Three in One

Issue number 292

September 2020 News and Views from the parishes of Shurdington, from Views and News Bentham with Witcombe and Badgeworth,

{n} Three in One Magazine for September Vicar The Revd SUSAN COOKE tel (01242 ) 321806 The Vicarage,School Lane Shurdington, , GL51 4TF Email : [email protected] Reader Mr ROBERT POOLE tel (01452) 855660 11 Stansby Crescent, Churchdown, GL3 2DE email: [email protected]

Local Ministry Team THE GREENWAY TEAM Revd Susan Cooke Robert Poole Sue Padfield Paul Stanfield Rachel Cottell Christine Jeffs Clare Stewart Catherine Milsom Rebecca Spear Retired Clergy The Revd IAN GOBEY tel (01242) 863977

Benefice Administrator Chris Langham Email: [email protected] Care home liaison and Safeguarding Mrs Rachel Cottell [email protected] THREE IN ONE MAGAZINE Editor John Cummins tel (01242) 862518 Business Manager Ian Davies tel (01242) 861293 email: [email protected]

19 CONTENTS SEPTEMBER 2020 page page Pastoral Letter...... 4 Witcombe & Bentham Online Services...... 6 Organisations...... 17 The Befrienders...... 7 The Befrienders...... 18 Witcombe Support group..9 Badgeworth Parish Council Badgewoth Court...... 10 ...... 19 Gardening Society...... 13 Scouts...... 24 Useful Phone Numbers..15 Lockdown...... 26 Shurdington Organisations George’s prayers...... 28 ...... 16 Faith stories...... 29 Badgeworth Organisations ...... 17

Contributors please note: material for the October 2020 issue to John Cummins at [email protected] by Wednesday 16th September

19 Pastoral Letter Pastoral Letter Robert writes

September 2020

My dear friends

At this time of year the children would be about to go back to school, people without children might well be going on holiday to take advan- tage of cheaper prices whilst the weather remains reasonably good, clubs, organisations and groups would be planning their first meetings after the Summer break. The six weeks of easy travel to work would be over too.

Not much of all this is true this year. Covid 19 restrictions, fears of in- fection and so on have come together to disrupt much of the “Great Re- turn” to normality. Speaking for my wife and me, we have had to rebook our holiday twice this year finally moving it to next year. I am sure we are not alone in doing this or something similar.

I, for one, have been amazed at the way in which communities have responded, and importantly, continue to respond, to identify and meet the needs of neighbours, family, and friends.

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., have been used in ways and by people that could not have been envisaged a year or so ago. We have overcome our normal reticence and, horror of horrors, begun to speak to people we don’t know in the street! The footpaths are full of people simply going for a walk rather than walking to somewhere spe- cific.

Not everything is so positive though. Companies will be closing for business and jobs will be lost as a result. Club meetings, and entertain- ment events are still being cancelled. Sports events are being held be-

{n} hind closed doors. People are still being infected and some are dying an earlier death from Covid 19 than they otherwise might.

Much is being learned about the illness, its apparent random difference in its effect on individuals and within cultures. I, for one, believe strong- ly that, even in the event of a vaccine, we are going to have to learn to live with it rather than eradicate it. There will always be those around the world that the vaccine has either not been available to or simply does not work. That means our behaviours and habits must change per- manently, and not just “for the duration”.

It is through permanent, rather than temporary, changes that a new nor- mality will emerge. Perhaps this is how we should have been living for a long time, but our mis-placed reliance on remedial medicine such as antibiotics etc., has made us complacent about hygiene habits. It has taken a dangerous, nasty virus to remind us of our vulnerability.

Let us hope that all the social gains of caring for each other are not lost in the new normality.

Robert Poole Reader.

The Reverend David Primrose Did anyone else see on Sunday last (16th August) on BBC 1 Songs of Praise, the Reverend David Primrose who was interviewed about his bee keeping in Litchfield, Staffordshire. I watched with great interest as he was our Vicar from 1996 until 2003. Peggy Taylor

19 Online Servic- COVID 19 WORSHIP ROTA

As Covid 19 still represents a major threat, we are keeping a re- duced number of services until the end of December. In common with much of society, we won't be returning to our old patterns, for some time, indeed, if ever - and we don't know what new nor- mal will look like. However, we have thought, prayed and negoti- ated a "Covid" pattern of worship, which will generally be as follows:

August 2020 – December 2020 1st Sunday 10am 11:30 Holy 3pm Holy Communion at Facebook Communion St Mary’s live at Holy Trinity

2nd Sunday 10am 3pm Non eucharistic Facebook worship at St Paul’s live 3rd Sunday 10am 3pm Non eucharistic Facebook worship at St Mary’s live 4th Sunday 10am 11:30 Non 3pm Holy Communion Facebook eucharistic at St Paul’s live worship at Holy Trinity 5th Sunday 10am No gathered 4pm zoom 5th Sunday Facebook worship service live We are planning to add in extra services for special events such as All Souls, Remembrance and Christmas. This is in the capable, spiritual hands of the Local Ministry Team.

Each church has two services a month, one of which is likely to be Holy Communion.

19 The Befriend-

We continue to ask you to attend your usual church, so that we can keep numbers within a safe limit, and to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. Newcomers are always welcome. Please remember to stay home if you feel unwell, or if anyone else in your bubble/household has symptoms.

Non eucharistic worship may be indoors or outdoors, according to weather and local preference. Holy Communion services will be inside. Please remember masks for indoor worship (and out- door if you prefer). For Holy Communion, it is helpful if you can bring a small sanitiser, for use immediately before receiving com- munion. Sanitiser is provided as you enter and leave church. We also need to keep an eye on numbers attending, so that we can seat people safely, so please let Sue, Paul or Clare know if you are hoping to attend a communion service. You do not need to receive communion, should you choose to attend. Email [email protected] if you're not sure how to contact someone to notify them that you wish to attend. Please remember that the government guidance for those over 70 and the extremely vulnerable is that they should avoid mixing with people as much as possible. Please take care of yourselves - there are options for worship where you do not need to physi- cally gather (Our own Facebook and YouTube, as well as Televi- sion, Radio etc). A gentle but firm reminder - you are advised not to engage in conversation with fellow worshippers especially at indoor wor- ship. Please go straight to your seat as directed by the warden or steward and remain there until the service ends. I know this feels odd, but the latest guidance reminds us not to interact with our friends and fellow Christians in church. Thank you. As well as Sunday Worship, gathered and online, Facebook live prayers continue during the day Monday to Friday at noon, with Morning Prayer by zoom every Thurs at 9am. Please check the pinned post on Facebook for details of who is leading Mon-Fri prayers each day. I'm very grateful to those people who have written their faith sto- ries for me to share on Facebook live on a Sunday morning.

19 Those stories are posted to A Church Near You, so you can go back and read them. Inspiring and brave Christian witness - why not send me your story? There are two more stories in this edi- tion of the magazine. Thanks also to those who have prepared intercessions for us to pray during Facebook live.

And finally - our curate Rebecca, who was not able to be or- dained in July, has now got a date for her ordination as a deacon! Rebecca and I will be in the cathedral on Sunday 20th September for a service at 3pm. As attendance is by invitation only this year, we believe the service will be livestreamed, and available on the cathedral website too. Please pray for Rebecca and her ministry in this benefice, as she becomes the Reverend Rebecca! The ordination service doesn't affect our service pat- terns - there is still a service planned for 3pm at St Mary's on 20th Sept.

If you haven't tried joining us online yet - do please give it a go! Even if you don't plan to worship online, don't forget to find the weekly readings and notices on A Church Near You every Fri- day. The link below is to the Holy Trinity page, but you can go to the other pages as well, although the weekly sheet is the same for all three churches. You can find the 3in1 magazine online as well! 1

A prayer for these times: Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy. Sustain and support the anxious, be with those who care for the sick, and lift up all who are brought low; that we may find comfort knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen With love and prayers, Susan. Vicar

19 Witcombe CORONAVIRUS SUPPORT GROUP Witcombe with Bentham Many of us are under isolation but this is to let you know that if you are isolated and/or unwell we will help if we can: Telephone contact Shopping (as available)/Prescriptions Urgent car journeys (where possible) Prayer resources Please contact Sue 01452 862509 )Churchwardens Lynne 01452 864523) or Phil Quarry Pillcroft Rd/Cl area: 555323/07913733189/[email protected] Liz Matthews Astridge Rd area 863895/07522620520 [email protected] Janine Taylor Birdlip Hill 864323/07800886935 [email protected] Ellen Pointon Green Lane/Main Road 864689 Christine Jeffs Bentham La/Dog La. 864887 Helen Makins Green Lane 864448 Alison & Brian Kelly Astridge Road 522022 Emma Pillcroft Close 07962105791 Lindsay Willats Pillcroft Road 07590318120 Lizzie & James Caversham 07710672998 07989582111 Debbie Ward nr Village Hall 07984316620 Sue Mason Green Lane 862676/07803429230 Christine & Tony Dyer Dog Lane 862399 Jane Fenton Dog Lane 07852036001 Jill Jones Sandy Pluck Lane 01242 862611 If you are also able/willing to be a contact please let Sue or Lynne know.

19 Badgewoth Court

29th July 2020 BADGEWORTH COURT STAFF WIN REGIONAL CARE ACCOLADE Residents and staff at Badgeworth Court Care Centre are celebrating as two members of staff are finalists in the national Barchester Awards. Debbie Murcott has been recognised as Hospitality Champion and Joana Matias has been crowned Activities Coordinator of the Year for Barchester’s Central Division in the Barchester Care Awards 2020 and have made it through to the national finals in October. The awards celebrate staff and volunteers who go the extra mile for the benefit of individuals living in Barchester care homes. Categories range from ‘Registered Nurse of the Year’ and ‘Carer of the Year’ to ‘Maintenance Champion’ and ‘Team of the Year’. More than 2,800 nominations were received from homes, residents, staff and relatives across the UK this year. All entries have been of a very high standard and Debbie and Joana are thrilled to have been named top in the region. As the winners for the Central Division, Debbie and Joana have automatically gone through to the national Barchester Care Awards finals, where they will be interviewed by the judges for the last round of judging. In October, Debbie and Joana will be invited to attend the Care Awards ceremony where the achievements will be celebrated, and the National Winners will be announced. We are planning for this to take place virtually on the 8th October 2020 with further details to follow. Debbie said: “I wasn’t expecting to be

19 shortlisted but I am so pleased, and proud. We don’t work in care for the accolades but it’s wonderful to be recognised by my team and peers. It is nothing short of an honour.” General Manager, Anna Satora, said: “This is an amazing achievement, and the staff residents and community are supporting Debbie and Joana wholeheartedly. It’s more important than ever to recognise everyone that has worked so hard. It is lovely to recognise these individuals. We are really excited for the National Awards ceremony in October where Debbie and Joana will hopefully receive the national awards.” We are welcoming new residents into our homes to ensure that we are there for those that need care and support, and have a very clear admission policy and infection control protocols that must be met. Please do give us a call on 01452 71515 if you are looking for care or need any further help. Badgeworth Court Care Centre is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering high-quality care across its care homes and hospitals. Badgeworth Court Care Centre provides nursing care, residential care and respite care. For more information please contact Anna Satora, General Manager at Badgeworth Court Care Centre on 01451 715015 or email [email protected] Macmillan coffee morning 2020 This year we are unable to hold our usual coffee morning for this very worthwhile cause, an event that we really enjoy, due to the Covid 19 situation. Sadly we cannot provide socially distanced spaces in our house for all who usually come along.

19 However, we do intend sending a donation to Macmillan Cancer Support and invite anyone who might like to add to the sum to let us have your contribution by the 25th September. You will remember that last year we were able to send a record sum of £500.00 and whilst we don't expect to achieve that amount this year it would be good if we could collectively help this essential charity in their work, which has become even more essential during this year's pandemic. We can arrange to collect donations, if necessary otherwise they can be left at our home address. Hopefully, we will be back to normal in 2021. Ian and Cheryl Gobey What are you doing for “Eco-Week”? 6th September – 12th September 2020 Last year, Eco-Week was a great success, so we thought we would do it again! Everyone is into caring for our environment and we do lots here in our villages. So, please join in our local initiative to be a bit greener and share with us the eco-friendly things you, your family, your business, school, group or team are doing to help save the planet. On Sunday 6th Sept, we’re launching “Eco-Week” in our villages. During the week everyone can join in by doing something for the envi- ronment. Decide on something you can do, and you could email a write- up and some photos to [email protected]! Please put Eco Week 2020 in the subject line. Photos can be added to the Eco-Week page, so let us know if that’s OK. Have a look at the page as we progress through the week. However you’d like to share your good news, we’d love to hear it and celebrate during this week of focus on the environment. There is no deadline, no sign-up sheet, no paperwork! Thanks for reading; please join in and help save the planet! Susan, vicar.

19 Gardening Society


The 15th August 2020 would have been the Gardening Society’s 80th Annual Show and it is a real shame that it has had to be postponed. I have said postponed because hopefully we will be able to hold it next year. The weather has made a gardener’s life difficult, it has been extremely hot (therefore lots of watering needed) and recently thunderstorms and great downpours of rain. But now is the time for looking forward. Christmas potatoes are in the shops, these can be planted in a bucket or any deep container; keep adding soil (known as earthing up) and hopefully you will have new potatoes at Christmas. Also it is time to think about planting spring bulbs for next year. So there is plenty to keep gardeners occupied, including deadheading to extend the flowering season. Stay safe keep gardening Janette Willis (Secretary)


An invitation to visit beautiful gardens in and around Witcombe and Bentham between 20 July and 21 September 2020

£10 ticket will enable you to view more than 12 gardens (accompanied children under 15 years free)

subject to Covid-19 distancing guidelines - visits will be arranged with the owners of the gardens at a date and time convenient to both of you

For more information and tickets please contact Christine Dy- er Telephone: 01452 862399 or email [email protected] Or to pay by bank transfer email: [email protected]

In aid of St Mary’s Church, Witcombe and local community.

19 Useful Phone Numbers

( Useful Phone Numbers: ( Furniture Recycling Warehouse 01452 331333

Removal of Bulky Waste 01684 295010 Glos Highways 0800 0 514 514 Faulty Streetlights 0800 0 514 514 Police (non-emergency) 101 Fire/Police/Ambulance 999 (emergency only) NHS ‘Out of Hours. 08454 220220 CARE direct 0800 444000 Electricity Power Loss 0800 328 1111 Water Services & 0800 783 4444 Emergencies Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Emmaus* 01452 413095

*at Chequers Road, : Collections and Sale of furniture, electrical goods etc.

19 Shurdington Organisations

SHURDINGTON CHURCH & VILLAGE ORGANISATIONS Churchwardens Mrs Clare Stewart (01242) 862598 Mr Mike Cass (01242) 861139 PCC Secretary Mrs Lisa Pearson (01242) 862538 PCC Treasurer Mr Mark King (01242) 862505 Gift Aid Officer Mrs Joan Puffett (01242) 862647 Sacristan Mr Andrew Spence (01242) 862101 Church Flowers Mrs Helen King (01242) 862505 Sunday School Staff Mr Kevin Stubbs (01242) 577123 Electoral Roll Officer Mrs Lisa Pearson (01242) 862538 Mothers’ Union Mrs Kate Thompson (01242) 862467 Church Hall Lettings Mrs Julie Miller (01242) 701127 Verger Mr Michael Cass (01242) 861139 Friends of St Paul’s Mrs Clare Stewart (01242) 862598 Parish Council Clerk Lizzie Abderraahim (07906) 960984 Shurdington Pre School Tess Engelbrecht (07867) 813627 Gardening Society Mr. G. Woodruffe (07792) 269353 Scouts Group Mr Paul Calleja-Gera (07770) 48027 Shurdington Sports Club Mr J Barnfield (01242) 862826 Social Centre Lettings Mr Paul Calleja-Gera (07770) 480272 Friendship Club Mrs Maureen West (01242) 863991 Childrens’ Society Mrs Helen King (01242) 862505

IIn time of illness if you would like a visit and / or to be remembered in prayer please contact Clare Stewart (01242) 862598, Sue Padfield (01452) 862509.

Three in One Magazine Editor John Cummins (01242) 862518 (e-mail address: [email protected]

19 Badgeworth Organisations Witcombe & Bentham Organisations

WITCOMBE & BENTHAM CHURCH & VILLAGE ORGANISATIONS Churchwardens Mrs Sue Padfield (01452) 862509 Mrs Lynne Cooper (01452) 864523 PCC Secretary Mrs Sue Padfield (01452) 862509 PCC Treasurer/Gift Aid Officer Mr Jon Frewin (01452) 862583 Verger Captain of Bells Electoral Roll Officer Mrs Lynne Cooper (01452) 864523 Magazine Coordinator Mrs Sue Padfield (01452) 862509 Village Hall Enquiries Custodian (07518) 137635

Witcombe Social Fundraisers Mrs Christine Dyer (01452) 862399 Witcombe Under 5s Kyla Hill [email protected]

BADGEWORTH CHURCH & VILLAGE ORGANISATIONS Churchwardens Mr Paul Stanfield (01242) 512926

PCC Secretary Mrs Anna Stanfield (01242) 512926 PCC Treasurer Mr Malcolm Brown (01452) 714639 Gift Aid Officer Mr Roger Brown (01242) 239179 Sacristan Mrs Sue Avery (01242) 520388 Verger Mrs Rachel Cottell (01452) 715034 Captain of Bells Mr David Turner (01452) 712302 Electoral Roll Officer Mr Roger Brown (01242) 239179 Fabric Officer Mr Ray Frewing (01452) 855661 Parish Council Clerk Mrs H.L. Jones 07840073143 Village Hall Mrs Rachel Cottell (01452) 715034 Friends of Church Mrs Beverly Pickering (01452) 712907 Badgeworth WI Mrs Sylvia Dodimead (01452) 713981 Church Flowers Mrs Diana Brown (01242) 239179

19 The Befrienders ARE YOU LONELY? WOULD YOU LIKE SOMEONE TO CHAT TO? Why not call the Befriender telephone line?

Helen Wintrip has set up a new telephone befriender service, as part of Shurdington Community Mutual Support. The serv- ice is for anyone in Shurdington, Badgeworth, Witcombe and Bentham. Not having someone to talk to regularly can be lonely and isolating, particularly if you’re used to sharing your home and time with others. A friendly chat on the phone can make all the difference. The service offers a phone from a locally based volunteer.

The service is now operating, on Monday and Tuesday eve- nings from 7pm until 9pm, and on Wednesday and Thurs- day afternoons from 2pm until 4pm.

If you would like to talk, during those times, please call:

01242 350041

The volunteer can call you back, so there is no cost for you.

For more information, please keep an eye on Shurdington Community Mutual Support Facebook page and Greenway Churches Facebook page.

19 Badgeworth Parish Council Badgeworth Parish Council Clerk: Mrs. H. Jones | 07840073143 | [email protected]

DRAFT MINUTES Minutes of the meeting held on 14th July 2020 held virtually via Zoom at 7.00pm. Present: Cllrs. Nigel Cottell (Chairman), Chris Haines MBE, David Hitch- cock, Mike Howe, Clerk: Mrs. H Jones Borough & County Councillor Robert Vines

1.Apologies - apologies were received from Cllrs. Jill Jones & Neil Marshall 2.Declaration of Interest – Cllr Cottell declared an interest on the item relating to Badgeworth Village Hall. He would speak on the item, but not vote. 3.The minutes of the meeting held on 9th June 2020 were agreed and signed Matters Arising

Badgeworth Green – still waiting for a quote for repair

Noticeboard Little Shurdington – 2 residents have let the PC know that they value this facility. The PC will look to- wards including money for a replacement in the budget for next year. The existing board is still usable.

4.County and Borough Councillor Robert Vines gave a report. He stated that both Councils were currently meeting virtually. He also mentioned that finances at both Councils are problematic because of the implications of the COVID19 pandemic. 5.Planning

19 f)Delegated Comments, Planning Decisions & Appeals – none received. g)To agree Parish Council response to planning applications received. ·20/00596/FUL - Erection of a single storey side and rear extension and remodelling of bungalow at Hillview, Badgeworth Lane, Badgeworth. The Parish Council raises no objection to this application which seeks approval to a redesign of the new dwelling approved by the Planning Committee in January this year. However, in granting approval to the application in January 2020 the Planning Committee was advised that in order to meet the ‘ very special circumstances’ criteria for development in the Green Belt, the new dwelling should not exceed the permitted development square footage area. The Parish Council does not support, for the same reasons given above, the applicant’s request that the redesigned dwelling should exceed the permitted development area by 10.1%.

8.Community i)Allotments ·Rents – rents were mostly collected. Those outstanding would be reminded. ·Rubbish removal & other issues It was agreed that Cllr Haines would assess the amount of rubbish to be removed from plot 7. It was agreed that if necessary, a skip would be ordered up to a cost of £300 (excluding VAT) for removal of specific rubbish.

Tenants have been reminded about the rules regarding access. j)Bentham Ward Project – Cllr Hitchcock had liaised with the Jet Age Museum about the exact historical significance of the Bentham Works site and the first jet engine. Cllr Hitchcock would meet with a representative of residents from Bentham Green to

19 discuss further, and agree a ‘mock-up’ of a 12” x 18” plaque & potential location. k)Badgeworth Village Hall- (Cllr Cottell spoke but did not vote on this item). 3 quotes were received for replacement gutters in black aluminum (£500, £675 & £680). It was agreed to accept the quote for £500 and also allow for payment as soon as the work had been carried out successfully (proposed MH, seconded DH) l)Badgeworth Lane –The Area Highway Manager from GCC had agreed to meet Parish Council representatives on site to discuss further. Cllr Cottell to liaise. m)Badgeworth Village Green – update on quotes for repair of damage to central section. Cllr Cottell will speak to the contractor whilst they are on site in the next few days.

14.Ward Reports. ·Raised planter Little Witcombe Green – Clerk to report damage to Tewkesbury BC ·Overgrown footpath behind the Greek Orthodox Church - reported to GCC ·Barn, Badgeworth Lane – situation seems to worsen. Clerk to continue to liaise with Enforcement Officer. 15.Next meeting – Thursday 17th September 2020 at 7.00pm by Zoom. Contact Clerk for log-in details anytime up to start of meeting. Gems sieved from “The Human machine” by Arnold Bennett [by John Qualtrough, Feb 2007, with a couple of explanatory comments by me, in italics] Arnold Bennett says : o My aim is to show that only an inappreciable fraction of our ordered and sustained efforts is given to the business of actual living, as distinguished from the preliminaries to living. o The brain is a servant, exterior to the central force of the Ego. o The brain can be trained, as the hand and eye can be trained; it can be made as obedient as a sporting dog, and by similar methods. o And the brain must be mastered by will-power. The beginning of wise living lies in the control of the brain by the will; so that the brain may act according to the precepts which the brain itself gives.

19 o The brain can be disciplined by learning the habit of obedience. And it can learn the habit of obedience by the practice of concentration. o All who look into their experience will admit that the failure to replace old habits by new ones is due to the fact that at the critical moment the brain does not remember: it simply forgets. o The brain is a servant, not a master, and can be controlled. o Its function is to convert the facts of the universe to the best advantage of the Ego. o In case of friction, the machine is always at fault! (ie it is us, not the people or things around us). o The secret of smooth living is a calm cheerfulness which will leave me always in full possession of my reasoning faculty – in order that I may live by reason instead of by instinct and momentary passion. The secret of calm cheerfulness is kindliness; no person can be consistently cheerful and calm who does not consistently think kind thoughts. o Ninety per cent of all daily friction is caused by tone – mere tone of voice. o It is a curious thing that an agreeable tone, artificially and deliberately adopted, will influence the mental attitude almost as much as the mental attitude will influence the tone. o If a daily companion is conducting his life upon principles which you know to be false, and with results which you feel to be unpleasant, the safe rule is to keep your mouth shut. Or if, out of your singular conceit, you are compelled to open it, open it with all precautions, and with the formal politeness you would use to a stranger. Intimacy is no excuse for rough manners, though the majority of us seem to think it is. o Accept your environment and adapt yourself to it in silence, instead of noisily attempting to adapt your environment to yourself. o If we regard ourselves as free agents, and the personalities surrounding us as the puppets of determinism, we shall have arrived at the working compromise from which the finest results of living can be obtained. o Just as ‘patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel,’ so fatalism is the last refuge of a shirker. o Regular daily concentration of the brain, for a certain period, upon the non- frictional tone, and the immense advantages of its use, will gradually set up in the brain a new habit of thinking about the non-frictional tone; until at length the brain, disciplined, turns to the correct act before the old, silly instinct can capture it; and ultimately a new wise instinct will supplant the old one. o “There are several things at present hanging over me – worries, unfulfilled ambitions, unrealised desires. As soon as these things are definitely settled, then I shall begin to live and enjoy myself.” That is the ordinary person’s usual

19 idea. He has it from his youth to his old age. He is invariably waiting for something to happen before he really begins to live. o That is just where you differ from the man whose brain is his hobby. His daily routine consists in a meditation in the following vein: This day is before me. The circumstances of this day are my environment; they are the material out of which, by means of my brain, I have to live and be happy and to refrain from causing unhappiness in other people. It is the business of my brain to make use of this material. My brain is in its box for that sole purpose. Not tomorrow! Not next year! o Now the enterprise is not a simple one. It is based on one simple principle – the conscious discipline of the brain by selected habits of thought. o Who to read on matters of philosophy : o When you have gone through Epictetus – a single page or paragraph per day, well masticated and digested, suffices – you can go through Marcus Aurelius and then you can return to Epictetus and so on morning by morning. o The vast majority of people never know, with any precision, why they are dissatisfied with their sojourn on this planet. They make long and tiring excursions in search of precious materials which all the while are concealed in their own breasts. They don’t know what they want; they only know that they want something. o One of the chief advantages of an efficient brain is that an efficient brain is capable of acting with firmness and resolution, partly of course, because it has been toned up, but more because its operations are not confused by the interfer- ence of mere instincts. o A gigantic sacrifice of the present to the future is always going on. It is impossible that our perspective should become so warped that we will devote, say, fifty five years of our career to problematical preparations for our comfort and glory during the final ten years. o Regarding financial matters : o The first preliminary to a proper control of the machine is the habit of spending decidedly less than one earns or receives. And the whole secret of relative freedom from financial anxiety lies not in income, but in expenditure. o However you decide, be assured that the foundation of philosophy is a margin, and that the margin can always be had. o When the reason and the heart come into conflict the heart is invariably wrong. o I can perceive no reason why the suppression of blame should involve the suppression of praise. o It will happen to the persevering that their whole lives are changed – texture and colour, too! Nothing will happen to those who do not persevere. [You might be surprised to know that this was written around 1900]

19 Scouts 15th Cheltenham (Shurdington) Scouts The Scouts have taken a step back to normality as their Coronavirus state has gone from red to amber. This means we can now have meetings with up to 15 people (Scouts and Leaders). However as we cannot use the Social Centre (the Pre-school has sole occupancy) we can only have outside activities Having completed our Risk assessment the scouts will be resuming Face-to-face scout meetings at the start of September. As we cannot use the Social centre we will be meeting at Cranham Scout Centre. Face coverings manufactured by the Scouts

Lockdown Thoughts from two Scouting brothers Toby's message: I've really enjoyed doing scouts from home during lockdown, it has given me something to look forward to every Friday, and the challenges we have been set have been exiting and interesting. I'm proud to be part of such a great community.

Ollie's message: I have thoroughly enjoyed scouts during lockdown as it has provided a structure to my week, given me things to do at home and allowed me to access great events like the online jamboree

19 Zara’s Nature Report (for her Naturalist badge) Visit 1 Today it was a hot sunny day and I went to see my bug hotel and I found a few woodlice, lots of ants and a small beetle which quickly scuttled away. Visit 2 It was a sunny day and I went to look at the corner of the garden and I found 2 slugs slithering all over the soil near my bug hotel. Running around the dead leaves inside were lots of woodlice, a beetle and a few ants.


This is going to take the place this year but will inevitably be limited by the effects of the Pandemic, but because of it our churches are more in need of funds than ever. On Saturday, September 12, I am hoping to walk a circuit taking in Brockworth Church and the three churches of our Benefice. I should be immensely grateful if you felt you could sponsor me, the funds raised being shared by our home church and GHCT, an organisation which has helped us in the past. My Just- giving page is at; my address Woodview, Birdlip Hill Witcombe, GL34SN. Thank you, Sue P.

19 Lockdown LOCKDOWN!

Well, how is your lockdown going? Three months plus, staying at home, other than for a bit of food shopping, pharmacist visit or walking the dog is quite becoming the norm ……. yet, Tesco will deliver, the pharmacist drops off your pills and everything else can be brought to your front door by carrier. Only thing left is walking the dog …. except, oh dear, even that is now done by the kids!

Still, had to go to the vet as dog decided she needed more atten- tion. Why is she suffering this and that and why is she getting fat, only to discover she is having a false pregnancy – anything for attention and extra titbits.

But not that bad, is it? You can get up later, not many callers, everything can be delivered to the door, watch lots of TV, Netflix etc, and the garden is better than ever. Does get a bit boring though! Meals out, friends in, holidays, shopping, days out to beauty spots or the beach, have all tailed off.

So what have been the interesting bits? Well …….. um, ah, scratch head …..

-- The garden has certainly benefitted from much more than usu- al attention; tomatoes, cauliflowers, parsnips , carrots, spring on- ions, courgettes, all taste much better straight out of ground and into pot. New fencing too. -- E-bay has benefitted from our sales –books galore, vintage prints, unused hedge trimmers, shredder etc. -- Family research – back to around mid-late 1700s – quite satis- fying when you dig out an unknown individual or black sheep. -- Grandson wanted to start collecting stamps some months ago, so dug out my albums - last looked at around 30 years ago - to get him going. Trouble is, I’ve now begun ‘tidying up’ my collec-

19 tion much to wife’s horror! (Anyone with unwanted Gold Coast or British stamps do get in touch ……..) -- We’re making an effort to get rid of ‘things’ – even my antique map collection (wife insists) – problem is, by following this trend we’ve even started looking at properties to which we could down- size. -- Been painting, water colours mainly, and following this up by picture framing in my cabin – even managed to sell some! -- Church activities have become more ‘modern’ and reachable with everything on-line, be it services, coffee mornings, readings, plus a helpline for anyone needing support or just wanting to chat; Zoom has definitely proved beneficial. -- Even tried cycling (last time 1980s); but saddles are uncomfort- able and sore making – have to think again.

……. actually, there has been a fair amount to keep both brain cells and muscles active. And, that’s not only me; wife enjoys quilting – making bed covers and duvets for children and grand- children a well as making playing card holders, bunting, wall hangings and, of course, in these covid-19 days, facemasks! Al- so been reading far more, as well as clearing out all those sewing magazines which, yes, might be read some day (or not) – good for e-bay though. Lots of cooking too – for grandchildren who can seemingly devour cakes, biscuits, shortbread forever!

All that said, it will be good to jump in the car and go proper shop- ping, or go for a meal out, or visit beach or river or country beauty spot, or call on friends, or National Trust, or stay with relatives, or …………… one day! At present we are reluctant to overdo the outside activity in case – is that age or just being sensible? Are the old too cautious and the young too careless, or what? Per- haps next year we can breathe more easily and resurrect some of those things, which health and life have led us to put to one side in 2020.

Geoff Pilgrim-Morris

19 George’s prayers

What have others done during these lockdown months? Do let readers know. Drop me an e-mail or short article to include in the next few is- sues of the magazine. Editor. SOME SPECIAL PRAYERS FOR YOU

During our Facebook live services on Sunday mornings, we have invited different people to prepare our prayers for us, which Su- san has prayed. We are very grateful to everyone who has spent time preparing our intercessions.

On Sunday 16th August, we heard George Milsom’s prayers. George is 7 years old, and attends St Paul’s Church with his mum, Catherine, and goes to Shurdington School. We thought you might like to see these prayers, and perhaps light a candle and pray them yourselves. They finish with the school prayer, and you might like to add the Lord’s Prayer too.

George’s intercessions

• Dear Lord, thank you for lots of sunshine which helps to make people happy and plants to grow.

Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer

• We pray for people who haven’t got any food to eat or clean water to drink. We pray for people who haven’t got homes to live in or all the nice things we have.

Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer

• We pray for countries where they have war and people are scared. Help keep the scared people and families from

19 Faith stories different countires safe when they are crossing the sea on boats to get us.

Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer

• We pray for parents and grandparents who look after us and love us.

Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer

• We pray for people who are poorly, sad or in pain. Thank you for the doctors and nurses who are trying to make them better and people who work in hospitals. Help people who are dying to not feel sad.

Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer

• We pray for all the emergency services, ambulance driv- ers, firefighter and police officers.

Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer

Dear Lord, Bless our school for working together and playing to- gether. May we learn to serve you and serve one another. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


In July and August’s magazines, I shared with you some of our stories of faith, that I have been reading as part of our sermons on Sunday mornings in our Facebook live worship. Here are two more stories. They are quite different in style and content, and therefore comple- ment each other very well. I hope you enjoy hearing stories of faith and witness from Sue Padfield, church warden at St Mary’s, and from So- 19 phie Jeal, a member of the congregation at the same church, who, with her husband Alex, is awaiting the birth of their first child, and also con- firmation when Covid-19 allows! Thank you to Sue and Sophie for tak- ing the time to think about their faith, and for being brave enough to share their thoughts both on Sunday during worship, and here in print.

Thoughts on Everyday Faith – Sue

My faith has gradually grown over the years. My mother was a com- mitted Christian and my sister and I were taught to say our prayers and regularly taken to a Sunday service. Thanks to a school-friend, I was en- couraged to be confirmed when I was 13 and have felt continually strengthened by receiving Holy Communion regularly ever since. I wor- shipped regularly through university years and always felt very blessed that the man I married was also a Christian (in fact from a staunch Methodist family, becoming a Local Preacher; however his boarding- school days had familiarised him with Church of liturgy and he seemed happy that we should attend CofE services as a married couple and when our children were young – as long as there were no “bells and smells”. He was very happy at St Mary's when we moved to Wit- combe in 2002 on retirement.)

So my faith was always there, underpinning my life, but not overt, in that I didn't hide it but didn't really look for opportunities to share it either. Being involved 24/7 in a boarding school with a Christian foun- dation meant that one was largely with people who were either Chris- tian or at least supported the ethos. Faith was an everyday thing through regular school Chapel services; I did lead House assemblies and occasional Bible studies and sometimes spoke in School Chapel services and tried to carry out my job in a Christian way, but looking back on it, I think my responsibility for school discipline caused conflict at times and I am aware now that I let the demands of my job super- sede everything else.

19 Since retirement, I have become involved in a great many activities as- sociated with the church; that does mean, of course, that I am with other Christians in almost all I do, which worries me when Everyday Faith is discussed, because my everyday rarely involves challenges to my belief and seems too “easy” and “cosy”. However, since the obvi- ous sense of Everyday Faith has been much more high-profile, derived as it is from Jesus's command to “Go out and share the Gospel”, I have explicitly looked for opportunities where I might do that. Visiting patients in hospital as a Chaplaincy volunteer is one way and, perhaps surprisingly, I often have “deeper” spiritual discussions with people who do not profess to be Christians than with those who do. Running the All Stars after-school club at Shurdington School with Catherine is another way in which faith-sharing is an everyday thing and it is a joy to be able to share one's faith with children As a gover- nor in a church school, I have the opportunity to demonstrate Christian values in the way we make decisions, write policies, handle appoint- ments, deal with complaints and disciplinary issues, and support the staff, particularly the Head. Most people know that I am a natural or- ganiser (bossy you will be saying) but, hopefully, that is a gift that I can use in helping to extend the church's work beyond Sundays and into the week. As climate change, sustainability and conservation of the planet become evermore urgent, adopting and promoting ways in which I can contribute would seem to me to be another way in which one's faith can be lived out every day. Likewise, using one's resources – money, time, etc - including in the support of charities - in a way that is based on Christian values also demonstrates this principle.

My faith has always been a great support to me in the difficult times; being older and recognised as a leader in the church community puts a considerable responsibility on one, but through my faith I hope I am able to encourage others on their journey and to support them in their tough times.

This has not been easy to write, but, it has been good to think the mat- ter through in a personal way.

19 ***********

SOPHIE’S WORDS Here it comes again…the “L” word. “Lockdown”. Living in lockdown has been interesting. With restrictions easing it feels somewhat bizarre to be tentatively leaving the house only to waddle down the high street and return home out of puff and exhausted! Why? My husband and I are delighted to be welcoming our first child in (potentially) just a couple of weeks. It has, at times, been a difficult journey and we weren’t always sure we’d get here. Our constant throughout has been our faith. Since moving to the Parish, we have met some fantastic and incredibly welcoming members of both the communi- ty and the church and especially during lockdown have felt extremely fortunate to live in such a beautiful area of the county. Though lucky to be working from home during this unusual time, it has been important for us to set aside time during the week to engage with our faith. Our faith has taught us to appreciate more fully the beauty that sur- rounds us. Whilst church has been closed, we have particularly enjoyed trying the Franciscan way of prayer – finding God in all things. In short, using our senses to appreciate the natural world around us. Whether that has been sitting in the garden and taking a moment to lis- ten to the birdsong, watching birds of prey circle overhead and the clouds drift by, feeling the sun and breeze on our faces, feeling our child kick for the first time, smelling freshly cut grass and seeing it grow back luscious and green. The vivid blue of the sky on a hot sunny morning, the distinctive smell of rain after a downpour, which gives renewed life to the animals, grass and plants. The list is endless. So let’s change the “L” word…what have we “loved” about our time at home and what will we take away? Spending time together and appre- ciating what God has created for us – finding the beauty in all things.

********** Please pray for Sue and for Sophie, and especially for Sophie and Alex’s baby, due very soon (or even perhaps with us by now!).

Thank you. Susan, vicar.

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SHURDINGTON SOCIAL CENTRE Bishop Road CENTURY & MILLENNIUM HALLS Closed for bookings due to sole occupancy by the pre-school