ISBN 978-9939-843-01-8

Prepared for publication with the financial assistance of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of

The sponsors of this publication are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Lily Seredian, who are continuous and generous supporters of RAA Foundation

© Research on Armenian Architecture Foundation, 2012 Location. Nakhijevan is situated in the middle course number of canals, aqueducts and numerous stone bridges of the Arax, between the river and the mountain range of were built, with the roads undergoing renovation. By the THE KINGDOM OF METZ HAYK BETWEEN 298 AND 387

V Zangezur. It borders on the Republics of Armenia and second half of the 15th century, crafts and commerce had R K M R I K A A V MTSKHET S N K I . In 1931 Iran and Turkey exchanged some territory, reached such a high level of prosperity in the district that AG U A T N S E A Tsurtav Shapotran KIN SE P O N T I C GDO which allowed the latter to share a border with new urban places were founded there, while the older H M G A G U A R V 1 Artanuj Artahan K Nakhijevan. ones—such as Nakhijevan, Vordvat, Jugha and others— Kur ANKKapaghak U T Kur thrived and became more populous: thus, the inhabitants Kumayri I Voh T K A Historical Introduction. The unearthed archaeo- A K Kars G Y e Azord gh Parnes of Jugha, which was a purely Armenian township, grew A a Partaw logical monuments (Mokhrablur /Kültapa/, Shorblur R Aragatz m A Baberd R R 2 K A a S a Y e T to 50,000. T S Tigranakert A s Y VAGHARSHAPAT S Kur /Shortapa/) attest that the territory of Nakhijevan has t e A H E uph r a Yeraskh Dvin Y Vaykunik K R A ARTASHAT been inhabited since at least the Neolithic Age (7th to 5th In 1605 Shah Abbas II, who was retreating from the Yerznka Z U H D R Metz Masis N Vardanakert millennia B.C.). battle-field after having been defeated by the Ottoman B A I K Pokr Masis A R A N E YeraskhP A Y T A K Baghaberd troops, put the indigenous Armenians of Nakhijevan to TURUBERAN Nakhjavan R Between the 9th and 7th centuries B.C., the district was T Z O P K unprecedented and unspeakably disastrous deporta- I Artishat Voghakan Zarishat A K located within the borders of Urartian (Ayraratian) R A N P A i

Arshamashat r a t z an U tion. In the aftermath of this calamity, most of the P

Armenia, after which it was incorporated in the Armenian Bznuniats S P M ea

Van E Her Armenian villages and towns of the district were S

AGHDZNIK R E kingdoms of the Orontids (6th to 2nd centuries B.C.), the E MOKK

s Zarehavan S te A K a stripped of their populations. Some of them were later r TIGRANAKERT Arzan Moks a

h A Artashessids (189 B.C. to the early 1st century A.D.) and AR Amid V p R

u ATRPATIJK Eup M T R re-inhabited by various Muslim tribes of Turkic origin E N i g r i s t a

I b M I the Arshakids (66 to 428). Over many centuries, it formed N AN Samosat Ararad Za n M tz

from Persia and the Ottoman Empire. E M e E S A S O Pinik K O K e P an administrative part of the Artzrunies’ and Syunies’ P R J A Y N

Urha O T a M A M I ¥Edessa¤ I A MARATS M

Armenian principalities in the west and east respectively. As reported by German Orientalist Adam Oléarius, in A Gandzak O Mtzbin AMUR

ASHKHAR E In ancient times and in the Middle Ages, Nakhijevan 1636 Persian Shah Sefi issued a decree permitting part of R Mahkert D included the following districts of Metz Hayk (Armenia the Armenian deportees to return to their native villages. I N Maior): Sharur, Province; Yernjak and Jahuk, Thanks to this, the economy of Nakhijevan was rapidly S A S A Syunik Province, as well as Nakhijevan and Goghtan, restored and its culture revived. Province. Goghtan was the place where On 17 May 1639, the representatives of Persia and MODERN POLITICAL MAP OF THE REGION

Mesrop Mashtots (405 to 406), the inventor of the Arme- C Mtskhet ì Turkey met in Kasr-e-Shirin to sign a peace treaty under GEO R RF A Sñ G I A Ï nian alphabet and the father of Armenian translators, intro- Zakatala ³P ÝÇ which Armenia was to be partitioned between these two Batum Akhaltskha I Aspindza Aó A Í duced the Armenian letters and opened the first schools to B L A C K S E A Marneul N á states. The former established its rule in Eastern Akhalkalak í S Z disseminate them. Ardvin E Armenia, where the khanates of Yerevan and Nakhijevan Trebizond Rize Kur Artahan Alaverdi Ghazakh A Nakhijevan shared the fate of the other districts of E were founded. Gyanja Kur kh Yevlakh R Historical Armenia and did not escape the Arab invasions ro Khanlar After Nadir Shah’s death (1747), Nakhijevan Khanate Jo Kars Olti La Dashkesan RA ke S B of the 7th to 9th centuries. After its liberation from the Aragatz e became a semi-independent entity. In order to gain tro- Bayburt van Martakert Arab yoke, it became part of the kingdom of the s Echmiatzin YEREVAN A t e Karvajar Kur phies, the local khans repeatedly invaded the adjacent r a Aghdam uph E Yeraskh STEPANAKERT Armenian Bagratids (885 to 1045). Erzrum Igdir NKR I khanates and pashalics; moreover, they imposed heavy Erzijan Shushi Karakyose Metz Masis J Pokr Masis During the period between the 11th and early 13th tributes upon their own subjects, exerting particularly WESTERN Hadrut

Yeraskh A Maku centuries, Nakhijevan was under the domination of the severe pressure on the Christians, namely the Armenians. TURKEY Nakhijevan ARMENIA Kapan Lenkoran N Seljuk-Turks. In the 13th to 14th centuries, it suffered the From time to time the Armenian-inhabited villages of Meghri Elyazig Tatar-Mongol rule, and from the 15th until the 16th cen- Nakhijevan were also plundered and devastated by the A Moosh ratz a ni Bznuniats S Datvan ea Khoy turies, the Kara Koyunlus (Black Sheep Turkomans) and neighbouring Turkish, Kurdish and Persian rulers and Van Ardebil Ak-Koyunlus (White Sheep Turkomans) reigned there. chiefs. Bitlis K


In the 16th century, the district shifted into the sway of In compliance with the Treaty of Turkmenchai signed Diarbekir p T u Batman i g Siirt t r i s b the Persian Safavids, which continued until the 18th cen- on 10 February 1828, after the termination of the Russo- a a Z n Ararad z M e t S IRAN tury. Persian war of 1826 to 1828, the khanates of Nakhijevan e a and Yerevan passed into the rule of Russia. With this Notwithstanding the severe living conditions in which Mardin IR respect, special mention should be made of a declaration the indigenous Armenians of Nakhijevan found them- A made by Russian Emperor Nikolai I on 21 March of the Ô³ÙÇßÉÇ selves in the aftermath of these incursions, they succeed- A Q same year. It particularly stated: “Our valorous troops SYRI ed in developing the economy of the district, where a Mosul ...conquered Yerevan Khanate situated on both banks of 1 the Arax, as well as Nakhijevan Khanate, which is part of gradually decreased in the aftermath of the massacres Turkic and Kurdish tribes, mainly the Kengerli and single passing day, as a result of which, they are endless- ancient Armenia: they shifted into the possession of the perpetrated between 1918 and 1920, and the policy of Gharajalar. The former, who came to the region from ly subjected to premeditated destruction. 3 victor.” discrimination conducted against them in the Soviet Amid (Diarbekir), constituted 920 families there in 1829 Between 1998 and 2006, the authorities of Nakhijevan Between 1849 and May 1918, Nakhijevan formed part years. This is evident from the table below: and lived in Nakhijevan City, as well as in the villages of totally annihilated the world-famous cemetery of Jugha of Yerevan Province. year inhabitants Armenians Armenians % Azerb. Azerb. % Jahri, Giaurarkh (Kruakk), Khok, Shahtakht, Gerdasar, 9 (5th to 17th centuries) boasting over 3,000 ornate, In the days of the Armeno-Tartar fights4 of 1905, 1897 87,370 34,672 34.4 Vaykher, Nahajir, Kölk, Mahmudova, Kültapa, Kakhap, 10 inscribed cross-stones and more than 5,000 tombstones, almost all the Armenian-inhabited villages of the district 1913 135,000 Bulghan, Trkesh, Selesüz, Gharabaghlar and Kerimbey- 192411 90,000 the armed forces of the country being the immediate per- were plundered and devastated. Diza.22 The latter, who chiefly inhabited the district of 192612 104,900 11,276 14.9 81.4 petrators of this crime. Moreover, the churches and After World War I, in 1918 the Turkish troops invad- 193113 111,600 10.8 84.5 Vayots Dzor (Daralagyaz), led a semi-nomadic life and monasteries of Agulis, Abrakunis, Shorot, Kerna and 14 23 ed Nakhijevan, where they continued the genocide of the 1939 126,700 comprised 660 families in the same year. Tseghna, as well as many other monuments of Armenian 15 Armenian nation, ongoing since 1915, together with the 1959 141,400 Under the Tsarist regime, a common ethnonym, i.e. culture, were levelled with the ground being either local Muslim elements. 197016 202,200 6,000 2.9 190,000 93.9 Tartars, was put into use with reference to all these tribes, 17 exploded or pulled down with bulldozers. On 14 December 1918, the Vicar of Yerevan Diocese, 1979 230,000 3,406 1.4 but after the establishment of the Soviet regime, it was 18 Bishop Khoren, informed Catholicos Gevorg V that 62 1991 306,000 changed into Azerbaijanians after a newly-founded churches and 18 schools had been destroyed in republic that had never existed in the political and histor- A record of 1918 states: “The large territory of the dis- Nakhijevan in the aftermath of the Turkish invasion of ical arena before. In fact, at first the ethnonym of trict of Hin (Old - translator) Nakhijevan is inhabited by the district.5 Azerbaijanians was applied to the representatives of all about 35 thousand Armenians and 48 thousand Turks. At the beginning of 1919, Nakhijevan was incorporat- the nationalities inhabiting the newly-established repub- The former constitute one-third of the population of the ed in the Republic of Armenia with the status of a lic of : the Tartars, Armenians, Russians, city of Hin Nakhijevan; the rest are Turks.”19 province, but in the summer of the same year, the Lezghins and the Talysh (after the example of the USA, In the first years of the Soviet rule, the national, politi- 1 ö³÷³½Û³Ý Ð., ÆÝãå»ë ·áÛ³ó³í Âáõñùdz-ܳËÇç¨³Ý ï³ëÁ Musavatists who could not reconcile themselves with this where all the nationalities are called Americans). In the ÏÇÉáÙ»ïñ³Ýáó ë³ÑÙ³ÝÁ, §Æñ³Ý ܳٻ¦, 1995-1996, ¹ 16-17, ¿ç 6: cal and economic pressure exerted on the Armenians of À fact stirred up a rebellion, as a result of which, a Turko- course of time, however, it began to be used only with 2 “Áðîêãàóç-Åôðîí”: Ýíöèêëîïåäè÷åñêèé ñëîâàðü, ò. X , ÑÏÁ, 1894, Nakhijevan District intensified. The persecutions became ñ. 557. Armenian war broke out in September. reference to the former Tartars. so intolerable that the inhabitants of 15 Armenian-inhab- 3 Ñîáðàíèå àêòîâ, îòíîñÿùèõñÿ ê îáðàçîâàíèþ èñòîðèè àð- On 30 November 1920, the Revolutionary Committee Historical Monuments. The territory of the ìÿíñêîãî íàðîäà, ÷àñòü 1, Ìîñêâà, 1833, ñ. 266. ited places (Nakhijevan City, Shekhmahmud, Khalilu, 4 In 1936 the Tatars of Transcaucasia were renamed Azerbaijanians ¥see Àëåêïåðîâ of Azerbaijan made a statement on the occasion of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhijevan is one of those Kültapa, Uzun-Oba, Nazarabad, Ghulibek-Diza, À., Èññëåäîâàíèÿ ïî àðõåîëîãèè è ýòíîãðàôèè Sovietization of Armenia in which they declared regions of Historical Armenia which abound in a wide Àçåðáàéäæàíà, Áàêó, 1960, ñò. 71¤. Kyarimbek-Diza, Nazari, Khalkhali, Yarmeja, Aylapat, Nakhijevan an integral part of the country: “...hencefor- variety of monuments of material culture. Unfortunately, 5 ì³í»ñ³·ñ»ñ Ñ³Û »Ï»Õ»óáõ å³ïÙáõÃÛ³Ý. Êáñ»Ý ² Øáõñ³¹μ»ÏÛ³Ý, Jahri, Hajjivar and Gharakhanbeklu) prepared a document ϳ½Ù.ª ´»Ñμáõ¹Û³Ý ê., ·Çñù ´, ºñ¨³Ý, 1996, ¿ç 59: ward no territorial issues should incite bloodshed the Armenian monuments forming the bulk of its cultur- 6 ܳËÇ稳ÝÇ ÑÇÙݳѳñóÁ ØáëÏí³ÛÇ 1921 Ã. Ù³ñïÇ 16-Ç éáõë- in which they stated: “...we have chosen Comrades between the two centuries-old neighbours, i.e. the al heritage were not fully documented in the Soviet years Ãáõñù³Ï³Ý å³Ûٳݳ·ñáõÙ, ºñ¨³Ý, 2001, ¿ç 116: Grigor Kyureghian and Gegham Avetissian from 7 ܳËÇ稳Ý-Þ³ñáõñÁ 1918-1921 ÃÃ., ÷³ëï³ÃÕûñ ¨ ÝÛáõûñ, §´³Ý- Armenians and Muslims. The territories of the districts of due to the obstacles deliberately set by the authorities of Shekhmahmud Village to be sent to Yerevan and Tpkhis μ»ñ г۳ëï³ÝÇ ³ñËÇíÝ»ñǦ, 1993, ¹ 1-2, ¿ç 342: Zangezur and Nakhijevan are inseparable parts of Soviet Azerbaijan. Incomplete as it is, the list of the monuments 8 Ñòàòèñòè÷åñêîå îïèñàíèå Íàõè÷åâàíñêîé ïðîâèíöèè, ñîñòà- as our representatives to raise the issue of the deplorable âèòåëü Â. Ã., 1833, ÑÏÁ, ñ. 31. Armenia...”6 registered in the territory of Nakhijevan includes 218 state of the unfortunate and hard-working people of 9 Êàâêàçñêèé êàëåíäàðü íà 1908 ã., Òèôëèñ, 1907, ñ. 330. However, on 16 March 1921, without the participation buildings of Christian worship (monasteries, churches, 10 Avakian Shahen, Nakhichevan. Legal Aspects, Yerevan, 2007, p. 7. Nakhijevan before the proper bodies to have it settled 11 ²¹ñμ»ç³Ý³Ï³Ý ëáí»ï³Ï³Ý ѳÝñ³·Çï³ñ³Ý, ѳïáñ 7, ´³ùáõ, of the Armenian side, Turkey and Russia signed an ille- chapels); 41 castles; 26 bridges; 86 sites of towns and vil- 1983, ¿ç 173: once and for all so that their family, legal and civil rights 24 gal agreement in accordance with which, Nakhijevan was lages; over 4,500 cross-stones and 23,000 tombstones 12 Áîëüøàÿ ñîâåòñêàÿ ýíöèêëîïåäèÿ, òîì 41, Ìîñêâà, 1939, ñ. will be fully respected. We do not find it unnecessary to put under the “protection” of Azerbaijan.7 all of which date back to the period preceding the 20th 333. Also see Áîëüøàÿ ñîâåòñêàÿ ýíöèêëîïåäèÿ, òðåòüå èçäà- declare that we have unanimously decided to abandon the íèå, òîì 17, Ìîñêâà, 1974, ñ. 351. The year 1923 marked the establishment of the century. The Islamic (Persian, Seljuk, Turkish-Tatar- 13 Ìàëàÿ ñîâåòñêàÿ ýíöèêëîïåäèÿ, òîì 1, Ìîñêâà, 1933, ñ. 174. entire region and emigrate...”20 Autonomous Republic of Nakhijevan within the borders Azerbaijanian) monuments of the region form a smaller 14 Áîëüøàÿ ñîâåòñêàÿ ýíöèêëîïåäèÿ, òðåòüå èçäàíèå, òîì 17, The Armenians of the last purely Armenian-inhabited Ìîñêâà, 1974, ñ. 351. of Azerbaijan. On 9 February 1924, it was divided into 5 number (about 30), and what is still more important, they villages of Nakhijevan and those with mixed populations 15 Ibid. administrative districts (Babek, Ilyichevsk, Shahbuz, do not boast antiquity, most of them being even attributed 16 Ibid. were finally driven away on 22 November 1988. The 17 ²¹ñμ»ç³Ý³Ï³Ý ëáí»ï³Ï³Ý ѳÝñ³·Çï³ñ³Ý, ibid. Julfa and Ordubad) with a total area of 5,500 square kilo- to the modern era of world history. only exception was Tseghna, which was left derelict on 18 Avakian Shahen, ibid. 19 ܳËÇ稳Ý-Þ³ñáõñÁ 1918-1921 ÃÃ., idem, ¿ç 30-31: metres. 21 Since the mid-1990s, the Armenian historical monu- 13 June 1989 : in this way, the region which had always 20 гٳËáë³Ï³Ý ¨ Édz½áñÙ³Ý Ã»ñÃ, §Ü³ËÇç»õ³Ý¦, 1999, ¹ 1-2, ¿ç Population. According to a source of 1829, ments situated in the territory of Azerbaijan—including been populated by the Armenians during the long millen- 10: Nakhijevan had 5,510 houses, 2,719 of which were those in the Autonomous Republic of Nakhijevan, which 21 ì³ñ¹³ÝÛ³Ý ²., ܳËÇç»õ³ÝÇ Ñ³Û³Ã³÷áõÙÁ, §Ü³ËÇç»õ³Ý¦, nia of its existence was stripped of them for the first time inhabited by indigenous and non-native Armenians, and is under its “protection”—have become targets of a fla- 1999, ¹ 1-2, ¿ç 12: in its history. 22 Ñòàòèñòè÷åñêîå îïèñàíèå Íàõè÷åâàíñêîé ïðîâèíöèè, ñ. 31- 2,791 by members of various Muslim tribes, both seden- grant anti-Armenian policy exercised at state level. The 32. As for the origin of Nakhijevan’s present-day popula- tary and nomadic.8 The local population constantly man- bigoted intolerance and discrimination manifested 23 Idem, ¿ç 32. tion called Azerbaijanian, they descend from various 24 ²Ûí³½Û³Ý ²ñ·³Ù, ܳËÇ稳ÝÇ ÆêêРѳÛÏ³Ï³Ý Ñáõß³ñÓ³ÝÝ»- ifested growth, but the number of the native Armenians against them are getting more and more bitter with every ñÁ, ºñ¨³Ý, 1986, ¿ç 11: 2 The map of Armenia by Ptolemy, 1482 A partial view of the map by Sebastian Münster, 1544-1545 3 4 A partial view of the map by Gerardus Mercator, 1578 A partial view of the map by Guillaume Delisle, 1730 5 6 A partial view of the map by John Senex published in around 1742 (translation from the French map (1730) by Guillaume Delisle) 7 8 A partial view of the map by Ignatius Khachaturian, Venice, 1751 A partial view of the map by Robert Dunn, London, 1774 9 10 A partial view of the New Atlas published in St. Petersburg in 1793 A partial view of the map by John Dower, 1850s 11 12 A partial view of the map by Edward Weller, 1858 A partial view of the map by Karl von Spruner, 1865 13 14 15 16 17 18 A partial view of the map by Z. Khanzadian drawn on the order of General Nazarbekian for the purpose of representing the territorial problems of Armenia at the Peace Conference of in January 1919 19 YEGHEGNADZOR











N. Nerkin, i.e. Lower G Sb. Amenaprkich Holy Saviour 1600 Sb. Astvatzatzin Holy Virgin TSEGHNA 1400 GHULIBEK-DIZA UNUS Sb. Gyut Holy Discovery KAGHAKIK Sb. Hreshtakapetats Of the Holy Archangels 1200 Sb. Khach Holy Cross DERNIS¥TRUNIS¤ JUGHA Sb. Khoran Holy Apse 1000 TANAKERT VERIGET Sb. Nshan Holy Sign Targmanchats Of the Holy Translators 800 NUSNUS A r a k s DEGHSAR V.AGULIS V. Verin, i.e. Upper 600 GANDZAK Sb. Yerrordutiun Holy Trinity VANAND V. AZA N.AGULIS ANAPAT DER HANDAMEJ 0 5 10 km ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF N. AZA KHANAGHA ORDUBAD MEGHRI DASTAK © "RESEARCH ON ARMENIAN ARCHITECTURE" ¥RAA¤ IRAN


a A r p Sadarak NAKHIJEVAN V.Tandzik A r VAYK a x N.Tandzik MAP OF ETHNIC DISTRIBUTION. 1914


A FEDERATION Yayji Sarachlu Demirchi GEORGIA Avesh Kerimbeklu Makhta Hayi¥Ulia¤Norashen Zeyva Hamzali-Diza 1 Gharaburj 2 AZERBAIJAN Kyurdchulu Kyurdkend Hamzali RA Akhura TURKEY Shahriar 6 NKR Korchulu 3 V.Dasharkh 4 7 Mughanle Yengija Karkhun ARMENM I A Darakend Chomakhtur Gharaghush NAKHIJEVAN 5 Siyaghut Zrnel Kosajan Kuki Halaj 8 Alaklu 9 Tananam Buzghov V.Rameshin Keshtaz Parchi Gharaboya Babaki Khanukhlar Karmalinovka Gheshlaghabas Varmaziar Gyarmachatakh N.Rameshin IRAN Ibadula Shamen¥Shada¤ SYRIA Gharahasanli Lizberd Zarnatun Arab-Yengija Vaykher Alimahmedgheshlagh IRAQ Tumaslu Gyomur Kyolani Diadin Pusian Otzop¥Badamlu¤ Aznaberd a n Kzhadzor e v h i j Arinj a k A Ghabuli r a Gharabaghlar N x Trkesh Mahmudova Nors-Mazra Yurtchi Payiz¥Pahest¤ Gharababa Kvragh Nors Hinjab Salasuz n v a i j e Shahbuz¥Shahaponk¤ Shahtakhti h Maralegh Kechil Khok k Kyulus¥Kyolk¤ Soust a N Jahri¥Jahuk¤ Vaykher 1. Dudanka Khalkhal 2. Mahmudkend 3. Bash-Norashen Nazarapat Alagyoz-Mazra Diduvar k 4. Mamed-Sabir Shahmiranshah j a r n V.Uzunoba Gyoynuk Arafsa Y e 5. Charchiboghan 10 Sirab Zuvala Lakatagh 6. Mehrab N.Uzunoba Milakh l a n 7. Myuslyum Kyultapa Boyahmed i Khalilu 11 G 8. Arbatan Nakhshinargiz Nahajir Teyvaz Shekhmahmud 12 Kahab 9. Dervishlar Suramelik 13 Ghazanchi¥Shahkert¤ 10. Mamarza-Diza Aliapat Yarmeja Najaf-Alibek-Diza V.Anzir 11. Kerimbek-Diza Mijin (Middle) Anzir Nyurhut¥Norgyut¤ 12. Ghulibek-Diza Badashkhan NAKHIJEVAN Hajivar N.Anzir 13. Zeynadin Khachaparakh Khurs 14. Sumbatan-Diza Gharakhanbek Shakarabad Khanagha 15. Kalantar-Diza Ghoshadiza Alahi¥Voghohi¤ 16. Dyuhlyun Tmbul Norashen Poradasht Nasirvaz¥Mesropavan¤ 17. Dyuhlyun-Diza Yemkhana Saltagh Khoshkashen Bist 18. Vaghaver Tazagyugh Bananiar¥Aparaner¤ Shorot Karmirvank Abrakunis Krna Chashmabazar Kznut LEGEND Ghezelja Gagh Tevi a Nehram k r a Arazin P a 1-100 k 101-300 Armenians a j Jamaldin 301-600 n A r r Bilav¥Bghev¤ Paraka a e 601-1,000 x Ramis Y Bahrut (Bekhrut) Turks 1,001-1,500 Mazra n


1,501-2,000 l

Islamised i Bazmari

Armenian Catholics G Ustup 2,001-3,000 Tseghna¥Chananab¤ IRAN Kyarimghuli-Diza Un us 3,001-4,000 Assyrians Kaghakik Drnis Nigdeh Jugha Khudaverdibek-Diza Tanakert Sal 4,001-10,000 Veriget Russians Disar¥Deghsar¤ Nusnus a x Ghoshadiza A r 16 18 V.Agulis 14 Gandzak over 10,000 Yayji 15 Vanand Kurds 17 V.Handamej Der N.Agulis Anapat V.Aza Aghri N.Handamej N.Aza Khanagha Ketam x ORDUBAD r a 0 5 10 kms MEGHRI A Dastak A r a x Kilit








ARMENM I A Sb. Nshan KUKI 1260 NAKHIJEVAN 1269 1276 1332 1409 1461 IRAN 1462 SYRIA 1471 St. Grigor 1478 1696 GYUMUR Sb. Astvatzatzin OTZOP 1488 IRAQ n 1291 1492 e v a 1493 h i j 1292 a k A 1495 r 1486 N a x 1488 1496

NORS Sb. Astvatzatzin 1693 SHAHBUZ ¥SHAHAPONK¤ 1440 Shahaponk Castle 1387 JAHUK ¥JAHRI¤ 1415 1401 n 1433 1495 a 1652 1694 v


j i k h j a

k r n 1304 Y e 1321 a

1552 N n 1581 i l a 1667 G 1760 1769 1771 St. Sargis BERDIK ¥KARATAK¤ 1324 St. Stepanos 1351 1662 1497 Sb. Astvatzatzin 1663 1439 NAKHIJEVAN 1462 1495 1668 1600 1669 1675 Sb. Nshan ¥Koptatap Cloister¤ 1678 1703 1336 1466 1695 1723 1489 1616 Sb. Astvatzatzin1696 1689 1659 1729 Navush Monastery 1659 NORSHEN St. Stepanos MESROPAVAN 1489 1661 APARANER ¥BANANIAR¤ Sb. Astvatzatzin 1269 1677 Amenayn Surbk BIST êµ.ØÇݳë1318 1681 1402 1678 KHOSHKASHEN SHOROT 1369 1690 ABRAKUNIS KERNA 1647 St. Hakob 1409 Astapat Sb. Karapet 16481631 St. Shmavon St. Vardan of Astapat 1391 Sb. Astvatzatzin 1649 Dzoravank KARMIRVANK 1329 GAGH 1643 1665 1410 16501648 14951717 a Karmirvank 1331 St. Grigor a k 1411k 16511649 1653 r 1269 1338 a a1456 1657 16531650 St. Hakob 1661 j 1461 1343 1666 1657 1666 P 1665-1669 n 1344 1651 16381751 r 1639 16591653 A 16531769 1672 1286 e 1345 1604 1641-1642 16631657 r PARAKA 1325 Y 1368 1676 1648 16641659 RAMIS 1677a x 1456 1649 1415 16661663 1678 1587 1650 1445 1669 1595 1673 1694 1652 1617 16771676 St. Gevorg Sb. Astvatzatzin Monastery 1696 Amenaprkich Monastery 1653 LEGEND AND COMMENTS 1682 1467 1349 1697 1338 1657 1695 1634 1698 St. Gevorg 1659 1643

1659-1662 n 1488

Scriptorium 1738-1739 1603 TSEGHNA

1765 St. Hovhannes 1662 a 1564

1321 The year of the 1665 1689 1828 l

1600 1666 IRAN creation of the 1603 1696

1698-1699 i Sb. Astvatzatzin

manuscript 1605 1701 1710 1719

Amenaprkich Holy Saviour JUGHA 1713 G TANAKERT 1718 Amenayn Surbk All Saints 1758 St. Thomas the Apostle St. Christopher Nerkin Lower 1802 17401668 1481 1375 1447 r Agulis Sb. Astvatzatzin Holy Virgin A a 1796 1671 1493 1425 1657 St. Stepanos x 1798 1680 1551 1432 1671 1671 Sb. Nshan Holy Sign 1682 1561 1436 1682 ANAPAT 1690 1593 1447 St. Hakob Sb. Yerrordutyun Holy Trinity 1730±1636 1471 1733 1638 1486 1593 NERKIN AGULIS 1639 Sb. Yerrordutyun St. Hovhannes 1634 0 5 10 km 1690 MEGHRI 1552 1637 St. Shmavon DASTAK A 1638 r a x Sb. Khoran 1640 1669 1694 22 YEGHEGNADZOR

A r p a NAKHIJEVAN 1898 Sadarak





R U S S I A N F E D E R 1909 A T I O Sarachlu ARMENIA N 1865 G 1907 E Hayi ¥Ulya¤ Norashen O R G I A

A Z E 1898 Y K E RA R Bash-Norashen R B 1900 U A Yengija T NKR I


ARMENM I A N 1907 Dervishlar NAKHIJEVAN 1900 Alaklu 1860 Khanukhlar 1887 Varmaziar 1898 1870 IRAN 1907 1904 SYRIA Tumaslu 1873 1873 Gyomur 1903 Otzop ¥Badamlu¤ IRAQ Aznaberd Kezhadzor n 1908 v a 1910 j e k h i 1909 1912 Arinj a A r a Gharabaghlar N x 1900 Mahmudova 1889 1873 Kevragh Nors 1896 1896 1614 n 1888 1895 v a Shahbuz ¥Shahaponk¤ j e Shahtakhti Khok 1867 i h 1885 k a 1911 N Jahri ¥Jahuk¤ 1871 Khalkhal

1907 1907 Nazarapat Alagyoz-Mazra k j a r n 1873 Y e 1909 Kyultapa 1900 Milakh a n 1860 1882 i l G 1900 1900 1895 Shekhmahmud Ghulibek-Diza Kahab 1897 1906 Ghazanchi ¥Shahkert¤ 1909 1872 Aliapat 1900s Yarmja 1850 1837 1871 1873 NAKHIJEVAN 1872 1900 1902 1870 Gharakhanbek 5th cent. Bughlan 1893 Alahi ¥Voghohi¤ 1906 1868 1907 Tmbul Nasirvaz ¥Mesropavan¤ Astapat 1623 1654 1610s Yemkhana 1610s 1895 1881 1895 Khoshkashen Bist 1873 1887 Bananiar ¥Aparaner¤ Shorot Karmirvankêµ.ØÇݳë 1644 1892 1896 Abrakunis Kerna Keznut 1906 1380s 1885 1912 a Nehram 1906 k Arazin a r a 1896 P k Ghevondian a 1870 j Jamaldin n 1898 r 1917 A 1912 r e 1890 a Bilav ¥Bghev¤ Paraka

x Y Ramis

n a l 1862

i 1878 G 1900 LEGEND Tseghna ¥Chananab¤ 1873 1900 IRAN Kaghakik Armenian ¥Parochial¤ 1860 1873 Monastic Jugha Tanakert 1425 Public ¥Russian¤ 1851 1867 A Muslim r a x 1895 Verin Agulis 1900 1900 1873 Vanand Yayji 1912 1886 1872 Date of Opening ¥Foundation¤ Nerkin Handamej Verin Aza Nerkin Agulis 1858 1829 1881 1914 0 5 10 km 1896 1914 ORDUBAD 1914 MEGHRI Dastak 1854 A r a x 1910

23 A LIST OF NAKHIJEVAN’s MONUMENTS OF CHRISTIAN WORSHIP 71 St. Thomas Monastery Vanand Village 1st cent. A.D. Ruined Rebuilt by Matthew of Vanand in the 17th cent. 72 St. Stepanos Church Varakert (Veriget) Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1655, damaged by the earthquake of 1840 (Their State as of the Early 1990s) 73 St. Minas Church Varakert (Veriget) Village Middle Ages Ruined Damaged by the earthquake of 1840 74 Khachi Kar Sanctuary 2.5 kms north of Varakert (Veriget) Village 12th to 13th cents. Ruined GOGHTAN DISTRICT (REGION OF ORDUBAD) 75 St. Gevorg Church Vobevan (Vobovants) Village 12th to 13th cents. Ruined Mentioned in 1488, repaired in the 17th cent. N Monument Location Date State Comments 76 Sourb Khach (St. Hripsime) Monastery Vohoghi (Alahi) Village 14th to 15th cents. Ruined Destroyed in the 1960s to 1970s 1 Sourb Amenaprkich (Koomsi) Chapel North of Agulis’ St. Thomas Monastery 1st cent. A.D. Ruined Stands in memory of 77 St. Stepanos Church IVohoghi (Alahi) Village Middle Ages Semi-ruinedMentioned in 1879, repaired in 1906, damaged in 1930 St. Bartholomew’s disciple Kumsi 78 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church West of Verin Aza Middle Ages Semi-ruined First mentioned in 1841 2 Sourb Astvatzatzin Great Cloister Agulis 1st cent. A.D. Standing Founded by Thaddaeus the Apostle, rebuilt in the 17th cent. JAHUK DISTRICT (REGION OF SHAHBUZ) 3 St. Christopher Church Agulis 1st cent. A.D. Standing Founded by Thaddaeus the Apostle, 79 Chapel of Virgin Varvar A km south-west of Arinj Village 19th cent. Ruined rebuilt between 1671 and 1675 80 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church Arinj Village 16th to 17th cents. Ruined Rebuilt in 1874, destroyed in the Soviet years 4 St. Hakob Church Agulis Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Standing Mentioned in 1478, rebuilt in 1901 81 Chapel North of Arinj Village, in Karkara Site 19th cent. Ruined 5 St. Hovhannes Church Agulis Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Semi-ruined 82 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church Babonk Village Middle Ages Ruined First mentioned in 1879, destroyed in the early 20th cent. 6 St. Shmavon Church Agulis Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Semi-ruined 83 Church Gharaboy Village Middle Ages Ruined 7 St. Stepanos Church Agulis’ north-eastern quarter 12th to 13th cents. Semi-ruined Rebuilt in the 17th cent., repaired in the 20th cent.84 Anapat Chapel South-east of Gomer 19th cent. Ruined 8 St. Thomas Monastery Agulis’ Vank Quarter 1st cent. A.D. Ruined Founded by Bartholomew the Apostle, 85 Hazaraprkich Monastery 5 kms north-west of Gomer Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Ruined Totally destroyed in 1978 reconstructed in the 17th cent. 86 Kapuyt Khaz Chapel North-east of Gomer 19th cent. Ruined 9 St. Stepanos Church Anapat Village 14th to 15th cents. Ruined First mentioned in 1671 87 St. Grigor Church Gomer Village Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Standing 10 St. Hripsime Chapel East of Anapat 19th cent. Ruined 88 St. Grigor Church Kechil Village 12th to 13th cents. Ruined Destroyed in the 19th cent. 11 St. Hovhannes Church Bahrut Village Middle Ages Ruined First mentioned in 1669 89 Hazaraprkich Chapel Vicinity of Kolani Village Mentioned in 1696 Ruined 12 Sourb Astvatzatzin Monastery Centre of Bist 12th to 13th cents. Standing Mentioned in 1439, repaired in 1687 and 187790 St. Grigor Church Kuki Village Rebuilt in1669 Ruined Replaced by a mosque in the early 20th cent. 13 Sourb Nshan (Koptatap) Monastery A km north of Bist 5th cent. Standing Rebuilt in 1668 91 St. Stepanos Church North-west of Kuki Village Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Ruined With 12th to 13th-century tombstones around 14 St. Karapet Chapel 5 kms west of Bist 17th cent. Ruined Rebuilt in the 19th cent. 92 St. Vardan (Nahatakats) Church Kuki Village Rebuilt in the 16th to 17th Ruinedcents. Destroyed in the Soviet years 15 St. Sargis Church 3 kms south of Bist 17th cent. Ruined 93 Sourb Nshan (Hazaraprkich) Monastery 800 m north of Kuki Village 941 Ruined Rebuilt in 1287 by Prince Papak Proshian and in the 17th cent. 16 St. Stepanos Church Bist 17th cent. Ruined Mentioned in 1687 94 St. Grigor Church Kyulus Village 1657 Standing 17 Sourb Khoran Church North of Dastak Village 12th to 13th cents. Ruined First mentioned in 1552 95 Sourb Khach Monastery 2 kms north-east of Kyulus Village 1451 Ruined Repaired in 1600 by a certain Margaret 18 St. Sargis Chapel 1.5 kms north-west of Der 14th to 15th cents. Semi-ruined Mentioned in 1863, repaired in 1943 96 Sourb Arjakapa Church (Agarak Village Site) Near Kyulus Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1881 19 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church Der Village 17th cent. Standing Repaired in 1895, serving as a shop 97 St. Gevorg (Sourb Astvatzatzin) Church Kzhadzor Village 17th cent. Standing 20 St. Gevorg (St. Stepanos) Church Disar (Deghsar) Village Middle Ages Standing First mentioned in the 1820s 98 Chapel North of Kzhadzor Village Rebuilt Ruined 21 St. Hovhannes Church Gandzak Village Middle Ages Ruined First mentioned in 1667 99 Hovvahayr Chapel West of Kzhadzor Village Rebuilt in the 19th cent. Semi-ruined 22 St. Andreas Church Gandzak Village Middle Ages Ruined First mentioned in 1601 100 Church South-east of Nerkin Rameshin Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned as ruined in the early 19th cent. 23 St. Hakob Church Gandzak Village 14th to 15th cents. Ruined Repaired in 1577, in the 17th cent. and in 1877101 Nahatak (Ziarat) Chapel West of Nors Middle Ages Ruined Repaired in the 19th cent. 24 St. Sargis Chapel North-east of Kaghakik Village 16th to 17th cents. Ruined 102 Tookh Manuk Chapel North-east of Nors Village Middle Ages Ruined Repaired in the 19th cent., with 16th to 17th-century khachkars 25 St. Stepanos Church North-east of Kaghakik Village 12th to 13th cents. Standing Repaired in the 17th and 19th cents. 103 Sourb Gyoot Church North-east of Nors Village 1251 Ruined Built by Lianos Proshian 26 Church Khanagha (Khoghvan) Village Middle Ages Ruined 104 Sourb Yerrordutiun Church West of Nors Village 13th to 14th cents. Standing Rebuilt in 1654 and 1875 27 Church Khurs Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1829 105 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church Nors-Mazra Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1841 28 St. Hripsime Sanctuary Mesropavan Village 19th cent. Ruined 106 Sourb Yerrordutiun (Kapuyt Khaz) Chapel Nors-Mazra Village 16th to 17th cents. Ruined Repaired in the 19th cent. 29 St. Gayane Chapel North of Mesropavan Village 19th cent. Semi-ruined 107 Sourb Astvatzatzin Monastery 700 m east of Otzop 12th to 13th cents. Standing Rebuilt in 1611 by Bishop Martiros 30 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church(Aznamer Village Site) 6 kms north-east of Mesropavan Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in the 19th cent. 108 St. Stepanos (Zham) Church South-east of Otzop 1195 Standing 31 Mesropavank West of Mesropavan Village 456 Standing Damaged by the earthquake of the 1930s 109 Sourb Khach (Kamu Khach) Monastery Vicinity of Shada Village Rebuilt in the 19th cent. Semi-ruined Rebuilt by H. Pirghalian from Otzop 32 Sari Sourb Nshan Chapel 19 kms south-east of Mesropavan Village 19th cent. Ruined Considered the hermitage of St. Mesrop110 Church North-west of Verin Rameshin 16th to 17th cents. Ruined Mentioned as ruined in the early 19th cent. Mashtots, the inventor of the Armenian alphabet 33 Sourb Astvatzatzin Chapel North-east of Mesropavan Village 14th to 15th cents. Ruined Repaired in the 17th and 19th cents. 34 St. Stepanos Monastery Metsgun Village Site 12th to 13th cents. Standing Repaired in 1895 NAKHIJEVAN DISTRICT (REGION OF NAKHIJEVAN) 35 St. Stepanos Monastery Navush Village Site, 111 St. Hovhannes Church South-east of Abasapat Castle Mentioned in the 17th cent.Ruined Mentioned in the early 20th cent. 3 kms south of Tevi Village 11th to12th cents. Standing Repaired in 1677 112 St. Vardan Monastery In Abasapat Castle Middle Ages Ruined First mentioned in 1269 36 St. Sargis Chapel Neighbourhood of Nerkin Agulis Repaired in the 17th cent. Ruined 113 Sourb Khach Church In Alagöz-Mazra Village Middle Ages Ruined Damaged by the earthquake of 1840 37 St. Minas Church Nerkin Agulis 17th cent. Ruined Rebuilt in the 19th cent. 114 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In Aliapat Village 17th cent. Standing Repaired in 1887 38 Sourb Nshan (Amarayin) Church Nerkin Agulis’ northern quarter 9th cent. Standing Restored in the 17th cent. 115 St. Stepanos (Karmir) Monastery In the vicinity of Astapat Village 7th cent. AnnihilatedRebuilt in the 1610s, now buried beneath a water reservoir 39 Sourb Yerrordutiun (St. Stepanos) Church Adjoining Nerkin Agulis’ Sourb 116 St. Grigor (Zham) Church In Aznaberd Village 19th cent. Standing Nshan Church in the north 17th cent. Standing 117 St. Hakob Chapel West of Aznaberd Village 14th to 16th cents. Semi-ruined 40 Sourb Hreshtakapetats (Sourb Prkich) Church In Nerkin Aza Middle Ages Ruined First mentioned in 1902 118 St. Hovhannes Church South-east of Aznaberd Village 1651 Standing 41 St. Gevorg Chapel North-west of Nerkin Aza 16th to 17th cents. Ruined Repaired in the 19th cent. 119 St. Hripsime Chapel West of Aznaberd Village 13th to 14th cents. Ruined 42 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church Nerkin Handamej Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1796, destroyed in the Soviet years120 St. Thomas Monastery North-east of Aznaberd Village 17th to 18th cents. Ruined 43 Church Norakert Village Middle Ages Ruined First mentioned in 1829 121 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In Gharaghush Village Site Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1601 44 Targmanchats Monastery Norakert Village 1662 Semi-ruined Built by Archimandrite Yesayi 122 St. Gevorg Church In Gharakhanbeyli Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1840, destroyed in the Soviet years 45 Church Nusnus Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1829 123 St. Gevorg Church In Ghulibek-Diza Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1863, destroyed in the Soviet years 46 St. Stepanos Church Ordubad City 1830 Semi-ruined 124 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In Hajivar Village Rebuilt in the 19th cent. Standing Mentioned in 1863 47 St. Nevski (Russian) Church Ordubad City 1862 Ruined Built by the Araskhaniants from Agulis 125 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In Jahuk Village 13th cent. Ruined 48 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church Ordubad City 19th cent. Ruined First mentioned in 1903 126 St. Hovhannes Church In the north-east of Jahuk Village 12th to 13th cents. Standing Rebuilt in 1640 49 St. Shmavon Church North-west of Paraka 12th to 13th cents. Standing Rebuilt in 1680 127 St. Shoghakat Monastery In the centre of Jahuk Village 1325 to 1330 Ruined Rebuilt in 1654, destroyed in 1982 50 St. Hakob Monastery North-west of Paraka 12th to 13th cents. Standing Rebuilt between 1691 and 1701 128 Sourb Amenaprkich Church In Khalilu Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1878, destroyed in the Soviet years 51 St. Gevorg Monastery (Dzoravank) In the territory of Paraka 14th to 15th cents. Ruined First mentioned in 1495 129 St. Hakob Church In Khalkhal Village Middle Ages Ruined Damaged by the earthquake of 1840 52 Hurumsima Khach Sanctuary North-east of Paraka Middle Ages Ruined Repaired in the 19th cent. 130 Chapel North-west of Kültapa Village 19th cent. Ruined 53 Chapel of St. Yeghia the Prophet South-west of Paraka 17th cent. Semi-ruined Rebuilt in the 19th cent. 131 St. Hripsime Church In the centre of Kültapa Village 17th cent. Standing Built by Archimandrite Poghos Mokatsy 54 St. Stepanos Church 1.5 kms west of Paraka 16th to 17th cents. Ruined 132 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In Kznut Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1863 55 St. Sargis Church 5 kms south of Ramis Middle Ages Semi-ruined Mentioned in the 1890s 133 Sourb Khach Church In Mamarzadiza Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1863, destroyed in the Soviet years 56 St. Hovhannes (St. Hakob) Church Ramis Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1840 134 Sourb Yerrordutiun Church In Nakhijevan City 1881 to 1900 Ruined Destroyed in 1931 57 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church Ramis Village 12th cent. Standing Rebuilt between 1677 and 1678 135 St. Gevorg Church In Nakhijevan City 1869 to 1872 Standing 58 St. Stepanos Monastery North-west of Sherju Village Site 17th cent. Standing 136 St. Hovhannes Church In Nakhijevan City Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1840 59 St. Hovhannes Church A km south of Tanakert 17th cent. Semi-ruined Repaired in 1888 137 Mortuary chapel In the south of Nakhijevan City Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Ruined Mentioned by the name of Noah 60 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church North-east of Tanakert 17th cent. Standing Mentioned in 1719 138 Mortuary chapel North-east of Nakhijevan City Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned by the name of Noah’s sister Noyemzar 61 Tevi (St. Tuma) Monastery Tevi Village 14th cent. Ruined Destroyed in the late 19th cent. 139 Russian church In Nakhijevan City 1849 Ruined Built by District Head Pankratov 62 Sourb Astvatzatzin Chapel South-west of Tronis 19th cent. Ruined Adjoined by cut-in-rock crosses of the 15th to 16th 140cents. St. Thomas Church In Nakhijevan City Site Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1601 63 St. Stepanos Church North-west of Tronis 17th cent. Ruined Mentioned in 1658 141 St. Sargis Church In Nakhijevan City Site Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1324 64 Sourb Astvatzatzin Monastery North-east of Tseghna 12th to 13th cents. Standing Repaired in the 17th cent., used to serve as a warehouse142 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In Nazarapat Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1840, destroyed in the Soviet years 65 St. Gevorg Church Tseghna Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1467 143 St. Gevorg Church In Nerkin Uzunoba Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1879, destroyed in the 1930s 66 St. Sargis Church Centre of Tseghna 13th to 14th cents. Standing Repaired by S. Saghatelian in 1890 144 Church In Payiz (Pahest) Village Site Middle Ages Ruined Destroyed in the early 20th cent. 67 Khachavank Vicinity of Unus Village 1687 Standing Repaired in 1859 145 St. Grigor Chapel 3 kms west of Shahaponk Village Middle Ages Ruined With 17th-century khachkars around 68 Chapel Vanand Village 1st cent. A.D. Ruined Built by Bartholomew the Apostle 146 St. Sargis Chapel North-west of Shahaponk Village Middle Ages Ruined With 17th-century khachkars around 69 St. Hovhannes Church Vanand Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1666 147 St. Stepanos Chapel In the vicinity of Shahaponk VillageMiddle Ages Ruined Mentioned in the 19th cent. 70 Sourb Khach Monastery South-west of Vanand 1457 Ruined Built by Bishop Petros 148 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In Shahaponk Village 13th to 14th cents. Ruined 24 149 Chapel In the vicinity of Shahaponk Castle 13th to 14th cents. Ruined With 14th to 15th-century khachkars around 150 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In Shekhmahmud Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1829 151 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In Tazagyugh Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1841 152 St. Hovhannes Church In the centre of Tmbul (Tambat) Village 16th to 17th cents. Semi-ruined Rebuilt by Badal Shahnazarian (1879) 153 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In Verin Uzunoba Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1842, destroyed in the Soviet years 154 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In Yarmeja Village Middle Ages Ruined Damaged by the earthquake of 1840, repaired in 1860 155 St. Minas Church In Yemkhana Village 17th cent. Ruined Repaired in the 19th cent., destroyed in 1979 SHARUR DISTRICT (REGION OF ILYICHEVSK) 156 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In Alaklu Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1840, destroyed in the Soviet years 157 St. Hakob Church In Dasharkh Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1840, destroyed in the Soviet years 158 St. Stepanos Church In Keshtaz Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1840, destroyed in the Soviet years 159 St. Sargis Church In Khanlukhlar Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1840, destroyed in the 1930s 160 Church In Siaghut Village Middle Ages Ruined Destroyed in the 1930s 161 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In Ulia-Norashen Village 1856 Ruined Designed by architect Hovsep Sargissian 162 St. Minas Chapel In Ulia-Norashen Village Rebuilt in the 19th cent.Ruined 163 St. Sargis Church In Varmaziar Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1840 YERNJAK DISTRICT (REGION OF JULFA) 164 Sourb Khach Monastery In Abrakunis Village, north-east of St. Karapet11th to12th cents. Ruined 165 St. Gevorg Church In Abrakunis Village Rebuilt in 1868 Semi-ruined 166 St. Karapet Monastery In Abrakunis Village 1381 Standing Rebuilt between 1648 and 1649 by architects David and Hovhannes 167 St. Hovhannes Chapel South of Abrakunis’ St. Gevorg Church13th to 14th cents. Ruined 168 St. Petros Church In Aparaner Village Middle Ages Ruined First mentioned in 1841 169 Amenayn Surbk (All Saints) Church In Aparaner Village 12th to 13th cents. Ruined 170 St. Stepanos Church In Berdik Village Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Ruined 171 Vank Church Amidst some gardens Rebuilt Ruined Mentioned as ruined in 1870 in the south-west of Gagh in the 19th cent. 172 St. Yeghia Chapel In the north of Gagh 16th to 17th cents. Ruined With 16th to 17th-century cross-stones lying around 173 St. Sargis Chapel In the east of Gagh Rebuilt in the 19th cent. Ruined With 17th-century cross-stones 174 St. Hovhannes Chapel In the west of Gagh Rebuilt in the 19th cent. Ruined 175 St. Grigor Church In Gagh Village Rebuilt in 1658/59 Standing Served as a warehouse in the Soviet years 176 St. Gayane Chapel 450 m north-west of Gagh 16th to 17th cents. Semi-ruined With 17th-century cross-stones lying around 177 Sourb Nahatak (St. Hripsime) Church West of Gagh’s St. Hovhannes Church Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Ruined 178 Chapel In the west of Gagh Castle Rebuilt in the 19th cent. Ruined 179 Sourb Anapat Chapel West of Gagh’s Sourb Nahatak Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Ruined 180 Sourb Amenaprkich Church In Ghazanchi Village Rebuilt in 1654 Standing 181 St. Hovhannes Church In the south-east of Ghazanchi Village 12th to 13th cents. Ruined 182 Sts. Poghos-Petros Church In Hay Tagh Late 19th cent. Ruined 183 St. Hovhannes Church In Hin Jugha City Site 13th to 14th cents. Ruined First mentioned in 1600 184 St. Gevorg Church In the centre of Hin Jugha City Site 13th to 14th cents. Ruined 185 Sourb Amenaprkich Monastery North-west of the cemetery of Hin Jugha 9th to 10th cents. Standing 186 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In the east of Hin Jugha City Site 12th to 13th cents. Semi-ruined Rebuilt in the 16th cent. 187 Pomblozi (Hovvi) Church In Hin Jugha City Site 12th to 13th cents. Standing Rebuilt in the 16th cent. 188 Sourb Astvatzatzin (Verin Katan) Chapel North of Hin Jugha’s Sourb Astvatzatzin Church12th to 13th cents. Semi-ruined 189 Church In Hin Poradasht Village Site Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Semi-ruined 190 Sourb Astvatzatzin Chapel In the east of Hin Poradasht Village Site 16th to 17th cents. Ruined 191 St. Stepanos Monastery 5 kms north of Hin Poradasht Village Site Destroyed in 1385 Founded by Hovhan Vorotnetsy, rebuilt in 1560 and 1683 192 St. Gevorg Church In the north-west of Jugha Village 1851 Standing 193 St. Stepanos Monastery In Khoshkashen Village Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Ruined 194 Verapokhman Sourb Astvatzatzin In the south-east of Kerna Village 1329 Semi-ruinedRepaired in the 17th cent. (Kusaber) Church 195 St. Hripsime Church 700 m south-west of Kerna’s Sourb Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Ruined Astvatzatzin 196 Church In the south-east of Nahajir Village Site Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned in 1829/32 197 Church In Nerkin Ankuzek Village Site Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Semi-ruined First mentioned in 1870 198 Koosanats (St. Hripsime) Chapel In Norashen Village Rebuilt in the 19th cent. Ruined With 17th-century cross-stones lying around 199 Sourb Astvatzatzin Church In the centre of Norashen Village 951 Standing Repaired in the 17th cent. 200 St. Grigor Church In Norashen Village Middle Ages Ruined First mentioned in 1357 201 St. Hovhannes Church In the north-east of Norashen Village Middle Ages Ruined Mentioned as semi-ruined in 1870 202 St. Stepanos Church In Norashen Village Middle Ages Ruined First mentioned in 1660 203 St. Gevorg Church In Nor Poradasht Village Site 1681 Semi-ruined Designed by architect Hovhan 204 St. Yeghia Chapel 5 kms north of Nor Poradasht 19th cent. Ruined With 17th-century cross-stones lying around 205 Koosanats Chapel In the vicinity of Salitagh Village Rebuilt in the 19th cent. Ruined Founded over the remains of the virgin followers of St. Hripsime 206 St. Gevorg Church In Salitagh Village 13th to 14th cents. Ruined First mentioned in 1540 207 Koosanats Sourb Astvatzatzin MonasteryA km north of Shorot Rebuilt in 1631 Semi-ruined Built by Priest Vardan 208 Sourb Nshan Church South of Shorot’s St. Hakob Church Rebuilt in 1613 Ruined 209 St. Grigor Lusavorich Monastery In the north-east of Shorot Rebuilt in 1708 Standing Built by the local inhabitants and Archimandrite Grigor 210 St. Hakob Hayrapet Church In the centre of Shorot Rebuilt in 1642 Standing 211 St. Sargis Chapel In the east of Shorot Village Rebuilt in the 19th cent. Ruined 212 St. Stepanos Monastery On a mountain 4 kms south of Shorot 9th to 10th cents. Standing Rebuilt in the 17th, 19th to 20th cents., retains a khachkar dated 926 inside 213 St. Yeghia Chapel In Shorot Village Rebuilt in the 19th cent. Ruined Mentioned in 1870 with 15th to 16th century khachkars lying around 214 Church In Teyvaz Village Rebuilt in the 17th cent. Ruined 215 Church In Verin Ankuzek Village Site 1719 Ruined 216 Jgnavori (Hermit’s) Chapel 200 m north of Yernjak’s St. Gevorg Mon. Rebuilt in the 19th cent. Ruined With 14th to 17th-century cross-stones lying around 217 St. Gevorg Monastery 3 kms north-east of Yernjak Castle 9th to 10th cents. Semi-ruined 218 Zavachri Vank In Zavachri Vank Village Site Middle Ages Ruined Nakhijevan as shown on the map (1691) of Yeremia Chelebi Kömürjian of Constantinople 25 26 1 2 3 4 5 YEGHEGNADZOR

6 7 8 9 10 a NAKHIJEVAN A r p MONASTERIES 11 12 13 14 15 16 A r a VAYK k s CHURCHES 17 18 19 20 21 a p r CHAPELS A REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA EARLY 1990s 161 ULIA-NORASHEN 162 1. Agulis. The church of the monastery of RUSSIAN St. Tovma Arakyal (Thomas the FEDERATION Apostle) from the south-west 160 GEORGIA SIAGHUT 2. Hin (Old) Jugha. The church named 93 157 91 N.DASHARKH KUKI Pomblozi Zham or Tvaratzi (Hovvi) 121 110 92 156 90 AZERBAIJAN 159 Gharaghush V.RAMESHIN ALAKLU n RA 3. Agulis. Sourb Astvatzatzin (Holy KESHTAZ KHANLEKHLAR a TURKEY 100 v 158 e NKR Virgin) Monastery from the south-west 163 109 N.RAMESHIN j VARMAZIAR i SHAMEN¥SHADA¤ h 85 k ARMENM I A 4. Nakhijevan. St. Gevorg Church from the a 87 N 86 NAKHIJEVAN 89 GOMER south-west 120 OTZOP¥BADAMLU¤ 84 119 116 107 KOLANI 97 117 AZNABERD 108 81 99 KZHADZOR 5. Verin (Upper) Agulis. St. Christopher 80 98 118 79 ARINJ Church from the south 106 IRAN SYRIA 144 105 NORS-MAZRA 82 102 6. Otzop. Sourb Astvatzatzin (Holy Virgin) PAHEST¥PAYIZ¤ BABONK¥GHARABABA¤ 103 101 NORS IRAQ Church of Otzop Monastery from the 104 146 148 south-west SHAHAPONK¥SHAHBUZ¤ 147 95 88 149 Agarak KECHIL 7. Jahuk. St. Hovhannes Church from the 145 KYOLK¥KYULUS¤ 126 94 north-west JAHUK¥JAHRI¤ 125 96 127 129 8. Agulis. St. Stepanos Church from the KHALKHAL SYMBOLS 142 south 113 NAZARAPAT ALAGYOZ-MAZRA 9. Mesropavan. St. Mesrop Mashtots j a k City 153 133 218 r n V.UZUNOBA MAMARZA-DIZA Zavachir Y e Monastery from the south 143 Village N.UZUNOBA a n KYULTAPA MILAKH i l 10. Shamen. The church of Sourb Khach 128 G Monasteries KHALILU 131 130 NAHAJIR 214 TEYVAZ (Holy Cross) Monastery from the south- Standing SHEKHMAHMUD 196 SHAHKERT¥GHAZANCHI¤ Semi-ruined 150 west 114 154 180 181 ALIAPAT YARMEJA 43 Ruined 44 NORAKERT 11. Tseghna. Sourb Astvatzatzin (Holy 134 140 215 170 Churches 136 141 124 197 Berdik Virgin) Church from the south-east NAKHIJEVAN HAJIVAR N. Enkuzek V. Enkuzek 27 KHOORS Standing 137 135 Yernjak 217 138 KHANAGHA 192 30 12. Tseghna. The reliefs of Sourb Semi-ruined GHARAKHANBEYLI 216 76 Aznamer 122 190 Hin Poradasht 29 Ruined 201 193 191 77 Astvatzatzin (Holy Virgin) Church 152 199 KHOSHKASHEN VOHOGHI(ALAHI) 31 TMBUL¥TAMBAT¤ 198 200 Poradasht 33 28 Chapels 202 NORASHEN 203 207 209 MESROPAVAN 13. Tseghna. The reliefs of Sourb 13 32 Semi-ruined 205 SALTAGH 204 208 210 BIST Sherju 168 206 58 Astvatzatzin (Holy Virgin) Church Ruined 155 YEMKHANA APARANER¥BANANIAR¤ 169 SHOROT 211 14 16 12 KERNA 172 151 132 166 175 212 213 15 14. Gagh. The church of St. Gregory the TAZAGYUGH KEZNUT 194195 176 167 164 179 173 61 a ABBREVIATIONS 112 165 174 GAGH TEVI k Enlightener from the south-west 182 a HAY TAGH(ARAZIN) ABRAKUNIS 171 35 Navush a r AND COMMENTS 115 111 177 P 15. Abrakunis. The church of Sourb Karapet k 52 ASTAPAT a j 51 Amenayn Surbk All Saints 56 (Holy Forerunner) Monastery from the A n 11 50 r r 57 Anapat Cloister a BAHRUT PARAKA k e 49 RAMIS west s 54

Hazaraprkich Saviour of Thousands Y n 53 Hin Old a 55 16. Agulis. The church of St. Hakob l Jgnavor Hermit i Hayrapet from the west Khachi Kar Cross Stone G Koosanats Of the Holy Virgins 64 123 65 66 67 17. Verin (Upper) Agulis. St. Christopher Nahatak Martyr 24 UNUS 75 GHULIBEK-DIZA TSEGHNA 25 Vobevan Church from the west N. Nerkin, i.e. Lower 34 Metsgun KAGHAKIK Sb. Amenaprkich Holy Saviour 188 186 63 62 Darashamb 189 60 DERNIS¥TRONIS¤ 18. Ramis. Sourb Astvatzatzin (Holy Virgin) Sb. Astvatzatzin Holy Virgin 185 73 St. Stepanos JUGHA TANAKERT 72 Sb. Gyut Holy Discovery 187 JUGHA CEMETERY 74 VERIGET Church from the south-west ¥Maghartavank¤ Andreordi Berdak 59 3 5 Sb. Hreshtakapetats Of the Holy Archangels 183 1 184 20 4 8 NUSNUS 19. Shorot. St. Hakob Church from the Sb. Khach Holy Cross A r a k s DEGHSAR V.AGULIS 7 45 22 23 2 6 21 Sb. Khoran Holy Apse ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF 78 VANAND 70 39 GANDZAK south-west 18 71 38 10 Sb. Nshan Holy Sign V. AZA 9 ANAPAT 69 N.AGULIS 20. Kerna. The church of Sourb Astvatzatzin Targmanchats Of the Holy Translators DER 19 68 36 42 HANDAMEJ V. Verin, i.e. Upper N. AZA KHANAGHA 26 37 (Holy Virgin) Monastery 40 41 Sb. Yerrordutiun Holy Trinity 48 ORDUBAD IRAN 46 MEGHRI 21. Nerkin (Lower or Dasht) Agulis. The 17 DASTAK churches of Sourb Nshan (Holy Sign, 0 5 10 km also called Amarayin, i.e. Summer) and Sourb Yerrordutiun (Holy Trinity) from the south-west 27 28 145 1 126 JAHUK¥JAHRI¤ 125 2 3 127 129 KHALKHAL 4 5 142 113 6 7 NAZARAPAT ALAGYOZ-MAZRA

8 9 10 153 133 93 V.UZUNOBA MAMARZA-DIZA 91 143 KUKI N.UZUNOBA 110 92 KYULTAPA V.RAMESHIN 90 128 n KHALILU 131 a 130 NAHAJIR 100 v SHEKHMAHMUD 109 N.RAMESHIN j e i 150 SHAMEN¥SHADA¤ h 85 114 154 k ALIAPAT YARMEJA a 87 134 140 N 86 GOMER OTZOP¥BADAMLU¤ 89 136 141 124 107 KOLANI 97 84 NAKHIJEVAN HAJIVAR 137 135 108 81 99 KZHADZOR 80 98 138 79 ARINJ 122 GHARAKHANBEYLI 106 152 144 105 NORS-MAZRA TMBUL¥TAMBAT¤ 82 102 ¤ BABONK¥GHARABABA¤ 103 101 NORS 148 104 155 YEMKHANA 146 APARANER¥BANA SHAHAPONK¥SHAHBUZ¤ 147 95 88 149 Agarak 151 132 KEZNUT 166 KECHIL TAZAGYUGH 167 145 94 KYOLK¥KYULUS¤ 112 182 126 HAY TAGH(ARAZIN) AHRI¤ 125 96 115 111 175 15

A 173 61 a GAGH TEVI k a k a n j a r 218 r 177 35 Navush P Zavachir Y e 1. A partial view of the cemetery (photo by 52 a n Aram Vruyr, 1915) MILAKH i l 51 56 G 11 50 2. A cross-stone (photo by Raphael PARAKA 57 214 BAHRUT Abgarian, 1987) NAHAJIR 196 TEYVAZ 54 49 RAMIS 3. A partial view of the cemetery (photo by SHAHKERT¥GHAZANCHI¤ n 53 Zaven Sargissian, 1987) 180 a 55 181 l 4. A partial view of the cemetery (photo by 43 i

44 NORAKERT G Raphael Abgarian, 1987) 215 170 5. A partial view of the cemetery (photo by 197 Berdik 64 N. Enkuzek Zaven Sargissian, 1987) V. Enkuzek 27 KHOORS 123 65 66 67 Yernjak 217 24 UNUS 75 6. The cemetery during its destruction by 192 TSEGHNA 25 Vobevan 216 KHANAGHA 76 30 Azname 34 Metsgun KAGHAKIK the Azerbaijanian army forces in 190 Hin Poradasht December 2005 (photo by Arthur 201 193 191 77 29 63 62 199 KHOSHKASHEN VOHOGHI(ALAHI) 31 60 DERNIS¥TRONIS¤ Gevorgian, Tabriz) 28 TANAKERT 73 72 198 200 Poradasht 33 74 7. The cemetery during its demolition with 202 NORASHEN 203 207 209 MESROPAVAN Berdak 59 5 VERIGET bulldozers (photo by architect Arpiar 13 32 3 205 SALTAGH 204 208 210 BIST Sherju 1 Petrossian, Teheran, 1998) 168 206 58 20 4 8 NUSNUS ARANER¥BANANIAR¤ 169 SHOROT 211 14 16 12 45 8. A partial view of the cemetery (photo by 172 DEGHSAR V.AGULIS 7 22 23 KERNA 212 213 15 2 6 21 Raphael Abgarian, 1987) EZNUT 166 194195 176 175 78 VANAND 70 39 GANDZAK 164 61 a 18 10 9. The cemetery during its destruction in 167 179 173 V. AZA 71 38 ANAPAT 165 GAGH TEVI k N.AGULIS 9 December 2005 (photo by Arthur 182 174 a DER 19 69 ABRAKUNIS a r 68 36 42 HANDAMEJ Gevorgian, Tabriz) AZIN) 171177 35 Navush P N. AZA KHANAGHA 26 37 10. The military base and shooting-ground k 52 40 41 a ORDUBAD established in the site of the totally anni- j 51 56 48 hilated cemetery, the cross-stones of n 11 50 46 r 57 17 which used to cover three hills, by the BAHRUT PARAKA e RAM DASTAK authorities of Azerbaijan (photo March 54 49 2006) Y n 53 a 55 29 NAKHIJEVAN JAHUK DISTRICT (REGION OF SHAHBUZ) 135 Mosque Ghabulu Village 19th to 20th cents. A LIST OF NAKHIJEVAN’S ISLAMIC (PERSIAN, TATAR, i.e. 82 Mosque Gharaboya Village 19th to 20th cents. 136 Minaret Gharabaghlar Village 19th to 20th cents. AZERBAIJANIAN) MONUMENTS 83 Mosque Khndzirak Village 19th to 20th cents. 137 Minaret Gharabaghlar Village 19th to 20th cents. 84 Mosque Kuki Village 19th to 20th cents. 138 Tomb Gharabaghlar Village 19th to 20th cents. 85 Mosque Nerkin Rameshin Village 19th to 20th cents. 139 Mosque Gharaburj Village 19th to 20th cents. 86 Mosque Salasuz Village 19th to 20th cents. 140 Mosque Gharahasanlu Village 19th to 20th cents. GOGHTAN DISTRICT (REGION OF ORDUBAD) 87 Mosque Shahbuz Village 19th to 20th cents. 141 Mosque Gheshlagh-Abas Village 19th to 20th cents. 88 Mosque Trkesh Village 19th to 20th cents. 142 Mosque Ghorchulu Village 19th to 20th cents. N Monument Location Date State Name 89 Mosque Verin Rameshin Village 19th to 20th cents. 143 Mosque Ghushchi-Demirchi Village 19th to 20th cents. 1 Mosque Aghri Village 19th to 20th cents. 90 Mosque Zeynadin Village 19th to 20th cents. 144 Mosque Ghushchi-Demirchi Village 19th to 20th cents. 2 Mosque Aghri Village 19th to 20th cents. 145 Mosque Ibadula Village 19th to 20th cents. 146 Mosque Karkhun Village 19th to 20th cents. 3 Mosque Anapat Village 19th to 20th cents. NAKHIJEVAN DISTRICT (REGION OF NAKHIJEVAN) 4 Tomb Aza Village 1472 to 1473 147 Mosque Keshtaz Village 19th to 20th cents. 91 Mosque Bulghan Village 19th to 20th cents. 5 Mosque Bazmari Village 19th to 20th cents. 148 Mosque Khalkhal Village 19th to 20th cents. 92 Mosque Cheshma-Basar Village 19th to 20th cents. 6 Mosque (Bahrut) Bekhrut Village 19th to 20th cents. 149 Mosque Khok Village 19th to 20th cents. 93 Mosque Diduvar Village 19th to 20th cents. 7 Mosque Bilav (Bghev) Village 150 Mosque Kivragh Village 19th to 20th cents. 94 Minarets (2) Gharabaghlar Village 14th cent. 8 Mosque Dasta Village 1610 to 1611 Ruined 151 Mosque Kosajan Village 19th to 20th cents. 95 Tomb Gharabaghlar Village 14th cent. 9 Mosque Dastagyugh Village 19th to 20th cents. 152 Mosque Kyarimbeklu Village 19th to 20th cents. 96 Mosque Gharachugh Village 19th to 20th cents. 10 Mosque Deghsar Village 19th to 20th cents. 153 Mosque Kyurdkend Village 19th to 20th cents. 97 Mosque Ghoshadiza Village 19th to 20th cents. 11 Mosque Diza (Bash) Village 19th to 20th cents. 154 Mosque Mahmudkend Village 19th to 20th cents. 98 Mosque Ghoshadiza Village 19th to 20th cents. 12 Mosque Drnis Village 19th to 20th cents. 155 Mosque Makhta Village 19th to 20th cents. 99 Mosque Hinjab Village 19th to 20th cents. 13 Mosque Gandzak Village 19th to 20th cents. 156 Mosque Mughanlu Village 19th to 20th cents. 100 Mosque Jahuk (Jahri) Village 19th to 20th cents. 14 Obelisk Ketam Village 1470 to 1471 157 Mosque Mughanlu Village 19th to 20th cents. 101 Mosque Jahuk (Jahri) Village 19th to 20th cents. 15 Tomb Khanagha Village 12th to 13th cents. Sheikh Khorasan 158 Mosque Parchi Village 19th to 20th cents. 102 Mosque Jahuk (Jahri) Village 19th to 20th cents. Complex 159 Mosque Poosyan Village 19th to 20th cents. 103 Mosque Nakhijevan City 1894 Ruined Jafari 16 Tomb Khanagha Village 1495 to 1496 160 Mosque Sadarak Village 1843 104 Tomb Nakhijevan City 1162 Standing 17 Mosque Khanagha Village 19th to 20th cents. 161 Mosque Sadarak Village 1892 Ajemi Abu Bakr 18 Mosque Kilit Village 19th to 20th cents. 162 Mosque Sadarak Village 1909 Khakvesli 105 Tomb Nakhijevan City 1186 Standing 19 Mosque Kyangah Village 19th to 20th cents. 163 Mosque Shahriar Village 19th to 20th cents. Momine Khatun 20 Mosque Nasirabad Village 19th to 20th cents. 164 Mosque Shahtakhti Village 19th to 20th cents. 106 Mosque Nehram Village 1894 to 1895 21 Mosque Nerkin Aza Village 19th to 20th cents. 165 Mosque Tandzik Village 19th to 20th cents. Gyullu 22 Mosque Nerkin Handamej Village 19th to 20th cents. 166 Mosque Tandzik Village 19th to 20th cents. 107 Mosque Nehram Village 1897 to 1898 23 Mosque Nerkin Handamej Village 19th to 20th cents. 167 Mosque Tandzik Village 19th to 20th cents. 108 Mosque Nehram Village 19th to 20th cents. 24 Mosque Nerkin Handamej Village 19th to 20th cents. 168 Mosque Tazakend Village 19th to 20th cents. 109 Mosque Nehram Village 1957 to 1958 25 Mosque Nigdeh Village 19th to 20th cents. 169 Mosque Tumaslu Village 19th to 20th cents. 110 Tomb Nehram Village 1960 to 1961 26 Mosque Nusnus Village 1732 to 1733 170 Mosque Vaykher Village 19th to 20th cents. Imamzade 27 Mosque Nusnus Village 1917 171 Mosque Yalkuz-Aghaj Village 19th to 20th cents. 111 Mosque Nerkin Uzunoba Village 19th to 20th cents. 28 Mosque Nusnus Village 172 Mosque Yengija Village 19th to 20th cents. 112 Mosque Pahest (Payiz) Village 19th to 20th cents. 29 Mosque Nyurgyugh Village 19th to 20th cents. 173 Mosque Yurtchi Village 19th to 20th cents. 113 Mosque Shakarabad Village 19th to 20th cents. 30 Mosque Ordubad City 1604 174 Mosque Zeyva Village 19th to 20th cents. 114 Mosque Sirab Village 19th to 20th cents. 31 Mosque Ordubad City 1774 to 1775 Mingis 115 Mosque Soust Village 19th to 20th cents. 32 Mosque Ordubad City 1825 to 1826 116 Mosque Tazakend Village 19th to 20th cents. YERNJAK DISTRICT (REGION OF JULFA) Tekeshiyi 117 Mosque Tmbul Village 19th to 20th cents. 33 Mosque Ordubad City 1867 to 1868 Verin Ambaras 175 Mosque Arazin Village 19th to 20th cents. 118 Mosque Vaykher Village 19th to 20th cents. 34 Mosque Ordubad City 19th cent. Ruined Kurdatal 176 Mosque Bash-Anzir Village 19th to 20th cents. 119 Mosque Verin Uzunoba Village 19th to 20th cents. 35 Mosque Ordubad City 1901 to 1902 177 Mosque Dib-Anzir Village 19th to 20th cents. 36- 178 Mosque Khoshkashen Village 19th to 20th cents. 67 Mosque (31) Ordubad City 19th to 20th cents. SHARUR DISTRICT (REGION OF ILYICHEVSK) 179 Mosque Kerna Village 19th to 20th cents. 68 Tomb Ordubad City 1848 180 Mosque Kyarim-Ghulidiza Village 19th to 20th cents. 120 Mosque Aghahmet Village 19th to 20th cents. Ghara-Pir 181 Mosque Milakh Village 19th to 20th cents. 121 Mosque Akhuri Village 19th to 20th cents. 69 Mosque Paraka Village 19th to 20th cents. 182 Mosque Norashen Village 19th to 20th cents. 122 Mosque Arab-Yengija Village 19th to 20th cents. 70 Mosque Tevi Village 19th to 20th cents. 183 Mosque Saltagh Village 19th to 20th cents. 123 Mosque Aralekh-Bek Village 19th to 20th cents. 71 Mosque Unoos Village 19th to 20th cents. 184 Mosque Teyvaz Village 19th to 20th cents. 124 Mosque Aralekh-Khan Village 19th to 20th cents. 72 Mosque Ustoop Village 19th to 20th cents. 185 Mosque Yayji Village 19th to 20th cents. 125 Mosque Arbatan Village 19th to 20th cents. 73 Mosque Vaghaver Village 19th to 20th cents. 186 Mosque Yayji Village 19th to 20th cents. 126 Mosque Babaki Village 19th to 20th cents. 74 Mosque Vanand Village 1324 to 1325 187 Mosque Yayji Village 19th to 20th cents. 127 Mosque Bash-Norashen Village 19th to 20th cents. 75 Mosque Vanand Village 1732 128 Mosque Charchiboghan Village 19th to 20th cents. 76 Mosque Vanand Village 1890 129 Mosque Chomakhtur Village 19th to 20th cents. 77 Mosque Vanand Village 19th to 20th cents. 130 Mosque Chomakhtur Village 19th to 20th cents. 78 Mosque Vanand Village 19th to 20th cents. 131 Mosque Darvishlar Village 19th to 20th cents. 79 Mosque Vanand Village 19th to 20th cents. 132 Mosque Dasharkh Village 19th to 20th cents. 80 Mosque Verin Agulis Village 19th to 20th cents. 133 Mosque Diadin Village 19th to 20th cents. 81 Mosque Verin Agulis Village 19th to 20th cents. 134 Mosque Dudanga Village 19th to 20th cents. 30 A



a x 10 kms 5 0 Sadarak LEGEND Kerimbeklu XIX-XX cc. Mughanle Korchulu Gharaburj Gharahasanli Charchiboghnan Arab-Yengija Shahriar Minaret Tomb Mosque Babaki Dervishlar Demirchi Keshtaz Arbatan Dudanka Tumaslu

Makhta A Yengija

Kyurdkend r

Chomakhtur a x Bash-Norashen Diadin Gheshlaghabas Ibadula Vaykher Zeyva Kosajan Tazakend Pusian Parchi Karkhun Mahmudkend N. Tandzik V. Dasharkh V. Tandzik Ghabuli A r p a Shahtakhti Kvragh Yurtchi Akhura Khok IRAN

Gharabaghlar A



a Hinjab Gharaghush REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA Soust Payiz ¥Pahest¤ Bughlan Jahri ¥Jahuk¤ YEGHEGNADZOR N.Uzunoba V.Uzunoba Tmbul


A r

NAKHIJEVAN a x Trkesh Ghoshadiza Shakarabad Tazagyugh N

a Salasuz

Nehram k h Zeynadin Vaykher i VAYK j




n Gharaboya Sirab V.Rameshin Chashmabazar Suramelik

Y e r n Shahbuz ¥Shahaponk¤ j Arazin a Kuki k N.Rameshin

N Norashen A a

r k

a h

x i

Kyarimghuli-Diza j

Kerna e

v Saltagh a

n Milakh Khoshkashen Yayji MOSQUES, MINARETS, TOMBS N.Anzir Ghoshadiza V.Anzir Teyvaz Bilav ¥Bghev¤

G i l a n N.Aza V.Aza Disar ¥Deghsar¤ Bahrut (Bekhrut) Khanagha Dastak Vanand NAKHIJEVAN Vaghaver Y Aghri Paraka e Tevi G

Nyurhut ¥Norgyut¤ r

i n

l j Ustup a a

n k

P Unus

N.Handamej a

r a

k a

A Drnis


V.Agulis a




a 31 x HISTORICAL ARMENIAN MONUMENTS DESTROYED SINCE THE 1990s The churches of Amarayin (Summer, also called Sourb Nshan, i.e. Holy Sign) and St. Stepanos (Sourb Yerrordutiun, i.e. Holy Trinity), Nerkin (Lower) Agulis

St. Hovhannes Mkrtich (John the Baptist) Church, Verin (Upper) Agulis

Sourb Astvatzatzni Metz Anapat (Great Cloister of the Holy Virgin), Verin (Upper) Agulis

St. Christopher Church, Verin (Upper) Agulis

32 St. Tovma Monastery, Verin (Upper) Agulis

St. Stepanos Church, Verin (Upper) Agulis

St. Shmavon Church, Verin (Upper) Agulis

St. Hakob Hayrapet Church, Verin (Upper) Agulis

33 Sourb Astvatzatzin (Holy Virgin) Church, Aliapat

Sourb Yerrordutiun (Holy Trinity) Church, Nakhijevan

Sourb Karapet (Holy Forerunner) Monastery, Abrakunis

34 A partial view of the frescoes of the church of St. Tovma Monastery, Verin (Upper) Agulis



Text by Samvel Karapetian Photographs by Raphael Abgarian, Zaven Sargissian, Argam Ayvazian, Arpiar Petrossian & Arthur Gevorgian The maps on pages 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27 and 31 as well as the lists of monuments by Samvel Karapetian Computer design by Armen Gevorgian Translation from Armenian by Gayane Movsissian

Press of Tigran Metz Publishing House Yerevan 2012