Connecting You to Opportunities The PathStone Annual Report is a periodical HELP US GO GREEN! published once a year by PathStone Corporation, 400 East Ave., Rochester, N.Y. 14607. To receive future PathStone ISSUE NO: 1 publications electronically, please send an email with your ISSUE DATE: November 2017 preferred email address to PUBLISHER: PathStone Corporation
[email protected] EDITOR: Thomas Bergin DESIGNER: MillRace Design Associates How We2016 Help 41,286 Participants Served, Benefiting 75,383 Family Members W ORKFORCE D EVELOPMENT PathStone delivers quality career and employment services that enhance the skills, performance and potential of individuals, leading to meaningful employment in desired career pathways. E D UCATION AN D H EALT H PathStone provides a range of education and health services designed to promote and enhance lifelong learning, healthy living and employability for eligible individuals and families. E MERGENCY AN D S UPPORT S E RV I C E S PathStone delivers emergency services to assist individuals and families in crisis to achieve safety and stability. Support services enable individuals to pursue education and employment. H OU S ING S E RV I C E S PathStone promotes access to personal counseling and financial resources designed to stabilize living environments and provide the foundation for economic security. C OMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT PathStone creates opportunities for people to live and work in thriving, diverse communities from which they can create family assets and access robust community services. 1 PathStone is a visionary, diverse organization empowering individuals, families and communities to attain economic and social resources for building better lives. OUR M I ss ION : PathStone builds family and individual self-sufficiency by strengthening farmworker, rural and urban communities.