Police Services Board Meeting

Open Agenda

Thursday, November 19, 2020 9:00 a.m. Microsoft Teams Video Conference

Item Topic Lead Time

1. Call to Order Chair 1 Min

Meeting Opening: 2. Motion to Approve the Agenda

Motion to approve the agenda for the November 19, 2020 open board meeting. 3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest with Respect to the Agenda Chair 2 Min

4. Approval of Minutes Motion to approve the minutes from the October 15, 2020 open board meeting

Introduction: Newly Promoted 5. • Staff Sergeant Dave Luce Chief 10 Min

Consent Agenda: 6. Budget Variance 7. Staff Acknowledgements Chair 10 Min 8. Public Complaints

Motion to receive the consent agenda items

Items for Discussion:

Chief, 9. 2019 Crime Severity Index Danielle Martin, 5 Min Records Manager

UPDATED - NOVEMBER 17, 2020 Updates: 10. Chiefs Verbal Update Chief 10 Min 11. Community Concerns Chair 5 Min

Meeting Closing: 12. Next Board Meeting – Thursday December 10, 2020 Chair 2 Min 13. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the November 19, 2020 open board meeting


November 23, 2020 Council Meeting (Barrie Police Service Awareness)





PRESENT: Ms. Angela Lockridge, Chair Mr. Greg Ferguson Mayor Jeff Lehman Councillor Robert Thomson Mr. Arif Khan Chief Kimberley Greenwood Deputy Chief Ken Weatherill Deputy Chief R.W Allan Mrs. Sarah Young, Board Administrator Sergeant Toni Talarico, Executive Officer REGRETS:


1. The meeting was called to order at 9:14 a.m. and live streamed through Microsoft Teams for the public to view.

2. Motion to Approve the Agenda

MOTION #2020-084 On motion of Greg Ferguson, seconded by Mayor Lehman the October 15, 2020 open agenda was approved. CARRIED

3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest with Respect to the Agenda

None were declared.

4. Approval of Minutes

MOTION #2020-085 On motion of Mayor Lehman, seconded by Greg Ferguson, the minutes from the September 17, 2020 were approved. CARRIED



5. Budget Variance 6. Strategic Plan Update 7. Staff Acknowledgements 8. Public Complaints

MOTION #2020-086 On motion of Mayor Lehman, seconded by Arif Khan the board received the consent agenda items. CARRIED


9. Barrie Police Services Board Sub Committees 10. Barrie Police Service 2021 Operational and Capital Budget

MOTION #2020-087 On motion of Arif Khan seconded by Greg Ferguson the board approves the 2021 Budget to be submitted to council. CARRIED


11. Chiefs Update 12. Community Concerns

Item 11. And 12. were deferred due to time constraints.


13. Next Board Meeting – Thursday, November 19, 2020

14. Adjournment

MOTION #2020-088 On motion of Mayor Lehman seconded by the Barrie Police Services Board Meeting was adjourned at 10:01 a.m.

Chair Board Administrator



TO: Barrie Police Services Board

FROM: Chief Kimberley Greenwood

DATE: November 17, 2020

SUBJECT: Financial Variance Report for the period ended October 31, 2020 - Open


The report provides the Board with a statement of revenue and expenditures for the ten-month period ended October 31, 2020 as compared to the approved 2020 budget.


Operating Variance Report for ten months ended October 31, 2020.


Attached is the Operating Variance Report for the ten months ended October 31, 2020 which represents 83.3% of the budget year.

Total year-to-date salaries and benefits are $42,503,691 or 78.9% of the annual budget, operating expenditures total $4,627,875 or 82.3% of the annual budget and revenues are $4,523,789 or 81.7% of budgeted revenue. Total net expenditures for the period were $42,651,963 or 79.0% of the approved net operating budget.

The projected net results for the ten-month period ended October 31, 2020 is a surplus of $402,255 or 0.7% of the annual budget.

The following comments address significant expense and revenue variances for 2020.

Salaries & Benefits

Year to date police and civilian salary costs represent 78.5% of the annual budget. Included in the amounts are negotiated contractual increases and reclassifications as well as retirement payouts for members who retired in 2020.

Year to date overtime is 92.5% of the annual budget. Overtime costs are closely monitored, and non-essential overtime is not permitted.

Police and civilian benefits costs are 80.4% of the year to date budget. Included in the projected amounts are savings which have resulted from decreased benefits usage while health care providers offices remained closed during the pandemic and robust claims review processes instituted by the health and dental benefits carrier.


Building expenditures to date represent 41.1% of the annual budget. Charges pertaining to the police facilities are currently under review by City of Barrie staff and the full budgetary impact of the new facility has not yet been determined.


It is anticipated that there will be budgetary surplus of $165,000 for fleet fuel. This is directly related to decreased market prices.


Included in maintenance costs is $677,300 for software maintenance and licencing fees.

As a result of the pandemic, the courthouse was closed for a period of time and continues to operate under a significantly reduced protocol. Revisions to headquarters were required to facilitate daily bail hearings for persons in custody and the creation of remote testimony rooms to be used by our members to provide court evidence. This necessitated the purchase of unbudgeted equipment and software.

In addition, software was purchased to enable our members to work remotely.

Overall, it is anticipated that maintenance costs will be $238,800 over budget in 2020.

Staff Development

Access to staff development opportunities has been significantly reduced because of the pandemic and many have been deferred for the foreseeable future. As a result, a budgetary surplus in the amount of $106,800 is anticipated.

Grant Expenditures

Provincial grant funding is awarded to assist with specific and targeted initiatives. Included in grant expenditures are the actual and anticipated costs directly related to the various grant programmes. Please note that offsetting grant funding is included under “grants and secondments” revenue.

COVID-19 Expenditures

Actual costs incurred and projected unbudgeted expenditures relating to the COVID-19 pandemic are anticipated to total $197,754. In addition to these costs, there has been other budgetary impacts including a reduction in general revenue, decreased secondment salary recoveries, and the purchase of capital items to allow members to work from home. The total of these expenditures has amounted to $317,651.


Funding for the Court Security Prisoner Transportation Grant (CSPT) was confirmed in March 2020 in the amount of $2,755,625. Actual funding will exceed the budgeted amount by $27,755 in 2020. The reporting period for the CSPT grant is from January 1 to December 31 of each year.

The Community Safety in Policing (CSP) grant will be consistent with 2019/2020 reporting period and funding was approved in the amount of $609,075. The reporting period for the CSP grant runs from April 1 to March 31.

Subsequent to finalizing the 2020 budget, funding approved under the following programs:

Proceeds of Crime – Project Speak Up $ 79,621 Police Operations Support Grant $ 98,550 Safer Communities through Collaborative Justice $ 96,672 Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation of $ 20,757 Proceeds of Crime – Tell Us $100,000 Ministry of the Solicitor General – CCTV Grant Program $119,000

Also included in grant revenue are billings for ten seconded positions.

All required annual reports for the grant programs were submitted prior to the reporting deadlines.

Year to date general revenue is 54.8% of the annual budget. Certain revenue streams including criminal records checks and paid duty administration fees have been significantly reduced. Also, the decision was made to discontinue charges for false alarm calls until the province instituted Stage 3 of the reopening plan. Projected general revenue is anticipated to be $268,000 under budget. The deficit is directly related to the ongoing pandemic and corresponding changes in business practices.

Financial Implication

The savings in employee benefits, fuel and staff development have been offset by reduced revenue and increased maintenance costs. The projected surplus is estimated to be $402,255.

Financial management staff will continue to monitor the Service’s financial position and report accordingly

Prepared by:

Nancy Halas Finance Manger BARRIE POLICE SERVICES BOARD OPERATING VARIANCE REPORT For the period ended October 31, 2020

Annual YTD YTD Year End Projected Projected Prior Year Prior Year Budget Actual Projected Variance Variance YTD Actual $ $ % $ $ % $ %

Police Services Board

Board honoraria & benefits 13,592 11,490 84.5% 13,586 6 0.0% 13,995 103.0% Board professional fees 45,000 22,466 49.9% 45,000 - 0.0% 5,359 11.9% Board memberships 5,200 5,130 98.7% 5,130 70 1.3% 5,130 100.6% Board meetings, travel & supplies 3,000 5,100 170.0% 5,450 (2,450) (81.7%) 786 26.2%

Total Police Services Board 66,792 44,186 66.2% 69,166 (2,374) (3.6%) 25,270 37.9%

Salaries Police Salaries 27,236,338 21,506,740 79.0% 27,371,338 (135,000) (0.5%) 21,635,718 78.9% Civilian Salaries 9,867,339 7,864,900 79.7% 9,877,339 (10,000) (0.1%) 7,512,264 83.7% Casual Salaries 1,854,712 1,225,998 66.1% 1,404,712 450,000 24.3% 1,296,493 71.0% 38,958,389 30,597,638 78.5% 38,653,389 305,000 0.8% 30,444,475 79.7% Overtime Police Overtime 669,000 603,180 90.2% 803,180 (134,180) (20.1%) 692,104 103.5% Civilian Overtime 53,000 64,388 121.5% 71,888 (18,888) (35.6%) 54,802 96.1% 722,000 667,568 92.5% 875,068 (153,068) (21.2%) 746,906 102.9% Benefits Police Benefits 8,597,166 6,676,427 77.7% 7,867,166 730,000 8.5% 6,767,275 80.3% Civilian Benefits 3,086,139 2,598,032 84.2% 2,991,139 95,000 3.1% 2,545,819 89.0% Casual Benefits 191,265 276,216 144.4% 327,265 (136,000) (71.1%) 283,352 151.6% 11,874,570 9,550,675 80.4% 11,185,570 689,000 5.8% 9,596,446 83.6%

Legislative Impacts Salaries 1,813,742 1,401,868 77.3% 1,773,218 40,524 2.2% 1,232,742 92.4% Benefits 478,845 285,942 59.7% 338,942 139,903 29.2% 279,130 83.8% 2,292,587 1,687,810 73.6% 2,112,160 180,427 7.9% 1,511,872 176.2%

Total Salaries & Benefits 53,847,546 42,503,691 78.9% 52,826,187 1,021,359 1.9% 42,299,699 81.2%

Operating Expenditures

Building 1,293,578 531,867 41.1% 1,293,578 - 0.0% 895,100 63.2% Vehicle maintenance and leases 775,500 492,934 63.6% 611,734 163,766 21.1% 575,071 74.9% Maintenance 738,580 755,382 102.3% 977,384 (238,804) (32.3%) 546,445 74.9% Insurance 560,500 522,289 93.2% 560,289 211 0.0% 485,189 81.5% Operating supplies 515,405 481,881 93.5% 597,381 (81,976) (15.9%) 373,013 78.3% Uniforms and equipment 392,951 284,347 72.4% 361,347 31,604 8.0% 372,192 103.0% Annual fees and levies 303,500 218,700 72.1% 282,230 21,270 7.0% 159,468 52.5% Staff development and wellness 374,276 226,185 60.4% 267,436 106,840 28.5% 230,733 62.8% Telephone 346,248 277,666 80.2% 335,665 10,583 3.1% 199,406 79.3% Professional fees 113,900 67,061 58.9% 112,061 1,839 1.6% 111,069 97.5% Office supplies 64,000 22,000 34.4% 46,999 17,001 26.6% 53,017 74.1% Grant expenditures 37,650 538,251 1,429.6% 765,208 (727,558) (1,932.4%) 154,568 267.4% Property and equipment rental 22,500 7,327 32.6% 22,327 173 0.8% 10,876 48.3% Meetings and travel 16,600 7,086 42.7% 9,286 7,314 44.1% 27,346 159.0% Memberships 16,686 16,845 101.0% 18,845 (2,159) (12.9%) 15,126 105.9% Community events 8,000 2,044 25.6% 3,144 4,856 60.7% 5,022 62.8% Contribution to Child and Youth Advocacy Centre 45,000 45,000 100.0% 45,000 - 0.0% 90,000 100.0% Contribution to Anti Racism Task Force - - 5,000 (5,000) - Connected Core Pilot Program Funding Partnership - - 5,000 (5,000) 10,000 COVID-19 Expenditures 131,010 161,010 (161,010)

Total Operating Expenditures 5,624,874 4,627,875 82.3% 6,480,924 (856,050) (15.2%) 4,313,641 76.1%

Revenue Grants and Secondments 4,674,354 4,082,439 87.3% 5,182,324 (507,970) (10.9%) 3,372,822 63.7% General revenue 805,000 441,350 54.8% 536,350 268,650 33.4% 685,474 91.4% DC Funding 16,000 - 0.0% 16,000 - 0.0% 90,623 566.4% CCTV Camera Project Funding 45,000 - 0.0% 45,000 - 0.0% - Total Revenue 5,540,354 4,523,789 81.7% 5,779,674 (239,320) 22.5% 4,148,919 68.5%

Net Operating Expenditures 53,998,858 42,651,963 79.0% 53,596,603 402,255 0.7% 42,489,691 82.1% Barrie Police Service 2020 Board Remuneration and Expenses

Meetings & Professional Operating Total Salary/Honorarium Memberships Meals Fees Supplies Expenses


Lockridge, A 3,837 3,837 Collins, L 1,720 1,720 Ferguson, G 3,837 3,837 Khan, Ar 2,096 2,096


Board OAPSB Dues 5,130 5,130


Board refreshments 130 130

Legal/Professional Fees

Hicks Morley 18,946 18,946 Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark 102 102 Korn Ferry 1,413 1,413 Paliare Rolland Barristers 1,526 1,526 People Corporation 479 479 - Operating Supplies

Board office supplies 4,970 4,970

TOTAL BOARD EXPENDITURES 11,490 5,130 130 27,437 - 44,186


TO: Barrie Police Services Board

FROM : Chief Kimberley Greenwood

DATE: November 4, 2020

SUBJECT: Staff Acknowledgements


Staff Acknowledgements received for the month of October 2020.


Constable Peters and Constable Donald were thanked for their Constable G. Peters prompt response and diligence Barrie Resident Constable Donald with an attempt break in on October 4, 2020 that led to the arrest of two individuals. Constable Anderson was Constable Anderson Platoon Staff commended for having a calm Sergeant demeanor and sound judgement during an incident. On October 8, 2020, Sergeant Sergeant Henderson Henderson, Constable Kelly, and Constable R. Henderson Constable Kelly Platoon Staff were commended for a job well Constable R. Henderson Sergeant done on a traffic stop leading to an arrest and a seizure of a firearm. Constable Minke was thanked for assisting a Barrie Resident suffering with a mental health Constable Minke Barrie Resident crisis. “I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all the work you do”


A letter was received thanking Staff Sergeant Gooband for , presenting information on the Staff Sergeant Dave Goodbrand North Bay Police Body Worn Camera Pilot Project Service to the North Bay Police Services Board.” Both Officers and Members from the Communications Centre Barrie Police Officers and were thanked for assisting Barrie Resident Communications Members locating a 93yr old female that wandered away from a retirement residence. Members were thanked for making a 15th birthday special for a Barrie resident by visiting Constable Fines, him and showing their gear and answering questions “ They Constable Chubb, Barrie Resident showed the amazing gear they Communicator Elliott use and answered his questions with such professionalism and an obvious passion for their career.


The Board receive this report for information.

Prepared by:

Sarah Young (9049) Executive Assistant



TO: Barrie Police Services Board

FROM : Inspector Robert Burke

DATE: November 6, 2020

SUBJECT: Professional Standards Monthly Board Report - Open

The following is the Open Professional Standards Report covering October 2020 which includes Public Complaints.

Action Required Please review for your information.

Financial Impact No immediate impact.


1. Public Complaint Summary: Complaint Number: PC 2020-15 Date Filed to OIPRD: January 30, 2020 Received by PSB: February 27, 2020 Conduct Complaint: Discreditable Conduct Allegation Date: November 4, 2019 Investigation Update: Substantiated - After a thorough investigation it was determined that the officer disclosed information pertaining to the complainant’s criminal charges. One count of Breach of Confidence was substantiated. Investigation completed on August 10, 2020. Initial Complaint Summary: The Complainant states that the officer attended her parent’s residence, where her children live, and proceeded to tell her daughter about the Complainant's drug use and criminal past. The Complainant states that her daughter is now traumatized by the information. Disposition: Concluded - File Closed by the OIPRD Date Closed: October 5, 2020 Complaint Timeline: Eight months, six days. Professional Standards investigation completed in five months, 11 days.


Complaint Number: PC 2020-26 Date Filed to OIPRD: March 5, 2020 Received by PSB: April 30, 2020 Conduct Complaint: Excessive Use of Force Allegation Date: February 26, 2020 Investigation Update: Unsubstantiated - Investigation completed on August 21, 2020. On October 27, 2020 an email was sent to the OIPRD requesting a status update. They advised that the closing letter has been sent to the Director for his signature and will be forwarded within the next two weeks. Initial Complaint Summary: The Complainant states that the officers kicked in his door for no reason; they handcuffed him, refused to identify themselves and lied about the interaction. Disposition: Conclusion pending OIPRD disposition Date Closed: N/A Complaint Timeline: Six months. Professional Standards investigation completed in three months, 22 days.

Complaint Number: PC 2020-29 Date Filed to OIPRD: April 21, 2020 Received by PSB: June 11, 2020 Conduct Complaint: Neglect of Duty Allegation Date: April 3, 2020 Investigation Update: Unsubstantiated - Investigation completed on October 13, 2020 Initial Complaint Summary: The Complainant states that he was arrested on false charges and while at the police station he alleges that during his search his money was not properly counted and that the officer misplaced it. Disposition: Conclusion pending OIPRD disposition Date Closed: N/A Complaint Timeline: Four months, 20 days. Professional Standards investigation completed in four months, two days.


Complaint Number: PC 2020-33 Date Filed to OIPRD: May 12, 2020 Received by PSB: July 2, 2020 Conduct Complaint: Discreditable Conduct Allegation Date: April 22, 2019 Investigation Update: Investigative Report being authored. Initial Complaint Summary: The Complainant advises that he was charged by the officer for numerous Highway Traffic Act offences and alleges that the officer's evidence was false and that he did not act in a professional manner. Disposition: Active Date Closed: N/A Complaint Timeline: Three months, 29 days - Open investigation.

Complaint Number: PC 2020-35 Date Filed to OIPRD: March 2, 2020 Received by PSB: July 7, 2020 Conduct Complaint: Neglect of Duty Allegation Date: March 2, 2020 Investigation Update: The investigator has requested a time extension from the OIPRD as the Respondent officer is currently off work on an extended leave and cannot be interviewed at this time. Initial Complaint Summary: The Complainant advises that she filed charges against her husband and was advised by the officer that a warrant would be issued for his arrest. She states that the officer has not been returning her emails or phone calls and that nothing has been done for the past nine months. The Complainant advises she feels that she has been placed on the "back burner". Disposition: Active Date Closed: N/A Complaint Timeline: Three months, 24 days - Open investigation.


Complaint Number: PC 2020-38 Date Filed to OIPRD: June 1, 2020 Received by PSB: July 10, 2020 Conduct Complaint: Excessive Use of Force Allegation Date: May 30, 2020 Investigation Update: Unsubstantiated - Investigation completed on October 26, 2020. Initial Complaint Summary: The Complainant advises that she was falsely arrested and that during the course of the arrest she was pushed into the side of the police vehicle where she sustained multiple injuries. Disposition: Conclusion pending OIPRD disposition Date Closed: N/A Complaint Timeline: Three months, 21 days. Professional Standards investigation completed in three months, 16 days.

Complaint Number: PC 2020-40 Date Filed to OIPRD: February 18, 2020 Received by PSB: July 29, 2020 Conduct Complaint: Neglect of Duty Allegation Date: August 19, 2019 Investigation Update: Unsubstantiated - Investigation completed on October 2, 2020. Initial Complaint Summary: The Complainant advises that a neighbour was verbally abusive and uttered death threats to her son. She states that the police did not investigate and did not take her complaint seriously. Disposition: Conclusion pending OIPRD disposition Date Closed: N/A Complaint Timeline: Three months, two days. Professional Standards investigation completed in three months, two days.


Complaint Number: PC 2020-42 Date Filed to OIPRD: July 29, 2020 Received by PSB: August 26, 2020 Conduct Complaint: Discreditable Conduct Allegation Date: July 25, 2020 Investigation Update: The Complainant advised the investigator that he wished to withdraw the complaint as he is moving out of Ontario and no longer wants to be involved with the process. The investigator is currently trying to facilitate a date to complete the appropriate paperwork. Initial Complaint Summary: The Complainant states that officers attended his residence for a noise complaint. He advises that the officers were unprofessional, disrespectful and felt they were prejudiced against him as he is a visible minority. Disposition: Active Date Closed: N/A Complaint Timeline: One month, four days - Open investigation.

Complaint Number: PC 2020-44 Date Filed to OIPRD: August 24, 2020 Received by PSB: September 10, 2020 Conduct Complaint: Discreditable Conduct Allegation Date: December 2019 - August 2020 Investigation Update: Opening stages of investigation. Initial Complaint Summary: The Complainant advises that he was involved in a domestic dispute in 2019 where he states that the officer refused to view evidence proving his innocence. In a second instance in 2020 the Complainant advises that the officer became "enraged" when he was able to prove the officer "wrong" on multiple issues. Disposition: Active Date Closed: N/A Complaint Timeline: 20 days - Open investigation.


Complaint Number: PC 2020-51 Date Filed to OIPRD: June 28, 2020 Received by PSB: October 2, 2020 Conduct Complaint: Discreditable Conduct Allegation Date: June 1, 2020 - June 17, 2020 Investigation Update: The Complainant advised that he wished to withdraw the complaint. He admitted that the allegations made against the officers were false. The investigator is currently trying to facilitate a date to complete the appropriate paperwork. Initial Complaint Summary: The Complainant states that he was detained for 10 days causing his company to lose millions of dollars. He further alleges that during his arrest the police broke his puppy's knee. Disposition: Active Date Closed: N/A Complaint Timeline: 29 days - Open investigation.

Complaint Number: PC 2020-53 Date Filed to OIPRD: July 21, 2020 Received by PSB: October 5, 2020 Conduct Complaint: Neglect of Duty Allegation Date: June 6, 2020 Investigation Update: Opening stages of investigation. Initial Complaint Summary: The Complainant states that she was the victim of a home invasion and that the suspect in the matter is continuously harassing her. She advises that the officers refused to lay charges. Disposition: Active Date Closed: N/A Complaint Timeline: 26 days - Open investigation.


Complaint Number: PC 2020-55 Date Filed to OIPRD: July 29, 2020 Received by PSB: October 14, 2020 Conduct Complaint: Discreditable Conduct Allegation Date: July 25, 2020 Investigation Update: Interviews being set up. Initial Complaint Summary: The Complainant alleges that Barrie Police officers are harassing him and that he was called a "black monkey". Further, he advised in one incident he was punched in the stomach and was forced to do "strenuous things" even though he has multiple sclerosis. Disposition: Active Date Closed: N/A Complaint Timeline: 17 days - Open investigation.

Complaint Number: PC 2020-57 Date Filed to OIPRD: August 18, 2020 Received by PSB: October 22, 2020 Conduct Complaint: Discreditable Conduct Allegation Date: August 6, 2020 Investigation Update: Interviews being set up. Initial Complaint Summary: The Complainant advises that officers attended his residence and only gave him 10 minutes to gather all his belongings as he was being evicted. He believes the officers did not have the authority to do so. Disposition: Active Date Closed: N/A Complaint Timeline: Nine days - Open investigation.



TO: Barrie Police Services Board

FROM: Chief Kimberley Greenwood

DATE: November 13, 2020

SUBJECT: 2019 Annual Statistics Canada Reporting


Each year, Statistics Canada releases police-reported crime data using a Crime Severity Index (CSI). The CSI is a measure of police-reported crime that reflects the relative seriousness of individual offences and tracks changes in crime severity.

The seriousness of each offence is determined by using objective sentencing data from the nation’s courts. Each individual offence is “weighted”. CSI can be presented as an overall ranking, or as separate violent and non-violent rankings, based on volume and severity. The top five violations that contribute the overall CSI are breaking and entering, robbery, fraud, mischief, and theft of $5000 or under. The top five violations that contribute to the violent CSI are robbery, sexual assault level 1, assault level 1, assault level 2, and uttering threats to a person. Contributors to the non-violent CSI are violations including breaking and entering, possession of stolen property, theft of motor vehicle, and other property crimes.

These releases are provided in various table formats, which can be looked at by municipality, police service, or Census Metropolis Area (CMA).

Police Service: Barrie Police Service’s CSI can be compared to other police services throughout Canada. The CSI ranks 324 police services serving communities with a core population of over 10,000. The best positioning is 324/324, which demonstrates the lowest CSI. In 2019, Barrie Police Service is ranked 166/324.

Barrie’s CSI Compared to Other Similar Municipalities Police Service Overall CSI Ranking Violent CSI Ranking Non-violent CSI /324 /324 Ranking /324 Peterborough 167 124 171 Barrie 166 121 173 Guelph 159 216 143 Kingston 126 145 115 Sarnia 110 153 101 Greater Sudbury 106 85 120 London 105 142 97 Belleville 91 58 112 Cobourg 90 91 87

Census Metropolis Area (CMA): Crime Severity indexes are also applied at the Census Metropolis Area level. CMA’s are defined by Statistics Canada and consist of one or more neighbouring municipalities situated around a major urban core. A CMA must have a total population of at least 100,000 of which 50,000 or more live in the urban core. To be included in the CMA, other adjacent municipalities must have a high degree of integration with the central urban area, as measured by commuting flows. Of note, the Barrie CMA includes areas outside of the Barrie Police Service jurisdiction including the Townships of Springwater and Innisfil (Appendix A).

After a CMA is assigned a Crime Severity Index for the year, it is then ranked amongst the other CMA’s. Currently there are 35 CMA’s in Canada. Prior to 2018 there were 33.

For 2019, Barrie’s CMA rank is 31/35 for overall CSI, 31/35 for Violent CSI and 29/35 for Non- Violent CSI. This means that Barrie is the fifth best CMA for overall Crime Severity Index in Canada.

Year Over Year Comparison of Barrie CMA Rankings Year Overall CSI Violent CSI Non-violent CSI 2019 31/35 31/35 29/35 2018 32/35 33/35 28/35 2017 33/33 32/33 32/33 2016 32/33 30/33 31/33 2015 32/33 31/33 31/33


That the Board receive this report for information.

Prepared by:

D. Martin #9382 Acting Manager, Records and Information Management Services