Housing Land, Policies & Creating Quality Places MORAY LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2020

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Housing Land, Policies & Creating Quality Places MORAY LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2020 TOPIC PAPER Housing Land, Policies & Creating Quality Places MORAY LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2020 DECEMBER 2017 CONTENTS 1 Introduction 1 2 Scottish Planning & Comunity Planning Partnership Context 1 3 Strategic Housing Land Requirements 2 4 Spatial Strategy 8 5 Review of Housing Land Policy Issues 9 6 Creating Quality Places 12 7 Outcomes 15 Appendix 1 House completions 16 Appendix 2 Sites 17 Appendix 3 Quality Audit Monitoring 22 INTRODUCTION 1 This paper is one of a series of core background l identify the housing land requirement and documents for the Moray Local Development Plan allocate a range of sites which are effective or 1 2020. The paper sets out;- capable of becoming effective to meet these requirements up to year 10 beyond the predicted l The strategic housing land requirements, with a year of plan adoption, ensuring a minimum of 5 focus on delivery and review of the effectiveness years effective land supply at all times. Local of sites development plans outwith city regions should l The spatial strategy for future growth also provide an indication of the possible scale l A review of housing policy issues and location of housing land up to year 2035. l how the Plan can further support the aims of l Identify a generous supply of land for each Scottish Planning Policy, Creating Places and housing market area within the plan area to Designing Streets to create higher quality living support the achievement of the housing land environments which support our aspirations for a requirement across all tenures, maintaining at healthy society least a 5 year supply of effective housing land at all times; l Enable provision of a range of attractive, well designed, energy efficient, good quality housing, contributing to the creation of successful and SCOTTISH PLANNING sustainable places; and POLICY & COMMUNITY l Have a sharp focus on the delivery of allocated sites embedded in action programmes, informed PLANNING by strong engagement with stakeholders. PARTNERSHIP l Identify suitable sites for Gypsy/ Traveller/ CONTEXT 2 Showpeople where a need has been identified. Scottish Planning Policy requires the planning system Moray 2026 is the 10 year plan produced by the to; Council and Community Planning Partners, aiming to describe what Moray will look like in 10 years’ time. The l identify a generous supply of land for the Community Planning Board has identified five provision of a range of housing in the right places. priorities; The planning system should enable the development of well designed, energy efficient, 1) A growing, diverse and sustainable economy good quality housing in sustainable locations and 2) Healthier Citizens allocate a generous supply of land to meet 3) Ambitious and confident young people identified housing requirements across all 4) Adults living healthier, sustainable independent tenures. Housing need and demand assessment lives safeguarded from harm provides the evidence base for defining housing 5) Safer communities supply targets in local housing strategies and allocating land for housing in development plans. The housing land and housing and placemaking policies of the Moray Local Development Plan 2020 will support delivery of all of the above priorities. Housing Land, Policies & Creating Quality Places Topic Paper STRATEGIC HOUSING LAND REQUIREMENTS 3 As set out on the previous page, SPP requires Local designations which have enabled the Council to 2 Development Plans to take a longer term approach to maintain a good effective supply of housing land, housing land. The Scottish Government has ambitious which has supported growth and encouraged a longer targets for the provision of 50,000 new affordable term approach to infrastructure planning and long homes over the next 5 years as part of the ‘More term masterplanning to promote design quality. Homes Scotland’ initiative. To support this priority, the Housing Minister has set aside £3 billion over the next The LONG approach has been used effectively along 5 years. An effective supply of land for housing is a key with the annual housing land audit and a series of aspect of delivering this ambition and meeting wider triggers to control the release of LONG term sites, if the housing need and demand. need arises. The triggers have been used to release land for 350 units at Findrassie in 2013 and for 150 To be effective a site has to be free of constraints and units in Elgin South in 2016. It is proposed that this able to be developed within a 5 year time period. The longer term planned approach is continued, with the effectiveness of sites and the housing land supply is focus on new releases of land for MLDP2020 being on monitored annually through a housing land audit LONG designations identified in the Moray Local which the Council prepares in consultation with Development Plan 2015. developers. To encourage a longer term approach to housing land supply and the growth of urban areas in Table 1 below identifies the effective and constrained Moray, the 2008 Local Plan introduced LONG housing land supply as at January 2017, from the Housing Land Audit 2017. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Effective 2,129 2,630 2,474 2,706 4,094 Constrained 4,885 4,152 3,947 10,384 9,047 Established 7,014 6,782 6,421 13,090 13,141 Your place, Your plan, Your future - Moray Council Appendix 1 summarises completions over the previous 5 years and projected future completions. 3 While housing land and housing completions have shown consistent levels of growth in Elgin, Forres and Buckie, growth in Keith and Speyside has been much slower, especially in Speyside where there has been very limited activity on sites identified in the Moray Local Plan 2008 and Moray Local Development Plan 2015. The Main Issues Report will highlight some sites where further information on the effectiveness of a site is required for the site to be included in the Proposed Plan. It is proposed to take a different approach to try and unlock and deliver some sites and consider whether smaller phased development, mixed uses and in some instances single plot for self- build development may be the best option to progress some sites. However, this will need to be carefully controlled to ensure that infrastructure, servicing and other policy requirements such as affordable housing and open space are provided. This approach could also assist with strengthening the settlement hierarchy and provide more plot opportunities in smaller towns and villages in conjunction with the new rural housing policy. The baseline for calculating housing need and demand for the Moray Local Development Plan 2020 is set out in the emerging Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) 2017, which has been submitted to the Centre for Housing Market Analysis to achieve Identifying “LONG” term sites will provide an indication “robust and credible” status. of the location of housing land up to and beyond year 20, as required by Scottish Planning Policy and ensure In support of the ongoing review of the Scottish a generous land supply is identified. planning system, the LDP2020 should provide at least a 10 year supply of effective housing land at the time The HNDA takes account of a wide range of of adoption and it is proposed to plan for a 5 year demographic and economic information to project effective land supply at 2030. This longer term need and demand up to 2035. A summary of the approach allows for strategic infrastructure planning projections is set out in Table 2. and co-ordination between community planning partners and other agencies. The Council is already The Housing Need and Demand Assessment 2017 working on infrastructure planning projects up to identifies a need and demand for 304 units to be 2035. The time period for the housing land delivered per annum, with a particular need in the first requirement is therefore 2018-2035. 5 years of the Plan of 424 units per annum. Housing Land, Policies & Creating Quality Places Topic Paper 4 The HNDA figure includes an inflated figure for 2018 to reflect the higher than forecast rate of household formation in Moray evidenced in the 2014 Scottish household projection figures. Table 3 below provides a summary of the requirements by Local Housing Market Area (LHMA). The housing land calculation has used the baseline figure of 5473 units from the HNDA for the 18 year housing requirement. There is already a substantial housing land supply (see table 1 above) in Moray and the existing effective supply of 4094 units identified in the Housing Land Audit 2017 is subtracted from this total. Scottish Planning Policy suggests adding a flexibility allowance of 10-20%, however, to ensure a longer term approach is taken and to reflect uncertainty over longer term demographic projections, the significant investment by the Ministry of Defence at RAF Lossiemouth and the potential for additional investment at Kinloss Barracks, a flexibility allowance of 30% is proposed. Further justification for adding 30% flexibility is evidenced in Moray’s population growth being significantly higher, and indeed different, from long term national population projections. When preparing the Moray Local Plan 2008, national population projections indicated that Moray’s population would drop below 80,000 by 2017. However, as table 4 below indicates, Moray’s population estimate in 2016 was 96,070. While national projections still suggest a drop in population, these figures need to be treated with some caution. 42 28 27 28 26 24 21 23 23 23 21 19 20 18 20 19 17 19 92543433333332222222 6229299 59 20446 196 68 62 31 203 65 58 194 29 68 50 144 31 64 45 129 29 139 52 48 25 141 47 49 140 22 50 49 127 24 51 114 44 24 122 50 39 111 24 46 42 122 22 41 38 117 20 104 44 42 21 114 40 41 19 44 36 21 42 39 20 37 18 41 20 26144 19681 190 28190 52 195 27 120 188 49 114 28 107 51 119 26 99 112 48 27 106 115 49 108 21 101 45 107 109 23 97 111 49 23 108 87 49 23 99 93 51 21 88 87 46 19 93 95 41 20 85 92 45 16 93 82 41 18 90 89 45 17 78 44 15 86 40 16 43 2012 2013 2015 2016 2039 92,910 94,350 95,510 96,070 95,583 2017.
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