Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. ISSN 0077-8923


Not by science alone: why conservationists must think outside the box

Erik Meijaard,1,2 Serge Wich,3,4 Marc Ancrenaz,5 and Andrew J. Marshall6 1People and Nature Consulting International, Kerobokan, Bali, Indonesia. 2School of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National University, Canberra, . 3Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program (PanEco-YEL), Medan, Indonesia. 4Anthropological Institute and Museum, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. 5Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Project, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia. 6Department of Anthropology, Graduate Group in Ecology and Animal Behavior Graduate Group, University of California, Davis, Davis, California

Address for correspondence: Erik Meijaard, People and Nature Consulting International, Country Woods House 306, JL WR Supratman, Pondok Ranji-Rengas, Ciputat, Jakarta 15412, Indonesia. [email protected]

Orangutan survival is threatened by habitat loss and illegal killing. Most wild populations will disappear over the next few decades unless threats are abated. Saving is ultimately in the hands of the governments and people of Indonesia and Malaysia, which need to ensure that habitats of viable orangutan populations are protected from and well managed to ensure no hunting takes place. Companies working in orangutan habitat also have to play a much bigger role in habitat management. Although the major problems and the direct actions required to solve them—reducing forest loss and hunting—have been known for decades, orangutan populations continue to decline. Orangutan populations in Sumatra and have declined by between 2,280 and 5,250 orangutans annually over the past 25 years. As the total current population for the two species is some 60,000 animals in an area of about 90,000 km2, there is not much time left to make conservation efforts truly effective. Our review discusses what has and has not worked in conservation to guide future conservation efforts.

Keywords: deforestation; great apes; hunting; Indonesia; Malaysia; nongovernmental organizations; orangutan; palm oil; plantations; Pongo abelii; Pongo pygmaeus

split, a range of orangutan-like taxa or pongins Introduction evolved, including Gigantopithecus, the largest ape Orangutans (Pongo spp.) are among the most iconic that ever lived. These species primarily occurred in species in wildlife conservation. Popular television present-day and mainland . Of this di- programs such as Orangutan Island produced by verse lineage, only the genus Pongo survives. In this Animal Planet and Orangutan Diary by the British respect, orangutans are not simply two endangered Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) are testimony to species of great ape, but also represent the sole liv- the public’s interest in these great apes. People’s ing representatives of a diverse clade that included affinity with orangutans is at least partly based dozens of distinct pongin species and genera that on the red ape’s behavior, facial expressions, and occurred for some 10 million years across Asia and mannerisms, which can be uncannily human. In- Europe. deed, genetic comparisons and morphological, cog- Although most of pongin evolution occurred in nitive, and behavioral similarities do indicate the Asia, the human lineage primarily evolved in Africa. close evolutionary relationship between humans Not until the Pleistocene, when species such as and orangutans.1–3 Homo erectus inhabited Asia, did the orangutan and Despite their similarities, the evolutionary paths human lineages meet, and only some 70,000 years leading to orangutans and to humans diverged some ago did our own species, H. sapiens, disperse into the 9–13 million years ago.4 After that evolutionary orangutan’s realm.5 The co-occurrence of humans

doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06288.x Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1249 (2012) 29–44 c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. 29 Orangutan conservation Meijaard et al. and orangutans has since then led to the rapid de- expansion, suggesting that better analysis is needed cline of the latter, but it is unlikely that humans were of the threats to orangutans and the orangutans’ the sole cause of the orangutan’s decline. The dra- distribution. matic environmental changes that occurred in Asia One of the main challenges in orangutan conser- from the late Miocene to the Pleistocene probably vation science has been, and continues to be, the contributed to the extinction of many of the Asian development of accurate population estimates so apes6 and may have substantially reduced orangutan that populations can be monitored. Early estimates population sizes as well. Broadly speaking, climatic in the 1960s and 1970s varied between a few thou- changes such as increased aridity, more intense sand orangutans and 156,000 for all of Borneo20–22 monsoons, and increased frequency and severity of and between 4,500–10,000 for Sumatra.23 New ap- glacial-inter-glacial cycles caused once widespread proaches based on absence/presence maps,13 island- evergreen rainforests, the habitat of orangutans, to wide interview surveys,24 and aerial surveys25–27 led be increasingly restricted to isolated pockets close to to more accurate estimates of at least 54,000 individ- the equator.7,8 uals for Borneo.17 Even this figure should be consid- The genus Pongo could be found until the Late ered a center point in a wide range of possible real Pleistocene, or some 40,000 years ago, from as far population numbers, because no local densities are north of southern China to the island of Java.9,10 The known for many parts of the species’ range (Fig. 1). present habitat of the Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo The population estimate for Sumatra is ca. 6,600, abelii) and (P. pygmaeus )is which was recently considered a conservative esti- probably less than 5% of the original Pongo dis- mate. What we do know is that the area of orangutan tribution range. Even on the two islands of Bor- habitats has been in a rapid decline for over 50 years neo and Sumatra, where the species still occur, their now.11,13,28 populations had been much reduced by the early Afterdecadesofsurveywork,itisreasonablywell 19th century when orangutans became first known known where orangutans occur (Fig. 1). In the two to science.11–13 Orangutans have been hunted by Malaysian States (Sabah, ) on Borneo, and people at least since the Late Pleistocene,14,15 and a in Sumatra, this knowledge is relatively accurate. recent study suggests that over-hunting is one of the Several areas in Kalimantan have also been surveyed main reasons for these historic local extinctions of quite well, but large areas of unprotected habitat the species.12 Orangutan populations have declined have only been surveyed in a cursory manner. The even more dramatically over the past few decades; clumped distribution of orangutans13 and high spa- both species are considered in danger of becoming tial variation in density make it impossible to extrap- extinct in the wild soon.16,17 olate density estimates from one area to another. The variation in orangutan population estimates is Orangutan distribution and density therefore more due to an uncertainty about local In many high-income countries, orangutans are a densities than to a lack of information about the symbol for the unsustainable management and con- extent of the two species’ ranges. Many factors have version of tropical rainforests on Borneo and Suma- been hypothesized to limit orangutan densities, in- tra, especially where this concerns the development cluding the density of fig trees, altitude, forest type, of oil palm plantations (Elaeis guineensis), which degree of forest degradation, hunting intensity, and many consider a major culprit in the orangutan’s de- possibly the density of salt licks, or even past and cur- cline.18,19 As shown above, the decline of orangutans rent disease outbreaks.29–34 Measuring these densi- goes back much further than the last few decades. ties, however, is not easy. Orangutans are difficult to The southern half of Sumatra had probably lost all survey directly, and accurately estimating densities its orangutans by the time Alfred Russel Wallace requires time-consuming surveys of indirect indica- and other early explorers and naturalists first de- tors such as their sleeping platforms or “nests.”35–37 scribed the orangutan (but see Ref. 13), whereas This is mostly done on foot, but increasingly re- southeastern and northwestern Borneo, as well as mote approaches such as aerial surveys are used.25,38 the central highlands of the island, were also de- These methods have in common that the estimation void of the species. Obviously there is more to de- of the number of orangutans is based on the number clining orangutan populations than simply oil palm and spatial distribution of their nests. This requires

30 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1249 (2012) 29–44 c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. Meijaard et al. Orangutan conservation

Figure 1. Orangutan distribution based on 2003 surveys, with orangutan populations mentioned in the text indicated on the map. the determination of two factors: the rate at which as the use of interview surveys, which provide bet- orangutans build nests and the rate at which these ter tools to determine and quantify human threats, nests decay over time. Recent studies have shown such as hunting and agricultural conflict killings.24 considerable variation in especially the latter factor, Resources made available for conservation are scarce with average nest decay rates varying from 81–602 and should be allocated strategically: assessing spa- days, depending on factors such as the species of tial variation in threats and ways to manage their tree in which the nest is built, height of the nest, impact on major populations is therefore crucial as well as the species of orangutans.39 Nest surveys for the survival of the species. rarely determine decay rates locally, and the confi- The context of threats dence intervals around previous density estimates are therefore large.40,41 New approaches to nest sur- Recent analysis of forest conversion for oil palm veys have been considered,42 but none effectively suggests that at least 10,000 km2, or 5% of the overcomes the immense investment of labor and total orangutan range, was converted for oil palm time that would be needed to accurately determine between 2000 and 2010,43 with the high-density local densities across some 90,000 km2 of dense, orangutan populations in the lowlands of eastern relatively inaccessible rainforest. Until new meth- Sabah, a Malaysian state in north Borneo; coastal ods emerge, such as the direct detection from the peat swamps in Sumatra; and peat swamps in the air of orangutans with a thermal scanner, the best Indonesian province of Central Kalimantan having approach appears to be the combined use of on-the- been especially affected. Oil palm is indeed a consid- ground nest surveys with remote nest counts, as well erable threat, but other factors such as unsustainable

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1249 (2012) 29–44 c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. 31 Orangutan conservation Meijaard et al. timber extraction, development of tree plantations a lack of law enforcement.17 In addition, too often for pulp and paper, small-scale community agri- the quality of protected area management remains culture, mining, and direct orangutan killing are insufficient to prevent forest loss,50 so even in these important factors in the orangutan’s decline as well. areas orangutans are not safe. Singling out a particular industry as the main cul- In the past, orangutans had significant cultural prit in this process ignores the contribution from value among some of the tribes living in or close others and is unlikely to lead to lasting solutions. to forest areas where orangutans occurred.13 In Wild orangutans rarely require species-specific the face of rapid development and modern con- management (e.g., food provisioning or disease sumerism,however,tomanylocalpeopleonBor- treatment), although rope bridges in Kinabatangan neo and Sumatra the orangutan has become just to reduce fragmentation effects have been success- another “monkey.” In interviews with us, many lo- fully tested. The majority of conservation interven- cal people express surprise regarding the amount of tions entail protecting forests and preventing hunt- international intention for these species while these ing. Despite initial impressions that the species was people themselves are still struggling to survive.51 highly sensitive to forest disturbance,13,33,44 it is be- A 2008 candidate for the governorship of East Kali- coming increasingly clear that the species has con- mantan (Indonesian Borneo) declared that people siderable ecological flexibility, allowing it to cope should take precedence over orangutans—a politi- reasonably well with such disturbances.45 Some cally pragmatic position that is unlikely to change populations even use monocultural plantations, al- soon in a country where recent figures indicated though it is doubtful whether their survival there that 52.4% of the people live on less than US $2 could be long term without access to more natu- per day.51 However, losing wild orangutans would ral forest stands.46 What is clear, however, is that have considerable consequences. Orangutans play orangutan populations suffer greatly from hunt- important ecological roles in forests as ecosystem ing. In many parts of their range, orangutans are engineers and seed dispersers52,53 and also provide killed for food, the pet trade, and from conflicts a source of income for some forest communities that inevitably occur as natural forests are con- through ecotourism.54 More importantly, as one verted for small and large-scale agriculture. This of the most recognized global conservation icons, is a major threat as orangutan reproductive rates their loss would imply that people are not able to are too low to recover from hunting rates >1% fe- develop life styles that are compatible with the eco- males/year.47 Rates of killing appear to far exceed logical needs of our natural world. Losing a great this: a recent study estimated that annually between ape from the wild would be a landmark failure. Not 750 and 3,500 orangutans are killed in Kaliman- onlywouldwehaveeradicatedoneofourclosest tan.48 Assuming a total population of some 42,500 genetic relatives, we would also substantially affect animals in Kalimantan,17 this would imply annual the forests that depend on orangutans, which would female off-take rates between 0.9% and 3.6%. In cause declines of many other taxa and erode the en- addition to direct mortality, hunting and deforesta- vironmental services that forests provide and on tion have resulted in a steady flow of rescued and which many people depend. confiscated orangutans into the ten orangutan quar- Abating the threat to orangutan survival is a polit- antine, care, and rehabilitation centers in Indonesia ical choice requiring societal approval and coopera- and Malaysia.49 tion for comprehensive solutions that involve strict The different threats to orangutans have re- protection of key habitats, effective law enforcement lated underlying causes. Poor land-use planning al- against harmful illegal activities, and selection of lows the degradation of known orangutan habitats. compatible land-use practices. In democratic coun- Poor forest management results in degraded, fire- tries, governments will have to justify their choices prone forests with limited economic value, provid- in favor of species conservation against the oppor- ing strong commercial and political incentives to tunity costs of potentially more profitable land-use convert these lands to agricultural or silvicultural practices. In many cases, that justification is ethical lands. The resulting fragmentation of orangutan rather than economic,55 and the orangutans’ future habitats leads to higher human–orangutan conflict may depend on whether people are able to prioritize and killing rates,17 which go unpunished because of ethics over economics.

32 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1249 (2012) 29–44 c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. Meijaard et al. Orangutan conservation

Past population trends trade in orangutans.61 This prohibition was not en- forced, however, and significant trade in orangutans Uncertainties in population estimates have trans- for European and American zoos and for biomedical lated into widely ranging estimates of popula- research continued until at least the 1970s.62 These tion trends, including the prediction in 2007 that issues were brought to the conservation commu- orangutans would be virtually extinct in 2012.56 Re- nity’s attention in the Western world by the efforts cent data allow us to better approximate annual of Barbara Harrisson,63 and her work signifies the population declines. Loss of orangutan habitat in start of the serious study of orangutans and inter- Sumatra has been estimated at 1–1.5% per year be- national attention to their conservation.13 tween 1985 and 2001.28 Based on these rates and To effectively address threats, orangutan con- the presently remaining area of habitat of 8,641 servation uses four main strategies: management km2 (Ref. 57), the estimated losses over the last of protected orangutan habitat, combating illegal 25 years range from 2,300 km2 to 4,000 km2. These trade and killing, rehabilitating and reintroducing habitat losses primarily occur in lowland forests, ex-captives into their wild habitat, and developing which have the highest densities,31 with a conserva- orangutan-friendly management in nonprotected tive average of 2.5 animals/km2. This would suggest areas. These strategies sound relatively straightfor- average annual losses on Sumatra of 230–400 ani- ward, and, in fact, the principles of orangutan con- mals over the last 25 years. Such estimates cannot servation are simple: minimize unnatural deaths be used to predict future declines, because they are and maximize the availability of suitable habitat. based in forest loss rates in lowland forests, and We summarize the main issues for each strategy be- these rates will likely be lower in remaining upland low and explain why things are more complicated habitats. than they appear. Annual mortality rates of orangutans in Kaliman- tan are estimated at 750–3,500 per year.48 In Sabah, Management of protected orangutan habitat the orangutan population is thought to have de- About 25% of all wild orangutans occur in formally creased by a minimum of 95% over the past few protected areas.17 This does not necessarily mean centuries based on analysis of population genetics.11 that these populations are safe, because illegal log- This is consistent with the decline from a state- ging, mining, and poaching continue in many of wide populations estimate in 1987 of 25,000 ani- these protected areas and human–orangutan con- mals58 to the presently remaining population size flict occurs on their edges.17,64 Still, these areas pro- of 10,000 individuals,45 suggesting annual losses of vide some level of protection compared to the non- 1,250 individuals for Sabah only. No estimates are protected parts of their range.65 available for Sarawak, where a small, relatively well- In Sumatra, orangutans mainly occur in the protected population remains. We estimate that Leuser Ecosystem, which includes the Gunung some 50–100 animals have been lost annually over Leuser National Park, and in the Batang Toru forest the past 25 years to hunting, animal trade, or habi- , blocks (Fig. 1). Conservation efforts for the Leuser tat loss.59 60 This would suggest annual losses for area stem back from the 1930s,66 but the Batang Bornean orangutans over the last 25 years between Toru population was only recently rediscovered,67,68 2,050 and 4,850. This range fits the estimated annual and conservation programs therefore began much habitat losses of 3,122 km2 up to 2004,28 which, with more recently there. Effective management of the a density range between 0.5 and 1.5 animals/km2 Leuser Ecosystem, which includes the national park (Ref. 31), translates into a similar mortality range. and surrounding areas, started in the early 1990s and was boosted by significant European Union What has been done in orangutan and Indonesian government funding and later by conservation? funding generated after the 2004 tsunami in Suma- Legally, orangutan conservation started in 1924 tra. We conservatively estimate that a total of US when the species was first protected in what is now $75millionhavebeenspentonSumatranorangutan Indonesia.13 New laws primarily involved the setting habitat protection from 1990 to 2011. This is a sub- aside of protected areas on Borneo and Sumatra and stantial amount of funding and one might expect included prohibition on the then very active zoo that there are clear measures that would account for

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1249 (2012) 29–44 c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. 33 Orangutan conservation Meijaard et al. how successful this funding has been for conserva- protected area, Kutai NP (see Fig. 1), has lost much tion. Unfortunately, this is not as straightforward of its forest through illegal activities,72 although it as it sounds, and we can only approximate the im- still maintains a significant orangutan population pact of that funding on orangutans. Based on re- of over 1,000 animals. Illegal killing of orangutans cent forest loss estimates,69 it has been estimated in Kalimantan appears to impact remaining pop- that between 1985 and 2007, the lowland forests ulations more than it does in Sumatra73 and the of Aceh and North Sumatra Provinces, where most Malaysian side of Borneo.11 This suggests that pro- orangutans occurred, have been reduced by 36% tected areas, where the potential for law enforcement and 61%, respectively.57 Orangutan density is high- is higher than outside them, are especially impor- est in forests on peatlands,31,35 and forest loss in tant in Kalimantan as areas where populations can those habitats was 33% for Aceh and 78% for North be protected from hunting. Sumatra. Still, the protected areas of Sumatra do Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, has lost more than 40% reduce forest loss,65 and the orangutan’s situation of its forests over the past century, and the major- would have been worse without them.70 This is ev- ity of its remaining forests are at different stages of ident in Leuser, even though not all of the Leuser degradation and regeneration due to past intense Ecosystem was classified as protected during this logging activities.74 Today about 50% of the State is period. From 1985 to 2007, 11.7% of forest in the still covered with forest, and 13% of the State pro- 25,000 km2 Leuser Ecosystem was converted to other tected. Most of Sabah’s lowlands used to be occupied land uses,57 or up to 20.1% if forest loss in lowland by orangutans, and it is estimated that between 50 areas is considered. Most of the dryland forest was and 90% of the original orangutan population was replaced with agroforestry (31%) and much less by lost over the past 100 years.11 Most orangutan popu- oil palm (19%), but, on peatlands, 79% of the for- lations are currently found in the eastern side of the est that was lost was replaced by oil palm planta- state, where nonhunting Muslim communities pre- tions.57 This is bad for orangutans, but again things dominate. Sixty percent of Sabah’s orangutans oc- would have been worse without the protected areas cur outside protected areas,25 where they are mostly and the continued conservation efforts for protected threatened by conflicts, hunting, road kills, lack of and nonprotected areas. For Sumatra, it can there- food resources, intense population fragmentation, fore be tentatively concluded that protected areas and increased sensitivity of forest blocks to natu- and conservation does work to reduce forests loss, ral and human-made catastrophes. Still, forest loss but not to halt it, and that their protected area man- is slowing in Sabah and protected areas are rela- agement and conservation efforts still require much tively well managed, although unfortunately most of improvement. them were established in marginal orangutan habi- Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) has more tat, such as the highland forests of Crocker Range orangutans than any other location. It also has and Kinabalu National Parks (Fig. 1). The hope the biggest problems in terms of deforestation; for- for Sabah is that relatively low hunting levels and est degradation and fragmentation; and killing of stabilizing land use will allow the development of orangutans for food, pets, and other reasons.17 a network of interconnected, well-protected areas Some key populations, such as those in the Gunung that would allow an orangutan population to sur- Palung, Tanjung Puting, Sabangau, and Betung Ker- vive in a mixed landscape of plantations, timber ihun National Parks, are relatively well protected, concessions, and protected areas. In addition, the although forest loss and degradation continue even State is trying to identify mechanisms to secure the in these areas. Outside these protected sites, habi- long-term sustainable management of some unpro- tat loss and degradation through development of tected forests through the development of mech- small- and large-scale agricultural and silvicultural anisms such as biodiversity credits in the Malua plantations is rapidly reducing the areas where vi- Biobank project and forest carbon initiatives. In able populations can survive. Forest loss in Borneo addition, sustainably managed forests, such as the between 2000 and 2010 was recently estimated at Deramakot timber concession, which is certified by 500,000 ha/year.71 Most of this forest loss has oc- the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), are very im- curred in lowland forest on mineral soils and in peat portant orangutan sites that appear to sustain and land, both of which are key orangutan habitats. One maintain viable orangutan populations. The State

34 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1249 (2012) 29–44 c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. Meijaard et al. Orangutan conservation aims to FSC certify all its commercial forests before With regard to law enforcement, most conser- 2020. vation organizations focus on the role of com- Finally, in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, most re- panies in the destruction of orangutan habitats, maining orangutans occur in two protected ar- especially when this is illegal or semilegal. These eas, Lanjak Entimau and Batang Ai, for which a semilegal cases involve the many gray areas in the population of 1,143–1,761 orangutans has been legislation related to orangutan conservation. Im- estimated.17 Little information exists about the portantly, among these is the fact that although management of these populations, because conser- orangutans are protected this does not mean that vation activities by nongovernmental organizations it is illegal to destroy their habitat, even though (NGOs) and research are not encouraged in the large-scale forest clearing clearly leads to the death of State. orangutans. For orangutan conservation to function better, governments need to clarify what it means to Law enforcement be a protected species and translate this into mean- Orangutans are fully protected in both Malaysia and ingful and operational legislation. Indonesia. Large fines or jail sentences are mandated for those who kill, trade, or illegally keep orangutans Orangutan rehabilitation, reintroduction, or illegally clear their protected habitats. Hunting of and translocation orangutans for food, the pet trade, and to avoid crop Orangutan rehabilitation centers were first created damage is rampant in Kalimantan,24 and hunting in Malaysia in the 1960s, and the earliest efforts pressure is the strongest determinant of orangutan in Indonesia date to the 1970s. They were initially density in East Kalimantan Province.30 Many illegal set up as law enforcement units in response to the activities related to orangutans have been reported growing number of captive animals seized by law en- in the media, but only in 2011 did the first two pros- forcement authorities, with those in Malaysia run by ecutions occur in West Kalimantan, Indonesia for the government and the Indonesian ones by NGO. people caught trading orangutans.75 This reportedly These centers have been increasingly presented by resulted in prison sentences of eight months and one NGOs and media as the frontline for orangutan and a half years. Malaysia is somewhat stricter in the conservation in .77 Between 1964 and enforcement of its wildlife laws, but there offenders 2008, Indonesian and Malaysian orangutan rehabil- are rarely prosecuted. itation projects have taken in at least 3,320 animals With illegal logging and orangutan killing being and released around 1,250,49 or about one third among the major threats, improved law enforce- of the original intake. The intake number is cer- ment, together with effective public campaigns, are tainly an underestimate, however, because of the key strategies. Unfortunately, commitment from the high number of mortalities, especially among very government to enforce laws is generally lacking, and young orangutans. Presently, an estimated 2,000 few resources have been made available to make orangutans live in orangutan care centers waiting to law enforcement more effective.73,76 In addition, few be released back into forest habitats. Past efforts to orangutan conservation organizations focus on in- release orangutans have had low success rates, with creasing law enforcement. This might be because it few orangutans reportedly surviving in one location involves the risk of being considered in opposition where over 400 orangutans were released.78 Mor- of people that live alongside the orangutan. In ad- tality rates of reintroduced orangutans vary from dition, foreign private or government donors shy 20% to 80%.49 Assuming that survival rates in these away from funding law enforcement because of the unstudied populations are an average 50%,49 ca. potential risk of being seen as meddling in inter- 625 orangutans have been successfully reintroduced nal affairs of another country. Interestingly, some over a 45-year period. of the best examples of law enforcement are seen Translocation involves the transfer of orangutans among local communities themselves, such as the from one area, often a forest on the verge of being Honorary Wildlife Warden scheme in Kinabatan- cut down or an area where orangutans cause con- gan, Sabah, or the Wehea forest in East Kalimantan flicts, to another, safer one. There are few published (Fig. 1), which is managed and patrolled primarily figures on the number of orangutans that have been by local community stakeholders. translocated over the years (but see Ref. 79), nor have

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1249 (2012) 29–44 c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. 35 Orangutan conservation Meijaard et al. follow-up studies been conducted regarding the fate icant shift in perspective is needed among conser- of translocated animals. Similar to reintroductions, vation groups, governments, forest managers, and the challenge for translocations is to find areas of local communities.24,82 It will require that we stop protected, good habitat into which orangutans can seeing conservation in black and white terms of un- be released. Most of these locations are very remote, protected and protected or natural and unnatural.83 making it costly to transport orangutans there and We need to acknowledge that the orangutans’ fu- to provide postrelease monitoring and care. ture will depend on their survival in human-made Despite the relatively low success rates, conser- landscapes and not pristine habitats only. vation investment in orangutan rehabilitation and There is a hugely important role for public reintroduction remains high. The cost of feed- awareness campaigns and educational programs to ing and caring for an orangutan can be estimated promote peaceful coexistence between people and from the operational costs of US $3.2 million for orangutans. There is also a need to develop clearer about 1,200 orangutans reported by one program management guidelines that prescribe how forests in 2007,80 suggesting annual management cost per and plantations can best be managed to maxi- orangutan of US $2,670. As this does not take into mize the survival chances of orangutans (and other consideration acquisition and maintenance costs of wildlife) while minimizing the costs to managers. land, buildings, and vehicles, a minimum cost of Governments need to assist this process by making US $3,000 per orangutan per year is more likely. In such management guidelines mandatory or to pro- Kalimantan, where many orangutans are released in vide financial incentives, such as tax breaks, to off- very remote sites, the one-off logistical cost of re- set the extra costs of wildlife-friendly management. leasing one orangutan into the wild, not including Western or local markets could potentially play a postrelease monitoring, is about US $5,000 per an- role as well by paying higher prices for products imal (M. Desillets, personal communication). With harvested from orangutan-friendly sites or refusing 63–97% of animals arriving in rehabilitation cen- to buy those from badly managed ones. This would ters being younger than the minimum release age of require some transparent auditing process, however, seven years,49 mean time from admission and release and the costs of doing this are often higher than the is likely to exceed three years. A minimum average potential gains from premium prices.84 cost of US $14,000 per animal from rescue to re- The role of research in orangutan lease is realistic. These estimates consider only those conservation animals that are successfully rehabilitated and reach the reintroduction stage. A significant number of Researchers like orangutans. A search in a scien- orangutans cannot be reintroduced due to diseases tific literature database (Current Contents) of key- or physical impairments and are kept in captivity words “Orangutan” and “Pongo” revealed about the for life, requiring long-term funding without direct same number of search hits (n = 249) as similar conservation benefits. searches for “Tiger” and “Panthera”(n = 284), “Ele- phant” and Elephas”(n = 320), and “Panda” and Developing orangutan-friendly management “Ailuropoda”(n = 226), all iconic conservation in nonprotected areas species. Orangutan research covers many fields in- With most orangutans occurring outside protected cluding evolutionary genetics, ecology, behavior, areas and with minimal chances that much more disease and veterinary medicine, and field survey habitat will be formally protected, the inevitable methodologies. Many orangutan studies justify their conclusion is that the majority of orangutans will research by referring to the species’ endangered sta- have to be managed in forests that are also used for tus, but how relevant are they actually for orangutan other purposes. There is hope that well-managed conservation? forests, and even plantations, can provide habitat for Although research has provided important data orangutans, although much more research is needed on behavioral ecology, habitat needs, and the ge- here to examine which factors determine orangutan netic structure of populations, which are rele- survival in multifunctional landscapes.45,46,81 For vant for orangutan conservation, most research on such multifunctional landscapes to provide viable orangutans provides little specific information or habitat for orangutans as well as people, a signif- insights that can be directly applied to conservation

36 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1249 (2012) 29–44 c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. Meijaard et al. Orangutan conservation planning and management.85,86 For example, even Indonesia, and local scientists could play a much though it has been suspected for a long time that il- more pronounced role in facilitating that change. legal killing of orangutans was a major factor in their It is beyond the scope of the present publication conservation,13,30 the first comprehensive, quantita- to identify the underlying causes of this relatively tive data set on this problem was not developed until weak role of indigenous conservation science, but 2009 and only exists for Kalimantan.24 Similarly, we examples from other developing countries indicate are still unable to provide accurate population es- that level of economic development may not be a timates for the orangutans in the Indonesian part key factor. For example, a similar literature search of Borneo, because coordinated research and survey for “Brazil,” “jaguar,” and “conservation” indicated efforts have not been undertaken. Many important that about 50% of the publications were written by practical questions remain unanswered, including Brazilian or Argentinean researchers; about 75% of the impact of roads and plantations on orangutan the publications on “India,” “tiger,” and “conserva- dispersal; the nature, causes, and possible solu- tion” had a first author of Indian nationality; and tions of human–orangutan conflicts; effectiveness about 78% of the publication on “China,” “panda,” and efficiency (cost–benefits) of different conserva- and “conservation” were first-authored by Chinese tion strategies; orangutan survival in agroforestry scientists. There is an urgent need to increase local or plantation landscapes; or the value of reforesta- scientific capacity and active engagement of these tion and corridor development for meta-population scientists in Indonesia and Malaysia, which should dynamics. This is not to say that orangutan re- eventually result in better societal comprehension of searchers do not contribute to orangutan conser- the different aspects of orangutan conservation, im- vation. Often, simply by virtue of their presence, proved political uptake of key environmental ideas, researchers keep hunters and illegal loggers out of and more media attention to these issues supported areas that would otherwise be unprotected or even by local rather than international conservation play an active role in the development and man- figureheads. agement of protected areas. Still, this concerns spe- Finally, conservation involves the manipula- cific, research-intense areas only and not the broader tion of human–nature interactions with a view landscape level needed for successful orangutan towards stabilizing ecological and environmental conservation. processes and trends. How these social and eco- A specific shortcoming of orangutan conserva- logical systems interact, however, remains poorly tion is that it receives limited input from local sci- understood.88,89 Thelackofprogressislargelydue entists. Many Malaysian and Indonesian scientists to the traditional separation of ecological and so- have been trained in conservation science or specif- cial sciences.90–92 Orangutan researchers who want ically worked on orangutans, but their contribution to justify their work through its supposed posi- to further orangutan conservation science remains tive impacts on orangutan conservation need to too limited.87 A search in the scientific literature do a better job at identifying relevant questions databases Current Contents and Web of Science for for improving orangutan conservation. This may keywords “orangutan/orang-utan” and “conserva- require a type of science different from the ecol- tion” indicated that between 1993 and the present ogy and behavior focus that is normally associated about 1% of these publications were written by with great ape research. Useful orangutan conserva- Malaysian or Indonesian scientists, as indicated by tion research needs to delve into disciplines such as their position as first author.87 The scientific litera- economics, political studies, law, sociology, forestry, ture on orangutan conservation is dominated by En- and agricultural studies—that is, a much more mul- glish, American, French, Dutch, Australian, Singa- tidisciplinary approach than traditional orangutan porean, and Japanese researchers. The consequence science. For conservation science to be useful, the of this is that the role of indigenous researchers conservation benefits should not be a serendipi- in translating research findings into locally rele- tous afterthought, but rather a clearly stated pri- vant policy recommendations or media communi- mary objective: what research do we need to con- cations is underused. Successful orangutan conser- duct to achieve significant orangutan conservation vation will require societal change in Malaysia and outcomes?86,93

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1249 (2012) 29–44 c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. 37 Orangutan conservation Meijaard et al.

areas in which to settle. To facilitate this interpop- What could the orangutan’s future look ulation dispersal, habitat connectivity between ma- like? jor orangutan populations should be maintained or The orangutan’s extinction is considered to be im- reestablished whenever possible. minent by some,56 while others have suggested that We expect that the future of orangutans will very the species has good habitat strongholds and also much depend on the long-term security of large, possesses more ecological flexibility to cope with strictly protected areas where illegal logging and changing environmental conditions than previously hunting are effectively controlled and orangutan thought.26,28,45,46,81 Despite that apparent flexibil- populations are large enough to cope with po- ity, however, two factors work against the species: tential catastrophic events such as fires or disease their inherently low reproductive rates and the on- outbreaks. In addition, these areas need to con- going high mortality rates caused by conflict killings, tain ecological gradients that allow orangutans and hunting, and habitat destruction. These factors, in their key resource requirements to adapt to more addition to the continuing habitat conversion, make gradual changes, such as those brought about by it difficult to predict whether any viable populations climate change. Ideally, the core-protected parts will remain a few decades from now. Key factors that of the orangutan range should remain connected will determine the outcome of this are the effective- with other forest areas. These would not necessar- ness of law enforcement that is needed to reduce ily have to be totally protected, but could also be orangutan killings and increased awareness leading used for commercial extraction purposes, at least to cultural change regarding land management and for the orangutan subspecies with the ecological the treatment of protected species. The value of the resilience to survive in such used forests.45 Such latter is obvious in areas such as the Kinabatan- an ecological network of protected areas, intercon- gan region in Malaysian Sabah, where traditionally nected via forested watersheds, could in turn be people do not hunt orangutans and where despite buffered by low-intensity plantations, such as those severe fragmentation and degradation of original used for pulp and paper and possibly also large- habitats, high densities of orangutans remain.11,26 scale oil palm. This would then border on the high The situation in this part of Malaysia indicates that intensity-use areas where most people live, where orangutans and people can potentially coexist and infrastructure such as roads is concentrated, and that orangutan populations can be sustained if large where small-scale agriculture and silviculture are enough forest areas are connected to permit disper- concentrated. Such a landscape would have ample sal. This will, however, require significant changes in room for economic development while optimizing the attitude of politicians; land-use planners; large- the use of ecosystem services such as prevention of land holders such as plantations, timber operations, soil erosion, regulation of hydrology, and storage of and mining companies; and the millions of rural carbon.57 people that share ever-diminishing forest resources The above idealized picture of ecologically con- with the remaining orangutan populations. nected networks remains very far removed from the Population viability analyses indicate that, in present paradigm of rapid economic development moderate quality habitats, orangutan populations through exploitation of natural resources and con- starting at 500 individuals can maintain sufficient version of forest landscapes to nonforest ones with- size and genetic diversity to persist for hundreds out large-scale future land-use planning. The type of of years.47 At least on Borneo, orangutan popula- planning needed to retain or regain ecological con- tion densities rarely exceed two individuals/km2,31 nectivity on Borneo and Sumatra urgently requires meaning that at least 250 km2 is required to pro- that political decision makers recognize the value of vide a reasonable chance of long-term persistence. such landscapes for the long-term socioeconomics This assumes that no other factors such as hunting of these lands. For this, environmental values (eco- or disease cause unnatural deaths. There is more nomic, ethical, and legal) need to be considered to this story though, as is becoming clear in Kina- much more specifically in the land-use planning batangan, where populations have shown slow but process. Island-wide planning frameworks need steady decreases that might be caused by unflanged to be created that show different tradeoff scenar- males leaving their natal population to look for other ios between short-term economic gains from land

38 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1249 (2012) 29–44 c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. Meijaard et al. Orangutan conservation development and longer-term benefits from main- The two most important groups involved in con- taining sustainably managed forest environments. servation are the governments of Indonesia and Based on this, governments can make an informed Malaysia and a range of local and international choice on how they envisage the long-term devel- NGOs. Governments are responsible for policy de- opment of Borneo and Sumatra. velopment, land-use planning, law enforcement, and conservation management in protected areas. It The way forward in orangutan is obvious that, despite orangutans being fully pro- conservation tected, existing legislation and policy do not pro- Despite five decades of conservation attention for vide sufficient protection for them. Governments the orangutan, there has been frustratingly little need to develop much more holistic policies that not progress. Even though we do not know how many only target economic progress, but also balance that orangutans existed some 50 years ago, we do know progress with ecological and environmental sustain- that every year large areas of orangutan habitat ability. The Indonesian government has shown its are degraded or lost at a rate of some 4,000 km2 commitment to this in its national orangutan ac- per year in Borneo and Sumatra.28 This suggests tion plan and its low carbon growth objectives,97 that unless deforestation and hunting trends im- but this general commitment needs to be trans- prove significantly, most wild orangutans will per- lated into new land-use plans and new policies on ish by 2025 and some important populations such land use that integrate protected area management as those in Tripa, Sumatra could disappear as early with broader landscape-level management. Socio- as 2015/16.57 Even in protected areas, forests are ecological sustainability should become a general not safe from illegal logging,50,94,95 and we are a policy principle if orangutans outside protected ar- long way away from the goal of the Indonesian gov- eas are to survive. Governments also need to recog- ernment to stabilize all wild orangutan populations nize the spatial heterogeneity of threats and design in Indonesia by 2017.96 The obvious conclusion is area-specific plans to reduce these threats. This links that, despite local progress and conservation suc- to the law enforcement and protected area manage- cess, the orangutan conservation movement has not ment roles of the government, neither of which is done enough to turn the tide of the orangutan’s up to standards at the moment. Governments need fate. to seriously consider how they can improve their This is not to say there has been no success. Many effectiveness in both these roles. Strengthening law protected and relatively well managed areas would enforcement needs to happen by ensuring that those not exist or would have lost most their forest without that break the law are actually caught and prose- the major lobbying and management efforts of peo- cuted. This will require training of police, judges, ple or groups highly committed to the orangutans and conservation authorities; effectively combating survival: Kinabatangan, the Leuser Ecosystem, corruption in government offices; and also ensuring Gunung Palung, Tanjung Puting, and Sabangau are that the public understands why these laws are now good examples. Other areas, such as the Wehea com- taken seriously. The latter requires effective cam- munity forest and the FSC-certified Deramakot tim- paigns informing the public. This is needed because ber concession show that forests do not have to a recent study suggested that 27% of the people be legally protected for orangutans to have a safe in Kalimantan did not know that orangutans are home. We should learn from these successes and legally protected.48 The Indonesian government has replicate them where possible. At the same time, we voiced the idea to privatize some of these functions, should not lose sight of the fact that for most wild specifically aiming to outsource the management of orangutans living outside these relatively protected national parks to the private sector.98 How protected areas (comprising some 75% of the total popula- area management could be financially attractive to tion), the immediate future remains grim if over- the private sector is unclear, however, and priva- exploitation of forests and conversion of natural tizing conservation management is unlikely to be a forests to planted or nonforest continues. Minimiz- panacea. ing losses among these populations requires a major Many NGOs are involved in orangutan conser- strategic change in how orangutan conservation is vation. These range from local activists groups that done. use public protests and graphic images of orangutan

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1249 (2012) 29–44 c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. 39 Orangutan conservation Meijaard et al. suffering to engender public awareness and compas- The most important and least engaged sector sion to big global conservation organizations. What are the estimated 36.5 million people in Borneo many of these organizations have in common is that and northern Sumatra that live alongside the ap- they work by themselves on their own projects and proximately 60,000 orangutans (i.e., 605 people per rarely coordinate their activities with those of other orangutan). The day-to-day needs of these people groups.Thislackofcooperationandabsenceof and their aspirations in life play a hugely important coherent joint planning is a significant weakness of role in what will happen to remaining orangutan the orangutan conservation community.99 Attempts habitats. The extent to which these people are will- have been made to improve this, and the Indonesian ing to live next to orangutans might be the deciding orangutan conservation action plan of 2007 was a factor for the great ape’s future outside protected good example of different NGOs working together areas.24,81,82 Encouraging these people to support to effectively push for new legislation. This hap- the principles of environmental conservation and pens too rarely though, leaving much conservation sustainable development and be actively responsi- action uncoordinated and not adding to an over- ble for the management of their resources is there- all conservation framework. This is not to say that fore a crucial requirement for successful orangutan all conservation activities should be coordinated— conservation.54 Conservation groups need to think great conservation gains have been made by people really hard about how this issue can be more effec- or organizations working on their own. The key, tively addressed. It would likely include the contin- however, is to collaborate and team up with others uation of various small-scale education programs, when broader issues are at stake, such as the devel- but it would also require broader, regional, or na- opment of new legislation or the implementation tional level campaigns with messages that do not of country-level management plans for orangutans, just call for the protection of orangutans but chal- which requires coherent and generally supported lenge people to think of conservation in the context lobbying effort to influence government. of their own lives. Linking conservation to other as- Companies play an increasingly important role pects of people’s lives such as more efficient agricul- in orangutan conservation. Many of them have a tural methods or health programs100 might be more number of key characteristics that would permit effective than simply telling people that they cannot them to effectively address conservation goals, at- harm orangutans. After all, people are sometimes tributes, which are not always present in govern- confused. Why does the West pay so much attention mental and NGOs. Companies generally have well- to the protection of orangutans (i.e., “people of the trained staff and strong operational procedures for forest” in the Malay language), while local commu- their management—slotting in orangutan-specific nities consider themselves to be the people of the for- management should be relatively easy. Companies est?51 Conservation needs to make sure that double also tend to have significant financial resources at standards and different viewpoints about conserva- their disposal. The key question to them is whether tion are clarified and addressed where possible.58 the cost of investing in good environmental and Finally, who is going to pay for conservation? species management is offset by the benefits. Those Orangutan conservation costs money. At least as benefits can be a direct financial one (e.g., when long as markets are not paying for environmental markets pay premium prices for products from well- services provided by forests, exploiting these forests managed companies), but more often they are asso- or replacing them with more productive uses is ciated with having a green image, which in today’s always going to generate more revenue than con- world can be a significant indirect financial bene- serving them. Some of these opportunity costs can fit for companies. With most of the land outside be offset by legislation or ethics—we are legally the protected areas being managed by companies, obliged to protect these forests, or we feel it is the there are obvious needs to involve this sector more right thing to do—but in most situations the pro- in orangutan habitat management. Whether or not tection or sustainable management of orangutan such companies are interested will depend greatly habitats will have to be paid for. Carbon markets on regulatory requirements, the companies’ sensi- may provide some of these financial means required tivity to public opinion, and the potential financial for this,57,101 while other sources of income could gains. be from tourism, payments for water, and other

40 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1249 (2012) 29–44 c 2012 New York Academy of Sciences. Meijaard et al. Orangutan conservation forest-related economic activities. Companies could 12. Meijaard, E., A. Welsh, M. Ancrenaz, et al. 2010. Declin- also fund a significant part of the total financial ing orangutan encounter rates from Wallace to the present requirements by implementing orangutan-friendly suggest the species was once more abundant. Plos ONE. 5: e12042. management on their land. Ultimately, however, the 13. Rijksen, H.D. & E. Meijaard. 1999. Our vanishing relative. main responsibility for orangutan conservation lies In The Status of Wild Orang-Utans at the Close of the Twenti- with the Indonesian and Malaysian governments, eth Century. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, The which need to develop the financial and economic . tools that allow their countries to continue eco- 14. Hooijer, D.A. 1960. The orang utan in Niah Cave pre- history. Sarawak Mus. 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