Incorporated in 1894 to unite, represent, promote and enhance the profession and practice of architecture in the borough of Brooklyn. www.AIABrooklyn.org NOVEMBER 2015

AIA BROOKLYN Board of Directors

OFFICERS: - President: Ida Galea, AIA [email protected]

- Vice President: Anthony Marchese, AIA [email protected]

- Treasurer: Patricia Sears, AIA [email protected]

- Secretary: Vincent Nativo, AIA [email protected] The church of - Chapter Attorney: San Martino on the Ray Mellon, Esq. Honorary, AIA island of Burano, Italy San Pietro di Castello, Venice, Italy

DIRECTORS: Teresa Byrne Salter, AIA [email protected] CANNOT GET THEM STRAIGHT . . . Gerald Goldstein, AIA [email protected] Susana Honig, AIA [email protected] Pamela Weston, Associate, AIA [email protected]

REPRESENTATIVES: AIA/NYS Giuseppe Anzalone, AIA Sebastian M. D”Alessandro, AIA

ARCHITECTS COUNCIL: KIO Towers, Gerald Goldstein, AIA Sebastian M. D’Alessandro, AIA Madrid, Spain


- Continuing Education Jean Miele, AIA

- Design Committee Teresa Byrne Salter, AIA

- Emerging Professionals David Flecha, Associate AIA [email protected] Capitol Gate Tower, Varanasi, India Abu Dhab - Membership Committee Pamela Weston, Associate, AIA [email protected]

- Programming Committee Susana Honig, AIA [email protected]

- Sports Committee Gaetano Ragusa, AIA Nick Raschella, Assoc. AIA

- Urban Design Committee Jane McGroarty, AIA NOVEMBERCONTENTS 2015 1 8 8 7 6 4

12 9 9 6 5 3 Progress Carbon On Reduction Targets 2015 Brooklyn A Tour of the “OEM” Housing Prototype AIA Brooklyn Members Are Changing Conduct Of Code Industry FEATURES pcoming Chapter Meeting Presenter Month ast Report Meeting dustry rban Design Committee Report alendar of Eventsalendar C The QuotesThe Corner U L In U DEPARTMENTS IA Scholarship Foundation Awards 8 7 OBJECT TEXT FRAME OPTIONS BASELINE: LEADING

COMMITTEE REPORT BROOKLYN URBAN DESIGN ARCHITECTS SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION INC. In Cobble Hill at the former Long Island College the residential market. Hospital, the Fortis Property Group issued a Formed to raise funds for awarding second as-of-right scheme ( the first was issued When the Downtown Brooklyn Urban Renewal architectural scholarships to qualified persons and to advance the architec- in May 2015) with 529,000 sq. ft. of residential Plan was extended in 2004, the planning wiz- tural profession. All members that are development plus an additional 253,000 sq. ft. ards assumed that the third largest business in good standing of the AlA/Brook- community facility (student dormitory housing). district in would be home to back of- lyn are automatically members of Similar to Fortis’s initial as-of-right proposal this fice space for corporate computer facilities. The the Brooklyn Architects Scholarship appears to be another attempt to convince the city was reacting to the exodus of many corpo- Foundation Inc. community that Fortis’s preferred scheme (re- rations to Jersey City and Hoboken in the late PRESIDENT quiring a rezoning) will be much better than an 1990’s. Even at the time that the ‘back office’ Frank LoPresto, AIA as-of-right scheme. So far the community is plan was being debated, some people wisely not convinced that the preferred scheme with observed that the back office boat had left and it VICE PRESIDENT 1,125,000 sq. ft. of residential development will was headed to overseas. Sebastian D’Alessandro, AIA be good for Cobble Hill. In a statement released TREASURER on October 20, 2015 the Association stated that: In the context of the emergence of residential Patricia Sears, AIA development in downtown Brooklyn and in the We recognize that change is inevitable, but from adjacent residential communities, the city has SECRETARY the beginning the community has consistently yet to address the critical infrastructure needs Giuseppe Anzalone, AIA maintained that the buildings proposed were brought on by a large new residential popula- DIRECTORS too tall and that the population density would tion. The Department of Education is reluctant SusanaHonig, AIA overwhelm the existing neighborhood. Fortis to build new schools, seems to rely on develop- BarryStanley, AIA agreed to enter into discussions with the help ers to provide these spaces, and rents existing DmitriyShenker, AIA of Councilperson Lander. Unfortunately, they buildings to charter schools. In all of the projects RayMellon, Esq., Hon. AIA have steadfastly refused to significantly lower cited, only one has a public facility – the BAM ~ PYLON STAFF ~ the height or scale back the density of the plans. South public library. Keep in mind that commu- nity facilities are not necessarily places that are EDITOR : Not surprisingly, Fortis has designed the as- open to the public, like a park or a public school. Anthony Marchese, AIA of-right option to be as distasteful as possible [email protected] by placing the tallest tower close to the exist- At a recent town hall forum in Brooklyn Heights CREATIVE DIRECTOR : ing brownstone community and siting the parks Councilman Steve Levin, who represents a Allen Kushner in the shadow of the taller buildings. Even the portion of downtown Brooklyn, said “We need [email protected] facades of the as-of-right scheme are a dark more school seats, we need better transporta- gray glass, as opposed to the rezoning scheme tion options, we need more affordable housing, ADVERTISING MANAGERS : Anthony Marchese, AIA facade of brick and stone with less glass. On and as far as I’m concerned, we need less lux- [email protected] Fortis’s LICH Project website, one can take an ury buildings.” anonymous survey about neighborhood parks, CONTRIBUTORS : schools and affordable housing. Based upon The city has relied on Brooklyn Bridge Park to John Gallagher, AIA the results, do we think the developer will move fill all of the open space and recreational needs Gerald I. Goldstein, AIA Anthony Marchese, AIA the parks to sunnier spots? of downtown. While the Park is a wonderful Jane McGroarty, AIA amenity, it is extremely crowded and a distance I. Donald Weston, FAIA In September this year a Wall Street Journal from many of these projects, especially for the Pamela Weston, Assoc. AIA article described potential concern by real es- youngest and oldest citizens. Even with the ad- Deadline for submission to the tate investment trust and developers that the dition of BB Park, the borough continues to lack Pylon is the second Wednesday of each month. rapid influx of new housing could threaten to open space when compared to other boroughs. Articles or notices may be unbalance the Brooklyn market. According to submitted to the Editor by e-mail, the WSJ, a recent ‘softening’ in the market It is critical that make a commit- fax or on disc. Handwritten acticles or verbal comments are cheerfully caused supply to outpace demand –a condi- ment to serious urban planning. If the popula- receieved. tion feared by developers when apartments go tion increases as predicted, we simply cannot Material printed in the PYLON is to market. The Downtown Brooklyn Partner- postpone important decisions regarding our for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon nor acted ship quickly countered the Journal’ article con- infrastructure and public services, nor does it on as legal opinion or advice. tending that there is a “lack of available product make sense to leave them to the development The PYLON is published by today”. There are some signs that developers sector in a piecemeal fashion. the Brooklyn Chapter AIA and no portion may be reproduced without are scaling back in size, or switching from con- We need action, not reaction! written permission. do to rental which may be a response to the Copyright: 2015 perceived oversupply at the very high end of - Jane McGroarty AIA


ABUSE OF PRIVILEGES ceeding for abuse of privileges, the Department will notify the New York State Department of Ed- n cases where a licensed, professional engi- ucation of any ban, suspension, probation, fine neer, registered architect or Special Inspec- or sanction of a registered design professional. I tion Agency is found to have abused privileg- es, the Department may restrict or revoke the BILL OF RIGHTS Professional’s filing privileges. he Department of Buildings is committed FRAUDULENT OR ERRONEOUS to providing New Yorkers with excellent INFORMATION – PROFESSIONAL T customer service, including: CERTIFICATION AND OTHER LIMITED 1. Courteous and professional treatment; SUPERVISORY REVIEWS 2. Properly identified and knowledgeable inspec- tors who enforce Department rules uniformly; After an administrative hearing, the Department 3. Information regarding how long inspections may suspend a design professional’s privileges may take and the cost of all related fees; to professionally certify design plans or submit 4. Information about Department rules from in- plans under the Department’s limited review pro- spectors or other Department employees; grams if, he or she: 5. The right to contest a violation through a hear- • Knowingly or negligently submitted an applica- ing, trial or other relevant process; tion that contained false information or is not in 6. The right to schedule re-inspection in a rea- compliance with the applicable laws; or sonable period of time; • S ubmitted two professionally certified applica- 7. The right to request and receive details of vi- tions in a twelve-month period that are then re- olations; voked or demonstrate the design professional’s 8. The right to view inspection results; incompetence or lack of knowledge. 9. L anguage interpretation services and informa- tion provided in languages other than English; SPECIAL INSPECTIONS 10. The right to comment—anonymously and A registered Special Inspection Agency that per- without fear of retribution— about the perfor- forms inspections without appropriate accredita- mance or conduct of Department employees. tion or qualifications, or whose actions demon- strate negligence, incompetence or fraud may be If you have witnessed or are aware of a Depart- disqualified from performing special inspections. ment employee or member of the public engag- ing in corrupt activities or criminal conduct, notify FALSE STATEMENTS OR FILINGS the Department of Investigation immediately. It is illegal to knowingly or negligently submit any document to the Department that contains a ma- CONTACT INFORMATION terial false statement. The Department relies on honest and accurate information to perform its Department of Buildings Office of obligations under the City’s Construction Codes, Internal Affairs and Discipline Zoning Resolution, and other relevant laws. False 11 Park Place, 2nd Floor statements can create a risk to people and prop- New York, New York 10007 erty and such conduct will not be tolerated. (212) 393-2900 [email protected] If, after an administrative hearing, a design pro- fessional is found to have knowingly or negligent- Department of Investigation ly made a false statement to the Department, he 83 Maiden Lane, 4th Floor or she may be subject to a permanent ban from New York, NY 10038 filing any documents with the Department. The (212) 825-2413 matter may also be referred to a local or federal www.nyc.gov/doi prosecutor’s office for criminal prosecution. Conflicts of Interest Board NOTIFICATION OF DISCIPLINARY 2 Lafayette Street, Suite 1010 ACTIONS TO THE NEW YORK STATE New York, New York 10007 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (212) 442-1400 At the conclusion of a disciplinary action or pro- www.nyc.gov/ethics 4 NOVEMBER 2015 PYLON COMMITTEE INDUSTRY MEETING REPORT

October 8, 2015 to blame. Presently, there are no plans to to go to Mr. McDonald for prior approval. reinstate the 40 minute appointments. The Mr. McDonald must be seen, however, DOB attendees: Ira Gluckman, Borough question remains. What happens with large whenever there is an “Audit Objection” on Commissioner; Kazimir Vilenchik, P.E., complicated projects ? a Pro-Cert job. Mr Gluckman will see to it Deputy Borough Commissioner; Reda She- that the present procedure will be changed hata, R.A., Deputy Borough Commissioner; Mr. Scheschareg pointed out that there are to reflect this decision. William Singer, P.E., Chief Plan Examiner; over 160 various application forms now be- and Carlos Pineiro, Borough Manager ing used by DOB. This situation has to be Payment of Fees to the DOB by simplified. Mr. Singer explained that an elec- Credit Card Plan Examination Appointments tronic system is in the works that will be able Ida Galea stated that the DOB’s credit Mr. Gluckman pointed out that the high rate to automatically provide links between all card machines do not work with the new- of “no-shows” by applicants to plan exam- the forms required for a particular submis- ly-issued dual credit/debit cards containing ination appointments continues to impact sion. Mr. Gluckman remarked that although embedded computer chips. These cards adversely on the DOB and all other appli- this would be definite improvement, achiev- require entry of a PIN Number. The DOB’s cants as well. Mr. Singer explained that it is ing that objective seems unlikely for the near machines do not accept PIN Numbers. beyond the purview of the DOB to admin- future. Applicants will have to make certain ister discipline those who repeatedly fail to that the latest version of the form is being Mr. Gluckman asked for Carlos Pineiro, show up for booked appointments. Disci- used. Felix Tambasco, AIA, observed that our Borough Manager, to join the meeting pline can only be administered by the City’s in the past planned changes to forms and and to address this subject. Mr. Pineiro Law Department. procedures were announced a minimum confirmed that finding. The reason given of several weeks before the changes took was that at the time the credit card ma- The DOB has implemented various rules effect. Now the professionals only find out chines were obtained nobody was aware and procedures to allow a limited number about the changes after they are already in that they would not accept Pin Numbers of appointments after which if there is still effect. Why not go back to the former policy and therefore could not be used with du- no approval, the architect or engineer-of-re- and inform the “filers” ahead of time? al-use cards. The present machines can- cord is required to show up for plan exam- not be modified, and so only those credit ination appointments personally; filing rep- Q: The current Special Inspection Agency cards not requiring Pin Numbers can be resentatives will no longer be able to meet registration procedure allows architects to used for payment of fees. Payment can with DOB officials. register for special inspections. These in- still be made by checks or by cash. Debit spections are actually required to be con- cards can’t be used at the DOB. The Department has also specified what ducted only by engineers. Consequently, constitutes “incomplete” or “insufficient” when a permit is applied for it will not be Construction Division Signoffs drawings. If the required presentation stan- issued because the underlying special in- One attendee stated that Construction Di- dards are not met jobs cannot be approved, spection was not conducted by an engineer. vision signoffs are being held up if sprinkler Objections are issued, and the volume of Discussion: Architects should never apply systems and/or standpipes are not signed plan examination appointments increases. to perform a special inspection which they off first. This is creating unreasonable de- The Department cannot have a situation are not qualified to perform, and in the first lays. Why is this an issue for a construc- where applicants are “Designing by Ob- place DOB should never allow architects to tion inspector when they aren’t qualified or jection.” Mr. Singer stated that applicants register for these special inspections. trained in these technical areas? Mr. Gluck- should be able to deal with individual ob- man will investigate this issue. jections on individual AI-1 forms as a pro- Q: Professionally-certified Post-Approval fessionally-certified way of satisfying each Amendments (PAAs) need to be reviewed Mr. Pineiro said that the C of O clerks can- objection, but should be limited to 3 or 4 ob- and approved by Doug McDonald prior not waive technical required items. For that, jections or they become unintelligible. to being accepted by DOB clerks for pro- professionals still have to see an examiner. cessing. The current list to see Mr. Mc- For example: The C of O clerks don’t know John Scheschareg, FARA/Past-president Donald has been limited to ten walk-ins whether underpinning should be required or of the NYC Architects Council, comment- with no preference for licensed profes- waived. They are administrative, not techni- ed that the 20-minute plan examination sionals. This makes it impossible to get cal personnel. appointments are insufficient for large proj- to see Mr. McDonald. Why can’t a profes- ects. The 40-minute “double appointments” sional list be established? Or is there an- Issuance of Permits Without Fees which were formerly available are no longer other process or option available in order Mr. Pineiro stated that applications for per- being given out. Mr. Singer explained that to get professional certification of PAAs mits with no fees can be dropped off at plan examiners dealing with New Building done more expeditiously? Window 6 or at Vena’s office, where they Applications and other complicated jobs are Discussion: Mr. Gluckman agreed that will be approved immediately, without hav- already booked through December. Once this procedure is wrong. Ordinary PAAs for ing to wait. again the huge volume of no-shows and “in- Pro-Cert jobs should be approved by the complete” or “insufficient” submissions are clerks without any need for the applicant - Jerry Goldstein, AIA PYLON NOVEMBER 2015 5 THE QUOTES CORNER

“The major concern...was to create a monument “If you want happiness for an hour – take a nap which would have lasting significance and would If you want happiness for a day – go fishing be a landmark of our time...Neither an obelisk nor If you want happiness for a a month – get married a rectangular box nor a dome seemed right on this If you want happiness for a year – inherit a fortune site, or for this purpose. But, here at the edge of the If you want happiness for a lifetime – help someone else” Mississippi River, a great arch did seem right.” - Old Chinese Proverb - Eero Saarinen (1910 - 1961)

“Because the beauty of the human body is that What is Architecture? it hasn’t a single muscle which doesn’t serve it’s purpose; that there’s not a line wasted; that every “Architecture is the art of how to waste space.” detail of it fits one idea, the idea of a man and the life - Philip Johnson (1906 - 2005) of a man. Will you tell me why, when it comes to a building, you don’t want it to look as if it had any sense “Architecture is the thoughtful making of space.” or purpose, you want to choke it with trimmings, you - Louis I. Kahn (1901 - 1974) want to sacrifice it’s purpose to its envelope…” - Ayn Rand (1905 - 1982)

THE AIA BROOKLYN CHAPTER MEMBERS ARE FOREVER CHANGING Tarek Alam is now Ameritus AIA Everald Colas is recently licensed Sean Douty is recently licensed Xiaoke He, Assoc. AIA Marshall Shuster is recently licensed Ben Krone, AIA Maria Sieira, AIA has been reinstated Valerie Jimenez, Assoc. AIA David Miller, AIA Since the last membership,roster, there are 12 new AIA Ashley Murphy-Aqtash, AIA members and 19 Assoc. AIA members. Elizabeth Munson, Assoc. AIA As follows: Christina Nguyen, Assoc. AIA Seung Hwan Oh, Assoc. AIA Alberto Anastasio, AIA Adele Schachnrt, Assoc. AIA Melissa Braxton, Assoc. AIA Dishan Shah, Assoc. AIA Katalina Co, Assoc. AIA Nyssa Sherazee, Assoc. AIA Erinsson Colon, AIA Lisa Silbermayr, Assoc. AIA Kristina Cowger, Assoc. AIA Micah Stroup, Assoc. AIA Travis Creighton, Assoc. AIA Heather Tischler, Assoc. AIA William Erhard II, AIA Matthew Scarlett, AIA Zakiya Franklin, Assoc. AIA Sarah Strauss, AIA Ninad Garware, AIA Merope Vachlioti, Assoc. AIA Jennifer Gillette, AIA Alfia White, Assoc. AIA. Peter Hanby, AIA Mike Yehezkel, Assoc. AIA 6 NOVEMBER 2015 PYLON TOUR OF THE “OEM” POST DISASTER HOUSING PROTOTYPE

The AIA group (right)

OEM tour guide Ms. Cynthia Barton (far right)

Kitchen (bottom right)

he “OEM” (Office Of Emergency Ma- gagement) was kind enough to organize T a tour of the buildings for our members. It is made up of three apartments: one 3-bed- room and two 1-bedroom. The sizes of the apartments range from 480-square-feet to 830-square-feet. The prefabricated modules that stack and combine to become the building are 12 feet by 40 feet and 12 feet by 28 feet. The site, next to OEM’s offices on Cadman Plaza East, measures approximately 40 feet by 100 feet.

Each apartment has an outdoor balcony, stor- Side elevation age space, a kitchen, living room and bath- showing long and room, heating and cooling. One apartment is short modules handicap accessible. The prototype will be “live in” tested by some of those who were involved in the project. Two of the city’s fore- most academic institutions will conduct stud- ies and evaluations throughout the next year: NYU-Polytech will study how well the pro- totype performs as a living space and Pratt Institute will look at the many ways buildings could be used in large numbers to restore neighborhoods, and enable communities to rebuild their lives.


ive Architectural students will receive scholar- The Brooklyn AIA Scholarship Foundation Inc. will ship awards from the Brooklyn AIA Scholarship award each of the five Architect Students with a schol- F Foundation Inc. arship award of two thousand dollars. The awards will be made to each of the students at the Brooklyn Chapter Holiday Party which will be held on December 10, 2015.

The recipients of the awards are:

Connor Holies ......

Ryan MacCrea ...... NY Institute Of Technology - photo left, with faculty member Robert Cody, AIA Chair of School of Architecture Derek Roo-Jer Lee...... Parsons School Of Design

Shenier Torrie...... NYC College Of Technology


h e American Institute of Architects (AIA) has The key findings from the AIA 2030 2014 Progress produced a report assessing the work of firms Report include: that are part of the AIA 2030 Commitment, a Tvoluntary initiative to commit their practice to advanc- • 140 firms submitted reports – a 41% increase from ing the AIA’s goal of carbon-neutral buildings by the 2013 year 2030. • 2.4 billion gross square feet (GSF) represented in This is a significant step in the right direction that this data – a 50% increase showcases the strides being made by the design and construction community to reduce the energy • 4,354 projects have been accounted for in this report consumption of buildings,” said AIA EVP/Chief Ex- – a 78% increase ecutive Officer, Robert Ivy, FAIA. “But we are still a long way from achieving our ultimate goal of carbon • 413 design projects are meeting the 60% carbon re- neutrality. We hope that the progress outlined in this duction target – a 3% increase report can generate greater urgency to meet or ex- ceed the outlined carbon reduction targets by archi- • 197 net zero energy projects – a 270% increase tects and their clients. • 22% average firm reduction in Lighting Power Densi- ty for interior projects – a increase of 3%

• 34% average Predicted Energy Use Intensity reduc- tion reported by firms – a decrease of 3%

• 11% of total GSF meeting the current 60% carbon reduction target – an increase of 4%

• 53% of total GSF using energy modeling to predict operational energy consumption – a 13% decrease


REGULARLY SCHEDULED Many thanks to CHAPTER MEETINGS last months presenter …

Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are scheduled at: Committee Meetings: 5:30 PM Evan Petrower , Cocktails: 5:30 PM Day Elevator Company Dinner: 6:00 PM Program: 7:00 PM ------General Meeting Wednesday, November 18 David Barth, AIA of the Building Survey Corp.

Topic: “How to Measure a Building”

Borough Hall - Community Room, 209 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Executive Meeting Wednesday, November 4

AIA learning unit credit and certificates towards NYS mandatory continuing education will be given for each program.

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10 NOVEMBER 2015 PYLON 2323 Development Corp. d.b.a JTCJTC Associates Associates General Contractors - Construction Managers

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GERALD I. Brooklyn Long Island GOLDSTEIN, AIA 718-768-1234 516-935-8660

Manhattan Kamco Supply EXPERT WITNESS 212-736-7350 of New Jersey LLC TESTIMONY BY 973-247-1234 LICENSED ARCHITECT & AIA MEMBER 41 SCHERMERHORN ST. SUITE 282 One Stop Source for All Your Building Supply Needs BROOKLYN, NY 11201 On-site, On-Time Delivery TEL: 718) 648.1704 • Acoustical Ceiling • Light Gauge Steel Framing FAX: 732) 536.2472 & Wall Systems • C Joists & Trusses • Drywall • Structural Floor Panels • Lumber • Safety Equipment • Plywood • Kitchen Cabinets • Hardware • General Contractor Needs • Insulation • Green/LEED Approved • Flooring Building Products • Doors • Exterior Cement Siding • Tools • Decking & Railing Knowledgeable Sales Team Boom & Spider Truck Service Global Export Division Kamco Drywall Forms Kamco



PYLON NOVEMBER 2015 11 PYLON NEWSLETTER AIA Brooklyn Chapter of the American Institute of Architects

Anthony Marchese 41 Second Street Brooklyn, NY 11231

Brooklyn Architects Scholarship Foundation

UPCOMING CHAPTER MEETINGS Nov. 18, 2015 Jan. 20, 2015


NEW ARCHITECTURE ON Foster’s Sperone Westwater Gallery, ROOSEVELT ISLAND: 1970’S , BOND ST. AND new hotels, and older landmarks in these “NEW TOWN IN TOWN” TO FDR THE NEW historic NYC neighborhoods. FOUR FREEDOMS PARK AIA CES: 2.5 LU | 2.5 HSW Sat 11.14.2015 SUN 11.22.2015 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Meet at Public Theater, 425 Lafayette St SEAoNY STRUCTURE QUEST Meet at Roosevelt Island Tram Station on Roosevelt Island Explore new architecture on Cooper Sat 11.14.2015 Square, , and the Bowery. 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM View a sampling of buildings from four Highlights include Fumihiko Maki’s new Rose Auditorium on Cooper Union’s centuries on the island formerly known office building, Morphosis’ campus, 41 Cooper Square as Blackwell’s Island, later Welfare Cooper Union (photo) academic building, Island and since 1973 Roosevelt new residential developments on Bond Structure Quest is an annual scavenger Island—planned by Philip Johnson Street, SANAA’s New Museum, Norman hunt throughout New York City that tests & John Burgee—culminating in the the participants knowledge about the recently completed FDR Four Freedoms history and engineering principals behind Park designed by Louis Kahn in 1973. many of NYCs iconic structures. Teams Other highlights include the restored of students and professionals compete to Blackwell farmhouse and Good Shepherd answer the most “clues” that direct them Chapel, James Renwick’s Smallpox to various locations in the city. Hospital ruins, 1970s UDC housing by Johansen & Bhavnani and Sert, Jackson We start the day with breakfast (and & Associates, and recent housing by coffee!) and end with pizza where we Gruzen Samton, among other works. announce the winners and best group Organized by: photos. The event is a great opportunity AIANY Architecture Tour Committee to expand your knowledge of structures AIA CES: 2 LU | 2 HSW throughout the city and to introduce university students to our industry. We ask that you RSVP by November 9th so 2015 HOLIDAY PARTY that we can order food appropriately. http://bit.do/StructureQuest2015 At Liberty Warehouse Red Hook Brooklyn

Dec. 10, 2015 More details to follow.