent for the Hawaiian Ulanda. Stkwart At a ludtfu without giving passwords and FA IK HANK'S SCALES, la open for 7031 nio olis, Mil., July 1895, Knsigu 3 cent. Animuiila. C. signs. Oir fiortrfttt llicuiri "UrercomlnglJilllcuIlk-a.- Hun. 3, 10 Lime Sewing liachine Neeilles J. WHITJfHY, cnKftgaiurnU, ftnd our work, ft in -. Crosley iiercciit. (tirbonale). Hpetflal rmslngs of lulgee Im held WOODEN WASHBOARDS. tlf day aclniol, t;iU a. la, ib- t laaa at W. b. and Hiss Pauline for all kinua nt niaciiima. ran put will Iw up ui all .of the modern l In paraouagi!, cornair or Jtidiaril and Stewart of Georgia. Teacher of Klocutiou and lira- - ou hunday for t uueral purpo-- - only. REFRIGERATORS, rftncnmmta In our Uoa. King 4r-- Minday n. at 'iff in, linsign Crosley was in this port FLORIDA J'llOSVUATF., MEAT Ieaaon: "Th TrniiUtion of Cliri.l." WHY NOVIU.S, NOVHUS, NOVKI.S inatlc Art, UNITED WORKMEN. CUTTERS, 1'raier in-- line at UM . in. the Charleston several months JtO.VK MEAL, Ion Ity Ml ICE CKK4M FREEZERS. Tuwlay, In Harmony Hall. A rordUl PAY and has a number of acquain SULPHATE AND MURIATE livery Steamer. Akunuton IIotuC New Officers KlreUd by tfce epreae Kotice. MJTiiauun mjbii. tances in Honolulu. OF POTASH, IIAIH IIIIUSIIKrt, SUA '1N(I Chips Vrmm the Wrk Etc., Etc conns, . . ii. fiuimr, leKpuouam r- Its twruty-tblr- KKVKaTM DAT AUVKXTIHTH. RENT NITRATE OF SODA and iiitusiim. f.to. Tho supnuio ludi- at PUHSF.S. CAfiKJI, stivU-- sarsusloil 111 Clil- ehl-t4- t) OAltll anii -t igo KOriCK.-Vf.A- HIi SULPJIATE OF LKWIS & CO. HoprrtiMtn-ist- OU. delirered All rt Inaekita) to tl KrrricM rvrrr BaUiath (Naturdavi. When you can apply AMMONIA. rOUKr.T IKJUKH. . . . er workman, Mfrlingpuuwoii I'unclihimi KuUttM; supreme turwu&n, to atrial, i.h SALOON. ltooKd. Uoi.L lHlHUtTi-I- J. il. itijrgi J. any part of the City at 3UO piiit Hoapilal, Hih houa the rent money to pur- BEATER Double Super Phosphate, Cinumr.i'K Picti'KK supreme V Jujj(Ml WIHE,CflMPAHT 'iuftn'a Fort Oppoiite Toys of all Kupolles. Retail tl, Tt, Kehrakii, orerauer, formrrlr ccuoIm1 Sir lha late Street. Wilder &Cc. 40 cent, t,l cent, and al Wholesale and H. Jtobeon, Ti'xas; suprvuia rMurdrr, W, dun, C.O.U lr. ? to tier soluble In (Iroceriea, 1'ro lr Trouaarao, 1'rrachlng on Ilia H.bli.ilh chase a house In jr in Dealera visions, etc. VS. lSackrtt. IVnusrhanU; UllCH uot I'rop'r. water, quantities lo suit, 1 suurvfiM rv on arho litr. (Maturdayl I II. J, NOIIU Our hutineu fa entablUlietl on tl iu rortBt., itouoiui'i, ii at It am., an. Sunday l.lglit Wc will sell you a house to be reiver, John J. Acker, New York. Hni. J. ftloco atiliui tlu-l-r aocoauta are rrxjont-- 1 al 734. NaLhalli acnoul at 10 a. ui. Flrat43aia Lunchra aanred with Tea, Coffer Cttuh IhiiU iilnohttel). toimfquently ti, III KK. Iw new lAtul of thii order, was to nnua n aval Ulogtr Ale Ailll. Any Fpeclal Formula Made to Order we love LATTLB-IIA- built suit you by paying month- cap ayonllo kii iu nnr. protiHitsud from supreme forenuui and J. fl. to rail, and malui a arttleiornt, and 8AIKT8. - M. I'HILLIl'S & CO. ly installments. tSr- HiAb-er- n.rinlaifea a by Jato from suoreme ovrnvr uro. Iilgjcs Castle & Cooke.' Ltd. all acoomita a abure not pail rf tlw Iloranfzd Church of JtwuaCliriatof W. F. REYNOLDS, Prfli, Wholesale Importers ami of Is well kmiwn aiMl much resprrted in tha Ulter-Ua- r Militant Jobber I Halnla: Hall, rear A. F. COOKE, A. . I' W. All tlui new ofUcers were Krnt OAV OF JULV, Wf,, will of Oprra Houaa. ferrlcca will lie hrld Call and examine our plan and GOODS, ehcUl unardinuuly IMPORTERS, 10 I HAWAIIAN FKItTII.17.IKO CO. MERICAN EUROPEAN DRY placed la the liandi of a eolltetor, to on Bunday aa follovra: A. libit satisfy yourself that our proposi- - Lyon ledgo ho an eui4lonal nvord In iiaaa; a. m. auu r. ., prracn. SAILORS' HOMK auc for and rrcorrr at one. Ofi lion is one. wlilcn will be fully sat- Corner Fort and Qu en HU., Honolulu. the fact that slnee its orfunlutlon, U Qirlware ail Gweral Mtrcbariitf, InR. am yuare ufpi. It lias only Lad one inembt-- Hr orjcr ALVATiox AUair. isfactory to ypu. RESTAURANT witiMirawn ny ram, ana ne soon re united 8uwlar. 7 a. in.. Knee Drill: II n. in.. A.Cuol, Heat nnd Clean Have Willi Ihe wltu the ItMjge, SAFE DEPOSIT AID II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS Company. HoliueM tlertlnKl 3 p. m., Family mmi IMYES- T- Very Fare. TUi of tl MasaacbusetU .Hawaiian Wine (Jatluriug; 7O0 p. di Net Drawn In. lift June t was 12,. IV. MEST JurUllnlon EQuiUbU Life Society con, At Tine Uaiuoiui Homs. HO.O'K) hmnm T, V. C, A. service. IMPORTEIW AND COMHIHSION Tlterc are VuUl Workmen tn Four BTKorr, Hoxolciji, Heals will lie serted aa fnllowst tba etalH of New York, or the Vnntu rVranx. Sunday etrninic inane teri ire. CH0 p. Breakfaat from 3 to 10 Vluck, JIEliCHANTH. . InV. M. C. A. hall. Tonic! Iwis 1. Tr?r, iml suprvtae master "Lore Ulnnrr - - - rroin II Oaf) lloclock, Is loo super! u ATLAS Ufor. acrrlce; Kail. 6; JI M, Fort Ktreet, Honolulu, workman. tK Supper ... from 9 lo 7i30 o'clock, tendent of tha railway null eervloa. llr Mar TutltlD laaulrrnt I'ollrr. UOTTUDnUIIIT. I3ICYCLES Hrnalaoaiaalftli.B Inlfct, a aaua la 'ASSURANCE COMPANY, LKITKIII! 1'oi'UL.AK ikici:n. &IeruUrs In sUnd log itay 1, Sl, "..." " f'Kllr a asm f ,Mr Oerinan aerrfceaerery Hunday, '10 M. S. GIUNIUUM & CO. ,. at GIIANG CIIKONG & CO. ,!' '"'l"''l"traorad:aft4and rUk ta-- in . in Y. U. C. A. Hall, ltev. U LlnUuvl. elgbty-sl- 1 aaaiaa, iiimk V irOUNDBD 1HOH.. hr Twenty dollars and cents l!d lnWlalaBHf slrv.le., E. riebneider. A new consignment ol the famous HONOLULU II. I from ivixn inpjnber rcpreeeuls Iho coat of i.T.f.J lrs. - - FA I.CON ItOADSTEIW -- f'.'.WU pnrtartloti 111 llm - f (Capital, $6,000,000 lust arrlreil, - SIHiiBaBflHBail aK'EffaaHaaaHaWavipWllHaWraaaHnan lommiaalon ilcrchsnia and Iiiiiorteri- ih j J8T't V fontfnu ibsf rotetxm for - Alan a 17 Hi, Truck Itucer.tho only track BEST IN BffBWfEMSB 1.Assets-- - or iieutrm icrcnaniiise. Kufl I'.Tli; . $9,000,000 hrel made with large bearings Tlw urand nwnler of Texas lias luel niiifcZ'tnitL ball I Ai.ii 1 w ( rrAiiclwnl)rr.e.:isrrotlt. nnn .irvuiarw . . suumju.iii"'hj I mis "fcif i. HONOLULU epblU-aiio- rnrT'IJ9 WHY IS IT and large sprockets. Theso machine atMstjieni lur June. f urnUhrd tm tn lire manufactured by the Yost II VVK w lo cflcct Iiuor-Uac- 4 CAKTIVIIIOHT. Cmmtmaf at bor revlr facturlig Company of Toledo, Ah K. VANDOOHN & CO., Modern Wiwdnffls t Has lorn raiM of rennoin, So. Many Chock's Restaurant fiMtr- -l tlanagf fm l II II. ft ho give a guarantro for one yeur Tbo h 1 ai in u luisihuhl to Inert m IsIsimIs lir. a .... II. W, HZUUIUT A fXH. 5 No. 208 PORT ST., HspjANADK, the Itotnl ut tlm htwl clerk from 10.000 Ut foci of the United machine sold. f UUs. eriry Cor. Hotel and Union Sts. 125,000, It was toled to upproprbde tJt), Like Our Fur terms etc. apply to Ktop on your way tn the wharf and uu y 000 for a building for head of!iri at lUtck a rigar or get an Icnl cilil ilnn k. Islaiul. - BISHOP fc CO., G. WEST. It waa decided by tho Uwl amii not lo JAPANESE SOLK AO EST. MASONIC TEMPLE. Meals 25 Cents American Lirery and Staples change llutlaws mi as lo mako lols-i- l Notary Public. EaUbUtbadlnlue. imi'm hanker eligible to AjracfemrnU ran made for serving Cor. and KIchard berate iUrthunt Slrts. TIih tt dtirfmr 1h uicaavi) ui r aiuiiieai iivuju wiiiud , Kitmlh tha onlr first Particular attention glren, and reasonable distance. CarriuK-fl- Burreya and Hacks at all fire mouths of this ymr Is 370 iww ramps KRAJEWSKI satisfaction guaranteed, to 11 BANKERS. hours. new im-i- GOODS? and 5,7I0 who desire JWim CAI-T- Proprietor, (ini- - talt lllatlltllt-aj- l 111 (tilt ft Hlul I iloyes for 25c. Tklhi'honk No. 400, Indiana eltk- - lmvlnf n tipulatlon of oier I Account Adjusted or Collected DRAW EXCHANGE ON Because they are carefully CHOCK LOOK, GANE CRUSHER 00,000, MIC OF UUFOBUI, SU MICISCO selected, of Beat Quality, and Followlnit Is sliown the estimated iium I8E We bee to draw the nlanters attention to this machine tor which we claim CONHOUDaTUU Ijut of mcli of RECORDS SEARCHED are what take Wisslmen In tba Htuul - - theik Aoayra w the price' MUMolIAN'l' TAIbOKi me louowing auvaniages: statui on Jutw 1, b'i: Illinois, Ut,Ufi ad No. NnnariD practice. Haw York. Chicago, Boa ton, Paria. mostly. You do not care to Britii; 1110 ypur Soiled Gloves 48 ATcnne. THE CRUSHKIt will cat the cane been demons tr.ited In Auctuat SODA WATER WORKS Michigan. X.; ehraska, 10.i; Kan By an experienced transverftoly in pieces about 3 Inch! that the iucreasetl extraction of Juice sas. 17.0iti lonn. 1&.37'Ji llltirw-ot- a. rnu.. MESSRS. Ha RaTHCHILO & SQ1S, IDIOM pay a high price when we sell and 1 will make them 60 cent, improved (rash ao aH COMPANY, LTD. . Fine Cloths, rerfect Fits. Stylos up lonfc and extract sUiut per of has the as fuel to 8,201; Wisconsin, WA North Dnkoia, the same things much lower, the juice ftndfleliver the crushcnl cane in fully linko up for the additional use of I.1J7; Houth Iktkota, 2,017; Missouri, FUANKFOItT-ON-THE-JIAI- to Date. Price will satisfy Esplft nado, com." AIImi and Fort streets. omcx WITH that a uniform layer to the 3 roller mill, steam to drive it. 5. We all Ooods Tba Cbmmarcial Hanking Co. of Sdnaj, bare sorts of New and Glean 'you. Olre me a trial I thereby causing a perfect feed and in- THE CUUHHEU U slroiiclr built, HOLLISTER A CO.. Agent aa Silk Dress creased extraction of Juice. the roller, are made of eohd steel A and .1. O, Kalghts ft Malla. The Hawaiian t Auckland, and such floods, strive to please. Inrestment Co., Tba' Bank of Haw Txland. for iho small sum of 25 cents. THE CKU81IEK will leave the "akin" The pinions art. all ol The riet Incmi-- o tn order's members Cbrlitcburch, Dnnedin Sloths of Tweed, DtaQonah,FtanneU A tle iu tranchea in Creries, Hosier?, Shades, fJucAinf on the cane, thereby King th Juice a steel and the spur wheel Is provided with PACIFIC TRADING CO., In tba reportlnK dlnctly to HEAL ESTATE Also prepared to take is AND LOANS, JUrULah ColumbU, Victoria, and Fancy Screens, Porcelain and Detter chance to bo eipeiiett tnan u me ueicment rim. lu sieed about the tlw suprunia coinmauuery u I.0V7, max Tba Bankof No. 18 NUUANU AVE. open mill Klvinj; TO "ITOIUN." IU Lranebaa. Vftncourar, Wanalmo, Wast cane was ripped subjecting the same as the rollers, thereby SUCX0HS lnif. with tba estimated Intmusi In th Lacquer Ware, Toys, Watches, on the and safety in running. It is so 13 and 15 KAAHUMANU ST. minlatar, B. C, and rortland, Oregoa. F. O. Box M pulptothekard packing returner comfort grand comnjno4ieM,smijHhinic orer Z.ooo. Orders for Trousseaus bar of 3 mill. constructed, should Iron parta.such IMPORTERS AND DEALERS Th Aaora and Madalra Ulanda. Fancy all the roller that sIhiws Trxr-piiox- Articles of kinds. gave bolts, The suirrcme eommander's reMrt r 889. lM4ftalm. Haradan. THE CKU8HEII will labor in aa car coupling links and pins, In Japanese I'rorUiona and order to m in a Cnartarad Bank of India, Australia and handling Qf cane, ns an irregular cane knives, etc., eo through, It will not tba Tba all the Dry Ooods, etc., etc. doit-- by Uuaa. and distribution of cane on the carrier will injure any of the luirts. .... tVoU - was l tlo suurtne kinds of Underwear The folio win SOI and SOfl Four St., Hoxou'I.ir, II. I, oomnuuidery ns Memorial tUy. on which s. not materially effect the regular and 2 nre testimonials from graves OZAKI, EBUntHlUH fATftnilu even feed to the 8 roller mill. plantations where the crusher at present the oommnntlerleji sliall thirate t he 1 LOW PRICE8, THE CRUSHER n ill not tea uire ad is at wont: of the uViMtrtMl Knlicht. und June 4. ht. Cok. Sufru AT VERY e oiisturresi 313 Kino Stkeut, BOTIEHICK PATTERNS ditional uteam or boiler power, ns it has John's day, will Iterituur m HOHOLULUjnOH WORKS. "Annlrrmiry flay," the cnumandertes of WHAT? JCsiS'riNlO-V- s I have just received a fullllneof these 'r I ALM the Order or Hull a being ilcdlcaMxI to rU ;m PrpEEKWi Msrrb 8, lai. Incruv-u- l awiunt of daily vrk. Owing to ExaixEs, Huoia John. Haven't got a I Mmm- i- Iron VV'nrka V.IlpaL thfi Itmltr-r- l nt lafilllnir Bin Mills, lion ,rji, poflain. celebrated Pattebxs and can accommo Ifnnnlnln rfufitv mif t.miu 1 Castle & Cooke, Ltd. Hawiian , One of tba changes made In the const date my patrons with the latest styles, BlMi We have used tbe Crustier since the bare to drive th Crusher stow, but If nceM ixiolki iaox, uuii aso Bicycle Masonic Tbmplb. DrKiniiiuK 01 ine seawn aou nave iuui no sarr coum uu u 10 w per ceuu more wura Caansos. ij tutlon is tba lutniductlonof tlt tlonby Tag Also a full line of Millinery floods trouble or hitch whatever with It or the 1L which coininanderles In future mar or may Electric rnKiusa, IAlitor Htivlna. We save three meu at the Ijeneflclal aa LIFE AND rine June 11th Races Derby Hatr. xne crusher is extract, nit vi t cent, lo wj Willi. llftchl itt of Krarr Dworlption ads not have tba foature, tha Grcent.nl the Juloe beside cuttlotr the cane "h4 troth U rcru dru end Canelirave sdddIv Order. Particular attention paid to Rhlu membors chooM. Hitherto all the coin Yachting and Picnic Hats, etc., eta lo sixl Inches hintf and ftirlnfr a us with plentjr of itemm without the use or blaolumlUllna;. Job work Hhnrt landerlea have born beneficial. Company. perfect, even and strsdy feed to the three eithea Houd or eon.- kal lit tl lie vnttF- - arinlUxl at 91 YET! Agents roller mllL Wa are douifr to U per cout. Kpaiic.B Tba elmtumt. brlbtswt iatfest miul realh AIR8. IIA.rIVA.a more ork per darstid rould dornucb tnore If j KalgltU W lloMf, What are In tba lotur nut. the cheaDeat anil bat lizl STREET, our --oiling house cspscur were organlied you thinldni; off", FORT are ihe labor men on the cane I Tha KnlubU of ilonor for tiae lu Uu family tmltwux, U tLa savtnff six VtiA A tv Kkkaha it no , March 22, Wi, ijuuu is anu is ma electric Hvfe; could terrier every dar. ' t in tit. in mami Want your wheel Un ? Uht, ootbluff UO aUessrs. Ijkah La Kaffir. A few ova nrtMnfiuMit eeo KaMYtiih'a lite Crusher works Honolulu Iron Works On., cret Insurance order In the ooun Aoaars ros dan smooth and easr, and the amount of steam riiHSt We have boen working the Krajswskl try. Uenian of llomilulu mtiw rtublnff down a coaaamMl la tri: as youinsr judice.for we ur ucr sln. the beginning ot IJctnb-- lWt, the offlcv of tba KUcinc Company and uid: are runoloi. ei'glne). the three mills without dflavand wllh the supreme Lodge consists of GET OtE T"fBIT EUOLASD MUTVAL BEST to for ms st fticturr The Wi nirm " "uire ma ngure tor winnff my oouie, aiui i and have steam to spare for the (tilling House from ihe start, our daily work h Ijers. every sialo lu the Union being rvtre-- iraiit tt nona at cmce; no more bunpa lor me. from one foot Uller. Of course with this InrretuwMj fromWcUrlfiers toeJ clsrlfleisCiuo AT Everybody QUALITY even feed of rushed csne from the crusher gallunsl with the same number of labortirs as sentisla The taadquarler- - of tba order are ONCE. Lam nlnbtst lauin tluL-- orer aiu It came before, Insurance Co. o near lotting nre to tba bouM arxl burning iteareeusbled torlosadown our mill m ch we used Hinre we are using I tie Trustier at tot. 1UU, life ne inrrr-N- more Uian ever before, and from es prlnints i vm ciio uu ni iviiiaiuereoiv miui i"'ajt rf" it euikirrn ani i Xaxb no mora ruiu," or arring iLe irsAii. tuere was oiur i loUper ttie trsali lestee the I roller mill d ler (ban There are over 13,000 members of the BOSTON. la numuer In RVIIER OF Tbl tba ootbnent of auite pen (a ui iiiui-u- lau iu u. litr uteri H'i'i juhav nurumi luei. mj baiuii order In vw York and Urouklyu. tba p&st few wwki. who bare onleml tbelr says r Our run of Kriodltur ordlnervlv tsfrotnSJ the I 'ruaLrr we atibrelie-tda- tht our rat bouawsi fitted wltb the perfect light. STAMPS lowest, ton iiiguesi, ai gaiiou ciariaers in mn cspfu-u- iiiucui ieiuiuiucieui. uui we oua H. F. Just think it over and make up your rolnd fuurtAten liuurs. hut tlieCruiher and the three mill t WIGrlMAM, aafeni light ; enui t;tlier roimume lens hum er tlin did the roll that you want the beet and Made ,ran.u,,.ur.rPaC5,uri,Acw er mill btfare alone. The tract too of the The order UourUhes In U1 urL for ti,. c JETNA xmcuvs company ana at short si Illejctea SELLS THIM, lor IM iiAwauan leu that notice oy the Manager IVpeekeo bugar Co. wrusner amounts to ou per cent, of tnejuire lupalnat. Oun ftnd Ixiek Miallb. 000 of the 40,000 frlruda In this country thavm wliiit van want. and the t roller mill receives a steady and No. IS DKTIIKI. HTIIEBT, lire lu tbat a --. I. everTtbing In regular I hereby 7 Wa hare a complete stock of ati na. 83. 1S. t feed, derejuug the risk of Conks. FIRE pri ..,... it- i frrh . j Iirxa.kln- roller Nail la ll. A Bloce Its lnceutlon the order has dl AND THEV ARC thl Una and bare Just receired alot of tba BAWA1IHA tt ta' - srijt. CHEAP. rery latan oeaigns u cuajvoeuerm. hunul IV.OOU.OM In Lrueflls Ui dltlod NEWS 7,1, ftnd oryhai INSURANCE CO. IMinaiwia llama: 11.. TTr.TT.V.- -, mej uhers, tbelr widows I- Bua.iv ana even tea uu lirea rntter lain, linr ,; i I.riirj' - - ,.r.T,.in. a.Li i .i.1 roar. Irulr, DviHitr lloehr of Cleveland Is aoud for OF HARTFORD. CONB COMPANY .i..in ror -.-HiliaSogarOo.. Ts my illl.wl.llLei.tlin. il.n.iua rromt lol Patrim 4U new inruiurrs ft nioniu. lie as ftver- tier teller.iailracllon of luU... 1 w. uuue. For Rent. LTD. cot. ' .ui this numliair for aitierftl niontha. I present In our shone be uleased sho ana Psklic. We are at raakine a Crusher and shall to tit Omaha No. waa ruvutly Inatltutad "ere aia yon get Ibat Ult f oivi explain iu conairiiciiou 10 any party luieresieu. premises on Judd Street, beyond I have just opened at my I Oniaha bf I) ti. C. We.t. Kotrral coun Why, at The I ells under way In this state. I (illha, lately occupied by Joaquin office, 113 Bktiiei. St' an c, it co,, ltd FERMENTINE HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., II. II. Morse, tlie supreme councilor of I mm Uiller. Bouse of four Booms and Kit' Honolulu, ti. 1., an the Cbuaeu Friends, Ua uiunilnrat lawyer JOHNSTON chen; Stable and 2i acres of land more Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. AttT - of New York city, a fraternal society I Queen St, Eowlilo, H.I., or leas. SEATTLE SOAP worker of national fftme and an orator of I KXII11U1I0N wonderful powers; AOKNT8 rox 18 COMPANY of tlie latest deaigns ami norelllee in Aaelaat Orftar f - H. E. MclNTYRE BRO., r.rr.l.r. HawAllan Agricultural Co,,- Onomea For Sale. Kmoroiuery worn, Drawn Wurk, Roiie Dr. WlUlaiu 11, Howard la the Dew I STOREY'! Sugar Co.. lionomu eugar ., the Deer to Inform the d utile of Bilk, Kensington Work and Etchings. giand chief ranger uf lavw York. Wftlhaa SuaftT Co.. Brass' Acting Force Honolulu and the other Islands that a IUFORTKK8 AND DKAI.HRS IN 1 aruuiu reaneciiuiir inviie vnu ann - dinar iv.. ' One All Double The aupreus court inevta In Cleveland 1 413 F0ET8T.,- Sugar Co., Haleakoi Banch S discharge complete Una of tbelr famous and de your friends to call and Inspect these JUkt Pomp, Inch suction and , , next bafleutier. Kapapala Eancb. - erveciy popular . . Koods. Co., 260 Hose. best' - 1 There you get latest Plantarai Line Ban Vranclaoo Packets. with' feet X inch The fiinir--r receired St first awards In New Jersey It U ootlouaj Willi suhor the Co.'s Line of Boston At bargain one English dog car- LAUNDRY AND for SewinE Machines and Klnbroldery dlnate court, aa to joining the funeral New Chift. Brewer tt a t- Groceries, Provisions Feed ijeueui York fashions la 1 , and n Imported. Preaervative TOILET SOA VX, Work at the World's fair, Chicago. 111., lunu. Underwrlienv Deing ine largest number Ol owsrus Ob- Clothing and Gent's Fur Agenta Boston Board of WAS IUNO COMPOUNDS, liftlgtiU ftftil I 4Ua f II ALgeaU Philadelphia Board of Under. One rerolrlng baker's oren. tained hy any eibibitor. and more than .r. known. ANIMAL S0AP8, ETC,, double the number given to ail other the supreme cXAinluer r aaal uiam Dishing. to King ,1 1.1 1, . , ...... fmtsn. Apply East Corner Fort and Streets, 11.. . ftuyiica ... ; Introduced Into Dewing Maviiiuc. rur I3.iv vj l.isv iiuna in APru. reivciiua Lut or Ornctm have been this market sue gaiu inr aiarcn was VI. No, and are now to be found on sale at the P. P. own...... Prsaldeat iM It. Nauanu street Huiireme Rtauilurr Wltlierlll nturta Remember o. aj. noauTSOa.. jaanagar grocery stores of ll . E, McIktyux A Cao.. Haw Ooods raoslraal by rary Packet from tba E itam Btalsa and Europ B. BERGERSEN . y, Sawy, niftriuai uirreai in uie ueauu raw. ftuor Trsaa. end O. Hubtacb and UcxMY Divu & Co.. rroaut by a All u w. F. rrtftn uaiirornia Terr auaoier. ordtrs fsltbfully atUndul t ISotlsot Mt Tluire were three deaths from Ms whu - siaaaiMHiiMAwaiw where their elegant display cabinets can, and goods dalirarad to any part of the city fr o( charar, vwiinwiuii aav Bbusod, Srailli Ho, be seen The value glren for prices Kits on the June uieut. oiunal I, Tits PiKi bland ordars soUdUd. BatlafacUon guaranteavl. Tslspbo- No oharged has nerer been eaualed to this -I Urund I'euusyl - 8TaWT, t4 mm Mstqufi p- l'rutector Iaingsof 413 Port aL. wbara taninctMhimiiinlor kvlltr - OStes Box No lis. Ws-i- tLOO per yew, AGENTS, ptaraw J any oiw nop uosapBoy, tv 6u, Ta ia rrporu large gai in nia uate, Hobu. IM81 - I fliin Hawaiian STAkJB'cPy SopicA. fiwil IliiiM IVMMrlm. liMaM lU Nt by ItALtt) UNDtflB. til IrRIK fm k Wwftl finds wtry Itumid iUMtU m llMMl Rwi'l KINMttlatHtM MaT MaM ria tDuUlt Mill t mviixl M ih b hi tmm lb amt in i ran m ita kwtM , hh ini'inn m- - hmn Jm; mh, m i ' ailOttatlUN, Ml Mia Im In i ' ft t ttw " '! nm fitrMitff I h4 ai "mmiwatt lttMMii't Nertawsl lumtlk," MM h "thai faiwiwij Hot! JUST RECEIVED num. I f 11 liillo mppttn Hak rM H Hyatt ly In le ll.M - IVkMMniM f irth trim of lit HMiilli lfm AhhI UBaal Iha tlair-- .l-m'iliim- V- Jlnrh'iiline li'tiijjtwd 13 1 rlih a Iw I A(tMM Hit HI I'M. art mm ''""i Iwkml n ar 4 IV Pretty Line of Huiim l ui II,.. i kit, iii. turn n. !i'il!??Sri!2. M It Milk Ik " no I,.-- .- mnltT ML ...... lira li "?" ' tt tit ..r.,.l. !T , Il IB IV. V dH). ttWl (git rat was In Mr iirrnu, wniiniirm urtiHn, r imi, up n tM Hitit.il In take a Imml. nirl irU.JlTtJIIC 10 IT.CtiO ImttM, am IrtattttMtt 1 12 m AlaHlmilnl IIkiiikIiI , WM IT PIQUB8, KML N'j'Oklt MmI. k t III., ii In 11,0X1 IK 1 Ddghl la lawp tip lli rttntl"ti nf Ih 1 YOUK II. II. WILLIAM, MaKanaii, IWfl KhmU, nt Hi., lift In Bum II. mi,tl ft aoataMllit a.Vwl rlmt White per yard. I Milt It? Dimities, 85c. Itmin.l, Ik, lip lo Urn. tbar W ' "T fpHl Warlnn Wock, Tort 4 HerHMito. ltaf int lrtnh I BATVHtUY, JULY W. lui) IM. (Vrnnl. r III., lipid ?( 'Pntt fit,'fJ.ai till time ifanw r Si, lSi?S Il. 1 Inn-fl- anew I hp IEMJL Il.-r- I Hi , ti . lhHi lht ttih. Black and While Veiling. llMtll, i lit m II. il 1 Double Width IkjoImV hat that aM ptar mmi nt.. iwlitr If Kcw Goodtt, carefully Bctccled to suit Ihe Demwid, ceurtvuui Unite n uuiimW of IUif, r Hi., up IU0 r That llic leglslalme lias o fat Ui t, In II. i nenfly ftW it-- Aift1rn earil uain.' t'cil TntiKiip, Hi., up In CoO treatment, l'rlces, Quality Variety can satisfy you, then Weil liarinwilniu In Us deliltera lien' tu uh of rujjiut upon lint, )xl Hit IIh? IimMmI hi IHJr taking A Imml. and ourt liwtrlnj? of tliu .Until of Phillip Ilcrf, Ttl, per III., up to 1M 11m. ali.1 1 illil an. Of t Ihi wlm MM is the place to come to buy Come ami nee ua any way, Is a for congratulation. - I'tiruittirc ttetia mailer lie f. ttlrw, r Ik, up XoB-V- llm. alamlrtnl at II Iwk !..ot itij- rlmlr. Wc kct- always hnnd Fast rimlms, tliu miiimiiii ovauiic- - on Katlirs' Utack Stockings. pleased ColTif, grirn, Ulaiiil, t Ul, up 10 MHlnhwi IMJ ImiikI Ii'tlf nhw l.r, ml look over the cMablishincul . we will be to see yea and Dili Ins It 1 hmhIc phij-lH- ' CIiiIiIicii'r Fast IHnik Slotkiiifjs nnd Men's Fnsl Hlack Tiik subscription for llic Cliluese list. inn later touts aoiHj u. lltl tlm nlwl mid. you , . 1 M show round n, pie-turv- fl mlln 'Jlolj JIckmi, II1T.T lean, was but a Tew minutes lie used Hloruoptifon mill Mum, i r Ih,, up InWiO vii: . Host' oi'tti II. wli n play In me Mf-- 1 wmnlir Milk, Kill., up In Slim gala. You can get in llctlin. Mete money was offered were thrown upon the vr ilivll the limn cniufmiu. ' r ) Million, llr.Mii.ti., jx-- up ln'JWKlllw. iiliMMitli than cckiUI placed. fccrt'i'ii ns .Mr. I'lnllips ulimitiii l. In Mm. of eour', Mutton, CIkik. Hi., up In KOrtn lots of comfort to his own orunn necompani- - l?r II. ntiil went nil Willi Hie imlin' Tin) next CITY FURNITURE STORE, Pntnioo. ix Hi, up to MkK) II. tlinn I iimle n lmil pla.v, awl It Mimn't In Hostile the ladies have been nii'iit. His charmed, his voice Vul, Itnant, jwr li up In 300 II. U'lTlimy, he iiRttlli aniil, talking talilui out ol a light Induced to adopt the IIouoluHl lantern viows wore tho concep- Veal llrrant, lb, up In 1S0O lln. 'Ilnlail, niter ili.l I mk a inou pin; the IoIWm of Hint. ' I In in. B. F. EHLERS & CO. custom of leaving hats at home tion of religious idealist and I Item l.m Iliili inu.1 niailo for enrh bat rtlll 1 luuil iiiOiuik, altlHingb coat these days. when they atlwul tlic theater. his whole nmiiner partook aeparately. a tmm linrir lltea In linur it mid Hint lto plnya n Imdl.v, tho wna largely of tho spiritual. It All tuppliva lnutt Ihi of .lint claw qual- uiuno lmt innu demand for coin for the Mr. tnlLluR to hiuiKilf nu.l tuetiut tio hatm. fun was the wontlor of many that ity and Iw l ireJ atllm lUnackaof Xhc Fine Durrell will soarccty retard the Hmvecr, Mhen ho hroko out thn third GO., Phillips was n lessor light ns n the National Uuar.l In aurli quantitli'i tlmo I outilil eniitiiin lnycelf no longer, To Whom It 'May Concern: HOLLISTER & leoal effort for the "closer political rivivalist than Moody and a may he rc.ulrrl from time tu time, t lurne.l arouuit and anld, "IKikliere, Black Mohairs Hie ol the thcpn union" of Hawaii and the United Sankoy. This was really on subject lo impeitlun txiy frirnd, nit. you playing cardx, States. Olllcera. ornnilf Tho Irishman lnoko.1 at nm or Alpacas will C. V.. Williams & Son, 611 Kmjj Street, near Fort, IMTORTIiRS, CIGARS pure simplicity fcaiil, aeeount of his - for n iiiomcul, mul then 'Knyther f i AW IrnJcra muil Iw ciiiIoihihI "Tvn- have no branih house ntul no connection whatever with A track and athletic park ot cnaractor, jioit weiujii?ni ins uv na, your honur, aavln your priaiuce, wnor.nsAui and hack d.'ra for Coimmiearr Huppllfa." aor. be a any other undertaking establishment in that work with a personal directness boon. or furniture store RETAIL AND "dose in" is a favorite project The Mlnlalvr of foreign Affalra ilnca "I joined Ihe rest of them In tho inau- - Ihe City. frem a pleasant speculation seems that iravo no tnoumit to not blml himself to accept Ihe lonpbt or lnngh, and 'Well, txiya, order npj that put 'em on They are too Embalming under (lie personal supervision ot Mr UKALKRS IN likely to soon blossom as an agree- nirement or advertising. It is any hlil. mo.'" Ciiiciumtll Heagun, tho great Tribune. Ed, A, Williams, a graduate from the Clark School o T0BAG0. able reality. a nitv that ntANciB m. hatch. HE KNEW JERSEY EGGS. cheap to ithink Embalming of 1894. est of btereopticon lecturers Minister of Foreign Allalra. Mr. Williams and It was months and mouths ago docs not soiuetimo come this Koreisn Ofllcc, Tti Wle l'rlatrr Could Tll b)r Tlilr about employs the latest best method 717-- Bli.1 Havana, that Sir, Cleveland declared the way. Heagan has visited not Julj: S5, 1895. Hi Miap...... known "lo science, no mutilation of the body (no partial Two printeis lunched at 11 1'ark row stood In same relation embalming) and remember that wc have but one store and Islands the only every quarter, hut every WATER NOTICC. restaurant thojothcr day. Ouaordcied Manilla, as and" nnd that is located at 61 1 to the United States any other locale of tho globe and ho makes "beef Iha other two boiled $2.50, $3.50, KING STREET. The members of We Import from eggs. When tho eggs wero placed before and Vera Cruz, Clear! foreign country. slides equal to those ot Mr. Honolulu, Juno 20, 1885. the firm ate C. E. Williams, who established the busi. all well known FlraW tho 0110 who ordered t hem, iiomlil to his 1 Chu-le- r in leilemann, of Honolulu, which In accordance with Section I cf companion, "Why, thco aro Jorhcy ness 1850, and his eldest son, En. A. Williams. Mexico, also from CUa. Factorla. . . Tiiurk are legitimate claims good deal. XXVI of the lnwa of 1886 and lots is saviui! a Reagan egg." of other Sgj" Telephone 179. Residence Telephone 815. "How do you know they aro Jersey Henry Clay and standing against the United States is irresistnhlo as a talker on his All Jiernona holding water piitllegrt eggs? They might Jinvo liecu by citizens of that country that or those pajli.g wattr ruten, aro hereby laid In prices as well as travels. Ho tolls you about 1'euugylvanla or Kentucky for all you C. E. WILLIAMS & SON. Bock & Co., Limited. have been pending half a century. places so you notified that the wal.-- rates fur the know," that remember. 18111, will be They arose out of depredations by term ending December 31, "Well, I gneea not. Those eggs came fabrics Kcagnn could have his price duo and payable at the oillce nf the Tobacco Everything you can wish ;for. early days on the from Jersey, and I know It." Indians during for advertising cities, hut ho Honclulu Water Works, on tho Ut day To prove It tho proprietor was called plains. discus-don- L. O. AI1LCS. II. V. WALTON keeps clear ot that line. It is of July, 1803. Into tho and when anked he Drop in Tim IMPORTERS DIRECT of Pipes and SmokcrV Articles from effective a remaining Bald tho eggs wero Jersey eggs. the man who has wonderful how very All audi ralei unpild for Then tho egg eater explained! "Over Mr. Dukkkll, Im France and Vienna. few words aro sometimes, with fifteen daja after Ihey ale due will in JerMy tho farmers, pr hojuo of them of been so fortunate as to retaiu the 10 out the sun PeerlessPreserving Co or without nny illustration. In aubject to nn additional per cent, at leat, uso n board with holes, largo Paint United States as court and agent in und Huill, boied in it. All ggs MANUKACTUUEIIH AHI) IJKAUOW Reagan's lecture on Alaska ho Itutea nrn payable Bt the ofllce of the that JN A CO. his "claim" against this govern will gn through tho unall boles uru t and be fitted. HOLLISTER water worka in the Knpuaiwn Uulldiug. FIRE, RUST, DECAY AND WATERPROOF meat, is as popular with certain dismissed Portland, tho start to market, and thoxowhlth will onlygo PAINT, couple ANDIICW llllOWN, through tho forgo holes uru for local people as the holder of a prize iug point, with a of Warranlml not to Bcale, Crack or Hun, caused Ly Heat, Supl. Honolulu Water Worka. homo conMimption, " Moisture or Itain lottery tickci. views ami mo iuuiuik uiui iv Another printer ilevlwd n for had tho finest natural park in procuring good butler ut his boarding I.and Act amendments will oc tho world. That little story SPECIAL NOTICE hou.se table, Tho lnudl.uly I mil two ta- Old Roofs Made As Good New. of thous- bid! for her gnoMs ranged 0110 each f ido he cupy the attention of the solons was worth hundreds to tiiosh uot.niNO of a largo room. At ouo tho women kflERNY,! All lioofs (Tin, Metal or Klilngle), Guaranteed against Rust or Leakage, next week. They also have on ands to Portland, A few boarders nnd married couples sat, while ut tho other table were Our PterUtt Prttirving (1 hand yet ns unfinished business, words fashion destiny, and Fire Insurance Policies thob.uhclors HABERDASHER, J'alnl F.tftcially Made for Old and Mw placed. At (Iiowouicii'h tablo thcro was Shingle, Metal and Fcltltooft, Jlrldgei, J'etti, Iron, Steel, Jite. kerosene oil. labor commission knowing how to arrange tho ulwuys good butter, but ut tho other tho Eiamlnatlona and Estimates on all Work Clven steamer pilotage and supplemental words or answer a question is butler was emphatically inferior. A Merchant and Fort Ste, Free of Charge. All lMrtloH having their Holmes or printer boarder hulTeiod long and pa- acts. tho wisdom that governs, s. appropriation tiently, but nt last ho rclwllcd. Ho went Office, 30S Merchant Strcel, near Fort . Honolulu, I When Mr. Stonenmn was the Furniture insured, and baling tiueo H. lo tho (lining room just liefoio dinner Tolnphnnn A THM'.GRAM from Washington chief executive of California ho line stored on TemLe, or using tame one evening and changed tho butter 30. P. WALTON. Manaeur, says that Celso Ca;sar Moreno, to most power are required lo Immediately notify the from ono tablo to thn other. A howl was annealed from tho women'H table shortly nfler issuing Ihelr ToIIclef, and hale who is not unknown in Hawaii, fully to save from tho gallows Agent ha.1 tho dchircl effect. Arrived from New York nl FACTS ! )has been indicted by the grand a vomit; wretch who iiau mur the iierennury aruiit cu.Iorcd thereon, Tho butler was of equally good qual- WORTH KNOWING ity nt both tables theieufler, Now jury of the District of Columbia for dered his nirl wife. One well J. A. (IIMIAN, York Journul Medeiros Co., libel. The prosecuting witness is meauiutr Christian lady in sub HeorcUry lloanl of Undtrwritvra If you want to Huy, Bell Inxll fn III llrfeat. A Oentleiiun whrt umlrtanis or Bent no less a person than Uaron I'ava nutting a petition said, "Ssup- - of Honolulu. tf lugalU, shaking of bis Djeini; of hII ltltul of mttterial He ml Residence Property, the Italian Embassador, No details posintr tho prisoner was your Honolulu, July 10, 18'JS. defeat at Toneku In lh'JO vhvn bo Mas Putnam's fn your parcel to ue and natInfQC(ion , are given. son 1" Stoncman replcd: neaudidateforro-el.vliou- saidt "Wilen guarantefil In every cane Kilk,- Wtxtl Building Lots, tho retuius tmu ill and Isjwhow over Cotton, Lluen, Crcpfs, etc, "Supposing tho dead girl was whelming my defoat und Acreage Property; In a Kansas town in wlncli a RECEIVED ttas what it your daughter meant lo luc tho mdof 18 yeais" wrv- MKOKIUOS & CO,, If you want to , . , Democratic county convention was Ico In Amerlcun modern stan- the tho possibly tho JpHE HoTEf- - Morarch Bicycles are Uy tho aa. of IVklng, mother lot Arlisutow Btwekt, IVOAN OR BORROW MONKV, being held, saloons were closed en- t'lty enit or my pulillo life I come that best. That is what wo aro still of Drawn Work, Including l,inll'' agony was In my soul. was OppOf.ru King Ifrod. JVOTAKY tirely. Llewelyn and a lot of irreslvllble It n beuuti dard Family I'VUtAV, talking about, and as our con- Irt'f, ful day. Everybody was watching 1110 ''nil rn mc, I,' I haven't hat you sent the meeting forty gallons of tinued talking is increasing the Silk Ties, to M'o now l wits going to tsko it all wont I will ry and find It. I now have my family. was a tragic Cough Medicine: itrviraMr House, LoU, buttermilk. The county Populist dozep, It hour. I snvial und etc., sale of the Monarch why should at 50c. each or $'2.23 jier A went over to my pasture and walked iiir Kale ami Iteiit, ticket was at once endorsed and few canes of wo not keen it up. through thewilherul wood. There lu a the besides that the convention ignored Fan San Mineral Wntor, little grassy glade, sheltered from tho QURES Wo desire this week to talk KNQUIflK Ol' the administration and declared prospective buyers and fully equal, if not buperior toAppo'-- autumnal breeze, tho sun sliinluu cold to tho llnarls. ly down, I opened tho windows of my coughs and colds Caught in the Act. for the free coinage of silver at the riders of bicycles on the other H. BARNES. spirit nun let mat wholo thing lu on C. D. CHASE, 1 6 1110, BIRD temptation .ratio of to i. course horso llesh NEW REriMLlO HUIUIINO and commanded my fortitude. I The wan too great. People arc resorting ,to islands. Ut sat then, in that little dell that harass hu is used almost exclusively as a until tho - Safe Deposit UMlng, extremes to obtain Ik the effort to make entirely strngglo was over, nutll I was master of locomotion outside of SHORT TALKS. of myself." rci if 4. VXi KOItT BTKBET the wide difference between means manity clear Honolulu, why should not amateur and professional athletes, but bauds? ItecTeutlon, bicycle answer tho purpose Borrowers from tbe Pioneer, Kduah Cheney remarks: bos the various associations, especially a lira. "It better? Wo feel sure if wo Building anil Loan Association can always been my test for Hjiciidlng bun-da- y Putnam's in the United States, have devised to seo how ono gets up 011 Monday can once induce any of these repay their loan at any time by CAGES..., "" s the most stringent rules and en- paying one month's extra interest. morning. If on that morning work horseback riders to try our socms sweet and jrou aro ready to force them strictly. In a recent ,3:30 to a. m. do heartily Ono Doae Monarchs thoy will uso tho Office Hours: 9:30 ft and happily, theu you Cherry a controversy it was decided, and 4 to s p. in. have siK-n-t your Sunday to somo Relievo.; only whoro is impossi the decision was enforced that a horso it I don't caro whether it Is ill : bio for a bicycle to go. Wo CiiA.MiiKR op Commhkck Rooms. church or out, In tho fields or In your Several, man who had once coached a foot-.iba- ll quiet homo u book know there aro good roads on A. V. GUAR, with in your hand, Cough CURE. lLLS team was a professional oars- - Secretary. or playing and frolicking with tho chil- En tho islands, and the exhilara 707 dren. Hut howoveryou liavo spent San-da- li man. tion of a horseback rido is in tho test of it Is that tho dawn of U who no way compared to the Monday seems blessed and good and Sunator Pki'i'kk, was ABRAHAM liopef nL " Philadelphia. Lodger. Comfort. sent to, Congress as a populist, now pleasure of pedaling a wheel proposes a reorganization on the over these roads. Tho horso LINCOLN KlailUr. all. Cynlcus My wifo would like you tc ii3 cancl f50 oontM. ground that the present party is is not in it at Wo have Once said : send around a quart of pauperized milk. not radical enough. Such as the made one sale and expect many "You can foot noun of the peopln MlUt Dealer I guoss yon moan pas- following are suggested for leading more from tho sanio source. all ot Ihe lime, and all of the teurized milk. lioBKON mm co. EOPLE people aome of the time, but you Cynicus Very well, hut I presume principles: "Away with Landlord-ism.-" Send for a cataloguo of the can t fool 11 of tiie people all tho there Isn't much difference. KXCLUSIVIt AOI'.NTS. IHE HAWAIIAN LAND AND IMPROVE time." I "Down with the Trans- Monarch Bicycle, which will Have an enormous sale in At olthcr pole so- Canada and toll you more about tho wheel So don't be fooled, buy a tho Intensity of the MEM COMPANY, LIMITED, portation Monopoly." "Down lar boat Is greater than at the United States, and we with the Money Power." "Live than we can find space for in tho equator, bocauKO at the polo tho sun This man ut tliu predict the same If now prepared to sell the Republic." Senator Peffer says an ad. JJo not think that be STANDARD shiucs during the whole ti hours. whuul .known tho Birds and flowers the for them here. Thev contain iust the. that the coinage question is only a cause the bicyclo is light and DICTIONARY? There are over 25 foreigners to the value of raising and caring tor these are Coffti ari FruH Lawlt Strengthening Qualities needed to counter- side issue. looks fragile it is not ablo to Because well, just ask aquuiu mllo lu tho state of New York, two of the most pleasant pas stand hard usage. The mater act the enervating influence of this WNCOI.N, Uu 1'rlce. times. The care of birds is KRAAV, I.luud of Huwull, climate. There are suggestions for much ial used is all tested for W. C The late William O. Tnomhly of Tort In Lots to long uit Purchasers. or sale, wholesale and retail, thought in the following from an why you should. land, a uiiliiuo figure In the piano LIME what we wish to speak about t by the strength and durability and if truue, lmil a Dxert price tor each of LU pl- Parties dedrlnic to buy land can do to American paper: "We ought to anus, and lie would not lower It for any A bird in prison is not like Ul'OJl IU0 you read our ad last week you collection ol com- The most valuable customer, no matter how Importunate. JNbTAU.MlJNT I'LAU, know more about Russia. We noticed that tho long distance mendable principles culminated by "Early lu my hui.lr.esi careu-,- auld Mr, one at liberty, and you ought JUICE paying for auma In install. know it only a"s the realm of a rider, Mr, Barnes, here on tho science and experience ever exhibited Twombly, not long ago, "I would .occa- to make its home as monthly HOLLISTER DRUG CO., sional!? ask more than a nlsno worth. pleasant Ltd. tyrant, yet some of its institutions to In this or any other country are to lie niu Cull aud Itichet, rodo from Toledo and then, when the customer tried to beat as you can. We have tbe e.amlna the map of ,tli AQCNT8 FOB THC HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. would delight many people in the San Francisco on a Monarch, found in the me down, I would take olf what Iliad added tho 1 all KoriirosMlorand Information aprily t, regulur price, The way homes sorts for all kinds . . I, .. i,r ...... rt . United States. The State bank and wo aro sure that many of was cured of that wai this; A lady came RAMBLER birds, In advances money at 4j4 per cent. over which ho trav- In one day and Inquired the price of a of Wc have almost every JOKtaBecretary, the the roads Every part of a Rambler Bicyclo la piano, of goods wnicu bail always sold Mr f 100. conceivaoie you can HAI'B DEPOSIT COMPANV'S OFFICE, year on all kinds in eled were not near so good as manufactured by (iormully A Jeffrey at Kxpectlng her to auk for a reduction. 1 style, and amounts as high as s of Hawaiian Islands. their factory, Chicago, and are not told her tho price was 1150. 'Very weJi,' pay for your cage all llic way W OUT HTlirtT, U0K0I.U1.U. JOHN those of the NOTT. uiu sae, 1111,0 tue plane, ami you may value; it takes money on de bought Iroin different makers all over their Writo for a catalogue and tend It up this afternoon. My hpsbund from 75c to ifs.oo, posit, at i'A per cent. A little when you come to Honolulu the country who mate llicycle parts by will give )oi a check for the amount to- tbe thousands and fell them by the ton morrow.' I was puzzled what to do," mild Jjiimiinctl, !tl Mjlo. JOHN PHILLIPS CHHaPiiHSjllibw while ago, to assist the all ques- I sssjTirracyrrlMTaFSssMi come m and. ask tho Intending purchasers will do veil to Mr. Twombly, "but filially told her that Ilriix 'JO " the piano would o- -t only $100. lla.iemoved hi. Plumbing grainjaBft, the government bought tions you can think of about of her Since think over this and hew aro tho freak thut time I have never usked more than a , I'lllTOt U ely direct from the producers will pluno Kflahllahment to ,,,,,, , laff bicycles and wo try and bicycle with one maker's tires and an was wuith, und I have never allow Ilri-t'illn- U " and will soon be the largest holder other maker 0 aaudleana another s hand eJ myself to Ui lnutcu dowu." Low Utou answer them. Journal. Make your bird happy and be 9LHMBSSSSvlBsVfl9"ffln9RBlBSSSSSBk. of grain in the country. It has die bars and pedals, etc, and brand it at HOTEL STREET. ol (act A Jlliilug- - will sing for neat to . nearly completed the absorption of low grade in spite the that the ArrDreiuut. you all day long Horn Dakery, dealer is axklng a bbli grade price lor it. I was dialog out ono day and was tak- (if he is that kind of bird) wher lie will bapleauxl private railroad lines, has acquired Before purchasing a wheel consult the en lowii tndhiutr by uu intelligent purson, lo whoas soon as we wero seuted had see hU old patron, .,V"HBSJSBBBBBBBBS the monopoly of the manufacture experienced ridersof the differcntmakes and and the THE HAWAIIAN HARD. unfolded our uspklus aud studied our puhllt generally, and the control of the of wheels In town and get their opinion wenusqulitly nuked. of spirits "Prar. what Is S9-- tf retail trade, is about to take the WARE COMPANY. they are the ones that know a thing or your favorite hobhyf" Taken thus ab- two about wheels. ruptly, I bud not time to Intent a suitable wine and sugar trade into its bauds and uuverailoug answer and was there Fori Rambler Bicycles are all 0110 quality E. HALL & likely the coal trade as J07 street fore startled Into a truthful renlv. "Tho 0. SON. Wm. I. Irwin & Ci., and very and all one price and tbe price is very loetry, writings and designs of William well." little more than they are asking for Wake." "Mlue," lie auswered calmly, "Is His Iron work ami ho riover goes second grade wheels in town. of Queutln MaUys. So, Win. O, Irwin President and Manairtr If you will talk through soup and flsb to . . . niCUJUCi? Ul v.u wjiu- - And when you take into consideration sea without it. i;iau. rtnrecKfU, yico 1're.ldent JlUl lut about Iilake, then I will talk about Quen- - V, M. Olffard, Hecretary and Treasurer Wrought Steel Range, Chilled pany of Honolulu ministrels met that you can have your Rambler tires im muisys mniugu me two entreea, ana Theo, O, . 1 t .1 ...... i You can inako I'orter, Auditor mtz omcr cvcuiiig uuu ucuucu uii fitted with Puncture 1'roof Armor before then wo can Hurt fair," I thought this lemonade xron was a splendid plan and recom- uoojcing btores. and preparing for a leaving the shop without extra cost ft heartily right at homo any tiino if Try tr mend It to all diners out who suffer Ihe WJOAH PAOTOKH, Hiiiilctra. iifarttiinrnorit tt big saving fn time, and AND means a labor from a desire to talk aljout Ihelr fnvnrlta you havo 11 hottlo. , , , , - HOUSEKKEPINGt QOOD8: 'given in tbe near future. money, crank. London fleullowoman. ... Agate l,r IWhUv tirav nnrt KTlnb.l nl.l.J rumpD kinoM-isd- Commission Agents, Each Rambler Bicycle lias a guarantee our or list bun. t'Stat" Electric Vcrh water and Son Fines. Water Closets Him.,and Urinals, Rubber About forty couples occupied a we Every advance In our knuwledm, nf 11.. that means just what it says and are Bold liy iuuT. or rna ImIm in nf.mnt.rl rnvf sun leaches us something about our own Dottle or Case of one, dozen , here to back It up. O. S. Gutteib 4nrJ Readers, '. -- 1 nnli.i ihi attrnr.tlnn planet, for all tbe bodies forming tbe solar OCEANIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY Sbce. Iron Copper, Zino . - , No trouble to show goods. lystem are evidently uiade up of the same and Lead, Leaa fipo and Pipe Fitttncrs. ' incing ajuancc m ium inovc, niuaiu materials, aud dllfer "oulr in their Of BAN rBANOWOO, OAh. t tnr ilanHnir was furnfsbed bv native condition aud In tbe irnBnnw mm nn RAMBLER AGENCY, comparative abun- theu UUU1IU1I HUWU sinuslciaiia. Tbe party returned to dance and arrangement of tho materials of Villi Plumbing, Tin, Copp and Sheet Iron they Wort midnight. KllfO STRBBT. nVCD consist. Youth's Companion. ; Wholesale and Retail Prugglita, f town about I07 Wwly STAB, 1. 09 per year, niMriMn nr nhir ; irr, f Tlin HAWAIIAN fU Alt. KATl'KDAV Jt'l.V ,

I A MlelilTii. HtMtl MtHv. fiAOiN'o run;. HlftrMi --It I Ltattolfft !'ortUtt4 U.fcaotHke.ofl ,. AhflJlfl 51! li nfiR&j ti mm nm.a mm,

H,4Oll A ItlMlliMtK M'OHIIMl iiii-- i 111 lib MAM, A Mliffiit, I'M! Milt a aim MUM! HI i I Al I j Last ! ! Head Tim Wili:M,Y HrAM offcf. i U 1 1 m Wtfk List WtMk VQM SALE iti I, Baking no i ifU iimi lintitit. thHiiiiiA. Kml M IthittiA Jtyuate till afUf-boon- . at e II M I MeU-Mll- a !leiti li I.Mall.e DLtMMat'lAmaM llrlta la iHh UHiMaMMiftar An lafjUt l eal Ileal M in awipa.t and I ap -- ihite t oiiat rial ll, Anawl A hill,MlU Arliili Si (he hlw-- i al lee-lea- l Wto, li liMUm lllitble Vein. Hart tleltlp, trMl, viltlUGK WARING CO, tgGOl, PURE - The ilHniiii for July t'ethip. tlicri- has been the last of The k'c Alt lion VA4ls4toN, JmI it The Cert ftee--i, Kit Mm. pttnl Tner m hm tofVsy. ami fast for Malfawetl. Clearance horse racing wheeling al ; Units! Slate l.lghilmitK ll.wtrd Sale AUK HACK IX Til 15 ROOMS. UN Till-- AM ACT, Kamcliimeliiu and Stars this the Kaplolaul l'atk Irack. 11 may Mil The Kauai came ofl the nwtiiie iloes net irtqj-- c to abandon tin afternoon, be also that lint another serif of railway ibis motiitiig. Tbe J. A. projutt of circling a lighthouse no THRA1IIK hnsc-h.i- I.Alt N. II MOMt: AMKftltMCftl Ciiinmltis Is on was i Attn KK4.lt i:tllNKK games will lie Il:tll IIIHI'AMM (joi.atl.u Id next tutu and i V 1 Ur Oaguc Diamond tWI, 44 blob extends sm-ti- 'I' s lion. 7)W mute mil loday Willi tar- - IIIIOKKN CAMP. 1111: mi hauled this aArtnoon pin) ed nt the grounds how tucd lint tip miles I.Ajmr. iilindKiiK tint comment. out Into the ohmi ocean trf) Ttitinl umiK with loons M0V.0III at I o'clock t wil'.i ne.r Nnm Aiense, There now exists In the well devel- The arilvrd Cape Hattcras, but is going ahead C.I,iw. Unattrra-- A Marrh lo Haaea Aa l, SarpliaAlet Apt') Jfrl Mn this morning. Mr Wm. AuUt A Co.. N. . 11.. luvitci Iti oped stage n plan for a rare track tlx prcKirlng designs for a structure "l.MNK f Htil'KKTV o M'UAKU HTM'ljT frlencU lo rail at (lie ramp, land Ihla Hnli.f-IUOt- lla far aJt'imlereiin-l'ai-I- Se mid wife and Geo. Hottghlailing V llb several rrttaeM. This "111 niui athletic park III the fields ma- t the I'alile Ait returned to town by her. She will which will surpast as an citcltiecr Ml a 4ert rMmni'ie ftanre. liar. N. ke! of the 'Old Plantation, which sail again at p. 111. on Monday. lug feat any previous attempts 111 S. tlic New 5 SACHS9 VKAItS t.KAK 1N.UIUMIM AND I Sturdevant cxp.nlta 51 frmitanii King hliect. This has this line of 4vork It has bec-- con nituureiri 44'alklinarji,dn, Process stove ns nu Invention. The Albert and the Rilhct Imhi talked lint a little from time After three mouths of camp life Only the House was in session have ceded atwa) that no ordinar 620 TOriT i'ViiTiicsTA riooM rirrTiiKiK si'it. !eBC, received a liorlloti of the Wal STREET, HONOLULU. una awl to lime The Is for a 011 the capltol grounds, the two today with proceedings as follow lighthouse would stand for a I' Kneel, lliril llasemciit under I. X. 1.. for rent project hall alcale's cargo today The remainder mouth lin.it mite running and trotting track. lU'prcscutntivc KobciiMiu irxirt the terrible bombardment ol for storage. Sam Lcdcrcr. companies of regulars of the N. G. was placed in or the ItltlK l'l,NT4HO.N AT KOIII.AU Within that there will be a Irack cu runt the tuilitar commute. the warehouse waves aud wind which play off rufiUlntng 04 arnt.. 11. arc again domiciled in the hase-tne- (i. Irwin iV Co., ticiug No. 3 sugar. Highest cash prfce paid for Ha three talis to the mite for lilrjcle Aiuil'diiiftits are made torcMlal Hattcras ten months out of every I ACBK,4T K4UIII, M'lTAHI.r. rllll of the Kxcculivc Building. ' iM 4 by the addition of tl.c The finished discharging year. carcttntnc, Itnu. waiiau stamps. C. V, Stukduvant. racing. Inside this oval will be Kllkltat plenty of room for a base ImM dia- They moved back 011 Friday aftct- - Wri "and Miarptbootcrs" alter her lumber cargo today. She is A year ago soundings were made! BIG OT ON OUKHN HTHKKT, OI'IU'ITK REDUCTIONS 1 the fol- s me Tal Ofme Price. PWO. White cliamols itlovcs for ti. ion mond, limlball field, lucrofi' run, 110011. The tents have disappeared "National Guard The exjircted to sail for Port Townsend to determine the character of the lowing tscctloii IN TlOAII. pair, today only at Sachs' clearance cricket fii'l I, teuuNcourt, ttc. There to be numbered on Monday morning, where an- foundation on the shoals, thestrue-- EVr.Hr DEPARTMENT. 1OTh" il 4V.4IKIKI VKIIV and tlictc is no more sleeping on No, ronal.1e xnfk r.ttea.r paintenis sale. will be excellent facilities for bring- Section 2 is recommended in- other load of lumber will probably turc used at the time lieing left the ground or "policing camp." serted in the bill. 4 rKW MOHIt lITH OS KINO HTHKKT, ing o(T a uport program. be taken for this pott. sunning to aerve to show 44 hat ef- VVjsj-It I peM In forget the relief concert at men Iiim( ol' JJ11 l Katlhl. fiaouh,nn 'or Don't Tint Sr.vx Is In'oriniil that All the military and naval Section 2. The Commander fect the wind and waves would tii a. inonltily Inatallntenta. Kaumakanili church on Tuesday also The Waialealc arrived this morn- jooo has already Jiecu pledged for who have visited the new quarters in chief may organize a com have 1111011 it. The bottom was ex- 4 KIT t t.UIOK lllllMKa evening, pany which ing from Hamakua via I.ahaiua. V. mil so of Sharpshooters shall a A f'auoa lloail. rW. this project and lhat soon as the underneath the legislative halls She had n full cargo of sugar and a amined and sandy formation tonight, right men are found for the not lie a part 01 tlic --National Guard found extending an lIT WITH miTTAOK ANII SachV store will be opcu and the department offices, pro deck load of cattle Irom McGregor's to unknown HOUK Pateliee. cnntalitlnit I arre at be- but shall be subject to such rules depth. another chance to secure some more activcjOpcratious will nounce them far and away better landing. Interested parties will be Plans 4vere then diawn for Wash. Materials, Kallhl. turn. bargains, gin. The Jockey Club is only a and regulations as may from time a light on the screw pile order, CITY, pleased to learn that copious show CKVKItAI. IOTH AT I'KAlll. hav- than soldiers have in any other to time be prescribed for their gov- which would offer - rlirau. temporary tenant at the park, ers ol raid have been falling along but little resist- o llaklug exhibition, New Process - liccn ex- - ernment by the Commander-in-chief- , Wool Dress Goods, ing 110 lease and being utterly mi- country. Repairs have the Hamakua coast for the past' ,ue nu, aim through ?IXf.OPP0IITL'NITV FOH HOOD HOTEL stove style, Waring block, Satur- provided, however, that "'I,icl1 ,1)e coll,(- ' man at Walsnae. Ilielrrtnleu.nf Oaliu n'de to secure the gate money to tcusive and the cleaning thorough. two or three days. wal" - a' "'" Hrrrlal are offered. day evening. such company of Sharpshoot P'' Kid Gloves, Itallaar. s " Corsets, which it is entitled. Besides lhat Walls, floors and ceilings have been . a ivmjrtuni suil4,Ui; Ul LIU VUal Underwear, KINK HKKIDKNCK ON TIIK JUNCTION for a country a mile ers shall not be uniformed The Kiiauea tiou was iiauieti actcr has stood the a year. In l)is-- like this half painted. The quarters are electric test A at TBoretbn Atenuo, ilreea and New There were no trials the nor subject to drill duties unless aiongsiue me wnaria..lietr 1111s morning. Board is Ktre.1. House very larva and eotii'ortauh;, cases, track is really better than the mile lighted. The basement is welt ven- The now completing Towels, Table reatstnlnc all lha lateel sanitary Imprcna. trict Court this forenoon, all called out 011 active service and An attempt will be made loput her be designs for Linen Varaadaa, palm avanoe, route. tilated and not at all dark lu the j, the lighthouse, and, tattU. riaa banll being remanded. necessarily be a 011 same fallrl Moo'rroon'la,lc. Will ba aoU or i'lie proposed new grounds will day time. There has been provided shall not nart of tue railway, at tue time as alter carefully considering all ob- - m Iban Ma ayloal Taloa, any battalion or regimental forma the Cummins: should that be pos Kapkins, Several elegant Cleveland bicy be very handy and with these for each man an iron cot, a mos stacles, has concluded that a light and iOT on nuuano MTitEirr, available there will be some sort of quito net and books for his clothes. tion," sible, the Kiiauea may be expected can be erected there which will Small Ba'etanla,auilabtaforetorea. Ood cles are on exhibition at the agency A new be to leave for roltaaa lo mr. I'rtf , ItV. an event every month in the year, Only such trunks or chests as can section to known as poits on Hawaii about stand the weather. When com- Sheeting Bedspreads. on Merchant street. Section and COTTAOK AND in additlou to the schedule games placed 41, reads as follows: Tuesday afternoon. Capt. Wicr: pleted the iron skeleton will ACRE WITH NBW be under the cots ' stand I ctiiarblldlntaln Kalllil. l'riea tw. of the police force-- of the various leagues and clubs. are permitted. In consequence Section 41. No commissioned will assume command. fully 165 feet above water, and will The members officer X l KFKT ON ASYLUM BOAIl. good in Union J, 1'. Clay has sold his running of quite a number of of the Sharpshooters shall S. S. which will throw rays that will be visible modern room houaa had a very drill this rule The Aslouu call filIIU Mar bravlirul - rank commissioned line officers of twenty-thre- e and nlcalf laid oilyroundi. Trlca. t Square this morning. horse Bushwhacker to Wm. Corn- trunks ranging downward from the hereon tbe 8th of August Is the miles. It is estimat- ALL AT REDUCED well. Since bis change of owner size of a grass hut are for sale. the National Guard. "Command first steamer of the new line to run ed that the light tfill cost over PRICES. ri X IW rKKr WITH NKW COTTAOK is tFU on Ttfunic WAT ieanm"E Jas. I'. Morgan sold l'ala today ship the animal has finished first Improvements have been made ill substituted for of 1, 000,000 when completed. ImpmrM lot Kralt between Portland and Japan, Hfit rlf tratclc. at $136 aiid Pepeekeo at 7116. lu the only race in which he was the quarters for olncers and non- - "President." which Theo. H. Davis & Company Report laid on table to be A IHMUtV llf IN 4 HH1 IONM, IS Makaweli was withdrawn. started. coms,, lu the guard-roo- and tue the arc the agents. The Aslouu is a Now No charge fur makfns Decda, Mortgage, considered with the bill. tlr.j lBfrafrrlnrproMrty( The handsome and well bred "brig." The "sick bay" is seldom steel steamship of 2828 tons gross How Pome Tropin Hale "New tangled "Why. jr. i.iirroprtiaa piiurea in ouroanoaror Mcliiernv, Haberdasher, attract Representative Richards reported ala will receive iliecial altanllon black running mare Lolokalani, re needed. It Is rare for a man to be and 1827 tons net register She is Tiling' New Truce, el,ra. vt ively calls attention to' light coats. Senate Act relative lo the construe- - Coid nerjiliif) Xoticc. Do YOU puted to he the fastest short distance under the weather enough to retire. 309 ft. long, 41 ft. beam and 26 ft. A few jears ago the railroad was a Pay livery man wants one now. in Is be Minister! tiou and maintenance of telegraph racer the Islands, likely to President Dole and depth of hold. She is a new steam- novelty and but few people could be in- - 30 to.'AO per ABHTKAGTD OF TITI,i:. cables printed. Also joint resolu Thr underaiKiieil purchaae-- cant. ' soon sent to the Coast for service Hatch, with Col. McLean inspect having been In Sunder- - rfsk having l more for your (Irooerloa v'i' Al. Chisholm turning out ship built itucnl to their lives 011 a liuin. All llie buliie knowu as the California when you can is on the California circuit. She is a ed on tion relative to the appointment of atve that much ! i,.,!,,,. AU-- hand-mad- e the new quarters l'riday audi land, Uiiglaud, in 1890 lor the aorta of thing auid about Wine Co., beg to ,..h .t T AM PREPARED TO MAKB some elegant sets of a committee to report on the regis- Here the men uniiounet to tlieir oeuj:h Cog i EverylliiiiK A- thorough superb printer and can be depend- all were very much pleased with Adams' Stcaiusb'p Company of wlm would o 1,1,1 11 tiaeiiija uinf llie p fmli and atrada of Title In a moat anl harness from his shop comer I'ort tration bill had been teuilit I'ruti.l.'iii'.. eompIetA iitanner, on ahcirt not lee, ami accu. ed upon to give a good account of the changes made. borne of engrossed. Aberdeen. Captain Mmray is her fa different now. fornieil a coNtrtnei King. - Iheold Mlverol rate lu Trr detail and hersell. the men were loth to leave the Act 10 A relating to atnieals commander, When Ihr cahli- car were constructed buaintasat aland, and hate as. a""" V. VT. MAKINNKV. from decisions of district magistrates fieoplu shook their wlnef henila nml lllii. sumed all amounts owing to and by said SIS Kort Htreet The biennial meeting of the Carl Leonard will ride Amarino camp, but for the most part they Chlnuman in VOELLER ft CO., W. O.Rmlth'aomoi. was taken up on third reading. A number of mechanics arc at the unl "Nu pushy, mi puily, in. Queen's Hospital trustees will 111 Ualilornia regularly, though a are glad to get back tp Uie com. what makw I in gal I heap llaid he fun . 1) KIIKKTII. on Kinau, She will be :u-i- w lighter boy may be required in rooms. Representative Robertson moved the away." Who don't tide HltNltV COMIDEN. take place on Monday morning at fortable scraped from to keelson. on these cais IIIININIIKH ACll'AT. some of the events. A Co., Smith, that the bill be indefinitely post- truck now wheld they iiavc them 10130 o'clock, Capt. Paul or When the Drill Shed at sharp this poned. New bulwarks hard wood will the electric crs were invented For Kent. (IENEIIAI, I1UHI- 5:30 be made dead-light- s lliesesauio wisu people eaU elec TtEAL ESTATR AND on a grand scale will be Vihi curl nut ud the moat delicate break- Ministers Hatch and Damon and aud the round that JX IHwa AKdit. Ileal KulBia lioaKbt anil A luau by uainjr Antlfermen. evening for Makee Island, tricity wa 1011 (uwerlul tluH for that frtiiu, uncooked, Representatives Kamauoha and formerly belonging to the late kfti'I aolil. llouarai Itunlal. ly)ASS HKOOTIATKD, given in Manoa valley tomorrow, tine, und tti six month they v til be ft ing camp again at 5 a. m. Monday. of business and some day it would Th kuIMinic ou Mfre.jHijt Collertl'-i- Hooka nonteil. Account City of New York and purchased runaway Hlrt rnaile. by a woman whose father has been natural hi apjieantnco and taste as when The tents have been pitched al- Richards favored the bill. with the moturuiaii and whom roiruerlr uil hv tl.c lUlly IIillHln exiMrtol. CtHiTlnir iieatlr tlonu. The bill passed. by the W. S. S, Co substituted uM they "be at!" J'uMihfng iUh Hi lower AH liuafneaa entruwtwl U me will receive dead one year. first picked. will enter (.riiun can WAIANAE ready. The command When the 1st miiial-l- prompt ant! careful attention. A ahara of A communication from Sen in place of the antiquated square eirif beaters which are seen iljvfiM lutuulllm. etc. upon the regular routine of a mili- the In t'4ery kitchen now werM ftrat I) tUentUc-- tue iu!tic patronage reajwctfuuy aollcluxL One dollar invested at I 1!. AN lIUIlKK OUT, ate notifying the House that House windows. An awning deck wilt ii,, Apf at ui Telepbune Y.V. tary camp at 8 p. m, this day and iluced one kooI old ladr saU 'You WM. (1 1UVVIS CO I n street, will give also be built on that portion of tbe 11e.1l 11 1 OKO. A. TUHNEK. Kerr's on Queen Illrertloiia for Ilia Military Caiup at continue it up to the last moment Hills No, 15 relative to the preven- tell me tlit one of them new On ilrrthant Street, the same return as two dollars in- tion of disease among animals and Kiuau's hurricane deck, at present falmle.1 thiujja will beat all aa lOAlce fonnerljr occupletl by C T. Uulick. 3lakee Itland. Following is the order of the day: a luy old Smijii I have ml vested elsewhere. 19 extending the license of retail covered by canvas awnings. Her awu usilnr for A'otice. The following; will interest mili Reveille, )eara, jou iieedirt tell me." j:oo a. m. spirit dealers had been laid on machinery is also teceivlug a thor waa Miss has her tary men and the general public: hue like another Kond old anul In WATHD, Oreenwald removed 5115 a. m. Coffee. tbe table. Senate bill No. 8 rela- ough overhauling, and when thq till city who told the aiielit of tl, New U"n thu iirrfval of tlin utmi. r ul dress-makin- g - rooms to the flere- Special Orders No. 5:30 a. m. Company drill, tive to supplementary appropria work: Is completed, which It Is ex- l'rotess stove that aim i'Ma "T,- - ..I.I .. WiMr' C.inwny, Lti.titc Saturday and Sunday KXPBIUENCEU MANAOEK VOB ig. dog In learn new will tii AN Country Rtore. Written tauia street house formerly occu Capt. 0:30 a. in. Police camp. was referred pected wilt take from a month to tricks" and aa she hail trrHi Im'hIIiii until JULY a aiilica' To Paul Smith. Command tions back to the m woo, I the paitosviiKW 37th and 28th. tion will by W. II. Bclmil.it Si pied by Brodie. worawi over hot stove and built Mri ukhot, without a In mcelvul Dr. a. m. Breakfast. House, concurring six weeks, this favorite vessel will (H'tmit uuU-- frallis wf le.v on, .lulu a, Q.IK ftOTW. ing Co. A, 1st Kegt., N. G. II. 7:00 the Senate not tires and emptied aahi all her Ufa the from tit ortUv; frrjit . 8:30 a. 111. Guard mouut. In be better than new. was tiwol.l now ion til dn H b kruiiUil hr Mim iificavr m and 1:15 p m R.iu ning l you buy, sell You will form the Company the amendments made by tbe , to vliaiib for these new jtr. If want to or ex Relief goes on fangled thini;M, vl (Iih t.etMfl. rive in Honolulu .1 8:11 p. in and 5A3 Brown, under your command, at the (First at 9 a. in.) House. Laid on the table to be p. in. iiicixi.r. ron HAi.i:. change stamps, go to johnT, I'.tKtCMIKUH. This relllillda USOf th Dutehniat, u,lu. C. L. WIUIU. Armory, at this afternoon, in a. m. Inspection camp. considered with the bill. Prifla-n- t V H Arlington lllock, Hotel street. 5:30 9:30 sent his son' lo the mill w I1I1 the k rut 111 ft. IjiI ROUND TRIP TICKETS! n blue fatigue uniform, leggings, Joint resolution relative to the one TOIt HALE. CHEAP A Oilumbb Note chauge of address. 12:00 a. m. Dinner. AllltlVKU. end of the bag ami a atone in thu 1st Claaa .. ai.7s I1 cycle, inalel. Pine wheel and pro- Re- appointment of a commission to in- other In rrilancu the load. When the haversacks canteens, and 2:00 p. m. until 5 00 p. m. IVi-ii- 3d Claaa l.20 - th'irrMiKb repair ami uaeil lilt li Apply Ifitnatktin. Walileale, boy not to th" mill he aaw someone, elau ufllce. ceed with them to the Executive ceive visitors. vestigate the registration law and VII 7 MH. C. llbNKY WHITE or adilreaa "Wheel tbia The water has been running Juiv. .Mt .leek. had the uri.t dtvldeil aud aavwl hi F. C. SMITH, groundsjfor inspection, after which p. m. report next session ot the Legisla- t I, .it'll, per t.viii!il. from the fountain at the corner of 4:00 p. ra. until 5:00 I'roni ttmr July wtlKhtof the atone an neat tiiiix In. .m ireittrul tit take a few prlvaua 4iptl iti u"', ,'"'' "' T.cket Agent you will take up your line of Company drill. ture. 27 Win Aul'l H'lit nife un.1 n in. deck. lo the mill be tlaeit his xrist that way, m,,. M.m.iimi'ns r.uiiruia nstt I,oa 'Driifl. Queen and Port streets for the past - cum bxt for the l'ublio Kcboula and tbe L'ul- - march for Makee Island, where 6:00 p. in. Supper. The- resolution was 0:1 motion - LUHJIITFII butthflold nuilaaid "Nu you d.n'l. wlm-fad- three weeks continuously. uii.lt mine Kraudfader peforei me 760, HAMA-- J you will go into camp as already Retreat. referred to the Judiciary Com Krtiit- -. Jt'iu-- itncnera prerer lor J'.xainuiatlun .TTlKAIT NO. DRAWN HV Sunset. lor atmr I.ikce. 1111 uie atone uut tlio by (xjiTeatMlHlenee. kua Mill, July Id, on Theo. II. Pr grlat Utnlt provided. You wilt see that the p. m. Tattoo; mittee. July 2d Wm Ivis'le, you la no better a we were," Ilookkoepfiix nfao .Davlea In favor of Antonio Fernandea, for Husbands should Impress upon 9:00 tauaht NEW STORY. Company observes the camp rou- p. m. Taps. The military bill was taken up The esDerimeutal ilav nt lha V- - Addnwe r. u. no Honolulu. SUiO baa been loat. Payment on aame baa their wives, the necessity of buying 9:30 . twen atopped. as laid for consideration. ,4IIIII4-.4I.H- Procesa stove is naat-b- lha in. .the cheapest market. That tine out, and that strict for camp have have military discipline is Arrangements the Representative Kamauoha moved not found ft out yet. ft lias lieen market is Kerr's, Queen street. enacted a committee and MatVUIUv. July 2? in use In the United Hlalea for six yeara Biennial Meeting. from all under your command, been in charge of that consideration be deferred un- Typowrller Wanted. it is believed that everything Is Ktmr Walalenl, tlreiri.ty. front and there are liumlreils of thousanda in You will in til Monday. Carried. use troiu iialne to California we Company 7, C, G., will have remain camp until 5 to field practice Uatimkus. and The Pipeline a. m. Monday, you complete make the Representative Rolieitson made Ktnir Wainiinslo. Culwuv. from challenge lis enemies to find where lllennial of tKt membera target practice as usual tomorrow July 20. when of the OukiL--' Hrwri-a- i. VV preferred. a success. lliere lias ever liceii one tin 11 U t'ouroiiATioN Yoat or Denamore will break camp, leaving a small a motion that the bill be referred to Wnliilun. accident will be held ,,t termiTIlIH OFFICE. and will find ammunition at the It is expected that the company htmr.Mokiil I. Aliflreunr. from Moto- - of.flre from Its use. the l.'lmniher of Cmif butts. Other reports are incorrect. detail to look out for property, and the printing committee to be kai. One icentlematt laiiio-li-t .mm r 11...... inerce. MONDAY, July 2th, at iOZIO will have the pleasure of receiving tore o'clock a. m, lli unlal an- PKBSONAL. return witu your command to mili- printed. Carried. lust Match and a few day ago reairl and a number of distinguished visitors I cmue and got anofher.for place nual election otlicers tit lat immmiiatel Highest grade sewing machines tary headquarters and report to the With regard to lie appropriation VI'.sKl.H ,t.KAVIS(l SIOMlAV. a'lother followed by a during its stay at the Island. bill referred of hi. meetinir of the ltnard of William Bassir was the only out- for rent and sale. C. V. Sturdevant. Colonel commanding. back from tbe Senate, We sold on irMnl n raw Trustees. a camp Wal- - one .ln .,m rely on your good judgment A will have bugler in Representative Robertson made a Htiiir Wuhnatiulo. Cslwnv. for and a JOHN II, PATlf, going passenger on the Malcee last I op the outward march will be altm. friend of the peoiile came In aud The choicest hats, flowers, and ability to make the encamp and motion that tlic House hold con- alii they wanted another fust like It. SiiTctary ad Interim. evening. corps. Ilktue Mlllul. Cutler, fur Port Honolulu, III, 1B91. milinery Jed by the battalion drum ference on bill. We have sold Ihmn ,.,! July 719 it .Copyright, by CktttU Go. AO feathers and ornaments ment a success. with tbe Senate the TowiiseMiI. evory 11, PuUUhlof Company U held a successful 11. island of the group uml score of Carl and a Pine. are now on view at I. B. Kerr's.. You will observe the Sabbath as Cairicd. Htmr Jlokiil Mcdrt'zor. for Molokai them in drill yesterday evening. About Ijui.ii, li p Honolulu so If you cannot or A single article at wholesale prices. far as is consistent with a military The Telegraph Cable Act was and at in. will not come to Co. A (Carl Willing Is up from his Pearl fifteen new members were enlisted. the store anil eo wliy Camp. encampment, I wish you and your referred to the committee on com- they are the lieat. r..i ami ,.., City ranch. The powder marks on cloth- Co now numbers about eighty tHI'OltTK ANII CONHIONKKH. stove Steel Just received new line of command a profitable as well as a G merce. made ask your neighlxir. No raat- - EngraviDgs as Preiims. Carl's face are gradually disappear-inc- . and up. men. After drill in the shed the ,ei 111 wnai wu 01 uie city you tome WL Officer and Members of lite ing. Suits $5, $io,i2 pleasant outing. Adjourned at 11:40. IMPOUTS. your lite Willing did not come up alone. Fit you either price. I,. I). boys were marched up Punchbowl of neighbors have them, and by the first Ifeglmrnt, N. O. II., at R. H. MCUtAN, Hx WnlnleulK from llamnkus. July way now mat mo subject Is utt we har tourist, citizens generally and pine-appl- e Bcre-tani- Marakal llruwu. With He , brought along a Timmons, corner Fort and street to the head of Bmma 3.VTH 211 few with w ,. especially friends this issue of the Weekly Ha- - Col. Com. .1st Uegt., N, G. of 20 ska sininr, head cattle, 27 which will ..fr n of Company . ' I WillAM HUB comm.ni-.- ft,. - .weigning twelve pounds. where the company entertained It is understood to be pretty well pkKs auiuiriea. consideration." A A are cordially Invite to visit Hawaii. in vicinity r.x oura for buslneaj, the camp at Makee Inland otaiuey eyman't celebrated atone), residents that with I v. G. Hilchcock re- siokriiit, irom jinioicai, July .7 MEN AND WOHKN. settled that 4 l(Ht C. V, HUN DAY AKTKKNOON 2 'Tkancis Cujiidi," anovelof thrilling At noon on Saturday next Tas. songs and chorus. The company head cattle. c lives. 2 liarae. BTUKDEVANT, between and Interest, turns to Hawaii to be Sheriff. Ar- sheep, sundry plK. Hole Agent, i o'clok. and will be continued In the Curent Kotea en Hovamenta of T'roDil. F. Morgan will sell at auction the marched down bmma and Alakea PAUL SMITH, IIKULT Til Ulltl lAm,. .laJ 'l M. Brown, the deputy, be- Please examine tlila nu.,,tu t. ,1'eople. fine residence at Bcretania and AUCTION SALE streets breaking ranks on Union thur Cnpt. Coinmandiiig Co. A, lat Regi- nent VKXSKU. Aalnials Tliat Commit Stak, and if you readLaarg Pensacola, now occupied by Geo. OP Square. comes Marshal aad Rex Hithcock, IN TOUT, SalelAe. ment. N. O. II. 71 It think it worth Mr. Irving the other day receiv " Ilitollist'iit olimTvers lutvo tostiflcd tc send us U for a year, or 2 for F. Mcl,eod. are at tue a son of K. G., comes from the SAVAL VUtaSLS. 21 a a The Sharpshooters n. facts which show inontha. ed very welcome present irom place of Molokai to be H apiie.tr to that lu cer .liL-- HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. R. A. range this afternoon .making Sheriff of U 8 Ileniiiiiston, Thomas, Mare Island A an extra lmiumn.ni in ri: professional admirer. was a The fat native laborer who works tain clrcamstaiicc tho uiuke, acoriiiot w. .. It big scores. Mr. urowu s assistant. MKUCIUKTUKN. Hawaiian Basctall Asscciatioo. uo ttAn rtraH we oner a preco-- parchment autograph from (Conjitera not included lUt.l aud even sonio iaadruiieds commit sul letter on the wbart was weighed the ten-ma- in this and D have another n Ilk- HntiialrA, M. Henry, no less a person than the wily other day. He tipped the scales F OurKall.U. llerrv. lliln clda a clock manufacturer ol On Tuesday, July 30th, match next Saturday. Burnett Ilrk W U Irwin, Williams, H V LouKuyou, France, ha recently described .Richelieu, fellow Tia not alone from logeftl aii'l I'M ttGrr, H Handsome Armand de a cardinal at 420 pounds. The young -- Hark AlU rt, (Irllllth, Steel Esgratlig, 10 o'clock a. 111., F this time, having 1 la not rrom a Itu f. an ozperbiieut of the kind which lu whose the Is is At shoots with aloue cant ilark lima. Ilk U 1' lllthet, Morrison, H V. On with habits presentee very powerful. fliat holy salute, crowned Willi cclealUI tflorr, lib,.. f...-- . 1, mado with a wasp. The wasp was tut Saturday, July 27th, At the cottage recently occupied hv W". been transferred. not utterly unacquainted. feuilla down upon nafrkiu tlielr uttifbt anv- ek (1 W e'rlo.lla-rir- , prisnnod 30 x 40, and UOYD, , ON STREET, br Waton, Sontlle. under a Klaus, and knowing P. Eso KINO il mo. Torn O M KetiOKK. Iveraon, Oray's At 3:30 p. m., Remember that Sturdevant gives 1 IlarUir that benzine asphyxiates insects ho put a Another innovation upon the between Piikol and Kafmoku Street, Seetna; the Country. Hchr ItiAiert liwers, Two BtiutUtil Oltogrjpfis. stove free to Bp.VKuANCE, Not ouly Irom church wlbtluwa tfolorul f some paficr soaked It Ixwido cup. d a New Process the am Instructed by It. W. M 1 M fa the conductof .funerals has been start-"e- teachers' excursion party, Lli Uielr blessed aliaaowa fall urroMour war. llurk Allen. Thominii, V Kby , to sell the Household Furniture, The Muuna H Xlie wasp bncajne by Mrs. Turner of person who makes the nearest guess All, nut alone lu liichea gleaming wliiteljr, hark All, Newraxtle, N W live uncomfortable, STARS Tha steel engraving are first class Grand cmiiiallng of Hlr.lhK Room, Library, ladies find-lu- In on 01 Keaa consisting of eight young Yt mi folded Hands, do tnty atanu mui and then angrily attacked tho paper, bat every respect and would ami In any Rapids, Mich., who, upon the occa- tue uumper stoves soia. Dinitit; Room, Iiei Room and Kitchen of the his propositions. left by the tralu for Waianae today. Oar. at vsiuiiuouihu roars. all Its effort nnavulliug It finally vs. art fore from fit to tin 00 each sion of her husband's interment, Furniture, etc., by dowu on It back, nnd folding np its A we only have a few of each kind, plant- Who U Ultra Id this world wlioliaa not.ltlddeu you delivered address over his SOLID They intend to visit Waianae Doe- ar or abdomen planted stlug will not feel a though you have the. Brown & Kubey thejvholesale MAHOCANY m lila heart, a nloture cl taint, HAIICXOSA. its thrice into its ertkravlng an ation and inspect the mill. To Veiled, aaerod, td the outer w orld forbidden, Kehr Olendale, B V body, KAMEHAMEHA8. that verylfy el haa. erave. iShe knew him best and Al. Ucury was to curious to con There an-- and relail dealers in watcnes, UptostVMl Stfa Hti Chain morrow they will walk to Moui.t O'sr which ha bend and inuruura low, "Air Hchr Jennie w'and. 8 V Due firm the fact that, In stiito of twenty'dlfferent WUh was quite fitted to do justice to his aalntr1 hi hu At UAHKUALL I'AUK each paid in advance sulsKrlptfoo clocks, jewelry and plated goods Mahogany Table, Ebony Easel and 'Owing to their holiday mono reelings, ne the for memory. . Tantalus. rciioutmi oiitI a year (14 00) we villi mall vnuVx.. .ia--i have moved into the Arlington Music Rack, Portierre, Pictures, coming to a close soon the A tace perliapa all written o'er with sorrow, Hchr Anna, 8 F Due tnrat on thrco wasp with the like re enura.iiiK and season Whose faded ayes are dint with unshed Uaje. bk Annie Johnaon, H V two large Oleograph, or Luctetia Mott was one of the pi Block Leather Covered Lounge and Chair Due Loudon Qlobe. 1 oil Hotel street. youug ladies will return to victoria And yet ILay hopef uily look toward the mor salt. At n m m I a cliromo. Upholstered Lounge and kxi-kctk- t o UR Canta oncer equal suffragists of the last ss, on Thursday row, tc into yyMKiJi Cherry Writing Desk, by the Warrlmoo Aud ferberot'd It into brlfibter spueree generation. She came of the same When you want fine watch re- Ilk Velocity, Martin, Ifongkont 30 Chiffoniers, Iron Bedsteads, Rugs, Ash next. July Ha.su'ja Star stock as Benjamin Franklin', whom pairing doue or jewelry made, go to Chamber Het, Hair Mattrasse, and A ate whebie all the suitsLlne of th luornll) Ilktue riautor, IIow, Port UamUe July 0 irmpjper ciitiai IMti, jS in' Ifof lllaeulta New froceas. And or tbe boon liav (laatea 11a AniDojMUior laraaotiviue Ann i mental traits she resembled. She H.X,. luart, rort street at Uertz' Feather Pillows, China Ware and away. (Jar lik Martha ilockhahn, Mverjiool Aug 1 was refused admission to theWorld's Mr. Biarfa long experience is a Crockery Ware, Kitchen and Pantry Mrs. C. V. Sturdevant will have And )et, where clearly, surely, there la dawn. H H Asloun, l'ortland Aug S , Anti-Slaver- y Furniture, Liwn Mower, Garden Tool, Australia. IlowUelte. HP Auif Q convention in Iondou guarantee of good workmanship. hot biscuits baked in a New Pro Ins yora 3i a Etc.. Etc. Tlie wondrnue radiance of that perfect day lis Amy lurner, tew oept jd Jn 849 because she was woman House will ho open op Monday, July cess stove oven In the Waring nuili Aioxie iiacsreiii. uveniooi uct J Mothers are Interested Major Wolters has two "vol 29th for Inspection, Term Cash. Thai pcrfrd day, when crowned with heaven's Hr Lk Ahlen drove Llvcruoul Oct 6 , Block, Beretania street. Remember orliftitneka, Uer bk 1' O l'fluger, firemen Oct 8 Weak-- Nerveua, caiioes" growing in water in the Tired, the exhibition begins at Without a wiln or tare or mortal need. Uer sh II llackfel.1, New York IMI Llood, too Pacific saloon. Is formed from James F. Morgan, 7:30. With eoiutuaror'a pelln, fu robra of auowy in the health ( Veaa Impure and overwork or It , and growth on and body. TbeonJy wmieiur-M- touch 'atrain. brain some chemical which corrodes cn a 715--8t Is way to cure la to feed the oervea on pure AUCTIONEER. A ulace lo attend a few nulet hours Our shall stand aa vcryaalnta lodeed. their children. Tboua&nda people certify piece of zinc stuck in the bottles, the llanlwaf Baths. WalkikI cars past blood. of that tue ycs.Uod he thanked, Uiouifh the pur saint of Tterw It vcrr ilitlv troubl beat blood puriflert the licet nerve tonlo and the door. story Tluit bpprDtj u Unity, To A perfect infant food atreogtb builder U llood'a Bareaparilla. Mr. C. Henry White holy paints tL of tootorrow baa takes Aii'l martyrs that Iba artist Jl'i lorrnw What it dona for other it will alio do AUCTION SALE Installation. 4riv oar Joyi should contain vitalising find 41 llood' pupils in Unglish, classics and 4jd telled Iniadlame alulerowned with glory, Tfitt wjr. Honi'liilu. ft, f, for you Cure. There alill alb ualoeforlheea unknown aalnla Race mathematics and prepares teachers OF There was a large attendance for Vim ioiulDtt kit nd wonder rVj producing material MADttti Ontlook, tomm Dssh llttt t.u a druir flood's Plllf cure oonatipatlon by r for examinations. Also, bookkeep- tbe installation of American Ami ilw nJ fttul frtt airing twrUtaltie '.action of tba alimentary Iea Vor wiuustJiiOtf iruty La,vpii combined with pure nutri- loave Id your kitchen all ing taught.. P, O. Box 438, city, gue officers last evening. The Huttt)I litwu'l Itapponed ftU Horse RESIDENCE ment thoroughly ainut ot rrutt, and maiiy special ritual prepared by H, H. Then m oiwm looclr womAa digestible. Wlao tvrtcwj down by lb sin ' or Io.nl can Im kept swes aid On Beretania Street. Waity wot used. Tbe ceremonies my cUU&nn Awarded "Whit It itrttty Owners. fresh wlthouUffe.;?or were Interesting and impressive, All botjl--l prria imr a log flm Highest Honors World' Fair, by using AniuVnjantln NEW The "work" was pronounced Kow, (hU (erttcuUr womui, tablet. PROCESS On Saturday, August 3rd, Oold Medal-Midwi- nter did (rot ftiwl superior by all who are in secret fair. Who that fnt, Foot Tlilipreservstlie"t"entlrely bairn-Ic- e it till a nulden lauly. If you vyant your horses At IS o'clock societies.' may some time be Bo liAin-n- ai L Huh FREE, noon, It l tiftUt and make the canning of fruit DH -- Aawdag JoarvL given in public. to be winners tbe , one of tbe STOVE At my Salesroom I will sell at public ... is only foTSd easiest thing Imaginable. Th of lIvrotnpcDt. tic for infants Auction, The Lively "Klil.'F You don'iowl to cook It at all; Ju raffle; game of chance, but straight Tttr I do wrontr, ty any coa rooiinltUai, CALIFORNIA FEED CO. anil invalids containing these No lottery, or' a business proposition. Every will rtooil; dissolve a In who purcnosM one of our New Process Moves between TlirkSDAY SIokn The Premise on tbe corner of Beretania The number of small boys now Hut ublet water, make Person tutare nturn, will doobt Ut rtpefttcd, Is the place to buy, vital and essential elements INQ, Juke 27, and One o'clock Wkdbebday, August 7, will be entitled to one and Pensacola street at present occu Infesting the wharves at tbe sailing NoklI)fiuiruU a cold water syrup anJ pour 0T many of theo stove sold guei as to bow will be up to that time, ft being then pled by QUO. F. McLEOP, Esq. Is We have just received some Choice It is prepared from the fruit and put It just Or pionths tlnoe th first stove as purchased. , of steamers becoming quite s Km on ib firth th mitt (t yUJd Xo the away, and It will ' ' person guessing correctly, or coming nearest to llie rroperty lias a frontage or luu friK0U(li Id riiu. ' The tbe correct number, will nuisance. They swarm around Bo oa wltov'rr v11 sjItco OAT HAY aiid SURPRISK nutritive portion oi keep as tweet and fresher a present lu the amount paid In Beretania ntreet, and HO feet CREAM bl bfvl tiu care; tlan receive at ones cash of full for his stove: case of two feet Pn backs arriving, making ft difficult ft UU avfftvla. or more persons guessing; tut winning number, each shall make a further guess on Pensacola Street. OATS, selected for Race Horses. fully selected Grain, com when oookrtl. following one person thus finally for passengers to alight, jiestdes air U Uw vt lit retribuiloQ on the sue of tbe week, receiving the prize. The Dwelling House contain Parlor, ft tu tlit Catch on. Trusting you will appreciate the As the stoves will be soi l at the regular price, no one risks anything, only if noving other people, they run con Hliall follow wroom bincd with Vegetable fftlltt, ftUlMiitfb lecatloa Phos you suets nearest to the right number your stove costs you nothing. Tbe prize Pining Room, ) Bedrooms, Kitchen and encountering BAKING II iwvf r li merit of Aiitlferiner-tice-, siderable risk of an juy irry Iwm- pliate and Pepsin, bain? almnlr an ad. for New Process Stoves. Batb, accident to themselves, by jumping Telephone Wa are yery reswctfully Seal your guess In an envelope and place your name and address on the Premises are convenient to (awn and Lfji. ...1 f r J)a Utt ui U, with unreUntd ndt.ror pn outside, On VCIIIWICS VTMCU U lUUtlVll, JuL ;ru and rlibt, liSJftOM SlUTU at and aajne private mark tbe The envelope wll be' carefully retitlng IU0 a month, Co., and no one but the eaters will know what is inside each until the date are at present for Tutt tlit if re4 Uw of ftcompenm fDAjr 200, OOo, CANS, kept ru of THm Our dtfjlghi. trr rpd Dniajglali, .opening, A correct lat of stoves sold will be bung MP before tbe opening of fart or tue purchase money can re- TO PLKAN9K STSTKM Utrt MOSTmmPERFECT MADE. ,, Bang -",! nil Ulu 1 anavnu envelope, which will be done at our store; hi the Waring Block; Fort and Ikre-tan- lt on mortgage, Effectually yet gently, when costive pr - main Th M rt. tV t J p. m. on Augujt 7. in the presence of stove purchasers and the pubila bilious, pr when the blood ft Impute or A pure Cripe Cream of Tarlif Powder. Frco For further partlcula'rt apply to. prx4oufi tooM I sluggish, to perruanantly curs habitual fton) Ammonia, Alum pi any other adulterant. ftmaoa th flint tht cbolct constipation, to awaken the' kidney on - JimfmtirSlovtf Stld on thi Imlallmint Plan. In all tbe great Hotel, the leading ftTtlcbcuU hemll,yt Cftn ltU U cut by HOrBUON DRUG- and liver to a healthy actltlty, without HOD. f Club and tbe hornet, ur, I'rtcc uresis . 4D, V-- WARING LOOK lrrltatlnK or weaklng them, lo ill pel pgt bct of tiomtu hearw l fhftt wbtoib wU4 Agintt, .fl - SBVJJKpyAjSTe Sot Asnt James F. Morgan, use llakrtg fowdcr uoioi ft supremacy, Salt headaches, cold or fevers Syfup of from othen , '' MMi(0,taW (Mr vH SartUsU Bta. - AUCTIONEER. ooDr bur 411 wouatU lUwlf than wijdiI 1 ferl 710t "tf! 4 yu til fUadard. fu 4B'"

..iil 3' Tim Hawaiian hi ah n'itHAV. jimv if mj . mm ".' at I OONVALKSOINTB WHAT WO.MIIN CAN iHPEVirjf WlMIH Living DreisBsj MIKCHANT TAILOR, "VV wav '! !3 k 1 1 W.I. .I. 111...... II. m. Il.a.l- nw turv AtMt tur Make W, W. A ANA, . i i n era, inmn .iir.i.wi..i rantiH tr Ntetmnr t.fc..,f iff M4 II SSSuuthUSI. St J'". t All Kinds Tsltphtn , lUrw tiarfHIi l VI A Mi Jital ' h m of Silverware. Fik siitim, Scttdi aad ..4 11.11.. Hel.lat tta.f ft, I .). isa bm Hum Uil a linttr litt1. Hie M . iaa u4 IIih IW,taala, In MimM I. Illl I' Vfcsi liM 1" 26c, sMrfcjfi i poling nixl llioiiftlitlfu Do you wear Mi f oierUtcO Hint lire ii(tili, brouglit on IMI one of our X I laao' i hl.n. i tj 25c, twrtiiM tt.r.Asn. axii ntpAinr.n. 4IIIA-I- ImlulptiiWi iimhI A M Man V lSm-blemu- ....Ml t I I. I I l LMj I mrr jrt nn iii War T II) mfitiin in fwji ua xttni 25c, M THE GREAT ft it11 11? I'KUiJWtl WAMPOLK'B M;iratfct.. WWW th wnrri ma Mniit o mm, Jet, ili. 'Whim I raiaa l'rkris U5c. aoo KIM, tMiiri IUrl rRtrnRM BALL. . . . NOZZLE ill NmnutspM. MA lt KM I'ltU Jacobson & Pfelfler. Importsr nnd A I.AWN V.ll. D.sl.r n Dryoid. HI'lllM.tlH, I rune, rliielti nit Aptll Miowrr I'm Slrrcl Ji'urllcri, osods. J':trnct Mill mul A HIIKAM OF A lUllNTAIN. Nmip ' I Khwrj'il Ma ftanri mtnr Klnr. an?iiVSl',,Mllt'. , ltlkatnt. "rltauM titetoinu. AV(lli j,Br)t (lio llftl'lllM,llaiTtVfl!'IM,',, 01(,rry ,trengtlcn rw ata k HllU.. a Mei'cliant &g iv at fnn M.. nrnmiam A MJT A Tailoring, . lit I ml nnd body, biscc up llio ritnl -- -- HAf Mil itmii(ii.MiH! it. iitciiiiii. as Ani'liiViii'M.1' ' '" Metropolitan Meat Co. UT nt'AIIAKTKKI). forcei by fending rich blood llirougl IVVAVVAmi.i l'mt'KKHOIlKHATK, Hr famlljr lina It.. lttiimMil M.f. rl.lUlil DiiN T Viiiiw sln Kor tkn Williii lift 81 Oiclr iTitctnl, iinprovo tbrir ni)o what K,N0 STKEET, Tltl.ri-tloK- (ill, .. will ii raid frli nil. I. mi imv'lnl na llw gimnlUii mul true HOimSOX IIMICK, Hit vf llio titer, liclpa dlgcrtion, msko lioalllit pf wlt 1 mipilrt'dalNnit frtmil Ainrrtntii lnitlmi Itir tin liy Wholesale & Retail Butchers t. flcili Int. ltccommcndod by 1 n linilnal oiiiiiiiitiiii(T pramlfatlirr loi.twl Hr Kiirii aoo iciai. and "Ty-ww- (InhiwI I. pf w In ItH unit emllM -- ? s t r pUcctiri nil n woman line inlhlH IHItKOTOltY. ' ith p.liyiiciatii. Equally in V mid Itilellip iil. trnilifl. Aflrr lila ilmtli her fnllitr una OFFICIAL GIU1I.Ii IMJMSI13I I. XT. AMI) SING WO 4 & liii viry ijan In CO., .UTjLJL - r-- ecatoni. Sold by Ily the .hiitli pf lu r irniilo n nienila-- nf tin' Ii-- GKITUH10N SALOON i Hi" Jc nuh Navy AND Ihlll, Contractors. Of ! WMITII she had jtiftt lafii nit'HIiiK nniiif i)Ay GOODS, MitwQE R IIOLI.IHTKI1 Dlllll CUi t 6CENCS IN CHARLES nC ADC'S NOVEL IKiCgSa atjll'i H"), l (lirau-a- li.ri. In 1M! Mr. Uiihitmi HIIIT, JsKAIl 1KITII. StHKST, (V llml.'a uml.hlnf llinli, r.. ii t ! tlnwrii ilin llio world. "Hani ns It J. WALLER. sMnnnBrr. LhliieM (ilk, JvM ffl&iB8 I'l Iloimox Dhvii Co. m Jintitlflyniliiptnl liitlinrViiccn Irllai WCRE GTniCTLV TnUE. alanine, S 1 Cil for ti wpnmii lo ItiaVo hrr wny nnyhow, CHAS. MoOARTHY. Camphor ri UKSinili ti m in mul unpin f llio Kill w cluii, ulvlutt J. Manasor, Trnnaa. . HBBBli) fi i It l doubly hard fur lu r middle rlilrt No. 4S rtl iuiM imt Iwr Hi" iiioiioiit llitatvK)Atiiililrr NUUANO PTKEET, ego mid for HO youra txitujadletl to do Italian run kiwuhuc The Author f "If Neirr Tn IjiIh In HOLLISTER DRUG CO., vl H(l.tni'l.t't.lil('li)(li of V. O. Iloi I II. lliiwBinr fvrrrafMl fur tmirBlur ih1 nolhllig. In her ymiiiR days ho limy Menil DeMrlhedTlirllHng fititMiinenls Popular Brands of Slralbt Qoods Bol Utllude. AOKNTS. liliil alRlllfli "llm lanrrr I'f llioliw." WILDER & but fr WHOUMAU: linve 1aeii n uxhnI tt'iu-hc- or Inlllitier pr t.Ue flint Itrally Tmk I'laee CO Wio 1 llicrt'fnro n liicinU'r of llio noun-rll- a tf rrl..n ALWAYS ON HAltl). drpHMiiiakiT, but the yours have told pit HAWAII. In an Old I.ngtUli Jail. Yee On of llio Kix Kntlmu. M tSiublLhtd In ) Co.. HIIIKII1N MAIL MKKVICK, her, and younger lingers nro prrfeirwl. Try llio t Appftlzer, lln Watcbmaters . Omvrrm la n Mynl t.lilir, mm rrwler nf Charles Iti ado's cr pop "Till. aofl ManfacloriDf HAWAIIAN STAE. Bhe must atano while others llva in. Wlikt t lUtOWNIK" COCKTAli ft ppeclalt) r!lnnuhlM will Imivh for and rrit from a rAu. nri...,. nht t,n w. . jforlicr faithful work In lci;ilutiiro In ular iiorrt, ,lta Tiai to Mend." this ,i... i Sccr Ide with resort. S. 6, WILDER - lUn Krmnc4n on tha fallowing iUU, till tk inter-.i.....- EtUte W. C WILDER. IJUSINKSS DIRliCTORY Hie was full of courage, al- - protecting their original landed la not been touched by the intently thrill eloM Of 1M5 anhewU. sno pspot op Tim ltrinlHg of WuleSf and Jmlry t'Arap. .i, ,nu . i. .1 - and terrilorlal larauihirles re ing ttorlfa nf pHwm life contained In It and or Honolclo. in. MIKI. r.iv ..u,. m.iKiin,!' nittiii'iini vi- tts linHiricr AKKIVC AtH'u'LCLB Lkavi JIoxololo roB ory side. SIio my nlil In flndlng n Mt deep sympathy with the HXir sulTertra FAHOOS WIELAND LAGER BEER. nf Wstclira snd Clocks, Han Khan clad) oh nVil KlftTUTlTK Oot'ht'lU whrr-- terrible f vividly Impoitim B17 NUUANU HTItEET. 1411 oh VAoonvB. Vanoouvxh. AOBNTH. plnco, and shortly nflerwanl n situation and Db V. O. Box 11. toldf No one, we would The Mory as. in ml oflloo nt n very monger anlary was . It. Dole, l'nl'cnt of HrvuMic of nurt 4 105. A. MAIIIIN, , , .... rends like n highly colnri d fiction, yet ev Onor About On or tbouf moilo for her. But the qaoation caiiio to . Aug I of n A(Tlm. ery won! of It Is absolutely true. AUmnU Anu I WarrlmwM. OKO. IIONH. , mo whllo 1 was thinking of her, "What r. M. lUttli, Minister Fort I. Oh, I Say! . I Orient Planing Mill, ItelKic. Auu t AUUKU .... Very few jieople may hi awnre this Aim HTAR Agent anu uauatna. can a woman do not n young woman, . A. Kin., MtuUtrr of tlii !nt?rlir. that Lumber and Coal Alrlia.I'aWna- AuiflO Auilralla - ..Aul celebratitl book wns founded on the crutl Lnvn you hwinl of the new Ann at tho comet VINO FAT CO., Arawa Auk a but olio in middle nge, whoso life lias Ot.IiAinuii, Minister ff Ffn.ocv - Warrlmuo. 31 Attorney-UencrA- ties practlwl Iu Blimlngham jail In of King and Alakta streets, where you an Mloxera Auk ARCHITECTS. W. O, Hralth, l. the CONTRACTORS &XV1LDERS MarliwM. Auu luna pt boon among pleasant surnmiiilings mid the year IWJand 1KVT, Indenl, the orig- buy or Hell an) thing from a rambrio need It AtutralU l ? REYNOLDS, ''urn ture of all kind, lnide and repaired. W' Anal!.)! hLlt Htt'LRY leads up naturally to an old inal of the of Kviinrt, tho humnn-Itarla- w u saw nun. ItepUo .Nipttl 10 410 Fort BU ngoof thnrncter Iluildlns lioiiae. aad making rlo. mill, a l Klo tie JaDlro.vpt M rHKMt Court. ellll lives, lu en now ,pet.lalltr. Mlowera rjl A UrawU 19 quiet nud eomfortJ" and fact Ue SccoBd-la- nd rawa - - ' New ani Fumitore Building Materials Warrlmoo-....-.V- C x Mio can iln n gn-n- t many In the service of the pilsou nulhoiitlea. Hi I". O, AiulralU "Tp'1 ARTISTS UATBRIALS I found Hon. A. K.Jud.1, t'hlet Ju.llee. Iloi 1W. for. KINO andtlETHEL 81a Australia ...... w" is Mr. William Brown, the chief warden el All kinds of (sue md band books Marlpuaa ct 17 things if ho starts In. Tim flrat thing is lion. II. F. ItUkerton, Fint Auuct-t- a Jantti-- AUinl 1 PACIFIC HAIU)WAIIE COJ Wlusoii tin-i- Jail, JUrmliiKham, nnd bought and sold. All kinds ofecntract, 21 for FortBU that which llos lioun-h- t to her, and tho W, V Frmr, 8ecot.a AtuMKlate Juntlce Marrliuou Oct Coptic.Mlora Nor 6 Hon. mnay times ho hn Ipchi nffercd a large re- taken for Cliliia . D second that for which theni Is the mott ...... r.alsssssssssssBUD Henry Hfirhh. Chief Clerk. WOO SING & CO., Auuralia Jl?2;oy 1) li ... If muneration to appear on (he stage to play l AUklralla Nor 81 MANUFACTURERS. ilemauil. MakiiiKcrayouiKirtralts.iuiiut- - , (Jeorge Luras, Kirat lHfpuly Ckri. ana Marlimaa No 2 CAKK1AUK J the part of himself lu an adaptation of rainuDE upoisierian.i doors, sash, Warrimoo Jo W W on vases may no r. 'ttcrwn.HfConaDcpatvClern. blinds, Outiuritl MurulKuicll.e, Mlowra N M 1'eklnK ,1'1C.5 WltKlIIT. lng riuuniis ami arusiio ( tirade's brmiaui notei. We Oovtlo HI.. opposiU Club BUblea. W'al alone bt9noraiilier. are fully nroi a red to contract for 1 Alameda Fort una won Nouutiuigi WTiiing or iiio J. tr i, Hi story Is iiidend a sensational one and Grocerirs, China and Japan Teas, Araa lo 1. ltft6 any sized Job of juilntlng and rejiairing, VSarrlmoo Ic l Mloera....Jan pnws may la) litorary mid fashionable, forms a wonderful chapUr of orison life In Matting, China Silk, Etc IVklM 0e COMMISSION MERCHANT. but neither f very good to got u living Jddqcs. the fifties, and also cyn trusts in a bulking LIIAItl.IlS IIAU'UIXN. Cihcuit Builders Hardware, Telephone No. 417 0. WK8T, Maaonlo Block. out of. Tho demand for thowork is lim manner the treatment of prisoners now 457. tt HOTEL St. First Circuit! 11. K. Cooier, W. A. W LI ting adopted. 3.M. Alakea. and Hotel BtreeM ited mid oomin-iltlo- very sharp. Moro I'ailllH, Glass, BilLWAY & .LAND CO.'S Tel. Cor. Ualiu. In 1853 Lieutenant Austin was an point d Oils, UM unpretentious work yields better profits. MUS MAXWELL CONVERSE. THE WING MOW CHAN, ..AHMET Heco-i- Cirmlt : Mmii, J W, Kaloa. governor of Winson Gieeu prison. He had ENOROSSINO AND 1LLUM1H AT1NO. If a woman lias n tiudo lor millinery coivctl oa nti nckjiovklgiutnt for tl)U Tlilrtlsiiit Fourth Circuits: Hawaii S.L.Aust u formerly been in the navy, and in that serr ELITE ICE CREAM PARLORS Importers and Commission work, is fancy work. WALL PAPER, ETC. Merchants. VIQOO JACOB8EN, or what termed epociul scrvieo tho tltlo of Chief h K1IIU Circuit i KhuhI, J, llanlt. Ice had foixul himself to the ctfUclulon wo discipline was everything. China and JapanTeaa, Hardware Co. sho can make n living out of it. A (frho wntclicfl for us), conferred Offlcei and Court-ivi- In Judiciary that He took n Telephone 16. Faciilc severe consid- Manila Cigar., BUka. man who is good at hand rowing can cliiefa llulldlnif, KM Htreet 8111 In if In Hmmlulti delight lu puidshmeul and HARTaCO. uiid fliftiiefl Bcpt. 18, 1801, by tlio FINE HOT Matting, Urocerlea and get plenty of work in tho larger cities, First Monday In FHini.iry, May, Auguet atnl ered that a breach of pi Uon discipline was HONOUHU Provisions. FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERERS, of Six XatiouH nt Oiuinibn;. CVtle, their a crime ulmoit gieuUr than that for which Cor. Fort and .... but It is wearing mid jmorly paid, bho Noveiabei IOE CREAMS, OOFFEE, Queen Streets, national govern men t Iioukj. tiiutit-- 64 King Street. - Telephone 78. ORDWAY & rUHTSR may for awliilo keep the wolf from tho prisouer entired a ji.ll. He his TIMETABLE Hotel St. Am bho is iu irt'8Mion of tho Iudiiin faith to constant thnals of iiunUhiueut CAKES, CAIOIES. IE. CH0COU1E Uici'iut-i-N- HONOLULU. H. I. j. now & co. loor, but that is alL I.lto curing lor relies, heirlooms, wampum belts unci T or FmuiaM ArrAins. and an almost iwrpetual use of bar June 74 King Bt. tlicse ISLAND CURI08. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, itn and Alter lit 'cliildren and repairing garments, it is barous toi collar, other historical rvconU of tho different IMTlce In HuIMIdk. King Htreet lures, the strait jacket, Our E.tabllabmcot la the Placat Ktiort la tb TIlAINa nt host n makeshift. dark cells nnd crank labor. AND MARINE. tribes, she hits n tnoht vnlnablo collec- I'lunrlf, M. JUltli, Mli.l-lt- T of Forel.nAlTt.lr8 City. Call Open till tl p. m. Removed to Store next Golden WING AV0TAI& COMPANY, INSURANCE, FIRE was lu 1653 tho public aod.c.ua. I know a woman in n littlo town of tion, vhointrin.siovorth isitOKuiwd lJio.C l'otter, hciretary, It that flrt Lad t" trnnrp their auspicious aroused that cruelties of u Rule Bazaar. 25 Nuuanu St. i'iutt England Mutual perhaps 500 inhabitants wIiom hnsband to their habits, cuMoms, MHtkliiKh, (lerk. Aetna, Alliance, New A.X.M. gross character w ere being practiced In the GENERAL deserteil her, leaving her penniless. Her deeds of valor mid ronlantfo legends. .1, VV. (Iln In, riftietaryClilnvimHurbau, OHAS. HUSTAOE, MERCHANDISE, not snpiiort two Birmingham jail. In that year n Fine Manila Cigars. Crockerrware, PLUMBERS AND father could her and her Mrs. Couverso considers tho historical boy committed In order to es Matting, Dress Bilks, Chinwe and ho suidde I.INCOI.N Block, Kino children, though took them homo. wampum belts the most (IV 1 Strbrt, tl ISO KMMELUTI1 & CO.. nnd national f)KP4llTMCNT TUB INTMUOK. cape tortuous punishment. lie tacts that fa Sho mado a few loaves of brood mid Hold vnluablo relics in her poBbChnion. They came out at the Inquest highly Incensed lletweeu Fort and Alokea Bta, YOUR Telephone 366. A.M. P.M. P.M. 6 Nuuanu St. A.M. them umong tho neighbors. Tho cook bo- - )H(it In Kxtciitho H u lid bur, Klni; L'uve lonola1a...H'l tl.U 1:15 6:10 nro worth nbout $00,000, but nro Hte the Inhabitants. DICALEH IN Pearl t'lty..7.l tt to 2:2) S:M stovo was her oven. In n short time sho yond any price. They nro centuries old, J. A. Kliiu', lti)ltjr of tha luterlor. It was proved bejond doubt that strait-- Ua-- e Mllf...ll:10 10 :H hail more orders than sho could fill mid i iiief Jo.in A. a sinner. jackets were constantly used as punish Groceries and Provisions. TA1 WO WING KEE CO. e AValauae ...... KM C: UERCHANTB and in tho rows of wanipnm beaus, their C, Arrh advnucod her prices beyond those of mUUu.I OlertiB, Jameii II. Hojit, II. ment for the smallest onenne, such as tue B. I. Shaw, Proprietor tho Cfjlornnd arrangement, chrotiiclo impor- , - No. 800 J.Ifyi-rn- liu Hump, Sle.ilien ilnliii- luablllty of a prisoner to fulfill WATCH Nuvahu St. a bakers, of whom thoro wero theumouut Fresh California Roll Butter and I ui threo in tant events nnd eras In their domestic Island In town. Her bread was worth moro, mid of crank labor set him, or for talking to Butter always on band. 5 M VETERINARY SUROEONS. and civil government Tho reader of another prisoner, or for using bad language. will be made to keep excellent LADIES AND CENTS SHOES. her patrons paid her price. Then sho u belts is a most important pcrtou-ag- o were per- Boott Shoes Made B. HCUNEIDER. D. V. a, tlioo I'L'ItEU'S, DCP4I1TMCNT These Jackets provided with Fresh Goods teceiyed by every Sleamer and to Order. to mako cako, and the snmo success mrr or time if left V. O. Box 2U7. . . . mnh Rtahlea. Fnrf, Bt In tho tribe, generally tnuiHmittfng fectly rigid collars 13 Inches long,3 Inches jrom o&n franctsco. Pa II attended her. In a conplo of years sho sacred charge to a (spe Intkuioiu deep and Inch thick. The pris- We Use the Bent Material and Warrant It to this for centuries ttr Hatisfactiox Ouahastcid. Jf3 Wear Well. A.M. P.M. P.M. had a little lionso built out in tho yard 0110 claii, instruct- oner was first muffled In the jacket, with 1:31 cial member of who is W, Alexander. IaveValaaa....s:4t put in n conplo of cook stoves, Hur iu, l. bis arms tied together on his breast, and Liave bwa Mllt..?:l :1D ixn and it ed privately for this ofllco. Mrs. Con- Sunt. Public Works, W. E. ltowell. U.IS then strapped so tightly at the back that THREE ..'ave Pearl CUtr...7.0 2ii which sho keeps going from morning till verse is n render of thene belts, and with Kupt. orks, Ar.drew lirown. IloDolalu...tuf! 10.SU 3:11 4.M Water It was impossible, to insert a finger between H. MAY fc CO. YING irrlve night. Sho is now in comfortable cir- of Caflsldy, BOO LUNG, great feeling translates this history Ins, vector Electric tlxlits, John the strap and the flesh. The leather collar Importer of On ftatunlar and Kuiiddf lilli' Ewa Mill cumstances, lives well and dresses her- periods important events. of Con unres, T. Thrum. Wholesale and In Honolulu at different and r.i'Liistrar ei (t was then fastened on in such a manner that Retail l'anMiiKer Train will arrive self and children well mid is not subject Dcimty vt Coneances, W. DAYS Silk OooiU, Fine Manila Cigars, o: m inaluau di imp in, Personally Mrs. Conveio has mi in HeKlstrar It tt cut the chin and neck nnd pi evented any Tcat rVcond-Cla- H. & Co. o A'w( FretKht Tialna will carry ri Hackfeld to mi employer's exiictious. dividuality exclusively her own; sho has Andrew movement of tho head. Then the prisoner with-- Malting, OUand General etiicrr ucommoilatloni. Boiul luiTvlHor, Honolulu. W. II. Cum- ii p. Dvyiajiv. F.n. Smith. I once know a woman who did exactly n. nymiuthetio nature,, true in her friend was fastened up to the wall of his cell In a Merchandise, 4t Act. llllURtf. standing position, This punishment was Superintend nt. Oen. Tkt. this thing in ico creaiu. For her first ships; has liberal, progressive ideas, a GROCERS 204 Mnunakea Street, Honolulu, Chief Enulueer Fire l)eit, J. II. Hunt. terribly patufu I, nud et It frequently last- Na IL I. !. few batches sho had no freezer, a largo mind which readily grasps complex nnd j P. Uox JCS. Siipt. Insane Dr. Geo. Herbert ed hours, and on occasions boys of 15 !I8 Street, yellow bowl and a dlsbpan doing ktv-- .scientific subjects, strong in reasoning A)lm. for Fort FARRER & "ITA juat received, per were kept In such positions from V o clock CO, ice Instead. Her boy sold ; n gentle, affectionate heart, re-- STEAMER, V. luclc" and HUHKAU AOIUCTJLTDHE. In the morning until 10 at night! flotli Telephones 22. P. O. Box "II. the six quarts sho niado tho first day. Fpousivo only to nobleness iu work and Or 47. SAM per other late arrivals, the Very of tin they fainted and wrru thcu QU0N& KEE & CO., There wero two ice cream saloon in attachment She has traveled extensive JPifiiMont J. A. Kinie. Minister brought round by application the well known and reliable complete stock of . illiberal of PORTLAND TO JAPAN most town, but sho simply supplied families ly in both continents. of the Interior. water, which was thrown ou them from Watch Makers. Importers and dealers In Oeneral and sold all she could make. Sho never Mrs. Converts is a graceful, ersatilo Members: W. (1. IrvIn, A. Jaeger, A. Her- - buckets. JAS. F. MORGAN. Merchandise. rich, moro pub- berLand John Knn. The prisoners in this position were fed by If satisfaction is Vln. HONOIvUI,lI. became but than made her writer of profound poetry. Sho has No. 45 Queen Street, not given, your expenses. x lished a book of poems entitled CummtMionerof ArIcuIturo and ex officio a warden, who broke up the bread and Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants Mecretary of the- Hoard: Joseph Marsden. placed it lu the pi son era mouth. Some money will be returned in full. Not many years ago a woman mado "Sheaves," tho exquisito verses attract , Coa. Kino and Mauxaicka DOMESTICS, times, bowtu-r- tlio collar woasoticht that Auctioneer and Stock Broker. Island orders will receive Bnutrra. somo money by selling grated horso rad ing the attention of Longfellow and aprUo' irtould notswallow biead or water. TAILOR GOODS, mid pickleo because was Whitticr, who personally wrote her lot Depahtwent or Finance. prompt 6m ish that her Auim-- inc. isusr uoys nwi to pern.r..i Sp" i.il yiveii to the attention. 517 HOP HING & COMPANY, On or about Mill, the hobby. She started by selling to her gro- ters of praise and thanks for this add! was thi' turning of u crank hnudle vWth u AUiJKST DRESS GOODS. Minister of Finance, H. M. Damon. llAtlllllltg of cer, iu a year or a to tiou of chaste thought in poetio form to 10 pound pressure upon It for lO.WK) CHUNG Al Steamship but two hired man Audltor-Uenera- l, H. Ijihb. ieo MINC, Manager. Utwu-- huiiiIm) and night. CLOTHING, go tlirough the towns along tho lino of tho present day nnd generation. of Account a, W. U. Anldey, lutions Hi Ro.'d i:?tfitn' Stotikc, Bonds. WINS WO CHAN & HetcUtrar many revolutions to be made before CO.. Wholesale Dealers In tho Michigan Southern railroad mid sell To her own sex oho Is. ft true friend, Collet of Customs, J. II. Castle. had breakfast, ho many before dinner, so many "ASLOUN" HOSIERY, from house to house. When at last sho ever ready to encourage by kindly worda Assessor, Oaliu, Jonathan Shaw. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liquors and Manila Cigars, English Tax before supper. If the icq idred tiumU-- wa wanted to give up work, she sold her n (struggling sister. She belongs to sev Deputy AaHcssor, W, C. Wecdon. Groceries. will Iciitc lloiiululii for HATS, not completed btloie break f no break II. HACKFELD & CO. 2 NUUANU STREET. ' business to a company for n nico littlo eral woman's clubs and believes thor- Postmaster-Genera- l, J. M. Oat. fas'; If not completed dinntr, lie. 403 Hotel Rtrnet. Telephone 147.' Yokolitiiiiii. SHOES, "advance-mcu- Importers and dealers in all kinds of BOOTS AND stun. oughly In woman's power and dinner; if uutbuure supper, uo hiipinr, bi Uuheau, diKnAr. Provisions, Merchandise, Cigars, Etc. For Passage and Freight Rates apply to SADDLERY, Etc., Etc., Etc. In a neighboring town not long ago Katie M. Host wick. Custom. thut n weakly imiii cr Uiy would go i women of w hole day without food, and would think L. tho tho Methodist church Ofllcc, Custom House, Ksplanade, Fort St. AHLO, people Great preachers like Phillips Brooks himself lucky If ut 10 o'tlock at night he Oommlsslun Merchants H. Davies & Co., Ltfl made np their minds that tho Clector-Oenera- l, B, Theo. and Henry Ward Beecher believe iu wo J. Castle. got eight ounces of brown bread and a pint YEE CHAIN, Iry Goods, Hoots, Sliocs, Etc. would giro more to tho Lord if he fillod F. H. man suffrago nnd the complete emanci MOtotker. of w ater. General Rice Agent fur thVfollowtnff plan- their stomachs than if ho asked prayers. Master, Captain A. Fuller. No. 804 and 300 onOahui-Walp- Io, Watawa,WaImalu, of ones, Bish- llarbof During the u holo of the time these abom- 3 I (Mt'llU-.Hal- l NUUANU STREET' tation. food. Ouo pation women. Small like M. N. S. S. Co. Kaneobe, Walalua. Hardware. So they went to work getting Port Surveyor, Sanders. inable crtulties wire) practiced, the Mill ops Doone and Cleveland Coxe, and liin l',-,l'"- l Near King Street. Kaueohe Rice best rice for Bale. could make sponge cako, another wheat Storekeeper, Geo. (J, btrateineyer. chaplain nud Mr, Brown were doing thilr AyOillS A Mark A. L. STEAMSHIP CO, Rails and Railway most negro preachers nro opposed to lln Clothinfr, Matting," Camphor 0CIAH1C bread, a third Boston brown bread a la it utmost to relax the terrible prison disci- O Illl 8. h. Co, No. 468 Nuuanu Cor. biu-s- Trunks, Valises, St Chaplain St. Material, Boston, a fourth clam chowder, a fifth Defaktuent or Attohnev-Gkneka- u pline adopted by tliu governor. They Hats and Gents SHARP LOBBY WORK. worked will,' Furnishing Goods P. O. Box 111. Crockery and Glassware. pies and so on. Each was to tako out of Hulldlns, King- togethir with a and many, Office In Executive St many times have prisoners fallen on HONOLULU. M I tho amount received tho cost of materials Attorney-Genera- their Bags and Bagging, How m MIlHoniilro tli Innocent l, W. O. Smith. knees in thankfulness for timely succor and give the balance to tho church. At Attorney-Genera- l, G. M. Itobert- - Instrument f the (iauie. Deputy A. which had been lendered them. WING TAI LUNG, tho end of tho month thoy met and re- you ofllco eon. HIP CIIONG, TIME TABLE. "If will Btepout loto tha of At length, at the demand of tho inhabi- DEALERS IN experience sergennt-at-nrm- 111 Kea, lated their and found their the you n And old Clerk, J. M. tant of Birmingham, n royal commission FacEiic Brass Foundry Dealer in treasury enriched by nearly $300. Out Huntluftton sittlug therewith a bug nf Marshal. K. O. Hltchrock. of inquiry was held to inquire into the truth Crockery, Hardware, Ciiari, ,Etc ad- money brought here to defeat the funding Clerk to Marshal, II. M. Dow. w GROCERIES PROVISIONS, BEERS, of this arrangement lias gTOwn such of the allegation. The holo of them were STEAM AKD GALVANIZED PIPE, EL LIQUORS, vertising that many of these ladies have bill." Deputy Marshal, Arthur M.Brovnl found to be true. Pprk, Rice, Bran and 831 Nuoahu St., calls for their food now and aro making A note reading In about these words Jailor Oahu lrlon, James A. Low. One particularly pitiable cose was that BOWS, GLOBE-VALVE- General Merchandise. AMERICAN AND was brought Into tbu Heunte chamber one Prison Physician, Dr. X. B. Emerson. P. O. Box IU S. S. AUSTRALIA money for themselves. One especially of a boy named Udwurd Andrews, about STEAlt COCKS, and all other Httlngs Cor. Hotel and Nuuanu Sta. afternoon by n doorkceiK-- r anil put In the Honolulu, H. I. EUROPEAN GROCERIES makes Boston brown broad twico aweek whom, In the name of Josephus, Heade for pipe on hand, Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu uauu or benutor luurmnn. ilia Old Jto gives true and heartrending account. Mr, and never has enough to supply the LtoARu or Health. a HO, YEN KEE & CO., from S. F. for b. F. FEEDS, FLOUR, Etc., Etc. m nu glanced ntlt. There was no Brown has a vlved tecollectloii s poor aeimtor twisted thepnpt-rl- Htiildtng CHINESE STORE 'X" x Juno 21 June 21 ture. The Office In trout) da of Judiciary boy. He wan stiit to jull for three months Honolulu PH0YIS1W iv ivr 1 'x 11 h, . Steam Rice Mil!. pis nngcrs n jew monit-tus- s. July 15 July 20 A great many people prefer wild to ami mil fiui corner of Mllllanl and Queen btrevt for stealing four pounds of beef. He was Brick Building and dealers In A new supply of the Then he uuUeil out U red handkerchief Dr. Day, Wood, Andrews, In bqU Aug. 8 1 H cultivated fruits, and n woman in Maino Members: nr. Dr. very weak, but wan notwithstanding put Kreh milled Ulce orsale quantities to .... ' Cor. Hotel and Smith CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Sept. 2 ....Kept. 7 celebrated 'profited by this preference. For the bandanna and blew hUlioae. He J. T. Waterhouse, Jr., John Ena, Theodore to the crank. Sts, ErtT has got up nud strolled Bept. SO Oct. 2 many years she has sent to Portland out through the mar F. Lansing and Attorney-Gener- tiinlth, One day the chaplain. Mr, Shetwin, was J. A. HOPPER. Prop'r. Kl CHONC, Proprietor. Water Pipes, laid and Repaired, ine room mm into tueoiiiceor tiisHer and plumbing neatly . . . Oct. 21 Oct. 27 from 100 to 800 quarts per day during President, Hon. W. 0. bmlth. attracted to the boy's cell by ciles of "Mur fort Ptrtt, nnnolnln. executed 20 urn ins. tiure euouub, there ant Wilcox. Rice, Tea and General Merchandise, Nov. 15 Nov. "SAUERBRUNNEN" season, at good prices, she has Secretary, Chas. der." lie found thu boy crjing pUeously, No. 41 Nuuanu the till Huntington holding a handling, and In Officer, C.H. Iteynotda. and he said he won being starved. He wa btkkxt. put more Executive ROBT. LIWIU, r.j. lowtiv herself in than comfortable confidential communication with him were Agent Board of Health, J. I. MnVeUh. in the straltjucket at tho time, and the THROUGH LINE circumstances. two well known members of the lobby, Inspector and Manager of Garbage .Service, chaplain tried to Insert one of his lingers . Also oa hand great many men to Senator Thurmau glanced iilwutthe room, between the collar boy's LEWERS & COOKE, From. for I have known a L.L. La Pierre, and the neck, but From San Francisco Sydney anked where wan nud back g A, Perfect KONA COFFEE (Old and New) fall in beekeeping, but never a woman rrench strolled Inspector, pr. W' Montarrat foiled. Mr, Brown buppmcd to be pass-bi- L'jmbek, Hutriment for Sydney. can rancmco. to tbu rK'iiate went Builders' Hardware, i HAWAIIAN SUGAR and RICE, possibly because sho does not expeot chamber. He lu on Port Physician, Dr. F, It. Day, at the tlino, and he slackened the straps roaasowiriaCHiLDKCH. the ItepubHcan aide, mt down by Senator on his own responsibility re- - DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Give CONVAirsCIMTS. Henry aud greatly Baby Tjeave One whom Dispensary, Dr. W. Howard. the Arrive Honolulu. Honolulu. large returns. J have iu mind sent tnu of na- CONSUMSTIVIS, luliuunds' nnd showed bit Leper Ho tt Dr. K. ueveu tne utile suiicter. All of which they offer to the started keeping the bees in tho south per. When I.duiunds had read It, lenient. It Oliver. PAINTS, OILS J GLASS, OTSPtarics, - Jlonowai.-.Jul- y I Alameda.. .Junn 27 Thur Several times after this the boy was pun- i most porch of her dwelling house in a thickly mau whlttpertd to him a few words, cot aadUM Acas.aiia Alameda.. .Aue. 1 Marinosa. ..July 25 trade on the on the ished by order of Austin, and ou many co WALL PAPER, MATTING, la Aeala lllaeee and settled part of the city. The boea found up and crossed over to Jits own side of BoAtiD Immigration Mariposa. .Aug. 2tT Monowai...Aug. 22 liberal terms. the or ns buckets of water were throw n over ma CURUGATED IRON, MonowaL.Sept. 28 I Alameda.. Sept. 19 flowers everywhere and brought in plen- chamber mid took neat. Judiciary him. Once Brown found the boy strapped Presently KdmuDdi up, Offiee, Department of Interior, Alamiila.-.Oc- 24 Mariposa. ..Oct. 17 ty of honey. There was no expense in Htnator cot to the wall, and ou being released he fell t.IME, CEMENT, ETC. t. cut Into the corridor nnd walked Building. KlngHtreet THE selling tho product. Each hive produced A. King. to the ground inseuslble. Ou April 27 he Into the ofllco ef the scrueant-at-arm- President J. uu end to his bufferings by from 40 to 40 pounds of surplus honey, Members of the Hoard of Immigration: put committing lookeil around nud then, ns if not finding cejt, and it was no trouble to get 20 cents a B. Athertou, Jas. A. Kennedy. Joseph suiciue in nis ftomeone he whs in nearch of, went back J. was tried Warwick REMOVAL Best pound for it, and the work was not Marsden, James G.Spmcer, J.tarden. Austin afterward at Food Co to the chamber, Instentl of ri'numlng Ids assizes for his diabollcall 111 Oceanic Steamship except Becretaxy, Wray Taylor, treatment and INVALIDS. Hand-fi- for a few weeks in sum- Beat, he went o er to Beuator Conklluu and v was sent to Jail for three mouths INFANTS for d Infant. mer, bad a few momenta' talk with him. Then He is pow, like the majority of the actors iYbsbbbbbsbbbbsi ' Bo chickens Couklhig went out nf chamlier, glanced OVH BOOK ftr Ike Iwlractloa, in raising and eggs for the Boaiid or Edccatiok. In this dreadful draiuu, dead, but Mr. HUSTACE & CO olmothcn.'Ta. Car. mm FINE the market I recall now about 20 wo Into the door of French's oflice nud came Brown still otllclates as the chief warder .riebLBU,"wUI b. maOKlr back. A little Senator got Office, Judiciary Building, Kins Street have moved to toaaraddiaasnpoarMM. men in the suburban Tillages who d later Thurmau lp the prbou and takes a most kindly in- tue lresldent, W. Castle. ( luuulug bin before tne benate. It in any prisoners who are desirous of DOLIKR-COOOAL- Australian Mall Service. upon their chickens mid eggs for terest C Then cnnied a Aerict of terrific attacks Clerk, J. F. Scott, reforming themselves. London Morgan's Auction Resins COi lupport. They started in a small way--one ou the lunueuccs which, It was asserted, iDtpectorof School. A, T. Atkinson. BOSTON, MASS.. U.B. A. had only three liens at first but Thur-ma- were arrayed ngalost tho measure, A Vim IllgMamps, for a short time. We are still selling soon sought larger quartors. Some of for tha JOB WORK. Kdmuuda and Conkllug lanhexl the Hoard jo Ci'fwn Cf unfit lit, People sometimes bear odd things on tht BENSON, SMITH 8c CO., For Sydney and AncUaoil: them raifo broilers only and live on vil- uunamed lonuy witnout mercy. Tne fund lir street cars. lage lota say 76 by so ing bill went through practically A, King, W, Departure Bay Coal, 160 fcet as to without J. Minister of the Interior The other day a sweet young thing in aole Auenta for ttxo Hawaiian Xa.lt Steel Steamship opposition. Senators who had had honest Attorney-Gener- C. Iankes The New and Fine Al be clow to market. Their eggs uro al- Smith. and P. teal furs said to n sweet young thing In expediency of bill CHARCOAL, f "ALAMEDA" ways fresh and averago the year around doubts about the the Office In Judiciary Building dark green t am not venture to vote K. from 25 cents per dozen and the ohlck-en- s against "Alice, Is It true that the Columbian 'ALGEROBA tfOf the Oceanic Btramshlp Company will The anonymous note to Thurman was and be due Honolulu from San Fran- from 25 cents toliO cents per jxiuurt, Labou Commission. stamps will not be used after this yearf" at lobby trick.. It came from a niau who had "That is what KINDLING WOOD, cisco on or about THB sold when they aro about 12 weeks old failed business I understand," replied th ENTERPRISE PLANING to form relations with W, N. rmstrong eweet young thing In green. Mill. and weigh 2 pounds each. The work Huntington, who saw Chairman. dork In any quantity. August 1st ELECTRIC and the chance for . Kmmelath, T B. Marrsy, "I'm so sorry," 'STAR'S" needs close attention, they find which I ulwaya to PETER HIGH A CO. but it the lobbyist waiting M. Vlvaa, H. W. Beverance. "Whyf" Proprietors. And will leave for (he above poria with profitable does get even, just J. Both Telephone. 414. KUtf PRINTING WORKS and independent, and it Jiununutou had reached know - Mail and Passengers on or about that city Dr C. T. llodgera. BecreUry "You Frank Jlmaon, don't ynuf" Office and .Mill on- Alakea sod Richard,. not banish them to a lonoly farm. the nud had come from the depot to course. He college date. "Of went away to uwm,uw., UUUUJU1U, Al. MolNERNY BLOCK Another woman I know makes a nlco tue capjtoi to iiiouire about aome jeauia September." I. In which ho was last little sum from her flowers. Just at tlon Interested. There District Court, "Well, we correspond with each other. was moro dangerous - present she nothinir tbananlcht- Bid you know For Saa Francisco: is raising iiid lilies. They shirt and a toothbrush Iu the handbag to Folic BlAtlon Iiylldlng, Merchant Btreat thatr" Castle & Cooke, Ltd. MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SCREENS. are planted in old tubs and half barrels Antonio perry, Magistrate. "No. Isn't that nicer" kinds of wiiicu tne senator itnaginea lie clung with "Yea, permitted FRAMES, " ' The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship Is prepared to do all in the hack yard. Whou their season la care. James Thompson, ClerkTY but mamma the enrre Etc. : spondeuce only on condition that she read "MONOWAI" News- -' ovor but sho by closo atten- He dropped office A2VE artUtlo Book, Job and contrives bad Into the of the the letters. We are so young, you know, TUHNED SAWKD WORK, to season erueaut-at-arm- was Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will paper printing; at fair prlnea, tion make tho for them lust but It asemlpubllo PosTorrion lion tad. and she Is dreadfully afraid we'll write love he due lit Honolulu from Sydney and several weeks she turns to her waiting room, nud he was chatting with letters to each other," Prompt attention to all Telephones: Mutual, legislative PostmaiiUr-aenera- l, Mort Oat. Hardware orders Mi PU, 488. Auckland on or about for which she gets about a cout agents while waiting to get bis i. 'What have the Columbian stamps to da each. Information; His presence there at the fiecretarr. W. O. Atwater. with August 32d, time had nothing do the funding Sup't Poatal HavlDKS KaBkl E. It. WodehoUee, itr Of course women who huvo plenty of to with "Just tbUt We write our love meusflren and and will hare prompt despatch with Mammoth bill. Yet the. smartest senators In' the Money Order Ilejurtmeat, Y. B. Oau t ' money to start into business with can on the envelopes and paste the stamps over ; Malls and l'aseengers for the above port. whole body fell luto the (rap set for tbem, Oeneral Delivery. L.T. Kanaka. them, The stamps easily Commission P, O. Box, 480 ( get along the same as men, but to got Beglatrr If, Peaha. are soaked off. Mutual a4t Poster Bt. iuuis Pluirtmct, U you know, You'd lie surprised how much Jt, the few dollars to sturt with that is ClerU: D. Holt, II. A. Dexter, B.T Keko. The undersigned are now prepared J, we can put under a Columbian stamp w hen iho rub. T. W, Glover. mtno, F. B. Angu.J.Mwal, llenrr Sala Merchants, "r to issue tie t wa write a real small hand." Pittsburg The w v Tb tt '. N. K.Keole, Harlta J. T.FlimarMa Chronicle-Telegrap- ' btjlhe lowest ' Speolaltr, Hacket (gloomily) J you, to Id toe A CHIEF OF INDIANS. tell Char : Tbrooeli 1'ic.ets all Points ley, tins is a naru, hard world. Talking A war r"ruw tl.e Subject. General Merchandise, Priced Store on the Islands to buy NEW abd m Socket United Slates. Dot Mrs. Harriet Maxwell Converse Is (interestedly) So you havt Whon Frederick Robertson of Brlgli Cullare4 WulU IjuIj. uongw a woyoie, nave youj-Lif- e. Books, Pamphlets, Legal Faperf, ton, the great prencher who luul written First - Class - Second - Hand - The only wliite womaji legally accord- For ranch about Tennyson's poems, and fui Agricultural Furniture For her particulars regarding II Couldn't, Good and Clean, to" fir Hand Bill. Dodger; Letter tni ed fall rights and privileges by valid whom the oet had a lilgh regard, lirst at Prices suit tbe hard Freight or mirage, apply to ad- Brlgga Implements times rjohj , Vbhing recogultlon as chief, custodian and Old man. you couldn't lend Fine printing called upon lilui, ftit," wild . JPsfaoi qieap for Cash. , Bill Headf, Bujinesa and me your "I Tcnny viser of the Six Nations is Airs. Harriet 9i oouia son, "as f lie had come to pluck out and Oirflf Ticket. e(e. , . Converse, Griggs How did yoa guest, (ti New Try r Wm.G. Irwin Co, L'd, Pro,r,mi, Maxwell who was bom In - - .11- of my mystery, so I talked to hlui Plantation t Klialra, N, Y,, but for many years has t or neraui. if ' Oornar Nuuarm Kin AGENTS. I r I r H , bout nothing but beer." Supplies, and trau.r GENERAL rujle4 iu New Yprfc city, st