OSS Watch National Software Survey 2008
OSS Watch National Software Survey 2008 Ramón Casero Cañas Acknowledgements Publication information The survey was prepared and the report written by Ramón This survey report is licensed under the Creative Commons Casero Cañas (OSS Watch), and edited by Ross Gardler and Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 England & Wales licence. Elena Blanco (OSS Watch), and Pete Cooper. OSS Watch National Software Survey 2008 However, there are many people who helped to make it pos- Ramón Casero Cañas sible. We would like to thank the ICT directors of the FE and HE institutions, who took the time to respond to the survey First edition, published February 2009. and send feedback to us; Dr Ellen Helsper (Oxford Internet Institute) for her advice, academic input and support; Randy Metcalfe, former OSS Watch Service Manager, who set us with this task and was always a source of encouragement and support; Michael Fraser, former OSS Watch Director, for his comments; Gabriel Hanganu, Stuart Yeates and Rowan Wilson (OSS Watch) for their comments, envelope stuffing, corrections and so much more; Laura Marriott and Beverley McNichols for their data collection; Jean Davis and Sally Hard- ing for envelope stuffing; Barry Cornelius, Dominic Hargreaves, Charles Hutchings, Liz Masterman, Denise McDonough, Stuart Lee, Janet McKnight, Howard Noble, Mark Norman, Catrin Radcliffe and Peter Robinson for their comments about the online questionnaire; Judy McAuliffe, Tina Dick, Leslie Ferguson, Fran Jackson, Bruce Shakespeare, Jane Truby and Wendy Simmonds for their help with administration
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