THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside VEMA Greece JUNE 2009 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 E-mail:
[email protected] OUR PRIMATE’S VIEW ERICA-IRENE A. DAES (the most heroic struggle in the heart of the United Nations) PAGESPAGES 4 /222/20 - -5 /233/21 NEW Funding boost for 21 technology start-ups Founder of Neometrics, Dr Konstantinos Anagnostakis, ACROPOLIS receives TECS award. PAGE 212/20/30 ExpertsMUSEUM call for calm as... OpensSWINE its doors FLU June 20 PAGE 14/32 UnitingExperts those call for calm betweenas swine two flu islands Presidentdeclared of Australian a pandemicPanhellenic DECLARED Federation,Swine flu isTheo now Katapodis, officially saysa global that the ideapandemic for the but federation Australian was expertsborn when returningsay it’s no Greeks indication found thethemselves virus poses with shareda greater experiences threat. and concerns. PAGE 6/24 PAGE 20/38 A PANDEMIC PAGE 20/38 ST ANDREW’S GREEKNaxos ORTHODOX THEOLOGICALThe Aegean COLLEGE explorer’s paradise TTAEE longtimeNN NN favoriteEEWW with sunseekers and steeped Experts reassess GGinRR heritage,AADDUU theAA largestTTEE SS findings at Vergina of the Cyclades Latest interpretation interpretationof of evidence evidence at at IINNhas 22a wealth000099 Macedonian king’s king’s burial burial site site suggests suggests of inland treasures tombtomb ofof PhilipPhilip II IImight might be be Philip Philip III’s. III’s. PAGE 1912/37/30 PAGE 15/33 JUNE 2009 2/20 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA Our Primate’s View The readers of this column would undoubtedly juvenating friendship till today, I had the opportunity of be- have observed that, through a series of previous articles, ing informed, in somewhat broad terms, about the noble we have tried to project personalities and works of distin- aspirations undertaken by this dynamic Cretan, Mme Daes, guished women who have particularly impressed public as she cultivated relationships with personalities across all opinion as a result of their pioneering contribution to sa- the Continents.