AMR 2013/14 Technical Appendix
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Authority Monitoring Report 2013/14 Technical Appendix Page 1. Monitoring Indicators 1 2. Population 11 3. Homes 19 4. Economy 60 5. Community Facilities and Leisure 79 6. Environment 84 7. Access and Movement 90 8. Effectiveness of Plan Policies 97 9. Progress on Local Planning 117 Authority Monitoring Report 2013/14 Final: 14 August 2015 Authority Monitoring Report 2013/14 1. Monitoring Indicators Table 1.1: Plan Monitoring Indicators and their Use in the Monitoring Report Policy Aspiration Ref Indicator Target Where the Monitoring Notes Analysis is reported Core Strategy – adopted January 2013 SP1 A reduction in poverty / MF1 Number / % of SOAs To reduce the number / % 2. Population social exclusion among the 20% most of SOAs among the 20% deprived in England and most deprived in England Hertfordshire and Hertfordshire SP1, The protection of the Green MF2 % of gross dwelling For gross dwellings to be 3. Homes and 8. Review in the light of AMR 2016/17. CS16, Belt through the most completions in consistent with [the Effectiveness of Plan Borehamwood should take 60% or less of new CS22 efficient use of previously Borehamwood, Bushey, distribution indicated in] Policies. The distribution housing; Bushey 25% or less; Potters Bar 10% developed land and Potters Bar and Radlett Policy CS2 and overall delivery of or more; and Radlett and elsewhere 5% or buildings homes is being monitored. more MF3 % of new homes on To provide 95% of new 3. Homes and 8. previously developed land dwellings on PDL Effectiveness of Plan (PDL) Policies MF4 Total area of Green Belt No net loss of Green Belt 9. Progress on Local Change in Green Belt designation will only Land Planning occur through amendment of the Policies Map – i.e. through adoption of a new plan. MF5 Number of approvals No material departures 8. Effectiveness of Plan which resulted in a approved in the Green Policies material departure Belt CS1, CS2, Ensuring that there is an MF6 To maintain a five year For net completions from 3. Homes and 8. Review policy if completions fall 20% below CS3 adequate supply of supply of deliverable 2012/13 to track the Effectiveness of Plan the required rate. This trend must be observed developable land for new housing sites annualised dwelling Policies over a three year period, and the five year land housing requirement set in policy supply (looking forward) is insufficient to meet CS1. Number of years the new annualised housing target. supply based on housing target. 1 Authority Monitoring Report 2013/14 Policy Aspiration Ref Indicator Target Where the Monitoring Notes Analysis is reported CS4 Providing an increased MF7 Annual Affordable Housing To provide at least 76 3. Homes and 8. Review policy and measures to support the supply of Affordable Completions affordable units per Effectiveness of Plan delivery of affordable housing if affordable Housing to meet local needs annum to meet target set Policies housing completions fall 20% below the in policy CS4 required rate. This trend must be observed over a three year period, and the five year land supply (looking forward) is insufficient to meet the new annualised housing target. MF8 Affordable Housing That all schemes meeting 8. Effectiveness of Plan Review Affordable Housing SPD if size of Threshold thresholds in Policy CS4 Policies affordable housing units falls outside of a 20% provide affordable (+ or -) range of equivalent proportions of housing or a financial market housing. This trend must be observed contribution. over a three year period. If, following a review of the SPD, the problem remains for two years, the Council will review its allocated (housing) sites. MF9 For the % of three and 3. Homes Also see comment for MF8 above. four bedroom Affordable Housing units, as a proportion of all Affordable Housing provided, to be within 20% of the equivalent proportion within the market sector CS7 To deliver an appropriate MF10 Tenure mix To achieve an increasingly 3. Homes This indicator is measured by commitments. mix and size of new Housing completions appropriate mix and size dwellings in developments of dwellings of more than 25 units or 1 hectare. CS5 An increased supply of MF11 The number of Affordable To increase the number of 3. Homes Affordable Housing in rural Housing units provided on Affordable Housing units areas rural ‘exceptions’ sites on rural ‘exceptions’ sites 2 Authority Monitoring Report 2013/14 Policy Aspiration Ref Indicator Target Where the Monitoring Notes Analysis is reported CS6 The provision of Gypsy and MF12 Number / % of gypsy and To meet the requirements 3. Homes and 8. The target was effectively 53 pitches (total Traveller pitches to meet traveller pitches of Policy CS6 Effectiveness of Plan stock needed at 1.4.2011) plus 2 pitches each identified local need Policies year between 2012/2013 and 2017/18. The rate is to be reviewed as part of Gypsy/ traveller need assessment work. MF13 Number of pitches For 100% of gypsy and 3. Homes provided on authorised traveller pitches to be on sites authorised sites CS8, Retention of a supply of MF14 Provision of employment No net loss of 4. Economy and 8. Any substantive change to existing employment CS9 designated land for B-class land employment land, unless Effectiveness of Plan land is likely to come via a plan review or major CS10 and other permitted uses To retain at least 110 ha of evidence supports Policies relocation/property vacancy. Normal CS11 designated employment otherwise monitoring of MF15 should pick up any general sites (including locally trend. The release of land under Policy CS8 (see significant employment below) could add to the supply. sites) MF14 To retain Local(ly) No net loss of Local 4. Economy Significant Employment Significant Employment Sites Sites (5 ha at 7 sites) MF15 Monitoring of the % of Permission of non B uses 4. Economy non B class uses within in employment areas be designated employment limited to CS10 areas and Local(ly) appropriate uses Significant Employment Sites The continued existence and MF16 Monitoring of investment Protection and 4. Economy when relevant Support for the film and television industry will promotion of a vibrant film in premises and facilities encouragement of film occur through support of ancillary facilities and and television production and relocation of and television industry services and the environment of the studios, as industry in the Borough businesses to the area. and facilities in the well as through the management of Borough development on the key sites. 3 Authority Monitoring Report 2013/14 Policy Aspiration Ref Indicator Target Where the Monitoring Notes Analysis is reported CS8 Requirement for release of MF17 Applications in For applications in 4. Economy when relevant The need to release land should only come Safeguarded Land Safeguarded Land Area, in Safeguarded Land only through a change to the development plan (e.g. Cranborne Road Potters approved for B uses, only review of the Core Strategy). Bar and/or safeguarded allowed following plan land Rowley Lane review Borehamwood CS12 The protection of the MF18 Number / area of No net loss of designated 6. Environment and 8. Borough’s environmental designated environmental environmental sites Effectiveness of Plan assets sites Policies MF19 Number of trees subject to No net loss of protected 6. Environment and 8. The target is not directly monitored. The Preservation Orders felled trees Effectiveness of Plan number of TPOs is monitored, as are or damaged Policies applications to do works to protected trees (including felling). These particular records only give an indication of how the target is being achieved. MF20 Number of new or Continued review of TPOs 6. Environment The number of TPOs is monitored. resurveyed TPOs and trees MF21 Number of and area of No net loss of Wildlife 6. Environment, but not Will be reported as information becomes new Wildlife Sites under Sites, under positive monitored annually available from the Herts Environmental positive conservation conservation management Records Centre. management CS14 The protection of the MF22 % of buildings identified as No buildings ‘at risk’ 6. Environment Borough’s built heritage ‘at risk’ MF23 Supply of listed buildings No net loss of listed 6. Environment and 8. buildings Effectiveness of Plan Policies MF24 % of Conservation Area Only approve demolition 6. Environment and 8. Consents for demolition where there is a detailed Effectiveness of Plan approved with no detailed replacement scheme Policies scheme for replacement (100%) MF25 Number of Conservation To be reviewing at least 6. Environment and 9. Areas appraisals updated one Conservation Area at Progress on Local a given time Planning 4 Authority Monitoring Report 2013/14 Policy Aspiration Ref Indicator Target Where the Monitoring Notes Analysis is reported CS16 A reduction in flood risk MF26 % of permissions granted No permissions to be 6. Environment and 8. contrary to EA advice granted contrary to Effectiveness of Plan Environment Agency (EA) Policies advice CS17 The incorporation of MF27 Monitoring the 100% of applications to Not monitored. The only Standards for the design and construction of sustainable design and compliance of residential meet the requirements of element that is – site buildings are under review by Government. The construction techniques to and commercial CS17 waste management – is future of standards, such as the Code for reduce carbon emissions development against covered in 6. Sustainable Homes, and the role of the and environmental impacts targets in Policy CS17 Environment. planning system are expected to change: the use of Building Regulations is expected to be more important. While the principles underlying Policy CS16 and therefore Policy CS17 are sound, indicator MF27 is not considered a fully effective test (hence it is not covered in 8. Effectiveness of Plan Policies). CS19, The protection and MF28 The number of key No loss of community 5.