Radio /Hack CB S Elecimmcs SALE!
PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs,, March 11, 197B The weather inside today Radio /hack Cloudy this afternoon, high around 40. Snow developing tonight accumula Area news...... 13 Editorial ...........4 tion up to a couple inches before tur Business . .•.......... 9 Family.............. 7 ning to rain. Low around 30 tonight. Classified — 14-18 Obituaries ........10 Rain ending Saturday, high in upper lEiimng Ilfralb Comics........... 19 Old Codger .... 20 40s. National weather forecast map on Bright One*' Dear Abby.......19 Sports.......... 11, 12 Page 16. CB S ELECimmCS SALE! MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH IS, 1976- VOL. XCV, No. 138 PRiCEi FIFTEEN CENTS PLUS SENSATIONAL BARGAINS ON POPULAR REGULAR STOCK ITEMS FOR HOME, OFFICE, CAR! SAVE $20 ^100,000 IN CASH PRIZES N e w s Grasso begins fight YOU Could Win $1,000 . $3,000 . $8,000 . $13,000 Or the Grand Prize Total of $18,000 In LOW-COST 25-FUNCTION s u m m a r y SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR THE 1976 REALISTIC CB SONG SEARCH Compiled from for budget proposals ,V«* i V ‘ Vi.' Reg. Sponsored by Radio Shack United Press International C : 1 i v ii HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella T, of the longer work week and SSM Revenue Commission, which super 59.95 WHAT IT IS: The 1976 Realistic $100,000 CB Song Search is an original songwriting contest open to Grasso today said she will veto any , f i', 1 » , V*'''. Vi.i 3 9 ®65-634 ^ Fund proposals, Mrs. Grasso said, vises legalized gambling. any U S. or Canadian resident except employees of Radio Shack, Tandy Corporation, their affiliated tax hike this year unless lawmakers "no definite programs have been dis 3 ’ .
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