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••-A'.-- The Bairieii Opiinty .Record The Berrien County Eecord, TERMS OF ADVERTISING; A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. (,TauUaeaoflo83,mabe aS<;nareO m-Aps. ii.-y.pt vf.p vrJji w.|3 mja m.jjl ~yr PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, iS q u a ro 1 00J$1 60»$1 76I$2 00JS4 0Qt$6 OOftlO G» 2 aqnarea.,—--II1 76|| 2 SOj 3 00|| 3 60|| 8 00p0 POLIO Q AT 3 Squares____ .y 2 25J 3 2SJ 3 T6{ i 26J T 00J12 OOf 20 0 b e r r i e s c o m m e n . , 4 Sqnaro3____ .jl 2 7S| 3 769 4 269 * &0|l 8 00916 00{ 23 0 BY 6 Squares..........J 3 60J 4 00J 4 60J 5 0Pp0 00p7 OOJ 26 0 H Column,.- .9 4 00|j 5 609 '> 0°i 8 00P4 00925 009 35 0 WAGNER & KINGERY, f TEItffiS: t s Column___ { 6 OOJ 8 00p0 00P2 00p0 00j30 00| 60 0 T>. *A. ‘ VAGNER* lE d ito rs 1 Eternal Vigilance is the .Price of Liberty!' L 82.00 l*er T ear,tn. AdT«u«e H Column......8 0 00p0 00p2 00p6 00J26 00^6 00[ 66 0 W. J>. IONGEUX,XEaito^* X E R M S : 1 Column__ P-0 0QP4 00p7 00)120 00^6 00|!a0 OOpiS 09 BusineBB Cards o f fivolinea o r leB8, $5.00 per aanoni. $2,00 Per Annum, in Advaace^if aotPaidmidvance,$2,50. yoLvatK y 10 1871 N°““ 25. Legal advertisements at statute rates. *S*M3 STItlOTtiY AWtSR*» TO,*tSlL- BUCHANAN, MICH., THURSDAY, AUGUST , . Transient advertising,payable in advance. Yearly advertising,payaLIe on. demand. Matter in local column, fifteen cents per line for .first paper U dfacontinuod, except at the option of May were married, and a happier pair seemed to have brought some food for, Insertion, and ten cents per line for each Bubeeqtient in th e publisher, until all nrreariigos are patd.*©fc MORTGAGE SALE. 'Poetry, Miscellaneous. sertion ; Lutno locals tHlcen for Igbs than $1.00. EFAULT having been mad*In tho payment of acer- would have been hard to find. They them, upon a sort of wooden tray. ObituaryNotices—more than tho azmooncemeata—will culn antn bf money secured to b® paid by ncwtaln iu- She was old, and gaunt, and bent; be charged for as adTertiBements. OFFICE—In “Record Brick Building,” north, side of Ddcuture of Mortgage, bearing date the eleventh day cf SO SOSTGAGE OX XJDCE rfR Jt. yielded mutually to each other’s wish BTIIMMJfG OX TH E SAX3J. Advertisements not accompanied with directions as to Trout Street; four dbora east o f Main. time, will he inserted until forbidden, and charged ac April, A D iSTO.mado and executed by llenjainin Brooks, es, and consequently grew to have but her features had a strange beauty cordingly. of Syracuse, in. the State of New York, party of the first BT JOHN IT. TATES. ’Tis well to woo, ’tis good to wed, part, to Kusael Kendrick, of Detroit, in the StatooCMich- the same desires, so that at last no about them, nevertheless, and awaken Double column advertisements, 25 per cent, above reg* law s of Newspapers. For so the world has done < nlar column rates. ig.-m,; party of the second part, which said Mortgage was ed in Millicent’s mind a memory too Special Notices, 50 per cent, above tbe foregoing rates. 1 . Hnhscribera who do not give express notice to tho duly recorded in tho offico of tho Register of Deeds in Mary, let's kill the fatted calf and celebrate yielding was necessary. Only in one Since myrtles grew and roses blew and for Berrien: County and State Of Michigan, on tho Yearly advertisers allowed four changes without extra coutrnry arecotisidcred as Vishlng to. continue the *ub- this day, thing did Millicent prove herself ob vague nud indefinite for words. She And morning brought the sun. charge. iCriptiou, 13th day of April,-A.D. lS;0,in Liber No. 1 of .Mortgages, For the last dreadful mortgage on tire farm is 2. If subscriber#, wish their papers discontinued, pnb- on page 374, and on which said Morigngo there is claimed stinate—nothing could tempt her on Lad seen the face before; it miglit be Single copies of the Rsco&n, ready for mailing, five to be due, at tho date Of this notice tho sum of two hun Wiped away ; • But have a care, ye young and fair; cents. Uher# may continue t0 send them until all arrearages an ocean voyage. A visit to his na in some of those old pictures at .Rome Allkinds of Job printing executed in the latest styles arepaid. dred and sixteen dollars, and also thirty dollars ae an I have pot the papers with me, they are right Be sure ye pledge with truth ; of the art.ahd atreasonabteprice*. 3. If subscribers move to other places without inform* Attorney fee specified In said Mortgage, to bepald In case !\a right can be— ug the publisher^ anti the paper is sent to the formor- proceetliugH are taken to foreclose the same,, and no pro tive England, and a tour in Europe, —-that brown skin, those classical out Be certain that your love will wear direction, they are hold; responsible. Notice should, ceedings ot law or hi equity having been Instituted to ro- Uet us laugh and sing together, for the dear old was John’s anticipated pleasure; but lines, that gaunt meagerness that Beyond the days of youth ; alwayxW given of the removal. eaver snid aum so remaining secured, or any port thereof. farm is free. 4m i f subscribers «e|lect or xofnse to’ tako'their> payors Notice is theroforohoreby given that by virtue of a pow her experience in crossing the ocean seemed to blight what once bad. been Rescued from a Living Grave. from the ol^ca or place to which they are sent, they nro er ot sole in 3ald Mortgngo contained, and in pursuauco For, if y e give .not heart for heart held responsible until tlioy settle bills i>nd; give notice to of the Statute in such case nmdo and provided, the land Don’t all we Yankees celebrate the fourth day had made her averse to its repetition. beautiful. Ves, somewhere she re As well as hand for hand, "We received a call from Mr. Keating, discontinue. and premises described in said Mortgage as follows, tu of Ju ly ? “Whether I saw them or not the membered it. In another moment You’ll find you’ve play’d the “unwise” part yesterday, the 27th inst., the young man 8. The courts have decidedThai refusing to taken paper nic: All th< so certain plecMOr parcels of land situated Became ’twus then that freedom’s sun lit up And “built upon the sand.” from the Office, or rumoring aud leavlng it upcalled for, in the County of Berrien, In the State of Michigan, faces of the steerage passengers would the truth flashed upon her, as the who narrowly escaped death from being la privia facia evidence ot intentional fraud, known and described as Lot it numbered twenty six, (20), our nation’s sky; 6, Any person who receives: a newspaper and makes Sweuty-aeveu, (27), twenty-eight, (28), twenty nine, (20) Why shouldn’t we then celebrate, and this day haunt me,” she said, “and I cannot woman knelt down to deposit the, tray ’Tis well to save; ’tis well to have buried in a well at Grattan, on Monday. as© of ifcfi whether ha has ordered it or not will be held: in thirty, (30) thirty-one,. (31), and thirty two, (32), in Ky- ne’er forget? upon the floor. SHe uttered a little . A goodly store of gold, He informs that he was in the well a little aw to be a subscriber. nedraotrs addition to <uo village of Buchanan, will be Where is there any freedom like being out of endure the idea of setting foot upon eotd to tho highest bidder, at tho front door of the Court cry; a shriller one responded to it, Arid hold enough of shining stuff, over seven hours and a half, during which II>U3d,ln tho village of Berrien, in the County of Berrien, deb t ? an ocean steamer again.” For charity is cold. andStatoorMtchigan, on tho fifth day of September, A. So John, who had no wish to go and the gaunt creature lay prostrated time his sufferings were of the most in D. lSTl, at one o’clock iu the afternoon of said day, (said live riz up many mornin’s an hour ’fore the tense description. He attributes his es Business Director v, Court House being the place for holding the Circuit alone, left the matter to the cure of before her, kissing her garments, But place not all your hopes and trust sun, cape to the lodging of three large stones Court for Berrien County) iu pay tho ft mount due on slid time, who brought tliem few sorrows “It is the signorina 1” she cried. In what the deep mine- brings; T*. MOHLSY,, star foundry- A ll MoctgngO, and costs, charges and expenses allowed by And night lias overtaken me before the task We cannot live on yellow dust just over his head, which prevented a law, including said Attorney’s fee of thirty dollars pro- w as d o n e ; B ® kinds of casting, such as plow poinia,sugar kettles, Tidfcd for iu. said M»*r» gage. and much joy, and now and then laid And Millicent knew the Italian Unmix’d with purer things.