Schnellrecherche der SFH-Länderanalyse vom 7. Oktober zu Irak: Sicherheitslage im Distrikt

Frage an die SFH-Länderanalyse:

 Wie ist die aktuelle Sicherheitslage im Distrikt Zakho?

Die Informationen beruhen auf einer zeitlich begrenzten Recherche (Schnellrecher- che) in öffentlich zugänglichen Dokumenten, die uns derzeit zur Verfügung stehen.

1 Sicherheitslage im Distrikt Zakho

Unzumutbarkeit des Wegweisungsvollzuges in die KRG-Region (Nordirak). Wie in der Auskunft der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe (SFH) zur Sicherheitssituation in der KRG-Region vom 28. Oktober 2014 und dem Update zur Sicherheitssituation in der KRG-Region vom 28. März 2015 beschrieben, ist die dortige humanitären Lage weiterhin äusserst prekär und die Sicherheitssituation nach wie vor instabil. Die Posi- tion der SFH bleibt unverändert. Sie hält an den von ihr geforderten Massnahmen fest: «In der neuesten und am 27. Oktober 2014 publizierten Position zu Rückführungen in den Irak empfiehlt das UNHCR klar und unmissverständlich, von Rückführungen in den Irak generell abzusehen, bis sich die Sicherheitslage nachhaltig verbessert hat. Die SFH schliesst sich – auch aufgrund eigener Recherchen und Einschätzung – die- ser Position an und fordert speziell für den Nordirak (KRG-Region), dass betroffene Personen angesichts der angespannten und unsicheren Situation zumindest eine vor- läufige Aufnahme wegen Unzumutbarkeit des Wegweisungsvollzugs erhalten. Für ab- gelehnte Asylsuchende aus dem Irak fordert die SFH zumindest ein Moratorium für zwangsweise Rückführungen» (SFH, IRAK: Sicherheitssituation in der KRG-Region, 28. Oktober 2014; SFH, IRAK: Update: Sicherheitssituation in der KRG -Region, 28. März 2015; SFH, Dramatische Lage Irak, 12. November 2014).

Politische Krise in der KRG-Region seit August 2015. Wie schon in der Auskunft zur Sicherheitssituation in der KRG-Region vom 28. Oktober 2014 beschrieben, neh- men Spannungen zwischen kurdischen Parteien zu. Verschiedene neuere Quellen be- richten, dass sich die Region seit dem offiziellen Ende der Amtszeit von Präsident Masoud Barzani am 19. August 2015 in einer politischen Krise befindet. Laut Informationen der International Crisis Group vom 1. September 2015 stellten sich zwei der stärksten Parteien der Region, Gorran und die Patriotische Union Kurdistans (PUK), gegen eine dritte Amtszeit Barzanis. Sie entwarfen ein Gesetz, welches dem Parlament erlauben würde, einen neuen Präsidenten zu wählen. Radio Free Eu- rope/Radio Liberty berichtete am 21. August 2015 ebenfalls, dass Barzanis Mandat ohne die Zustimmung der rivalisierenden Parteien seine Amtszeit zu verlängern ab- gelaufen ist. Zwar schlug keine der Parteien einen Alternativkandidaten vor, mehrere Faktionen weigerten sich jedoch einer Verlängerung zuzustimmen, solange Barzani keine Veränderungen im politischen System umsetzt, wodurch seine Macht reduziert würde. Diese Veränderungen hat Barzanis Demokratische Partei Kurdistans jedoch bislang verweigert.

Türkische Angriffe gegen die Kurdische Arbeiterpartei (PKK) in der KRG-Region seit Juli 2015. Laut verschiedenen Quellen fliegt die türkische Armee Luftangr iffe in der KRG-Region gegen die PKK seit im Juli 2015 der historische Konflikt zwischen der Türkei und der PKK erneut eskaliert ist. Auslöser war ein Selbstmordattentat in der Grenzstadt Suruç (Türkei), welches der Terrororganisation Islamischer Staat (IS) zugeschrieben wird. Laut eines Berichts von Amnesty International vom 11. August 2015 begann die türkische Armee am 24. Juli 2015, Luftangriffe gegen die PKK in der KRG-Region zu fliegen. Auch weitere Quellen wie Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty und BGN News berichten von im Norden des Irak durchgeführten türkischen Luftan- griffen gegen die PKK, welche viele Todesopfer gefordert haben.

Zivile Opfer bei türkischen Luftangriffen gegen die PKK. Gemäss eines Berichts vom 1. August 2015 von Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty hat Präsident Masoud Barzani die PKK-Kämpfer schon kurz nach Beginn der Angriffe dazu aufgerufen, die Region zu verlassen, damit es durch türkische Luftangriffe nicht zu Opfern unter der Zivilbevölkerung kommt. Das Kurdische Mediennetzwerk Rudaw zitiert in einem Arti- kel vom 13. August den kurdischen Aussenminister Ibrahim Jaafari, wonach die türki- schen Angriffe ohne Einverständnis der irakischen Regierung geflogen worden seien. Die Angriffe verbreiteten Angst und Schrecken in der Bevölkerung der Zielgebiete und würden Todesfälle in der Zivilbevölkerung und grosse Schäden verursachen. Amnesty International (AI) berichtete am 11. August 2015 von acht getöteten und acht verletzen Personen nach türkischen Luftangriffen im Kandil-Gebirge. Die getroffenen Personen unterhielten laut Informationen von AI keine Verbindungen zur PKK. Laut Zeugenaus- sagen trugen die Opfer zivile Kleidung und es wurden keine Waffen am Zielort gesich- tet. Ausserdem seien viele Verwandte und Ersthelfer, welche nach de m ersten Angriff zu Hilfe eilten, durch weitere Attacken getötet oder verletzt worden. Die zehn von AI gesichteten zerstörten Häuser seien von Peschmerga-Kämpfern oder Zivilisten be- wohnt gewesen. Reuters berichtete am 20. August 2015 ebenfalls über viele zivile Opfer, welche die türkischen Luftangriffe gegen die PKK in der KRG-Region forderten. Wegen der weitgespannten Präsenz der kurdischen Kämpfer im Norden Iraks, die sich gemäss deren eigener Aussage «überall zwischen dem Schwarzen Meer und » aufhalten, ist die Zivilbevölkerung oft Gewalt ausgesetzt. So berichtet Reuters über einen 42-jährigen Familienvater, der auf dem Nachhauseweg von den Bergen durch einen türkischen Luftangriff getroffen und schwer verletzt wurde.

PKK im Distrikt Zakho präsent. Auch wenn die Hauptlager der PKK sich im Kandil- Gebirge an der Grenze zu befinden, birgt der Distrikt Zakho wie auch andere Distrikte der Provinz Dohuk ebenfalls PKK-Lager. Von der starken Präsenz der PKK in der Provinz Dohuk wird in einem am 9. September auf BGN News erschienenen Artikel berichtet. Gemäss dieser Quelle sagte Khalil Mohamed, der Gouverneur des Zakho Distrikts, dass 115 der 184 Dörfer seines Distrikts aufgrund der errichteten PKK-Lager «nicht mehr zugänglich» seien.

Verschlechterte Sicherheitslage in Zakho wegen Luftangriffen der Türkei gegen die PKK. Gemäss verschiedenen Quellen ist die Region Dohuk Ziel von türkischen Angriffen gegen die PKK geworden. Nalia Radio and Television, ein unabhängiges und von freiberuflichen Journalisten gegründetes Mediennetzwerk, berichtete am 2 9. Juli 2015, dass mindestens sieben türkische Jets Gebiete rund um Zakho bombardiert

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hätten. Bewohner der Stadt berichteten, dass die durch die Angriffe verursachten Er- schütterungen bis auf zehn Kilometer Entfernung zu spüren gewesen seien. Rudaw, ein kurdisches von der Rudaw Company gestütztes Mediennetzwerk, berichtete am 13. August 2015, dass laut eines kurdischen Parlamentsausschuss, welcher die von türkischen Luftangriffen betroffene Region besucht hatte, die grössten Schäden in den Distrikten Zakho und Amedi in der Provinz Dohuk und in einigen Städten in der Provinz entstanden seien. Laut eines am 10. September 2015 erschienenen Artikels auf Basnews, einer unabhängigen, in Erbil stationierten Nachrichtenagentur, haben die türkischen Behörden aufgrund der jüngsten Gewaltausbrüche in den kurdischen Ge- bieten beschlossen, den sich im Distrikt Zakho befindenden Ibrahim Khalil-Grenzüber- gang zwischen 18 Uhr abends und 7 Uhr morgens zu schliessen, bis sich die Sicher- heitslage wieder verbessert hat. Gemäss Lageberichten des Institute for the Study of War zu Irak von September und Oktober 2015 werden weiterhin Luftangriffe gegen die PKK in der Provinz Dohuk geflogen (so fanden Luftangriffe am 18., 19., 20., 23. und 26. September sowie am 4. und 5. Oktober 2015 statt).

International Crisis Group, 1. September 2015:

«Kurdistan region also experienced political crisis: regional President Barzani’s term formally ended 19 Aug; Gorran and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), two of region’s largest political parties, challenged Barzani’s wish to serve third term, drafted law that would empower region’s parliament to elect new president.» Quelle: Interna- tional Crisis Group, Crisis Watch Database: , 1. September 2015: base.aspx?CountryIDs=%7b18CB966A-0073-4264-B3F5-ED0472ED975C%7d#re- sults.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 21. August 2015:

«Political uncertainty hung over Iraq's Kurdistan region after President Massoud Barzani's mandate expired without rival factions agreeing to extend his term. Weeks of wrangling between the autonomous region's parties failed to produce a compromise before Barzani's tenure officially ended at midnight August 19, despite a last-minute intervention by U.S. and British diplomats. The stalemate over the pres- idency, which Barzani has held for more than a decade, is testing Kurdish unity at a time of acute economic hardship and a debilitating war with the Islamic State. No party presented an alternative candidate for the position, but several factions none- theless refused to prolong Barzani's mandate unless changes were made to the political system that would reduce the powers of his office. Barzani's Kurdistan Democratic Party, which is the largest in the region, has so far rejected that. Now that the deadline has passed, members of the Gorran party, which has pushed for the system to be changed, say that by law the speaker of parliament should assume presidential powers for the next 60 days until elections are held. Meetings be- tween the parties are due to continue in the coming days.» Quelle: Radio Free Eu- rope/Radio Liberty, Iraq: Political uncertainty hangs over Kurdistan as Barzani's term ends, 21. August 2015:

Amnesty International, 11. August 2015:

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«The Turkish government airstrikes against the PKK in the Kandil Mountains be- gan on 24 July, after an attack in Turkey blamed on the PKK. The attacks against the PKK in the Kandil Mountains and attacks by the PKK on Turkish military and police in Turkey represent the most serious breakdown in a fragile peace process between the PKK and the Turkish government that commenced in March 2013.

The airstrikes came after long running tensions escalated on 20 July when a su- icide attack blamed on IS killed 32 people and injured more than 80 in the town of Suruç in the Sanlıurfa province in Turkey. Two days later, two police officers were killed in a separate attack in the province, blamed on the PKK. Following the airstrikes in Kandil, the PKK has launched a number of attacks against the military and police within Turkey.» Quelle: Amnesty International, Fresh evidence of casualties un- derscores need for impartial investigation into Turkish airstrikes in Kandil Mountains , Background, 11. August 2015: need-for-impartial-investigation-into-turkish-airstrikes-in-kandil-mountains/.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1. August 2015:

Barzani's office issued the statement on August 1, just hours after another series of Turkish air strikes against PKK camps in northern Iraq killed at least six people in the village of Zarkel to the east of the autonomous Kurdish region's capital Irbil.» Quelle: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Barzani calls on PKK rebels to leave Iraq's Kurdish region, 1. August 2015:

BGN News, 9. September 2015:

On Tuesday, security sources said Turkish security forces had killed at least 35 PKK terrorists in airstrikes carried out in northern Iraq.» Quelle: BGN News, Iraqi Kurdish official demands PKK leave north Iraq, 9. September 2015: haberi/9258.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1. August 2015:

«Masud Barzani, the president of Iraq's Kurdish region, has called on militants in the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) to leave northern Iraq in order to prevent Turkish air strikes from causing civilian casualties.» Quelle: Radio Free Eu- rope/Radio Liberty, Barzani calls on PKK rebels to leave Iraq's Kurdish region, 1. Au- gust 2015:

Rudaw, 13. August 2015:

«ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Turkish airstrikes in the Qandil Mountains have dev- astated more than just the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), recent reports have found, and Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) officials are now urging the region's parliament to address the issue. (…)

The Iraqi foreign minister said Wednesday that Iraq had not struck any deal allowing Turkey to bomb the PKK within Iraq’s borders. “In today’s meeting with the foreign

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relations committee of the Iraqi parliament, [Foreign Minister Ibrahim] Jaafari said Iraq has not ratified any agreement with Turkey to cross its borders, neither at recent time nor before," said Renas Jano, a member of the parliament committee who attended the meeting. Jano also said Jaafari revealed that, in the past, Iraq had a verbal agreement with Turkey regarding attacks on the PKK in the country. Jaafari stressed that this agreement no longer applies to the current situation and that Turkey has launched attacks in Iraq that were not authorized, Jano said. (…)

Jaafari had earlier condemned the Turkish airstrikes, saying Turkey's military oper- ations in northern Iraq cause fear and intimidation among people in the areas being targeted. “They would cause casualties and material losses of civilians in nearby mountainous areas,” said Jaafari in a foreign ministry statement. “To launch any military operation in these areas, Turkey should have cooperation with Iraq.” Quelle: Rudaw, KRG and Baghdad question Turkey's Qandil bombings, 13. August 2015:

Amnesty International, 11. August 2015:

«Evidence collected by Amnesty International in a fact-finding mission indicates that multiple Turkish government airstrikes killed eight residents and injured at least eight others – including a child - in a flagrantly unlawful attack on the village of Zergele, in the Kandil Mountains in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

The airstrikes on 1 August were part of a military campaign launched by Turkey against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) but according to information gathered by Am- nesty International these residents were not affiliated with the PKK . The organi- zation is calling on the Turkish government to launch an ind ependent, impartial and effective investigation into the airstrikes and to publicly release the findings of their investigation. (…)

All the witnesses who were present at the time of the attack or arrived there shortly afterwards said that the victims wore civilian clothes and that they saw no weap- ons on the scene. (…)

Witnesses also said many relatives and first responders who came to assist the wounded in the first airstrike were killed and injured in subsequent attacks . (…)

Amnesty International observed that approximately 10 homes were impacted in the airstrikes, several of these homes were occupied by Peshmerga fighters and their family members. Others belonged to residents who worked in the fields .» Quelle: Amnesty International, Fresh evidence of casualties underscores need for im- partial investigation into Turkish airstrikes in Kandil Mountains , 11. August 2015: need-for-impartial-investigation-into-turkish-airstrikes-in-kandil-mountains/.

Reuters, 20. August 2015:

«"We felt our lives were beginning again," said 54-year-old Mam Bashir from Sigire, which is around 20 km (12 miles) from the Turkish border. Now, they are under fire once more as a peace process between Ankara and the PKK breaks down and

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Turkish warplanes target the outlawed group in Iraq's Kurdish north, where many of its fighters are based. (…)

Turkey launched the air strikes in late July as part of what the government called a "synchronised war on terror", including action against the Kurdish militants, Islamic State insurgents in northern Syria and far-leftist groups at home. The campaign against the PKK was a response to a surge in attacks on the security forces, Turkish officials have said. They say more than 50 soldiers and police officers have died at the hands of the group since July 20 and more than 170 wounded. More than 40,000 people have been killed since the PKK took up arms against the Turkish government in 1984. Under a deal, the PKK withdrew to the mountains in northern Iraq where they are now en- trenched. In the Sigire orchard, two young PKK guerrillas with Kalashnikovs slung over their shoulders appeared at one stage. Later, another group emerged.

"We are everywhere: from the Black Sea to Sinjar," said one of the guerrilla fight- ers, a Kurd from Turkey. But the widespread presence of the fighters means that civilians are often caught up in the violence. Salih Mukail, a 42-year-old father of 11, was in the mountains near the Turkish border, foraging for mushrooms and other wild plants to sell in the market when Turkey dropped its first bombs last month. It was night, and Mukail rushed to get down the mountain with his two companions, but his load was heavy and he fell behind. At dawn, he stopped to pray. As he shoul- dered his load to set off again, he was thrown to the ground and overcome by pain in his ankle. "I looked down and saw my foot was hanging off," said Mukail, lying on a bed where he is still recovering.» Quelle: Reuters, Kurdish civilians under fire as Turkey bombs PKK in Iraq, 20. August 2015: idUSKCN0QP1N320150820.

BGN News, 9. September 2015:

«Khalil Mohamed, governor of the region’s Zakho district, said in a statement that 115 of the district’s 184 villages were “no longer accessible” due to the es- tablishment of PKK camps. Located close to the Turkish border, the Zakho district contains a number of PKK camps, although the group’s primary camps are lo- cated in northern Iraq’s Qandil Mountain near the border with Iran.

“We can’t do any work; our citizens want to go to the villages to tend to their fields, but the PKK won’t allow them,” Mohamed said. “The people of the region, therefore, want the PKK to leave,” the governor added.» Quelle: BGN News, Iraqi Kurdish official demands PKK leave north Iraq, 9. September 2015: haberi/9258.

Nalia Radio and Television, 29. Juli 2015:

«SULAIMANI – Turkish warplanes launched a series of airstrikes against Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) bases inside the Kurdistan Region for the fourth time on Tuesday as part of an air campaign against what Ankara is calling an effort to battle “terrorists” in the region. NRT correspondent in , Sipan Amedi, said strikes on Matine and Gara Mountains near the district of Amedi caused a series of wildfires in area. At least

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seven Turkish jets are said to have bombarded areas around the northern city of Zakho, with residents up to 10 km away reporting their windows shook as strikes hit. PKK fighters reportedly responded to the strikes with heavy machine guns. Up to five of the Kurdish fighters have been killed and seven others wounded in the air raids.» Quelle: Nalia Radio and Television NRT, Turkish Airstrikes against PKK con- tinue, 29. Juli 2015:

Rudaw, 13. August 2015:

«“We, upon the request of the parliament presidency, have prepared a report,” said Nazim Kabir Harki, a Kurdish parliamentarian. “We will hand over the results of the report to the parliament presidency.”

Harki said a parliament committee had visited the site of the recent Turkish air- strikes to assess damages. The group of Kurdish lawmakers said most of the damage occurred in the districts of Zakho and Amedi, in Duhok province, and Rawanduz, Soran and Mergasor in Erbil province.» Quelle: Rudaw, KRG and Baghdad question Turkey's Qandil bombings, 13. August 2015:

Basnews, 10. September 2015:

«ZAKHO – The Turkish government has announced that its sole border crossing with the Kurdistan Region will be closed overnight until further notice. Mayor of Zakho district Khalil Mahmoud told BasNews that due to recent violence in Kurdish ar- eas of Turkey, the Turkish authorities have decided to close the Ibrahim Khalil border crossing from 06:00 pm to 07:00 am every day until the security situation improves. Recent confrontations between the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the Turkish army have inflamed the situation in the country’s southeastern provinces. BasNews has also learned that Turkish authorities have declared a curfew in the bor- der district of Cizre. In recent days clashes between Turkish army and PKK fighters near the border crossing, forced Turkish authorities to temporary close the border gate with KRG.» Quelle: Basnews, KRG-Turkey Border Crossing to Remain Close at Nights, 10. September 2015: at-nights/.

Institute for the Study of War, 21. September 2015:

«Turkish airstrikes continued against PKK targets in northern Baghdad. The Turk- ish Air Force executed airstrikes on September 18, 19 and 20 on PKK positions in Dohuk Province and elsewhere in Northern Iraq.» Quelle: Institute for the Study of War, Iraq Situation Report, Iraq Situation Report: September 18 - 21, 21. September 2015: -9- 21%20high_5.png.

Institute for the Study of War, 25. September 2015:

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«Turkish aircraft target PKK in northern Iraq. On September 23, Turkey conducted airstrikes on PKK positions and ammunition depots in two villages in northern Do- huk.» Quelle: Institute for the Study of War, Iraq Situation Report, Iraq Situation Re- port: September 22 - 25, 25. September 2015: -9- 25%20%20high_0.png.

Institute for the Study of War, 1. Oktober 2015:

«Turkish airstrikes target PKK in northern Iraq. Turkey continued airstrikes on Sep- tember 26 against PKK positions in Aqrash District in Dohuk province.» Quelle: In- stitute for the Study of War, Iraq Situation Report: September 26 - October 1, 1. Okto- ber 2015: -10- 01%20high_7.png.

Institute for the Study of War, 5. Oktober 2015:

«Turkish airstrikes continue against PKK. On October 4 and 5, Turkish airstrikes targeted Hafatin and Matina areas in northern Dohuk province as well as sites in the Qandil Mountains.» Quelle: Institute for the Study of War, Iraq Situation Report: Octo- ber 2 - 5, 5. Oktober 2015: -10- 05%20high_7.png.

2 Lebensbedingungen in Zakho

Verschlechterung der wirtschaftlichen Lage aufgrund des starken Zustroms von syrischen Flüchtlingen und IDPs. Laut eines Berichtes der International Organiza- tion for Migration (IOM) Iraq vom April 2015 lebten zum Zeitpunkt des Berichts 23‘787 IDP-Familien in Zakho. Dies entsprach 32 Prozent aller IDPs in der Provinz Dohuk. Gemäss der gleichen Quelle lebten in der Provinz Dohuk 17 Prozent aller IDPs im Irak. Das Anwachsen der Bevölkerung belastet die lokale Wirtschaft, den Dienstleis- tungssektor und die lokale Infrastruktur stark. Es behindert die Bereitstellung von Ba- sisdienstleistungen und bringt die wirtschaftliche Leistungsfähigkeit der KRG -Region an ihre Grenzen. Bemerkenswert ist beispielsweise der Anstieg der Armutsrate von 3.5 auf 8.1 Prozent seit 2013. Wegen dem Bevölkerungszuwachs stiegen auch die Wohnungskosten um 12.3 und der Ölpreis um 25.5 Prozent. Auch das NGO Coordi- nation Committe for Iraq schreibt in seinem Bericht von Juli 2015, dass der Zustrom von IDPs die lokale Wirtschaft stark unter Druck setze.

Schwierige Lebensbedingungen für IDPs in Zakho. Verschiedene Quellen berich- ten von den schwierigen Lebensbedingungen, unter denen IDPs in Zakho leben müs- sen. So berichtet Médecins Sans Frontières am 3. August 2015 von unfertigen Häu- sern und skeletartigen Hochhausblocks, welche von rund 700 Flüchtlingsfamilien (jede Familie besteht aus mindestens sechs Familienmitgliedern) bewohnt werden. Da die meisten dieser Unterkünfte keine Fenster oder Türen haben, sind die Bewohner weder vor Kälte im Winter, noch vor Temperaturen von bis zu 50 Grad Celsius im

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Sommer geschützt. Die Lebensbedingungen sind weiter durch den schwierigen Zu- gang zu Wasser und der fehlenden Elektrizität erschwert. Im Artikel wird auch darauf hingewiesen, dass einige der unter diesen Bedingungen lebenden IDPs durch die Hausbesitzer, welche ihr Eigentum zurückfordern, bedroht werden. Die Flücht- lingscamps sind voll und die Geldgeber haben begonnen, sich abzuwenden. Vertrie- bene, welche ausserhalb der Camps wohnen, werden weiterhin vernachlässigt. Ge- mäss eines Berichts des UK Home Office von Juli 2015 berichteten 19 Prozent der in Zakho lebenden und von IOM befragten IDPs, dass sie dringend Zugang zu Einkom- men bräuchten. Gemäss eines Berichts von United Nation High Commissioner for Re- fugees (UNHCR) vom 15. April 2015 sind IDP-Familien in ganz Irak, vor allem aber in den Städten Zakho und Dohuk, von Zwangsräumungen bedroht.

IOM Iraq, April 2015:

«Currently, Dahuk is a safe haven for one of the largest population of the 2014 -2015 IDPs in the entire country, amounting to 449’454 IDP individuals. Regardless of the period in which they were displaced, the majority of IDPs left their areas of origin due to generalized violence and armed conflict. However, a few were evicted from their properties or faced direct threats. As of April 2015, 17% of all IDPs in Iraq were living Dahuk governorate. Reportedly, Sumel district hosted nearly half of the dis- placed population in Dahuk, with over 203,000 IDP individuals. Zakho and Dahuk districts held more than 216,000 IDP individuals. (…)

Dahuk enjoys stable security, which was the main pull factor for those who displaced there. However, an increasing population has placed a strain on the local econ- omy, services and local infrastructure, hampering delivery of basic services and stretching the economic capacity of the KRG to its maximum. Notably, the pov- erty rate in the KRI increased from 3.5% to 8.1% since 2013. The influx of individ- uals and deteriorated security situation outside KRI resulted in the rise of housing costs by 12,3% in Dahuk and the price of fuel by 25,5% .» Quelle: International Organization for Migration Iraq, Dahuk Governorate Profile, April 201 5:

NGO Coordination Committee for Iraq, Juli 2015:

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«As of June 2015, most of these IDPs were residing in vulnerable housing types like unfinished or abandoned buildings, camps or religious buildings. According to REACH data from April 2015, Dohuk governorate was hosting ten operational IDP camps and one refugee camp, with one more IDP camp under construction. Access to both food and nonfood core-relief items remains problematic. IDPs residing in unfinished build- ings or other informal housing are also lacking shelter and heating and are at risk of eviction. The influx of IDPs is putting great stress on the local economy.» Quelle: NGO Coordination Committee for Iraq, Dohuk Governorate Profile, Juli 2015: .

Médecins Sans Frontières, 3. August 2015 :

«Some people ran away and sought refuge in the Sinjar Mountains. Others, like Hadji, were captured. After months spent in captivity, Hadji and part of his family finally found made it to the north of and their home is now near the city of Zakho. Leaving everything behind and arriving with empty hands, his family now occupies one of the unfinished houses in the area. The unfinished houses and skeletal multi- storey apartment blocks in the area are now home to approximately 700 families (each family made up of at least six members). The living conditions in the un- finished buildings are dire. Made of concrete, most of them don’t have any win- dows or doors installed and are open to the elements. They don’t protect from the cold and wet weather in winter, nor from the heat in summer, when tempera- tures can rise over 50°C. With difficult access to water and no electricity, the harsh conditions complicate the life and health of people in the settlement. (…)

One year after they fled en masse, displaced families face the same situation as when they arrived – their lives have not improved and they continue to live in uncertainty. They cannot return home, some of them are threatened by owners who want to reclaim their properties, the camps for displaced populations are full, and fund- ing for activities supporting them is dropping. “Many families are in need of hu- manitarian assistance and live in appalling conditions in unfinished buildings. Donors have started to turn away and people living outside of the camps con- tinue to be neglected,” says MSF field coordinator Caroline Voûte.» Quelle: MSF – Médecins Sans Frontières, One year after fleeing violence, families in northern Iraq still live in uncertainty, 3. August 2015:

UK Home Office, Juli 2015:

«‘The majority of IDPs assessed by IOM in Dahuk reported they were in dire need of shelter housing (20%), access to a source of income (18%), NFIs (15%), food(14%) and healthcare (11%).23% of IDPs assesed [sic] by IOM in Amedi [district] and 19% of those residing in Zakho [district] indicated a pressing need for access to income, while families in Dahuk and Sumel [districts] considered shelter [ sic] the top priority need, 20% and 25% of the respondents, respectively. The afore- mentioned trends are presumably related to the high number of IDPs in Sumel who were accomodated [sic] in camps or abandoned buildings, understandably indicating a need for shelter. In general, housing and a source of income were the most pressing needs for IDPs in other districts, corresponding with the significant number of families

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who were renting houses and exhausting their savings, and those who are living in critical shelters while looking for better living conditions.» Quelle: UK Home Office, Country Information and Guidance; Iraq: humanitarian situation in Baghdad, the south (including Babil) and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Juli 2015, S. 24:

UNHCR, 15. April 2015:

«IDP families throughout Iraq remain at risk of eviction, particularly in Zakho and Dohuk cities in the Dohuk Governorate. In Dohuk, the lack of fuel and competition over the purchase of firewood has caused increased tensions between IDPs and host communities.» Quelle: UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Iraq: UNHCR IDP Operational Update, 1-15 April 2015, 15. April 2015:

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