THE JAMES WARD Make Our Mansion Your Mansion
A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES Thursday, February 7, 2019 Page 17 POPCORN Serenity It’s all Just a Big….. 2 popcorns One Popcorn, Poor — Two Popcorns, Fair — Three Popcorns, Good — Four Popcorns, Excellent By Michael S. Goldberger Still, all of this pompously es- film critic poused, week #12 of the Crandall & Viewing director Steven Knight’s Erickson Film Critic Correspondence Serenity, a film consumed with the Course that secured me the position I notion that things aren’t what they now enjoy, aptly instructs, “Make sure appear to be, I was uncomfortably you say at least something about the reminded that I don’t like to figure film you’re reviewing.” Furthermore, things out. I don’t do puzzles, don’t acknowledging the wisdom of H.L. do fancy mystery yarns unless they’re Mencken’s thought that no one ever old classics or approach the inven- went broke underestimating the intel- tiveness of The Usual Suspects ligence of the American public, there MAGIC OF POETRY..The Fanwood Arts Council and the Carriage House (1995), and if you ask me when train is hardly a movie ever made that Poetry Series will host a book launch, reception and poetry reading for award- B will pass Train A if both leave their didn’t have at least one person attest- winning poet Charlie Bondhus and his recently published book, “Divining Bones” original locations at so and so time, ing to its profound, life-changing in- on Sunday, February 10, from 3 to 5 p.m.
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