24, TORRANCfi PRESS Thurtd«y, Eight of Cooperation" for their volun­ structed to study and submit, a Anti-Crime Book Drive Succeeds with Cooperation teer effo7t« in clearing; the report to our committee regard­ 'shelves of Torrance newnanda of ing- legal action such as has been proved a WI'HB and effective tion -the 'yearly report of the Mr. Do-It-Yourself Decision of lh* Torrance Com- (hap all questionable literature. successfully culminated in Cinci-I tojonp, it was revealed at «t Tueg- committee, transmitted by Dor- and . ! | mite« /or Deofint Literature ; Second, and coincidenlally, City natti, Philadelphia RIVE-IN Council mpetinK. othy Stoeckle, chairman, in which committee he LOOK! i pursue, a program of volun-iday Attoi'iiey Stanley K. Remelmeyer 3. That the THEATRE Council received and | "he revealed 27 local establish- granted permission to enlarge its: MARPROOF, HEATPROOF M.VIUMVTATMfta teer cooperation rather than to First, the 'reported to the Council that H vote of commenda- menU have been given "Awards utilize law enforcement measures J filed with a city ordinance in Glorulale, pro­ membership SHEETS Saotamber 24, 25, 26 tlie sale of crime comic PLASTIC LAMINATED hibiting Counter*, Nook* Stevens had For Sinktopt, Tabla*, Harry Bellafonte-lnger Thursday, Friday, Saturday books to children under 18, Mol Ferrar recently been declared unconsti­ "THE WORLD, Rod Steigcr tutional; and recommended that Regular in Torrance THE FLESH AND THE a similar ordinance Sq. ft. be amended to eliminate a like Wednesday Thru Saturday 69c DEVIL" 'AL CAPONE' colors, including some, wood~w~v. ..., .. Sat. and Sun. P. M. Just arrived in assorted CinemaScope provision. Matinoos Get It While Selaction Is Good Also will still M-G-M Picture The local ordinance retain an existing provision mak­ Shirlay MacLane and FINISH THAT PATIO NOWTT "THE HOUND OF THE Jock Mahoney ing it a crime to sell or have in David Niven in BASKERVILLES" one's possession any lewd, inde­ Filon Fiberglass Panels POOR PEOPLE'S 'ASK ANY Artists 'MONEY, WOMEN ent or obscene literature. Relaated Thru United SERVICE A Grade No Seconds GUNS' In her report to the Council, ...... Ft. HOME CALL 2.95 AND made the fol- GIRL1 Full Size Sheets 26"x8' Value Chairman .Stoeckle 39 M.ts September 27, 28, 29 Her Also Available 10 A 12 Ft. Lengths About 10', of TV Trouble It Tub** lowiritr recommendations: Also SAD HORSE" f will torn*- to vour horn* «nrt check consider , "THE ones I. That the council Will* your tuba* *nd replace »l the h*d David Ladd Chill < Masonite and Wood Grained elsewhere. .tt. Van Doran TORRANCE LU 3-7132 FA 8-3230 DA 4-2664 TAG Flooring .... L Doors at Less than Wholaaala Starring Mamie 1303 W. CARSON, i 2. The City Attorney ba in­ Scianca Fiction Action 3x4 Redwood Pott* 8 L. ft. I ft. long. Naw *14}« 'FORBIDDEN Economy 0 ada *»w aa. TIME TO PLANT YOUR PLANET' New 1x8 Pine fie 2»"xl H. $*199 Alto Shiplap Siding ...... L. ft. Aluminum Sheets ...... NURSERY AN D GARDEN FALL BULBS NOW! For utility bldgv, sheds, cabin*, »te. 1 4 PLYWOOD $»|4» 'THIS ISLAND 30-Gallon «1 Choose from 4x8 ...... > Water Heater, new V™ Smooth One Slato EARTH' Glait Lined. Guaranteed SUPPLY CENTER ANEMONE 3 8 PLYSCORE $*t* 42" Steal Cabinet JR'5RQ 4x8 ...... MIXED TULIPS ...... «*« Sink Sheathing Plywood RANUNCULUS New with Fixture 34 MONTHS TO PAY MIXED DAFFODILS I Mt» NO DOWN TIME PLAN LOANS Phono FAirftx REPAIR REMODEL REBUILD PLANTS Friday, Saturday, Sunday SHOP AT THC WEST'S LAKGCST NEW AND USED BUIUDINO MAT!RIALS BEDDING FREESIAS TREMENDOUS VALUES YARD. 10 ACRKS LOADED WITH Plant Now for Winter Blopm MIXED HYACINTHS ERROL'KIM FLYNN1 in DUTCH IRIS Snaps Stocks Calendula Pansies CALLA LILIES Alt* Now Only GIANT GLADIOLUS 'S 21932 S. AVALON Dpz...... up SAVAGE (Jutt South of Carton) Priced TErminal 5-3152 SPruea From FURY1 WEEK DAYS I A.M. TO t P.M. - SATURDAY I A.M. TO 1 P.M. HEDGE PLANTS DICHONDRA SEED Boxwood Myrtle Privit OPEN SUNDAY OPEN SUNDAY «... .1 Gallon Size . Full PEAT Pound Regular $1.10 Ib. MOSS lib Lawn Seed 5 cubic foot bale with bat Mix SPORT CAR guano. Highly organic. Contain* Alta Fitcua, Kantueky Slua, er Had Piaeu*, Highland Bant, Whita Clovar. Saadart, Hollar* Loanad Fraa with Purehata


Liquid fertilizers, insecticires, plant MANURE sprays, etc. Full 21/4 Cubic F««t. Wt«d Fr«« (HEADQUARTERS) BEAUTIFY (All Sizes) Y.T. Sack YOUR YARD With PLASTIC IRELLI SHRUBS OF COURSE < SprinkUr System at Tremendous 1/2 " and 3/4" Savings Thii can be threaded for GALVANIZED Fittings Aralia . . . Acantlius . . . Philodcndron SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Myroporium . . . Pyracantha ... Fuchsia 0 w Brand W Major Brand Major Per Foot Per Foot New New 1 Gallon 800x14 Only 750x14 C Size VISIT OUR Whitewall SHOP Whitewall NEW SCREEN Tubeless 50-Lb. Bag We feature full aluminum frame screens Tubeless for yaur ear. Itrft or smtll, ttii Tension Tites, Columbia-Matic. All typ«s Tires Tires Nit*ii

5 Gallon OPEN west's Largest General Tire Distributor Size ...... South Dual-90) Your Choice SUNDAY (Famous

Open Seven Days 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m Paramount JEWEL TIRE CO. _ FR 4-3428 BUILDERS SUPPLY (ENTER 18938 South Avenue 3437 Torrance Blvd. (Across from G ordena Stadium) DA 4-4967 Gardena FA 1-3321