F-06 Thematic Poster
Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine Vol. 52 No. 5 Supplement S641 F-06 Thematic Poster - Cardiovascular Health in 2942 Board #2 May 29 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Firefighters Firefighters With More Service Have Smaller Blood Pressure Surge When The Pager Sounds Friday, May 29, 2020, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Megan A. Carty1, Rachel L. Dickinson2, Emily H. Reeve3, Emily Room: CC-2009 N. Blaszkow1, Julia Gilpin1, Brian Varani1, Meghan Lashley1, Paige E. DeAlba1, Deborah L. Feairheller4. 1Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA. 2Pennsylvania Dermatology Group, Huntington 2940 Chair: Denise L. Smith, FACSM. Skidmore College, Saratoga Valley, PA. 3University of Oregon, Eugene, OR. 4University of Springs, NY. New Hampshire, Durham, NH. (Sponsor: Deborah Feairheller, (No relevant relationships reported) FACSM) (No relevant relationships reported) 2941 Board #1 May 29 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Cardiac incidents cause over 50% of LODD in firefighters (FF) and may be related to Acute Effects Of Firefighting On Vascular Health And their BP responses. Also, years of service may affect FF stress and depression levels Blood Pressure and impair overall health. Using ambulatory BP (ABP) monitoring to quantify the BP surge with alarm is a novel way to assess risk, and preliminary data showed that newer 1 2 3 Robert M. Restaino , Gavin P. Horn , Steve Kerber , Kenneth FF have higher BP surge. PURPOSE: To compare changes in health between FF with 4 5 6 1 W. Fent , Bo Fernhall , Denise L. Smith, FACSM . Skidmore <10yr service (FF-10) and FF with >10yr service (FF+10) after a 6-wk Mediterranean 2 College, Saratoga Springs, NY.
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