Toolkit for Improving Walkability in Alameda County (2009)
TToooollkkiitt ffoorr IImmpprroovviinngg WWaallkkaabbiilliittyy iinn AAllaammeeddaa CCoouunnttyy Adopted by: Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority September 28, 2006 Alameda County Congestion Management Agency October 26, 2006 Updated June 2009 Prepared by: EISEN|LETUNIC Transportation, Environmental and Urban Planning • In association with: Alta Planning + Design TToooollkkiitt ffoorr IImmpprroovviinngg WWaallkkaabbiilliittyy iinn AAllaammeeddaa CCoouunnttyy Adopted by: Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority September 28, 2006 Alameda County Congestion Management Agency October 26, 2006 Updated June 2009 Prepared by: EISEN|LETUNIC Transportation, Environmental and Urban Planning • In association with: Alta Planning + Design This toolkit is intended to help facilitate discussions between users and the users’ own independent design and engineering consultants and other professionals. ACTIA, ACCMA, the Toolkit authors, and their respective officers, directors and employees (the “Posters”) make no representations, express or implied, about the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein, or as to the suitability of such information for any particular purpose. Although the information contained herein is believed to be accurate as of the posting date, it may become outdated, omit information applicable to certain situations, or contain other errors or omissions. Use of the information and data contained in this toolkit is at the user’s sole risk, and user
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