1 Synthesis of Fracture Influences on Geomorphic Process and Form Across 2 Process Domains and Scales 3 4 Daniel N. Scott1*, Ellen E. Wohl1 5 1Colorado State University, Department of Geosciences, 1482 Campus Delivery, Fort 6 Collins, CO 80523 7 8 *corresponding author:
[email protected] 9 10 Abstract 11 Fractures are discontinuities in rock that can be exploited by erosion. Fractures 12 regulate cohesion, profoundly affecting the rate, style, and location of Earth surface 13 processes. By modulating the spatial distribution of erodibility, fractures can focus 14 erosion and set the shape of features from scales of fluvial bedforms to fjords. Although 15 early investigation focused on fractures as features that influence the orientation and 16 location of landforms, recent work has started to discern the mechanisms by which 17 fractures influence the erodibility of bedrock. As numerical modeling and field 18 measurement techniques improve, it is rapidly becoming feasible to determine how 19 fractures influence geomorphic processes, as opposed to when or where. However, 20 progress is hampered by a lack of coordination across scales and process domains. We 21 review studies from hillslope, glacial, fluvial, and coastal domains from the scale of 22 reaches and outcrops to entire landscapes. We then synthesize this work to highlight 23 similarities across domains and scales as well as suggest knowledge gaps, 24 opportunities, and methodological challenges that need to be solved. By integrating 25 knowledge across domains and scales, we present a more holistic conceptualization of 26 fracture influences on geomorphic processes. This conceptualization enables a more 27 unified framework for future investigation into fracture influences on Earth surface 28 dynamics.