NASA CONTRACTOR REPORT AFWL (DOUL) KIRTLAND AFB, N. M. PLANETARY RESONANCES, B-I-STABLE OSCILLATION MODES, AND SOLAR ACTIVITY CYCLES by El. P. Sleeper, JK Prepared by NORTHROP SERVICES, INC. Huntsville, Ala. 35807 for George C. IliarshaZl Space Flight Center NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION . WASHINGTON, D. C. APRIL 1972 TECHLIBBARYKAFB,N~~ llllllllllllIIIlllll llllllllll II111 Ill1Ill1 TECHNICAL REPORT 00bL325 1 REPORT NO. 2. GOVERNMENT ACCESSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT’S CATALOG NO. ~~-2035 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. REPORT DATE PLANETARY RESONANCES, BI-STABLE OSCILLATION MODES, April 1972 AND SOLAR ACTIVITY CYCLES 6. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION CODE , .--- 1 7. AUTHOR(S) 16. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT 9 I H. P. Sleeper, Jr. \ TR-241-1053 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS J.CL WORK UNIT NO. Northrop Services, Inc. P. 0. Box 1484 11. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. Huntsville, Alabama 35807 NAS8-21810 13. TYPE OF REPORT 8: PERIOD COVEREC 1: 2. SPONSORING AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS Contractor Report NASA Washington, D. C. 14. SPONSORING AGENCY CODE I! 5. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Technical Coordinator: Harold C. Euler, Space Environment Branch, Aerospace Environment Division, Aero-Astrodynamics Lab, Marshall Space Flight Center It i. SeSTRACT The natural resonance structure of the planets in the solar system yields resonance Fberiods of 11.08 and 180 years. The 11.08-year period is due to resonances of the side- x :eal periods of the three inner planets. The 180-year period is due to synodic reson- ; inces of the four major planets. The 11.08-year and the 180-year periods have been c observed in the sunspot time series.
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