The Ozona Stockman

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The Ozona Stockman THE OZONA STOCKMAN The Only Paper in Crockett County— 3,000 Square Mile» Of Livestock Territory “ Out In The West, Where The Air Is Pure, The Climate Agreeable, And The People Friendly The Best Place On Earth To Call Horae” . * ■— ......................... —— 1 ■ .i——.- — —— (VOLUM E 30 $2.00 Per Year. In Texas— $2.50 Elsewhere OZONA. CROCKETT COUNTY. TEXAS. 5 Cents Per Copy THURSDAY JAN 11. 1945 NUMBER 40 7 Teams Have Radio’s New Chief Photo* of Crockett Sherman Taylor, Array Officials Men in Service Asked Ozona Cagers Accepted Invites Tern rlarris Named Refuse to Send For Use in Display Win at Eldorado Photographs of all ( rockett 1 To Ozona Tourney To Waterner ^oart?£oar<? Trucks for Fa>ier Coun tv men ill service in World 1 Annual Tourney \Vat ¡1 it re il*«sired to be placed ill Four Others Expected Only IK Vote*. Ca-t ir Scouts, with Seme 3 . suitiilde I ublic place and pre- Locals Knock over El­ .Ml*rved for their future ■ historic To Sign up for Meet Tues. Election; Chi!* Tone on Hand, Ahan- va lue. dorado 44-32 in Title January 26*27 Jrcrc Retires t.ion Project C S Den tuirn. uperint i ndent of | Round ();’.ona Publit• Si hoots, ha» volun- Out o f eleven teams receiving Sherman Taylor was named to Pa r: tic effort of Ozona** Boy Umi red to r«‘cii-ive and pre •Hcrve 1hv Brushing aside Junction and invitation» to Ozona High School's 1 menben hip on the hoard of di­ $o< ut troop No. 5.1 in gathering picture s, to plan and supervise I^ike View in early round competi­ fourteenth annual basketball tour­ rectors of the Crockett County waste paper to help relieve the I the mounting and display of ser- tion, the O zona Lions of ( oat h L. nament to be held in the high I 'I'rii-i- Control and Improvement paper shortage again went for j vice men's pictures, and families B. T Sikes mnii»ed to the cham­ school gym Friday and Saturday. District No. 1. replacing Pleas naught this week by reason of (if men in service are urged to pionship of the annual Eldorado January 20 and 27, seven teams i Childress, Jr., and Tom Harris, transportation difficulties. cooperate in providing suitable High School Invitation Basketball from neightionng towns have al- j .(•pointed last year to member­ Under ;.n arrangement made by picture.-. tournament by trouncing the host field Executive im Galbraith ready filed their acceptances, C. ship oil the board, was elected to J - Families of service men are learn 44 to 32 in the championship S. Denham, superintendent, an­ the post, in an election held here with transportation officers at I asked to send or take pictures to final Saturday night. nounced yesterday. Tuesday. lai ighlin Air Field in Del Rio, Mr. Denham's office in th«- high By their win, the Ozona cagers Each day’s mail brings more Pleas Childress, serving as paper gathered by Ozona Scouts school Luildiug as soon as possi­ 1 brought back a handsome trophy acceptances and school officials j ji •resident of the board, had been via« to be transported by Army ble if they are available now. If ¡to add to the bulging case on are expecting all invited schools ‘ « i member of the directorate since | truck to Del Rio and from there no pictures are now availatd«', the 1 display in the High School build­ to accept. In any event. Mr. Den­ formet ton of the water district, by train to concentration lsiints. families are urged to begin at ing as evidence of the prowess of ham noted, the local tourney will and asked to be relieved of the \ Having accumulated the mini­ oil e the effort to get a suitable Ozona athletic teams o f this and be a 12-team contest for the two duty. mum amount for which an Army picture made for this purpose past years truck would be dispatched. Scout­ days. Requests have been receiv­ Only fifteen votes were cast in The pictures will I«' made into un­ In addition, Byrd Phillip*, high master Bill Cooper relayed the re- ed from two other schools, not in- he election, all in favor of „Mr. iform size so far as is possible and point scorer for the champion* in <$U"st for transportation. Last luded in the original list because Harris and Mr. Taylor. will lie identified and mounted fur I the championship game, was nam- We.k, the reply came from Luugh- distance, for n place in the The hoard is now composed of display. ' .‘d to the all*tournament team and Ihi Fold transjHirtation offices [bracketing and should any of the Paul Porter, above, publicity It. A. Harrell. J. W North. I are will receive a silver basketball tfc it. due to the shortage of tires. invited schools fail to accept, one chairman for the Democratic nation­ Wilson, T. C. Harris and Sliermin I charm Taylor. Retirement of Pleas Chil­ Army equipment was being used 'or both o f these teams will re­ al committee during the recent cam­ The Eldorado Eagles, who had drens from the Imard will neces­ only for essential trips and that War Souvenirs ceive invitations. Time and facili­ paign, has been given an interim trounced Menard and Rocksprings appointment by President Roosevelt, sitate election of a new president no more trucks could be sent for ties will not permit of more than i to progress to the finals, started twelve teams in the meet and the as chairman of the Federal Com­ of the board which probably will Wr.ste paper. On Display at munications commission. laical Scouts had accumulated ; ,,ff strong in Saturday night s ¡»umber will be limited to that fig be done at its next meeting. same three or four tons of paper nip and tuck struggle and were tire, Mr. Denham said. ill recent weeks, and unless some P. T. A. Meeting j leading 10 to 7 at the end of the Teams which have already filed Ice W. Couch, 65, mean* of transporting the accu­ first quarter. The Lions pulled up their acceptances include Rig Ask Regulation mulation can be found, it will have Patriotic Program ,ii the next quarter, however, and .Lake, Mertcon, Sonora, Rani in. Brother of Ozonan, to be burned. Scoutmaster Cooper the half found the locals with a P Fort Stockton, Rocksprings and I- Dies in Tennessee Planned for Session announced abandonment of the | lb-14 lead As the game progress- 'raan. Other teams invited and Stock Hauling to Of Group Monday 1 ed. Sikes' lads began finding the J from whom acceptances are ex- $ ( • Q « Joe W. Couch. 85. n brother of paper gathering project so far as Mike Couch. Ozona grocer, and a the Scouts are concerned until I hoop* with a little more regular­ pected this week include Junction, / a llC ’ A display of souvenirs of this ion ¿ales resident of Ozona for about two sona assurance can be given that ity and soon had built up a lead McCamey, Eldorado and Barnhart. war. including many items which years in I92H and ’29. died at 3 tip material will be moved. 1 of about ten points, which they Confident that all teams will i Commissioners Pass have been gathered and sent home held through most o f the last hair. have accepted by that time, plans j o’clock Wednesday afternoon at by men in service, will be a fea­ his home in Jackson, Tenn.. ac­ Phillips chalked up a total of have been made to hold a drawing Resolution at Request ture of a patriotic program to be 1 19 |mints to lead his teammates cording to a telegram received ; for the bracket next Monday. Com- j Sheriffs* Assn. New High School staged by the Ozona Parent- hcie by his brother. Funeral ar­ I in the victory march. McWilliams | peting teams will then be notified Teachers Association in its regu­ j accounted for 13. Sweeten 6, Slue A resolution asking the Texas rangements had not been made, f of their place in the line-up of o- lar session in the high school l 5 and Womack 2. Page of Eldora­ Legislature to jmiss a law regulat­ but it was presumed that burial Teacher to Begin ^ pening round games on Friday. budding beginning at 4 o’clock do was high for his team with 12 ing the movement of livestock by would be in Jackson. A total of approximately 1.10 Monday at femoon. point* and Finley turned in 11. truck to various public sales and Mr. Couch worked as a butcher ¡visitors, including team members, Duties Next Mon. Mrs. S. M. Harvirk is in charge Davidson, one of the Eagle*[ fast­ requiring the keeping of accurate and clerk in his brother's store ¡managers and coaches and car of the day’s program. The display est players, chalked up 7 rmints. here during the time he lived here j drivers, is expected to be here o- records of such livestock as pass Mrs. Marietta Carroll of souvenirs i* now being assen; The all-tournament team, an­ through the sales rings was pass-1 He was a devoted and lifelong Ivernight Friday, and Ozona resi­ Teach Math and Hold bled, and any person who will nounced at the conclusion of the ed by the Crockett County Com­ member of the Baptist church and dents will be asked to house these lend such souvenirs for the die ■ hampionship finals included Dib- I missioners Court in January sc»- ' w ill le remembered by many of Study Halls l visitors for the night.
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