Paleobiology, 30(3), 2004, pp. 347–368

Land plant at the end of the Cretaceous: a quantitative analysis of the North Dakota megafloral record

Peter Wilf and Kirk R. Johnson

Abstract.—We present a quantitative analysis of megafloral turnover across the Cretaceous/Paleo- gene boundary (K/T) based on the most complete record, which comes from the Williston Basin in southwestern North Dakota. More than 22,000 specimens of 353 have been recovered from 161 localities in a stratigraphic section that is continuous across and temporally calibrated to the K/T and two paleomagnetic reversals. Floral composition changes dynamically during the Cre- taceous, shifts sharply at the K/T, and is virtually static during the Paleocene. The K/T is associated with the loss of nearly all dominant species, a significant drop in species richness, and no subse- quent recovery. Only 29 of 130 Cretaceous species that appear in more than one stratigraphic level (non-singletons) cross the K/T. Only 11 non-singletons appear first during the Paleocene. The sur- vivors, most of which were minor elements of Cretaceous floras, dominate the impoverished Pa- leocene floras. Confidence intervals show that the range terminations of most Cretaceous plant taxa are well sampled. We infer that nearly all species with last appearances more than about5mbelow (approximately 70 Kyr before) the K/T truly disappeared before the boundary because of normal turnover dynamics and climate changes; these species should not be counted as K/T victims. Max- ima of last appearances occur from 5 to3mbelowtheK/T.Interpretation of these last appearances at a fine stratigraphic scale is problematic because of local facies changes, and megafloral data alone, even with confidence intervals, are not sufficient for precise location of an extinction horizon. For this purpose, we rely on high-resolution palynological data previously recovered from continuous facies in the same sections; these place a major plant precisely at the K/T impact horizon. Accordingly, we interpret the significant cluster of last appearances less than5mbelow the K/T as the signal of a real extinction at the K/T that is recorded slightly down section. A max- imum estimate of plant extinction, based on species lost that were present in the uppermost 5 m of Cretaceous strata, is 57%. Palynological data, with higher stratigraphic but lower taxonomic res- olution than the megafloral results, provide a minimum estimate of a 30% extinction. The 57% estimate is significantly lower than previous megafloral observations, but these were based on a larger thickness of latest Cretaceous strata, including most of a globally warm interval, and were less sensitive to turnover before the K/T. The loss of one-third to three-fifths of plant species sup- ports a scenario of sudden ecosystem collapse, presumably caused by the Chicxulub impact.

Peter Wilf. Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 and Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. E-mail: [email protected] Kirk R. Johnson. Department of Earth Sciences, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Denver, Colorado 80205. E-mail: [email protected]

Accepted: 12 December 2003

Introduction which appear to have been sudden and severe for many major groups of organisms (Sheehan Since Alvarez et al. (1980) proposed an ex- et al. 1991, 2000; Marshall and Ward 1996; traterrestrial cause for the end-Cretaceous ex- Norris et al. 1999; Pearson et al. 2001, 2002; La- tinctions, the Chicxulub structure in the Yu- bandeira et al. 2002a,b). cata´n peninsula of Mexico has been identified Land plants are the trophic and structural as an impact crater (Hildebrand et al. 1991) of basis of terrestrial ecosystems. Accordingly, terminal Cretaceous age (Izett et al. 1991; their fates at the Cretaceous/Paleogene Swisher et al. 1992), its distal ejecta isotopi- boundary (we use the historic abbreviation, cally fingerprinted (Krogh et al. 1993; Blum et ‘‘K/T,’’ because it is widely recognized) are of al. 1993), its structure mapped in detail (Chr- primary interest to extinction studies because isteson et al. 2001), and possible killing mech- a decimation of land plants would suggest a anisms investigated (Toon et al. 1997; Pope simultaneous catastrophe for dependent ani- 2002). Paleontologists have taken up the task mal life (Labandeira et al. 2002b). Palynolog- of assessing the end-Cretaceous , ical data show a significant plant extinction

᭧ 2004 The Paleontological Society. All rights reserved. 0094-8373/04/3003-0002/$1.00 348 PETER WILF AND KIRK R. JOHNSON precisely at the K/T impact horizon, at a paleomagnetic reversals, that constrain the stratigraphic resolution not available from ages of the Raton sections. Interpretations of megafossils (Tschudy 1970; Leffingwell 1970; floral recovery rates in the Raton Basin (Beer- Orth et al. 1981; Tschudy et al. 1984; Nichols ling et al. 2001) are therefore premature in our et al. 1986; Johnson et al. 1989; Sweet and Bra- view. Wolfe and Upchurch (1986) also exam- man 2001; Hotton 2002; Nichols and Johnson ined other, more coarsely sampled, latest Cre- 2002). Palynology also provides the only reli- taceous and early Paleocene floras throughout able evidence for a K/T plant extinction out- the Western Interior of the United States and side North America (Saito et al. 1986; Vajda et found corroboration of the mass extinction al. 2001; Vajda and Raine 2003). However, pa- pattern from the Raton Basin. lynomorphs are relatively limited in taxonom- Johnson and colleagues increased the reso- ic resolution and underrepresent many insect- lution of the K/T megafloral record with their pollinated taxa (Johnson and Hickey 1990). study of the Williston Basin in the vicinity of Megafloral data allow species-level resolution Marmarth, in southwestern North Dakota of extinction, origination, richness, relative (Johnson et al. 1989; Johnson and Hickey 1990; abundance, and compositional change, as well Johnson 1992, 1996, 2002). These workers first as quantitative inference of paleoclimates recognized the K/T from the simultaneous (Wing et al. 2000). Unlike palynomorphs, occurrence of an iridium anomaly and many types of plant megafossils, such as shocked minerals (Johnson et al. 1989), which leaves, cannot be reworked into younger stra- are associated locally with the loss of verte- ta. The taxonomic resolution of megafossils, brate species (Sheehan et al. 1991, 2000; Pear- combined with the stratigraphic resolution of son et al. 2001, 2002). The iridium anomaly co- palynomorphs, offers the best opportunity for incides with the loss of approximately 30% of improved understanding of plant turnover at palynomorphs (Johnson et al. 1989; Nichols the K/T (e.g., Pearson et al. 2001). and Johnson 2002; Nichols 2002). The first syn- Early reports after the Alvarez et al. (1980) theses of megafloral change in the Marmarth paper found no evidence for an abrupt me- area were based on over 11,000 megafloral gafloral extinction at the K/T (Hickey 1981, specimens from approximately 90 localities, 1984). Significant floral turnover was observed representing about 250 species (Johnson et al. but attributed to relatively gradual processes 1989; Johnson and Hickey 1990). Turnover such as climate change, as it was before 1980 events were recognized both before and at the (Dorf 1940; Brown 1962; Krassilov 1975, 1978). K/T, and a biozonation was developed to rec- At this time sample sizes were relatively low, ognize these changes. The largest turnover stratigraphic and taxonomic resolution were was at the K/T: 79% of species present in the coarse, Cretaceous floras were much less sam- uppermost Cretaceous biozone (zone HCIII, pled than Paleocene floras, and correlations of found in the uppermost 24 m of Cretaceous megafloras to the K/T impact layer were not strata), including nearly all dominant species, yet achieved, as discussed by Johnson (2002). were not found in Paleocene strata (Johnson et The discovery of a coeval iridium anomaly al. 1989; Johnson 1992). The homogeneous, and palynological extinction in the Raton Ba- low-diversity ‘‘disaster’’ flora from the basal sin of New Mexico and Colorado (Orth et al. Paleocene of the Marmarth area was found to 1981) set the stage for a megafloral study by be widespread in correlative strata of Colora- Wolfe and Upchurch (1987). These authors re- do, Wyoming, Montana, and the Dakotas, cor- ported a loss from the latest Cretaceous to the roborating a mass extinction scenario over a Paleocene of 84% of species interpreted as ev- large area (Johnson and Hickey 1990; Barclay ergreen dicots and 33% of deciduous dicots, et al. 2003), as suggested by Wolfe and Up- followed by a recovery of richness into the ear- church (1986). ly Paleocene. Sample size was not taken into More recently, Johnson (2002) greatly in- account in these estimates. To date, apart from creased sample size and provided extensive the K/T impact horizon, there are no high-res- documentation of the floras from the Mar- olution stratigraphic data reported, such as marth area, including information on the tax- K/T PLANT EXTINCTION 349 onomy and stratigraphic ranges of species, updated descriptions of localities and biozo- nes, and possible effects of facies changes on recovered floral composition. Labandeira et al. (2002a,b) investigated insect damage on the Marmarth floras and found the first evi- dence for a mass extinction of insects at the K/T. In a companion paper to this contribu- tion, Wilf et al. (2003) analyzed paleotemper- atures for the Marmarth section, their rela- tionship to species richness, and their corre- lation to marine climates. Despite the scientific importance of the K/T and a rich history of investigations, there are no detailed quantitative analyses of me- gafloral change. The sections from the vicinity of Marmarth, North Dakota are the most in- tensively sampled, and, because of recent work, they are well understood with regard to stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleobotany, and paleoclimate. Here, we present a suite of anal- FIGURE 1. Stratigraphic summary and age model, re- drawn from Hicks et al. (2002). The composite section yses that are made possible by the improved contains three temporal reference points, the K/T and North Dakota record. We examine floral turn- the base and top of C29r. After Hicks et al. (2002) and over, richness, and composition and attempt D’Hondt et al. (1996), we use 65.51 Ϯ 0.10 Ma as the age of the K/T and 0.333 Myr and 0.270 Myr as the durations to distinguish events at the Cretaceous/Paleo- of the Cretaceous and Paleocene portions of C29r, re- gene boundary from those that occurred dur- spectively. The Hicks et al. (2002) estimate that the sec- ing the Cretaceous and Paleocene. tion represents approximately 1.36 Myr of Cretaceous and 0.84 Myr of Paleocene time is based on two linear stratigraphic extrapolations. The Cretaceous estimate is Sampling extrapolated from the K/T and the average stratigraphic Stratigraphy. The recent revision of the position of the bottom of C29r; the Paleocene estimate is likewise extrapolated from the K/T and the top of C29r. stratigraphy, sedimentology, geochronology, The two extrapolations are used to generate an inter- and paleobotany of K/T strata from the Mar- polated, modeled age for every stratigraphic level. A marth area is the framework for this contri- complete list of the modeled ages for each 1-m bin is pre- sented in the online supplement of Wilf et al. (2003). bution (Johnson 2002; Hicks et al. 2002; other papers in Hartman et al. 2002). The Marmarth record is correlated using a composite strati- loras occur within all of these environments graphic section that contains all of the Creta- on both sides of the K/T, although Cretaceous ceous Hell Creek Formation and most of the mires are restricted to the basal Fort Union Ludlow Member of the Fort Union Formation, Formation. The K/T palynological extinction in a total of 103 m of Cretaceous and 80 m of has been identified in 17 local sections, coin- Paleocene strata collected over a north-south cident with the iridium anomaly in the two distance of 70 km (Fig. 1). Most of the Fort sections where the latter is known and used as Union Formation is Paleocene in the study a proxy for the boundary where it is not (John- area, but in some local sections about 2 m of son 2002; Nichols and Johnson 2002). Strati- its most basal strata are Cretaceous (Johnson graphic positions of megafloral localities are et al. 1989; Pearson et al. 2001; Nichols and calibrated to the K/T (Johnson 2002), a major Johnson 2002). Megafloral localities are pre- improvement over previous calibrations to the dominantly derived from a variety of Creta- Hell Creek/Fort Union contact. Another sig- ceous channels (78% of Cretaceous localities) nificant development is the introduction of pa- and Paleocene floodplain ponds and mires leomagnetic stratigraphy: the lower and up- (79%), as detailed by Johnson (2002). Megaf- per bounds of magnetic polarity subchron 350 PETER WILF AND KIRK R. JOHNSON

TABLE 1. Morphospecies sampling by taxonomic category, calculated from the minimum abundance matrix (Table 2, data set 4). See Johnson (2002) for detailed taxonomic information.

Higher taxon % % and organ Morphospecies Specimens Morphospecies Specimens Bryophyta, vegetative 2 41 0.5 0.2 Sphenopsida, reproductive 1 6 0.3 Ͻ0.1 Lycopsida, vegetative 1 2 0.3 Ͻ0.1 Filicopsida leaves 20 182 5.2 0.8 reproductive 1 1 0.3 Ͻ0.1 Cycadales, leaves 1 175 0.3 0.8 Ginkgoales, leaves 1 114 0.3 0.5 Coniferales leaves 10 2207 2.6 9.9 cones 4 22 1.0 0.1 seeds 4 37 1.0 0.2 Unknown affinity, fruit 1 1 0.3 Ͻ0.1 Liliopsida leaves 9 751 2.3 3.4 reproductive 1 12 0.3 0.1 Magnoliopsida leaves 309 18,126 80.1 81.6 fruits 18 361 4.7 1.6 seeds 3 167 0.8 0.8 Total, nonreproductive 353 21,598 Total, all 386 22,205

C29r, which straddles the K/T, have been when formal species descriptions are lacking found in several local sections, allowing the or inadequate. Morphospecies plus formally calculation of a modeled age for each locality described species, all referred to here as ‘‘mor- (Hicks et al. 2002) (Fig. 1). The modeled ages phospecies’’ for convenience, are our funda- are most accurate within C29r, where they are mental units of analysis. bounded by more than one datum point, and Johnson (2002) listed, illustrated, and up- are inferred to decrease in accuracy with in- dated the stratigraphic distribution and sys- creasing stratigraphic distance from C29r tematic standing of 380 megafloral morpho- (Hicks et al. 2002). The modeled ages are not types from the study area. Johnson also listed critical to the arguments of this paper, but we dominant taxa characteristic of megafloral refer to them occasionally to provide temporal zones and described the methodology for cir- context. cumscribing leaf morphotypes, in particular, Paleobotany. We describe here our use of using diagnostic combinations of architectur- the terms ‘‘morphotype,’’ ‘‘morphospecies,’’ al characters (Hickey 1979; Ash et al. 1999). and ‘‘species.’’ Morphotypes are morpholog- Some minor additions and adjustments to ically discrete populations of plant organs these morphotypes and notes regarding their with no formal taxonomic status, although in conversion to morphospecies for this paper practice they are taxonomic works in progress are described in the Appendix. With all ad- (Johnson et al. 1989; Ash et al. 1999). Some justments, our primary data contain 386 mor- morphotypes are usually equivalent to phospecies (Table 1 , Appendix). More than known, described species, whereas most, usu- 80% of the morphospecies are leaves of dicot- ally the majority in angiosperm paleobotany yledonous angiosperms, 6% are dicot fruits because of an intrinsically high discovery rate, and seeds, and 6%, 5%, and 3% are various or- represent undescribed species. Morphotypes gans of ferns, conifers, and monocots, respec- are used, sometimes in combination, to devel- tively (Table 1). The remaining morphospecies op proxy species, known as morphospecies, are organs of cycads, ginkgophytes, lycopods, K/T PLANT EXTINCTION 351

TABLE 2. Summary of data sets and derived analyses. See text for details. Data sets (1) and (2), from which all the other data sets are derived, as well as data set (4), are available in electronic format as described in text.

Data set Derived from Analyses (1) Museum vouchers: 12,589 specimens Primary, museum in- ventory (2) Field census: 13,914 specimens Primary, field tallies (3) Dicot leaf census: 8591 specimens (2), 16 quarries Ն250 di- rarefaction: Fig. 3C, closed symbols; cot specimens each Fig. 4 (3A) Dicot leaf census minus species that (3) ordination: Fig. 5, ‘‘census’’ occur in only one of 16 quarries (4) Minimum abundance: 22,205 speci- (1) and (2), binned by sample size: Fig. 2; Table 1 mens meter (4A) Minimum abundance with only di- (4), bins Ն350 specimens supplemental rarefaction: Fig. 3C, open cot leaves: 18,126 specimens each symbols (4B) Minimum abundance minus single- (4) ranges and confidence intervals: Figs. tons and reproductive morphospe- 8, 9 cies: 141 species, 20,642 specimens (5) Presence-absence (4), minus reproductive raw richness: Fig. 3A morphospecies (5A) Presence-absence minus herbs and (5) leaf-margin analysis: Fig. 3D, open nondicots symbols (5B) 5A plus range-through occurrences (5A) leaf-margin analysis: Fig. 3D, line (5C) Presence-absence minus singletons: (5), or equivalently from ordination: Fig. 5, open symbols 141 species (4B) first and last appearances: Fig. 6 (5D) 5C plus range-through occurrences (5C) standing richness: Fig. 3B ordination: Fig. 5, line per capita rates: Fig. 7 extinction percentages: Table 3

sphenopsids, and bryophytes. Of the 386 mor- data sets (Table 2, data sets 1 and 2, respec- phospecies, 353 are nonreproductive, of which tively). Selective collecting involves the dis- 350 are leaves and three represent photosyn- carding of some identifiable field specimens thetic portions of bryophytes and herbaceous without any record kept of these specimens. In lycopods. Nonreproductive morphospecies quantitative collecting (Chaney and Sanborn provide the best estimate of minimum species 1933; MacGinitie 1941), also known as census- richness by eliminating the possibility of ing or bulk collecting, the investigator tallies counting the reproductive and nonreproduc- all specimens found in the field, keeping some tive organs of the same original plant as more fraction of these specimens as vouchers. In our than one species. For simplification of text and case, the museum vouchers from censuses discussion, we use ‘‘species’’ hereafter to de- were until recently mixed in museum drawers note the 353 nonreproductive morphospecies. with selectively collected vouchers from the Collections. The 161 megafloral localities same localities. The first data set is the total of analyzed here, from 128 distinct stratigraphic 12,589 identified museum voucher specimens horizons, are mostly identical to the 158 quar- (Table 2). The total tally of identified, censused ries reported by Johnson (2002), with some specimens, tabulated from field notebooks minor revisions (Appendix). All of the collec- and analyzed here for the first time, is 13,914 tions were made by K.R.J. using described (Table 2), an unknown number of which are field methods (Johnson 2002), and vouchers also included in the voucher set. Material that are housed at the Denver Museum of Nature could not be identified to a species or mor- & Science (DMNH) and the Yale Peabody Mu- phospecies, comprising several thousand ad- seum. ditional specimens, was excluded from all of Fossil plant specimens were collected both our working data sets and analyses. selectively and quantitatively, resulting in The complete data set used in this article is two, partially overlapping data sets. We will available as a single electronic file for unre- reference these as the ‘‘voucher’’ and ‘‘census’’ stricted download from the Paleobiology Da- 352 PETER WILF AND KIRK R. JOHNSON tabase, (under ‘‘major data which does not appear in any facies above the sets deposited’’) or by request from either au- K/T. Therefore, any analysis of megafloral ex- thor. Detailed locality data, most of which are tinction in this area must include Hell Creek provided by Johnson (2002), are also archived strata. Many of the figures in this contribution without access restriction in the Paleobiology show a major drop in diversity, spike in last Database (search under the locality names in appearances, or change in composition at the electronic file or under ‘‘Authorizer ϭ about 2 m below the K/T, which, in accord Johnson’’). with the work discussed above, we interpret Facies and Climate Changes. Facies and cli- as an artifact of facies change that smears a mate issues are addressed elsewhere in detail, true extinction at the K/T a short distance as cited below, but an abbreviated discussion down section (see Signor and Lipps 1982). is presented here because of their relevance for At a larger scale, facies change from the Hell interpreting megafloral samples. In summary, Creek Formation to the Fort Union Formation both local facies and global climate changes is also germane because the majority of Hell occurred during the terminal Cretaceous, Creek megafloral localities are from channel complicating interpretation of extinction. Pal- deposits and the majority from the Fort Union ynological data from continuous facies sam- Formation are from floodplain deposits. John- pled at high resolution provide the only direct son (2002) recognized this and sampled floras evidence that a major extinction of land plants from rare Hell Creek floodplain and Fort occurred precisely at the K/T (Johnson et al. Union channel deposits. Although sample siz- 1989), and thus we rely on palynology to in- es are not yet sufficient for a detailed, facies- terpret megafloral results from problematic controlled study, we provide some prelimi- facies near the K/T (Pearson et al. 2001; Nich- nary analyses here: significantly, uppermost ols and Johnson 2002). Cretaceous floodplain and channel deposits In some local sections, the uppermost 2 m contain megafloras that are very different or so (approximately 30 Kyr) of Cretaceous from their Paleocene counterparts. For exam- strata are fossiliferous mire deposits of the ple, the highest Cretaceous pond flora, at Ϫ6 Cretaceous portion of the Fort Union Forma- m, has 17 species but only two that are found tion, whereas in others, barren, possibly above the K/T. Similarly, only 19 of 112 spe- leached strata of the uppermost Hell Creek cies from channel deposits in the uppermost Formation reach the K/T (Pearson et al. 2001; 15 m of Cretaceous strata have been found in Johnson 2002; Nichols and Johnson 2002). Paleocene channel deposits. The best-sampled Mire deposits that contain plant fossils have flora from a Paleocene channel, at ϩ7m,con- not been found within the Hell Creek Forma- tains 11 species, seven of which are Creta- tion (Johnson 2002). The dinosaur-bearing, ceous survivors, and all Paleocene channels Cretaceous mires of the basal Fort Union For- combined contain 19 species, of which 13 are mation contain megafloras that are composi- Cretaceous survivors, 15 occur in Paleocene tionally similar to Paleocene floras, with mi- floodplain deposits, 14 occur in Paleocene nor differences (Pearson et al. 2001; Johnson ponds (the dominant floodplain subenviron- 2002). We follow Johnson (2002) in the use of ment), and 11 occur in Paleocene mires. The the term ‘‘FU0’’ to denote this megafloral bio- fact that most Paleocene channel species can zone associated with terminal Cretaceous be found in pond and other types of flood- mire deposits. Diagnostically Cretaceous pa- plain deposits indicates their broad original lynomorphs, derived from the same source distribution across environments and miti- vegetation as the megafloras, show the surviv- gates the problem with the general shift in al of typical Cretaceous plants within FU0 and dominant facies near the K/T. Also, the ob- their extinction at the K/T impact layer (John- servations above are consistent with the lack son et al. 1989; Pearson et al. 2001; Nichols and of origination in the basal Paleocene such that Johnson 2002). The productive Hell Creek the majority of Paleocene species are Creta- strata just below the mires offer the last ceous survivors, as discussed further below. glimpse of most of the Cretaceous megaflora, Climate change near the K/T is analyzed in K/T PLANT EXTINCTION 353 a companion paper (Wilf et al. 2003). Temper- ature is a strong correlate of plant diversity, both today and in the past (Crane and Lidgard 1989; Wing et al. 2000; Phillips and Miller 2002), and a drop in temperatures just before the K/T could be associated with a loss of richness before impact. Wilf et al. (2003) ana- lyzed paleotemperatures from the Marmarth megafloras by using leaf-margin analysis, a method that estimates mean annual tempera- ture from the percentage of woody dicot spe- cies with untoothed leaf margins by using the strong positive correlation between these var- iables observed in living forests (Bailey and FIGURE 2. Summary of megafloral sampling in 10-m in- tervals from the K/T, based on the minimum abundance Sinnott 1915; Wolfe 1979; Wilf 1997). The me- matrix of 22,205 specimens (Table 2, data set 4), 13,420 gafloral results were correlated using paleo- Cretaceous and 8785 Paleocene. Sampling intensity is magnetic stratigraphy to four marine temper- greatest near the K/T, especially for the first 10 m of Pa- leocene strata. ature records from oxygen isotope ratios of fo- raminifera (Li and Keller 1998; Barrera and Savin 1999; Olsson et al. 2001), supplemented tailed below in procedural order, but several by records of latitudinal range shifts for plants of our figures combine results from more than and foraminifera. Both plants and foraminif- one data set and major analysis. era indicated a global warming beginning In summary (details below), the primary about 0.5 Myr before the K/T, a peak of warm- data are the museum vouchers (Table 2, data ing lasting from 0.3 to 0.1 Myr before the K/ set 1) and field census tallies (data set 2). First, T, cooling to pre-warming values within the we examined the census data for 8591 dicot- final 0.1 Myr of the Cretaceous coinciding in leaf specimens from 16 localities with more part with the deposition of the FU0 floras, and than 250 specimens each (data set 3), in order the continuation of cool temperatures during to obtain the best possible, site-specific infor- the earliest Paleocene. The warming peak cor- mation. Second, we placed all of the voucher responded to maximum plant diversity in the and census data independently, into 184 strati- Marmarth section and poleward range expan- graphic bins of 1 m each, then combined the sions of thermophilic foraminifera. Wilf et al. two data sets into a single, minimum abun- (2003) observed that similarly cool tempera- dance matrix containing the minimum num- tures were associated with rich Cretaceous but ber of specimens of each morphospecies in poor Paleocene floras. On the basis of this and each bin (data set 4). Third, we converted the other evidence, they concluded that climate minimum abundance matrix into a presence– changes were not the cause of plant extinction absence matrix (data set 5). Most of the data at the K/T, but that extinction percentages conversions and analyses were executed by based on the number of species lost since the using code written for the purpose by P.W. in warming peak were probably inflated because Mathematica௡ (Wolfram 2003). The code for of nearly synchronous global cooling and lo- calculating confidence intervals on strati- cal facies changes just prior to the K/T. graphic ranges from a stratigraphically or- dered abundance matrix, using the technique Data Analysis described below, is available from the Paleo- Several different subsets of the primary data biology Source Code Archive, www.paleodb. were needed in order to quantify sampling org/paleosource. Other software used is ref- (Table 1, Fig. 2), diversity (Figs. 3, 4), compo- erenced below. sition (Fig. 5), and first and last appearances Dicot Census Data. Counts of 300 or more (Figs. 6–9). The data sets used are listed and specimens are considered to produce the best numbered in Table 2. Our methodology is de- approximation of original relative abundance 354 PETER WILF AND KIRK R. JOHNSON and richness at individual sites (Burnham et tion, so that mixing problems are minimal. al. 1992). This signal is probably compromised Another effect of constructing a single com- by the allochthonous setting of many Hell posite section is the loss of information about Creek floras (Johnson 2002). Nevertheless, leaf original spatial heterogeneity in floral com- counts offer a valuable complement to pres- position, so that apparent temporal change in ence–absence data, which have no abundance floral composition may reflect original varia- information. From the complete set of census tion on the landscape more than true turnover. data (data set 2), we analyzed the 16 quarries We assume that this problem is significant with more than 250 specimens of dicot leaves only over the shortest stratigraphic distances, each (269 to 1298 specimens; data set 3). Cen- such as comparisons from one bin to the next. sus sites are referenced here by their precise From the binned voucher and census data, meter level. Richness was standardized for we generated a single, minimum abundance sample size by using rarefaction analyses matrix (data set 4), containing for each of the (Figs. 3C, 4), which were evaluated with 95% 184 bins the minimum number of specimens confidence intervals by using Analytic Rare- of each morphospecies occurring in that bin. faction 1.3 by S. M. Holland, This number was calculated by comparing, for ϳstrata/software. To quantify compositional each morphospecies in each bin, the number change, we used detrended correspondence of voucher versus the number of census spec- analysis (DCA; see Wing and Harrington imens and retaining the greater number. The 2001), after first removing species that only minimum abundance matrix partly solves the occurred at one locality of the 16 to avoid dis- problem of the unknown overlap between the tortion effects (data set 3A) (Fig. 5, census voucher and census data by generating a con- data). The software package MVSP௡ (Kovach servative working estimate of specimen 2000) was used for the DCA analyses. counts. The numbers of specimens would be Binning, Minimum Abundance Matrix, and slightly greater if comparisons were made for Sample Distribution. To make possible our re- localities instead of bins, but this route is maining analyses from two, partially overlap- much more computationally intensive, and the ping data sets, we streamlined the process by improvement would only be of marginal use binning the data. All localities and corre- here. sponding occurrence data for plant species The minimum abundance matrix produced were lumped into 184 bins of 1 m thickness 22,205 specimens (Table 1). This sample size is each, according to their position in the com- more than double that of previous studies in posite section. Binning was done separately the area, which included unidentified speci- for the vouchers (data set 1) and censused mens and did not include census data (John- specimens (data set 2). The bins are referenced son et al. 1989; Johnson 1992, 2002). We use the by their lowest stratigraphic level relative to minimum abundance matrix to evaluate the the K/T, e.g., ‘‘Ϫ3 m’’ contains all localities sample sizes of bins (Fig. 2) and relative abun- and constituent specimens from stratigraphic dances of morphospecies (Table 1). Dicot position L such that Ϫ3mՅ L ϽϪ2m. leaves dominate the percentages of total spec- Use of a composite section greatly increases imens (82%) and species richness (80%). Some sample size, statistical power, and stratigraph- other organ types show more disparity be- ic coverage. However, a composite section in- tween abundance and richness, such as conifer evitably introduces some temporal mixing of leaves (10% vs. 3%, respectively). The 353 non- floras because localities are combined from reproductive morphospecies, which we use as the same meter level in different local sections, operational species as described above, con- which do not have uniform sedimentation stitute 97.3% of the total specimens. rates. Construction of the composite section Historically, Maastrichtian floras were un- caused negligible vertical mixing of megaflor- dersampled in comparison to Paleocene floras al biozones (Johnson 2002), and most bins are (Johnson 2002). The stratigraphic distribution dominated by a single locality or several lo- of sampling (Fig. 2) shows that the reverse is calities from the same bed in a single local sec- now true in the study area, with 13,420 Cre- K/T PLANT EXTINCTION 355 taceous and 8785 Paleocene specimens. At face uniform, because sampling, preservational value, this sampling inequity creates bias in quality, and facies are variable even in the favor of a higher observed extinction. How- most ideal study areas. One solution is to use ever, the critical lowest 10 m of Paleocene stra- equation (1) as an approximation, which is an ta is about 60% better sampled than the high- improvement over the lack of any confidence est 10 m of the Cretaceous (Fig. 2), which intervals when recovery potential is not counteracts the bias. The sampling distribu- thought to vary greatly within an interval tion also shows a heavy concentration of col- (e.g., Marshall and Ward 1996). However, lections close to the K/T, where they are most sampling data (Fig. 2) show clearly that recov- needed to evaluate extinction rates. However, ery potential is not uniform in the Marmarth increased sampling at greater stratigraphic section. Instead, the potential for finding a distance is necessary, especially in the Paleo- given taxon is much greater near the K/T, cene, to improve quantification of turnover where sampling is most intensive. above the boundary. To mitigate unevenness, we have adapted In order to extend the stratigraphic range of Marshall’s (1997) recent method, which allows the dicot census data (data set 3), supplemen- recovery potential to vary stratigraphically tal rarefactions (Fig. 3C, open symbols) were (Figs. 8, 9). Our approach is nearly identical to calculated from the minimum abundance ma- that of Labandeira et al. (2002b), but we pro- trix for bins with at least 350 specimens of di- vide a more detailed explanation here. cot leaves (data set 4A). Following Marshall’s (1997) method, we Confidence Intervals on Stratigraphic Ranges. evaluate the confidence interval r by using in- The placement of confidence intervals on the tegration, with respect to the area under a endpoints of stratigraphic ranges is, at best, a curve f(h) that expresses the relative recovery probability exercise that is always made im- potential with respect to stratigraphic height perfect by the unpredictable nature of the fos- h: sil record (e.g., Marshall and Ward 1996; bϩrb Payne 2003; Holland 2003). Nevertheless, con- f (h) dh ϭ␣ f (h) dh (3) fidence intervals give at least a rough idea of ͵͵ ba how well the true range of a taxon is sampled, and ranges with confidence intervals are a where a is the stratigraphic level of first ap- major improvement over ‘‘raw’’ ranges. pearance, b is the level of last appearance, and Strauss and Sadler (1989; see also Marshall the proportionality factor ␣ is calculated from 1990) presented a simple formula for deriving equation (1). Marshall (1997) showed that the desired confidence interval as a range ex- equation (1) is a special case of equation (3) in tension r, calculated as a fraction ␣ of the ob- which recovery potential does not vary strat- served range R of a taxon, where r and R can igraphically, and therefore f(h) is equal to a be denoted in any units of stratigraphic thick- constant. ness or time; we use meters of stratigraphic Marshall (1997) left to the investigator the thickness here. The Strauss and Sadler formula practical problem of assigning a recovery uses the simplifying assumption that fossil re- curve f(h) to a particular fossiliferous section. covery potential is uniform through a sam- In a section such as ours with specimen counts pled section. First, ␣ is calculated as a function for each stratigraphic level, the number of of the desired confidence level C, 0 Յ C Յ 1, specimens examined within a bin is a good and the number of distinct horizons H in approximation for the potential of recovering which the taxon of interest is found: a given taxon within that interval because the specimen count directly reflects the effort ex- ␣ϭ(1 Ϫ C)1/1ϪH Ϫ 1 (1) pended in search of the taxon. Equation (3) is Second, r is calculated from ␣: therefore not solved analytically but graphi- cally: the area under the curve at the level of r ϭ␣R (2) a particular bin is simply the number of spec- In practice, fossil recovery potential is never imens in that bin, so that the recovery curve 356 PETER WILF AND KIRK R. JOHNSON f(h), if drawn, would have the appearance of a tion of relatively few bins in order to balance stacked bar graph (see Fig. 9, right side). equation (3). Prior to analysis, all species appearing in Intensive sampling near the K/T made pos- only one bin, hereafter termed ‘‘singletons’’ sible the calculation of 99% confidence inter- (sensu Foote 2000), were removed because vals, most of which remained within the they have undefined confidence intervals, bounds of our section; we place these on the along with the 33 reproductive morphospe- range tops of the 101 species with Cretaceous cies, leaving 141 non-singleton species repre- last appearances (Fig. 8B). We also extract a sented by 20,642 specimens (data set 4B). For detailed view of the 57 species with last ap- each species, the total number of specimens in pearances within the uppermost 15 m of Cre- this culled data set within the range of that taceous strata (Fig. 9). species, inclusive, was summed. The sum was Presence-Absence Data. The original mini- multiplied by the proportionality factor ␣ (eq. mum abundance matrix (data set 4) exclusive 1), with H set equal to the number of bins of of the reproductive morphospecies was con- occurrence, to derive a scaled potential equiv- verted to a presence-absence matrix (data set alent to the right side of equation (3). The re- 5). Raw richness was calculated from simple maining task was to calculate r so that the left tallies of the number of species in each strati- side of equation (3) equaled the scaled poten- graphic bin (Fig. 3A). The presence-absence tial of the right side. Starting with the first bin matrix minus all occurrences of non-dicots above the range top of the species, specimen and herbaceous dicots (data set 5A), which are counts in each bin were summed through suc- conventionally excluded from leaf-margin cessively higher bins until a number greater analysis (Wolfe 1979), was used to generate than or equal to the scaled potential was paleotemperature estimates (Fig. 3D, open reached. The midpoint of the highest bin symbols), as described in the companion pa- per (Wilf et al. 2003). The presence-absence summed was the top of the confidence inter- matrix with singletons removed (data set 5C), val, with r equal to the total range extension. was subjected to DCA (Fig. 5, ‘‘raw’’). The procedure above can be modified easily Range-through occurrences were added to for range bottoms by reversing direction. data sets 5A and 5C (generating data sets 5B The ranges of the 141 non-singleton species and 5D, respectively), so that a species was are shown first with 50% confidence intervals considered to be present in a bin if it either oc- (Fig. 8A). For illustrative purposes, the confi- curred in that bin or if it occurred both above dence intervals are placed on the ranges of all and below the bin but not in it. The addition species, including survivors of the K/T, and of range-through occurrences makes the as- are applied separately both to range tops and sumption that a species did not leave the area range bottoms by using the same derivation, and return, as a literal reading of the record to show the dependence of confidence interval would suggest, but instead existed in the area length on sampling distribution. Note that a undetected as a recovered fossil. This assump- different calculation for the range bottom ver- tion undoubtedly is not always valid and may sus top extensions would be required in a true be especially problematic for taxa with rela- two-tailed case (Strauss and Sadler 1989), but tively long absences. However, the range- the lower range extensions in Figure 8A are through approach has several benefits, includ- simply a second, reversed application of the ing the smoothing of outliers from raw data one-tailed case for the sake of direct pictorial (Figs. 3B, 5), the generation of estimates for comparison. Confidence intervals near the K/ more bins, the use of more species in calcu- T are considerably shorter than confidence in- lations, and the fact that more localities and tervals far from the K/T, many of which do therefore more facies are involved in each es- not terminate within the section. This differ- timate, thus helping to reduce taphonomic ence reflects the higher sampling intensity overprints on richness and composition (e.g., near the K/T (Fig. 2), such that the calculation Burnham 1994). Data set 5B was used for a of the range extensions requires the summa- second, range-through leaf-margin analysis in K/T PLANT EXTINCTION 357 the companion paper (Wilf et al. 2003), re- These peaks are therefore better attributed to drawn here (Fig. 3D, solid line). Data set 5D preservation and sampling than to actual in- was used for additional DCA (Fig. 5, ‘‘range- creases in richness. All three richness mea- through’’), estimation of standing richness per sures show edge effects near the bottom and bin (Fig. 3B, ‘‘total minus singletons’’), deri- top of the section because the number of over- vation of the number of first and last appear- lapping ranges drops artifactually near the ances per bin (Fig. 6), and estimation of ex- bounds of the sampled interval. tinction percentages (Table 3). Foote (2000) advocated the quantification of For further analysis of richness and turn- origination and extinction by using estimated over rates, we used the recent methodological per capita rates, which we apply here (Fig. 7). revision presented by Foote (2000). Using the These rates for a particular bin are logarithmic presence–absence matrix with range-through ratios of the number of non-singleton taxa occurrences (data set 5D), the three classes of having first or last appearances in a bin to the taxa present in a stratigraphic interval (our number of non-singleton taxa that range bins) and in at least one adjacent interval (i.e., across the bin. Practically, our use of ‘‘origi- non-singletons) were calculated for each bin nation rates’’ and ‘‘extinction rates’’ is best un- as defined by Foote (2000). These are (1) taxa derstood in the local context. Calculation of that cross only the lower boundary of an in- rates is based on first and last appearances terval, which are our species with a last ap- and makes no explicit distinction between im- pearance in a bin (Fig. 6B); (2) taxa that cross migration and as the cause of local only the upper boundary of an interval, which origination, nor between emigration and true are our species with a first appearance in a bin extinction as the cause of local extinction. (Fig. 6A); and (3) taxa that cross both bound- Specifically, the per capita rate of origina- aries of an interval, which are our species that tion per time unit t is (Foote 2000: eq. 22): range through a bin but do not begin or end pà ϭ ln(N /N )/⌬t (4) their ranges there. Variables that represent the tbt number of species in these categories for a and the per capita rate of extinction is (Foote particular bin are NbL,NFt, and Nbt, respective- 2000: eq. 23): ly, after Foote (2000). We also use two derived qà ϭ ln(N /N )/⌬t. (5) variables, the total number of taxa that cross bbt the lower boundary of an interval, or ‘‘bottom We present per capita rates (Fig. 7), setting crossers,’’ Nb (ϭ NbL ϩ Nbt) and the total num- t ϭ 1 for the Cretaceous and scaling t for the ber that cross the upper boundary, or ‘‘top Paleocene by the calculated relative rate of crossers,’’ Nt (ϭ NFt ϩ Nbt). The quantity NbL sedimentation (30% higher for Paleocene

ϩ NFt ϩ Nbt is equal to total richness minus [Hicks et al. 2002]). Analysis of the entire sec- singletons (Fig. 3B). All of these variables by tion shows edge distortions at the top of the definition exclude singletons, which have section for extinction and the bottom for orig- many undesirable characteristics when used ination (Fig. 7A), and so we detail the portion to estimate richness or turnover rates (Foote of the section without edge effects (Fig. 7B). 2000). For estimating standing richness, the count- Diversity ing of bottom crossers or top crossers has sev- All measures of species richness show a sig- eral theoretical advantages over counting total nificant drop from the latest Cretaceous to the richness minus singletons (Foote 2000). In our Paleocene (Figs. 3, 4), and no analysis of Pa- data, the difference between total richness mi- leocene floras produces diversity comparable nus singletons and bottom or top crossers is to that of Cretaceous floras. Many Cretaceous mostly inconsequential (Fig. 3B). However, floras have more species than any Paleocene both bottom- and top-crossing data smooth flora. All analyses show a peak in richness at the largest spike in species richness, at Ϫ15 m, Ϫ15 m (ϳ200 Kyr before K/T), at the same a small increase in richness just above the K/ time as maximum temperatures (Wilf et al. T, and several other transient peaks (Fig. 3B). 2003), and the continuing presence of rich flo- 358 PETER WILF AND KIRK R. JOHNSON

FIGURE 3. Megafloral richness (A–C) and estimated temperature (D). A, Raw richness, equal to the total number of nonreproductive morphospecies per 1-meter bin (Table 2, data set 5), shown when greater than zero. B, Standing richness, estimated using three metrics discussed in text (data set 5D). C, Rarefied number of dicot species at 250 specimens, for census sites with at least 250 specimens (closed symbols, data set 3) and from the minimum abun- dance matrix for bins with at least 350 specimens (open symbols, data set 4A). An unusual site at Ϫ16.4 m with 500 specimens and only one species is not plotted here or in Figure 4, and it is not used in DCA (Fig. 5) because of distortion effects. D, Estimated mean annual temperatures from leaf margin analysis (LMAT), redrawn from the companion paper by Wilf et al. (2003). Circles are estimates from bins with at least 20 dicot species each (data set 5A). Solid line shows estimates from bins with at least 20 dicot species each when range-through occurrences are included (data set 5B). ras to Ϫ4m(ϳ60 Kyr before K/T), the highest at ϩ1 m (Fig. 3B). Similarly cool temperatures level of the Hell Creek Formation with good are associated with rich Cretaceous floras in sampling and preservation (Figs. 3, 4). the lower part of the Hell Creek Formation but Raw richness data (Fig. 3A) show that 10 with poor Paleocene floras (Fig. 3D), suggest- Cretaceous bins, ranging from Ϫ75 to Ϫ4m ing that terminal Cretaceous cooling was un- and from 26 to 85 species, are more diverse related to the major drop in plant diversity than the richest Paleocene bin at 0 m, which across the K/T (Wilf et al. 2003). has 25 species. With range-through occur- Rarefaction of dicot census data corrobo- rences included and singletons discarded rates the presence of rich Cretaceous floras (Fig. 3B), Cretaceous bins are continuously that were lost by the Paleocene (Figs. 3C, 4). more diverse than any Paleocene bin over the This trend is evident at a coarse scale in a com- interval from Ϫ75 to Ϫ3 m (approximately parison of the combined rarefaction curves for 1000 to 40 Kyr before K/T), with 38 to 75 bot- sites from the uppermost 15 m of the Creta- tom crossers per bin. The largest number of ceous against all Paleocene sites (Fig. 4A). Ex- bottom crossers for the Paleocene, 30, occurs amination of separate rarefaction curves for K/T PLANT EXTINCTION 359

Ϫ3.6 m are 38.1 Ϯ 3.0 and 27.5 Ϯ 1.3 species, respectively. Moreover, the trajectories of rar- efaction curves indicate that new Cretaceous species are significantly more likely to be found with further sampling than are Paleo- cene species. The highest census site, at ϩ38.4 m, also has the highest rarefied richness of the Paleocene sites. Although this is the only pos- sible indication of floral recovery in our anal- yses, it is not significant because the 95% con- fidence intervals (not shown) of the ϩ38.4 m rarefaction curve overlap those of several oth- er Paleocene sites at most sample sizes. Sup- plemental rarefactions derived from the min- imum abundance matrix (data set 4A in Table 2), which includes voucher data, are concor- dant with those based entirely on census counts; however, the predicted and observed tendency is for rarefied richness to increase with the inclusion of the selectively collected vouchers (Fig. 3C). The supplemental rarefac- tions show high richness below the lowest cen- sus sites, in agreement with the other analyses (Fig. 3) and before the onset of significant warming (Fig. 3D). FIGURE 4. Rarefaction curves from dicot census data, 16 quarries with at least 250 specimens each (Table 2, data set 3; plotted at n ϭ 250 specimens in Fig. 3C). A, Bulk Composition rarefactions of all Paleocene sites and of sites from the Detrended correspondence analyses indi- uppermost 15 m of Cretaceous strata. B, Results from individual quarries, meters to K/T marked for the best- cate significant differences between Creta- sampled localities. Complete list of meter levels used, ceous and Paleocene floras, whether quanti- ordered by expected number of species at 250 specimens fied from presence-absence data or relative (as plotted in Fig. 3C): Ϫ43.7 m (1.5 species), ϩ6.5 (4.3), ϩ1.1 (4.7), ϩ7.2 (5.7), ϩ0.2 (6.6), Ϫ1.7 (6.9), ϩ1.3 (7.7), abundance data from field censuses (Fig. 5). ϩ16.5 (7.9), Ϫ17.1 (9), Ϫ45.2 m (11.3), Ϫ4.8 (12), Ϫ8.5 Presence-absence data with range-throughs (16.4), Ϫ3.6 (21.6), Ϫ15.0 (24.6), ϩ18.0 (6), ϩ38.4 (9.6). trend in a negative direction along the first The site at ϩ38.4 m has the greatest rarefied richness for the Paleocene, but 95% confidence intervals (not shown) axis to a minimum at Ϫ57 m, followed by a overlap with several other Paleocene sites at most sam- weak positive trend to Ϫ37 m and a stronger ple sizes. positive trend from Ϫ36mtoϪ16 m. At Ϫ15 m there is a sharp increase, followed by a re- sumed positive trend and step increases at Ϫ3 individual sites (Fig. 4B) shows that three of and Ϫ2 m, the latter corresponding to FU0. the Cretaceous census sites from the upper- Samples from FU0 cluster on the first axis most 15 m, including one at Ϫ3.6 m, are more with Paleocene floras, quantifying the ‘‘Paleo- rich than any other sites. A site from Ϫ1.7 m, cene’’ composition attributed to these samples within the FU0 zone, is depauperate (Fig. 4B). (Pearson et al. 2001; Johnson 2002; Nichols and Even the total richness of all Paleocene cen- Johnson 2002). The first two meters of the Pa- suses combined (Fig. 4A) does not approach leocene continue the positive trend, after several single sites from the Cretaceous (Fig. which the most noteworthy pattern is the near 4B). For example, at 1000 specimens, all Paleo- lack of any change. The DCA results thus sup- cene sites combined have an estimated 19.4 Ϯ port the existence of ongoing changes in floral 3.5 species (at 95% confidence), but the com- composition during the Cretaceous. Inflection parable figures for the censuses at Ϫ15 m and points in floral composition occur at Ϫ57, 360 PETER WILF AND KIRK R. JOHNSON

Marmarth area (Johnson et al. 1989); the af- fected dominant species were recently tabu- lated elsewhere (Johnson 2002). The turnover of relative abundance structure at the K/T and the lack of correlation between abundance and survivorship underscore the ecological sever- ity of the extinction, which is also manifest in the coincident loss of specialized insect dam- age (Labandeira et al. 2002b). The lack of cor- relation appears similar to results from the marine record across the K/T (McKinney et al. 1998; Lockwood 2003). The megafloral zonation of Johnson and others (Johnson et al. 1989; Johnson 2002) is supported by the DCA results. These authors place all floras below Ϫ57 m in zone HC1a, and the lowest floras of zone HCIb appear at Ϫ57 m. The Ϫ36 m level corresponds to a sig- nificant and presumably taphonomic loss of herbaceous taxa characteristic of zone HC1b (Johnson 2002). Diverse, thermophilic Hell Creek floras from Ϫ15 m and above belong en- tirely to zone HCIII, with the richest sample of the entire study at Ϫ15 m (Fig. 3A). Nearly all floras from Ϫ2 m and higher belong to the Fort Union Formation and zones FU0 and FUI. Even though they overlap somewhat in the FIGURE 5. Detrended correspondence analyses (DCA, stratigraphic column because of facies con- first axis) of presence-absence (Table 2, data sets 5C for raw and 5D for range-through data) and dicot census trols, the megafloral zones are recognizable in data (gray axis; data set 3A), plotted against stratigraph- a quantitative analysis based solely on litho- ic height. stratigraphic order, and they should continue to be used and evaluated (e.g., Johnson 2002). Ϫ36, and Ϫ15 m, with a major shift at Ϫ2m that we interpret as the K/T extinction Turnover smeared down-section as discussed above. First and Last Appearances. Several pulses of The second DCA axis gave noisy results (not first appearances are apparent within the Cre- shown) that generally corroborate these shifts taceous but virtually none during the Paleo- and show differences between lower and up- cene (Fig. 6A). Spikes near the bottom of the per Hell Creek censused floras. The horizons section can be attributed to edge effects be- listed, unsurprisingly, all are associated either cause many occurrences are also first appear- with exceptionally rich samples (Ϫ57, Ϫ36, ances. There are 12 first appearances each at and Ϫ15 m) or with the taphonomic loss of the Ϫ65 and Ϫ57 m, 20 cumulatively from Ϫ37 to typical Hell Creek floras in FU0 (Ϫ2m).In Ϫ34 m, and 16 at Ϫ15 m. In the first two me- contrast, the Paleocene shows no evidence for ters of Paleocene strata there are eight first ap- compositional change. pearances, but only three follow for the re- For the census data, the relatively large scal- mainder of the Paleocene section, for a total of ing of the first DCA axis, which is marked in 11 Paleocene first appearances. Trends in the standard deviation units, and the major shift per capita rates of origination (Fig. 7) are quite along this axis across the K/T quantify the similar to simple first appearances (Fig. 6A). loss of nearly all Cretaceous dominant taxa, There are high origination rates at Ϫ57 m, recognized since early investigations in the from Ϫ37 to Ϫ34 m, and especially at Ϫ15 m. K/T PLANT EXTINCTION 361

FIGURE 6. Raw numbers of first (A) and last (B) ap- pearances per 1-m stratigraphic bin, based on 141 non- reproductive morphospecies that each appear in more than one bin (Table 2, data set 5C). The uppermost 5 m of Cretaceous strata contains a total of 38 last appear- ances. FIGURE 7. A, Per capita rates of origination (or immi- gration) and extinction (or emigration), based on 141 nonreproductive morphospecies that each appear in more than one bin and including range-through occur- Paleocene origination rates are highest in the rences (Table 2, data set 5D; see text). Edge effects dis- first two meters and then drop sharply. tort origination rates at the bottom and extinction rates All of the measures of first and last appear- at the top of (A). B, Axes rescaled to remove intervals with large edge effects. Paleocene rates are scaled for a ances indicate an extraordinary loss of species faster sedimentation rate relative to the Cretaceous (Fig. from Ϫ5 m to the K/T (interpretation below). 1), i.e., a proportionately lower value of t for equations In total, there are 101 non-singleton species re- (4) and (5). stricted to the Cretaceous, 29 survivors, and only 11 species with first appearances during the Paleocene (Table 3). The uppermost 5 me- viations above the mean. Given the facies ters of Cretaceous strata contains 38 last ap- problems associated with FU0, it is notewor- pearances (Figs. 6B, 8, 9; Table 3). The second- thy that this zone nevertheless include the last largest spike, at Ϫ37 m, represents the taph- appearances of two taxa found in the Hell onomic loss of zone HC1b floras (Johnson Creek Formation, including the most abun- 2002). There are 12 last appearances at Ϫ37 m, dant and long-ranging species of the forma- and 21 cumulatively from Ϫ37 to Ϫ34 m. Sub- tion, ‘‘Dryophyllum’’ subfalcatum. sequently, the Paleocene data show a steady There is ongoing turnover within the Cre- accumulation of last appearances as ranges taceous and virtually none during the Paleo- terminate and sampling decreases (Fig. 2). cene, a pattern that mirrors the ordination Similarly, per capita rates of extinction are analyses (Fig. 5). In comparison to the Creta- high at Ϫ37 m and then peak just below FU0, ceous, the Paleocene floras seem to have no ca- from Ϫ5toϪ3 m; extinction rates at Ϫ4mand pacity for ‘‘normal’’ turnover dynamics, and Ϫ3 m are each more than three standard de- few of their species survive beyond the basal 362 PETER WILF AND KIRK R. JOHNSON

Paleocene anywhere in North America (John- ral and environmental heterogeneity on the son and Hickey 1990; Barclay et al. 2003). landscape. For example, the specimens from These floras are compositionally static, depau- the Ϫ5mandϪ4 m bins are, respectively, 86% perate, and short lived beyond the extinction and Ͼ99% derived from two localities 3.5 km horizon, a general pattern similar to observa- apart (Johnson 2002: localities 61 and 63, re- tions of surviving marine lineages after the spectively, in his Figs. 1 and 2). The flora from K/T and other mass extinctions. The 29 Cre- Ϫ4 m is the highest large Cretaceous sample taceous survivors, most of which were minor from a channel environment (Fig. 9). Because elements of Cretaceous floras, dominate the our confidence interval method uses sample depauperate Paleocene floras, constituting size as a proxy for preservation potential, the 71% of Paleocene species and 88% of speci- Ϫ4 m bin consumes all of the preservation po- mens. In the uppermost 5 m of Cretaceous tential for the species that occur in the Ϫ5m strata, the same 29 species constituted only bin so that all of the confidence intervals for 19% of specimens. the latter terminate at Ϫ4 m (Fig. 9). The con- Confidence intervals show that the great fidence interval lengths are too short to the ex- majority of range tops are well sampled (Fig. tent that the compositional differences be- 8B), and we infer observed last appearances to tween these two floras reflect original hetero- be very close to true last appearances. The geneity and not extinction or emigration. This probability that species with Cretaceous range type of problem is significant only in the case tops will be found eventually in Paleocene of a last well-sampled occurrence of a major strata is extremely low. Of species with range facies type, in this example the channel flora tops more than 5 m below the K/T, only two from Ϫ4m. have 99% confidence intervals that cross the Measuring the Extinction. The maximum boundary (Fig. 8B), suggesting that much of concentration of last appearances occurs at Ϫ5 the turnover observed before the K/T is real m and closer to the K/T (Fig. 6B). We suggest and stratigraphically well-constrained. Few of that these 38 species, of 67 non-singletons pre- these species can be considered to be K/T vic- sent, are those most likely to have suffered ac- tims. tual extinction at the K/T, an estimated 57% Confidence intervals that terminate in or species extinction. Two less conservative anal- close to the FU0 zone (Fig. 9, uppermost 2 m yses would include all 130 Cretaceous non- of Cretaceous strata) show the difficulties in singleton species, of which 78% are not found attempting to use this method at high reso- in the Paleocene, or the 86 species present in lution in proximity to a major facies change the uppermost 15 m of the Cretaceous, 66% (Marshall 1990; Holland 2003), especially in a (Table 3). The last 15 m correspond to most of composite stratigraphic section. Confidence the specimens from the HCIII floral zone, on intervals that intersect the FU0 zone are prob- which the first estimates, of 79% extinction, lematic because most typical Cretaceous spe- were based (Johnson et al. 1989). The 79% es- cies cannot be found there at any sample size, timate included singletons, which are more and the confidence intervals depend on sam- common in Cretaceous strata, thus inflating ple size. Also of interest are species with last the estimate (Johnson 1992). Also, the HCIII appearances at the Ϫ5andϪ4 m levels whose zone correlates to an interval of globally warm confidence intervals terminate below Ϫ2m. temperatures, so a direct comparison with the Although it is possible that these species went cooler basal Paleocene probably overestimates extinct before the K/T, this seems unlikely be- extinction as discussed elsewhere (Wilf et al. cause they are part of a highly significant step 2003). of last appearances that occurs in close prox- The 57% figure should be regarded as a imity to the impact horizon and associated maximum estimate for several reasons. First, palynological extinction (Figs. 6–8). It seems the formational contact near the K/T is as- more probable, at this fine scale, that the short sumed to decrease observed survivorship and confidence intervals reflect the lack of sensi- to increase observed extinction by unknown tivity in the composite section to original flo- amounts, although observations of Paleocene K/T PLANT EXTINCTION 363

FIGURE 8. Ranges of the 141 nonreproductive morphospecies that each occur in more than one stratigraphic bin (Table 2, data set 4B). There are 130 Cretaceous-only species arranged by last appearance, 11 Paleocene-only species arranged by first appearance, and 29 survivors arranged by first appearance. A, Confidence intervals of 50% are applied to both the bottoms and tops of ranges to illustrate the dependence of interval length on sampling intensity, using the methods described in the text. Note that a different calculation for the range bottom vs. top extensions would be required in a rigorous two-tailed case (Strauss and Sadler 1989), but the lower range extensions here are a second, reversed application of the one-tailed case solely for the purpose of direct pictorial comparison: if sam- pling were uniform, confidence intervals for a given species would be the same length in either direction. Sampling is heaviest near the K/T (Fig. 2); accordingly, confidence intervals generally shorten with increasing proximity to the K/T. B, Confidence intervals of 99% are applied to the tops of ranges with Cretaceous terminations. channel floras, discussed above, suggest that 57% estimate, from the uppermost 5 m of the this is not a major problem. Second, the local Cretaceous, avoids much of the globally warm facies change associated with FU0 coincides interval but still includes some Cretaceous flo- with global cooling just prior to the K/T, ras from climates warmer than those of basal which reversed a preceding warming that Paleocene floras. Palynological data from the lasted about 400 Kyr (Wilf et al. 2003). The same strata, at lower taxonomic but higher 364 PETER WILF AND KIRK R. JOHNSON

FIGURE 9. Expansion from Figure 8B for the 57 non-singleton species with range terminations in the uppermost 15 m of Cretaceous strata. Numbers of specimens are shown at right (note log scale; data from minimum abundance matrix, data set 4 of Table 2), and the depositional environment for the majority of fossils analyzed is indicated for each 1-m bin. The FU0 megafloral zone (see text) occurs primarily in mire deposits within the uppermost 2 m of Cretaceous strata. Paleocene floras from channel deposits (not including abandoned channels) occur at ϩ1.0m(2 voucher specimens), ϩ2.4 m (31 vouchers), ϩ5.0 m (1 voucher), ϩ7.4 m (116 voucher, 212 census specimens), ϩ18.4 m (22 vouchers, 68 census), ϩ19.9 m (22 vouchers), ϩ50.0 m (3 vouchers), and ϩ58.0 m (29 vouchers). stratigraphic resolution than the megafloral et al. 1990; McIver and Basinger 1993; Wing et data, provide a minimum estimate of about a al. 1995, 2000; Gemmill and Johnson 1997; 30% extinction (Johnson et al. 1989; Nichols Hoffman and Stockey 1999; Wilf 2000). Sys- and Johnson 2002; Nichols 2002). This amount tematic studies show that the taxonomic di- of extinction is seen at a stratigraphic resolu- versity of Paleocene floras is low above the tion of a few centimeters on either side of the species level and is mostly attributable to a K/T, in continuous facies and after the latest few higher taxa such as Cornales (Manchester Cretaceous climate shifts occurred (Nichols et al. 1999; Manchester 2002) and Hamameli- and Johnson 2002), and it is similar to per- dae, including Betulaceae, Juglandaceae, Pla- centages reported from throughout western tanaceae, and Trochodendrales (Crane and North America (e.g., Hotton 2002 and refer- Stockey 1985; Pigg and Stockey 1991; Man- ences therein). Palynology still provides the chester and Dilcher 1997; Manchester and most direct linkage of the K/T event to plant Chen 1998). This scenario of a delayed recov- extinctions. ery appears to be in accord with marine data from intervals following mass extinctions, in- Recovery cluding the K/T (Sepkoski 1978; Patzkowsky No floral recovery during the basal Paleo- 1995; Kirchner and Weil 2000). However, the cene is evident in the Marmarth section. In the marine record shows significant spatial vari- northern Rockies and Great Plains of the Unit- ation in recovery from mass extinctions (Er- ed States and Canada, floral diversity is low win 2001; Jablonski 2002), and a more com- until the early Eocene climatic optimum, more plete picture of land-plant rebound will than 10 Myr after the K/T (Hickey 1977; Crane emerge with data from other areas. Most Pa- leocene floras found to date were deposited in

TABLE 3. Extinction estimates, based on range-through basin centers. New discoveries from the Den- counts of Cretaceous non-singleton species (Table 2, ver Basin, more than 700 km south of Mar- data set 5D) that survive into the Paleocene. marth, reveal that humid rainforest vegetation Survi- % with extremely high diversity existed near the Present in Species vors Extinct foothills of the Paleocene Front Range during Upper 5 m of Cretaceous 67 29 57 a warming event less than 2 Myr after the K/ Upper 15 m of Cretaceous 86 29 66 T (Johnson and Ellis 2002; Ellis et al. 2003; All Cretaceous 130 29 78 Johnson et al. 2003). Patterns of plant survival K/T PLANT EXTINCTION 365 and recovery may have varied significantly will ever be found in the Paleocene. Confi- with latitude, climate, and altitude. dence intervals are problematic at the meter- level resolution needed to interpret range ter- Conclusions minations less than about 5 m below the K/T The most complete record of megafloral because of facies changes in that interval. turnover across the Cretaceous/Paleogene Basal Paleocene floras, which appear to be boundary comes from the Williston Basin in composed of survivors from Cretaceous peat southwestern North Dakota. Floral diversity swamps, are impoverished and static by com- drops sharply across the K/T from a maxi- parison to preceding Cretaceous floras. There mum only 15 m below (about 200 Kyr before) is virtually no origination or change in floral the boundary and does not recover in the ap- composition, and much of the survival flora proximately 0.8 Myr sampled interval of the does not last beyond the earliest Paleocene. Paleocene. There are several shifts in floral Most studies to date indicate no regional re- composition during the Cretaceous, with ma- covery of floral diversity until the early Eo- jor differences between lower and upper Hell cene. However, investigations have focused on Creek floras. Paleocene floras have sharp com- a restricted geographic area, and the available positional differences from Cretaceous floras, data from other regions suggest spatial, cli- including a major turnover of dominant spe- matic, and topographic variation in patterns cies, but there is no evidence for significant of floral survival and recovery. compositional change within the Paleocene. Similarly, there are several pulses of first ap- Acknowledgments pearances during the Cretaceous but none of We thank R. Horwitt, M. Patzkowsky, D. significance during the Paleocene. The largest Royer, and an anonymous reviewer for helpful cluster of last appearances is seen between 5 comments on previous versions of this paper. mand3mbelow(about70to40Kyrbefore) P.W. received support from the Petroleum Re- the K/T, which we interpret, relying on the search Fund and the Michigan Society of Fel- major palynological extinction that occurs lows; K.R.J. was funded by National Science precisely at the impact horizon, as the signal Foundation (NSF) grant EAR-9805474 and the of a K/T extinction that is smeared slightly Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Archiv- down-section. Of the 130 Cretaceous species ing of primary locality data in the Paleobiol- found at more than one stratigraphic level, ogy Database was supported by NSF grant only 29 are found in the Paleocene, and only DEB-0129208 to H. J. Sims, P. G. Gensel, and 11 species first appear during the Paleocene. S. L. Wing. 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ago from Chicxulub crater melt rock and Cretaceous-Tertiary Wolfe, J. A. 1979. Temperature parameters of humid to mesic boundary tektites. Science 257:954–958. forests of eastern Asia and relation to forests of other regions Toon, O. B., K. Zahnle, D. Morrison, R. P. Turco, and C. Covey. in the Northern Hemisphere and Australasia. U.S. Geological 1997. Environmental perturbations caused by the impacts of Survey Professional Paper 1106. asteroids and comets. Reviews of Geophysics 35:41–78. Wolfe, J. A., and G. R. Upchurch. 1986. Vegetation, climatic and Tschudy, R. H. 1970. Palynology of the Cretaceous-Tertiary floral changes at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Nature boundary in the northern Rocky Mountains and Mississippi 324:148–152. Embayment regions. Pp. 65–111 in R. M. Kosanke and A. T. ———. 1987. Leaf assemblages across the Cretaceous-Tertiary Cross, eds. Symposium on palynology of the Late Cretaceous boundary in the Raton Basin, New Mexico and Colorado. Pro- and early Tertiary. Geological Society of America Special Pa- ceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 84:5096– per 127. 5100. Tschudy, R. H., C. L. Pillmore, C. J. Orth, J. S. Gilmore, and J. D. Wolfram, S. 2003. The Mathematica book, 5th ed. Wolfram Me- Knight. 1984. Disruption of the terrestrial plant ecosystem at dia, Champaign, Ill. the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, Western Interior. Science 225:1030–1032. Appendix Vajda, V., and J. I. Raine. 2003. Pollen and spores in marine Cre- Additions and Adjustments to Localities and Plant taceous/Tertiary boundary sediments at mid-Waipara River, Morphotypes of Johnson 2002 North Canterbury, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ge- Two additional field seasons are included here, 2000 and ology and Geophysics 46:255–273. 2001, providing four new localities and new specimens from Vajda, V., J. I. Raine, and C. J. Hollis. 2001. Indication of global several previously collected quarries. Emphasis was placed on deforestation at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary by New increasing the sampling of FU0 and of Paleocene floras more Zealand fern spike. Science 294:1700–1702. than 10 m above the K/T. The new quarries are DMNH localities Wilf, P. 1997. When are leaves good thermometers? A new case 2412, 2514, 2612, 2613, with stratigraphic positions relative to for Leaf Margin Analysis. Paleobiology 23:373–390. the K/T and paleoenvironments (after Johnson 2002) of ϩ3.4 m ———. 2000. Late Paleocene-early Eocene climate changes in (pond), ϩ6.5 m (pond), ϩ16.5 m (pond), and ϩ38.4 m (carbo- southwestern Wyoming: paleobotanical analysis. Geological naceous shale/mire), respectively. These collections added sev- Society of America Bulletin 112:292–307. en dicot leaf morphotypes (FU99, FU104–109), three pterido- ———, K. R. Johnson, and B. T. Huber. 2003. Correlated terres- phyte leaf morphotypes (FU100, FU102, FU103), and one lyco- trial and marine evidence for global climate changes before pod axis morphotype (FU101). We removed from the analysis a mass extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. Pro- single locality of uncertain stratigraphic position, DMNH lo- ceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100:599– cality 569 (see Johnson 2002), which resulted in the elimination 604. of three morphotypes, HC237, HC238, and HC239, that only oc- Wing, S. L., and G. J. Harrington. 2001. Floral response to rapid cur at that locality. Five localities are from adjacent Harding warming in the earliest Eocene and implications for concur- County, South Dakota, and the two lowest localities are from the rent faunal change. Paleobiology 27:539–563. uppermost Fox Hills Formation (Johnson 2002). Attached lateral Wing, S. L., J. Alroy, and L. J. Hickey. 1995. Plant and and terminal leaflets have been found in organic attachment in diversity in the Paleocene to early Eocene of the Bighorn Ba- the case of two described species in the Marmarth section, Er- sin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 115: lingdorfia montana and Platanites marginata, both in the Platana- 117–155. ceae (Johnson 1996), so the four leaf morphotypes, two lateral Wing, S. L., H. Bao, and P. L. Koch. 2000. An early Eocene cool and two terminal, are combined in analysis here as two mor- period? Evidence for continental cooling during the warmest phospecies (equivalent to the two formal entities E. montana and part of the Cenozoic. Pp. 197–237 in B. T. Huber, K. MacLeod, P. marginata). Aside from these two examples of attachment, all and S. L. Wing, eds. Warm climates in Earth history. Cam- of Johnson’s (2002) morphotypes (388 total, as adjusted above) bridge University Press, Cambridge. are equivalent here to morphospecies (386).