
WEATHER Mln Max Praelp 18 4D , 82 0,00 ..,.68 87 0,08 48 «1 0,41 ,,..:47 "«8 0,801 "BKft's „.„45 86 0,00; fl. • 89 O.0Q te'isjY 89 70 O.flO

.THIRD YEAR—NO. 13 16 Pages This Week. CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 26, 1963 10c jer Copy SUBSCRIPTION $3,00 PER YEAR- Color Tour,; Barbeeuie Go mnj unity Time Near ecisive Win George A. Staffan, chairman, and Arthur Stoll, co-chairman, of the_eighth -annual" 'Jaycee_'Chicken barbecue, and their committees are making - plans to serve 1,360 >ver U. chicken dinners!' at the barbecue scheduled for Oct. 13 at Pierce - Park. This is an increase of 160 Igeason'sTifSt over last year. Jaycees stage their annual bar­ Home Game Here becue at this time to co-operate Campaign Dates with the Cfielsea Chamber of Com­ Travel Series Friday Evening merce, sponsors of the annual area color tours. Customarily, the sec- Will Be from Chelsea's bulldogs " opened the und Sunday of. October sees the Ticket Sales ishtenaw Conference race with largest number of visitors for the DEDICATES NEW" PLANT—One of the two old'nnd"al?eady lirthe iniilion-doHaift-asyearsnleir Oct, 17 to Nov. 7 ipipressive 20-0 'victory over T color tour and the Jaycees' barbe­ l . S. manufacturers of microp'orouH membrane Hir­ bracket, Gelman produces highly specialized prod­ U. HiKh Cubs at Holloway Chelsea Community Chest cam­ cue affords visitors" and towns­ ers, Gelman Instrument Co., today dedicates a new JJ last Saturday night. ucts for use in the medical, chemical and indus­ Qoihg WeIT~ paign co-chairmen, Thomas Mc- people alike an opportunity to get quarter-million dollar, 1.1,000 square foot research- trial fields, Roland LuU of Plymouth, was a Clear and Arden Musbach, are an» The Bulldogs opened the scoring their dinner at the park and either manufacturing facility near Ann Arbor. Five years guest at the Kiwanis.club meeting nouncing that tho 19(13 campaign a 25-yartl touchdown pass from eat it at -picnic tables there or Monday evening and extended an ^-.raxse funds begins Oct. 17 and rt Farley to End Mike Schrader take it with them and stop for a invitation to the Chelsea club mem-" "continues through Nov. 7. Goal for r], jn the first quarter, This picnic at one of the many picnic bers and their wives to uttend the this year is $17,108 to be divided Iminated a (50-yard drive which sitej along the color tour route. Plymouth Kiwanis club's 38th between 11 benefitting agencies. jen successfully completed the. Area residents, who prefer, .may Gelman Instrument's New birthday, Oct, 15 at Lofee's Arbor At » meeting held Monday eve­ jt lime they gained possession ,take their dinners home with them. 1 Lil supper club.^ .__ j=-. ning,-chairmen were appointed for the pigskin. The. conversion was The "color tour routes~areTo~bT Other guests at the meeting were several of the_categories of tho uuccessful and Chelsea was1 posted with signs this week-end Lester Cuarnecki, Bill Herring, annual campaign—Donald Baldwin M«s success she mig^ht haye . attained. hois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky; In Chelsea, Peter- Severn will take brush to the landfill site. troit. and just before leavrhg for This js the first time since the A native of St. Louis,- Mo., he be'the instructor and-classes-Will There is, however, a bui'-ning site the Los-Angeles, school, designed National Merit Scholarships have was graduated from Washington take place "in.the municipal Build- for brush and leaves "no ' other Tfrcr rrrmy^TnTTTrrjTTTi^-^ been awarded that a Chelsea High University there in 1943 and from in gi Oct. !! and 10 from 7 until rubbish) at the sewage treatment Sylvan Hotel for his uncle, Joseph school student has- reached semi­ Theological Seminary in 9 p.m. Two films will he''included .plant 'where residents may "dilmp TrMcTkel,- the""now owner of""lb©-""' final competition, it was pointed 1949. ,. ' •'. . 1 bote! out. '•'.'.., - He has been active for many The Rev. E. Van Kranenburgh "years in the Denver and33mahu from 1951 -until-:10(i0. and Trom Council of Churches an dwus for 1949 until .1951 at' the Second Cot^ Deer Herds several years a member of the gregational church at' Ro'ckford, board °* directors of the Colorado 111.- Congregational Conference and (There will be services Sunday Again Moving chairman of its Committee on at St, Paul's' at 8:15 a.m. nn< Mission Aided Churches. 10;45 a.m. with nursery available In 1962 he was a delegate to during, the second ^service. Sunday Across Roads the International Congregational school begins at 9;30 a.m. Conservation Officer Donley Council in Rotterdam. The Rev, Paul M. SehnaKe, pas- .HKIil? CLAHIFY NEW G1HL SCOUT' PttOGUAM—Glrji in Boyer reported that Clifton E. .. The Rev. Van Kranenburgh pre­ tor of St. Paul's, said all members Snell, 22, of Detroit, pleaded guilty viously served asc paBtpr, of the and ,frien,ds of the church-are in­ I He .above group are the "demonstration cast," who have been re- ! IjonNible for clarifying the new Girl Scouting program which goes Monday .jn ^Murllcipal- Court, Ann Kirk of Bonnie Brao, a Congrega­ vited to attend the special sery- Arbor, to carrying a gun in a game tional church at Denver, Colo., .ices. •;•'•'••• P> effect «iiis year. From left, seated, arc Lee Spaulding, Becky lln s Area within 16 days of the open- lik j *hmMt and Sandy Severh. Standing, same order, arc ing of small game season and was P»y Clurk, Diane Woraen, Mrs. Leslie Eisenhciser who h» Senior irdw'o_(Tto._pay, $10 fine and $ 10. r| Sf I " . "t'tTe'Sder, Penny EisenheScr and Carolyn"WilkerHoft. They costs. Needlework Guild Anttual I re holding the puppets they use in giving their program. Possession of firearms in a game . ....» . »• • •; * # *: ' ' ' area immediately prior to the Ingathering Set Next Week Tipening of the game seasmrfs^prb^ Mbited. ' i Next Thursday, Oct. 3, is the and baby's bedding and rubber 'emonstration Cast _-^nell^ajjapcrclieride.d_by_Boyer date fpr thg, ..ajjftuaL.JJlldlgwork sheeting. ,on Saturday. —rt^wrrnrlwny^Hfl-^iemnnd^-mje Guild ingathering fn Chelsea and sheets,- pillowcases, blankets- .and Boyer also reported .that two area members haye been busy for "Iarify Girl Scout JProiram deer had been killed-in traffic mis­ quilts, same tin'ie •— making,' purchasing Also.needed arc children's socks group of eight girls who haye old; and Senior Girl Scouts, 15, haps in the Manchester area the and collecting the articles which in sizes up to 8½ and knee-length 1« and. 17 years old. past week-end. $e said these are (J ,im which goes into impersonation by Sherry Clark. but is an-indication that the ani­ mals are again "on the move" and Members of (the Woman's club in all sizes except 8; and heavy She will be replaced in the group will assist Mrs. Robert Wagner, sweatshirts or sweaters in , all F nst,Rt,on, in the form of a motorists are warned to be on the ST. PAUL'S ClltlliClt HALL was the setting lowing the noon meal. Women's (iuild metnbers by another Girl Scout for the ap­ the ingathering chairman, at the sizes (boys and'girls). r discussion with th« use of lookout for deer, osopcially on Monday for a noon dinner mcolirig hosted'by the served the meal here Monday. Ministers in the pearance at the leaders* mooting tea.held in connection with the^n- , Items listed as desirable contri- he moonlight nights, as aIprecau- :Rev,. and Mrs. Paul • M... Scltnake, _.gucstjs being photo, from loft, ciockwiwc,.arc the KevLJIerry ttJiM.-i^daL,Lakc^amp_ ieeausc, she. and ..-heLiff' ^ * gatherin» from' 2*lrhtt; 4:30 p.mr btitions for boysr Mrs. Kamp says, r c m s nf 11 tionary measure. "" ministers of Congregational and Evangelical and Haines of Jackson, the Rev. M. Donald.Eaton of rJ^Tl? * 'P" n l '©a - Glen -Clarks, have moved to ban In response to requests asking are briefs in sizes 4, 0 and 8; un­ . w 'he Huron Valley Council. Francisco, Calif. ', ., about most-needed items.«. Mrs. dershirts with sleeves,*.sizes 6, 8 Reformed churche.* of the Ann Arbor-Jackson Dexter, the Uev> Robert Av J,. Livingston of the Vl^.^^'iiled to appear at Dlarte Worden, Penny Lisenbcs- Annual l!»M Band Day Louis Ramp, director of Chelsea and 10; colored T-shirts with long Association of _the__>Ijchigan..CpMercnce of. the_ .Chel8_cjLCojrig!^ s ft training meeting to be er, Carolyn Wilkcrson, Lee Spauld- Social Service, Inc., the local dis­ sleeves; sizes 6, 8 and 10; anfl ^ United 'Church of Christ (a jnerger of Congrega. her, of JHckson, the Rev. Ralph Kuethcr of Man- th homforemoat, Mrs. Ramp Membership in the Needlework churches In the area, including adjacent counties, Rev. Theodore Schmale who is pastor .emeritus of f i\Z f«r- new Categories of ing and operating a puppet dressed son,, will be among the bands from said, needed items are, bedding, Guild requires only the contribu­ serve as an unofficial, informal discussion oppof» Rcthlehem E & R church at Ann Arbor, the Rev. 8 tion of two (or moro) new articles L rW ~-Brownies- Who are to represent her group. f the entire state who will partici­ diapers and bluejeans. She hastens ttinlly where minister?* share ideas on program­ Theodore Tuenge of Ann Arbor, and the Rev. E. n*? •«* ciRht years old; The girls began last June to pate in the annual Band Day at to point out, however, that no in­ of clothing or household linens l ming and other masters. Wives of ministers ac- J. Soell of Albion. 11*' °«"JO and 11 years old; make preparation for the prcscn- tho Univ,.—-^- ^hft-diapers, or receiving hlankela. .^••iCimtintteJlan^i^^ ••• v' _i. ^^nosrBrTa-and 14 yearB Continued on ptt^ t1ii'cc).~rr : : :: jJEZ 7~~ ^~-"'. "*n / • S--m i; * /' •X' /.'. f»AGE TWO THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CfflEtSflAi MICHIGAN •*_* '•jt^- •••-' •'..•. »• •'.',( { .^M" IHT; uIt;'11 '•".'•.". >.. "^i •, asssssfisSsssft'ii QlMltlllllllllltMI«llillMlll>lllllUltliltMllllltlilllllllllltlllltl(llll>IIIIIIIUIMl«lll1lll|lllilMIIIIIIIMMUII 11 High wind/Saturday night bltfiv Ted Brueckher, son of the Rev,- Chelsea, Mich., under the Act of Jforch 3, 1879. iWt THINK IlLUte STWBWWMUCH. n w down the home of Mr. and Mrs.n^JMrs*..M.\.\v Y Bruecknejv has parishes with R6v. Fr ?JJ i been elected secretary of the Fresh­ . GfefrT RooMrtAte/ *bOil> PAIR* Lewis Fish and their five chil­ romdining at St. W» *Ml8*j Subscription Kates (Payable in Advance): dren (the converted Dorr school- man class at Capital University, Tressa Bacon has resiZJ' Columbus, -Or • J _' In Mkhiganj : (—Outside Michlgs ^4r MEETIW&4M6 GREAT (5UVSIANP WD house) at Washburn .and Sharon ganist at.St. MarJ'S? ? ** I In the '34 Years Ago _cqlujnn 'One. Year ^1^-/ ^S?! Hollow Rd. One Year _...:. $3.00 «n$M0 p«GWkSowM (Sept." 28, 1905): The common' \ I Six Months — $2.25 Co-cap tains"" Roger Herman and Six Months,- - >1.75 council of Chelsea has decided to Single Copies .... -I .\0 David Rowe had their pictures Single Copies I .10 •J&M KAV£ CARS ON CAMPLfcf 0ff,YfcAW, have a new jail btdlt to take the Service men or "omen, anywhere. 1 year $3.00 taken wi^h Coaches Alan Conklin m -WHILE I'M THWKIN& AlOUt 1¾ and -Truman ,0'Doherty—all smil-.' place of the old one destroyed by COMINC EVENTS NATION A l EDITORIAL iiig broadly after Chelsea's wini fire some time' ago, Of cement Mart Mart* NM r LOOKfc LlKfel MIGHT *fc& A blocks, it will be 12x17 'and .one " * lASfii)C@TljN ning the' U. High football ogamo at IN MICHIGAN J® aamiaantattmujtinmm SMAtLlNOktS* m MY ALL01V* Ann. Arbor,, 7-0, the-first game stoyy high. -, -,.*/*> they played in the newly-organized In the 24 Years Ago, column ANCf- YOU flPE;3f WONt Washtenaw County Conference. (Sept. 30, 1915):-Chelsea's' first 2027 -r- Harvest }\oil Fcst, , rwh FIGURE ON SUdHTMItoS Aft Mrs. Florence Howlett, a retired annual atreet fair is underway and Scottville. * teacher with more, than 30«years is a splendid, one in every way. 27-20-P(U,i, Bunyfth'Air Crln^ EDITORIAL THOUGHTS flU8e , , CONTINUES.. of service in "Chelsea schools, has Merchants • have given ov§f their , Traverse City ' windows for'th display -of fruits, been made an honorary member" 26,2()»~ Michigan Bow Hlinkra of the Chelsea Teachers Club. vegetables, culinary exhibits^ etc.; .- , Deer Silhouette Shoot S? V* In tho 34 Years-, Ago column .poultry and pet stock is. being era City. , ' **. Use of Force Cannot Help 7 shown on-the Winters lotjghd the M. cC (Octn, 1925.): Dr. Walter Koelz, * * * m horse show is on 'McKjnjey Sfc \!/J. a native, of Waterloo, loaned to the OCTOBER Either Side in Integration National Geographic Society by 1—Special bear season. the U. S. Bureflu of "Fisheries, is 2—Fail- Color Tours b(>Rin, The disputes and demonstrations over the\pace of. inte«- now in the Arctic—a radio mes­ 34 Years Ago <*. 1~ Small game hunting"t™™ ^ration and the use of force, either to effe'dt integration sage about his work was received Thwsday,v Oct 8, 1029-.r' northoi n ms. by The Society. Dr.> L. J. Paul, osteopathic phy­ TZaS: ' ^^ against the wish of the majority, "or to block it in the. face sician, announces the opening" of .„of-a courA-ordiij:,-stiVs..erjxotions and" tempt many-to take. 1—Opening, ofbpjond arrow d«r & offices" above the Princess Theatre and bear season. ' hasty or inflamatory action. ^--- -.--.- 14 Years Ago... next Monday. He comes here from 4-6--AuSable River Valley Canoel It is good; i.n this atmosphere and in these times,'to look may«wa niursday, Sept. 29, 1949— several years' practice' at Mt. Race, Qrayling-Oscbda,- g^m^ Chelsea's trio of nonagenarions Vernon, 111. ' ; . 5 — Red Flannel Festival, Cedar back upon the words' of the man who raised an army and t- ~ii whose birth month is September Mrs. Inez Rank, teachetf o| the; ? Springs. ' invaded the South to maintain the status of the Union. His L\ sv.o«>^** and- who are natives of this vicin­ school in District 4 fr., Lima arid 5-G—Bear Hunt, Lake City. ity and life-long residents have Sylvan, reports the following as 5-6 ~ Travel Trailer Kally, Hrr. goal was to maintain the Union.. That-was his primary having a perfett attendance rec­ V again observed their birthdays— rison. ; "• ' goal—it was not to integrate the races. Miss Alma Piertte, 93 on Sept. 16; ord for September: Robert Welch, 5-G—Women's National Rear Hunt Lincoln's words'todav, about the Negro, sound like those Yl •/'. . •* •-:.-• • •• • .-, . ..-•*•• : Mrs. David Schneider, Sept. 2G; John Jacob Albor, Harley Pruddon, Kalkaska. ' * ' t~ • - J«]llPI limit I | • 111111111.1 > 111111111) 111 IIIIIIIIH'IMKIMII I mill ii II niiHHMmi Milium 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111141111(111111 nniiffl and Samuel-CutKrie, 95'on Sept. 11. Loren Beutlor and Maynard Ou> 7.-8 — U. P. -pptnto Show, Mar. I 1 of the radical right. For example:-"! am not nor.ever have . -Membeja : of -'"Up- and- Down" water. ' . quette. * been in favor of bringing about the social and political 4-H Horse club mowed, cleared'and Lt. Herbert D. Vogel was a*lO-12-.Marquett c County Harvest! f'JlPW. MIRROR graded the grounds for showing guest today of his, parents, Mr. Festival," Mar tract new•. industries-,'-'.tourist's and ••The "Rev. • Thieopi'e. Twepte, for- DRIVE-IN ..Lincoln uttered these words on the eye of the War Be­ lett belieyes that ..most—teaeliers represe?ited r an inereasel of ,.13 permanent "mTdentsT" ..mer.-missionary -at,'Chattisgarh, tween the States. After the war" began, radicals urgfcfl who rlk! not IT-him this f;ill "t» the deaths over, last year. Indiaris to-be-t'he^g-uest"7p^Tjkeit aT job.-? they'held during the 1902-(3.3 The injuries in-.the first nine Working ,as .leaders of the 'St.JPaul^s church Mission Festival to declare the slaves free. He wrote, in denying th'is request, - school year-wept "to. other school months of; thfc; year'were higher Minutemen-are-executive-secr.etar^ SutKlay;-' T-: "'• : ':'. .""""' 6588 JocktorROodrAnfi^bir^ ..to,Horace Greeley:' "My paramount object is to--save.the- ^^^*.^^K^I^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^p ** m-m-+> ~ — ^-m>m + *^^» I.'nion^ tind is not'ejthjer-to save or_'destroy slavery. . This was the fit'st year the de-Water accidents during all of 1962 tions fep'resentihg civic; farm, la- bor,- religious, professional and - jvjrtment compiled statisfical data. however,, the ('.epartrqpnt said, The 24 Years Affo,.. \^e percent.re­ erally/ show "a". iiVarkgrl. decrease af­ phalt. ""'"":' - - " '"'•" With Marie Oberon, Stove Cbchrqn archaic and unpopular system. <- of Marilyn Monroe tired to rear families, 15.1 per­ ter the Labor Day •week-end, .ri Southern- Michigan has .grown L. B^ Lawrence, a life-long'resi­ cent retired, 9.4 percent obtained . and Curt Jurgens It was successful, in this way, even though trfe Demo­ "Outdoor . enthusiasts are reajhimal­ s larger than elephants:" dent of this community,'recalls- ; other employment ,Tnd 2- percent minded, however, that they should Not in recent centuries, to be sure, that he exhibHed sheeiv at the •: ALSOLCARTOON cratic Party in the Noriluopposed.it and even Grieeral Mc- : - - - - •died ' - -- ~ —.——--'—-- - - -:-•-•• ""e xeTc^e'~(luir-'cli"ution""'in any active But fossil remains" of "mamnfoths" SFaTe- "Fair -in Detroit 5fl\years' Clellah, Union .Army Commander, wrote.OrTcoln,opposing it. The -other- 2fi,7: percent gtive-up- ity in or near water during the and mastodons tell us so. Theatre doted Mpn> thru Thurs. for bolance^of $e«on. - ago, taking first prize on a pair'of 1 Keeping .these''beginnings" of--the problem•"inmind.i it t.heir- teaching posts for .unknown, remainder of the year,". Childs 2S5 =C or .miscellaneous reasons', Ba^tieji; .?aj(L should seem obvious that all men of both races should * >f»> • : •aftidr*— approach the situation today with'restrarti t'and good will, The extensive study also., showed fined to summer .activities,, Childs -i J1 but withoijt undue"zqal in favor of the use of force. Any the number of full-time teachers noted. Vrhre'e.'-.wf^theT' victims al­ "64s from lord are here: ; citizens who feel denied blessings in this' gcjverhrnent could in Michigan reached an all-time ready iveciirded this' year . fell = high of 65,lin last year ,:,.,^. jUlmu£bJ^,_aiid^ VweJI -rem-em-b-e^ A rather intere.stinK fnct WHS died when they fell'-from bridges, like number-pf -their- race-any where else in the world., and also noted in the survey-'report.- Banks, docks or piers. that-f tnitherprogress Js4ney-j table' and indeed steady. And Mflst people, think men are a small -minority in' the—teaching—rank;;. -Promote in mimrie- Those who would deny equal opportunity to anyone are,- in The study, however, showed there IManning for the annual Michi­ cars have changed. Only a test drive can tellyouf How mucli. similar vein, fightihg-jagainst the .irresistible tide of modern were .21,149 male teachers and gan Week has come to- be nearly times and modern democracy. •' • .- 43,907_ie-rmiies. Most of the men a year-round job for the organiz­ Races and rallies, economy runs, biltking and acceleration tests have N j«er.e-.iri the secondary, schools, with ers of the eyeht. The use of force, by either, only worsens the problem only 5..r>Ql teaching at the elemen?. .- Jj^is is a_s it_ was _hppjd when _ bred into our 1964 models the kind of total performance you just-Qtit- for everyone. ..." :_ ^::. _'.__•'• .-. - ..: : tary level. ; Men _: outnumbered ^he annuallbrag-¾week was initi­ \yomen teacher,-i, 15,(548 to 11,952 ated a--deeade ago. ; create on the test J;rackoalone.£Ehey ^u*e hard-muscled, fast-moving, in the secondary system last year, Now a new selling campaign is getting under way, similar to that sure-footed Open competition JiclpeVl make them that.way, '••^[^rrsmtmm^m How To Burn Your Home -Water— Dangers—- intended-!n-the-planmng--of-rMichj*- ^^ey offer y^ r FOR-A-CUAtfGEU < The .same.'unfortunate, increase gan Week promotions. __.Ex^j£il&_i op.ortyf1 reeent(y:4hat---0TT6-fif-th^r)f... all homes -iri-^accidents'-that-rs-being- recorded Thergroup: condjiieting-ttte new theirpricei%u dorft haveta take orrrworcl ibrTtr^^ ~ destroyed by fire during' the winter: months are burned-'as on the'highways is taking place on effort is headed by A. k.'Saunders, FORD JWwa-JF«klaw«B}«l«Tiiu.ndcibird a result of faulty heating systems. That being'the case, it ,llllllllllllllllllllllllll1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIHIII*IIIIIMIIIIIII.I.I.IIMIIIIIIMIII1llll1lllltMIMMI1l1l1IIIIIMIIIIMIIINIII,,llllll We're willing to rest our. case on our cars. Would be1 wi^e for every homeowner to think about 'the IIUflllllllll.lllMIIMIIIMIIIIIIHlfllMIIIIMII.IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IIIMIIIIIIIIIIHIIirillllllllllMh -'jlllllllllillt'll'lllillll -causes K»f- fires occurring in liouting--s-ys-feH>Sr Gas or oil heaters •should be carefidly checked period­ ically. They should also be used in-Ventilated rooms only : iiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiii>iiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiuiiuMiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiMiiniiliiii|iiiiiiiiiiiiiti>' because they t?x)Taimrate:oi•! II ll.lll I Ul II llll .1..1....11.1..111111 ll'I.MIIIIIKIIIIMIMIMIIIMIIIIIIItlllOIIIIKIDItlllttVlllM.IIMI III — I-, "room;;4n"additfoii;"pipes^oT'lubiii^7u^^ DEAH MISTER EDITOR: nounced . they was ,3 million men heater should, not be used for hanging things, or be subject I was reading a piece in thei n this country. holding down one to having nails; (Irivon it), their...vicinity. ., f papers where one of them .Wall full time job and one part, time' All sToves and•' furnaces should, have at least one andStree t experts was advising folks job, and another 75,000 was hold- to "build""- a second—incofhe.-—He oneJ)a e ( arancc on H11 si{}os was claiming, the national economy ip*? down two full time jobs, work­ ^ i? L ^ fr/»nn niaterials.,which ing 8 hours on' one and doing an- might-'catcOre". It is recommended that stoves be placed was gitting to the_pjace vyhere'one / '• otht'r 8 hours somewhere "else. ":ft-t- least four inches-aljove the "fttjor on"7i^r'ffpflcfete~l>"r' wasn't enough.-..- -TJS:._- - ._.._ The feller must have got lost I..was raised ujTin the old school, •bricks. In addition, an' insulated me'tal base under the stove crossing the New Frontier be­ Mister Editor, when a woman's cause we-'been in that fix fer a place was in the home, as the old will help protect the floor. •;-'•-••-.--———r^-^- - saying goes, hut with the tax­ If If yoit. uae.a,garstave for cooking; be sure that pots do long time now.' It got started back : during the second World War when payers trying to keep up the- in- no't hoil'over andlnit outthe flamp,whiir. y^Tmny fryou t of Sadie took a .job . on the ' swim' tercst on a - $gQ0 billion: doby^ld the room or up'awhre of.what is happening. shift to help out on the war ef­fashioned field tomatoes costing fort. When, the war was over ?5 cent iv-.poundr'and- a pair of $2 If you follow these tips, your home may still burn dowri, •jftioca .costing §18, most' wimmen but it will probably be because of spine, other reason than a prices got. so high that Sadie ..hart 1 to-'-st-ay-on-the-swing-rShift-to help staying in the .home ain't going to faulty heating system—and' the chances' tha(jt~ will burn her old man mnke both ends meet. have no home"very long.' will definitely be reduced Fiir instant, I saw some .figgers ' This 'Vecond. income", is a way t.lte other day where six married of life that's been sneaking' up oh wimm.cn out of. ever I0(rwas'.hold­ -.his generation of Americans and ing down jobs in lf»40 and now 3¾ ain't had much publicity) but it is out of ever 100 was'working full coi'mn-r full bloom' and this feller te time helping with the family ex- from Wall Street is way behind •penses, ^tind thoy was predicting the times.' ibat, in anothfii' 10 ^giui^hsai Incidental, this new '^cqual pay" three-fourths of all married wim TeF"'" wTi'n^le"rT~Tavv'""tn"e "XoTrg'reSS" For Controlling Spiders, Plies, and Insects men in the nation would be com­ passed is liable to force more men ing home with a payroll 'chock. into the two-job column. I was Furthermore,, it nin't. only, the reading where one big manufac­ turer claimed it.cost 30 .per,,cent Approved by M4ch. State Health Dept. wimmen folks that is working more to hire wimmen than men, on MiiMiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiM iMiiiii nun ii ii ii ill MiiiiiiiiiiiimiHimiiiMiiiiiiiMiinn, XIIIHUH on this "second income" project. account' of wimmen being absent I wns reading a piece from the so much and on account, of the SPRAYIN0 IN THIS AREA THROUGH U, R. I.ubnr Department that an- •;;-W constant turnover in wimmen cm-' +»> ployeos. He allowed as,h0w his firm was cutting way dowji on 1964 SUPER TORQUE FORD m BALANCE OF THE SUMMER 1964FA1RLANE v 1464 FALCON MiiiifniiiHii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitnii.iiii.inMiiu iiHiiymiiiiiiiiiii.nl mii i inmmiimimiimimi hiring wimmen and replacing 'em Strongest, smootltcst, steadiest car in its Uijiquc combination oi family-si /a FARMERS "witlviHehi"'--"™ ' -^-.....--- field-by hundreds of pounds'TH Mm .AllyLM. W jxce^t Uic.ejc6riom '.;•: I """* roR TOP PRICES teamr Spot'trcirfe^r amTlnoclest p?icc ALL WORK GUARANTEID--19 YEARS EX PER IE h(CE •Wei in frame and suspensions , . . ?iilcon famous. f.Falcon!s Six stilflwTds FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Thia makes sense to me, Mister , ^. Optional 289ctibic-iiu:h V-8 so lively Unique suspension lets wheels move all-time Mobil Economy Run record for Your Dependable Carbolo ' Spraymon CoMlgn »6 the ' Editor, but it didn't register with it was adapted for famous Cobra sports ¥^ "my Old lady. She; says she aims tg. birekward as welras up and down to flat­ Sixe* or Eights . „. Plushest ridecwr Howcil Livestock car . -i . Five engine choices, six trans« built into a compact car'..; J4 w "'' write her .Congressman about it.: ten bumps..fPMnctivc.ncw roollincs. . miwion dioiccs, eight diltcixjnt models' Auction With mo and her both gitting off pkirS extf^uty wa^ns; ] Wa have buytrs for oil kinds of .a letter to Washington about onct -' . #" a week, I'm expecting, to; git a MARTIN COX UvMtoeK. Sole every Mondoy subpona. to appear aioro the Com­ jfHONI 448-4152 HUDSON, MICH. ot 2 1p.m. ' mittee on uur Americanism or - SEE yHE 1964 TOTAL PERFORMANCE CARS , Or Mali Ceffa* f6 Martin Cox, Hudion, Mich. Phono 1089 Howell somepun. " .. . :.,..,»4r.A<^.tol*M**tl<* •*:«.—\..\ ..' Yours truly, ...... 1-.. ^~:7~^z~yr-ii^ **+* iimir-ii HMMMki IMMMMtfL +m*m -.,5 ?gftAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1963 RES THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN PAGETHREET* ye Al are--»a" •""gresidentt s gram' was submitted and plans crick Cross at the Salem Evan­ from brownie Girl Scouts to Junior "bridge" formed by their new load­ men in the Pyrenees .would spear gelical Lutheran Church., 1 Grass-Lake High school,, returns^ jiber of mailboxes had were discussed for the annual rush- Girl Scouts, under 'the program ers, into their hew )Junior .troops. chunks of lamb meat on their to Cleary this week to begin the "mashed • or otherwise dam- MR party scheduled for Oct, 2U. Parents of the bridegroom are change that went into offect on. Junior troop leaders present for swords, broil it over an open fire, fall semester. She expects to *• ner, Kathy Sutter, Drinda West, Robert Knickerbocker, brpther ma Tartner, • and Cheryl Wilker- and Diane Worden. . and Value! of the bridegroom, assisted ilslbesj Needlework Guity son. , ••*".. Punch and cookies wore served- man, and guests weroj seated T>y .._The other^28 girls'who partici­ after the girls gathered-in groups YouMt wear your new Heel . MS Michael Baker, the bride's brother, (Continued from page one) pated in .crossing the bridge, flew with their new 'troopmalea ' and Huggers happily. . . because (ilonn Winkle arid Robert Brod- leaders,-, - made or purchased; or money may up at ceremonies in their troops ( they fit so well and feel so erick, both of Dexter. be given for the purchase of shoes last' Spring. They are Cathy Ben­ The Girl Scoutsb. are a benefit­ -SPRING STEEL comfortable. You'll wear them Donna Mae Frey, namesake' of or other needed items. Membership jamin, Donna. Blackwell, ' Elaine ting agency of the Community the -bride, Debra and Timothy is open.to evoryone: women, girls, Burnett, Priscilla ' Cole, Vicki De- Chest. proudly because they're so LAWN RAKE Cross, sister and brother of the mentor groups—from juniors to Loy, Annette Eresten, Jill Flint- attractive , . . newly styled bridegroom, were flower girls and oft, Molly Foster, Janice Guen- 20 Broad Spring ifeel teeth an. ^nn/renory ringbearer. - • . Senior citizens. theiv.Kathy Hafner, Alfretta Har­ Store Lamb at 0 Degrees in the important new leathers etored-in square edge cpnttrug- \ Special Following a church reception the , Ingatherings are heldl through­ rison, Lynn Jacobs, Jill "Kipfmil- A- temperature of zero degrees with the latest heel heights ' tion; smooth hardwood handle. 77 ncwlyw'eds left on a wedding- trip out the nation each fall, the na­ ler, Patrice Laraway, Mary Lu Mc- F. or lower should be maintained and shapes. And you'll be ' to Northern Michigan. tion-wide project making rt possi­ Clear, Brcnda ' McGibney, Betty in storing frozen lamb—or any n r ble to clothe thousands of school ,McNutt,-Dpbra Paul, Linda Pickle- meat • •. • . It -may bo -defrosted y.6'!y/_ye y--pleqsed._w_ith the ALL-PURPOSE 5 FT. children. simer, Rhonda Romine, Lisa Shar- during cooking, atf room tempera­ value they give you. So come Miller-Hawkins All Chelsea.area..people are in- rard, Joan Schmidt, Dana -Stine- ture, or in ihe refrigerator if time _in soon and see our brand ALUMINUM .vjted to have a share in the in­ .belfer, Susun'Stock, Luann Strict­ permits. new Heel Huggers! Vows Repeated in^ gathering with a contribution of STEP LADDER new clothing or household linen or Saturday-Ceremony a cash gift for Jhe, purchase of LfglirwoTgM, «fo, d*. ."Regular- such items "as shoes, overshoes an'd' pendobl»l Deep ¢0¾. $14.95 "Mr. and Mrs."Albert'D. Hawkins larger items of clothing, such' as TURKEY SHOOT = rugated 4ro*«Js, heavy , . , VIW aro now at home at 829 Cava- warm jackets. J rubber foot. Sptaal TI naugh Lake, fol!o,wiiw their mar- i rLage.-Scpt. 14. TheRev.-C. J.-Ren- ner, pastor of Zion Lutheran Girl Scout Program church- 'at-Rogerr"Gorners7~off icfc" Dexter American Legion NYtOI* a ted at the ceremony at gtSO.p.nv {Continued from page one) ' r •The;'bride is the former Wilma "during~';ihe'"sTiTnmTrr iprde'.irn^ DUSTMOP Margaret Miller, daughter of Mr._ the -puppets themselves and pre­ and Mrs, Arthur. Miller of Lima pared seven signs and a backdrop Nylon picks up dust quick­ Center, while the bridegroom is usedin the demonstration. • ly, washes and dries M the : son of Mr. • and Mrs. Ford The group' was :formed for the aJiffyrWith handlev-^^ -Hawkirrs of StockbruiEfi^^^^^ " purpose^of 'explaining the, new Girl -Scou t„:c a tegor. ie s.^bj'-^Uidn gi^th ei r- MILL CREEK STORE - DEXTER, MICH. —The^-couple^s—attendants—were-- —^ .....:...... -4 ' • - _ j •• '/''•'•, . !' ' ^ Annivtrtary *&$? the bride's sister; Bianna Joan Mil­ •deTnTm^stTaTTon ¥t['. varTous' meetings Special ler, and thebridegroom's brother, of Girl .Scouts aivdother org^iniza- ^r- v Charles Hawkins. tiohs. The .group also work's-'with A, reception was held "Saturday Senior. Girl Scoiits of area towns Sept. 29, Oct. 6 &13 r , evening at Lima~€etttei^X.omnrutf ;as.,.weir..as;jp.ro;,yj^ip.giJnfo.rm» ti6n- ity Hall • ' .; ; v-'-. : • : ..-.' to other troops. • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The. bride is a 1959 graduate Their leader..,ip-the—project .is of Chelsea High ••school. SKe later DUST^STOP- Mrs. Leslie Kisp.nhni^m', R<».nini' r'lBER(Hj — .->- graduated from Modern . Beauty. Girl -Scout' leader. Cosmetology school at Ann Arbor FURNACE FILTER and is now employed: at Blanche's. Any Gauge Shotgun WITH HEXACHLOROPHENE Beauty Salon • in Dexter. ™~Mr:—Hawkitre" graduated—from Personal Notes The se° fiberglass filters Mrs, Ernest Guenther is a pit: !2 Caliber Rifles --^Special 'Stodtbridgis High school and is '<>%•• give top heating efficient eniploycd in the' Arthur Millet- tient at St J.osep'tr Mercy Hos­ cy, k e~&> home cleaner. milk hauling business. pital, Ann AfolJr, and waa-..sched- -S«eMMe*30*1y20x20)0^ ulcd to undergo surgery-ihoro yoa- PRIZES - 16x25x1. Larger siies 59* Mrs. Annabelle Wooley and her terday slightly higher.- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mrs. Adam Alber has returned Vieary, were in New Baltimore, home after being a pntient'for two. Sunday, where they visited" Mrs; weeks at St: Joseph Mercy Hos­ TURKEYS or HAMS PLASTIC Vicary's sisters and"theiivfamilies, pital, Ann Arbor.> M-rs. Fred Sclilos'ser. and daughter, STORM WINDOW KIT Thclma, and Dr. and Mrs. H._ E. Save fuel, stop drafts! In* Special—- Fogf' and daughters, Dorothy. and stall these clear plastic Set of 4 Adeline. j windows with hammer and scissors. Each sheet 36" by 72". SHOE ANNIVERSARY .in.famous :• SPECIAL! $A94 8 ©eltali Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27 and 28 High-heeled elegance, taper-tqed ' slehderne"ss/ SIMULATED P_EARL8 squore-c,ut throat simplicity -— the ultimate in T"'**"''' necklace flattery.' in Williams'. Mack upper leather pump. shown • MISSES AND WOMEN'S DRESSES Nicest thing to do for your.foot. A wide variety of styles and sizes 50%]6lf EXTENSION SflLHBIRLS'DRESSES Sizes 3 to 6 and 7 to. 14 ?- CORDS & COVER 'i '"" •'•• Reg. S2.98 $488 Girl's and Misses All New - mwi 99 JEANIE BLOUSES Ow each 6 footr9 foot and Heavy slticoee cover end 12 foot extension cords, alt feltray pad cushioned with HEAVY THIRSTY BATH TOWELS .withtripte outlets. U.L Ap­ alrfoam by Goodyear, Frts Cannon Quality; Reg. $1'.00 value ,.....,.. all standard boards. proved; GIRLS' FINE COTTON CARDIGANS AAsael^gIt^"^;|-98frSmial 1 only ....."...;..-...,... MEN'S and BOY'S SOCKS STORM KING DOOR CLOSER Sample size-only .: Wo door eofitrol. Has adjustable dosing '%-Jyt $ 00 *peed. Aluminum barrel wHfc concealed shock- *| }y 22c CANNON WASH CLOTHS Clinic iirrinii— CDMM IfMI • wWl M- donii ilMPi Itclleit of «itfiliitt 6 for 1 •bsorber spring. W*e timultlKl pnrli 0*llin meklKti, HtMr A wide variety of colors ffounlri on populir irMuittt! fW»r JJK Mid rillttf icrtw w tM inrietlyi uniform 49c Printed Terry Dish 00 tick mountjnii. ttlll tMM tMvt. TOWELS • FANCY PATTERNS 3 for *1 . Here s an ,lmporJfiiitne« necklace,^ fashion! Uniform lize, lustrous, slmulftted pearls, with brilliant TERRY CLOTH HAND TOWELS Rhinestone-set clasp that adjusti, White and many colors •....,.• uto your heck size, • ? . » ALL.PUKPOSf YPfjpfttt This exquisite necklace Is a Deltah FANCY PRINTED DISH CLOTHS A I $100 creation, which means it'i the Ar ** MASTER most beautiful of its klnd-and ' KitcKen Caper, designs \m I "I • CAULKING now offered at a price much less PLUNGER than you'd -extipct for such fine/ COMPOUND quality. Both necklace and eaW GIRLS' COATS and JACKETS K ft% 0|f rings supplied in rich gift boxes.1 Save 99* Spring and summer styles ....*. '90-\0 /" "II. IASY CRIDIT TIRM$ •HI" I'l ' i. i i „' ' I..IIII. • . ' •' '.' 1 ""• —«•••'" "!'• Ref.' 3*88 s P«cial fbfcMn boHbW eon- Broken^ Sile^ Shdes feFlfifr^ Boldly fur-collared/jwarmly fleece-lined, high-rising **H matter plunger *o flat Use with *<^£SL and dashing as a Cossack! It's the high-style boot-, Vtfaee plunger for tfnb or Won't run, sag KJffi* Covers 15 to 20 lineal feet^ •jfcH. With handle. W. F. KaiMwr Family at Drastic Price Reductions black upper leather with a Vulcani2cd sole. Hove it! JEWELER ends OPTOMETRIST t; "Whei s Gems ond Gold Are Folrly Sold" CHELSEA 102E. Mtddfft Ph. OR 9-6721 ANDERSON'S ANDERSON'S •—; » mm "if ^1, V >AGE FWR Titt wmu mmm. cmMkmm^ f&tM l^-r-- % V

WANT ADS WANT ADS. WANT ADS WANT ADS MS ALCHOLICS ANONYMOUS — WANTED—By middle aged couple. FOR SALE—12-foot camp trailer FOR SALE—White Rock pullets, Call 475-6231 or write Box 44, small apartment with oath. Must 1958 model. Ideal for deer hunt; , soon to lav. Also Balboa rye- FOR RENT -^ AtiL^^ be on first floor. Call .475-8990. -1'3 modern country hon» r ^ 12tf injyr Sleeps four. Gas-lights and Phone 475-8446. 6946 Werkner Rd. private lake, good h?nViQas^ EUCHRE PARTY — Progressive. pooking. Phone - GR 9-1815 or TRAILER SPACE AVAILABLE— m/b*m . -18 fTolf course, is mile- S9*i lf« Chelsea Standard Reasonable rates, convenient. Saturday, Oct. 5. 8 p.m., Chel­ GR 9-7931. .14 sea. Phono evcSf tt!?^ Chelsea, Trailer Park. GR '5-4121. sea' High school cafeteria. Benefit FOR SALE—125,000 BTU gravity mont 7-154¾ g' De*J,6JW{ WANT AD RATES St. Mary's School. Sponsored bv PAID IN ADVANCB-AII mular ad* • ' -15 fed Bryant gas furnace. Call G. G. HOPPER Wtiimitnte. 80 .cent* for 85 word* St. Mary School Association. Paul GR 0-7151. - 43 or low, tacb Inwtlon. Count MCB Maynard, chairrrian. Ticket's: Mar Painting & Decorating flgurt as a word. For more than 25 kers Store, also from any mem_ WANTED T6 BUY-.Top quality Building Contractors Pittsburgh Sunproof word* add 2 etma ptr word for l*ch ALLSTATE ber and at door. Prizes, refresh- hay; also old and rained.on hay, lauwrttori. "Blind" adt or box num­ House Point Sole mentsmanfe . > straw. We pay cash. Write Art •Phone GR Jfr-WB* . ber adi. SQe «xtra »r- taMrtioa. ' INSURANCE 14 Callari Hay Co., Upper Sandusky, Gregory 498-2148 B CBABQS RATES—8am* aa nab, 1» OVER STOCKED -r Several used Ohio, or phone our representative, «y now for only advance wittt 1( eeota bookkwplag . t\4 Rood quality oil and LP gas Jackson^ STate 4-0028. 2tf ebam If not paid btfor* ( P.m. Tua»- * HOME,- PERSONAL ' space heaters,. 5-6 rooms. Special WANtEtD.-Paf t'tlme -• housework , S5..98 gd? day praeedJns publication. Pay ID ad*-* COMMERCIAL - AUTO - BOAT FOR SALE—Walnut dining room two days a weekr Call after 5 p fanca. send eaih or (tempi aad a»vt on new Siegler 5-6 room heaters. Regularty $7,58. 16 MUtAi All sizes in new LP gas space and . table and" chairs; brown swivel GR 9-5641. -13 rockert green-occasional chair;-2 CARDS OF TBANX8-OT—MCMOrV- wall'-furnaces. Call Gallup-Silk- FOR-SALE-»*Rockiftg-chair; daveri- • Sale, ends 0ct..i IAM9— Spuria Paravrajxb atyta. 11.06 . Nr-Hr-/^lbE57-Agent-;wort h Co., NO 5-6161 or see them end tables; 3-section bookcase; one par'Insertion for Wworat-or lata: I pork; formal, size 12; dishes, Phone-GR 5-8384, at 2141 South State in Ann Ar­ iflblfi__lflnip_and_ojje floor lamp. service for six or eight; 2 Speidel 'Chelsea Hardware etflU par word beyond «0 word*. bor. --_- 13 Call GR M151, • 18 Minimum, l inch. 2tf watch bands: fur stole'. Call 475- OR 9.6811 *' DISPLAY WANT ADS— Rat», tl.10 1 CACTUS PLANTS for sale, Large 8891. ' • -13 , per column Inch, single oolumn width WANTED—Remodeling jobs. • Es- only. 8-poJnt and !4«potnt (Itjrtat typa ieciaUy experienced in difficult, and small. 10810 Beach. Rd. f OR SALE -ontx.—No bordera or-" boldface tjrpifc- Jer-type rooms^R^asonable-hour^ •Pnone-JIA 6-9357, =-13- : QL6ARINQ OUT, ^SPSri^ff^ COPY DEADUNO-i pM. Toaaday, ly rate. Call HA 6-2416.' -4tf FOR RENT—Large mobile home Bluo spruce, junipers, • weak of publication. fl arborvita^s, yews v Ornamental Evergreens - 8:arag«, ^ WAITRESS WANTED — Apply ?and a house available at once. in person at Lloyd's Dairy Bar Plenty of shade. Good fishing. Call YEWS, PFITZERS,. ; AMERICAN ARBORVITAE - FOR- REXT—Modern farm home, between 8 and 11 a.m. 13 475-4052 after 11 a.m. -13 Walter Beutler now available. Write 20s Pwijrht WANTED—Dry -or split chunk 405 Freer Rd., Chelsea Also miscellaneous frees ; REACBTATE- Bldg., Jackson. Mich, _ _ •-" 14 wood. Have thr(ee nice kittens to A-l USED CARS :13 • ,• * . APPLES FOR SALE — Pippins. give to good hpmos. GR 475-8981. HELP WANTED—Married man . BHng your own containers /OR SALE Kings. Snow,- Spy and Ida Reds. 4 '60 Valiant Wagon ' for general farming. Modern and shovels, Monday • through Saturdays. E. . \ _^_ A '50 Ford Sedan house with job. 7 miles north of NBWTiISTING-Neat 2^ Hei dinger;. 257l X. Lima Center FOR. SALE—Used dining room '59 Chev 4-Door Stockbridge. Ruhl Bunker, 4139 house. Hardwood floors p suite. Table with six chairs. $151 "I enjoy reading abour all of these jobs in the Standard Fisher's Nursery bas e t.. Giw heat. Blackta Rd. Phone GR MjSl0. 13tf '58 Ford Wagon Cooper *Rd./ Stockbridge. ' 13 W1 n 1 Call after 5. 475-8492. , *fl '58 Ford 2-Door *~ Want Ads—they make me feel 'wanted'!" • 280 Freer, Rd. . T '. driveway. 2-car gamge . ff THAT GUITAR or banjo in your .—-.—. ., ...... i _ '58 Olds Hard-Top ' PLEASE RETURN-^Wlll the par- Call after 5 or "webR-ends" attic could bring you cash from iy_ thaLhorrowed our pump driv­ 13tf 8 0 H USE I ocate i CLIFF'S '58 Mercury 4-Door .St's?. li 9/1n°0 aci'-fo ;lot. 13 ^ 89c per box Good beach. Located oil • a goo Shooting every Sundayrrbreak- SEWER ski lake/ Enjoy it during the sira -Chfrswr:—<=arl—nftnr~fi:30 -p:m. Yast at N a.m. American Legion GR fr-3281" ~"~ ^OR-^SArfc-E—Stove, refrigerator; Czapla's Orchard Phone_GR_5-8184. _.13 washer, dryer. Phone GR 5-8914 mer—rent it during the winfen Hunt n Fish Club, Silver Lake. PALMER MOTOR SALES .. "GAMBLES- -13- make the payments; APPLE- PICKERS WarrtcdrElderTF . '13 . Over 50 Years of Service — - Reynolds Sewer; > oivGR 6-8009; , /" 13 FOR SALE ~ Sweet cider,, week-: FOR SALE—Kay guitar, brand IS .men prefei red., Czapla'a On-hard. 13 : ends;' and apples—Mcintosh. Jon­ TWO-FAMILY-3 bedrooms, ni new, never been used, also case; FOR SALE—Horses. Brown and athan, Cortland and. Wolf River. -13 Service ' white Shetland pony. Real gen­ --. .ba.th,; new, ..birch and fcrmki FOR SALE mandolin; qomplete set of Brittan- Clarence Lehman, GR-9-8596. 12tf k.itcheni_panelled Jiving Iroomril -Your -• -REAL-ESTATE We Clean Sewers WUhout Digging ica encyclopedia— Mayberseen at tle for .-children,.' Saddle? JJridle and - ' . '. : .1 ••••;•—'.' '\!ff " '—*^r breast strap.. 5 years- old, $125, or on one floor. 3-i*oom :apaitment tip Large ran'cli^style hrmie, 5 miles Drains Cleaned Blectrically 139 Summit St. : 7tf You can buy it for $1,500 down anj out on -blacktop on l'a acre Tot, . In or near Chelsea • FREE ESTIMATES- will trade for good gentle horse, " 'Red Wing Shoe Black: Welsh pony stallion. Gentle $60 per mo. Call me for detail '3 bed-rooms and .den. Lake front­ 2-YEAR GUARANTEE 2-apt. home near downtown, each IMMEDIATE , -for-children, fi years, old..' Saddle, Shoe Repair Snop LARGE' HOMEY living room ani Headquarters age. Ma Hi' extras/ " - with 2 bedrooms, modern kit­ • Phone Ann Arbor NO 2-6277 f bridle, and breast strap. $125, or chen. New low price, _ jdiningJroom:(carpoted).i Familj "Sewer Cleaning Is Our Business^ POSSESSION..•:•] will trade for '"gentle riding horse. 2nd Floor above sized-kitchen, 3-'large bedrooms,! Foster's Men's Wear Not a Sidelirip" - 38tf Grev donkev jack. $45. Palomino Hilltop Plumbing, 106 PSrk^-St. baths, full basement, lM>_car ga in Chelsea Phone GR 9-5163 2=aptr- home- across from Junior ; ^-Rpofep^Sdrjch Home stallion, 44 years old.-Real-gentle. : High school. Can move in*im FOR RENT- — ,3-room furnished -mger$17,00Or? l',00,Odowri"bn'FK]) ___! 13 14 upltairs apartment. GR 9-1Q92.' $85. Phone :479-5948 after 5 p.tri. Half Soles & Heels . mediately.., Located stretch shoea, dye jhbrtga'ge, WE REPAIR lawn mowers./g.arden FOR SALE—Farms, lake Cottages; .W '' At 129 Wilkinson Street • • ' '•••.- - \- - '•• r 13 tnictors, farm xtractoVs'-and other also acreage on "Waterloo Road, 2-acre lots at'. CrogJseJa- Lake. —' T '• : ~~. '—: " " -Moriday-,Wednesday—8 a.m. 'to" CLARENCE WOOD! equipment. We also have a large Leo A. Guinan,.Broker, GR 9-4743. Your • Dnve By . Used Burniture~ —; -:-^: :..: ....._....-6-.p.mr^=!=T.-.- -- "And"if InteT'estcd -BROKER- —tonk of lined car and truck' t"ire's? • • -• ^~.—7~-—^18" ""ScriDfer Keal hstate Thursday, 8 a.m. 1^12 rtootl 646 Flanders St.' H;i!nur> Brake Sen-ice, 140 West FOR RENT—Second-floor^fur'n- Red Wing Shoe 2-pc. modern sectional sofa, toast Friday—.8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Phone GR 9-4603 . J ished apai'tment. AH utilities in­ MINNIE LESSER, Broker /PHONE vMiddle_St, J honej:;R_j5^31. 13 ,'f '•''•- • •. • " > ••-•'- ' .frieze upholstery, good condition, Saturday-'-fi a.m. to 5 p.m. cluded. Suitable for two. No chil- ..„__.. Phone 475-5974 luarfers- :: HELP WANTED/ MalV oF-F^aT© .cjeajy $3.9.96, . . :'* 'i, . /lOtfr FOR' SALE-=,Girl's-3 piece winteiH —-Man or.,v.oman_..on part time dren,- GR9-2321, ., ::' ., • 8tf lltf A, Pprnvnereningyy^ basis to '.serve customers in Chelsea. TRAVEL TRAILER&-lS-ft and s ,! •High back' swivel rocker, beige coat Set; Size 5; Trice $10. Call ttp; 10*55 ft. trailers. Orlin R. Foster's j^en's Wear '* Broker frieze, foam rubber cushion, NationaJ Lelad GR 6-8207. after 5. 13 Many needing Rawlcigh Products. in Chelsea •/ ; Lime Spreading ' Jones Trailer Sales, Gregory, Mich. 479-5491 $29.95; ..-.'• .4 RINGS FOR SALE-Setof ColumJ Splendid opportunity with perman­ ! : v ent.-income.- Write Rawleigh Dept. ,.,\ . .•..••' Rhone ALpine 6-2655. 43tf .'••":•• '.' ~ i3 - - . ,,-. 13 UTILITY PAINT bia Tru-Fit diamond engagemenB : ..And^Fr^e^goJLTeating-^- FOR^-SALEHBolens ^Husky^U -5-pc,..cjiiwne-dinette-porcel'ain top ringan(hwedding:bandr-tikc-new ^^3M^§j=^srpnp^ttz=z^^ FOR;SATvE^GTflV^fcvc1e;r26-tnfn'- ;h."p. trnctor""withi "r'ototiller', 3'8- like new; 2 pair of ladies roller -•" table , "with pulI-Wt. Ieaves'p4 Made from salvage paints due to Phone 475-8342 after 6 or 475-8167 •*'t. • L, EDER, BULLDOZING inch mower and snow blower* Call skates, sizes 6 and 10: 1 pair of chairs, $19.95.: "•""':"" ;.• overgrinds; damaged containers, " ••* ; 13« Phone GR 9-2341 ,4781-4821. ' . • 18 p etc. Use National Utility Paint on: DAPS ''". .... For ,.. men's roller skates, size .,11: 120 Sofa, three, cushion'lawson style, FOR SALE—Registered Qonie 12 base, accordion, ^roiid condition; barns,. gara;ges;, "tool sheds, ware- —yearljng^'ams^l2345 Jackson Rd Register your boys/ 8 to 11 foKthtr : Prompt Service . Quality Work turquoise frieze, good condition. Tiouses, outbuildingB, roofs of metal i'OR :SAI.E~— -1958- 10-ft, wide Furniture "V shallow well pump, like new.'Phone Clean,.$29.95. Phone GR 5.82M; 13] Pun.t, Pass &, Kick Contest'at housetniMer at Chelsea Trailer Manchester GA 8-5421. -14 or wood, industrial bldgs., cottages, DICK KISS general utility:-uSe. 4 colors: light Paik. Call 175-8210,:. . 13 ~"~~": Repossession^ LAWN'MOWER and small en- 6946 Werkner Rd. Chelsea, Mich. Merke! Bxdihers gray, green,' medium gray, brown. Oakland U. Eiirollrtieiil] Palmer Motor Sales FOR SALE—Two hog pens, size gihe servioer We 'have factory- This high quality paint weighs 12½ ',7,'xpV Phone. GR 9-7323. Anna Phone 475-8446 ;ond nearly new "'• trained personnel, backed up by a 13 _, • .--. ' • v>, c pounds per gallon. Sells for only R^'ichert. .-. ' '••'.'•• ;l'3. If no answer call 479-2791 large stock of narts.We P' k up Triples in Four Years MUST SELL —Year round modern AVAILABLife E AUG. 29—4-bedroom $3.95 gal. -. •. ANYONE. FOUND LOOTING or trade-ins arid deliver.> Chelsea Hardware. home-for" rent, Coll Kern Real lake-front home on , Crooked ' 88tf Phone GR 9-6311. 42tf Smce-Startiiig i» 19591 Lake, Make oirer. l'hofy; NO 8- trespassing on the property at SINUS, cold sufferers, get fast~re- 7-pcl colonial dining set, solid Estate. Phone 475-8563. 8tf 13875 Island Park Rdr at' West FOR SALE—ISa&JFord tudor; 1921 MERKEL BROS. ; Oakland University atRochester '8618;.' " lief with neAv timed release Sina- cherry; 48"t round extension :FOR SALE BY OWNER -Approx. —-~_o~~-Ji Laket-will-be-prosecuted.-Signed{ TMe_ikpAulea.._Qtily-$1.9_8LBudget.. tableivith 2 leavesrB_paxlded seat •---•Ford-T, chassis; $250 each,-11525 -•O^wrerbuilding nlUr ort Werk, -22 lias "drawn "~a pproxirMtcly '71.500 Eva Vogel, owner --— 39tf- Ellsworth Rd. . r. • -13 FOR SALE-VSlidinJE—T g glass 'door 8 -Wise Discount Store. -13 side chairs and hosti armchair. tier Rd., 3 miles: north of Chelsea. - students^from-38 counties in Mich­ Phone~GR~9-1881, ' ' . ' 45tf ft. wide twith aluminum framed rAAUM^ANTS : PAINTING—Interior or exterior, New price* 330.00. Now just $149. 1 igan, 2H Other : states. and flw| brush or spray; also paperhang- Exceptional! exterior doqr <7'x32" with, large Septic Tanks For the Best In glass;1 also have several French other countries. Thei four-yeaw Hundreds to choose from ing. All work guaranteed.. Insured. FARM JLOANS! liberal arts institution,,formeryj -:, $3.00"arid up'- ; Ray Sclniltz. 475-5231. - - 47tf Modern/ man-size lounge chair, doors left, sise-Tx22". GR 6-5811, And Drain Fields PQLE BUILDINGS days. ,, , ' 13 Michigan State University Oak­ Buy land, livestock, refinance. foam cushioned, comfortable high back. Off-white ribbed nylon Be ur* to see "SMILEY'* FOR RENT—Furnished year-round land, began operation in*Sept. Pj Chelsea Greenhouse Dutch Boy ' . Free Appraisals - Fast Service upholstery. New price $100. Now INSTALLED TO COUNTY CODE Call or Write/ home on1 Patterson Lake, one With 600 freshmen, and ,7010 'Lingane Rd, ^9.9o^-P-e*feet- condition,-—-—- SPECIFICATIONS — 5¼% interest •'-'.— wtieAbnfcUnadilla oi{ Kaiser Rd, its first class last April. ~ —Phone 47!J-«U71 —~ House' Paint—— Joim-xTVERlifORir ' $65 per month, Phohe Gregory ; Septic! tanks from 800 gal. to 2,000 Daryl B. Keezer, of Chelsea, u . ',. '' ' -,:__.:_' _'_-.•• "il'tf Slim-line modem—sottrr"-80" 3- Gregory, ALpine 6^827 * 498-2388. „!-JiQaks_bctter——-- -—--'• gal. available for prompt instal- 18 Tm^mijer^f-tmHttnior class thye FOR .MEAl^mhhA^-MvmGS, •cushion model, brown nylon up­ ; 86tf * Lasts longer Federal Land feank holstery, foojn . padded, molded tatipn»r^-j> .^--..:--——^—_ — I'OR SALE:—4-bedroom home lo­ this year. He i? the son of MM Be sure and see^u^ before you •* Goes further :\ Imported • and Mrs,„EJwood_ Keezer of m buy any new or^used car. Palmer ROBERT !HALLA MGR. Sly wood frame, New price $180.00, cated on 90x172 ft lot in heart of JL, Spniadsi-easier-u—.,.:. ,„™. ... [0\V $79.95; Outstanding- vjxlue, ' village. Automatic gas lieatr new McKlrtler'St. -"and" a mVlfH Motor -Sales; Inc. Your Ford Deal- -.* Costs, just a little niore 2221 Jackson Ave. HILLTOP PLUMBING Hoi land Grownf Bulbs -_i e£_for^over 50 years. _ »m 6033 JMksen Rood MEATS - OftOClRUS . »hono: QR 9 ANN ARB6R, MICHIGAN AM mfmm '&L JWJWL^^l:^Tl'T^r ... 1C iiiiiMiHm m y&iWtto.HVshittk fipli piaftAV. SftPTWBfeR. 2fr 196ft IWUh Tftft CM^gEA AA^Ajlfr, CHEtSEA. MICHIGAN PAOT in i i William Chaplin party to be held Saturday, Oct. UOYD'S chairman at a meeting of the Re«. ries; and Mrs, Gweh LaGoe ort the Graduates from [ "r 12, at S p.m., at the1 Chelsea High rcntjon CommJBsion. Thursday in matter of guitar classes. school eafiteria! proceeds being SHEET METAL the IVfunieipal Building. the Commission1 is aiming for a Tactical Mtisite^Sch&oi" designated for- the purchase of Dairy Bar Seven young people, representing start on. a recreation program for items tot the McKune Memorial INDUSTRIAL AND GENERAL SHEET METAL WORK Orlando APB, F1&.—Airman Sec­ Library—items needed for the li­ A Dotf Good Ploce to Eot Chelsea's schools, wero present-at all age levels by thfe ertd of October '86 • the invitation of the Commission or early in November. Being con­ ond Class William S. Chaplin of brary to add to its- effectiveness 115 West MIDDLE STR«fT—CHILSIA in Chelsea, Mich, • und made a number of construc­ sidered ore physical 'education 121 Wilkinson St., Chelsea, Mich., but which cannot be purchased Open ot 6:30 *, . weekdays tive suggestions as to what their cjajses for_«lxigefi»-Saturday ba»- hns bee.n_aivarded-„ the-'-United with the amount of money provid­ PHONE GReenwood 9-2011 _ m ed by means of the tax iovy. # H »«o groups'sonaidor desirable in ketball, etc., for younger, children, States Air Force Missile Badge J the way of youth activities in the and various other programs. following his graduation from, the Jack Merkel, Friends of. the Li­ community. brary president,, aaid\ Mrs. E. W. Junfor. - High School Principal tsc'tic-nj missile school here. mmm Representing St. Mary's school Alan Coftklin, who has been sum- Eaton and Mrs. Fredrick.Wagner wore two eighth graders, Larry met* recreation director in Chelsea Airman Chaplin was trained as are co-chairmen of the' bridge 1963 FORD Qakenand David Orlowski, captain a combat-ready maintenance cr«w party; the Rev. P. H. Grabowski for-ieveral years, reported on thd CHELSEA COIN CLUB Y _ ___!_ __ and lieutenant," respectively, ctf past summer activities'. member and will be assigned -to is responsible for the tickets; and the school's Safety Patrol; Janice an Air Force Mace missile unit Merkel, himself, is assigned to be Wood and Linda Meehan, of Choi, Wallace Wood Listed in Europe. publicity chairman. _ - OPEN HOUSE Model End Clearance sea High school; and Paul Sehnake The 2'Q.yenr-old airman is a An attempt is being made to fa and. Chris Taylor of .the Junior In Top Ten Agents >. graduate of Chelsea -High achoolr sell tickets in blocks of four to fill High school. . For Insurance Company His Events, Mr. ami Mrs. John T. an entire table. Those who attend lltecfc BoHom Dealt on All Carl in Stock There was some discussion rela­ FRIDAY, OCT. 4 Wallace Wood, local State Mu­ Chaplin, live at 340 Pleasant St., are asked-to bring their own cards. tive to a "Teen Center" Arid further, Charlotte,'-Mich. --- _J Starting o^ 8:60 p.m. IShopJow" while there.is still a good selection of models discussion on the matter will take tual Insurance Co; agent, has been There wiH--be prizes and re* JRolors, No more.cars from-the-factory-until-1964 T)lnce at aTheetitig scheduled for listed as_one of this company's Top freshments will be served. Dels, ' Oct. 8. - . Ten agents for his sales during Glen Hart, Jr., Tickets are available at the li- GOME AND BRING A FRIEND Reports will also be-heard at August, according to Alex Little, brary ancTfrbnTall members of the PHONE GR 53281 that time on results of investiga­ president of State Mutual. Undergoing 1/.5. Navy Friends ofjthe Library. • . . . whether ypy are a collector or Just Interested in tion by several persons appointed The list is compiled monthly "by If the .bridge'-party proves pop­ coins, corhe to our OPEN HOl/Sfc of the Oct. lYleefirls. at Thursday's me'etin$—Harvey State -Mutual from the sales rec­ Basic/training Course ular with people of the community, , , . There will be displayed coins of 100 different coun­ Palmer Motor Sales, Inc. Lixey who wa$ qaked to look into ords of over 250 of its agents lo­ Great Lakes, «1.—Olen.W. Hart, Merkel said, the__group would con­ tries, large collection of American Proof Sets, Canadian the possibility" of starting an auto cated throughout Michigan. Jr., 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Olen sider having a serieB of similar Collection arid various New and Old Rare Coins^ Over 50 Years of Service mechanics course; Mrs; Charles rWv-Hartr-Sr^-of-3860-Waltrous parties-during the fall and winter. Lancaster who was requested to S'tartdafd Want Ads Get ResultsI Rd., Chelsea, Mich., is undergoing . .'. The meeting will be highlighted by an Auction, mSBSBSSSSSSSSSSSm nine weeks basic, training at the" THANK YOU Trade session, buying and selling opportunities and dis­ Nnval Training Center, Great I thank neighbors, friends and cussions. Lakes, 111. «fc. riM*M*M«Nlto relatives for' their' many acts-of - The training includes naval kindnesses and gifts, after a re­ orientation, history, and .organ­ cent misfortune. ' Interests For Ml - Young or Old 10-DAY SPECIAL ON MERKEL BROTHERS ization: 'basic miltary 'law: sea­ Gratefully.v • A VALUABLE COIN will be given 0» 0 door prfie, , manship and shipboard routine; Agnes Guinan. > BE SURE TO COME! ordinance, gunnery and damage control; sentry duty and military THANK YOU drill; .physical .fitno_ss;..8^jinj!ninBj. ,_ .ManyJ_many_ihn.nks to .my xela- K. of C. HALL North Main St. first aid and survival. tivea ,and friends for the kind­ Pu-rmff- their-training poriod~re»- nesses extended to me and my fam­ CheUe*, Mich, cruits receive tests and interviews ily during my stay at the hospital which determine their future as?. and since my return home. For all •signments in the Navy. Upon com­ the cards, flowers, gifts and calls pletion of training tHoy are • as-, I received, I am deeply grateful signed to service schools for tech- and appreciate everything that was jlicul instruction or" to ships or done for us. Phone GR 5-4141 shore - stations for on-the-job Mrs. Win. Hitchingijam. •'. training in rt Navy rating • spe­ •'•'.: or .'••:• • SALE ENDS SAtUR^ cialty, .-—' THANK YOlf •MMWrtaMNUta We wish to .extend our heart­ GR 5-5141 Jackson Rd. Business felt thanks to the many friends, • -;•:::* •-* MifcbbMls.i.and^^ Groiip Holds Annual tended our Golden Wcddjng rccep- tion Sunday,,Sept. IB, a.nd those Family PicnM Sunday r who helped in so many ways to 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE iv'irji^ ' Jackson Rd. Businessmen's As­ make the day such a memorable sociation held their annual family and unforgettable tfne, especially our son arid our daughters who 214 E, MIDDLE ST. CHELSEA picnic, at—Bextor-Huron Park on madejit possible. SundayJ„Sept. 22 .JStith^Jtpproxi^ ~~MtTranii~Mr^J~Vinc^r^ FREE DOOR PRIZES raately ,100 persons attending.' ""Games the—Children and "for THANK YOU • NO OBLIGATION adults provided- the , entertainment pURGHARDT FUNERAL HOME for;fLthe-^afternoon. Thbser'attend^ "Thank you" to alUwho-were^e ihg reported having an enjoyable kind to me dyrlngjtiy stay at the 5¾¾ •NOTHING TO BUY Vi afternoo Hospital—thn dnntors'bBrfr antf-in the hospital, Df.-^eeldsmith's sec retary for flowers, the Rev. James 1st Prize JLigdMlALEUEX: : Praigfor>„„:~ *~r~ ushis~ ..!_ix"visit,'."j."Li-_ the "''•**-LiMethodis. - j!_Lt church for flow'ers .and all who 2nd Prize :: 1 gQi. NALPLEX "Dutch B6y" FA STEP The quick, easy way to bring .new life and beauty to Pay Off sent cards; also, Mrs. Martha Bueh. 3rd" Prize ;.-A o>l, NALPLEX ler,,.and nBighbors and friends SPECIALS floors ancVsfeps x>i playrooms, basements and patios; Thte -"f- lo^jev^rythihiir thev^ have done for •4Mb ^-new latex paint-u oolor-faill^Wlth-a -lovely^eml-glow Your Bills 7 4th Prize" ^rputtfi^Bo^Doll me. ' LEAN TENDER lustre that defies heavy traffio and year-'round exposure. AND 'Josephine Elizabeth Alber, 5th Prize Dutch Boy Doll REGULAR , #• •- $C69 THANK YOU "7~" Cube Steaks , , . lb. 79c .:..1:. Remodel My heartfelt thanks to my hus­ CAMPBELL'S CHICKEICKENN NOODLE OR MUSHROOMUSHROOMM --•• band and" family and to my good neighbors for the many kindnesses extended to me during my stay at . . .^. 3 cans 47c th hospital and since my return BALLARD THROUGH A MEW • *** • ' *• home. Special thanks to the Meth­ MORTGAGE > odist church for altar flowers, the Artici -k Reo, Rooms Rev, James Craig for his calls, arid Biscuits . . . 3 cans 23c all who sent flowers, cards and : . 1 Gutters iiN>rahBw»^ 5-pc. BRIDGE. SET IOY •- —^29»^ SATIN EGGSHELL --Dutch BoyH- .'My washable semi •. gloss NALCRETI HOUSE PAINT N thoVs just the. thing for Specially formulated to give Folks call it the "S-Ycar House f*- woodwork ond trim In kltch- weather*resistant protection 4a4tucco,-brlck-&na concrete . Paint/' because it gives extra pro­ tmthsr "pTcTyToclrVsT^^esrsfs; buildings, won't crack or tection,coverage und value. .The *°tor, repcoted cleanlrtg. blister. Raid deans it off. handsome tints stay fresher - more I?!-!5: Colors are .pre-plohned colorful, and whites stay brilliahtl l^fmonlic with Na'lplex. RFGULAR $6.75 SALE $5.69 "^ SALE 55.99 WO'ULAR $7.15 ••WJHOA, DOBBIN! This Is what my $J99 Ml***, neighbor was telling me about—a low- SPRAY PAINT cost plan for financing my next car.1* l€-oz. CAN RlOULAR$1.59 ' What every house can use . . . more choirs and tables. on SavJn These good looking ones fotd irt a flash for easy storage. TA^tt* i» AQjL «n Tint* Cer«fieot«s NOW tS /I /O Book Aeett. •# /0 of Deposit for 1 Yr. -So-handy for garres, *tudy, sewing and^entertainihg. TIU. ^ Rich Bronze finish, washable Vinyl seats and tops in •MHMB tflMta CHRISTMAS ""Ivdry. •*•••'. Deluxe Model with 36" Table $34.50 remember CHELSEA STATE BANK HARDWARE-MINTS UfN-i*/ *0 J* Member Mtral MMMMf re BEAUTIFUL HOME FURNISHINGS PHONE BR 5-5711 sssfa MJL

V WM:i/. «.t HP T fc! PAGE SIX •y.iwr ZJ~ THE CHELSEA STANDARD. CHELSEA, MICHIGAN THURSDAY. Wieners vs. Frankfurters added {o the lower grades of franks and wieners ... but they're ' Gustav Leuneberg ' *, still mostly meat because Michi? h HHVU you wondered "what's the dLffuri'iu'i1 between wieners and gan law is very strict and meat Observing Wh i . products called meat .must really fniTftfurtovs?" .Franks are the be meat! It's the size that makes ! bi^ost, usually . about an inch the difference between them! B\M^^o^ \ * thick and -1 inches long', .Wieners It'a "Happy Birthday" to Gus- • V jni^lit be culled ''smaller cousins," 1 tav Leuneberg today—for the 90th I . Li'i-auM iliey'ro % of an inch thick —Michigan has four times as much • and ••!• to 5½ inches loiif? . . • But water ami as any,other state— time! The adage 'that "you can't 'J 11,038 inland lakes, 36,350 "miles the pi ice .doesn't indicate the, - - keep.a good man down" applies to ijiiniv— "tiinhi'st" ^Tiftfe of franks- of "streams, and 3,251 miles of Great Lakes shoreline. Nearly half Mr. Leuneberg who came to this ami wieners, are mure than half country from Germany at age 16, k\j,u beei' and the rest jiork and of Michigan's 83 counties have fronts! farmed in the Dexter area for M;i.i\iniiii'> . . . Sninu cereals are tage on the Great Lakes. many, many years u,ntH he "re*, • Cases from A Senator's Files . . . tired"—to buy wool! that is—and \ he^ 8tiU-buyihg4t to-thia-dayi-Mrf Dealing with the federal govern­ farm near Pctoskey, After we re­ Leuneberg who has livedo on Huron ment on'some personal matter,is' ported the problem to Army offi­ ...RLvar Dr. for. 27 years, was the not always the simplest of tasks. cials, their son was given a hard­ father of 10 children, eight of TIME KAPPLER To the average citizeji, the gov: ship discharge and got home in whom are- still living; Mre. Bertha eminent can .seorn an inscrutable time for the cherry harvest. Bird; Mrs. EIHB Tofiey, MrB. Heis: Winter- tangle of agencies and- bureaus,' —When a federal building was bert Harper and Herman Leune­ TIMEto all folded inaccessibly within each renovated, no room waa,left for a berg in Ann Arbor, Carl in Dur» -other like pop-up tissues in, an un­ blind vendor's stand. Some of his GUSTAV LEUNEBERG; ^and, Walter in Fenton, Mrs., Lacel on Your MEATS opened box. old customers sent me a letter. Chase in Bay City and Mrs, Har- A citizen- has a damage claim Tho General'Services. Administra­ TourPsm is a $680 million an­ old Blue in Detroit, -The entire FLE&0-6lAStf (Mhe only against the' Army, van elderly tion agreed something should be nual business in,- Michigan. It family fathered* on Septi 1 to cele­ window mrttrtd that arrlntV May be bought in this vicinity at couple's social sefufTty check is' done and found the man-a new brings nearly $50 million TSach brate in advance, when the above fi YEAR GUARANTEE. Look for flw slow in arrivijig, a businessman spot in the building. year into the state treasury in picture was taken. A smaller party nam* FLEX-O-GLASS on tt» tctge. wonders how !to bid on a federal —A J. a c k s o n manufacturer •taxes and license fees. is planned for him again today Cat Ctnuln* FLEX.Q.QLA88 At Your Loci! Hdw^oriwtf.B.,,. contract, a mother needs her sol­ found a way to make aircraft cir­ dier son home on emergency leavo cuit breakers at a considerable —how can eac,h best press his saving. Tho circuit breakers were %L.'„ •fi-JtiM^it^iSHijA MILLER'S GROCERY case? ' ' , found'40 be/perfectly safe and * ' Helping—suqh/'individuals is an dependable but somehow the Pent­ Phone: GR 9-7081 Lima Center important function in almost .all agon bureaucracy continued ,to Senatorial offices. , cling t6 an oldeivmore expensive EVERYBODY'S EYES ARE ON Not ong ago, going over some model. -We carried the Jackson old fijes, I thought it might be company's case to the top levels useful to list -some of the c4ses in and a'production contract is now which I was able to assist. The being negotiated. NU-VISIONS list is .not presented boastfully. *—A native-born ,-Detroiter and I am sure the files of many Sen­ his wife were in. Poland when ators reflect the same story. their daughter was born. Father SPRING-FIT FRAMES PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE Here are some, examples' to illus- and daughter became separated -•-- : * trate the ways in which my office during the war, 'He finally located 'J , _ ,. . can help individuals. ' ' her and- brought her to this —A University of Michigan 'pro­ country in 19(52, but she was de­ Youare cordially invited to visit ' fessor, on a study mission in nied citizenship because she had Korea, adopted a crippled boy and voted in a Russian election, not the new research and manMfacturing paid for the medical attention that knowing it would cancel her Amer­ made the child "well. But the-pro­ ican citzenshp. A private bill re­ facility of the stored "Kef"American nationality." fessor was a bachelor and immi- - gfattofTlaWntfemaFds" that adopted —A—Norwegian . exchange stu^" children have two fostc'r parents /lent at Michigan Tech contracted Gelman Instrument Company We introduced a private bill that a rare, frequently fatal, lung dis- passed Congress, and -allowed the "ease. He wanted to go home but - From 2 ro 4 p.m. boy to accompany the professor no commercial airline could take home. "- — Jym--because he-was-a- streteher- case. We found space ior^ him —A young -Livonia -bridegroom aboard a regular-Air" Force flight received orders to report for Army Sunday, September 29 duty three days before his sched­ to West Germany. From there," the uled wedding. A phorte call to mili­ Norwegian Air Force took him tary headquarters resulted in a 10- home. He died at home. < Now, %r|hg Action Temples Are Available For" Men ONE I"WilHobkrforward - day postponement That's just a sampling. None of and Women . . • in the Most Stylish Aluminum or FITTING A widow was denied Veterans them are of earthshaking national ,Plastic Frames,:Were at Lost . .''.• The Frames that CAN DO ~" : to greeffngryou Administration Benefits Because importance, except-in—the- sensg. THE- her husba'nd was discharged one ,tkatv*ach citizen certainly has. a Hold Your Glasses Firmly but Getly in Place. TRICK! righrtJ to every consideration from jat 600 South Wagner Road day short of the 90-day service. >1 minimum. We checked and found his government. Of .course, some- the husband had not been credited cases are weaker than others and with travel time home after dis- not all Win approval. chaige. This gave him a total of Rut making sure individuals', get -$ 91 days service. The widow and a full .hearing 'is clearly one fof IN ANN ARBOR'S ~ -> S- f- hci—children are now-getting, a the most important'duties a" Sen H -sf- pension. a"tor has—and often one of the • ,"-«WESTOAT• — •;E SHOPPING CENTER ——During—a long jllness_r a De­ most satisfying. troit man forgot to make' a pay­ DR. C. L. CHASE; O.D. ment- on -4he—post"~office -box -he. . Opening of.-the—St.--Law-renee- %& ' » ' ' • '. • . ' had -held for' 25 years.: We. con­ 'Sfeaway ' in 1959 niade" 'Michigan | Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Saturday $:00-6:30. the principal maritime state op tacted the- post, office and they I Thursday-Friday 9:30-8:30. Closed Wednnesday. '—Charles Gelman agreed to let the man keep the the .nation's, .foijrth seacoas't. Now -same—box—mmvbeiv—-—'•— ' ' . • ^0 pe'reertfcnf ttfn world's merchant —An elderly couple fell, so ill fleet can reach Michigan's /sea­ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm®^^ mm — they could no longer keep up'their ports. |

6 Full Col Nationa

W:*f SATURDAY • OCTOBER 19 SATURDAY • JANUARY 18 VRIBBEAN SE/ • "SOUTH AMERICA '* • * •-• •-—: , COL JOHN D. CRAIG ROMAIN WILHELMSEN f, -I SATURDAY • NOVEMBER 30 SATimDAYJTfEBRUARYjr • "PAN-AM HIGHWAY# # * "UTAH TRAILS" . • w • ^ «» DON COOPER -*<# STAN MIDGLEY SEASON TICKETS SATURDAY • DECEMBER 14 - SATURDAY • MARCH 14 ii ^5 • • • FREIGHTB0AT TO ASIA • NOVA SCOTIA" THE FIRST SHOW IS PRESENTED JOHN. WELD JAMES METCAtF AS A COMPLIMENTARY BONUS ••i • fti •MM-*—*• """"" OTDERTLANK"*"™""1 PLAC^ Chelsea High School Auditorium Iy - Tot • TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT•.. . . TIME: 8:00 p.m.' ' WM.,COI.UNS v 555 Chondlcr St, Ghelieo, Mich. • ANDERSON'S * FOSTER'S MEN'S WEAR Please moll ot onco': *•-'.. • CHELSEA DRUG STORE •CHELSEA LUMBER CO. All Proceeds Goto ———— ^—season tickets ot $5.00 each for p totol of $——J:—,,,,¾..,-,.,,. My remittance li enclosed. • CHELSEA STATE BANK * WALLACE WOOD - Iniuronefl trri.----.Sfcei-=r.-- Kiwanis Local Area Projects. Name. T"- **'MICH. CONSOLIDATED GAS CO.

Address ll •••• tl I " * !••!'• BUY YOUR SEASON TICKET NOW! Make checks payable to: "KIWANIS TRAVEL SERIES"' OR BUY FROM ANY Kl WAN IS CLUB MEMBER. ,.^^4^MMm^>tWOiUiiiM&>'&^^^^9S^Sfk irv.'A^ liSV™ h$5l£

anAYr flEPTTOgg^^26<.>lI9fiS • < .', ^TRE CHELSEA STANDAHI), CHELSEA. MICHMAS PAGS SBVIBlfr /v' h#MdMU MM* N.,W«ll>H'">'"»"»»'HW«^»<|lli^ y————————^——-^-.-. ••- .,—— . . . 1 1. • ^ y _| v UWM -M« ^i "i ! ' '" " "T'MA ', •».. io<- i ?""J,T "!* '""•'^iMMUUilliiii HI II ...,M(Q Sixty.flvo percent of the fatal "treated with great respect by driv­ TFV \ I- ir^^Yf^'Tnl Y^/Strips,». »«-^ d-*-«*';. 'w'i-i- ^couts Go into Wilderness Most Highway 'traffic tuccidonta loccur in the driv» ers, while ' a harmless appearing Accidents Occult er\s home cpunty. Another 15 per-stretch*'of road may breed that, For.Week-End Cainp-Out ;,c,enl .occur In a county adjacent fatal .contempt". — : ft Items•s of Mem, About P^UYouK^ A) %,h^ B,pbmipoiidmls * Close to Home 'to the driver's home county. mi'Mi ««»M«««i«H« ri»Mi«iiii»1 - ••'••• :Wr/\rf»fH '»»«"* of ^the world's supply of nnin. ,., noon, when \many of the troops in some distant and unfamiliar bf and Mrs, Glenn flentachjcj* '•for. ml M,rs. Harold WalflAivo dorness days of old. A total of 80 stopped hy to see. the deer raneh",v plained of by motoiists are oi'ten ''ird's>eye maple comes from the SttorU. MisajMabelle Nqtten wturnod home., after ^ trip tf ?h ; Mrs, Edith Petran and children, men and boys from six different place? Or i£ it close to home? the safest. liiv-sts of the Upper Peninsula. Dale and Kayo, of Milwaukee, Wis,., the Rifle River Canoe "base and i sWer. Mv8. Leonard Loveland Wisconsin Defies and " " troops of the Iroquois District eh- Other points of interest. There's no question but what con- The reason- soeins to bo that a olnml Rd.. 'were. Sunday Superior -,Qiv * ' Joyed-a-fine hike Jn- and-0;Vornight- fusion in unfamiliar surroundings' dangerous looking spot is us'nlly A Standard Classified Will'Sell Itl ung visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mr*. Eugene eanfp on, the 600-flcrc property of Trti'op 28 of Dexter and Troop. contributes to some accidents-. while they Mrs. - George Huntington. Mrs. 40 of Saline tied for the best over­ But national statistics show that BHUIOi Helninger. . ' • l 1 all job of hiking, prog-rum and if, Garv Wright' underwent Last, weok callers. of^Mrsi'-fceon lluhtingJcVs/(Property j§ located the old saying, "Familiarity l 1 camping, however, all troops -did Efy last wee^c at St. Joseph am LovolR,nd were' ' Mrs. Harh^ troit, are, spending two weeks with 'about 10 mileri we.st of" Houghton breeds contempt," ,\ explains a t Hospital, Ann Arbov, She Loveland, Mi\ and ey tjheii- uncle and aunt, M-tv and Mrs. Lake and has the added attrac­ Ji very fine job. greater proportion bf highway COMPLETE SERVICE Lcb improved at this writing; gotten, Mrs. ftv» DanceMr*,r ' anChfttpd Mrr . Norman Bolt. - . _ \ tion of .the Muskegon River ilbw- ,; Wine boys attended 'from Tr#vp mishaps, E, and'Mrs. Ernest Moore-of and Mrs. Gerald Hjprick and- torn- .Mrs, Donald Egl'off is spending ing through it. ., -. 25 under \lhe leadership of Scout­ the first part of the week with liiwtor were Sunday dinner., j'y» • - William Tito of Chelsea; camp­ master Ralph Friseh assisted by Troop 28 was cited .for the many on all model automobiles of Hlf. and Mr.'s.' ClaYdhte Mr. and- Mrs. Roy Miller called her cousin, Mrs, .Lula Newmann ing chairman for the Iroquois Dis­ John D. potts and ,Lcroy "Grob. rami) projects they completed dur­ on-Mr. and Mrs. Ray MiMman and and sister, of Rochester, while, Mr3. trict, was general chairman of the "\ Eleven boy,s attended from Troop ing the short week-end. This was •r and Mrs. Donald Wright daughter, Shirley,. of • Jackson, Alvin Messenger' is spending a ovent and was,assisted by John' D. 7!fi under the Guidance' if their One of the big factors that gave • MOTOR OVERHAUL l/amilv and fiary Wright and Sunday afternoon. •:• < t^n{Miwl-equipni'e>H^^ho- iratid-siV^S^-ufrto-^'iHip^C^Jttoife^ ^Tiolj]ll.b^TCare^^ .Herb^rt-'Hartsuff.bf-iHoTt, Mr..and. ji^ly Impalas and Bel Ajrs are more luxunous, .- cost). And quieter transmissions. Jet-smooth to be1 entirely up to you. Mrs.'-Richard Stanfield of Gregory, Mrs. Eften Jacobs and Kevin and -Hm'glcMtfcCtenaTr;' - " -•.Dinner guests of Mr. and .Mrs, Clair "Barnum and Joannel'were Mra. AlioW Blnin, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wright and Jack Pickett Saturday-.evening. MV. and Mrs. Bangs Richmond and Mrs. Hazel Groshans visited Howell, and White Oak'-on Satur­ STRIETER'S day. . '" .-.' .'. - Michigan has pioneered in the MENSWEAR development and qs« of heavy motorized equipment" for fighting fore9t fires. The Federal govern­

ment and other,states are-now us­ .•"•/ ing ideas developed at the exper'i-1 ment station near Rosconin'ion, only one of its kind in the nation. SUBSCRIBE TODAY TO THE CHELSEA STANDARD!

•'* • DcuKsPotte ®' FUEL KIOS

New CheveUc Malibu Super Sport Coupe-one of It model* in three Qt£ \ DAVE Pom ^|682WMioriLfc n SPAULDING CHEVROLET SALES & SERVICE

L*- , t^ri • *' ' ' .aiii-^fi/'Ji'w.6R9-33ll L»I»II "•.oyrr1 'S'j ^WffE^wrAt»?f CHELSEA HIGAN —<:•—K ~t mtm MICHIGAN DIVISION mm T"5 ~. t wm.

• \ t 'ka- T PAGfi.EIGgT *pp rwBfigRA.STA^PARa CHELSEA, MICHIGAN THURSDAY. SEPTOMn^ 1 V ! Gelman iii N^w Building... Community Chen/] . Continued from ^'J' (Continued from page one) 'assembly, operations in the aero­ Benefitting agencies 1^ * •'.. i «• (Community space industry, among others.) 6 , » Mrs. John C. Fischer such thing aa an untouched -poten­ quests have been XA tial use of membrane " A promising innovation of the n e! ed year's .budger ar' i i pies Early Tuesday GOVERNOR Once, Gelman. imported mem­ Gelman membrane has proved ef­ Recreation Co'mmisLn ,,,Chel1 Qdendar brane filters as the sole American fective in a cancer detection, kit Children's 0^¾¾¾¾ 'J" At Chelsea Nursing Home } Ch distributor for ' a German com­ manufactured by the. (Sbmpany and sea Bond InstmX S$ l * •* * Mrs. John G. Fischer, 91, "a Lima ROMNEY distributed to the nation's hospitals, Und 1 • /~ township resident for many .years, pany. Today, the filters .developed sea Social Servi'Ai 'CI died early Tuesday at Colonial m , Gelman laboratories are not clinios and physicians., Users re­ Cross; Girl Scffi fe - Regular meeting Olive (Chap1 tor Fall -rummage »alo of-Woman's only far superior to foreign mem­ port satisfaction with the results; States; Boy Scouts J A lnI* c;lub Friday and Saturday, Oct. 18» Manor Nursing Home in Chelsea REPORTS •No. 108, OKS, Wednesday, Oct. 2, following a long illness. She had brane butiavo unmatched in nearly speed and simplicity of the kit. Unite* FouWX2 71*^ 7:30 p.m. AnnuttUneeti: 1!). at ''Sylvan Town Hall. adv!3 every regard by any competitbr, ' my; Catho.ie Soc^ft? entered the nursing home July., 12 - Initial jpeactfon •; has been favor immediate fiscal _roforna., to pro­ . Also' in the medical field, Gel- v tion of officers. . *_.. "The Gelman membrane^ excel­ Huron «'ley Child- of this year. able to the fiscal reform program duce jobs aiicFJustfce directly to man has introduced an electrophor­ Gifnic. • * • St. Paul's.Mission club Thurs­ Born ar Amherst, 0., Feb. 10, lence includes such important fact­ esis chamber for blood analysis: Regular meeting Olive Chapter, which I submitted to the legisla­ the peopleu day, 'Oct. 3, 2 p.m., at the church 1872, she was a daughter of George ors us strength,,flow rate, solvent The heart of this unit is a micro- No.'^40, RAM, Thursday, Oct. 3, hall. Hostess: Mrs. Ola Hilsipger, ture' on Sept. 12. , From Sept. 30 to Oct. 0,1 will be Not all and Katherine Kraushauer Spiegel- 1 have been pleased at the num­ resistance and unvarying pore size porous (cellulose polyacetate) plas-, ~7;30 pirn. • ,• .* campaigning'through the state in contrpl," says Donald Churchill, this berg and came to Michigan as a ber of people who have . written support of fiscal roform now.,The tic called Sepraphore III, on which' ' St. Mary Schpol Association child with her parents. director of Chemical, Research and ----^af Regular rmtjottnff, Olive Lodge meeting in the schopl classrooms me in support of the -program campaign, consisting of a series of the protein fractions separate. On March 7, 1901, she was mar­ •and I also have been pleased at Engineering. Churchill, -who"devel­ '. Another dramatic plastic; product No. Wu F&AM, Tuesday, Oct. 1, Tuesday, Oct. 1, 8 p.m. Open to % 24 open meetings and citizens' ses­ oped the plastic bowling ball frttm ried to. John G. Fischer and they the number of those who offered sions, Viil carry me from Detroit 1 is Acropoxe,—used /to make_re^ 7:30 p.m. all'interested parents; 1 laboratory stafres through final made their home at the present constructive and 'temperate "criti­ to Escaifaba and Houghton in the chargeable alkaline batteries, It's — Are You * *. --. • - * \ '* farm, 3101 N. Lima Center Rd., cism, ---<--. production at Brunswick Corp., ex­ currently used in the Polaris sub­ Annual turkey supper at Water­ Past Noble * Grands club first Upper Peninsula, plains that tho "membrane filter fall meeting Thursday, Sept. 26, near F,ou» Mile Lake, since then. One of the most encouraging as­ Although • community leaders marine, in space probes, missiles an Insurance loo Village ehwreh Thursiluy, Oct., Mr. Fischer. died N,ov,. 25,. 1945. is, generally, like a fine sponge in 24. Serving begins «t 6:30 p.m.8' p.m., at the home of Mrs. Marion pects of the reaction to the pro­ representing ' business, industry, and miniature hearing aid batter­ Mrs. ^Fischer was-< a member of gram, is that it * has not followed the way its many layers of pores ies. advlS Dietlo, 228 Washington. labor, education and local govern­ are constructed through chemical Expert? the Evangelical United Brethren party lines. When people begin ment are being invited to the, • Finally, one adaptation- of the * * * church of Ann Arbor. For many- judging programs and ideas as in­ action/' Cuvanaugh Lake" Orange Tues­ Euchre party sponsored by St. meetings, they are open to the air sampler has produced a group Don't wait for a loss to kin years, too." she had-been a member, dividuals, and not' as Democrat!* Additionally, Guelman's first airs the cost in time and money of day evening, Oct. 1', ut the home Mary School Association Saturday, public. sampler is now supplemented with of' instruments to collect atomic of' the Lima Center .Extension or Republicans, it means that wo fallout.from nuclear reactors, ur­ acting as your own inswap of Mrs. Nina Wahl. > Oct. 5,' 8 p.m., at Chelsea High Group.' -' are refilling and improving tho I stt:ongly urge any of you who nearly a score o< manual and auto­ agent. An independent in^ , • * * school cafeteria.' Progressive, have questions about the program, matic air contamination determin­ anium mines and processing plants Survivors are a son, Harvey art of government by the peopje. and laboratories using' radioiso­ ance agent will give you coo- - Herbert J.-"MeKunc Unit No, 31, prizes, refreshments. Tickets at criticisms, reservations or anycom- ation-instruments widely used ttnuing personal attention-. American Legion Auxiliary, Tues­ Merkel's store. Also available from Fischer of the Lima Center Rd. The,worst thing that'could haH mehts at all to attend these meet­ topes, address: a daughter, Mrs. Wilfred^ pen to the progranHs that it coifld throughout th'e" nation by industry The Big Difference in car day, Oct. If 8 p.m., at the Legion any member and at door. advl4 ings, and make your viojws known.- as well as federal/ state and. city .The GelirtaA.Co. is now Jocated_ home and business insurance! Home. Cavanaugh Lake.' Ketz- (Mabel) of Schenectady, be defeated by public apathy, or at 600 South Warner. Rd., just * * *" N.Y.; six granddhlldren and 12 widespread misunderstanding bf The format for the- open meet­ agencies jn 'ever-growing pollution We give you: *—#- * __ _ • Luncheon-anor-card party,-K, of- _ west of Ann ArborAon a.20-acre great-grandchildren, _ its aims and objectives. . -" '"~ ings— wlH—include— a—pr^sentation- control—programs. Some of these -Guidance in" 'choosing "ft • American Lepion Auxiliary Sec­ C. Hall Thursday, Sept. 26, 1 p.m. by me and possibly one or more of are also included among the neces­ site which leaves adequate room right policy .;. news about Benefit St. Mary's Building Fund. Funeral service's are to be held To guard against this possibfl* for expected expansion^ ond District meeting Sunday, Sept. at 2 o'clock this afternoon (Thurs­ ty, I intend- to ta*ke my case fbr my, uides, followed by a question sities in "clean rooms" required recently-issued, improved 2H, 2:30 p.m. at Ann Arbor, Legion For reservations call Mrs. G. Brett- J i=* and answer period. wherever ultra-clean conditions are policies .. . help with claia .schneider, 479-3377, or Mrs. Arthur day) , at the Burgh'ardt Funeral Home. Home, '214 East Middle'St., Chel­ - The "citizens' sessions will be held a must for extremely high precision Mrs. Woodrow Gullet who, has details ft?}d.Ml9,w-througbbr * * * • Patterson, GR. 9-3612. adv,12 sea, and burial will follow at For­ Personal Notes i in the same' way tjhey at'e 'held in manufacturing or, testing. been a patient at St. Joseph prompt, fair payment. Wide Awake 4-H club organiza­ * * *"' Lansing. In thos'er any citizen is (Ultra^clean condition^ are' re­ Mercy Hospital, Ann" Arbor,- the Fall rummage sale of Woman's est Lawn cemetery in Dexter. The As aa independent injur.- tional meeting Oct. 5 at the home Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Niehajus aligned five minutes to talk with quired in rocket fuel development pas"'t week, was expecting to re- •nee agency, we specialize in club Friday and Saturday, Oct. 18- officiating clergyman will be the returned home Saturday from!*} of Mrs. Charles Curtis, 1:30 sharp. Rey. John Swank of Ann Arbor. me-^about any subject at all. Of and in many manufacturing and Turn home today. giving you all these beaefiu * * * 19, at Sylvan Town Hall. ad two-week vacation at Rogers Cijy. course, I,wc>uld hope that the sub­ Of The Big Difference, Limaneers-. meeting Thursday, Mrs. Frank Bishop who was. a ject discussed most frequently on Oct. 3, at the home of Mrs, Dave freedom Ideal Homemakers Ex- patient at St.. Joseph Mercy_hos* this upcoming campign would be Pastor. Pot-luck dinner, at noon. tension <4ub meeVmg—postponed EDC JJrenadng _ pltal, Ann Arbor, for three "weed's taxes, Always at Your Service ' * * *. until'Friday, Sept. 27, 1:30 p.m., after suffering a heart attack, re} at'the home of Mrs. John Miller. New Brochure Here is the schedule- for the on the Double Quick! Suburban Mothers Child Study turned to her home here WCKU campaign. The. exact meeting -4 club Thursday, Sept..20, 8 p.mrnst * -* * nesday. She is convalescing satis­ Pie plates,-, cake plates, and places have not yet been deter­ the home of Imogenc Cattell. For Chelsea Area factorily but on doctor's orders ji^ mined, but will be announced Looking for htadfup '• .* * * ' other pans and dishes left at "the" Chelsea's Economic Development still .forbidden to have visitors, auto lervlct? Look no KCW of St. Barnabas Episcopal Community Fair -restaurant may soon: Committee, at its regular meeting Mrs. Hannah Schoen of Dexfer Monday, Sept. ^/30 —• Pontile, further. That's uil Always church, Thursday, Sept. 20, 7:45b e picked up at the home of Mrs. Tuesday evening, hejd in the Mu­ 1 p.m., at the church. ' H. O'Dell, 125 East Summit St. was a Saturday visitor_ at' tjie Royal Oak,. East Detroit, Ham-J on our toosJO-stapLyoji nicipal Building,' "niade final, ar­ home of Misa Lillie _Wackenhyt. tramck,and Detroit. promptly, offtcitntly, McKune Memorial Library rangements f for preparing "for - Ed.-Gage, -who is a student at Tuesday, Oct. 1—Houghton,, Es- courttouilyl Regular meeting of Rebekah printing a brochure pertaining- to Lodge No. 130, Tuesday, Oct. 1, hours, Monday-Saturday, 12 neon- Jackson Junior College, spent. th£ canaba and" Pstoskey; ".;. the Chelsea^ area. Plans for the Wednesday, Oct. 2—St. 'Joseph, 8 p.m. •5- p.m.- Mondayt -Wednesday and week-end at his home here and ort PURE OIL PRODUCTS A. D. MAYEI Friday evenings,'7-9 p.m. 12 brochure have been occupying con­ Saturday attended the wedding of Benton Harbor, Holland', Muske­ * * • siderable time at EDC meetings Washtenaw County .Association, DoTina Baker-and-Harold -Gross at gon and Grand Rapids. —The- Univcrsity^f_MichigHn_WH# and:.the finished prodjict^ia-ex^j^p^^j^^^^e^];;".^^ Thursday,- 6ct^-3—Allen—Pai ^OES7 Saturday, Sept."' 528, at .Ypsi­ pected to be a great help in pre­ ^AGINl lanti. Afternoon session 2 p.m.;th e first U.S. university to estab­ and: bridegroom were his former Wyandotte and Ypsilanti. senting Chelsea as a good place "Insurance for Even Ned" evening 7^30 p.m. Mrs. Wllbert lish a , professorship in zoology classmates at Dexter High school. Monday, Oct. 7—Port Hur I HANKERD'S SERVICE Smith -4-Doris) of Oliee Chapter and botany,- in 1842. for (the establishment of new in­ Bad Axe, Bay City, Clare and Res.: GK 5-4201 dustrial development. ' Mr, and Mrs. Henry Engelhart Tires — Botreries — Tune-Ups *— Brake Service — Wheel Alignment 108, OES, to be installed as Asso­ Flint. 115 Pork St. Chel»e«,M« - I Norman Eisemann, chairman of and Mrs. Matie Lucht, with their ciation president. Ironwood is as far west as St. houseguest, Mrs. Martha Piuble Wednesday, Oct. 9 —--Lansing, PHONE 479-3541 CHELSEA, MICHr Louis, Mo.; Hancock is farther the land and site committee of the Jackson and Battle Creek. ''—-" Phones: Office 479-5061 * * * EDC was instructed to prepare of Houghton, were in Toledo, 0., •Silver tea for the. Sisters of St. north than Montreal, Canada; and Thursday 'to visit Mrs. Pauline Por.t-Huron is as far east as an up-to-date list of all available Mary's,-Sept. 29 from 2-4 at the property; this list to be kept up- Haist, formerly of Ann Arbor, an convent. Greenville, S.C., or Ashcville, N.C. aunt of Mrsr Engelhart-Jind Mrs. to-date at all times in order to be c of immediate use in responding to Luchtr""" ; ~~, ~'" ~ inquiries on the matter. ' Mrs. Iza Carty attended the state NEW/LOW PRICED Larry Chtipman, chairman of the Red Cross meeting at Grand Now in the Chelsea area... EDC, presided1 at Tuesday's meet­ Rapids Saturday and also went to ing. •:,•:••••..:'• • ": ".' tKe~Na Cfonar VF W~H anTe~arEatbTr Rapids to attend a testimonial dinner in honor of the VFW Auxil­ Halo . I"ALAJ • 3>|SKVIwC Last Week-End's iary Department of Michigan . .. , . • *. ,^ _ •. .. • Miss Lillie Waqkenhut, who ob­ Dexter 25, Saline 13. v' _ • ' .' "" ' ."'" , •' ' v CALt 475-8935 served her birthday' Sunday, wits Whltmore Lake 2'6, Ypsilanti the guest of her niece) Miss Ma'r- MAYTAG Of Heat v hooscvelt 0. ' guejite^iae.ntrst, a dinner at. an frotofiajn. -12 midnight -',•— Ann Arbor 26, Kalamazoo Central Ann Arbor, res'taurant. She Was ; 'o.' "'...-.'• specially honored with the . play­ for prompt service. Dundee 27, Tecuni'seh 7. . r '• ing of a recording of fhe birthday - - - , : /- —-- • -:-j:- -••-'.•' ••'• Grosse Isle 26," Lincoln~Consoli- "Son'g "«Sb^va8^-pr'e8e^"ted""Witn""-'U"* ~ ;;•;-' ' dated-0, decorated" birthday cake. In the Ypsilanti 20, Monroe .18. evening she and Miss Eisen were Milfoii(l-i3^Bdgliton-45.-: — guests, at a- birthday—supper at- TOWERCABCO. WiHow'"Run :28," South Lybh 0. the Home ol Mr, and; Mrs. Elba Clinton 18, .'Brooklyn 6. Gage. .She _was remembered with 1630 on M-52, Chelsea, Mich. Chelsea 20, University High many gifts' and cards from rela- Manchester 32; PJirdnrey—It; ti'ves ami-friends. —•' "'. —^ :.j

._\. ABOVE ALL-AN ARMSTRONG CEILING CEILING TILE.I.N-QtflET:,'.'.,, ;.- PATTERNS AND DECORATOR7" Beai^y^o^eiling '>'• -« •COLORS THA^GAN .GtVE~-~^- WITH PUSH BUnON CONTROLS No other dryer icmth AN ENDURING LIFT TO - ANY ROOM IN YOUR HOME. at any other price can offer all these.. .9 features... ARMSTRONfeTlLE OFFER --

COMPLETE WASHABILITY-— ir clo,h A. gentle circle of warni ° ?J . 1•••"dry at lower temperatures \r> d gc"'e EVEN THE BACKS ARE FACTORY 'circle of worm air that complex 'surrounds, the clotnes—no.hot spots. WAXED FOR ADDED MOISTURE Wosh 'n Wear button briar o« y^f -RESISTANCE-r 2. wosh.'n wears perfectly—elf'"?»« ^-- wrinkling. Also push button for A« Fluff:'i or>d "Reoular" drying.:qycfes.

Cool Cabinet—oir is not Woted un- X rtlif,is ready to" enter Hie drum-. "J keeps cabinet cool, and-wvtttjn ECONOMICAL TOO . . . . » 'more fuel economy, The .hcot.-yw pay. for is the- heat you get. : mm. FAST - SAFE - DEPENDABLE UnsurpossccJ "HlgrrSpucd Drying.•• 1 7<> 4. Dries a load' of 32. dJQpMJ^J.t from *2i4 for a lOlx 12' minutes.

Ti'.'l ii . i I'M'I i .Full family-size copocity,' ., * --——;-—reom-hielutHng -furring strips/— Our Supply at this Low Price 5. 1 Efficient Lint -Filter—all exhaust oir moulding, nails and staples! 6. posses through filter. dofi« Is ... So don't delay! Zlnc-cooted steel cabinet 7. rust, ossures long life. • EIGHTEEN DIFFERENT CEILINGS onrf Safety "Door^ota-^tf-flti^g Wa 95—— r.turn s off-sourw. .of hcot whenever TO CHOOSE FROM IN ACOUSTICAL door is opened. < u«v Qulqt operation—the result of /W AND REGULAR TILE FREE INSTALLATION 9. tag quality construction, Install your„..own Armstfonfl. (Limited Time Only) celling. It's easy, 16 designs -V. :>. ' r\> • ALL IN STOCK to. choose from,..As low as ;• ALL ON DISPLAY HWc $q. ft^; For the best dryer at any price, see a MAYTAG Halo of Heat Dryer «e FRIGID PRODUCTS ~—_—t-~w-»..•>-——'——HELSE' A———rr~"* LUMBE^ ...-....^--.1,.---. R., ,.„ , , . ,,,, C^7^^^7^. C 113 Nr MAIKLjm^_JJfi*^ PMnKiP r,R 9-6651

; ^ .-<...». ^ -•::,- T \ iiA i- •• ^y/fr.jfcjf/^ii'dVjffrritfi't-fy.-'^p TA'rn'^*

msnAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1963 THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN PXGE NINE • 1,'.1 Bu$ the cliche thftttne national rected by the knowledge that the 'fag a totalof 15 pounds.. . . This debt is one which \ve owe to* our­ government will tax away a part Cheaper Lam,b Cats > ; leaves 28 pounds-fpf-Hhe loss- ) selves, misses the 'essential eco­ of the . Jhcomo derived from it. There'* no doubt about it, there's 1 known cuts-which a*frsold-at lower nomic point. It is a debt which the fact that jthe same tax­ more to a lamb than the legs!,Only prices^ This should suggest-the SERVICE the producers of goods and serv­ payer may, in his capacity as a 45 pounds of a JOO-pound 'lamb wisdom of trying: Iamb shoulder ices, present and future, owe to holder of government bonds, get carcass is salable meat and that the holders of government debt cuts, neck slices, shanks, breast 6r With a Smile... some of this money back is irrele­ 45 pounds yields only about 4 wound lamb for variety and econ­ By GEORGE HAGEDORN instruments.* Even if these two vant. His claim to, interest on the pounds ofTofii chops, ^pounds of Thqt's whot you olwoys get When omy. • v. groups should turn out to be sub­ government debt he holds does pot rib chops and 2 lamb legs—weigh- you depend on us to keep your cor stantially the same- people, the encourage his activities as a par­ ,j)o We, Owe It to Ourselves? '^mm^&Mmi^m^MiiA^^mu^ in perfect running condition. Every­ burden on production Is not therei ticipant in the productive process. back to our own people. thing frpm a complete lube job'- ui recently published, <'A Prim,- has a beguiling plausibility. After by rendered nort-oxistent or with­ It in no Way offsets the tax's dam­ If anyone imagines that the to air for your tires is horidled with ^fGwermnent., Spending^ by out effort. aging effect on his incentives as Kiwanis all, thetfederal debt is~~»tmbst "ST a producer, \ impact of taxes on productiorriB- . precision and care. Lbert L.' Heilbroner and Peter, L. tirely_held within ths-countiyrit Taxes _levied to_ meet interest only a "minor problem," he can't Lrnatein, is a presentation of the is widely distributed among our requirements, or to make pay- The $10 billion that the federal have had much recent opportunity Quotes COMPLETE Llled new economics. One of citizens. Thus-it is both ah'as3et ments on the principal of the debt, government must collect annually to. observe business decision-mak­ central themes is the byinpw -and-a— liability, so why worry? must like other taxes be collected to meet its interest cost is already ing. .- SJ ' ' ' N ONE-STOP SERVICE I argument that we need not be •Payment of interest is, in the out of income earned .from current a significant part of the federal * Semantic,arguments are seldom ft Bet us-have faith that right $ Bocerned over a high- and rising words of the book, "A minor prob- productive activities/ The burden tax load, It seems irresponsible to profitable and, if you want to say I makes might, and in that .$ of taxes inevitably affects the~de: encourage the notion that this Ljofiji]I debt since we owe itto ^ since it merely.taxes ^l'oter-to - that we owe the 'national debt 'to I faith, let us' to "the end, date f. Bill Brown's Super Service- trselves. P^y Paul' or sometimes Peter to cisions—of- those who~e.ngage 9 sum earrrbe expanded indefinitely ourselves, godhead. But you will >|. id do our duty, as we under- i\ •pay Peter." . such activities. Economic effort is without putting any drag on pro­ find* that the burden of carrying fj stand it. ' ' V* \ GOOD GULF PRODUCTS |At first plance this argument discouraged and sometimes misdi­ duction, simply because it is paid 295 SOUTH MAIN ST. ( PHONE GR 9-131! the debt will still hurt. ;| ' —LINCOLN. l't STORE HOURS Saturday ...... ".' ,.,...,..,,,.., 8 A.M. To 9 P.M, Mom Thru Wad...... a:.:. . 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M.

Tfiurt, And Frl. , • *.*«...«.*..»•«• .r«m»•[»'• ' AJVl. TO 9 rJVIt

PRICES EFFECTIVE 14901 Old U.S. 12 - Corner M92 - Chelsea, Mkh. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, THRU TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1963 STOP & SHOP Features..,"Triple k Farms'.,.U S. Choice,}Corn Fed Beef Wt Reserve The Right To limit QuintltlM **~»—****<-» • •••*••••,. rnrnffrirrrrrjr«>fciii • -- - - r , • j.'_, ['Triple R Farms''... Lean, Meaty, Tender i^w^.f-^r^iP. i»«»»»».««#<<»<#<<,<<<<^><#><<#>^<—^W#J#>><<>>># m0.+'t Lean, Tender, CENTER CUT 'Cs LOIN SALE-i RI BEND HNta? NO—-^0^-^-^. PORK CHOP

Lean, Meaty, Tender 'Triple R F.rnu" ... Mich. Gr.de 1 • SKINLESS WIENERS


Your ^ • WHOLE PORK LOIN 53ii • Choice

I JPENCERS^LLMndJIavpr7-. •-Hldcpry SmoRecT STOP^SApP^rrliftnr'arwiinti''' " ; -f STOP & SHOP'S^ .. SLICED^ : Layer

Always Fresh -ln-3-lb^-UftHs

Pure Vegetable Shortening All Popular Brands

yitOft LPRY

BLUE RIBBON ... Yellow

REGULAR Size Ctrit Margarine (In V* Lb. Prints) 3" MAXWELL HOUSE KfNG Site Ctn. COFFEE ^ KRAFT'S Cheese Spread

flTOsrClTr • Plain Or , Lb. ornate- VELVEETA •-plm«nt» Loaf VANS DOWN ... Assorted Varieties SWANSON TV DINNERS Package FROZEN SOUPS *, GREEN PEA (with H«m] • SWISS STEAK • TURKEY AKE MIXES HOMt GROWN OR • FRIED SHRIMP sae TendetyCf 10¼ oi,L^JIQC: ^lOIN-OtPORK ~ I Pk* >pi?tRYKJTCHEN ... Ready To Bake7 ^^CREAM orroiyrAto^r^canit i • FRIED CHICKEN

Tube of 10 Strained Vartatles RBSTIE'S. . . Semi-Sweet frscuiTS 1 PASCAL HEINZ Baby Foods Jar 8 Chocolate Morsels «oi.>k0. 19' WR.KIST BANQUET . . . Frozen Chocolate Flavor CELERY 14b. Cm ,\... Meat Pies ^ Nestle's Quik 37« (Chunk Style) 6¼ 61, Can 3v^49' Mixes Imuntty With Milk UN Ar 24 • Chicken • Turkey • Beef LIBBY'S , With *%*%t WILSON'S • #. h e« aj ! Large f °M SHOP'S . Stalk Spaghetti Jjjjft. M;Oi.Cin JX' ML I L IC • Homoflenlied Va Oat. Olm 35' ' •. Plus Deaoill Nched •••'•• Sliced 20 Oz. HYGRADE'S DOLE ... Hawellen Poly Wrap Hi ^- Luncheon Meat M Os. CiH- loavei% •h* Pine 46 Or Can ift -^-+-¾^ HITI BRI#P ; .* /r S •:D ' \ (•V ••.A.juJl' '•>>. ' •ST i "i '* •: P ^.•V^BjSDAY. SEPTEM^ • MtiE TEN THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN -**. ftj"i | luilimHtlHHItllfHIIIUIiOilHUIHIHIMIIillllMIMIIIIWIIHIIIlhlMIIIHinMIIIIIIMIIMItUlMlMIHIIMIIMIIIIHIIIMI IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIJQ Honoring J. Y. Burgs District Me$iing -program. • Included omdng those ( Szalapay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, who attended were thrse fifuoata, .CHILD STUDY-CLUR ^ ._._ WOMAN'S CLUB^ MODERN MOTHERS The home of Mv. and. Mrs. J. Paul Szalapay of Detroit, to Eu­ District No. G.of the Michigan ,tho Rev. R. A, J. Livingston, pas- 'i' gene R. Bolanowski, son of Mr. Chelsea Chjld Study club mem­ Following a brief business sos. Modern -Mothers Child Study Vincent Burg, I, on Wilkinson St., Jayeeo Auxiliary, held^ their an­ tor of thp Congregational church, bers met Tuesday evening at the club mot Tuesday evening at the was the scene of,a very happy oc­ and Mrs. Eugene W. Bolanowskh nual fall district meeting in Clin-' Former'7r^^ents j sion at Tuesday's meeting of the also of Detroit. The wedding took and Mv. n.nd Mrs. R. D. Burke of home 'of* Mrs. Robert Daniels, the Woman's club, Mrs, E. ,W. Enion home of Mrs. Elmer Hartman. Her casion, when more than 400'frtends ton,.Monday, Sept. 28. Mrs. Gene. Cavnnau'gh'bflke. evening'* ,• program topic being and relatives, attended a reception place Saturday morning, Aug. 24, Shoemaker,',, Mrs, George Elicit Will Qbserye 60th gave a resume of the trip she and co-hostess was Mrs. 'Donald' Buss- Fall flowers decorated tho dirt- designated "A Wedged Family In ler. l. ,, to honor them, on their, golden at St. Bartholomew church in De­ Weodr-Mrs, Elton Cueftther7-fttt& her l\u» ing trip of two Chelsea lartilie.s— appropriately decorated wth flow­ Jaycec Auxiliary; 'Forty-eight oth­ Mrs.,Harry Prudden, was in honor they were particularly impressed' Chelsea Recreation Commission visited friends and relatives here er members represented the of Harold Craven, whose birthday will quietly observe heifcfrH Ithe Michael J'apos and Chailes wi-.b^the charm of the city of headed by Dr.- Michael Papo as ers and plants in a golden motif, including the bridegroom's uncle dins anniversary on\^ •jLaneasters—the past summer. The 1 Adrian, Blissfield, Clinton, Dundee, was recognized. -^ \ : Ay Florence arid would gladly have -president. The Commission' is an "AfterwaTds, the weatfieu being and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Milan, Monroe, Saline, amLTecum- their home on Litulen S • }rep*6rt "was given by Mrs. Lan­ (jutgrowth of the former. Recrea- ideal, the guests" retired to the Bolanowski.' Mrs. Lyman. Adams gave the spent .more time there; however, seh Auxiliaries. ville. No open house i5 5DllBI|- caster and Mrs. Papu who included Mr. KatoR-wished—tb-teftve- suffix tion—Coum.41—which- -has -been—re­ spacious- lawn whore--amuwuisary- - opening prayer^ Mrs. Dwight Gad- —The bridegroom Js-a *tu4©»4^at-|- - Mo­ Doris Er 6hanv_thv o . MJA, ^JWjill^^^ ^ eolori'd" snapshot-..Uikoh, during^ the. sponsible, for- Chelsea's -summer cake and punch were served by president, and Mr3.r Ruth Schock bery. presided; andTMrs, MabelX" trip, \ • cient time for a visit to.-the indus- ther-University of Detroit* Law dejjts 'of this area^g'* ti tat center at Mjlan and so they recreation program, a"nd the' re­ the Burgs' 'daughters and grand­ School and the bride is employed nies, both of Berrien Springs, were Foster presented a'devbtionahsorv- Dexter for sonu> ti . They „.Mrs, Papo told of visits.,to 'rela­ ice. me **v did not prolong thW.,„$tay in cently-formed group calling itsejf daughters and the afternoon was as u secretary at Wayne Univers. guests for the evening: Mrs. 'Broh* marr.ecMn w.y„. ^ tives in Italy, and Yugoslavia'Syhttc Florence, < ^" ';*Youth Committee."' - \ .spent in reminiscing and renewing iry. man drew the name of the Clinton The entertainment feature.of the «• f Mrs. Ijinca^ter included in her'ac­ Mrs,- Eaton also^ told of their As a commission, it will enlarge old acquaintances^ In_the evening, Auxiliary tq begin . the rounds afternoon was tha 'DhWifcg Ky the count the story of the Lancaster a family supper was served in the with the new district visiting tro­ In addition to the sta in nil stay m Rome .whore they visited the program to year-'round status FAREWELL LUNCHEON Rev. James ,Craig< of pictures «ea, their-fnmily i S, ^ family's visit to Merlin where they and.include all'age groups in re­ recreation room, after which phy presented by'Mrs. Maroney of taken during a trip to; the United n paw the famed wall between East the Vatican, the Sistine Chapel' The home of Mrs. Stephen Baker other sons, Carl MiUer f CJ and. famous churches and basilicas. creation, • study, handicraft "and music and singing were enjoyed. Chelsea, to the district.^ The local Nations and Washington, D.C., and. West, Germany. THe'Lancaster,* adult education' projects as well The BurgV children favored with was the gathering place Wednes- group holding "the trophy must, ifornia; Marvin of Ann Arb Among.other interesting sites visit­ day. Sept'. 18, for friends -of Mrs.' sponsored by Methodist churches made the Berlin vjsit \Vhile the as activities for young people. several special numbers for their secretly visit another local unit of Michigan, Of particular interest Pupos were will* their relatives. ed in Italy,--Mrs. Eaton said, were F. C. Chamberlain, the occasion daughters, Mrs. Isabcllo" CraJ 'the Islft (if-Capri, Sorrento, Salerno The program, was outlined by parents and then were joined .by within .the district and present were views, of the national gallery Co-hostesscr. for Tuesday's meet­ being a farewell luncheon..Mr. and of Northville, and Mn. i2 and Naples. two speakers at the meeting—Alan the entire group, . • , ' the trophy within four wcSks of at Washington. m ing .included Mrs. Donald Baldwin Mrs. Chamberlain are leaving to­ receiving it. '• Knorr of Howell Conklin, who has beet) summer As a special surpriso.^Mrs..R. J, Mrs. Gadbery .read a • letter to and Mrs. CJeorge Knickerbocker. • •.Hostesses" for Tuesday's meeting morrow (Friday) to make their The Millers also h«vc lfi mpi recreation, program director for Lonsway, a. sister of Mr. Burg, The Blissfield Auxiliry won the the group from Mr. and Mr.q. Cor­ " Mrs. Robert,Taylor of Washing- were Mrs. -D.-L. Gadbery and. Mrs. home in Florida, children and 21 Krortt-triandchiil several years, and J. V. Burg, II, read an original .poem and pre­ district travel trophy for having ing Bates, telling of theif sumi" dren. on St,, will hostess" the next club M. U. Baxtor.- The meeting was" representing the Village' Council Present for the luncheon, served meeting. Tuosda->v-t>< •in_the chih room at MeKune-j-! Qt r sented them with :_a. teplica ,re«_ buffet styler-were ' MrB~ Charles the most '-'member-miles,*' traveling mer's travels. on"tlre^a^4l^"yo h""' oi»n5ittee or" cording which was made 15 years N to Clinton. Their five members During a. brief business session ia-1 feature of that meeting is to Memorial Library. ' council. Chamberlain,- Mrs. Welton Cham- Telephone Your Club Vewi e a thrift sale among the mem- ago and which featured Mr. and berlain, Mrs. John .Liundin and traveled 280 miles to the meeting, Mrs. Mabel Foster gave a report To (lit fi.3581'.-' "The talks by the twa men were Mrs. Burgs' voices in >a' duet— Mrs. Frank Green, of Pinckney; ers. Cipod , used clothing, dry More than 50 perceni of Michi­ followed by an informal discussion :«uds, toys and nt-her jijft^. will.be gan's total land area - is stil!> "Sweet Genevieve." Other record­ Mrs. Oscar Beenmn of Hamburg: period duiing which they answered ings played were those of the late Mrs. Ted Sieloff of Brighton; Mrs. rought by members for the sale classed as forest and wild land, questions and were offered sugges­ o be con'dwt'ed duiing'the pio- Forests help, make Michigan un­ J. Louis Burg, father of, J. V. Leon Baker, Mrs. Tom Rice and tions for proposed recreation and Burg, I, and the family and friends Mrs. Lloyd Boyce of Dexter,; Mrs.. rarn period. excelled as a tourist state and 'study projects; Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Robert provi.de unlimited assets for many who had attended his 90th birth­ James Cooeh ot Ann ArbVf; Mrs. ariiels and Mrs. John-Alber. There were " 13 members and day celebration in 1949. Norman Kaiser. Mrs. Clara Hud­ industries.. three guests present for the meet­ son, Mrs. Jay Hopkins of the im­ COMING OCT. 3rd ing, Many gifts were received by the Burgs, the _most unique being' a mediate , neighborhood; and . Mrs. (THAT'S NEXT THURSDAY) T The next meeting is scheduled, •50-pbuhd -cheese which- was- given -Eleanor' Wollpert of Grass Lake. "for" Oct. 8 "at the home" of Mrs. by Mr. and Mrs. .Louis A. Burg. A centerpiete of yellow dahlias, Roger Hoffer and members- artf brought by Mrs. Hudson cen. to bring Questions- to tfta^t'un'eeting Among the numerous messages of congratulations was a cablegrajm tered the table where the guest of in.preparation for a meetf^g with honor was seated and Mrs, Cham­ THE ALL NEW Now Open! school board members scheduled from Heidelberg, Germany, and a telegram from British Columbia. berlain wore a corsage of baby for the second meeting' of the 'asters a gift ntflde especially for month, . An invtftction was extended the. r Burgs by' the Kundig Center In per by Mrs. Lundin. "•Plenty'of pennies" are to be Detroit 'to be guests at the Cen­ > Mrs. Chamberlain was the reci- brought to the. Oct. 8'meeting for jpient of many gifts for her forth­ a special roll ca(i project. ter's Golden Wedding Ball "at Cobb, A&WDrive-ln Hall in June- coming trip to her new horned— P0NTIAC AGRICULTURAL Out-of-town guests at: the re­ Mr. and Mrs. Stephen' Baker 'en­ ENTREPRENEURS ception, Sunday, Sept, 15, w,ei e. tertained Mr. and Mrs.'Chamber­ CHELSEA-MANCHESTER ROAD from Cleveland, Detroit, Royal Oajc, lain and Mrs. Leon Baker at din-, Agricultural E n t r e preneurs Highland-Park, Berkley,' Ann Ar­ iner. at their .h'onw Wednesday (500Jeet_north of l-_94)^ Farm Bureau group, at the regular CHELSEA, MICH. bor, Adrian, Jackson, Alpena, Hi jevening and Mrs. Baker remained monthly meeting Thursday eve- trirv* Lake, Manchester, Port Huroj jto spend the night at the Baker TEMPEST j ning. held a discussion on the Dexter and^Brighton. • - home. . Free Root Beer for Kiddies 5 and under month's topic pertaining to the justice court system—members The former Mary Jane Burg a oF agreed that a qualified '" person her husband^ L. C. Lanning ijf L-V 1957 Michigan united its two Cleveland, 0., were honored in thje great peninsulas with the $100 mil-' should serve as justice of the lion Mackinac Bridge, the worldV peace.' evening in observance of their 25tti wedding anniversary. " longest suspension bride—its span Root Beer & Sandwiches The^ meeting was held at the 8,614 feet,- its total length five Harper Sales & Service, home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Boyce miles, its cable towers rising above with seven member families pres"- _ ^HOURS-OPEN: " Manchester^Rastor -water the • height— of—a^46»story- USMJtASiiikL St., CHELSEA Phong GR j-5311 enT; also two guests, Mr. and Mrs.' building. ' > Sunday thru Thursday 11 .a.m. to 10 p.m. William Henry Marshall. Announcement was made of the Is Guest Speaker Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Dexter Blood Bank clinic'Friday, _ At Deariery Meet -Gfosed-edrlier- if-weather-rs-"re>&-€old4-- Seprrgor v ~- ~- -_ ' —Thn -group -decided to request The Rev. *Kr„ Raymond Schli i that a qualified person be asked kert, pastor of St. Mary.'s C^trloll: to Speak at some future meeting .chlirt;li_Lal Manchester.,—was,—th^- -on-the-sub^tr^f*Socfal "'"'Security:; prineipfll speaker at the Washtei '. Refreshmentsrwere served"at"the" naw County Deanery; meeting held close of the meeting and, a social at, the .church Sunday, afternoon5, - TAKEOUT ORDERS - hour, was enjoyed with those, who cared to do so, playing euchre. In his talk on the. topic, ."family Life," he explicitly named the rblfc of • the :father, „ mother and eacfi, member of the'family in the'tasfe of making_fi; truly CljristianLhomei The Rev. F\, Schlinkert appears regularly each Sunday on', tele­ vision—at 10:46. a.m.- and after v in tne~cvenfrrgr During the business session at the .meeting announcement was made- that the Deanery is.sppnsor- ing a style show at ' Arboriand, Having decided to sell the farnvl will sell the following personal property at public- Ann Arbor, on Oct. 24,; and; all auction at the farm located 3 miles north of Dexter on Most Rood to Territorial road parishes in the county have east V mile to Zeeb road, south V4 mile. tickets for the event. Generally, the president of the churches^ • i vAltar Societies may be contacted for tickets. . ___; '•--- •• ': • ^tOOHMft Also announced was s se^'vie'e project — providing scuffies|and utility••"•baga for patients at the Phone VA Hospital at Ann Arbor. All .:., Phone parish women were invited to par­ ticipate In providing as many of Stockbridge Price Brothers Stockbridge these as possible, , • . ..:_:Ch.elsca.,ar!ea;w.o.ra'e,n...wn.o.-at,t.e.n.d- 851-1172 851-2172 e'd ?he Deanery meeting included Mrs. J. P. Cook, Mrs. Joseph Scott, Mrs. Edward (Beissel, Jr., i FARM MACHINERY Miscllaneous Items Mrs.\ Arthur Patterson, Miss Nina Greening,- Mrs,' Vera Heim, Mrs. ,1963 John Deere 1010 tractor, adjustable 34 ft. extension ladder Wayne Harvey, Mrs. Leon' Chap* 2 stock tanks/rtearly new 'man, Mrs.' Anna' Dvorak, Mi's. ), front end, 3 point hitch, tractor like new 1963 John Deere 2 row cultivator l.ton chain foil —- •Frances Alber, Mhs Alda~Juergens; Small air compressor and joint gun Mrs. Anna Werner, Mrs. Helen Ly­ 1961 John Deere 2010 traetpr, wide front ^ hole hog feeder ons, Mrs. Hattie Lyons, Mrs..Lawr­ end, 3 point hitch, tractor reol nice con- 4 hole hog feeder ence Qgnn, Mrs.. Joseph Laban and -" dition 2 hog waterers 1 horse cutter Mrs, Joseph'Hafner. 1961 John Deere 3-14 in. plow, trijp* bottoms Also present from Chelsea was 22 in. power mower, nearly new the Rev. Fr. Francis Maliszejvgki, 1963 John Deere 2-14 in, plow Toro power mower pastor of St.. Mary.'s. 'church,. 1963 John Deere corn planter^ 11 point hitch Bench vise : Steer fence posts The Chelsea group received, the 1961 John Deere 3 $c,ction harrow 6 x 9 tarp traveling award, a Madonna statu­ New^stock rack for I960 Ford long wheel- ette, given at each Deanery meeting i-r-;!'-.-. 1962 John Deere No. 68 auger'wagon bqse pick-up or hewer to the. parish with the largest dele­ New Holland 66 hoy baler with motor, ex­ Chicken equipment gation present. tra good condition Garden hose Other small items Standard Want Ads flet Results 1 H-S'J'-. Case 16 hole grain drill, nearly new New Idea tractor spreader FEED-STRAW Minneapolis-Moline 10 ft. disc 2,000 bales mixed hoy _ . Everything to make Ne^ Idea side rake "4,000" bales stroiw the home beautiful. If you;-won't settle for anything less than-sparkling Electric 5 ton wagon with rack, good con- 200 bushels oats i dition 150 bushels ear corn new styling withrlavishibam-cushioned ( Caase wagon with rack and grain sides 14½ acres standing corn , See our display.; cdmfort (and why should you!) these Kroehler creation ^4 Co-Op 10 ft. cuitip'aeker FEEDER CATTLE - of fall flowers ^ire definitely for'you. Buy now and saveli Ferguson 2-14 in. plow and other Items Choice of decorator fabrics,/' 24 ft, groin elevator H0LSTEIN HEIFERS ALSQ . fashion-right colors. i3 feed bunks on skids —^ __„__,—.-_ 19 Whlfe^foce feeder steers "~~ T^OfiriCutDn^erS: 7 feeder heifers M*c, Lounsfl-Around SBCllcnar 4 Holstcin heifers due to freshen toon and Potted Plants HOUSEHOLD GOODS The above feeder cattle will overage 500- for oil occasions 550 lbs. , Wi «uy to hav* a btautlful home.,« JG.f. ©^ iu> fr. ftffigerator, nice condition take a took around your homo BUY ON OUR ;; StudlO COUCH ••"» # • pwybody olseefbos •"", , '. •.••jpuwM^NIj.C*,)*, BASY BUDGET TERMS *ffi,fif«t|PDflf -• .* ' ' • Pther furniture to be sold

iances & Furniture .i&Hat3MS£!t&$#&' LrmSDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1963 THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN PAGE ELEVEN -_—, r—, . WILLING WORKERS centered an «harihg__i«ith; the Circle and' Mrs. Russell Maurer Czarnecki-Caftel:ki- l s v "God's Willing. Workers," a theme was carried out in fhe devo­ was' present as -a guest, . ) Vows .Repeated women's, group at Chelsea Baptist tional service presented by Mrs. A total of 16 member's attended. Club and Social Activities church on Wilkinson St., met Mon­ George Walworth and in the [les­ 1 i day evenings for a regular meet­ son as given by Mrs. Archie Wil­ Sept. 17 in Ida ,, . - • mmmm+*~m~~ ••••••••• m~~~~ + :» • • ,. , rfjjj^-^y^jj Michigan has the second long­ ing 'and.fqrjm evening of sewing kinson. . 1 • > est shore line of any state in the Sherry. Czarnecki, daughter of KINDER KLUB ' HELPING HAND for the Benefit of the-church. 1 . Mrs. James Craig was present nation—3,288 miles, This included flr. and Mrs. Lester Caarneekl of Ten Kinder. Klub members and SEWING CIRCLE |.„' +Dish towels were hemmed a"rtd for her first moating with the 1,056 miles of islapd shore. Jerusalem Rd., and' fcfe.' Gary R. their1 husbands were present Sat- pot holders were made for use in ( battel], son of Mr. and Mrs. Rush uvday evening for an outdoor steak Members of the Helping Hand the church's kitchen. Cattoll of Old US-12. were married fry and picnic supper Saturday Sewing Circle held their individ­ In-charge' of the work session Tuesday, Sept. 17 at the Evan­ evening at the summer home of Mr. ual Needlework- Guild ingathering were Mrs. Victor Winter and Mrs. Introducing our new at their' meeting Tuesday after­ gelical church at Ida withJhe Rev. and Mrs. David Soule at Crooked John Palmer. K_ ; w^iStij . : operators, Paul .Crabtrce officiating. Only Lake, It was combined with a fare' noon at the home of Mrs, Hrirrv • During-^the—business meeting their immediate "families were," well party for the Soules who have -I.-itterah- Tbere-were~~13 members Mrs.. Victor Winter was named » -2 >-W»» -.,' present for the ceremony in addi­ moved from Chelsea to Ypsilanti. present.' . chairman of a nominating commit­ Jean Sweet and tion to the couple'a attendants, As a gift from club members, Articles brought-.to tliis irrgath- tee to-present-a slate of officers Mrs. Harold Drosch, Jr., and the Mrs. Soule was presented • with a enng will he 'contributed to the for election at the next regular Sfc*. -\ i, n bride's father.' . ,. . - ~ meeting on Oct* 28. On the conv Darlene Scruggs r »,xv£,-• . -, piece of costume jewelry—-a lapel official Needlework Guild ingath- ci'ing at the Congregational church mittee with her are Mrs. John Wl,FV.t . * t Friday ovening the' couple ^were pin. who will ipdividually. Oct.' 3; included ure~U white Hude and. Mrs. David Sanborn. . - r honored at a reception for 50 1 The next regular club meeting style your hair guests -herd-irt-the Czurjieckrhome, blanket sheets and $0 in cash,'in .Hostesses for the meeting were will be held Oct. 8 at the .home of addition to a quantity of hand­ Mrs. David Sanborn and Mrs. John : for only $3.50 £1 Pfc.'Cattell has returned to the Mrs. Charles Smith. This is amad e nrticlos of infants' wear. Rudd. . . -. " Marine Base at New River,.N.C., .change from' the original arrange- Mrs. Theodore Riemensehneidor A cjhurch-wide shower of toys Includes cuftiftg, shampoo •'X^^?. •Wir- and the bride wiH join him there ment; however, co-hostesses will for the" church-nursery took place later.) . . was accepted as a new member at • - ' and setting. lignuremaimn «4a9s pivviwusipreviously nmiuuncipb—announced-™«- ..!.:„ ..„„„*;„„ diu'ing. J!_9_nday!s_ .meetings- —-'-— The above offer'good for the- ' 5¾. Mrs, George.Heydlauff ancf Mri.'Jfn* mut"?f- Duane Schiller,- Officers ^vere named for the cur­ VIVIANfOTfo CIRCLE \ the. next two weeks, Monday Silver Ted Planned rent year with Mrs. Winifred Cof- Vivian Otto Circle of the WSCS thru Friday. JERUSALEM FARM BUREAU fran as president and Mrs. Watson of the Methodist church held a Hart as secVetury-tfeasitrer. By Altar Society for ^Officers elected for.the 1063-64 meeting Wednesday morning, Sept. year of Jerusalem Fnrm Bureau The October meeting is to he IS, at the home' of. Mrs. Leigh Dominican Sisters •Group are Arthur Kuhl, chairman; held -at the home of Mrs. Vern Palmer at Cavanaugh Lake. Mrs. HOUSE of ORIENT List ofi Oct. 21). It will include a Chandler Rogers assisted her as St. 'Mary's Altar Society has Walter Wolfgang, vice-chairman; l Paul Higgins, owner-operator Mrs. Lee Weiss, secretary; Charles p»t-luck dinner' with Mrs. David co-hostess. completed plans for a silver tea Mohrlock as assisting hostess Phone GR 5-8196 Chelsea, Mich. to be _he_ld _a_t._St. _Mary'a convent Powers,, discussion leader;"David Program topic for the -meeting Sunday afternoon from 2 until 4 Paster,' minuteman; Walter. Wolf- p.m. - in' honor of the Dominican Rang, package reporter; Mrs. Ar­ ) Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Elsifor, Jr Sisters who are teachers at St. thur "KubTT assistant discussion * * * _ ' !_ *' Mary's school. The honored- nuns leader; Mrs. Dave Pastor, Farm are Sister Ann Seraphim who is Bureau Women's Compiittee rep­ (affifeen Joy Joseph, Jack Elsifor, Jr., the mother -superior; Sister Jean resentative; and Mrs. Lee Weiss, Barbara, Sister Maria Caritas and news reporter. fed Saturday at Church of Christ Sister Leo Patrice. The evening's discussion topic MERKEL BROTHERS |-iMurray S. Hudglns, minister of All. interested persons of therelativ e to justice court "operation, ing -accessories ami carried a bou­ community are invited to attend. led, to .an expression of group opin­ jQttftftiftfttfeu \t Chelsea Ghurch of Christ, offi- quet of blue and white carnations \\0d at the two o'clock ceremony Chairman in charge of. arrange­ ion that justices of the peace for her vole as maid of honor. ments for the tea Is Mrs. Charles should continue to he elected. aturday afternoon at the,.church The brideLs mother wore a two- lurtotf which Kathaleen Joy Jo- Sullivan. On the. committee with; Ten families were present for piece Jace over •taffeta costume'in her are Mrs. Don'itld Blalock and the September meeting held Thurs­ |tph and Jack A; Elsifor, Jr., ex- beige with brown accessories, while bnged their marriage vowa.' Mrs. William Clark. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the- bridegroom's mother chose a Oscar Stierle with Irven Weiss Approximately 160 guests were two-piece dress of teal blue with Sell it with a Standard Want Ad. presiding as chairman. liescnt for'the wedding and for a which she wore blue-green and leception which followed at the black accessories. Each had a cor­ JOF Hall. • sage of, pink carnations. FOR TV VIEWING, READING OR JUST ROCKING The bride is the daughter of Mr. . Donald .1); Joseph, brother of r $3.49 •.CVrMUFrlN PAN nd Mrs. Jack Joseph of 209 Bu- the bride, wns best "man. Ushers enjoy the relaxing\'rnagic of~a BAKt-l ^OAST_PAH $1.39 Ihanan St., and formerly attended; -included Chulwinand Waltcr-Em- III* \*"*\9aKl"— fcelsea Hi(,rh school. Mr. Elsifor'smons , uncles of the bride, and. arcnts are Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Douglas .Joseph, cousin of the — , iy ,- 10" 1«4. 9GRIDD? U bride. . ' Elsifor, Si-.-, of. 8075 Jtockson Rd. COOKWARE r *\-' _.^ ' pe is employed-at-Blaesa Elevator —Those who assisted at~th"c"receiv RUG SHAMPOO- since his graduation in June, tion Are Mrs. Helen Joseph, aunt 10" fRY PAN WITH DUPOHT TEFLON I \~ \%'i, from Dexter High school. of the bride, who cut the wedding $4.9? Fer-hw Wedding the bride-wore1 YOU'LL NEVER " : WASTER -eakej Vickie EHatrktaw and Linda —«€0tfft-A—- white two-piece ballerina-length Blaess who served punch and ice HANDCRAFTEO ROCKER COOKY PAN "!"" •" IAUTI PAN EASY |r«ss fashioned of nylon Tace, taf- : PAN AGAIN! cream, respectively; : Stormy Ro-. Thick, bright, Mlrro ; LOW-COST leta and not,, featuring a' l<>ngj- bcrtsyof _Grass baled, who' pouted :,V.' aluminum .flnlihi4 $2.49 REG. $5.98 Deeved, sca'li^eldr:jackeF"oYerT1|;He" coffee; and Mrs. Marge Emmons, -with luper-illck On- -Ponr Teflon Itti y«u EFFECTIVE •trap topped, bodice. Back inte'rest- another-gpTrj; of.the bride, who cut hi, loan, bak* with : or without . gitaic p addwj, by means of skirt"drap- -t.herbridegroom's' caker'-~- •- BRIAD& LOAF PAM .68 W and sU'eamei'S, A tiara of. Slip 9V<"«*>/»"x2.*' Uloilit nevar- nied I-QT. SAUCEPAH _ Dianna Hale was in charge of l- tcourlng . . . |uit q leads am^ir»Ws^"h"eld^h cT^slTeeF the guest'hook. :---r~-^^^:-rv "iwflh oncTlhty art) $2719 lylon veil and her bouquet was • When' the couple left for a 'three- m?t:m clean. [n arrangement of white roses.and day -stay jiiL^northeiTT' Michigan, wm*; ?&®: .88 amations, • the bride :was wearing a beige. eissell Constance -Scwptevj-^veftpi-ng 4w«-pteee—suit-with—brown accus- BERNZ-O-MATIC, LIQUID-41UG- Hreet-leiiKth dress of teal blue. and. s_orias_and^iiU corsage taken from- TORCH yt RW. »3,»» vv' I V ^1^^^¾¾¾¾¾ 18 ihite nylon over silk, used match­ her^i'ida] bouquet. ' SHAMPOO "CalfS *3* The new Mr. and.Mrs. Elsifor W-i-'b^^lSlll uie-iimv athuinu at 311 Suulli St.- v • ' ¥^LT*MM&WW

•• .r^i^M-J' H^ :'-'. '''•'^•tfnti&PMV- VFW Auxiliary ^w i^fci AEROSOL UPHOLSTERY Sponsoring Essay mmkit ^=3 SHAMPOO K|J J^( 49 Contest in School REG. $2.98 £ $1 69 1 .,.- L- SWEEP TYP.E «o; Mrs. IVR Daggy, Veterans''of- CDECI - It $3.98 Foreign, Wars Ladies' .Auxiliary RAY-O-VAC BATfERIES rnEc! BERNZ < : COTTON ^ FUEL CYLINDER l president of District VI,. accom­ _DUSTE_R_ *¾•,* panied by the district vido-prbsi- with above kit when -dent-nrnd--ntetnbei'ship-chairmrmr irehased during our JAMBOREE. Mrs. Irene D'unlap, were present -imXfc- at Monday's meeting of Chelsea's 36" Ladies''Auxiliary to Veterans of THE SHUK'L SHDUL (Rocking Chair), Foreign Wars-PosMWeT-Both-are- -an exclusive Cherry Hill styling of the Pennsylvania - ALUMINUM THRESHOLD from Lansing. ... Dutch Colonial Rocker... a defightful combination of JAMBOREE $|39 Mrs.. Daggy Was' inspection offi- . -QldjvMd charm- and new.world comfort. Its high wing- PRICED pr'makirig' her official inspection •back Is deeply tufted, reversible foam cushion,shirred /meeting. tp..,*th'e Auxiliary • here. • skirt, .all carefully hand- • ^ _? • • V'_ 9*» --Announc^rnentrwasmacic-atrMoTi- . crafted la add-,w^mth and C ^¾ ^¾ Q K ALUMINUM day's meeting: that the Chelsea Auxiliary will sponsor, in.Chelsea comfort to your home. *rm*m-m>M * ** DOOR <><*£ SWEEP «9«! chools -this—year thc^national -e*? say. contest of the: VFW and will award cash prizes to Chelsea win­ ALUMINUM H' ' ners. ., '';, '. •_ - •'•• VINVL M0* Title for this year's essays, in YINYI. STRIPPING ke epi n g=-, ,\y i t h«. thaW a 11—o-ve iw—th e- United States, is, "The Foreign Ma. $^.29 Student In America—An -Oppor­ $2.60 *«£ tunity For" Friendship." Because the ' topic has particular applica­ AMES tion in the Chelsea area since, for- tftrfee 17,7 4 eign sturlents are Jiving with fam­ /// DELUXE ilies liere, the Chelsea Auxiliary member's' decided.to. sponsor a local' contest ^n 'furtherance of the BROOM friendship, theme. . V A social meeting of the.Chelsea Auxiliary,is planned for Oct. 14 RAKE at the home of- Mrs.' Iva Keesser. REG. $| ,93 On • the committ^c^witn-'-injr-nrcrl- $2.30 | . Mrs. Fred Klink, Sr„ chairman; msm 111 ^•^ \-. v -I '- and Mrs; Kichard'-Seyfriod and. ^VRNS-CORNINO •REG.98C Mrs. K. R. Piutt, Latex tIBERGLAS f/f/o AMES Wall • SinfC »7 74 Telephone Your Club News STEEL To -Gft.8-8581' -•'• JPaint AIR FILTERS BROOM /%Al Thli» KJ«I cnly en'uiii yw*"**' j«"xSO"xl« '"' l«"x2J"x 1» RAKE °* S»*a»k SO"xJO"x I" BRING THE KIDS - THE- PLYMOUTH ROCKER, a basic traditional de­ 20"x25"xr' sign that lends itself well to any decorating scheme. It Black & mm 11¾¾¾ EQUIPMENT ON THE LAWN is constructed with infinite care to give lasting comfort 3 f0R $|.3? arid beauty: ... wim 2 POLY. PANE Extraihlck 5 inch foamrubber cushion, button-tufted JAMBOREE SPECIALS •49e~f«refr "WINDOW HCff back, all exposed w6od is hand rubbed solid cherry. WE CARRY A COMPLITE RANGE OF S1ZK! -Sap/proof spring construction ~ — — -:^— JAMBORtK THE MODERN WAY at permanently secured to'hard - * ^% ^¾ A e 71/4" PRICED 26< maple-frame. 9110'« UTILITY HARDWOOD STOCK ^AWI $3.77 -Sufenpriee- Othcri $69.95 and $79^9T ^Itit FREEoll item eorrylng- COME IN TOMORROW, SELECT THE ROCKER r66 case. PlFCAL. SINGLE SHOT RIFLE H' ^ JXt JP:' $4Q.88 (Formerly Chelsea Moton) Sia 1¾¾ %*»<< PLASTIC .22 CAL Pp=S Y'Vr-n ffi&ti PETERS SHOTGUN RIFLE WASH 20c-DRY 10c THAT IS STYLED AND PRICED FOR YOU HIGH VELOCITY SHELLS SHELLS ALL SIZES SHORTS • LONGS DRyCLEANING $1 50 MERKEL BROTHERS AND GAUGES LONG RIFLE MERKEL BROS. .' SAVE mMOUfo / ALWAYS LOTS OF FREE PARKING WW, LOW PMCES ^i*,Norfrl^of 1-94, Expronwoy on Moj^ctjM^rfe£jM^£ BEAUTIFUL, HOME FURNISHINGS /' •iiMaiiiiiiiiiiiaHiiH s - \U

THE CHELSEA STAflPAlTO, CHELSEA, MICHTOAK frAGE TWELVE mmmmim^mimiii^mfmmmmtmm_ T i>~ ""i ..u I'lnjWUWgmnjpmii unim wssz&mimms' *K jttit to fldvancementa lrj n . , pro ing status symbol in modern Hv« scheduled ft sdries of public hear* " Standings an of Sept,1 ll FROM A~S6«Wt> DIVISION' Standings as of Sept. 18 Standings as of Sept. 18 CLUB, 8UT PETTBOIT-S ing* promises to account for an in­ ings to con»ider phanges. in the W L IHWASHABU W L W L official United States standards Gambles ,.,., 8 A creasing proportion of our na l Chelsea Grinding Co. 10 2 Colonial-Manor .10 2 AL KALINE at,. The meeting closft "ST: Slocum Construction ,..:-&—~4~ -Henal—tneomej—a—^Umverti the m cheisoortitnnrCor State Kal'in ' . . - "9" ii-DEStRVlMGt OP STROM*- this area will be held at Toledo, Foster's Men's Wear 8 4 0 Chelsea Mfg. Corp. 8 4 CO^Sl0F-«AT7OM re>a A.L, Michigan economist observes. • Shell Tower 0.,: Oct. U> in the City Library . Blut/. Beer 8 « 4 Patty Ann Shoppe .. 7 Altes Beer 7 5 KAVP HOMORS... The, dramatic growth of the Auditorium* Michigan and Adams Wonder Bar" 7 5 " Chelsea Restaurant' 7 Farrell Sheet. Metal 7, 5 boating industry during .the. post­ St. at 9:30 a.m. local time,,, , NU-W00D 'lioyul "lancers . . 6 The Pub } 7 5 Pon's Std. Service ~ 7 -7; 5 war period is attributable to a Modern Beauty Shop -6 - .' (5 Wojvei'ine Tavern 6 Wolverine Tavern ,. 0 G The hearings have been sched­ combination of factors, explains uled by TJ0D4'a Agricultural Mar. Chelsea -Laws " • 6 0 P'ettlintf's 4 Junior House No. 7 «-r 6 Vinyl • Coaled Ilankenf Pure Oil ' 4 8 Trail Blnzors 4 Palmer's T-Birds . . 5' • 7 Ross J. Wilhelm, U-M assistant ketlng Service after review of the standard^ for- the past two years Jiffy Mixes , .3 D (IK Cials . , 4 Chelsea Spring 4 S professor or business economics: with groups and organisations of Schneider's Grocery 1 11 Rare Pennies S Schoenberg's Sinclair 4 8 CEILING "First, the boat is A status sym­ 'wheat producers, processors, hand* Team No. tl . 0 10 Waterloo Guragre 8 Jiffy Mixers 2 10 u bol and as incomes have risen an lers, and exporters! State ^apart­ 200 pames: P. Poertner, 228; R Hiph team, 8 fram.es: Colonial 000 series: F. Gee, C06, increasing proportion of persons ments of Agriculture and other Hummel, 213-200;- J.„Hutsel,_2Qo7 Manor,-2,21-2. ' 500 series: R. H. Ringe, 541; R. State agencies; and State.and A. Rinfje, 528^.A. Schiller, 520; M. have acquired a boat. The second mi 500 series: K..Hummel, 573; P. H.ifrh team, 1 frame; Waterloo commerical inspection agencies. Bauer, 526; D, Fouty, 512; C. W. •Poprtnor, 549; J. Hutzt'l, 547TM7 Garafre, 770. factor has been the growth in Lake, 512; S. Hopkins, 510; G. Proponents of the revised stand­ with exclusive ( papulation since the end of World E. Sutter, 508; 1¾. Winchester, 507. Hiirh individual, 3 games B. ards say they are needed to ad- Burnett, 507; R. Feldkarrtp, '507; War II." -' " 475 series: A. Boham, 4$Hf^,4HU'le>v4liQ, R. Huston, 500. ' * In, the' 1920's and the 1930's; Nu-Gard Proem Ashmore, 483; R, Johnson, 485, Hiffh' indiridual, 1 game: J. 200 games: F, Gee, 234; C. TV.' when car ownership became wide­ Completely washable—dust ^1 450 series: D. Alber, 472; M. Buyer, 189. Lake, 212; D. Allen, 211; A. Schil­ even stubborn ^i^kyM Scott, 471. , • (James over 425: G. Reed, 464; ler, 209; R. H. Ringe, 209; M. spread, the Sunday ride, week-end wipes right off ^¾ M. Westcott, 434; A. -Dyer, 444; Bauer, 205; R. Fouty, 205; R. A. trip, summer vacation became im­ WOLVERINE sponge. Acoustical and'd«or2 Chelsea Lanes Mixed J^UAe.,402! B. Smith, 432; R. Ringe, 203; R, Feldkamp, 205. portant events for many families) West, 4(Ur-R^"M*Gibney,"4?3; S. Wilhelm notes. League Bowen, 470. --^s^- \ --- - - Today the family, boat'has taken TAVERN Standings as of Sept. 20 ^Senior House League Games over 175: S. Bowen, 178; over many of the roles, served by t Block North of Etowliag Alley W L Standings as 0 fSept. 23 STOP IM-AND B. Hsifley, 179: D. DcLaTorre, 177. the car in the old days.'-According on Old US-12 Wolverine Bar 10 2 W L LET US SHOW YOU . Split's picked up: P. Foytik, THE YCUHbesT PLAYER to one estimate, about one person 'V* Jiffy Mixers 9 3 Chelsea Products 1Q ,2^ > 5-840; G. DeSmyther, 3-10; J. TO WIN THE Af^&RfCAAJ in five in the U.S. took at least one THE DIFFERENCE , Feldkamp-Hunsen y 3 Chelsea Grinding Co.-. . 8 4 LE-A&UE BATDN6> TITL& Howe. 3-10; R. McGibnoy, 3-4-7; (•WO IN 195¾)¾) MAS BE&J trip or ride in a boat last year, ' Hankerd's Firebirds' 8 4 Schneider's Grocery 7-- 5 SERVING M. Nell. 5-0-10; B. Hafley, 3-10; AMOtffc 7WE. LEAPERS spending about; $2.5 billion, Wil­ Sum's Barber Shop 7 5 Wolverine TaVern .. . 6½1 5½ IN SATT1NS, AVERAGE, 1». Huston, 4-5; B. Smith, 3-10; D. HOMfe RUWS AMD Ra/ helm says. Since 1947 the number Fortune' Industries "7 5 Wonder Bar .... C 6 TOUR FAVORITE H»uie, r>-10; G. Reerf, 5-10; B, ALL SEASON... of boats has tripled to more than Jells " " 5 7 Spaulding Chevrolet ..0 G Fritz, 3-5-7; A. Pichea, 3-5-7. 7,4()0,000.. Lefjionaires 5 7 Senior House No'. 12 ,.. 5¼ 6½ "And, just as the automobile BEER • WINE Kind's and Queens 4 8 Chelsea Milling Co. 6 7 v stimulated investments in supple­ Ja'ck Pots . 9 Sylvan Center - r. '- 6" " 7 - Women's Intercity mentary businesses s'o tlje boat is 4 Rs' 3 9 Seitz's Tavern 5 ' 7 and ALE spawning a number, of supporting , 4 S's . ' 2- i'o League , Merkel's 49'ers 4 8 We May Be Hearing Sonic types of business," he points out. Standings as-of Sept. 17 GE Boys 4 8 Men's 475 series or over: H. An example: marinas have been HOME-MADE CHILI lr .. GOO'serie.s: K. R. McMannis, 612; Burnett7"S44; G. Hansen, 532; D. W Booms from Army Bombers •increasing at an annual rate, of 4 .800 series: O, Johnson, 575; HAMBURGS Lotitf worth, 518; J. ('.ultra, 508; Dexter Bowling Club . 8 more than 100. .There aro 4,000 .4 R. Stinehelfer, 567; R. Eder, 5G3; Offutt AFB, Neb. — Supersonic little value in combat if- the crew D. Miles, 501; D. Rogers, 501; C. Dancer's Store 8 in the U.S. today._ 5 S. Poliehi,__5J7; J. Dault, 645; C. 'training flights" by Strategfc Aiv_ _o_alniot us'ejts full capabilities be­ _. SANDWICHES-_ Clark, 494; -D. Alexander, 494; A. HcLebd's Drugs 7 "Boating, marinas and the sup­ PHONE CHELSEA Blanche's—Beauty Salon 6 .- fi SummerrB2G; J-. D. West, 524; C "Command B-5~8" Hustler bombers cause of inadequate-prior training. -Blirckwell-175. — . plementary businesses.are rapidly - ,GR 9-3881 Central Fibre Products 5 7" Rowe, 521; R. Kern, 530;> B. Mc-' will start: Oct. 1. along a route Consequently, these- aircraft must ; Men's 175 games or oyer: .G ? becoming big business and . they 5 7 -, Clanahan, 519;' 0.l"Krusc, 514; W. from Adrian to Bayshore, . 7^ fly at high speedSi-ereating^onic ( CARL- NINA On,0ldUS^2 Hansen, 213; H, Burnett, ^.l^T^vt^v^s-T^vo^n promise to account for a growing Huron Farm Supply Eisenbeiser, 512;. H. Pennington, bourns along the routes. Because DON - GINNY Ju.r Off S. Main St, I). Longworth, 197-177; D. Honors 5 _ 7_ Radar bomb-scoring equipment; -pj'oportipn-pf^u Ann Arbor Bank , 4 "8 . 511; B."Prielfljp7~61irR7~Devine7 at an AirFoVce^RfeS site near. ~of----th"e^.-Kigh"^^ MARTIN STEINBAXHre^M 198; J. Goltra, 193-175: D. Alex- over the coming years," Wilhelm Team • high series: 503; G. Burnett, 501. • Bayshore will 'determine the ac-^ are comparatively weak in : ander'. 187-170: A. Blackwell. 183: MeLeodjs _aays, : • • 7 -•' "• ' • -. -L. Kusterer, 179; E. Dickelman, Drugs, 2.272. " " " ' -"-"- ' —200 gamesr-Rr Stinehelfen, -223f "curacy "of simulated bomb drops 'streffgth7~r-Although -sometimes Startling or distracting . in their 178; C. Clark. 177; D, Mile's, 177. B. Prielipp, 212; K. R, McMannts, through the use.of radio and radar* Team .high„jram*>-;-- McLeod's "guffaljhneis^the booms will in no fed 16 percent protein-With 0 or . . . he's headed for CHEL­ J-)mgs, 80& — —•••*-*." r^;"—^. 211-209; O. Johnson, 211-204; H. signals. No bombs are ; carried; y-jWomen's 425 syjies ar.-ovcr: P. Burnett, 203r J._D^-West -202; R. by the aifcraft onthese training* Circumstances cause .personal in­ .05 percent added methionine. . SEA LANES to take advant­ Poertner, 419; A.'Turner, 440. r Furthermore, the pens which Individual high series:-• Dorothy Spaulding, 202; S. PolicfTt, 201; R, missions, 7 .- - '~~:jury . '. ' ....,';•••'• 7' '• 7-.- •- ; . age of their Special Suyi on Eder, "30K- Lorraine Graf, 503; received , the lower: protein level Women's 150 games or over: Eder, 201; R, Kern, 200. . Flights along the^route may be- M., Burnett, 172: J. Dickelman, Katie Waggoner?* 480. • were relatively free of feathers. PH scheduled_almost daily through De-- The accumulated feathers became 101; X. Ei*eman, 157; A. Turner. Individual high "game: Katie cember. Normally, flights'will not Scientists Judge BRUNSVYICK 153-150; P. Rogers, 154-154; P. Waggoner, 201; Dorothy Eder, 195; Chelsea Nite Owl League move numerous wh,en these- feed StaMing»-8* of Sept. 23 be^ scheduled between. 10 p.m. and 7' deficiencies were cprrected. - BALLS - BAGS - SHOES Poertner, 154;—F. Alber,—1-&3-;—Jr: Jarret-Knope, 186; Karen Lvndony a.m. poultry Feedingby Rahbitt,- ir»2-150>E. Harnion—1-51 17-& . __, _ W L : « The scientists checked feather- Freysinger-Pla9tering—^10——^-— The bomb"er_s will fIv' at supR?- fiting by the addition of leathers . . . so If you neednew Turnor's„,E'leeh4e 8- —4— sonir_apepds up-tO Mach 2 (l,30f.\ ^athBrron Floor to the pen of those birds receiving bowling equipment.. .then mph) at7 altitudes above 35,000 Foster's Men's Wear 8 '4: Scientists" now judge a poultry- deficient diets,"7Xates and Schai­ hurry to the feet.: Th*J&y7 will fly in a str«ight- Budweiser . .... 8' 4 man by the number of feathers on ble point out. ."Since these, birds line, 40-rnile-wjde corridor and may -C-heikeazSiate_B.ank_ :JL EL, the—-f-jopr.—of— his—ohieken— ho\ise^ weighed^ less, and were—deficient' travel in either, drection. .Waterloo Garage ....":;. 6 6 The move feathers, the better is in. methionine and perhaps other Training corridors for' the'SAC Boyer's Auto'm.otive .. 6. 6 his, feeding ration, they say/ amino acids; feather eating was Chelsea Drug '5, 7 bombers are rotated periodictolly perhaps an attempt by" the birds because realistic training benefits "Inadequate, levels of protein or Budi-Mor Agcy. ....,.. 5 '7 to overcome j these- deficiencies..?' llilMlllBll Wllbil Hid t't'ti.wu "bwioiljjf methionine . cntw»^—el»iol[ianiii to lUJQot »»> (Javanaugh LaJte Store 4.. 8 i "Hctweverr-feather- pickiivgr and -familiar with the.landmarki8-,-simuA - pTave7anrt consumea.wide variety k Shell Tower ; '~;;far: ' 97 " of things, including feathers," re- cartnibalism of the birds, did not Phone 475-8141 Kiwania.7..:.7.^.:..-.. 7-3 . 9' lated target complexes an'd othe»' occur despite the fact that the identifying . characteristics of a jport Jerome D. Yates and Philip Bowling is so much fun 500 "seriesf R. Knickerbocker, fj. Schaible, Michigan State Un­ pullets hud not been dobeaked." 558;-J?Wellnitz; 524; E. Arnold, particular area. :_ 7 One of the features of the B-58, iversity poultry researchers. "The" 510; M. Bauer. 507: P. Schaihle, ^accumulation of~ molted feathers 501. ...-;' . the" freTti'worWJsJfastest bomber, is its ability to' sustain - supersonic ;in. the pullet-rearing house is a ...:200_ games: „R..„Barlo\v, 234; JR., - r ^jgood*"-omen=an~ indication" that' Knickerbocker;'224; speed over a TsubTtantiar ~distance whle approaching-and leaving its ijbh'ds are receiving A protein-ade- target;—ThJs^eapabilityT enhaTTces- •iquate- ration^——--- - —.- ' Boysjunior League crew survival and assures a higher 1 Yates and Schaible tested the W L pi'obability of mission success

•• '.•'.. [ t • * . . . . . , . - QUALITY AT NO MORE IN 1>RICE AT CHELSEA Spaulding Chevrolet Sales & Service MOTORS , . . . ' ' . . 4 •:•" • . MERKEL BROTHERS Remember,.. "Your Chevrolet Dealer Since 1929" SPORTING GOODS DEPT. CHELSEA INC. 405 North Maiii St. Chelsea, MicH. safety comes first 9231 Manchester Rd. Phone 475^8616 —i~-__- Phone GR-7g^O|—-~—^^i^ 33=5: ^-n :CLAiR GILBERT, Ownir «• tm M--'\

j*. •IPWPWW^^ B&1K«WHB?-/ -WslPM iHK


THE LINCOLN CONTINENTAL incorporates' 0.4 inches wider in 19H4, providing the car with a mjfitant increases in interior spaciousness »n<| Jww-ntylinir flair in addition to increased head ntge capacity for 19Q4. While continuing its room in both'front and rear seats. The car has a NEW FORWARD SLANTING windshield and improved insulation for quieter, more weather­ kjjic styling' theme, the 1984 Continental is longer profile and is enriched with a new grille,, pillar provides roomier door openings for, easier proof cabs. Corvair 95.engines have been increased Erased three inches in over-all length and wheel- intensive new body sheet metal and exterior orna­ entry and exit in 1964 Chevrolet trucks with.regu­ to 95 horsepower from 80. The new 1964 Chevrolet 'u KsultiiiR in increased -rear scat leg room and mentation. The luggage capacity, has been'in.. lar cabs. Other features include longer lived lamps truck line also incorporates all the major chassis, Uved Wiling qualities. The Continental roof is creased by 15 percent. and exhaust systems, lower transmission hump in engine, and body advances made under a five-year most pickup- models, more positive door latches, program which began with 1960 models/

ft NEW' FOUD—New luxtity styling to match itstotal perform- ii. ance gives ,a bright, new; Igojttolthe'lineup of Ford cars for 1964. The top^selllnirFodM^liXie'500 Series* offers three distinctive new roof lines including the 4-

.'64 VALlANT-i-A new grille of horizontal wheel spinning on shppery surfaces, and a push M MtendWg~thie7full width between head^ 'button, electric windshield washer. There are im- Its is a prominent styling feature of the 1964 i , provemi>nts in both Valiant engines, the lOl-horse- |i«nt';'S')M!l.]??^?:. 8:^he;Si.gntty.20Q/>a sporty power staiidard engine and the 145-horsepower j.'door hardtop, onejoLnihe models in five body optional power.plant, to . provide simplified main, |ejp-aillibJe-iirrthe^i9&"4—line.^-Now ieaturesr tchance a nd m ax im u mr start ing reliability.' Val­ iant's f>-year or rjO,000-mile_jsiarranty, on engine: liable for ihelfltBt time in the Valiant line, - yj2R^ATILE_TRUCK==Capable— of—carrying—staliation. Shown here with a 6V2-foot Swoptline it a-floor'mounted-fou^spved-mnnnHl^rinis^ and drive Tf-ain components-is cpntinuVd'""-"on"'air six p.a.^enget's and a pay loadi of more than 2,000 pick-up body, the W-200 has a 146-inch whfelbase. n, Sure Grip differential to minimize rear 19()4 models pounds, this Dodge W-200 pick-up truck "with The standaid engine is a 140-horsepower, 225. Crew Cab and four-wheel drive is especially useful cuoic-inch Slant .Six. —' — on the farm, ranch, const] uction site "« utilitj m-

FALCON RANCHERO—Strikingly 'different in the 1964 Ford 'fleet of commercial vehicles" is ifhef Falcon Ranchero and its panel companion, the Falcon Sedan Delivery, the compact^ 1964 Falcon :'" RanclreroT pieluijr shown h ere corn bines ""liigfi"ity 1¾ "and pa ssenge i*7 car comfort with a handy size that can handle 80 percent of normal pickup jobs. A new, higluperformanco 260.cubic-iinchV-8 engine is offered for 1904 together with an improved suspension for better. ride and^liandling, better, economy, ;and improved visibility and seating position for both short and tall,..drivers. All new Fdrd 'light- and medium-ditty trucks will be in Ford dealer showrooms .'Sept. 27.

[BIG NL'W DODGE—-The medium-price' line optional tilting steering wheel and a foiir-speed d|je ,880. and distort! 880 models for 1964 nianual transmission. The*nine big models in the [flew styling and a host of convenience and luxuwpiuu880—line—go-oi\-diHplay~at--Dod/ge-deaU lofSafice innovations. New features include an erships on Sep't. 20.' "t.'k*

"" 1 1 ^- tfpWiH* te$*>*¥Ki^' ~~c"»*"* " _, ( > , ' < * yvfj^^t'yi'"'-f t 1 * » < •r i ?LYJJIO.IITJJ_FpJ^19J4j=:^aturing perform- ..four-Kpeed floor-mounted nianual transmission, an ance and quality, Plymouth cars for 1964 have all-electric push button windshTeld washer, and an increased head room, improved driver vision and a attractive new center console! with a "stick shift" 11/:-inch increase- in over-all length, they have a type.gear selector'for. the .'automatic transmission fresh styling appeal as shown" in "this picture "of irT^iel^FfTury.Hloth the eight and six-cylinder the Sport Fury two-door hardtop. The Plymouth "engines have design improvements for increased) line consists qf 26 models in ^seven body styles. starting reliability, Plymoiltlv continues to provide 1 PORD^FAIRLANE^-The r^tylod Ford Fairlane-for-1964 pre­ -Engines-range-up-to-42fr cubic inches.^ Among-th(r -a-.^hyear or 50,000-mite^'waffahty oh engine and sents a big-car iappearance and boasts engine perform ance that many' new ' features •' are a • Chrysler-engineered drive tr^ain components. vya's proved in thfe Indianapolis '^500." Although new styling makes the middleweight Fairlanc look biggiriy, it re-mains about the riv.* of the 1956 "Fdrd on the outBide and the 1959 Ford bh the inside. Five engihes^e available, three of thje same basic designs as the Fairlane V-8"Tt}fat powered~Lotus caTs Ui second and seventh places VJ. -Vs. * in the ffriieltinff InrilnnapoHH race. .Th«tuy jiu>M«>" fwft ggfl-cnhV-^"!*. ITHE 19B4 COMET, pioneer of the luxury com. formance arc attained with a new three-speed auto­ V-Ss^j one 260-^ubic-inch V-8, phis 170- "and 200fciibic.inch six- Tundergoes its first complete change, since matic 4ttuisni.iu.sl on and a broad range of four enj. cylinder engines. Combined with fivo| transmiflstoir^ thwe poWef 'This Calicnte hardtop is one of three models gines, including a new 289 cubic-inch V-8 and a new; plants offer a full, array .of performatice and economy '"'choices' for rpltish" now top-of-the-line series, the com- "2(V(1^ciiblc-lnch mx7 theIW4 Comet offers IT mod* " 1964. Eight"Fatrlai^"models— py i-fdesiifned Comet has all new sheet metal, els' in three new series designations—Comet 202, dans^-will be introduced in Ford deafer showrooms Sept. 27. "wl lido and handling characteristics,- and Comet 401, and Comet Caliente. R passenger room; New standards of per­ Mmtom'm^'i&i ';;t;.' • ' ••••'•;*;'?V:-:;:>^%^U:'i*J,^'::^>'i"'.^^^^**fc';'^ ::«tAw.-:/!®!/*®; *??;&!'rEi!?? .MS .^/^¾¾¾^¾¾^ 5^' $ WV/iti' ?W ^-1¾¾¾ :¾ ^M^t -:^.^^¾^^^¾¾^¾¾¾^^¾¾¾¾¾^^ ^^^•Hntt^iiL^K^^r^yu^^RilipiisiiiiEe^sMfi ^--¾¾¾^^ ^m^K^^ml^m^mM^ j&m&m"MmM \^:' r:tY'i:m[: <•••'• '^^m&tmtvivnwj} mw£wh's>\ f"> », • I ' i ; [ wW i*§l ih'-^"" " iM% y > < m^&^^wwm^m•if 'Wt"w'.< ' * THE 1964 IMPALA SPORT CpUPE (above) clioice of 19 power teams will be noted on Sept. 26 blends Chevrolet's traditionally graceful body lines when these new cars are introduced at Chevrolet ! '/.••t^ira.w.^v^vij^altoa-ii-iiifiiilwIiiWja^mm$m-:mmMr^i •••i > Vnv- with smart new styling both front and rear. In dealerships. Impala Super Sport models feature Hlilli|g^ addition, many. new.mechanical refinements'coupled adjustable bucket seats and a new Center console. with new sparkling eolor-kqyed interiors and a liir— ^

ECONOHNE TRUCKS—New durability, improveff perform- ance, better economy and lower maintenance highlight Ml?..1964 Ford Econolinc van-..(top., photo) and its companion Ford Ecpnoline pickup. The Ford Eeonolingfldds for 1964 a new thrce-speed auto­ matic transmission) extended lubrication and oil change schedule; larger, self-adjusting brakes; and an optional one-ton. payload pack- mob,l fi8 M BOTTOM -^ the new Jetstar ^88 series for 1964 ' age with heavier miKpension and more power. Another star in ilii °'* ri«*' 'or 1964 Is elegant islrrowor;prfcBl6W>ofiion to-lhe high-Perform.- —Ford's 1964 lineup oMight-duty-^trticks-frthe F*l90 pickup (bottom T^inctlvpty styled. New rear qtmr^er profile Wg Dynamic 88 and Super 88. The. Holiday sedan, photo). Both the F-100 and Its bigger brother, the F-25.0, are • •mpnaHlMn the long sleek look of this most shown above, is one of four models in this tt^w Olds, available this year on a longer 128-inch wheelbase, Ideally suited .«».wsriea,- The 08 Holiday, Sports sedan, Dt,v mobile scries. A new lightweight,-cast-lton Jet- to camper bodies. Newly styled from front to re*ar, the F-100 fea­ NEWEST MEMBER Of the growing Chev. smooth fine ear. feci of a fultaizo luxury car., J *..iH 6nc of six'98 models for 1964. fire Hocket'V-8 engine, delivering 245 h.p. and an tures a double-wall box, new self-adjusting brakes, extended lubri- rolet passenger car family is inc.; Chevelle, AU • .)• JI 1 Oldl«noblle^ 394-cublcinch Rocket en- The Chevelle Mnllbu SS Sport Coupe (show* 10 161 f optional 290 h,p. version, are teamed with an en. ration intervals* and a selection of heavy-duty options. All 1964 though 16 inches shorter and 2,4 inches narrower above) Is one of 11 Chevelle model* which will ba ».S I * * e«tMw> Power iteerlng, poW light- aw! mrtlum-duty Ford truoks wMIib4_|n„FjWd_deM«i_|hojL-„. ihatL »Jttpata_bl^j^ glilydra-Matle tr»mmfasW-^-sUnd. tlrcly «?,w jeiaway„ayWnm^ in dealership* beginning Sept* 2fc Th» - Chevell* M-L-i : : : uns^-y*^^ ttttm iPinwtty-XBH:H& interior twminess aftd is offered In the Mallbu, Malfbti SS and 3MSeriet. *bfc at--exto -«^^ "'7 ——-— ^7l^;| jt. »*fik'ii i • 's>b Tii r

• y 1 s PAGE FOURTEEN THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN THURSDAY. I 'z "T mmimMi*Qmmm * Vlllllags e oi »xt«. waanteaaw uouaiyCounty, . • |> Townihlp,' Wt»hun»w, County, KlehW Mortgagae. which mortgagt ia datad gan corporaUon, Mo«Hg«C«t, wW«k swrt- ^•I*! ESMw»»A .Mortfaga AaaeeJjiUon mum* »an, according to tht, plat th«r*of M January 27, 195B and racordtd In the age la dated April 10, 195». and raoordad Charter Act, which aatunment I* jUtad Ml*cdOgea.-anf" l are 4fw>Wfo..«>' - N ! ' > recorded fs IIbur U lot Plata, paxw Off lea of tha Rwistar, of D*«J« for Wa*h. S.prll 8«. 1959. in Ubar 8(7 ol Bacardi. February. 4.1869 and recorded In th* Of flee 21 and 23, Wuhtanaw Count/ Baoorda, tan aw County, Miehlian, on February 2, Page* 648-844 Register pf Daada' Offlea, of .the of Deeds. for W4utfrtao*i division? Datah July 11, JM«- — • - •»89 In Libar 858 Paf• 40 WaahUnaw Waahtanaw Coun^, Mkhlgaa. an) .thara- County, I i, on February 4. 1958 town "i "South,'.' RaagV *l 1,> iuntr Rtcorda, and tnar««fUr aaalsneuian d aftar asaigned by th* said MorUtaaaa to' -in-Uber-i... K8M Waahtanaw. County ar ^Wa&tang* FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTOA08 by aald Hortgataa to FEDERAL N ,TI0 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAQB AS­ Records., .o.n. tch mortgage there I* MORTGAGE SALE , ASSOCIATION, Aulgnaa of Mort- AL M0RT0A0B.ASSOCIATION, a cor. SOCIATION, a corporation orgsnltad un­ claimed to be due on the date of this no­ Conn fciftrW i* Default having been made In the terms ran. -' poration organlted under as Act of Con- der an Act of Congrats and axlatiag pur­ tice, for principal and Interest and other 8ft. WuhtanaW : olid rwiidltlon* of a certain mortgnge DANNEMILLER A 8PSRUN0 grew* and axiatlng-pursuant to the-Fed* suant to the Federal National Mortgage charge* allowed, by aald mortgage, the County nmdo by JAMES THOMAS ENGLISH and Attorneyn for Arwlgnea of llortgagat era I National • Mortgage Association Char­ Association Charter Act, which aausn- sum of $9,916.04. •• •• • " . . v HAKIIARA A, ENGLISH, his wife, of BuKlne«» Addreaai ter Act. which alignment ia dated Feb­ ment Is dated April II, 1959, and recorded And no suit or proeeadtng* at-law or ^ivti If iMa* I Township of Ypsllantl, Washtenaw County, Mti Tyler Row) > - ruary 5, 1959 and'recorded in tba Offloa April 8», 1959, la Ubar 8(7 of Racords, In equity having been Instituted to re­ LOAN .____„$&OT%$%iV. i Michigan. MoitrfiiKoPn,-to AUER MORT- Ypsllantl, Mlchlgao of tha ReglHter of Deeds for Washtenaw Page 645 Register of .Deeds' Offloa. Wash- cover the debt secured by aald mortgage, l? Jnytdt IIIIIKIIKIH>, dated the 33th day of Ortolwr, In Liber 808 Page 433 Wanhtenaw -6ounty gage there la claimed to be dua on thevirtu e of the power ot sale contained in wj^'&aup" If A&Mlf, .Art). 19-17, and recorded In the office. MORTGARE FORECLOSURE SALE Records, on which mortgage there la data of this notice for principal and In- said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute a^^sr - MdnnBI. •« ot the Ki'i-'itU'C of Deeds, for the County claimed to be due on the date of thin tecest and other charge* allowed by said of the State .of Miohlgan in such case made WO 2^870-1, Aug8-Oct31 atOoowtttt " of Washtenaw and State bf Michigan, Default fcAvInR peen.raade Inl the terras and provided t •- ..,-.,; r- and condition* of a certain mortguxe cr notice, for princliml and Imprest and mortgage the »>ro of (9,597.84 and an w '•i"i i cu tho .''.ih iliiv of October. A,D. 19.17, tnlnlnir therein a power of nale rnQd/r'by- ither .charges allowed by said mortgage, attorney's-fee of (75.00, and no suit or NOTICE 18 RSRSBT GIVSN that'on ORDER FOB PUBLICATION , in Liber *>,'i of W(tshteiiHW County Roc- he wim of f|).820.a«, proceeding at law having been Instituted October 16, 1948 at 10:00 o'clock In th* Final Account asffiifr6f#okt unlvi on P'D'i' -'''I, whirh wild meirtgiwo CLARENCE FREDERICK PETEMfeN, ( forenoon, aald mortgage will be foreclosed •tart nnd RONNIE JI PETERSEN. hulJSnt' And no suit or proceedings at law or to recover the money secured by said { No. 47294 ifier w.i-. tlu'icuftur on, to-wlt the 25th dny and v,lfe UM morttroKorx, to GILES MORT. , n equity having, been Instituted to recover mortgage, or any part thereof. at the west entrance to the Washtenaw State of MIchlgan.JThs Probate Court for 32 FtfttY oota 11 "ID --'t «V (MIIIICI A.D. 1'1S7, ii^luiied to FKI>- GAOE COMPANYV ft Michigan Cornor- the debt secured by waul mortgage, or - Notice la hereby given that by virtue County Building tn the City of Ann,Ar­ th«> County of Washtenaw - _ 01 OfWD (Ob*,) Bit A I, NATIONAL MORTGAOE ASSO- atlon, ax nioi tKagee-*, which mortgage 1R any part thereof. NOB, therefore, by of the power of sale contained in said bor, Michigan, that being the place where In the Matter of th* Estate of ELLA MCQQktd 12 High cuds CIATION, n Nations* Murttrnge Associa­ dnteil September 12, lflfiS and recorded virtue of the power of snle contulrnsl in mortgage, which upon default has become the Circuit Court for the County of Wash­ FINKBBINER, Deeeased. .J3Unu8UaI tion, urn) rocoidul on October Bfi, 1057Octobe r 2\: 111,13 In liber 71H pa»e 333, aald mortgage, and pursuant to the statute o|H?rntive, nnd the statute. In such case tenaw is held, by a tale at public auction MTWf ^. DOWN - in i!u> otrid) nf the RcitMw of Di-nls to the highest bidder of the premise* des­ At a session of said Court, - held on 3S... age), IS.Cexjtoie ii;i4, 33,1 HeKlBter of needa' Office, Wash- of the State of Michigan in Mich rase made and provided, on Friday, Ootiwer 4, September 16, 1868 32 Prunee •8*9» I for Mild I'ounty of Washtenaw in Liber teniiw County, MiehlKitn, nnd thereafter made nnd provided: PJ83, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, cribed In said mortgage, or so much there­ Present, Honorable John W, Conlln, Su.t, nf Wn-ditrnuw Cimhty Rrxnids, on aligned by naid MortxaKee' to FEDERAL the undersigned will, at th* weet entrance of aa may be necessary to pay the 1 Pueblo \ gSSneleJawlfe Pane \v>i; which stud rnortjratr© was there- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on amount due, as aforesaid, on aald mort­ Judge of i Probate. ' todlMt NATIONAL MORTfiAGB ASSOCIATION. November 1«, 1963 at JO :00 > o'clock (n to the "Washtenaw County Building in the Notice is Hereby Given, That, the peti­ SaOrunble f utiiM on. to wit lho J'Jlli ilny of Jitim- n *Natlonul,--Mortgaffe Ausoclatlon, which City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, that being gage with Interest thereon at 5¼% per MSS*™* ' 3 About. my, IttOil nsswiiod to AMERICAN SAV- the forenoon, oalfl mortgtrge wjll be foie- annum and all legal cost*, charge* and tion of Lucilt Finkbelner, the Administra* 37 Neot-egg life..- HKKiimment 1» dated September 12, 1033 the place, where-the Circuit Court for the trix of said estate, praying that her final a Ttoetefoc • iXe.'S AND 1,0 \N ASSOCIATION, R nnd recorded'-October 'ii, 1055 In liber clonedat-tne-*eat entrance to the^Wjuh- expenses^ Including attorney fee* eMowed MHucg, 29 Dandy" tennw County Building in the City of County of 'Washfermw Is bald, sail at account M aJlpwed.and the residue of said MiihiKun AHhoclntloru nnd recorded ' on "is pane 34.1 Reenter or Deed*' Office, public- auction to the highest bidder the by law,, and atSB~*nyTnimx"whloh" may be MSwriiMk 4 Fora of SOCupld JMi iv II, tiifi.t III the office of ItrVK- Washtenaw County, Michigan, on which Ann Arbor, Michigan, that being the paid by the undersigned, necessary-to estate assigned to the persons entitled lobe place where the Circuit Court for thepremise s described In said mortgage, or' thereto, will be heard at th* Probate coin fi TWlnga HM ur l)cai» for-said County of Washtenaw tii4)itvtiuro there U claimed to be due aa ao much thereof as may he necessary to protect its Interest in the premises situated Court on .October 16, 1983, at 9:80 A.M.I Lively Bom BM«cwe 8s#«. In Lilm |ul7 of W»»hlt iinw Cnwnly lice- unpiiid princliml and Interest on the date County of Washtenaw is held, by a. nale In the Township of Superior County of v 32 PletaecJ at public- auction to the highest bidder pay the amount aforesaid due on said It is Ordered, that notice thereof be 6tr«D0fe oitU, on ti.iKP* 8.13-3.10, on which murt- of this notice ,t,he sum of »ll,:)K4,n7 to* mortgage with interest at 8¾% per an­ Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to wit: I! exorancw 33 Mellow ir.iitjr..jhcn* in diiimul to bo iluu, iH theK'eliio r with nil leftal coxU and e\pennea of the premises described In said nuut- given by publication of a copy hereof 39 DeveHv 1 Ceremony M TenVWn L gage,, or so much thereof ns mny benu m thereon to date of sale ana nl) legal Lot 29. WASHTENAW AUTUMN No. for three weeks consecutively previous to 34 Raised •o date uf thih notice, for. principal and of foreeloKiire and an attorney's fee a» costs and exjienses, together with said at­ 1, a subdivision of part of the southeast 40Pl(1iO| ' aPoen - i'iuic-.i. fho «imi of Kleven Thou'-imd piovided.by law, ami no suit or proceeding necessary to pay the amount due, BH said day of hearing, in The Chelsea Stand­ „ ilrueture at law or in equity having been Instituted aforesnlA on said mortgage with interest torney's fee, allowed by law, and also any quarter of Section 85, town 2 south, ard, and that the petitioner cause a copy 41 Shadow 9 0«cbe 35 Long necked „ Two 'llumlrw'l SlMy-Ono nnd 63/100 sum or sums which may be paid by the range 7 east, Superior Township, Wash­ BSfir (su.jni.fi'.i IMIIIII. to, 'recover the monry -Reeureil by said thereon at 6¼% per annum and alt of, this, notice to be served upon each 4aMrniit 10 PotiMitui birds moitk'nxe, or any part thereof, legal costs, charges and expenses, includ­ undersigned, necessary to protect ita In­ tenaw County, Michigan, according to known party In Interest at his last known it Tlae Umli cwoooite No ^.itit oi iirorrofllnus --nt tnw or in ing attorney fees allowed by, law, andteres t In the premises, situated in the the plat thereof aa recorded' In liber 14 address by registered; .certified, 'or ordin­ 38 Transfer motor * fiiu iv hiivini' in on instiLulcd "to recover Notice IK hereby Kiven that by virtue also any sums which may be paid by Township of Ypsllantl, County of Wash­ of Plats, page 26, Washtenaw County ary mall (with proof of mailing), or by • the debt »eciiicd by said mortgage or of the i>ower of nale contained In Midth e ^undersigned, Necessary to protect-ita tenaw, and State of Michigan, to wit: Records. personal service, at least fourteen (14) .my pint tlicieof. Now, thorefoie, by inoiliiiiKe, which upon default hnn !»•Interes t in the premises situated In tho Lot One Hundred Forty-One (141), Dated: July 18, 1868. days prior to such hearing. Mrlup of tin- | tower uf Mile inniailicd Devonshire Subdivision Number 1, in iiimo pjieintive, nnd the atatute In ouch Townhlp of Superior.' County of Wash­ FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE JOHN W. CONLIN in >-ald morlKak'P, nnd pursuant to .the r««c made and provided, on.Friday, No­ tenaw, nnd State of Michigan, to wit: ' .-the West Half of Section 11, and the A true copy; Judge of Probate, M.it'Hc of Ihi' Slide, nf Michigan in- wieh Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Town ASSOCIATION vember 15, 1063 at .ten o'clock In the fore­ Lot 5, Washtenaw Autumn No. 1, a - Assignee of Mortgagee Anna Douvltsas eii^c made and pinvldrd, notice ii hereby noon, the undesigned will, at the weHt sulxllvMon • of part of the southeast 3 South. Range 7 East, Ypsllantl Town­ Register of Probate, /urn th'ii on Weifjipsiliiv, lhr> Oth diiv enimnce to ihe Washtenaw County Build- quarter of Section \ 35, town 2 south, ship, Washtenaw County, Michigan, ac­ A BARWN John P. Keusch, Attorney of Novemboi. A.D. liiCJJ, fit. Ten o'clock IIIK In the City of Ann Arlwr, Michigan, ranae 7 eii»t, Superior Township, Wash­ cording to the plat thereof aa recorded. J B5u^ <™N Chelsea, Michigan. Septl9>26-Oct8 A.M , K/i-oem Standiiid Time, '•aid mort- Mutt belnc the place whfjre the Circuit tenaw County, Michigan, .according to In Liber 7 of Plats, Page 10, Washten­ Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee giikje will he foiei lu^cd by n mile nt Couit for the. County of Washtenaw Is the plat thereof m recorded in Liber aw County Records. ORDEB FOB PUBLICATION tul,!ic .in. timi, , to Mm hii/-lirM lilijilor, Business Address: . held, hell at public auction to the hlKhext 14 of Plats, page 26,.Washtenaw County 201 Municipal Court Building ' Final Account lit the wv-t" entrance of th? Wa-dilennw liJiMcr the piemlneit dencrihed in wild Records. Dated: July 11, 1963 No. 46284 , (cutiiy HPilldunr 'in the ("itv of ,A»n mortwuue, or KO much thereof aa mny be Ann Arbor, Michigan State-of-Michlganr-The-ProbateCourt-for Aiboii Wiphtotiuw County, Michigan (that neie^i-ary to pay the amount aforesaid* Dated: August 22, 1963. FEDERAL NATIONAL M0RTGAGBV ASSOCIATION, Telephone t NOrmandy 5-8888-Julyl8-Octl0- the'County of Washtenaw biwiir i IK, 111111(1101/ where the Circuit due on ,Hnijf/r tier annum theieotj to date of xsld ASSOCIATION Assignee of Mortgagee Default having been made in the terms ER1CKA EPPLBR. Deceased. I .Mi. i>fe, tbi pu-mi-i* deMiibpil in bald yale and all lexal co.sta and eNpencen, Assignee of Mortgagee Arnold W. Tammen and conditions of a certain moitgage . At a session, of- said Court,- held' on iniji ij'iik'c' (»r so nun h thereof ax,may be" toueiher with naid attorney's fee,, allowed CARPENTER. HARRINGTON Attorney for Assignee' of Mortgage* •made.by'ORR/IB Q. SEAMAN and MAR­ September 12. .1963 m .-'iiw V,—|.n\ the iiinrt'llit due, Hib y law, and nlno any Bum or sums whIch_ A DOUVA---N . # Businesa-AiWreas: may lie paid by ihe undeitilf;ned. neces- GARET SEAMAN, his wife, of the-Town- Present,. Honorable' John W. Conlln, m'uM-ititli—on i aid—nmi'tmwei—w4t-h—th* -Attorneys--for A^lgnee-of-Mortgagee- "SW^i-a.-Municipal Court Building nhlj> -of • Ypsllantl, Washtenaw County, Judge -of Probate.- • .' - ' i- ji.t. i-i thiMon at l-'iiui nnd one-half wiry to iirotect Ita inteiest in the prem- Business Address: • , Ann Arbor, Michigan - i-es situatwl 1n" the Village of Milan, _ Michigan, Mortgagors, to SERVICE SAV­ Notice I* Hereby' Given. That the -petl- jn.1 u'nt 11½%) ffr annum and KITIeual 201 Municipal Court Building Telephone:'NOrmand*"" "y 3-6300, Julyll-0ct8 INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a ..an of Gertrude,M. Enpler, the A'dmlnis* ((•• . f bini'e-> ami e> iipn^e", ini IIUIIIIK County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan to wit,j Michigan corporation, Mortgagee', dated tratrlN With Will Annexed Of said estafA the utioiiioy fcfH allowefl by law, nnd Telephone: NOrmandy 5-8888, A«g22-Novl4 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE July 30, 1962, and recorded in th* 6fflce . ' (• .no jiun, iu .-110- uhidi rnnv lie imW praying that her'final account be allowed, I/Ot ^1, Riverside Subdivision, a nub* Dcfnult having been made In the terms of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw and the • residue of said estate assigned l>\ 'he uiidcisiKncd, nece«?ary to protect MORTGAGE SALE County, Michigan, on August 2, 1962, In i> .|(u-t in ihc ineini-t".. Whifh said division of part -of the Southwest V+ Default having been made In the terms nnd conditions of a certain mortgage con­ to the persons entitled theretor*. will, be of Section 31, Town 4 South, Range « tinuing therein ii power of side made Liber 997 of Washtenaw .County Records, heard at the Probate Court on October 0, i"i" o~ in is licscribc! a< follows: All and conditions of a ceitaln mortKawe on Page 140; on which mortgage there thai rcitiun pieeo or imirel of land situntc East, Village of Milan, Washtenaw nude by KENNETH DAVIS and MARION by JAMES T. LYTTLE AND DORA 1963, at(9:3a A.M.; Coijnly, Michigan, Accfirdlng to tha_ LYTTLE, Husband nnd Wife, Mortgagors, is claimed to be due, at the date of this , It is Ordered, that notice' thereof be -ii. -Ii. Tri»nihi|i -of- Y|i-.i).uitl, in the L. DAVIS, husband-and wife, of the City notice, for principal and interest, the sum CVu!'> of Wiuhlenfiw, and State of Mich- jilnl thereof as reroMled in LTbeV 11 of of .New Boston, Wayne County, Michigan, to JAMES T. BARNES & COMPANY, given.by'publication of a copy.hereof for plniH, pHxe-i .12 and 63, Waxhtenaw a Michigan Corporation, Mortgagee, which of tl'2,762.89; and no suit or. proceedings three weeks consecutively -previous to said - ll •;,• .ii>.l "*"' .g ,';'•" day of hearing, In Thfr Chelsea Standard, lin.iw Onhiiid Sulii .i.-lui , \\,i hteiiaw Countv, MxhiKnn, Washtenaw County Records, on • Pago 74 ; Mortgagee to BANK OF THE COMMON­ statute In such case made and provided, (with -proof of mailing), or by personal 1 Attorney* for AxsiKnee of Mortgagee. WEALTH. Detroit, Michigan, by assign­ notice is hereby given that on December service, at least fourteen (14) .days prior in i on in' to the plat thr-ieof as recoulefl Hi,>inr>s AIIIIICSH: which moitgage was assigned by FumK !• I 1., 1'( of Plats pauei '>i and ft:J> A., Bowdon Company, Inc. to Federal ment dated December 13, 1()57,- and re- 13, 1968 at eleven o'clock in the forenoon,- to Buerr hearing. '• -- "JI Tyler Road cended January 2S liiBH. in Liber Rl4 of JOHN W, CONUN \\ i Mdiaw f ii inly Itecotds tosether YfiHl.uiti, Muhijinn National Mortgage Association, a National t Eastern Standard Time, said mortgage vr'i \, i In iiditanicnt- ami niipmten* Mortgage Association, by assignment dated Reroids, Page 136, Register of Deeds' will be foreclosed by a sale at ""public 'A tviii€ copy.* , Judge.of Probate. Ti-lejihoiip: HUnter 3-52.17. A'UK22-NOV14 Office, Washtenaw County, Michigan; Anna Douvitsas , -),1 -lof. . March 18,'-1957 and recorded March 20, auction to the highest bidder at the 1957 in Liber 778, Page 144, WttHhttinaw said mortgage -being subsequently assigned Huron Street Entrance to the County Register of Probate. V "• ' .' Di'-«i air Detroit, Michigan Auj{Uit Wh, CUD tan Coipor- anil (oiidition-, of a for A^-tiKnee of Mortgagee. Deed" for. Washtenaw County, Michigan, Aptil 27, 1062 and tecoided May 7, 1062 gage Association Chniter Act, which As­ ahd-aleo any sums paid by the undersigned At a session of .said Court, held on on May 1(), I'r.s: in Libei V16 Page 130 signment is dated Januaiy 10, 1B58;. and Au«l>-NoV7 in Liber 987, Page 473, Washtenaw County to protect Its Interests, prior to said sale, September 1¾. 1963 NOTICE OP PUBLIC S^LE' W.-i-hieiiaw' (ouiKy Rcio>t and-othei-charges ailowed- to^sald-Courtr-and-to-serve-a-copy-there«- igan.: public saleof ail068-Chei>. ,2dr. ' riiOt 537 Nancy Park -SuTSdTvliion W6.~~ bearing'serial iuimb*r 21847F1B678Q will I W •* H 'i_J ' M ' h' -.in. M"<, •- (i.iiion (hnilti Art, wlildi assignment is, gage or anv nurl thereof; by said moitgage the sum of $0,129.18 and of. upon Jack Richard Broesamle of Rose- 7 of part of the Southeast V* of Section be held,, for cash to the highest bidder. -., f Decsrls for Wnsh- NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to, the oi pioc( eding nt—law—liBving~beorp in- . 1-4, .Township/ of Yj)sl]antl, Wnshtenaw of said estate, and that such claims will Inspection -thereof may be made,'at 2 E. HI f •>. njni I, .1 MKJII ., •) I in- tr.n:,« County, Micbii'iin, on Juno 12, Jli'iH powei of sale in said, mortgage, and' the stiluted to leTtdvei the money securediby County, Michigan, according to the Plata Michigan, Ypiilanti, Washtenaw 'County, . Mi. I •.. -in, il.i t^l Mif ',lh (lav theieof as recorded in Lihef 13 of Plats, be' heard by said Court at the Probate The story is becoming con j 1 in 'Libei S3u P.tue £\.i Washtenaw ( ounty statute in such case made and jirovided, said moitgage, oi any pint thereof,:}.' •• Office on November 20, 1968, at 9:30 A.M. Michigan,, the place of storage, • \ i> l' ',". mill II fn(l<'<] in Pages 38 and 39, Washtenaw -COuhty , It( , "Farming-. .( r.f ibr Ke.'i-'c of Keecls for (l,>ini«r to he line on the /date of this 8, 1063. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, of the, powei of s»le contained.-in "said •Records j together with the hereditaments •i -. ri' \S • )iu > v. .i ml *it.it r , whlc h -itpoiv-tlef-aidt-has-beeomc?- nnd. npimrlpnnnean thar«unto belonging. three weeks eonsecutlvel» fiiHiiliiim inmW 'Address) 19061--Hvern6is munity. dcapcrately needs'M.Dl ". '-" t'lf -ih ii-.v <,f-* \ni'ii>t. A. as In said mortgage pruvldijd, . L > f :• - <.f -\S ,-lH( imw oFliei (hid'ccs allovti d hy MIMI moi tgage, wTB Be! loreciosea by a sale .at public day of hearing, In The Chelsea Standard, * >etroit;„iMlc'hlgan' aintion to ihe highest bidder nt the eipcintive, and the statute In such '• case Dated: September '12, 1983 -. . • •tfcke over practice ofc-'phydj .' (ill ] ,11'C" 1 ',-, v hi( h -aid the -urn of J'i.i'iJ.i.",. made and pinvldcd, on Fi iday, December and that, the fiduciary cause a copy, of .By. N, Taylor, Unit Mgr.' n,( \ntl no suit or. pioreeillngt at law or Huron Stieet Entrance to^the County SERVICE SAVINGS AND LOAN this notice to be served upon each known • ;• ••' . Sept2«-Oct3 Who died'. , ," This, listing in j i, r,.r-i i»i. •o-wij the 20, I'i(i:l, «,t l(i;()o o 'flock in the forenoon, ASSOCIATION, Mortgagee i"7, n-Mi'ned in ciuity ha\lnj,' been instituted to >e-Building In the City of Ann Aibor, Michi­ the undei signed will, at the, westjanti^ince party In interest, at his .last kpown address "io<"ti Hie delil -ei in «tl hy -.,iiri moiigage, gan, (that being tfie building wheie the .LANiJS,-MjOLYNEAUX-4-ARMSTR0NG_ by registered, -certified "or" ordtniiTy^~nT«11 —^ORDEB-FOR-PUBLICATION- -Michigan—Health—Council-pll i'DH;\l N\IKiS\l~ MOHl'ii M.7-: to the Wn*hie"nnw Celunty "BriildlnB Tii. tEe Attorneys' for Mortgagee -'i' i \'f[<)N, .( Vi'it. •! ..I, .^( | ' i niljf-i ), the PIHC4' wheie the Ciicuit Court' foi'the •" -No, 46148 ' • . -aid nioi IK'IIU'P, H IK I pins.iHiu to the siatnte snld mortgage, or HO much theieof as may Detroit 26, Michigan to such hearing. Stat* of Michigan, The Pr'obate Court for 'hundred outlining the doctor sh| •*(. .."i.i of Ili-i-ti-i of Deeds County of Washtenaw is held, sell'at public WOodward 2-9460, Septl2-DeC5 i ' * 1-. ( c ^ , 'i i r stu in i .ih( i o( ih( Stuln of Mil higan in ni(h cn-«h e necessai y to- pay tho amount then due ' JOHN W. CONLIN the County'of Washtenaw age. in Michigan, where.cunj r miiilc and |no\l(lfsl : .an.lion to the highest bidder the promises u rt -i.-),(rr..iw ffiirjiy Hfionls on on sidd moitgage,. with inteiest theieoti desci ilicil i» snld mortgage, or HO njlfjciV A.-true copy: Judge of Probate. Inlhe Matter of the Estate'Of MABEL nt 4½ per cent-per annum and nil legal . MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE W, FOX. Deceased. ? . 68 Michigan counties badly.i . " I • lit tul rri'ii !*.'«"•<• nil. thru- - NOTICE* IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on tlieicof as may be nccessaiy to pay'the Default having been made in the terms -Anna Douvitsas . - mi, •(!-'*>• n.f -".!'i ,/|av nf .T.'irinarv, Di'(<>inlir-i- i\, I'IOU'rtt-ilfjifiu o'elotk in the costs, chaiges and expenses, including amount aforesaid due on said mortgage Rcgister-'of Pi-obate. At a session of said Court, held on at least one M.D, at once. the attorney fees as allowed by Jaw, nnd r 6 and conditions of a certain mortgage con­ James C. Hendley. Attorney ' • September 9, 1963 * i- , i,i I i,, \MLI!K \V SAV- fiiicniHin, -(ml moi iVni'e will be foreclosed with inteiest nt . i'/|/^ per annum (hereon taining therein a power of sale made by ^ \Mi LfliN -ASSOCIATION, n also any sums paid by the undersigned to AddresS:. Manchester, Michigan. ^ Present, ^Honorable John W. Conlin, p. (-..- nt the west enliunce to the Washtenaw protect Its. interests, prior to snld sale, to date of ,salc and all legal costs and KING S. JONES and ELDORA E. JONES. The shartaRe is parliculti M \ ,,f ,' . i I/KI i c< (i (IIH| rin l oiiiitv H nldiiH' in the City of Ann Ai- espenses, lugelher with said attorney's Septi9-26-Oct8 Judne of, Probate, which said premises nie described as :^ All Husband and Wife, Mortgagors, to JAMES Notice is Hereby Given, That the petl- distressinK in rural areas whl i 1 if.' II >lir i,l fii i of lit;' i —1, i' l.oi, Miciiii'iin, that heing the plate whore fee, allowed by. law, and also any sumTV . BARNES at COMPANY, a Michigan —£i . i.i s •. .i n f.f W.i .)i'i.inm,* _lh(/( II i nit ( (an t fin i he f_ounty of Wiish- that certain piece or parcel of land situate o^ simrs which mny lie paid by the nnder- —ORDER FOR PUBLICATION tjtnrof William J. Ratfemacher, the Ad­ farm people may resort to ho| in the Townshtii-of-Ypsilnnti-in-the County .Corporation,. Mortgagee,. whlch_mortgage. Is ministrator of said estate, praying that I I i ••V, i, erfiu County I{cc- Itn'.iv, i- IK)d, hy a sale nt public nuctlon -slgned, necessniy to" protect lts^~m"levest dated December 20, «1958, and recorded' Account ' - ' MI v I i. ii on, l- of Washtenaw 'and State of Michigan, No. 47056 - his final account be allowed and the resi­ cure8.br wait until minor lo thr hii'he-i luililci of the jueinises dr-s. iU's( i ihed as: in the ifrerhises, situated in the Township December 26, 1958 In Liber 864 of Records, III'.I lo IK I| ir, ril the (1111(-(1 in sjnii fiioitcawf, or so ninth State of Michigan, The Probat* Court for due of said estate assigned to the'persons ments'become serious before i of Ypsiiantl, County of Washtenaw,, iind Pages 878-380 Register of Deeds' Office, entitled thereto, will be heard at the . , ii i -I Hid i;i- thi.cof ii- rn.i> ),e iie(essiny to pny the Lot 462 Westwillow Unit. Five, accord­ Stale of Michigan, to wit: . . Washtenaw County, Michigan, and there­ the County of Washtenaw of 'Mm K en 'I IKIII-.'UKI In the Matter of the Estate/ of RUTH Probate Court on October 0, 1963, at .ing the necessary Jong^istt ;ini(, rut dur, n- Jifoi psnhl, on s«ii| ni(iitj'ai,'P ing to the pint- theieof as recorded In The oast in feet of lot 112 and 'wjjst after, assigned by the (-said. Mortgagee to 0:30 A.M. ; . >-• i I I", lid i- I i.''in. 171 mill inleri—I I IK. (on HI ".',", |,.-i milium Liber 13 of Plats, Tagts 22 and 23, ID feel of lot ill, Washtenaw Concourse FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE AS- LAVERN ROSS, Mentally Incompetent. drive for medical lielp; oi- .in ,„• i.-cilin:'-- . at law anil all lei>al costs charges iiiiil -esvpenHCs, Washtenaw County Records; together No. 2, part, of the northeast'% of See- SOCIATJON, a corporation organised under At a session of said 'Court, held on the It Is Ordered, that notice thereof be - I.', • ii -;,'.-ii .il.ei| l.o rc-.i'licliiding iittfti-niy fees ullowtsl . )f 44—iMi(i-I^^W4i^li4«vii-w-C^unti'-Rec0rdifr - FebTT«Ty-^,rl9597ltrLIBeFB68 of Records, :i- (, f Mi. hi-/ii n in piir-h — -NATIONAL BANKTOFTTETROIT— party in Interest at his last known address figure, Michiprjan rates low. In Washtenaw :,and.State of Michigan, lo wit: Dated:- September 26, 1H63 Page 426 Register Of Deeds' Office. Wash- ssld estate, praying for tho allowance Of ..- Me-!, Jiiiit:i;(' i- licn-liy ...-.1^),1 -s,- ext-i'iif the sia'ithwcsterly; 10 Assignee of Mortgagee his] first annual account, will be heard at by -registered, certified, or ordinary mafl Upper Periirisula/triere are on!; 1 LANGS, MOLYNEAUX & ARMSTRONG FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTOAGB, ten RW County, Michigan, on which mort­ Wr-i|: • rli v, thr; l.ltli day ft-cl thiieof alnl noitheitslerly 1.0 'feel- , ASSOCIATION ' \ gage there Is claimed to be doe on thethe^Probat e Court- on October 0, 1968, et (With proof of mailing), or by personal : Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee - 9iS0 A.M.; service, at least fourteen (14) days prior doctors for -caeh" 100,000 p" '*',:. '.',! Teh (]'c.l(H-|\ Ihereof, Washtenaw -T.'on'courKe No. 1, : _ Assignee of Mortgagee date of this notice for principal and In­ !ih'ii:i',l '['imp, .--lilll part1 of ihp noil beast (puv-ler of Ser;tion 2700 Guardian Building "'"''• ' It lu Ordered, That notice thereof be to such hearing. Only in the Wayne county Detroit 2B, Michigan Arnold W. Tammen terest and other charges allowed by said I l,v :, ;nle- at " '•'..,-'!>iwn a South, • Jiithgti 7 East, Yp'si- Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee-1— mortgage the sum of (9,874,44 and, an given by jnibllcatlon of a, copy of this, .,.''.•• JOHN W. CONUN .does the ratio react, near "norip • l.|.'h.«-i liiililfr,. at 'liititi.-.-.'row.nshlji,, Washtenaw County, Woodward 2-(1460. : Aug8-Oct31- 210-2.14 Municipal Court. Building. attorney's fee of (76.00, and no suit or order, for three weeks consecutively-previ­ A true copy Judge of Probate,— ! •'••),,/ \V;i liK'nnsV n 1 ous to said day of hearing,,in The Chelsea Anna -Douvitsas >\ j i_jjl^"jli' .-• accoi-di)ngMUi the' pint ihereof • Aim 'Arbor. Michigan proceeding-at law having been Instituted : 'Many Michigan.doctors areTI i- ( i' .' ot' Ann .ATT as i-c(;ili-(lwl~TiTTfiTier 11 oT. I'lnts, pities -TVtfTRTffAIIW S%^LTi Telephone: NOrmandy 3-6300, Sept26-ne$10 to recover ^¾¾ money ;seeiifed by said Standardr-and—that—the— petitioner- cause Agister of— Probate. I— H copy of this netice- to- be served upon ly overworked, Some, as in ( .. M''.-lii""nn .(Ittai i", iinilj |(j,, Wnshlem'iw Criunlv liecoids Default having been made in the terms winWffnfffl, ft> anv pfti-t. fhareof e cher Attorney mr-f III.! (.'III intf-d: Veplernln-'i-' till;-rtf(r.-e -ot - Morlgiigee. :—~ nif-ctintJttions^of-B^certaln mortgage made eratlve, and .the.atatute-ln .such: jcase made tuif rv,i-t.i* >Lit *-.„ >JthaI /i A., ^m '• ll iifni i-vid,-'-on Mirhigarti Mortgagor's, to FRANK A (14) daysTirtor to such hearing,- ^Was?teniw-^^ ^^ "^ 4 1>y TOM LOUISE TERRY-and ARLENDER^ «nd provided, on Friday, October 26, 1968, !l0sC they m i uir.-t :), .: tic- i- t I li>" l NDiniT'ipiii I Tun t- Huililingj. . • fo- r the' . Count- y o•f Wa— n h' "te n aw and• StaStatl e the place where the J Circuit Court for the •Eugene B, oVlder; Attorney CrosB-Plalntlff -——/?— • 1959 and recorded in the Office—of- the do occur. •ii(.'-.-i/;.i -ii-.- -'.ii .,11( h I ^i(.'IIClt, Ann Ailior, MicbH/an ,.' -, ,. ' of Mirhlgnh, on the liith tiny of. February, County of- Washtenaw Is held, selL at 33- S, Huron St. Number IE-109 . i -in ilic Register .ofiJJeeda for Washtenaw County, - ypHllantl, Michigan, Seiitl9-26-Oct3 Tt'l(.|ihoii.f.': NfJirpandy.-ri.MKW.SPiit'^fi-npclt) A. I). 1057, In Liber 775 of Washtenaw -Michigan, on' March 18, 1969 in Liber public auction to the highest bidder the " What is wrons, Hnd whatj , • -." U'h • I) ••; i'C i I-(-II,i -i-;4 ai (• ill'-- County Records, oh pnge 213, Which said; premises described in said mortgagcr-or- NOtlCE OF SALE- WIWl-.lS ni«"W ILL 1 1 863 Page 130 Washtenaw County Records, '•'"''•; '• :. All- .i I,;,, .. ..-(.1 .1 nin'- pleci- , MoitTGAGK FORECLOSURE SALE mortgage .was thereafter on, • to-wlt the so'-'miich thereof as may he necessary to. „ , UBLICATION *~In pursuance and by virtue of H Decree Twione^BoutitrrptMtw .-(/.1 Ml'1 irr I -it :-:,1(- '.II (In- Tl'Wll:-llip and thereafter assigned.by said Mortgagee of -the Cii-'cuit Court for the County of Michigan residents have not do "• liefiiiili having, been ' maiir. \n Ihc terms )Xth day of March, A. D, 1057, assigned to FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE pay the amount aforesaid due on said Sale or Mortgage of Real Estate -.. ' • ' :^i:i hi—it-u^u'.-—iiLAK'.ii—ii'tihliW-,. -a rid'-conditions-- of— n—re i'tnln—-mort gage to -FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE mortgage with interest at 6¼% per an­ No. 48tO0 .Washtenaw, State of Mtchlgah,_made. and ! ASSOCIATION, n corjioratlon organised ied tl e ,0 da '•' ' i.' M;i hi:'ini and...(1(--(.-1 ilieil • li:^ t-oiilaiiong. therein a iKiwei-of'-vale made ASSOCIATION, a Nntional Mortgage As­ under an Act of Congress and-existing num thereon to date of sale and all legal State of Michigan, The Probate Court for ?SiS ?!? l M» y •<>' Septemb«r ""weirin'hbTdfflRineoiMl-fl "•'•' •,-:. . . :.' -'• r by. DONALD HENRY BENNETT" and sociation and recorded on March '20, 1957 pursuant to. the- Federal National Mort­ costs and expenses, together with said the County of Washtenaw 1963, in the abovo cause, therein pending, In their state after gradoaj '.'. -.: ^'-i-i-'i yvii.i.Dw.iNir TW-O,- DIN IE I.EK : BENNETT,- husband nnd In- the office of Register of -Deeda for gage Association* Charter Act, which as­ attorney's fee, allowed by/ law,'.and also In the Matter of the Estate of ALFRED I, Jack J. Garrls, Circuit,Court Commis­ The trend toward '»peflim MI- '•'' -,:t' •' ',-. -|li(., .'-.'M,111 ' .. wife, in, mortgagors,-to AMERICAN MID- said County of Washtenaw In Liber 778, signment is../dated March 13, 195» and any sum or sums which may be paid by N. LUTZ,-Deceased. sioner of Washtenaw County, shall sell to , ' ,..1. i I, 'I'IAVII :i .'Mill), l!lil'l"(. "i •WEST -MORTGAGE • CORPORATION, ' ii of Washtenaw County Records, on Page recorded In the Office of the Register of the undersigned, necessary to protect its „ At a session of said Court, held on the highest bidder at tho. County Building is another bin /actor.1»«. Miehigiin C.n poiiitlon, as moilgagecs, 145: which sold mortgage was thereafter interest In the premises, situated in theSeptembe r B, 1963 In. the City of Ann Arbo>,-^County, of •\ :•• -,:. ),-• i,- Ii';.. WI, -IIIWIIIW Deeds'for Washtenaw County, Michigan? Washtenaw, State of Michigan, the bulld- large Michigan city, twcntyjl • . M i,---,: :,11,. :n ,'.,r,|iin' in flic:-plat • which inoilgiu'c is dnttsi October -.''1, |(|.-,X on, to-wlt the 20th day of January, A, D. on^ihttSh 18, 1959 in Liber 868 Pag* 188 Township of Superior, County of Wash­ . Present, Honorable. John W. Conlln, n w l th e CUeu,t 1 .I.II.W or^ (listed compareoj ....1.-I II, J.'.ii,.. I;-., hviis'i". • and. i ei niited. October U7, • Vtl'.IH In llher 1(103 assigned to AMERICAN SAVINGS Washtenaw County Records, on which tenaw, and State of Michigan, to wit: Judge of Probate. ( &f.J» - 5 ?k, . Co" ^ for the cialists arc i 4 -, ti'i ['::/! , \V:i 'till.rm'w 'County :-111. 'paces .:is:,. ":,xfi, . ;,h7, Heidsle/ of AND LOAN-ASSOCIATION, K Michigan mortgage there Is claimed to be due on Lot 101 Washtenaw Aatumh No. 8, a Notice Is Heroby Given, That all per­ County of ,Washtenaw Is held) at the genera! pfj ... . (.-•...-,, v '• I, ! I,,- 1,, , i'ditiiihr:iil>. Deeds' Office,' Washlennw Connly, Mlchl- Association,, and recorded on Febrtiary 11, subdivision of part of the southeast sons Interested In-said'estate-are directed entrance of said building, the one facing one "G.lV-or tho dnto of this notice, for principal and tp appear before said Probate Court on .-".-,. M-!.-,;:,.-.,,.-. !!„.|i„,r. ••.'.. ein, and • ihei-e'iiffec' ii-si^iied . l,y sni,f IH63 In the'office of Rc'glHter'of Deeds Interest and oth or charges allowed by. ^quarter of Section 86, town 2 south, ^'on Skreet, ( on Thursday, November tioner. I,- MiiHgn-!,'.,. "lo : FEDERAL • .NATIONAL for said; County of Washtenaw In Ljber "range 7 east, Superior Township, Wash­ October 2, J063; at 9:30 A.M. to show 10 6 R 1 15 0 a,m I).--.,!:, Miiii].-;ih S(-:,:i'irilj(i- .'th, snid mortgage, the sum of (0.954.03, " ,,r cause why a license should not be granted !&„ . k' i , . °. .' eastern stendard I. MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, a Nnlionti! 1017 of Washtenaw County • Records, on And no suit or proceedings at law or in tenaw County, Michigan, as recorded time, tho following described property, who «o«M4 MI-.III' AN SAS'IN'CS ANH-liO'AN Morlgnge Asf-iiciiiilnn, which assignment tmges 357-362, on which mortgnge there in liber 14 of plats, pages 27 and 28, to John P. Keusch, Successor Administra­ Next, 'farmers equity having been Instituted to recover tor of said estate, to sell or mortgage l quehtly. benefit most, have ' A, :.-nt-1 \Tl.oN. 'n Michigan, AM!-O . I--ihiti-d' Oi-lu.lii.,. :tt, 10,',H and recorded Is rlalfne*^ to 1» .due, at the date of this the debt secured by said mortgage, or any Washtenaw County Records. .-j°ii ^'F^ !• David F. Ballentlnes benefit 1.--- . '. ,. .-I,.' -\ ..,(- i',r. Morti'ai.'i.f' November..3, l!(5K In liber J<48 jingo- 33' notice, for prltirtTial and interest, the the Interest-, of said estate In certain real and Rlchaid B. Morse's Allotment of the s'loslow to join businessmen Wfi. Rei'i-ier of l)M.ds'. Offiee, jWnshtenaW sum of Eleven •• Tninisand One Hiindred- part thereof. Now, therefore/by Virtue Dated: August 1, 1088 estat* described in his petition, for the j ;-'>.M|'L|'. -S-' MJHIINUKII'; . ' "'• of the power of sale-contained in said purpose Of: I'iaylng debts; - Western Addition, City at YpsllBntt, Ing promote better heajfl \t...-. 11 ii, A '.;•• ri (• <"A' Mm i.-net.p C'luniy, Michigan, on which mortgage Seven and No/lfiO ((11,107.00) Dollars. mortgage, and pursuant to the statute of FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE County of Washtenaw, State of MlchU„ : I',-'•• It .i.i l',li)>'.,'.lif:':JjM W'o- |.--:'i -S.'i'.i l'J-Dci-5 principal nnd interest n'n-the. date tif this equity having been instituted to recover and jirovided: ••*-»!_ „_. . Assignee of Mortgagee given by publication of a copy hereof for notice l be -urn iif Sirr.r,4s.li| togel hei' with the 'debt Kocured by snld mortgage or any Arnold W, Tammen .. three weeks conseeutWefo previous to Lot 18, Western Addition to the VllI*" come active in local heelM -part-.thereof. Now, therefore, by virtue, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that: on (n w Clt , of . MD.Itl'GAGIv.I'llllKCI.OSlltK SA'l,l-;: nil lei'id costs.. Hjui evpensCK nf foreclosure, •Sotoher--16, 1063, at 10:00 ordock In theAttorne y for Assignee of Mortgage* said day. of hearing, In The Chelsea Stand- ff*u, ? > l VpstlAntt, County oils and in their.J««J ..Ii, 1:..-(1( bavihl' i'V",!! rnii'lc in ihf, .IcrrrVH- nnd mi iilliirney's fee UP priivided by law, nf.-.the...power...of. .sale .contained In salil: Business Address: • '-' ard, and that th*. petitioner cause a copy of Washtenaw, Stete of Michigan; also mortgage, and pursuant to the statute of forenoon, snld mortgage .will be .foreclosed 210-214 Municipal Court Building of this notice to _beziserved upon uach ilonsithBtmlKhWheP-^Jj 'n:i.| . ni.iii'jnii . ..if .a. i-.i'i'i.-nii riio)'i.''inje eon- njid no suit «ir pi-ueeetllng nt law or at thel west entrance to_ the Washtenaw M^cMSftnf • *~&intttr Xtt«U»ntI, in., eipiil'v having .'been' iiM il itlcd to |(.-the Suie of'Michigan In jiich..cHsaji)Mo, Ann Arbor, Michigan known party in Interest at his last known I:iining Shi-rein a pov.-ru' of siilc nia'dc by and tnovldrs'l, notice- Is hereby-given-that County Building in the City of Ann Ar­ address by regkitercd, certified or ordinary tors, or otherwise improve w - JOHN I',. iiC'NYON, n..Miu'Je man, as .*ovi, tjie moiiey secured by said mort­ bor,-Michigan, thnt being the place where Telephone: NOrmandy 8-6300, Augl-Oct24 JACK J. OARRIS gage, dr.. iin_v pail. Ihereof, .-- on Wednesday, the 2nd .day of October, mall (with proof of mailing)., or by per­ Crcuit Court Commissioner - ties. '•'.-•.' , :,.,.-,'•;,-,:,,. , 1.. ,1 NMI'iS-T/ 1!'A!!-N>;S. A-'Cfttl; A. D. 1063, at Ten o'clock forenoon, the Circuit Court for the .County of Wash­ CMC 35038 ^' FHA 86-4116J1 sonal service at least fourteen (14) days , I'ANY.-.a Micbi/i'ili C(>I'|KII ai ion,- U's Moil- .Noilce is hticliy given' Mint by virtue Eastern Standard Time, said mortgage tenaw la held, by a sale at public auction MORTGAGE BALE prior to such hearing. ' ^i'n*?"*?' County .^Michigan ' •",,--,..^.-, v In.-It•-II'IOI tcu-'c ' i-' (filled .lulie \''., of ll.e power 'of side contained, in said to the highest bidder of the premises^ des­ A three-way ^¾] will ho forccloHcd by a Hnle at public Default has been made In the conditions JOHN W. CONLIN 21J-220 MunlBlpRl Court, Building 'tc- Mid V.col.Inl .lulie is, 1'ir.H, In liber moi'lgn'f'1., which, ojmn. ilefiiull has become miction,, to the highest bidder, at the cribed in said mortgage, or so much there­ Ann Arbor, Michigan problem is planned JHg • j,". ;.:-.,--(-.. i'/,, 1'.'". 'I'.ri, |{(..;'i l(.| of lli:C(l-'( oiici ii live, .unit, the slalulc in such .ease of as may be necessary to pay the amount of a mortgage made by Raymond L: Llttlo A true copy. Judge of Probate and Martha R. Little, his wife, to Citizens Anna Douvitsas • ... . NOrmandy 2-0608 Doherly.'M^tN^ O'fic... "\Vn,-fi'dinw CiiunTy, Michigan,.-imir made and provided, on .Friday, November west entrance of the Washtenaw: Countyj w|Uo, as aforesaid, on said mortgage With : - Dated i Soptember 18th, 1088 i!,", MTHII: Ti ii;n'-d li v M n i t ~Mr>r rTTTTT-rr "f n"'. 1003 at- ten -o'clock in the forenoon, Building In tho City of Ann Arbor, Ihterost thereon at 6Vi% pe* annum and Mortgage Corporation,, a Michigan Corpor­ Register of Probate. Ann Arbor, Michigan. SoptlO-OctSl the Health Counci, »J»^ l'!-;iii:K\I, NATIONAL MOIiTriAOKAS- iIn; undci'signwl will, at the WCHL en- Washtenaw County, Michigan (that being all legal conts, charges, and-expenses, In- ation, Mortgagee, dated October 6, i960, John P, Keusch, Attorney -, ,>'IH I \ I ION.-..H ...Val.ional M'ut:-iK:e A-.:.o- iiiiiire lo. Die Wicditeniiw County - Build­ the building, where-the ^Circuit Court-for eluding attorney fees allowed by-law, and and recorded on October 7, I960, in Liber Chelsea, Michigan. Soptl2-10-l!6 NOTICE OF MEKTrNG OF SYLVAN to lure out;of.8l^yy 927," on page 196, Washtenaw" County Rec­ 1 ilaliiui, which iiiii-igniiicnl is iluted Juno ing In the City, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, the County, of~Washterinw Is held), of also any sums which may be paid by the 1 TOWNSHIP ZONING BOARD Michigan-keep-¾¾¾ :.;,_:L:.:i.i._uiiiL.j:i;cij.i„!.ti!l'- Jmii;' ...|.j.,. )'<'\*: in l hid being I he_ 1 '!i*»-.n„.wllltcc__-Cljt' fJIr(iull. the tucmlscK described in Aald mortgage, or undersigned, necessary to protect Its In­ords, Michigan, and assigned by said Morb- r STATE OF MICHIGAN e , h,, ,y ven th fc B 'So~"mfich' thereof as""may be neccHBsry Xage* to Firnt Federal Savings and Loan .In the.. Circuit-Court- for the -County of «.il?hii /. lS *I » . fecial ates here, and mEJ-^ , lii.ei. >;ji'i' jiagp .311 Reglsler .of- Deeds' Com I for the. F'ouidy' of Washtenaw Is terest Tn the premises situated In the _ Washtenaw • m*otl ng_of tho Township- Zoning Board of OMi.e, '\\'ji -htopiiw /'oiiiiiy, .Mii-blgnii, mi held, .el! nt public .linelinn- lo tlui highest to pay the amount due, ns aforesaid, on Township of Superior County of Wash- ssoclatlon of Detroit, by an assignment lk &>van Township will be held, at the Sylvan more Michigan dectew W which niiiilif(}gc> (help in claimed lo lie bidder- the premises described In said said mortgnge, with the interest thereon tenaw, and State of'Mlon!B»,n, to wit: datad January 4, 1961, and recorded on ROBERT Nr KELLY, Plaintiff, Township Hal located in the .Village of at Four and one-half per cent (4¼%) January 5, 1061, In Llbcr 988. on. natce . ..1-,(.'a, 'iiii'.'ibf in'iticitinl tilnl- intPK'Hl (,n moii!';.<'(., or sir much-thereof ns may be Lot 15. WASHTENAW AUTUMN No. Chelsea, on. October 17, 1068 nt f:80 o%lock 0 ••"'the date ' of Ibirt notice- the sum ofiie.es.m y to pay the iimfamt aforesaid flue l«r annum and all legal costs, charges 1, a subdivision of. part of the southeast 847, Washtenaw County Records, Michi­ DOROTHY V. KELLY, Defendant • choose the nu'dical Hf' * V .- I:'. -1 loi'clhei with all lei.-al ciisl-. lunl on ,-iud niiiilgnge Willi iilt.i.rest ill-.4'^Ve' and expenses, Including tho attorney fees quarter of Section 85, town 8 .south, gan, on which mortgage,there Is claimed ORDER FOR PUBLICATION «^L51M *&&** »h? WW"* Board will per' annum) thereon to dai^' of. snid sale allowed by. law, and also any sum tor range 7. east, Superior Townshlti, Wash­ to be due at the date hereof th* sum of No. D.478 e C01 u n ,en,lm n often (. |.I.|'I ,e , of'foieclnmii't. ami an al.l.oi-iiey's sums.which may be autul by the under­ Fourteen Thousand Three Hundred Twen- At a s iiim -igiUM-, wl'ilrh upon (Infn.ult bila be- 1,1)1 vo, wiiiihlenuw ('oncnurse ,No, 1, Ises, or soma part of them, at imbllc Plaintiff, against Dorothy V. Kelly, Del it^flon of Highways M.62 and 1-04 -cafe" pail of the'iiorihcaM, ipiartt'r of Section fy>t 484, Westwillow .U.nlt Five, ac­ - Assignee of Mortgagee ._»j^^ toJthftJouthJlmlU-ot^tho . rniuj. df, ei' alive,' and I In; i.liilule In lun-h cording to the Plat, thereof as reeoMlcT^ vettduer-ftt-the South-side or Huron-Street -fendnntr-lii- thls-Gourtf pi^lng-^or-abs<> IUSC inndc and provided, on Friday, Oclo- 3, inwn 3 'south, range 7 cast, Ypsl- CARPENTER, HARRINGTON ohtrance to the County Building In Ann lute divorce from the bonds of matrimony, yiTlage of CfiilsM. {Schumm proper- Ecorae fabernadiTrastof l„.|. I, I'Kid at' led n'cloels in 11»; forr- liintl I'ownrhlp, Washtenaw County. tn Liber 13 of Plats, Pages 22 and 28, *, DOUVAN ty) - • • Records, together Arbor, Michigan, at 9>US o'clock A.M., „ It Is hereby ordered that tho Defendant, minI 7iiwni, the 'undi'i'sivncd w^ll, at fho west Mlchigtin, ticobrillng to the .plat there­ Wnshtenaw County , Attorneys for Assigns* of Mortgage* Eastern Standard Time, on Thursday, Dorothy V. Kolly, shall answer or tak* InultWr n»<«« lot .area In "R-l'' with the hereditaments and appurten- Business Address i tr frora to Speak in Chelsea i ( di iniii'.' to * lie- Wnshlpiuiw Coiipty Build- of li.-i recorded in llhci 14 nf PUIS, November 7, 1068. u. --, such other action as may bo permitted »'" «V one-h»J< (¼) »ere to ii,.' i -ih,v.('ity of -Ann.:..Arbor, Michigan, ances thereof, 201 Municipal Court" Building . on* (|) acre, n pagpn 13 nnd 16, Wanhlonaw County /Ssid/premJsoB . are .situated In theb y law on or befor* the 28th day of Kt i ih'i'f I,/Tti^ Tho^'b'u'e^'-whiii-rV' t he Cii-ciill - DiSFRi>T>et"r^t,-Wlc*tg«tTr-Ju1 Ann Arbor. Michigan ------.•:• ---^-^- November, 1088, Failure; to comply with 'The Rev. Smith ofJ>«J*J lU'COl lie, — — /tr ~ '''/LjWWrnMt 8* *» refuse In •'Court : for Hie County, of Washtenaw la KEDEiJAL NATIONAL MORTGAaE AMERICAN 8AVlNG3jpAND ^LOAN Telephono: NOrmandy 5-8888, JtilylS-OctlO this order will result-In ft Judgment by ' 1¾¾ ' ^l^ts^bo stored Deliverance ;Tabornit ^ held, sclhiut public auction to May» the amount aforesaid due Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee ,- . Ltgal Notict /s/ WILLIAM F. AGER, JR. '•' A?!iJbi '**i* ^ « '*• *or Board of an >i(i,l niodt'Hgc. with intpi-ent at f>!4% Business Address; «» and conditions-of a c*rtaln mortgago mad* _ Circuit Judge. Win, Tyler .Road ... ••:'•' 1700 Buhl Blrlg. - < by JOEL GULLBY and OTIS GULLBY, fco. t^w* '"m -li.o.oo to 7 p.m., on both 8¾^ pi>r''ii'ii'i>'t'i'in thereon to dnte of sain 'sala STRIPP, GABLE 4 ROBERTS '-• 1 1 Ypidta'nti,' Mich"ignn -.: 2 e ,Ch M» wife, Mortgagors, to AMERICAN MID. Pubiteotiont ailaH*^*. ? 'Jwn'en'dmuiU and theSept . 21 and on Saturday and nil tevnl cost.-; and cspenar-ii, together W«40 8 a^ ' • Ju1y4.Sert.26. WEST MORT«AOB CORPORATION, a Attorneys for Plaintiffs ft , with -aid attorney's fee, nllowtid by law, Telephone: HUnter ,3.5^57. 2/) South Huron Street STffrTO fe5t »,M)»'.«" e on fllrinnh* Dstod: .September 3, l!i«:i. • Soi>tCNov28 Michigan. corporation, Mortgagee, which 0 n, h,lpll Ke rn Oct, 12. -__^—~ aii'.l nl o anv sum or Kumn wbbb may be MORTGAOE FORKOLOSURB SALE mortgage Is dated January 28, 1959 and uit> YrmllntiU, Miohlgan . ^ Surt? .L l t, . ' *r>»w» Township final hv line undersigned, necessary to -CHI,) 1)2 Default having been «•?•«» *£•„^,""" recorded In the Office of the .Register of HU 2-6444. 8*ptl2.Octl0 TheWlna^Hv^^ ,,,-,,1,., i if. InU'rcsl. in the promises, sltitfttcfl and .condlUons_ of «.certain'Mrtg^ *% needs f Washtenaw County, Michigan, on mil fc?ry 4, lOSOin Uber Hf/pagAlO ^^^.NOTICB 0FJ»UBL1C BALE i 1, h longest. W th Itt. J"}» uJ VVinhlennvv,-Slate of MicliiKfin., l.o \vlt! -* f and PATRICIA Washtenaw ConntV Records,.and thereafter The Legal Advertiser NOTICE IS HBRBBY GIVEN by the MnUUvL .^'« d: il""' Rimolnted roprc nnd conditions-of » cousin mortgage mad* wife, ft minor, by HJ)»,g,r>*i,by. said Mortgagee to FEDERAL undorstgned that on Tuesday, October 1, 812 miles in >°"f V W !,ot ^70, Wnithtennw Conco.ursa.No, 8, by THOMAS J. LUCAS snd PHYLLIS J. ANN KWJJBL 30 B«rHett Ave, Petfeit 8/Mleti, as S ««i «.*» rh* heaM.afh ult such 4meetn Mor4g d ott»LWBERVL iter duly appointed NATIONAL MORTGAOE ASSOCIATION. 1963, at 10 o'clock A.M. at 601 E. Mlchl- t^-f,* ,.1-.of—Mi#i-n o ri b wttt—44.- o f_Uex,U.(| h ANNK, hlSL_- J:^ rj[y NOB 0 tte!> r > > i*'*>i*ti 1.4)70¾ ' g»n, Ypsllarttl. WashteHftw. County. Mia/ ^*ytift \y. Kam Ptinlwifuhw " '*. aivd Ihe. • Jioniiwwst W — of Section---4,- iOBTGAOwsr-B OWION' , ft MUbl- .Congress and existing iiursuact. to th* igoh, ptintto sale or ft 1062 FordT.Con• 'tuwu U south, raiiKO 7 uaut, YpallunU PORATION, - ft' Michigan corporation, vertlbj* btwiag strlai Qiuabar iW«J^40J70 8»tv»B Town«hlp Zoning jBonrd. third, ,482 wiiw. ' ,6*pt. mtm&immtmimmim*mm>mm>'mmtmmhm^mmm^mm^m'^mmmmmm^m «»««««««»«»»n»«<«>»J ,,tnff — Michigan's (C'onBer- ,ms;r WHODIST PHURCH , ST. PAUL'S EVANGELICAL CONGREGATIONAL, CHURCH 'i , J commlMloA toBtiwaekjUMfti- The Rev, James A. Craig,'Pastor - I AND REFORMED CHURCH • (United Church of Christ) V approved *"* anjlerless CABINET WORKS Thursday,- t^ept. 2fl— . (United Church of Christ) The Rev. R,A;J. LiyingBton, Pastor "of (io.ooo surplus ideer )n The Rev. Paul M. Sehnake, Pastor Thursday, Sept. 20— 19K J ovorbrowaed areas of tho 7;30 pirn; — District quarterly 1200 N. Main St Ann Arbor, Mich. n conference^ Y^silanti First Meth­ Thursday, Sept. -2(U- 7:80 p.m.—Choir rehearsal, ™ during this fall's firearm i , • • *~ l odist church for all board mem­ 7:30 p.m.—Special Church Coun­ Sunday, Sept. 29—- ^ ,; n ' * bers and trustees. cil meeting. f action on' spcclol'MMOfF t%a 10.00 a.m.—Church school and : 7:00 p.m.—Youth choir rehearsal 7:30 p.m.—Junior choir re- worship service with re-dedicatloh Mt nwflita final review fo for those fri grades 9-12. Ue by the legislature's* Joint hearsal. s seryioe for church school teachers, COMPUTE ° KITCHENS 8:00 p.tn.--Se.nior choir rehears'- 8;!i0 p.m. — Senior choir staff and pupils. Sunday,,school bitK* o" ' Administrative al. "» * . ^...:,.. re- i hearsal. • teachers ' to be honored at coffee Sunday, Sept. 20— hour following the service under ''proposed, some l6dtO0O pev* .Rally Day. . , Saturday, Sept. 28— CALL 665-0613 [Jill be issued to produce the >0:30 a,nu—Youth choir rehears- sponsorship of Christian Education 10:00 a.m.—Nursery, kjndergar- committee. Sermon topic for serv­ Lrvatlon Department's, recomt ten, primary and junior depart­ W> M take of 171000 nntlerles* ice: "Growing as Christians." ment Sunday school classesj Sunday, Sept.'20— Wednesday, Oct. 2— If You Plan To Build or Remodel Your Home in the upper pentojtfla .$1$ Mission Festival. . 10:00 a.m. — Morning worship 8:00 p.m.—Women's Fellowship* in, the northern lower pen- service. 8:15 a.m.—Early service. Coll Ui for . . . «i>:30 a.m.—Sunday school. meeting. Speaker: fhe,Rev. R, A. J. 11:00 a.m.—Fellowship coffee Livingston-. .j'rly B2.000 permits will-go to hou*. 10:45 a.m—Second service, {Spe­ % FREE ESTIMATES OR BIDS er3 in 10 upper • peninsula 11:10 a.m.—Adult- church school cial speaker: The Rev, Eugene Thursday, Oct. 3— , v where food S#BU$M&1,UWL classes. Van Kranenburgh, .regional secre­ 7:30 p.m.—Church school teach­ — en — of meeting,the" ^yInter,needs Monday,- Sept. 80— tary of the Stewardship Council of ers meeting." - -.-- , present doer Herd. /This sej»- 7:30 :" 0:30 p.m, — School' the national United Church of World Communion Sunday will PLUMBING, WIRING and HEATING permit quota total*., 104,000 of Churchmanship at Ann Arbor Chvist staff. be observed Oct. 0. All Work Guaranteed with 1 Year Free Service 6 foud-shortag*. and .-crop- First Methodist church. Monday, Sept. 30— - ^e arons in the '^rrorthern •Tuesday, Oc.t. 1— ./, 7:45 p.m—Meeting for all Sun­ ST. THOMAS WE SELL FOR LESSj- WE WILL,SAVE YOU MONEY • peninsula. —• • "••* --wv?^ 8:00 p.m. — Adult membership day scbjooLteachers aniL-stafC-^ EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Heunt Daily, S-5i30; Friday, 8 a.m. fa 8 p.m. ,v.deor hunting, will take/in Tuesday, Oct. 1— 1 class in the educational unit.- •' The Rey. H. Spomer, Pastor ^- IMCRGENCY SERVICE CALLS: GR 9-5948 ;t 27,000 square miles" of '0^ Wednesdayi Oct, 2—. . - 7:30 p.m.—Building 'committee ——7 Freedtm-Township - •- •s northern deer rarige-^some, meeting. , tht . 8:00 p.m.r-General WSCS meet­ v Sunday* Sept. 29— ) above ' Straits' and 12,000 ing. 8:00 p.m.—The pastor will meet 10:00 a.m,—Worship Bervice. HILLTOP PLUMBING, HEATING e northern lower peninsula, with parents of >the now class of 11:00 a.m.—Sunday school. r the permit system which , ST. BARNABAS confirmnnds and the confirmunds. tosely controlled kilLjn other EPISCOPAL CHURCH The first catechism class is sched­ "VioHnhtwasjust In and got a crew cut." 20500 Old US-12 UNADILLA & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS „ the antlerless harvest for uled for 10 a.m. SattipdoyrOct. 5. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH j| areas should average about The Rev. J. R. Smucker, Vicar 201 SOUTH MAIN STREET Thursday, Sept. 26— Sunday, Sept. 29— < Phone 479-3851 Chelsea, Mjeh. •Jeer per square mile, in the ST. MARY'S - -10:30 a.m.—Worship service. peninsula, and frbm/thEee 7:45 p,m.-<•—,—-- Each" cow gets personal atten­ improve management; breeding 1 CHRIST'S MESSAGE TO YOU tion from the 25-year-old dairy" "and feeding of cattle and iu pro-. -9i30-a,m. — Jufi'ior catechism ity . • FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD (e Beprtmont's over-all fore- .CHJJRCH, I'o' fiiearm hunters points to man.-or-his 70-year-old father, Wil­ ducing more and better 'quality cipss, , - 10:45 a.m. — Senior catechism METHODIST-HOME CHAPEL.j 14900 Old-US-12 ' <^V*-4- ler shooting success than last liam. No one outside the family forage," Harold commented. , The Rev. E. J. Weiss, Pastor — Proclaimed By has milked the" hetnj in seven years. Harold spent three years as a class. The Rev. Harold S. Bilotta, Pastoi Iff when one of every five Sunday, Sept, 29— The Rev. G. P. Stanford, Chaplain union brought hdme a deer. Tho herd, except for two animals, DHIA tester and thinks "it's a Sunday, Sept. 29— ,9:0,0 a.m.—Sunday .school. Sundny, Sept. 29-"- 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school,- surveys indicate that* this descended' from a grade Holstein ,good way to get a dairjj education." "8:00 a.m.—Worship service. the elder Cnossen,got as a wedding He adds, Dad Was 'a good teach­ _ 10:,15, a.m. — Worship service. - 11:00- a.m.—-Worship-service. __ CLARK ELKINS herd" will ^number about Sermon topic: "The Widow and 7:00 p.m.—Evening service. • whitetnils, approximately present 35 years ago. The other er, too. Ho was born in the Nether­ CHELSEA BAPTIST CHURCH of Flat Rock. Micrv_ two are from Harold's 4-H club lands and started working on a Her Mites." '• Prayer meeting and Bible study animals above its basic 7:30 p.m.—Luther League. Sunday, Sept. 29— ,' each Thursday, 7^:30-8:30 p.m. bine population. calf, a purebred Holstein, bought dairy farm nt the age of 12. That 3 0:00" a.m.' — Sunday school." in 104P. Hives him 68 years of dairy'experi­ Mond,ay, Sept. 30— 4}30 p,m.—Junior choir reheors- 11:00 a.m.—Worship service. - FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST rly-Jv,lf ,,f fill t-hg fJEPnt Nineteen different Michigan Ai ence!" ' • tificial. breeders Co-operative bulls aI7 Nmuury uiuu ' availablu • durtHg- SqlKN'i'IST Oct ft thru Snnriny, Oct, 1ft ports.handling a million or • "Rosie," in her fourth lactation, Suhday school and worship ' serv­ sired the. 31 cciws that set the .8:00 p.m. -Senior choir ro- : 1-883 Washtenaw Ave., Ann -ArboT i tons of cargo annually are' gave 25,386 lbs. of'milk and' 93-7 ice;,, • .^ ' " •/' ". record* lbs, fat in 3Sfi days to be tho- top hearsal. Sunday. Sept. 29— JichigaiL —. —— Tues^iTy, Uct, -1^., —7&:O0—p;mv—^--r-Y^ung' people's SeniaesLEaeh Evening "We weigh- tho milk from every cow .in', the-herd, service...... LV-.. ..1.....:...... :...., :.. ' '.'.':,..;. -9:30 a.m.—Sunday school. cow at eve^y milking," Harold ex­ 8:00 p.m;—Sinrday-schoobteach^ : •:: ^ ____^t^7_:30_{rm_ •. Nothing interferes .-with" regular •• 7:00' p.m.—^Evening. service. 11:00 a.m. ^- Morning service / . -- r r • . , • Money To Loon plained. It isn't' always.'recorded, milki.ng-and feeding of the herd. ers meeting". "Reality'!,will be the subject of ^W^diLcsday,,ac.t.,2—• .'..'•.?..:.: .... Prayer—meeting each Wednes­ bufo AY« ^krtflWvkh^t -e.ach IIectioiis On^Sunday Only -Thursday, Oct. 3^ „.„^^^ ST: JOHN'S EVANGELICAL days. If it's ketoais, heat,'or some-. 'Michigan. ' AND REFORMED" CHURCH thoii mine eyes, that I. may be­ ISI00O to $5000 8jQpl'lpirh.-—Brotherhood- meeting, hold wondrous things out of thy and men'V: shuffleboard.' • . (United Church of Christ) Loons- made: Oft • ' " 'Take Time To Live' Suggested as •':.' (Rogers Corners,) ~ law.". " ..- .-_'... [Second Mortgage and BETHEL EVANGELICAL AND The Rev. J. Tracy Luke, Pastor Sunday, Sept. 29— NORTH/SHARON- •Land Contracts Good Slogan for Modern Farmer REFORMED CHURCH COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH Consolidate your. (United Church of Christ) 10.:00 a.m.—Sunday school,H._. There's more than one trend in ing first things first," reminded 11:00 a.m.—Worship sei'vic.e. -/ Paul Collins,. Intorim Pastor IMonthly Obligations Freedom Township ^"Sylvan and Washburn Roa"d8 farming that Would make the-till Lowe)! Hardin, Putdue University, -The Revr-T-Wr-MenzeirPa^toT" | in One Low Monthly _ T Sunday, Sept. 29—. er-^ofJiifi-sbil^of—three- gftnewvtie;ns-^9^eakor^trtrtre event7^ FmKr) cows Sunday, Sept..'29—•: GREGORY BAPTIST CHURCH -Payment— ' ~r ago "roll in his' "grave."' Another and hogs are means to\an end- The Rev. Robert Ramsycr,. Pastoi 10 a.m.—Sunday school. ' -10:00 a.m.—Morning service in : showed up more vividly than be­ family;- culture and happiness," he charge of James J. Helm. Sunday, Sept. 29^- , 11 a»m,—Worship service. SECURITY fore at the Michigan Cooperative added. ; 10:00 a.m.—-Sunday'school. __ 7 p.m.—Evening service , 1}:00 a,m.^—Sunday, schools -; : Extension Service's Farm Man­ \ And- the two. successful family 11:00 a.m.—Morning wbrsKip? "^Prayer meeting each" Wednesday' IESTMENT CORP. agement Tour in Barry' county ..farms visited' showed evidence" NORTH LAKE^ " evening at 7:30_ o'clock. . |. Up.To 5 Yrs. To Poy * early this, month. that the old system'of "out-at"' METHODIST CHURCH _, CHJURCHOF CHRIST 1207 Reynolds Bldo. , 13661^ Ojd US-12, East ' The second busiest waterway in The trend? "Take time' to live," the crack; of 'da'wn" and "leaving The Rev. John Jolley — inkifmr^kfu' . "He who worships the shrine of •the field' oiv.barn by . lamplight" „ Murray:~S,- HudgtnsV"Minister th""e~wcTld^ the" famous"~locks at ^Coit.Collect 784-6332 Sunday, Sept. 29— hard woi;k alone may not be plac­ isn't necessary'r • •• ' ..",'..' Sunday, gept. 29— Sault Ste. Marie; Michigan. More 9:30 a.m.—Worship service. 10:00 a.m.—Bible study. tonnage passes through these locks The. Robert Gaskill dairy farm 10:30 a.m.—Sunday school, 11:00 a.m.-^-Worship service. in "an bight-mftmth-i Great Lakes tit-Bowling hath-a boat and trailer - MYF meetirrgythe first Sundam y 6:00 p.m.—Worship service. navigation season than either the in the yard. There were- three rid­ of the month at 0:00» p.m. Bfble ' study each Thursday ut Panama or the Suez canals ing horsesi for the children. iThe 7 p.m. •'-••• handle in a full year. farmer jokingly, admitted 'he MT. WffPW MKTWnhfflT ATIONS WANTED "played, a little golf." MSU agri- CHURCH culture economists . pointed .'out Cor. Seymour and Mt. Hope Rds. SERVICE T SMILE & DON SCHOENBER6 Mications: will- be accepted ;for one employee of the. that" this : low cost of operation The Rev. Karl H. Keefey, Pastor /farm made money by the owner Saturday;, Sept, 2»—V ____ . ANDHAVE_*OU iic^orks-Depar+mjefli-of the rV.i.lJage-6fXh.e.lse.a_.al ^oing-thi+igs-well-on-ii-amaH-fafm ^lO^aTm.—CKildf en.s"~arfd "AJ.US: HAVE YOU lOOgEP vvith great n'ttentibn given to JMTO A MfRROR, LOOKED IN AT Public Works office.-in- the Municipal Building; Sat- ior choir rehearsal. • 4V PRETTYP -niarjagement and selecting good Sunday, Sept. 29— %Sept, 2.8/i963'beTween 9 and l'Od.m. , dairy cattle. . 9:00 a.m. — Morning worship JCH0ENBEROV .. Over -at the George C. .Coats aeryice^JLoud speaJseiChave been SINCLAIR^SERVICE picotipn forms rndy.''be obtained from the Village YMUL BE Pt.eA«eo,, farm at Coats'.Grove the' more, initrffied'-'""outside" of the church K George Winans^at 108'S. Main St. ' ''' "' ' than i.QOO. visitors saw an'..effi­ saUhat those attired in camping PEOPtBJ cient, beef cattle and swine, feed*. -clothes and parents with small ing: cnjoratlorjiJVIax,Coats, one of children may sit in their cars if *|fthe partners, admitted they , had they prefer. V found growing more corn on their 10:15 a.m.—Sunday school, M^. lancl and marketing it through Arde.ll Lantis, superintendent, y ILLAGE OF CHELSEA steers and pigs "makes less work The church is open' every daV GEORGE WIN A NS, and .gives us more time with put from .2 to 5 p.m, for prayer and families." meditation. " • • i

Time Out RE DUE and PAYABLE a "Pick-Up"! At the Office of LET US RUSTPROOF Turn on the son with 'U-AGE TREASURER, WALLACE WOOD When you need new YOURCAR sntrc^mpletelyxn^F —"05 S. Wain St., ChtlMa, AMeh. 99 proof the underbody of your car with. Sinclair take a milk break! ^ '.''«'!i- , A n.,..Hii»H». «» ' ' ^11- Dry clothes sunshine/fresh, Indoors, with a Rust-O-Lene Spray Coat. Sinclkir Rust-O-Lene Qas dryer i.. and for less than 2$ a load. Save When you "raid the Ice/box", at evening's end, •EADLINE: Extended to Oct. 19,1963 penetrates narrow seams and crevices where money. Save yourself work. See the latest 11 models on display at dealer or-Gas Company ^ "OMIHnMIIHt.lllltltlMilMOl IIHIlt .'( HI"'"'' IHMIMIIMIIMmMI, reach first for rniNk ... dnd pour yt>urse!f a glasi showrooms. Buy now. No down payment, moisture collects. On contact, it protects metal easy terms, sur«J 9 d*m..5ji0p.m. dailyf ^.Ht.-2 p.m.Sdt, full of good health! against rust arid corrosion, Free Installation!!! LIMITED TIME ONLY ALLACE WO• i e » QUALITY PASTEURIZED,, DAIRY PRODUCTS iSmc/a/r, LIVE MODERN ... F0* LESS... WITH G.AS M 52 SOUTH • CHf.t. S£A ( .... v MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED lii'J- r ^HBWIA. yiyjM fRMSimw Old US-12 ~~ .-JyU 'r GAS COMPANY '•'.'; • K MM tmm +*m •m -) TTfi > • • • - i * -'.;... »• •••*•'•**** •«•>-*» > *«•> - • w «• »%« M-HtM**!'*'**^*** ^^ • m»» i * * » »• w«%t^w«. -. ..-St.*. "* 41- i. PAGE SIXTEEN THE CHELSEA STANDARD, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN t/tMWSftMWWWWIUMwviiM.- rtiunlty Ghent, Todny'K M-lide'tu on th« Girl Scouts from Chelsea at­ pie, green beans, pineapple cake. gan Conference of the United - (mmunity events and Sofa & Chair Suites BROWNING SAVAGE Leonard Weigel of a Taylor town­ ""'We wffiwn that the Girl Scout ship Evangelical and Reformed working for community service or- The Friendly Store movement shall ever be open,' to ganKa'tions. church, who enlarged upon the all girls; and adults who" actiept "^QOOUUWI <. Mossberq task of the church in the trend to­ the Girl Scout Promise and Laws. ' "A~total of "214 Girl'"Scouts "were Martin serviced in Chelsea itt the past At Money-Saving Prices! ward urbanization, and Dr. Oliver "We maintain that the strength Powell, author of a study book year. Without the support of the RsmiBgteB. WMC#£STM used by women's church ,groups of the Girl Scout movement rests Gommunity Chest to the council it "The Household of Power." in. the voluntary leadership of its would be impossible for the volun- adult members, iri the cooperation Dr. Powell's v topic was "The ter adults to make this .type of and support of the community, arid program available to the girls. Marks, of an' Authentic Church." in the affiliation with Girl Guide People present .at the confer-' and Girl Scout movements of other ence meeting represented Congre­ countries through the World Asso­ Michigan has -21,500 acres, sec­ gational and E & R churches ciation of Girl Guides and (jrii-l ond only to Minnesota, under pro­ throughout the state. Scouts. ' | £ tection from forest fire and has •«? one of the best low-loss records "We declare that the democriUe di any state. - way of life and the 'democratic PTO Members process shall guide all our activi­ ties. ~ " "~r "~ " Meet Teachers "We hold that ultimate respon­ sibility for the Girl Scout move­ At First Meeting ment rests with volunteers^' Chelsea's -volunteer Girl Scout . Herman Ashley, president of the 4 Junior-Senior High School Parent- leaders and committeewomen, .who Teacher. Organization (PTO), em­ number more than CO, do their phasized at the_ first meeting of best to instill these aims and be­ By: the year, Wednesday, Sept. ""18; liefs in the~girls"in th^e commun­ Foam Urethane > that this year all" PTO meetings ity who are part of the.Girl Scoot Cushions with i will begin promptly at 8 p.m. in movement. order to make it possible to ad­ The Chelsea Neighborhood of Zippers for j -.i journ by 0:15 p.m. Meetings are Girl Scouts- is a part of District i Comfort eVService i held in the Chelsea High school kIII of the Huron Valley Girl Scout cafeteria. — Council. The cpuncil Includes mmmm «,iJ / Principal item of interest at Washtenaw, - Livingston, and t^e Deluxe feature ttideraclion pump $hof- Wednesday's meeting. Was the -in­ western -half _of Wayne counties. gun. Three and 4 shelf, FuM or modi-, troduction.' of: tejehers^ by_ .Senior This area is divided into four dis­ PAY ONLY $2.00 PER WKK fled choke; .410 full choke only. High Principal Charles Lane and tricts, District Ill's of- -wheh Chel­ JJ-5510, II. MM, 411 M70 • : _'-*-.. Junior High Principal Alan Conk- sea is a p'art, also ncludes Ann lin. The principals had been in­ Arbor," Dexter, Dixboro, and Sa- 100% MODERN NYLON SUITE See Our-Gomplete^ineof G troduced .by School Superintendent Charles Cameron. . " --.--1 —The-money— the ^cauncil-receivesr- fODDf^fRAN -Designed for ^modem-tivingl-Klln-dried- Discussion' at the meeting frbm the Community Chest- -fynd- hardwood frames throughout. Foam ure-. briHight^ut the fact_tHat a science" ij... used for...'.professional services^ BEAUTY thane°cushidns, arms a_nd backs for great­ * 95 dcpjmtment~ahd "English depart supplies, program,—training and er "comfort. EteautlfuTyet durable nylon. ment have been established jit the equipment.—arid- facilities.- T'tug ^coyfrrs in fresh dqwrcitor celoii. - . Every woman can he a prettier fj»* w« »* 149 high school—head of the Science only - %, Auit5«tr ijj AiMviOxi SltfgiUU money actually has come back,to version, of herself. AH she has : department • being' Wesley Cow«11 Chelsea:in terms' of the. following to do is help herself to new { si nii T marie to fast a lifetime.. • and-moret- nrtrH^hifart-?Tf^t:h^Engltgh---flBpH'rtT 3eiwesT~an>rof *s » l ~^ff pui' beauty with a .becoming-vet $ K •son advised and .assisted at ,20 12,16» 20 gauge & 3 inch Magnum 12 ment, James LaGoe. of the new hair fashions, frejsh It was also explained that team meetings in the past year; our makeup techniques... and well- teaching is being carried out in neighborhood deceives . thousands chosen cosmetics. Beauty is a the sixth grade.\Sixth graders are of Sheets of mimeographed matqr- year round achievement. Keep fnow attending-^all-claases-at-the ial_.for: keeping-trbop-recordsr^por-. up with this"eve> changing field Junior High school and move from mission slips," stationery, stamp's that can i make, a Woman more BROWNING .22 Automatic room to room for each class; and . program resource . supplies. attractive, more charming and A new,project this year at the Chelsea gipls attend district plan­ most interesting. ' • Junior High schooU PTO mem-, ning meetings, workshops, ' ban­ only %> 'Bfaijou.'ll Wo^ OligtfW M/ (XW-0«t •biers were told, is^ a second-year quets and excursions; in the puSt Ypu have a date with beauty. year- the council has trained a $TFJ| 50. "—all stesteedl constructionjbr.Lifelonconstruction/or.Lifelong perfQrnperformancei ' shop course—an introduction to Come' in and let us arrange one mechanical drawing and electricity total '.'of 492 persons for troop of the newer coifs just for you. .22 Short and .22 Long Rifle models , training of trainers. —and- 8ixth-tfpade*s—are-jnclude*L .Magic Mirror Peft^t.y. jjjalnn^ -In response to questions pertain­ outdoor. skills, camp licensing, 6585" Jackson Road, Ann Arbor, ing to the athletic department, -it camp Staff, .advanced leadership 665-081G. 4. .. was- pointed put that a physician for neighborhood personnel,. an,d SUPER-X is/on.the bench at all times during Long range — maxi-* C varsity games whether they are fsrrk.;}.-.;-- (num fire power. 2%" 18 played, at home or "awayr " .""" ^:^1:::¾^ leqath. Box of 25. 2 A meeting ^of the PTO board of '•'•«' 12 GA. directors is planned for .Oct. "14 WM'l i}-nU • for_-the' purpose of arranging the OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Foam Urethane ^^^80^^^01^1^0^6^1-.7 HUNTING LICENSES NOW ON HAND The next regular PTO meeting AT FRIGID PRODUCTS Cushions with i will takelplace Nov. 20. / " mJ.yjJi Zippers for J CAMiitS-HUNTINO HE A DQUA R TERS A Standard Want Ad Will Sell [_ Comfort A Service i Your Unused Items. i tt^ttsJCmU-miiei

i ... • i PAYONl^^^PERW^^^ BRAND NEW! gives you moie dependability mpje work-saving features^ 100% MODERN NYLON SUITE ,, tow silhouette* styling. Tempered steel " . HALO— springs, base oncMioc-Jtj-Befltttiftrf-Yef' OF HEAT DRYERS Fast dries clothes in 26 to 35 minutes.' Safe as Sunshine With (exclusive, new Ma y tag drying principle. Now Only


•'':'/.!•' • Lint Remover Tub • Zihc 129 Coated Cabinet protected against rust e Safety Lid ^TOHNTOOftY stops action in seconds

J i '•"' • Swirlnway Draining : Now for pcnnids a day you can put a new low-cost, fast drying Maytag :: M means tub and clothes rinse PAY ONLY $2.50 PER WEEK Halo-of-Heot dryer to work for you and ond frozen clotheslines, basement clean • Mot or Worm water jungle, lugging heavy wet wash and postponed washdays forever. Start wash MAYTAG 100% MODERN NYLON SUITE enjoying automatic indoor drying now — and save during this sole too! Hie (f<>ii«(id.iblc automatics » Luxurious suite Is comfort styled! Modem. •• .^1^ ^Bk. #% tf' \i;;vt ;JX ilanf arm sofa and chair with beautiful iV^^ s^r^kM W *% mm Y«t.cturoble nylon cover. Choose turquoise, 5 • * * K^B W V • wm brown or be'u«. Resilient foom throgah^ • ™^™^^ ^™^^- m ^ FRIGID PRODUCTS m? '-.'.S. outl Modern low silhouette ttyllnaj " F-tp-^S FRIGID PRODUCTS LLOYD R. HEYDLAUFF 199 LLOYO R. HIYDLAUFr N. MAIN PH: GR 9-6651 113 North Main St. GAMBLES-FAMOUS FOR DISCOUNT SAVINGS

m * ±h.