1 Transcription: Grand Canyon Historical Society Interviewee: Pat
Transcription: Grand Canyon Historical Society Interviewee: Pat “Kuru” Gannon (PG), Mat Schuette (MS), and David Schwantes (DS) Interviewer: Tom Martin (TM) and Wayne Ranney (WR) Subject: Pat, Mat, and David recount a three-person winter river trip with Wayne Ranney and Tom Martin. Date of Interview: January 4, 2015 Method of Interview: In person at the home of Tom Martin and Hazel Clark Transcriber: Grayson Kelmer Date of Transcription: February 11, 2021 Transcription Reviewers: Tom Martin Keys: Dave/David Schwantes, Mat/Matthew Schuette, Pat/Patrick Kuru Gannon; hiking, ledge hole, park ranger, permit, rapids, sandbar, swimming, waterfall, whitewater rafting, winter river trip; 86 Mile, Badger, Bass Trail, Beaver Falls, Bedrock, Big Drop 3, Blacktail, Cataract, Clear Creek, Columbine Falls, Cremation Canyon, Crystal, Desolation/Deso Canyon, Diamond Peak, Elves Chasm, Fat City, Gates of Lodore, Grand Canyon, Granite, Gray Canyon, Green River, Hance, Havasu, Hermit, House Rock, Inner Gorge, Jewels, Killer Fang Falls, Lake Powell, Lava Falls, Lees Ferry, Mead View, Gneiss, Olo, Page, Pearce, Prospect Canyon, Redwall Cavern, Soap Creek, Sockdolager/Sock, South Cove, Split Mountain, Supai, Tanner, Travertine Canyon, Unkar, Upset, Vernal, Zoroaster TM: Push that button, and we’re recording. Today is January 4th, 2014. All: ’15. [All laugh.] TM: See you guys are paying attention. That’s good. This is the home of Tom Martin and Hazel Clark in Flagstaff, Arizona. Sitting around our kitchen table are five individuals: myself with… WR: Wayne Ranney. Flagstaff, Arizona. TM: Wayne is the President of the Grand Canyon Historical Society. And… MS: Matthew Schuette. Dillingham, Alaska. TM: And… DS: David Schwantes.
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