Disappoints" Chairs
'\foiume 7, Number 3 College At Lincoln Center, Fordham University, New York February 19-March 4,1986 Fordham Divests From Three Five-Year Corporations Operating In South Africa Plan To Be By Franz C. Adams includes the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University's total capital investment of about Prepared Richard Bennett, Fr. O'Hare, and foar Board $36 million. Fordham University's Board of Trustees, voted members. Philion said he plans to meet with the Board of last December 10 to disinvest University funds Trustees on whether there are any possibilities for from companies "who are not observing the By Mary Kay Linge ^ Investment figures taken from the University's complete divestment. "I would like to see people Sullivan Principals" according to University Presi- four portfolios show the value of Fordham stock take the risk and show their support because we dent Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, The Board also In response to a request made by University in businesses in South Africa to be over $9 million are morally right," he said. adopted a set of general principles concerning President Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J., the College social responsibility and investment policies, he at Lincoln Center is to prepare "a Strategic Plan said. for developments over the next five years," an- According to Stephen Philion, (FC '86), co- nounced Dean William Tanksley in a February 4 founder of the Fordham Coalition for Divestment, memorandum to the faculty. Students, faculty and about 30 leaders on the campuses of Rose Hill and administrators are all expected to be involved in the College at Lincoln Center are in favor of com- this project, said Tanksley, which is set to be plete divestment of Fordham stocks.
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