Committee Secretary Inquiry into the status of the human right to freedom of religion or belief Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade PO Box 6021 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600
[email protected] 7th October 2017 Inquiry into the status of the human right to freedom of religion or belief Executive summary: • The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) is the only community to face persecution that is sponsored by the Constitution and State of Pakistan; • The AMC also faces persecution in Algeria, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia; • Ahmadis face social boycotting, institutionalized discrimination, and severe impingements on their freedom of religion and conscience on a daily basis in the countries mentioned above; • The AMC is concerned about the spread of such extremism to the West. In March 2016, an Ahmadi shopkeeper, Asad Shah, was murdered in broad daylight in Glasgow, while his killer, Tanveer Ahmed, received praise from Muslim Communities in the U.K. • Ahmadis also face persecution in some of Australia’s regional allies, including Indonesia and Malaysia; • The AMC requests the Government to call on the above-mentioned countries to uphold the AMC’s fundamental rights to freedom of religion and conscience, guaranteed under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Pakistan The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the only community that faces state-sponsored persecution. According to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, among religious minorities in Pakistan, Ahmadis face ''the most severe legal restrictions and officially sanctioned discrimination''. In 1974, the then Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto amended the Constitution to declare the AMC to be non-Muslim.