2 5 C. on Hand, Putting in Their Work That Will Saturday, Oct
75c A Y ear in Advance . ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 14, 1890. Number 50 soii; Dallas, Wm Young; Watertown, H ATTENTION VETERANS. Business Locals . D Clark; Eagle, L W Hill; Ovid, C Farn - Here’ll a Kt»tenieiit fr«*m the Auditors on Cuutloti. er; Essex, W'alter Float; Riley, H R the llounty ^ueMtloii. Jones; Ureenbush, Dan Turner; West The public are oautioned against buy phalia, J B Randolph; Victor, Clias (Jif- The 8upn*me court decision on tlie sol ing a note given by mo to Gilbert Chap- REPUBLICANS OF CLINTON COUNTY fels; Olive, Henry Case. dier bounty question is causing so much l>ell or bearer, for f 77, dated .April, 1890 trouble to veterans and others that the _ ARE READY- Tbealaetiott otch a>na aiM>f-the eounty one year. G rant W aldo . committee was taken up, R M Swigart following circular bos been issued by the BiMk silk MlttN at J.Hivkn ’. iV board of state auditors: received 88 votes; J W Fitzgerald 9; 1) S Cmbrellaii and PanuioU . They Hold » Large C'onventiun, eleetDel- French 5; C M Merrill 18. No state bounty was authorized pi-evi- . Special bargains nt J. Hicks.* efpitee and Chouite a County C'oiuiiiittee. ous to Mandi (1,1808. At that date an Mr Swigart was de<*lare<l ele(de«l. CablnetM $S.OO Per Dozen. The flrHt convention iii (linton county C C Vaughan was electi'd secretary of act was passed authorizing the f ovemor comity committee by acclamation, and 1) in his discretion to cause to be paid from For August only, Jackson will make of the republicttiiH for the conipaijtn of S French, treasurer.
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