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{Corrected to 1st November 1883.)


{The number is limited by Law to Twelve.)

His Grace THE DUKE OF ARGYLL, K.G., K.T., D.C.L., F.R.S., Inverary Castle, Argyllshire, and Argyll Lodge, Campden Hill, London. Patron of the Society * JOACHIM BARRANDE, Corres. Mem. Imp. Acad., Vienna, 22 Rue de l'Od^on, Paris, and 419 Kleinseite, Choteksgasse, Prague. Sir ANDREW CROMBIE RAMSAY, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., 15 Cromwell Crescent, London, S.W. THOMAS DAVIDSON, of Muirhouse, F.R.S., F.G.S., 9 Salisbury Road, West Brighton. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., Director General of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, Jermyn Street, London, S.W. President of the Society, 1868-74. JOHN HUTTON BALFOUR, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., 27 Inverleith Row. THOMAS C. ARCHER, F.R.S.E., Director of the Museum of Science and Art, Chambers Street. THOMAS B. JOHNSTON, F.R.S.E., F.S.A. Scot., of Messrs W. & A. K. Johnston, Geographical Publishers, Edina Works, . WILLIAM NELSON, of Messrs Thomas Nelson & Sons, Publishers, Hope Park, Crescent. JAMES GEIKIE, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., Professor of Geology in the .

* His Grace was elected Patron in 1875. The former Patrons were Sir Roderick Murchison and Sir Charles Lyell, who successively held the appointment until their death. 2 A Downloaded from at University of Texas At Austin on June 7, 2015



Those Felloivs who have compounded for their Annual Subscriptions by becoming " Life Members" are marked with an asterisk. The dates indicate when the Fellows were elected.) Adams, William, (Royal Bank of Conchie, William, Public School, Scotland), 15 Hope Park Ter­ Livingston, Mid-Calder (1876). race, Treasurer (1880). Coyne, Roderick A. F. A., C.E., * Archibald, John, Devonvale, Edinburgh and District Water Tillicoultry (1868). Trust Offices, Royal Exchange Armstrong, William, Jun., M.E., (1864). Wingate, Co. Durham (1869). Dalzell, John Brown, Merchant, *Balfour, Isaac Bayley, D.Sc, Lesmahagow (1866). Edin., F.R.S.E., Professor of Daniell, Alfred, M.A., B.Sc, in Glasgow University Lecturer on Medical Physics, (1874). School of Medicine, Chambers Bell, Robert, Amondell, Mid- Street; and 40 Gillespie Cres­ calder; and 7 Eglinton Cres­ cent (1877). cent (1866). *Deans, P. D., Mount Charles, Bell, W. Hamilton, 6 Mansion- Portobello (1876). house Road (1880). Douglas, Robert, Solicitor and Binning-Home, G. H. Munro, of Town-clerk, Berwick-on-Tweed Argaty, Doune, Stirling (1873). (1874). Black, W., S.S.C., 3 Hill Street Drummond, William, S.S.C., 21 (1880). Charlotte Square (1868). Black, Dr W. G., 2 George Square Farquharson, Rev. Alexander, 3 (1873). Abercrombie Street, Chester­ 10*Blyth, Rev. Dr Thomas Allen, field, Derbyshire (1880). M.A., Ph.D., 84 James Street, 30 Farquharson, Thos. Ker, Account­ Iffley Road, Oxford (1864). ant, 15 St Catherine's Place, *Bray, Henry Adam, M.D., Grange (1875). Market Rasen, Lincolnshire Ferguson, John, 15 Brighton (1878). Place, Portobello (1863). Bryce, A. Hamilton, LL.D., *Ferguson, William, of Kin- D.C.L., F.R.S.E., 42 Moray mundy, Mintlaw, ­ Place (1879). shire, F.R.S.E., F.L.S., Bryce, Wm., M.D., 31 Charlotte F.G.S., 41 Manor Place, and Square (1880). University Club, Princes Buchanan, John, C.E., 24 George Street, Vice-President (1876). Street (1868). Field, Wm., 1 Hart Street (1864). Cadell, Henry, of Grange, Fleming, Andrew, M.D., Bo'ness, 13 Douglas Crescent, F. R. S. E., Deputy Surgeon (1866). General H.M. Indian Army, 8 Cadell, Henry Moubray, B.Sc. Napier Road, Merchiston(1875). Edin., Grange, Bo'ness; Geolo­ *Fraser, Alexander, Canonmills gical Survey of Scotland; 13 Lodge (1869). Douglas Crescent (1880). *Fraser, Charles, 13 Greenhill Calderwood, Robert, Oakbank Place (1882). Oil Co., Midcalder (1882). *Fraser, James, C.E., 100 Castle * Cameron, David, Schoolhouse, Street, Inverness (1881). Daviot, Inverness (1881). Eraser, William, Manager, Oil Carey, William, Struan Villa, Works, Broxburn (1882). Portland Road, Kilmarnock Galletly, John, Chemist, Addie- (1866). well, West Calder (1877). 20 Carter, William Allan, C.E., 5 40 Galloway, John, Barleith and St Andrew Square, Librarian Dollars' Collieries, Kilmarnock (1874). (1866). Craig, George, architect, 85 Con­ Gibb, Philip B., M.A., 14 Picardy stitution Street, (1882). PL, Assistant Librarian (1880). Downloaded from at University of Texas At Austin on June 7, 2015


Gray, Archd., C.E., Glengarnock Linn, James, Geological Survey Ironworks, Glengarnock (1866). of Scotland, Moss Street, Keith Greenwood, Arthur, M.A., (1868). LL.D., F.R.S.L., Fell. Trin. Livesay, William, M.D. Edin., Coll. Lond., Flaxfield College, Sudbury, Derby (1869). Basingstoke, England (1879). Livingston, Josiah, 4 Minto Greig, John, Coltness Iron Works, Street (1867). Wishaw (1865). 70 Lumsden, Alexander, M.E., Guthrie, J. Young, S.S.C., 4 Ad die well Oil Works, West Rosebery Crescent; and 29 Calder (1865). Hanover Street (1876). *Macadam, W. Ivison, F.C.S., Hanson, E. S., Paul's Work (1878). F.I.C., Lecturer on Chemistry, Harrison, George, The Right and Analytical Chemist, School Hon. The Lord Provost, 7 of Medicine, Surgeon's Hall; Whitehouse Terrace (1867). Professor of Chemistry, New Henderson, John, Curator Veterinary College; 6 East Phrenological Museum, Cham­ Brighton Crescent, Portobello, bers Street (1862). Honorary Secretary (1878). Henderson, William, of Redford, M'Diarmid, William R., F.S.A. Royal Bank, Leith (1873). Scot., 8PalmerstonPlace(1877). 50*Hood, Archd., Coalmaster, M'Ewan, William, 43 Manor Whitehill Colliery, Lasswade Place (1878). (1869). Macfie, R. A., F.R.S.E., Dreg Horsburgh, John, Photographer, horn Castle, Colinton (1878). 131 Princes Street (1863). M'Raild, Donald, F.R.C.S.E., *Hunter, JohnR. S.,LL.D.,D.Sc, L.F.P.S.G., &c, 29 West Burn Daleville, Carluke (1862). Street, Greenock (1882). Jeffrey, David, 14 Randolph Cres­ Mack, Anthony, J.P., 6 Crescent, cent (1867). Ardrossan (1873). Jenner, Charles, F.R.S.E., Easter Mackay, iEneas, J.G., M.A., Duddingstone Lodge, Porto- LL.B., Advocate, 7 Albyn Place bello (1867). (1867). Molly, William, F.R.S.E., H.M. •Mackenzie, John F., C.E., H.M. Inspector of Schools; 25 St India Service, 32 London Andrew Drive, Pollockshields Street (1873). (1867). Maclachlan, I)., Publisher, 64 *Kellock, Robert, Glendyne Cot­ South Bridge (1867). tage, Joppa (1881). 80*M'Lagan, P., M.P., F.R.S.E., Ker, Robert Darling, 11 Moston Clifton Hall, Ratho (1875). Terrace (1863). M'Laren, Duncan, Newington Kilgour, T. W., 4 East Brighton House (1873). Crescent, Portobello (1874). •Marshall, W. H., of Callander, Kinnear, W. Tait, 5 Crichton M.A., W.S., 25 Heriot Row Street (1881). (1875). 60* Knott, C. G., M.A., D.Sc, Pro­ *Maughan, Edward, 119A George fessor of Natural Philosophy, Street (1874). Tokio College, Japan; 2 Lauris- Meik, Walter, C.E., 6 York Place ton Park (1883). (1881). Landale, Andrew, Lochgelly *Melven, William, M.A., 32 Ironworks, Lochgelly, Fife Gibson Street, Hillhead, Glas­ (1864). gow (1878). Landale, David, M.E., 10 St *Melvin, James, 43 West Drum- Andrew Square (1863). sheugh Gardens (1868). Landale, James, M.E. (1868). Miller, George, Sharebroker, 60 Lapworth, Chas.,F.G.S., Professor Princes Street (1863). of Geology, Sir Josiah Mason Miller, Wm., Merchant, Bo'ness College, Birmingham (1869). (1881). Lewis, James Henry, Mus. B., *MiJne-Home, David, of Milne- Organist, West Hartlepool Graden, LL.D., F.P.R.S.E., (1882). F.G.S., Milne-Graden, Cold •Linford, William, Elstow, St stream ; and 10 York Place, James', Exeter (1873). President (1871). Downloaded from at University of Texas At Austin on June 7, 2015

90 Moore, Ralph, Colliery Manager, Shiells, R. Thornton, Architect, Smeaton Park, Inveresk, Mus­ 65A George Street (1867). selburgh (1878). •Shipston, Thomas Wiseman, NORTHESK, The Right Hon. The M. A., LL.D., Arlington House, EARL OF, Longwood House, West Ham, London, E. near Winchester, * Hants ; and (1871). Ethie House, Forfarshire Simpson, Alex. Gray, 2 Lauder (1869). Road (1865). Oliver, J. S., 12 Greenhill Park Simpson, George, 2 Lauder Road (1879). (1873). *Omond, R. Traill, Ben Nevis Small, Robert, Sub-Inspector Observatory, Fort-William; of Schools, 3 Bernard Terrace and 43 Charlotte Square (1881). (1869). Ormiston, Archibald R., Shotts Smith, Henry Murray, M.A., Ironworks, Shotts (1866). Collegiate School, Charlotte •Panton, George A., F.R.S.E., Square (1880), Resident Secretary Scottish *Smith, Robert M., F.R.S.E., 4 Provident Institution, 95 Col- Bellevue Crescent (1867). more Row, Birmingham (1862). Smith, Frederick, 3 Malta Ter­ Paterson, Robert, Architect, 47 race, Stockbridge (1875). Grange Road (1871). *Spowart, Thomas, of Broomhead, Paul, Gavin, 14 Maitland Street Dunfermline; and 7 Coates (1866). Crescent (1863). •Powrie, James of Reswallie, ) Sprague, T. B., M.A., F.R.S.E., F.R.S.E., F.G.S., Reswallie, 29 Buckingham Terrace (1878). near Forfar (1867). Steuart, Thomas Barker, *Prentice, Thomas, Mining Manager, Queensbury Silver Manager, Addiewell, West Lead Mines, Wanlockhead Calder (1877). (1882). 100*Richardson, Ralph, W.S., Stevenson, David, C.E., V.-P. F.R.S.E., 19 Castle Street and B.S.E., 84 George Street 10 Magdala Place ; Newpark (1875). House, Mid-Calder, Vice- *Stevenson-Hamilton, Colonel Jas., President (1866). of Fairholm, Larkhall, Lanark­ Riches, C. Maplestone, North- shire (1865). bury House, Bury St Edmunds *Stewart, D. R., Chemist, (1880). , Broxburn (1876). Ritchie, James, C.E., Perth Stock, Thomas, Museum of (1867). Science and Art, Chambers Robinson, E. C, Shaftesbury Street; 16 Colville Place House, London Fields, E. (1879). (1882). Stoddart, Mark P. (1878). Robinson, John Ryley, LL.D., •Sturman, Edward A., M.A., F.R.G.S., 47 Westgate, Dews- Ph.D., 70 Seven Sisters' Road, bury, England (1865). Holloway, London, N. (1870). Rodrigues, Antonio Cesar, 1 •Sturrock, Peter, C.E., Kilmar­ Castle Street (1880). nock (1866). Rogers, Rev. Charles, D.D., •Sutton, William, LL.D. (1871). LL.D., 16 Danube Street ) Tait, Adam, 11 Lutton Place (1882). (1-881). *Romanis, Robert, D.Sc, Govern­ •Thin, James, Bookseller, 55 South ment Analyst, Maulmain, Bridge (1867). British Burmah (1876). •Thomson, Robert, (1875). Romans John, C.E., 30 St Thomson, William, Public School, Andrew Square (1867). Whitburn (1879). Rorie, G. L., Banker, 60 Union Tunny, James G., Photographer, Street, Aberdeen (1868). 11 Salisbury Place (1862). 110*Semple, Andrew, M.D., &c, JTurnbull, James, Printer, 14 Honorary Deputy Surgeon- Thistle Street (1867). General H.M. Army Medical •Wallace, Thomas D., F.S.A., Service, United Service Club Scot., Rector of High School, (1882). Inverness (1879). Downloaded from at University of Texas At Austin on June 7, 2015


Watts, Rev. G. J., M.A., LL.D., 140*Wilson, Charles Monck, M.A., Vicar of St Marks, Oldham, LL.D., F.R.D.S., C.E., Rose Lancashire (1880). Villa, North Strand, Limerick, Williamson, John R., M.E., 46 and Kildare Street Club, Dub­ George Square (1869). lin (1871). Wilson, Jas., Border Record, Young, A., F.R.S.E., 22 Elm Galashiels (1873). Row (1882).


{The dates indicate the year of election.)

Rev. Henry W. Crosskey, F.G.S., Rev. Thomas Brown, F.R.S.E., 28 George Street, Edgbaston, 16 Carlton Street (1874). Birmingham (1864). Joseph Prestwich, M.A., F.R.S., Henry Murphy, Proprietor Shef­ r.-P.G.S., F.C.S., Professor of field Post Newspaper, 25 Geology in the University of Howard Street, Sheffield (1864). Oxford, 35 St Giles Street, Ox­ Nicholas Whitley, C.E., Penarth, ford (1875). . Truro, Cornwall (1865). Robert Brown, M.A., Ph.D., Edward A. Wlinsch, F.G.S., 88 F.R.G:S., F.L.S., Fersler, Ry- St Vincent Street, Glasgow dal Road, Streatham, London, (1866). S.W. (1875). John Young, F.G.S., Hunterian G. H. Kinahan, M.R.I. A., Museum, F.R.G.S.L, District Surveyor (1867). of the Geological Survey of Ire­ James Armstrong, 16 Albert Drive, land, Lurgybrack, Letterkenny Crosshill, Glasgow (1867) (1875). Andrew Taylor, F.C.S., .Mineral John W. Judd, F.R.S., Secy. G.S., Surveyor, 37 South Clerk Professor of Geology, Royal Street (1867). School of Mines, Jermyn Street. Edward Hull, M.A., F.R.S., London, S.W. (1875). F.G.S., Director of the Geologi­ Frederick W. Rudler, F.G.S., cal Survey of Ireland, and Pro­ Professor of Natural History in fessor of Geology in the Royal the University College of Wales, College of Science, Dublin, 14 Aberystwith; Museum of Prac­ Hume Street, Dublin (1869). tical Geology, Jermyn Street, Rev. Robert Hunter, M. A., F.G.S., London (1875). Forest Retreat, Staples Road, Alexander Croall, Curator of Loughton, Essex, London, W.C. the Smith Institute, Stirling (1869). (1875). 10 Henry Woodward, F.R.S.,C.G.S., D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, 27 F.Z.S., British Museum, Lon­ Alva Street (1881). don, WT.C. (1869). 20 Alexander Somervail, 59 Fleet Charles William Peach, A.L.S., 30 Street, Torquay (1881). Haddington Place (1871).

* Law XVI. enacts, "The Society shall have power to elect by ballot, as Associates, gentlemen distinguished for their Scientific attainments and researches, particularly in any department of Geology, or who may have acquired claims on the Society by aiding the furtherance of its objects." Downloaded from at University of Texas At Austin on June 7, 2015



{The dates signify when elected.)

I. EUROPE. 8. Italy. G. Meneghini, For. Corr. G.S., 1. Switzerland. Professor of Palaeontology, Uni­ Dr Ferdinand Keller, Zurich versity of Pisa (1869). (1864). Paolo Savi, Professor of Zoology Professor Alphonse Favre, For. University of Pisa (1869), Mem. G.S., Geneva (1869). B. Gastaldi, For. Mem. G.S., Pro­ Rev. Dr Oswald Heer, For. Mem. fessor of Geology, Turin (1869). G.S., Professor of Botany in the 9. Denmark. University of Zurich (1869). Johannes Frederik Johnstrup, Bernard Studer, For. Mem. G.S., Professor of Mineralogy, Copen­ Professor of Geology, Berne hagen (1869). (1869). 20 Christian Georg Frederick Pfaff, 3. Norway. Kong. Gronlandske Handel, Copenhagen (1869). Dr Th6odor Kjerulf, For. Mem. Professor Japetus Sm. Steenstrup, G.S., University of Christiania For. Cor. G.S., University of (1869). Copenhagen, Secretary of the 4. Sweden. Royal Danish Academy of Science and Literature (1869). M. S. Loven, For. Corr. G.S., Stockholm (1869). 10. Belgium. Professor Svend Nilsson, For. Laurent-Guillaume de Koninck, Mem. G.S., Lund, Sweden M.D.,For. Mem. G.S., Professor (1869). of Chemistry and Palaeontology Professor Otto Torell, For. Corr. in the University of Lie*ge (1869). G.S., Director Geological Survey Professor A. Renard, Curator of of Sweden, Lund (1869). the Royal Museum, Brussels (1878). 5. France. E. Grossart, 26 Rue de la Made­ Paul Gervais, For. Mem. G.S., leine, Bruxelles (1881). Professor of Comparative Ana­ tomy in the Museum of Natural 11. Austria. History, 11 Rue Rollin, Paris Antonio Fritsch, Professor, (1869). Prague (1881). 10 Achille Delesse, For. Mem. G.S., II. ASIA. Ingenieure en chef des Mines, India. 59 Rue Madame, Paris (1875). Thomas Oldham, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., Director of the 6. Germany. Geological Survey of India, 1 Professor F. Zirkel, For. Corr. Hastings Street, Calcutta(1864). G.S., 15 Thalstrasse, Leipzig J. W. Johnstone, M.D., H.M. (1869). Bengal Army (1869). Hanns Bruno Geinetz, Ph.D.,For. III. AFRICA. Mem. G. S., Professor of Minera­ Charles Bell, Surveyor-General for logy and Geology in the Univer­ Cape Colony, Belton, Somerset, sity of Dresden (1869). Road, Cape Town (1864). Professor Fridolin Sandberger, Dr George Grey, Cradock, South Ph.D., For. Mem. G.S., Pro­ Africa (1864), fessor of Mineralogy, University 30 Dr Daniel Hahn, Stellenbosch, of Wurzburg, Bavaria (1869). Cape of Good Hope (1875). 7. Russia. IV. AMERTCA. General G. von Helmersen, For. 1. Canada. Mem. G. S., St Petersburg (1869). George Lawson, LL.D., Professor of M. Von Kokscharow, For. Corr. Chemistry in Dalhousie College, G.S., St Petersburg (1869). Halifax, Nova Scotia (1863). Downloaded from at University of Texas At Austin on June 7, 2015

John William Dawson, LL.D., V. AUSTRALASIA. F.R.S., F.G.S., Principal of 1. New Zealand. M'Gill's CoUege, Montreal Julius von Haast, Ph.D. F.R.S., (1866). F.L.S., F.G.S., Director of the 2, United States. Canterbury Museum, Christ- Dr Daniels, State Geologist of Wis­ church, Canterbury (1863). consin, Madison, Wis. (1864). James Hector, M.D., F.R.S., Professor Alexander Winchel, F.G.S., Director of the Geo­ State Geologist of Michigan, logical Survey of New Zealand, Professor of Geology and Palae­ . Wellington (1864). ontology, University of Michi­ 2. Victoria. gan ; Ann Arbor, Michigan Frederick M'Coy, F.G.S., Profes­ (1864). sor of Natural History in the Professsr J. D.Whitney, For. Corr. University of Melbourne, and G.S.. State Geologist of Cali­ Director of the National fornia, Cambridge, Mass. (1866). Museum, Melbourne (1866). Professor J. H. M'Chesney, Chicago (1866). Professor William P. Blake, of the R. L. Jack, F.G.S., F.R.G.S. State Department, Newhaven, Government Geologist for Nor­ Connecticut (1866). thern Queensland, Townsville William Gabb, Palaeontologist of (1878). the Geological Survey of-Cali­ VI. FOREIGN CORRESPONDING FEL­ fornia (1866). LOWS PRESENTLY IN BRITAIN. Professor Benjamin Silliman, Editor of "The American Peter Comrie, Staff Surgeon, R.N., Journal of Science and Arts," Crichton Club, Adelphi, Lon­ Newhaven, Connecticut (1867). don, W.C. (1866). 40 Major T. B. Brooks, Wisconsin Frederick Whymper, 170 Lough­ Geological Survey, Marquette, borough Road, Brixton, Lon­ Michigan (1876). don, S.E. (1866). DrF. V. Hay den, For. Corr. G.S., 50 Henry S. Wilson, M.D. (1863). United States Geologist, Wash­ Edward M'Glashan, Castle Lodge. ington (1877). Sandal, Wakefield (1863). James Coutts Crawford, of Over- 3. Vancouver Island. toun (Lanarkshire), F.G.S., Re­ John J. Landale, C.E., Victoria sident Magistrate and Sheriff of (1866). Wellington (1863), Caledonian George H. Wilson Brown, Victoria Club, Edinburgh; Reform Club, London. (1867).


I. SCOTLAND. Advocates' Library. Edinburgh. Signet Library. *Royal Society. University Library. *Society of Antiquaries of Scot­ Highland and Agricultural Society land. of Scotland. *Botanical Society. 10 Scottish Chamber of Agriculture. Scottish Meteorological Society. Philosophical Institution. *Royal Physical Society. Literary Institute. * This mark is placed opposite the names of Societies or Institutions from which the Edinburgh Geological Society received donations of Transactions, Proceedings, Memoirs, or Reports during 1882, and till the month of August 1883. To all such Societies and Institutions a copy of Part III. of Vol. IV. of the Society's Transactions (1883) has been sent free of charge. Downloaded from at University of Texas At Austin on June 7, 2015


Glasgow. Warwick. •Geological Society. Warwickshire Natural History •Natural History Society. Society. *Philosophical Society. Newcastle-on- Tyne. Athenaeum. 50 Literary and Philosophical Soc Berwickshire, •Northumberland and Durham •Naturalists' Glub. Natural History Society. Perth. •Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club. •Perthshire Natural History Soc. Watford, Hertfordshire. Dumfries. •Natural History Society. •Dumfries and Galloway Natural Brighton. History and Antiquarian Soc. •Natural History Society. Buckhurst Hill (Essex). IL ENGLAND. •Epping Forest and County of London. Essex Field Club. 20*Koyal Society. Eastbourne. •Geological Society. _ •Natural History Society. •Geologists' Association. •Royal Geographical Society. in. IRELAND. Zoological Society. Dublin. British Museum. Library of Trinity College. •Palseontographical Society. •Royal Irish Academy. •Linnean Society. •Royal Geological Society of Ire­ British Association. land. Oxford. 60 Institution of Civil Engineers. Bodleian Library. •Royal Society. Cambridge. Belfast. 30 University Library. •Naturalists' Field Club. Manchester. •Geological Society. IV. FRANCE. •Literary and Philosophical Soc. Paris. •Scientific Students' Association. •Royal Academy of Sciences. •Geological Society of France. Liverpool. School of Mines. •Geological Society. Geographical Society. •Geological Association. •Department for Public Instruc­ * Literary and Philosophical Soc. tion. Leeds. Lyons. •Geological Association. •SociSte'd'Etudes Scientifiques. Naturalists' Club. •Socfete Linneenne de Lyon. *Philosophical and Literary Soc. Amiens. Norwich. 70^Soci6te* Linneenne du Nord. 40"Geological Society. Lille. •Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society. •Soci6te Geologique du Nord. York. V. BELGIUM. •Yorkshire Philosophical Society. Brussels. •Yorkshire Geological and Poly­ •Royal Academy of Sciences. technic Society. •Department of Mines. Birmingham. •Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle *Mason College. de la Belgique. •Philosophical Society. •Carte Geologique de la Belgique. Bristol. Lie'ge. •Naturalists' Society. •Royal. Society of Sciences. Truro. •Soctete" Geologique de la Belgique. •Royal Institution of Cornwall. VI. SWITZERLAND. Penzance. Geneva. •Royal Geological Society of Corn- SociSte" de Physique et d'Histoire wail. Naturelle. Downloaded from at University of Texas At Austin on June 7, 2015


Lausanne. Wurtemberg. "Socidte* Vaudoise de Sciences. Tubingen. Zurich. •Verein flir Vaterlandishe Natur- 80 Naturforschende Gesellschaft. kunde.

VII. ITALY. XII, PRUSSIA. Rome. Halle. Com. Geologico d'ltalia. •K. Leopoldinisch - Carolinische •Reale Accademie dei Lincei. Deutische A kademie des Natur- Florence. forscher. •Royal Geological Society of Italy. Berlin. Turin. Konig. Akademie der Wissen- Royal Academy of Sciences. schaften. Venice. Konigsberg. * Royal Venetian Institute of •Physikalisch-Okonomische Gesell­ Sciences. schaft. Pisa. Bremen. •Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali. •Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins. VIII. AUSTRIA. XIII. DENMARK. Vienna. Copenhagen. *K. K. Akademie der Wissen- •Royal Danish Academy. schaften. •Royal University. *K. K. Geologische Reichsanstalt. K. K. Geographische Gesellschaft. XIV. NORWAY. 90*K. K. Zoologisch-Botanische Christiania. Gesellschaft. Royal University. Buda Pest. •Norwegian North Atlantic Expe­ •National Museum of Hungary. dition. Trieste. Bergen. Societa Adriatica di Scienze . >*Library of the Museum. Naturali. Troms. Brilnn. •Naturforschenden Verein. •Troms Museum. Innsbruck. Trondhjem. •Naturwissenschaftliche - Medizin- •Royal Scientific Society of Nor­ ischen Verein. way.

IX. BAVARIA. XV. SWEDEN. Stockholm. Munich *K. b. Akademie ' der Wissen- •Royal Academy of Sciences. schaften, Upsala. •Royal Society of Sciences. X. BADEN. Lund. Heidelberg. •Library of the University. •Naturhistorisch - Medicinischer Verein. XVI. RUSSIA. XI. SAXONY, St Petersburg. Dresden. Imperial Academy of Sciences. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesell­ Imperial Geological Society. schaft "Isis." Moscow. •Verein f iir Erkunde. Imperial Society of Naturalists. Leipzig. Kon. Gesellschaft der Wissen- XVII. CANADA. schaften. Montreal. Braunsweig. •Geological Survey of Canada. 100*Naturwissenschaft Verein. 1 >*Natural History Society. Downloaded from at University of Texas At Austin on June 7, 2015


Toronto. Cincinnati. •Canadian Institute. 150*Society of Natural History. Winnipeg (Manitoba). Frankfort (Kentucky). •Historical and Scientific Society. * Geological Survey of Kentucky. XVIII. UNITED STATES. Beloit (Wisconsin). New York. •Geological Survey of Wisconsin. •State Library, Museum and Ca­ Minneapolis (Minn.), binet of Natural History. •Geological and Natural History •American Geographical Society, Survey. No. 11 West 29th Street. Montana. American Bureau of Mines. •Geological Survey. American Ethnological Society. Indiana. •School of Mines, Columbia College. •Geological Survey. •Academy of Sciences. Washington. XIX. NOVA SCOTIA. •Smithsonian Institution. Halifax. 130 United States Coast Survey. *Nova Scotian Institute of Natural •National Academy of Sciences. Science. •United States Geological Survey. XX. AUSTRALIA. United States Department of Melbourne. Agriculture. National Museum. •Treasury Department. Royal Society of Victoria. •Bureau of Education. •Government Office of Mines. Boston. 160*Geological Survey, •Society of Natural History. Brisbane. Public Library of the City. •Government Office of Mines. Portland (Maine). Natural History Society. •RoyalSocietyof isfew South Wales. Cambridge (Mass.). •Government Office of Mines. Library of Harvard College. Townsville. Salem (Mass.). * Geological Survey. 140#Peabody Academy of Science. New Haven (Conn.). North Queensland. •Geological Survey. •Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. XXI. NEW ZEALAND. Library of Yale College. Wellington. •American Journal of Science and •New Zealand Institute. Arts. •Colonial Museum. Philadelphia. •Department of Mines. •Academy of Natural Sciences. Dunedin. Chicago. Otago Institute. Academy of Sciences. XXII. BRAZIL. Bloomington (III.) Bio de Janeiro. Natural History Society. 170 Commissao Geologica do Imperio New Orleans. do Brazil. Academy of Sciences. •National Museum of Rio de San Francisco. Janeiro. •California Academy of Natural Sciences. XXHI. MEXICO. St Louis. Mexico. •Academy of Sciences. •Geographical Society.

Society's Library—5 St Andrew Square.

The Members of the Society are requested he Honorary Secretary, Surgeons' Hall, all ch