Mission Social & Fundraising

CAFOD SCHOOL VOLUNTEER TASTER SESSION - open to anyone All Saints Winter Ball - Friday 9th November at 7:00pm at Tredegar who wants to find out more about CAFOD’s volunteer work in Golf Club, near . Save the date. More information next schools and parishes. The session will be held at the former CTS week. Only 100 tickets will be made available. Bookshop at St David’s Cathedral, Cardiff on Monday 17 Sept (11- 4pm). Please contact CAFOD at [email protected] or 029 20 De-cluttering Sale coming soon! Tables still available in St. Anne’s 344 882 to find out more and book your place. Hall. Contact Mike Glennon for more information 01633 852543.

SPUC is holding a Mass Letter-Writing Campaign to Parliament to St. Mary’s 200 CLUB - 26.08.18. - No. 71 £20.00 T. Griffiths, No. 53 oppose decriminalising abortion, for more information go to £150.00 P. Elliott. 02.09.18.- No 71 £20.00 T. Griffiths https://www.spuc.org.uk/get-involved/campaign-with-us/we-care- th about-women/mass-letter-writing-campaign Sugar n’ Spice Club begins again on Wednesday 19 September at 1.45pm at St. Mary’s Institute. A friendly atmosphere, a good chat, talks, outing etc. Do come along and join. All are welcome. Stewardship Bring & Buy Coffee Morning in aid of McMillan Cancer Support at Would you like to help take Communion to the sick and St. Anne’s on Tuesday 25th September at 10.30. All are welcome – housebound? Application forms now available at the back of the bring, buy and share and support this worthy cause. churches if you are interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Training and support will be provided. Requests Lunch Bags for the Homeless resume on Saturday/Sunday September 15th/16th for the distribution of the empty bags. Please nd rd Car Parking at St. Mary’s Presbytery. Yet again the priests have return full bags on September 22 /23 . For more information been blocked in and held up getting to engagements. Please DO contact the parish office. Thank you for your continued support. NOT park at St. Mary’s presbytery as we now have a team who use

Would you like to pass on your faith? Can you help prepare our all the spaces. children for First Holy Communion? We are looking to build a team of catechists across our churches. Please contact Helen Harper for A Thank You! more information 07863 224280. St. David Lewis would like to thank Mary Burke who Bereaved or lonely and in need of support? If you are bereaved or has stepped down as the chairperson of their Community Council. lonely and would like company and a friendly chat, the Bereavement Her hard work has been very much appreciated. Esther Gomes has Support Group are here to help. Drop-in at St. Michael’s Hall on been nominated as the new chairperson. Wednesdays 2:00pm-4:00pm or see contact details on the posters in our churches. Monica Pugsley would like to extend her sincere thanks to the parishioners of St Basil and for the cards, flowers and gifts Prayer & Worship received on the occasion of her 103rd birthday. Many thanks. God Bless you all. The Legion of Mary candle at St. Mary’s this week for all children starting or returning to school and higher education. Thanks to all those who attended and made the BBQ at St. Basil & St Gwladys, an enjoyable afternoon. It was also very nice to see so Newsletter Prayer Requests for September. Lists now available at many of the clergy who were well represented by Rev Fathers the back of each church for people to pray for; they will then be Michael, Daniel, David and Robert. A good time was had by all and inserted on the newsletter. we were blessed with sunshine all afternoon.

An Invitation to share in the Harvest Service in Ebbw Bridge Baptist th WANTED Church, on Sunday 16 September, at 6.00pm.

A Driving Instructor with nerves of steel and lots of patience is Formation & Sacraments required to teach Fr. Robert how to drive! If you know of anyone or fit the bill yourself please could you contact Fr. Robert so we can get First Holy Communion 2019 – If your child is in Year 4 or above AND him on the road. God help us all! is a baptised Catholic AND has not yet celebrated their First Holy Communion then you can pick up a PURPLE enrolment form from church or download it from the website to join this year’s First Communion and Reconciliation Program. Registration closes on 1st November.

Sacrament of Confirmation - Classes will start THURSDAY at 6.30pm, in St Mary’s Institute. The Mass of Commitment is NEXT SUNDAY at St. Michael’s.

Are you thinking of becoming a Catholic? Do you know someone who is? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults classes begin on Tuesday 9th October. If you would like to speak to a member of the pastoral team to find out more or just ask questions please contact the parish office.

Day of Formation, Prayer and Recommissioning of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Saturday 29th September, 10:00am- 3:00pm, at St. David’s church. Registration forms now available in the sacristy to sign up. Registration closes Sunday 23rd September.

All Saints Parish Office, Parish Pastoral Team: 9 Stow Hill, Newport. Fr. Michael Doyle (Parish Priest) NP20 1TP. Fr. Daniel Stanton, Fr. Robert James, Fr. Roman Kowalski, Fr. Peter McLaren, Telephone: 01633 265533 Deacon Pasquale Cinotti, Deacon Rigo Logier Email: [email protected] Sr. Brigid Cantwell Hours: 9:00am – 3:00pm (Mon – Fri) Sr. Paul Gerard Chidgey Sr. Justina Morrin, Sr. Miriam Morrin Administrator: Tracy Morgan Sr. Visitation O’Donoghue Website: allsaintsrcnewport.org.uk Sr. Claude Walsh

Churches: St. Mary, Stow Hill, Newport, NP20 1TP. St. Anne, Oliphant Circle, Malpas, Newport NP20 6PF. Ss. Basil & Gwladys, Tregwilym Road, Rogerstone, NP10 9DW. St. David, Park Crescent, , Newport, NP20 3AQ. St. David Lewis, Monnow Way, Bettws, Newport, NP20 7DX. St. Gabriel, Ringland Circle, Newport, NP19 9PQ. St. Julius the Martyr, Beaufort Road, St. Julian’s, Newport, NP19 7PZ. St. Julius, Aaron & David, High Street, , NP18 1AG. St. Michael, Clarence Street, , Newport, NP20 2BZ.

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) – 9th September 2018

Entrance Antiphon: "In a recent conversation with my father he said that I was the “Prince You are just, O Lord, and your judgement is right; of ’ favourite music group” after the initial confusion he treat your servant in accord with your merciful love. revealed that the Prince of Wales’ favourite group is the “three degrees” a reference, somewhat tenuous, to the fact that I have three

(bachelor) degrees. Psalm Response: My soul, give praise to the Lord. This, in a sense, is an Earthly honour, and perhaps one in which we should not seek glory, in a similar way to how St James exhorts the Gospel Acclamation: recipients of his letter. He is referring to those who are rich in worldly Alleluia, Alleluia! terms, and how we should not favour them over those who are Speak, Lord, your servant is listening: poorer, in worldly terms. You have the message of eternal life. Alleluia! The question is: do we afford greater honour to those who are ‘educated’, to those who are more ‘wealthy’, to those who ‘deserve’

it; rather than those who are less educated, less wealthy, those who Memorial Acclamation: some in our society would reject? We are all children of God, and all We proclaim your Death, O Lord of us should be afforded the respect that is our due, precisely because and profess your Resurrection of this fact. until you come again. As an aside, the term ‘Father’ is used to refer to priests, not because Communion Antiphon: of any Earthly glory or honour, but precisely because in his every Like the deer that yearns for running streams, action the priest is to point away from himself and towards our so my soul is yearning for you, my God; heavenly Father, who loves each of us unconditionally.

my soul is thirsting for God, the living God. On a totally unrelated note: today (Sunday) is ‘International Buy a Priest a Pint Day’ … cheers!"

Care of the Sick In an Emergency, call: 07805 696474 (24 hours)

Hospitals – Royal Gwent, St. Woolos & St. Cadoc’s Home Visits

If you know of anyone who is in hospital or about to go into hospital If you would like a sick visit at home or know somebody who would, and would like to receive holy communion, please ring the parish office you can now request a visit by calling the parish office; completing leaving the persons’ name and ward details. Or contact the Hospital the ‘Request a Sick Visit’ form and handing it to a member of the Chaplaincy on 01633 234234. Pastoral Team

It is also possible to request a visit at home or in hospital by completing the ‘Request a Sick Visit’ form and handing it into the parish office or a member of the pastoral team. The form can also be completed online at http://allsaintsrcnewport.org.uk/sick/

This Week’s Masses, Liturgies & Prayer

Sunday Readings Cycle B • Weekday Reading Cycle 2 • Breviary: Week 3 (Mass Times in Bold)

Saturday 8th Vigil Masses of the Sunday St. Mary 4.30pm Pat Bowen (90th B’Day), Janet Chambers, +Bill Parkman St. David Lewis 4.30pm Holy Rosary 5.00pm +Breda Savage St. Gabriel 5.00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation until 5:20pm 5.30pm Missa pro populo Ss. Basil & Gwladys 6.00pm +Steven O’Toole & +Mavis Cane Ss. Julius, Aaron & David 6.30pm Holy Souls

Sunday 9th St. Anne 9.00am +Pat Nichol, +Michael Savage St. David 9.00am Msza w j. polskim St. Mary 9.30am Antonietta & Giovanni Battista Girolami, +Terry Flynn, Sr. Visitation St. Gabriel 10.00am Holy Souls St. Michael 10.45am Joan Lester, Special Intentions St. David 11.00am Charles & Alice Luxton & Sons, Douglas Robson Bray St. Julius the Martyr 11.15am Holy Souls Ss. Basil & Gwladys 11.30am Ordinariate Mass St. Mary 4.00pm Evening Prayer & Benediction 6.00pm Holy Souls

Monday 10th St. Michael 9.30am Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of Hours St. Mary 9.30am Holy Rosary 10.00am Special Intention St. Anne 6.30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation until 6.50pm 7.00pm Holy Souls

Tuesday 11th St. Mary 7.30am +Linda Chambers St. Deiniol St. Anne 9.25am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Morning Devotions St. Mary 9.30am Holy Rosary 10.00am +Mary & Martin Doyle Tovey’s Chapel 10.00am Funeral Service for Sylvia Bigglestone St. Mary 11.00am Requiem Mass for Mary Evans 6.00pm Zimbabwean Community Prayer Group Ss. Basil & Gwladys 6.30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation until 6.50pm 7.00pm In thanksgiving Monica Pugsley

Wednesday 12th St. Mary 9.30am Holy Rosary The Most 10.00am +Fr. Cadfan (Belmont Abbey) Holy name Ss. Julius, Aaron & David 10.00am +Vera Doyle of Mary St. Mary 10.30am Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of Hours St. Michael 6.30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation until 6.50pm 7.00pm Douglas Robson Bray

Thursday 13th St. Mary 10.00am Lena Evans Int., Partab Singh Sidhu Hun St. John St. Gabriel 10.00am Holy Souls Chrysostom St. David Lewis 6.30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation until 6.50pm 7.00pm +Fr. Philip McAuliffe

Friday 14th St. Mary 9.30am Holy Rosary The Exaltation 10.00am Requiem Mass for Margaret Channing Of the Holy St. Julius the Martyr 10.00am The Sick at the Royal Gwent, St. Woolos & St. Cadoc’s Hospitals Cross (Feast) St. David 6.30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation until 6.50pm 7.00pm +Pilar Schofield

Saturday 15th St. Mary 9.30am Holy Rosary Our Lady of 10.00am +Michael Marenghi Sorrows 10.30am Sacrament of Reconciliation until 11.45am 12.30pm Baptism of Evie McNiell. 3.00pm Divine Mercy Prayer Group 3.30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation until 4.15pm

Vigil Masses of the Sunday St. Mary 4.30pm +John Bluett, +Maria Woodman St. David Lewis 4.30pm Holy Rosary 5.00pm +Timothy Jones (Anniv.) St. Gabriel 5.00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation until 5.20pm 5.30pm People of the Parish Ss. Basil & Gwladys 6.00pm In thanksgiving Monica Pugsley Ss. Julius, Aaron & David 6.30pm Holy Souls

Sunday 16th St. Anne 9.00am Searson Family, Nora Campbell Intention St. David 9.00am Msza w j. polskim St. Mary 9.30am Ellen & Michael Buckley St. Gabriel 10.00am +Cruz Martins St. Michael 10.45am Bella James, Bernard Millar, Sandra Abdie & +Patrick Hodges St. David 11.00am Peace in the world St. Julius the Martyr 11.15am Holy Souls Ss. Basil & Gwladys 11.30am Ordinariate Mass St. Mary 12.30pm Baptism of Daniela Canning St. Mary 4.00pm Evening Prayer & Benediction 6.00pm People of the Parish

What’s on this week Dates for the diary

Monday: Wednesday 19th September: St. Gabriel’s Monday Club Sugar n’ Spice Club begins again at 1.45pm 10.30am – Line Dancing at St. David Lewis 7.30pm - St. David’s Folk Choir meet at in the Sacristy. Thursday 20th September: Quiz Night in St. Mary’s Institute. Tuesday: St. David's Community Council Meeting at 7.00p.m. 5.15pm – St. David’s S.V.P. meet in the Sacristy. 7.15pm – Bingo at St. Gabriel’s Tuesday 25th September: Bring & Buy Coffee Morning in aid of McMillan Cancer Support Wednesday: at St. Anne’s 7.30pm – Line Dancing at St. David Lewis Saturday 29th September: Thursday: Day of Formation, Prayer and Recommissioning of 10.30am – Line Dancing at St. David Lewis Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 6.15pm - St. Anne’s Community Council

Sunday 30th September: Friday: 10.00am – Talent Sharing at St. David Lewis 4.00pm - Baptism Preparation Course Begins

st Sunday : Thursday 1 November: 10.45am - Confirmation Commitment Mass First Holy Communion Registration Deadline 5.00pm - St. Mary’s Folk Choir Practice Friday 9th November: All Saints Winter Ball at Tredegar Golf Club

Prayer Requests

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Michael Lee, Suzi Pacini, Irene Harding, Mary Mills and all who have died recently.

Please also remember in your prayers Jeanette Bassett, John Ryan, Pat Bowen, Nanna Cozzi, Sion Meredith, Lena Evans, Daniel Gabriel, Monica Pugsley, Denis O’Carroll, James Routley and all the sick at home or in our hospitals, and all who care for them.

To add a request please contact the Parish Office by calling 01633 265533.