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Boy and Going Solo

Roald Dahl , Quentin Blake

Boy and Going Solo Roald Dahl , Quentin Blake Boy and Going Solo is the whole of Roald Dahl's extraordinary autobiography in one volume. Reissued in the exciting new Roald Dahl branding. Boy is the story of Roald Dahl's very own boyhood, including tales of sweet-shops and chocolate, mean old ladies and a Great Mouse Plot - the inspiration for some of his most marvellous storybooks in the years to come. Going Solo tells of how, when he grew up, Roald Dahl left England for Africa and later went flying with the Royal Air Force, before he became the world's number-one storyteller. You can listen to all of Roald Dahl's stories on Puffin Audiobooks, read by some very famous voices, including Kate Winslet, David Walliams and Steven Fry - plus there are added squelchy soundeffects from Pinewood Studios! Also look out for new Roald Dahl apps in the App store and Google Play- including the disgusting TWIT OR MISS! and HOUSE OF TWITS inspired by the revolting Twits.

Boy and Going Solo Details

Date : Published April 5th 2001 by Puffin (first published 1984) ISBN : 9780141311418 Author : Roald Dahl , Quentin Blake Format : Paperback 400 pages Genre : Nonfiction, Childrens, Biography, Autobiography

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From Reader Review Boy and Going Solo for online ebook

Fatima Alsuwaidi says

This was such a beautiful READ.

Note that: I only read BOY, since I've already read Going Solo but couldn't get my hands on a separate copy of Boy, so I had to get the combined edition which was worth it; It is a gorgeous print and it makes me want to reread Going Solo again.

Boy. Is a memoir of the childhood of the one and only Roald Dahl, its filled with adventures, memories full of health issues, and medical care and awful awful awful school systems.

I learned a lot about cultural backgrounds, families and hard work; Hard work was a true element of the Dahls.

I especially liked his strong bond with his mother, I cherished every written word; I love boys who are good to their moms, I wish he had written more memories about her, she seemed like an awesome person.

If I'm gifting someone a book this year it would be this book, deffintly the combined edition.

Highly recommend it.

Hannah says

Actual Rating: 2.5

The fact that I had to read this book for school was sad. I hate reading books for school because I think the books are always about something you don't really care about. I not a huge fan of Roald Dahl's books, there I said it. I had to read The BFG in fourth grade and I hated it. Although, I thought that some of the stories in the book were interesting or funny, my real rating for this book would be 2.5 because it was ok, but not to the point were I could give it three stars.

Joaquin De Jesus says

A simply charming book that reflects the both the simplicities and complexities that come with living life in the past. It contains come crude humour because of the way life was structured back then but overall is a pleasing book that one can read at any time. Note that for younger readers the "Boy" section of the book is suitable, but the second section contains some unfortunate information because of the time and place of when it is set.

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King Etu Walker says

Do you enjoy autobiographies about amazing people that really changed the way we view the world? People who have influenced so many? Well, introducing Roald Dahl’s autobiography: Boy.

Boy is a hilarious yet heart-warming novel going through all of the incredible events in Dahl’s life. The book essentially is a timeline of Roald Dahl’s life: starting from him as a four-year-old in kindergarten and then expands the story into him as a high-school student.

This book has taught me how strict and harsh the olden days were. I thought this especially when in one chapter; nine-year-old Dahl and his group of friends put a dead rat into the horrible sweet shop owner’s jar of lollies. This resulted in the owner finding out. She was so mad that she took the group to their headmaster where they were whacked with the cane. The sweet shop owner was horrible to them: yelling “Yah!!! Whack ‘em! Whack ‘em until they fall to the ground praying for you to stop!” I learned a lot from that scene.

Overall, this book has also shown me that Roald Dahl’s life was just as funny, crazy, and wonderful as the stories he wrote.

Kristen Coke-sutton says

I love Roald Dahl. I read much of this book aloud to Jackson and he enjoyed it as much as I did. I will give most books that I finish five stars. If I am not loving a book, I move on to the next. Truly though this book is a new favorite.

Timothy Bachheimer says

This story about Roald Dahl when he was a boy and when he started going independently from his parents was a really interesting book to read. The book was detailed and people could understand it easily. It was good that Roald Dahl put some of his pictures and put captions underneath it, so it made readers understand what he was talking about.

Samay Bansal says

This is overall an extremely interesting book. Being an auto-biography I initially thought this book would just be a list of events of Roald Dahl's Life but with a more professional flare. I was right however that being said, Dahl's life is extremely interesting and his previous experiences were amazing to read. His hard work from a young age is a testament to his amazing success in the literary industry. He was able to accommodate humour, suspense, emotion, and interesting writing techniques while still maintaining the integrity of his life story. Do I feel he might have exaggerated some segments? Yes, but only slightly. His travels, time in the Army, deployment on Africa, and schooling have all impacted his life and he has shared that with the world. My favorite section is where Dahl encounters a Black Mamba in Africa and the events that follow. This is a book recommended for all ages and any sex.

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** Note: This is not a difficult read, if you are looking to challenge yourself this may not be the book for you. This is an auto-biography and has no Genre in particular. Its an amazing read and I have read it 5-6 times.

Emma says

I recently re-read Boy and Going Solo. Reading the books as an adult gives them a whole new meaning. I was crying at the end of Going Solo when he speaks about returning from the war to see his Mum - he made it sound so straight forward, especially when you compare what it must have been like for him to what our troops are going through now in the current conflict.

Frances says

An interesting memoir of that part of Dahl's life. It made me appreciate the bravery of people who choose to serve their country in war and the uncertainty they face on a daily basis on the battlefield, and yet they still do their best to serve.

15PinderF says

I really enjoyed it especially the dead mouse part hissi says this is one of those books that makes you want to go out there and live your life to the fullest, the author has truly and utterly lived, young and forever fearless. that's how we all should live. to get the most out of our short lives.i am truly inspired to take greater and bigger risks to make mistakes and don't be afraid to let go, it made me want to make a story out of every day routinely life.

Oonagh says

I chose this book because i wanted to try reading an autobiography of some sort and i have always loved Roald Dahl's stories and so was genuinely interested in his life. It was very light and an easy read which though entertaining failed to grasp my full interest. So while i would still recommend it for first time autobiography readers i wouldnt recommend it for someone looking for an in-depth narrative

Ella says

I read the first half of this book when I was a lot younger and I decided that it was time for me to tackle the harsher side of Roald Dahl's story. I've never been taught much about the Second World War but this was

PDF File: Boy and Going Solo... 5 Read and Download Ebook Boy and Going Solo... truly eye opening. I never knew that the war spread as far and wide as Egypt, Italy, Africa and Lebanon! Reading what that war was like from a view point which was neither German nor English (as he had been away for so long and didn't really know what was going on there) was very educational. Roald Dahl = one amazing human!

Naomi Haney says

One of my favorite collections of stories I have read. The story of Dahl's upbringing, all of them are true and they are so fun, imaginative and full of life. Some are pretty bizarre, so it is best to read them before reading aloud to children. Going Solo is really more for adults. A thoroughly good and fun read.

LydiaMae says

Everyone's life has ups and downs. This had me laughing, crying, and wanting to reread all of Dahl's books again.

Trish says

Ok, so this is my second attempt and the review better not be lost again. Grrr.

So what to say about this great dramatisation? First of all, there are two books that were adapted here: 1) Boy - in which Roald (named after Roald Amundsen, the famous explorer after whom the Amundsen Scott Base in Antarctica is named) describes his childhood, family tragedy, how they moved to England, the tricks he played on other people, the English school system (more about money for the headmaster than education, lots of thrashings) and his time as a tester for a nearby chocolate factory. 2) Going Solo - which is divided into two parts. The first part deals with a now yound adult Dahl who starts working for Shell and is sent to Africa (his dream come true)! There, he encounters colonialism (I know it was accurately described but I cringed every time somebody called one of the natives "Boy!"), a lot of VERY silly British people and basically has a good time. In the second part, war is declared and he becomes an Air Force officer.

It is clear right from the start that life was never actually easy on Roald. His mother was very sweet but other than that, it really is a miracle that he was able to see so many good and funny things in life. It begins with (view spoiler) There are a few incidents that really made me burst from laughter - not because they were actually funny (young Roald almost lost his nose once) but because of the way Roald Dahl told the story.

But it doesn't get much better later. Apart from colonialism, there is of course WWII. Roald Dahl never had ANY training but was suddenly made an officer and got a few flying lessons. That qualified him. (view spoiler) Honestly, I was shocked and appalled when hearing about the immense incompetence of the British military in those days. No wonder the Germans managed to win so many battles! Especially the stories in Greece and, later, Lybia were awful and I kept wondering how this strapping young man managed to keep his spirits up when all around him was nothing but darkness and despair. In the end, (view spoiler) so he returns home to his mother with whom he had an immensely close relationship until her

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For anyone interested, he didn't stay in England long. In 1942 he was sent to Washington DC and even became a spy for the British government.

In 1953 he married the Hollywood actress with whom he had 5 children and was married for 30 years before they got divorced (apparently so he could marry his second wife because that came VERY shortly after). His second marriage apparently remained childless. When aged 7 (ironically when thinking of Roald's sister), his oldest daughter, Olivia, died (of measles). Seven years after getting married, Dahl himself died of pneumonia.

What I didn't know was how much he was involved in charity work regarding neurology, hematology and illiteracy. Moreover, I also didn't know that Gremlins was penned by Dahl (it was his first ever children's book). When he needed money in the 60s, he also wrote a few screenplays such as 2 adaptations of Ian Fleming's James Bond stories or the screenplay for his very own book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the one with Gene Wilder).

There were, of course, darker sides to Dahl too. Such as the alleged anti-semitism. He once wrote: “There’s a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity […] I mean there is always a reason why anti-anything crops up anywhere; even a stinker like Hitler didn’t just pick on them for no reason.” Apparently it is for that reason that the Queen never knighted him (which is stupid considering what other people were knighted despite their imperfect characters and things they said, but whatever).

Anyway, what I learned here is that world views were fundamentally different when Dahl was a child and young adult and that despite the sheer insurmountable odds, he seems to have barely ever been afraid. He did what had to be done and was pracmatic enough to say that feeling terror or dread helped no-one. Nevertheless, he was never cold or indifferent. Quite the contrary. (view spoiler) His courage in WWII despite not actually having known what he was doing at first, coupled with his constant curiosity (he always questioned and scrutinized everything) and his way of seeing something comical in the darkest of moments, made him a special person in my eyes (not to mention his absolutely brilliant books).

Katie Carson says

Another great choice to use as a mentor text for memoir writing, I really enjoy Dahl's autobiographies as opportunities to shed a new light on one of my students' favorite childhood authors. From the summary on the back of the book, "Roald Dahl's autobiography creates a world as bizarre and unnerving as any you will find in his fiction." My students and I both love recognizing Dahl's voice and writing style, so similar to his fiction works, in the true tale of his life. However, it's great to put into perspective the author's war experiences and how they influenced him in his writing. Most of my students found it very hard to believe that such a creative writer was a part of the armed forces.

Heli says

Minun ja monen muun suosikkikirjailija Roald Dahl käy kahdessa muistelmateoksessaan läpi lapsuuttaan ja osallistumistaan toiseen maailmansotaan. Hän oli nimittäin hävittäjälentäjä ja ilmeisen onnekas sellainen, vaikka kertookin uroteoistaan vaatimattomasti. Kenties kirjailijan kiltin ja nöyrän asenteen ansiosta niin miellyttävän yhteisniteen lukaisee yhdessä hävittäjän hujauksessa, vaikka sivuja on yhteensä lähes viisisataa.

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Toisaalta ilmasotaosuus on niin otteessaan pitävää luettavaa, ettei kirjaa edes uskaltaisi laskea käsistään. Ja mihin maailmoihin Dahl lukijan vie! Kun Kreikan-taisteluista lukiessani säpsähdin puhelimen soittoon, luulin sitä ilmahälytykseksi enkä ollut tajuta vastata, koska teki mieli maastoutua. Käärmeenmetsästyskohdassa taasen olin varma, että vihreä mamba luikertelee kimppuuni kirjan välistä.

Dahlin muistelmat ovat pullollaan hämmentävän tarkkoja yksityiskohtia (joo joo, kirjailijan vapaus), omintakeisella tavalla koomisia sattumuksia ja huisin jännittäviä kohtauksia. Kertomuksiin on myös sattunut jonkin verran yhdistäviä tekijöitä: esimerkiksi Dahlin nenä joutuu koville molemmissa kirjoissa. Varsinkin lapsuusosassa esiintyviä ihanan hulluja henkilöitä seuratessa ei ole epäilystäkään, mistä Dahl on ammentanut esikuvia valloittaviin romaaneihinsa. Näitä yhteyksiä ei kuitenkaan lainkaan osoitella, vaan kirjailijan tuotantoon vihkiytynyt lukija saa nauttia oivaltamisen ilosta.

Jos on niin erikoinen elämä kuin Roald Dahlilla, ei voi olla kirjoittamatta siitä. Ja jos osaa kertoa niin uskomattomalla tavalla kuin hän, ei voi muuta kuin ryhtyä kirjailijaksi. (Lipsahti taas ylistävän fanituksen puolelle, mutta minkäpä sille mahtaa, kun tällaisia lukee. Lukekaa toki tekin.)

Maria says

Some parts are hilarious and others are upsetting in this superb autobiography. Roald Dahl's themes in his fiction were obviously inspired by his interesting, varied and sometimes dangerous life.

Alice-Elizabeth (marriedtobooks) says

Book Review for Boy and Going Solo by Roald Dahl.

(My first ever Goodreads book review!)

Charity Shop Purchase

Children and YA non-fiction/autobiography

A poignant true account of real-life events, told by one of the greatest children’s writers of the 20th century for children today and in the future.

Boy and Going Solo in this combined edition reflects on the life and thoughts of the author Roald Dahl. Famous for stories such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach, his life story and moments were to be just as exciting as his own creations.

We start with Boy. A recollection of the birth of Roald in Llandaff, South and his adventures at the cathedral school in Llandaff. Boy I felt was a child-friendly read although for younger readers, I strongly recommend reading Boy with a parent. I first read Boy at the age of nine alone in my room but my parents were on hand to help me with anything I didn’t understand. There are moments in Boy that make you laugh, there are moments that will make you cry and of course, there are moments that will make you say, “What the hell was that?” That’s the beauty of Boy. You experience practical jokes with a mouse on a sweet shop lady for example, the time when a matron decided to use a bar of soap to stop a boy from loud snoring. But, you also witness first-hand the punishments and trials that Roald went through. And that does mean the dreaded cane!

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Boy I felt was accurate and gave a great portrayal into the world of grammar schools and the students that walked through its corridors. I feel that Roald Dahl did a great job with Boy, an autobiography told in a format for children. Again, I would recommend it for children to enjoy and also for book clubs to discuss about the historical times between 1916 and the start of WW2.

Going Solo took a little longer to read. There were moments in it that I felt were heart-wrenching and without wanting to give the whole autobiography events away, it makes you think about life and the times when events happen and you look towards life as a precious gift. Live it to the fullest. Going Solo is giving off that statement for children. Even though I read Going Solo at age nine alone, taking my personal experiences into account, I feel that children should read Going Solo with an adult due to the nature of events that are included.

The main thing that I love about this combined edition is that both stories included are emotional, thought- provoking reads. Even though I preferred Boy to Going Solo, both do give true reflections of real-life events that happened to Roald Dahl.

Overall, Roald had a good strength for fiction but an even greater strength for non-fiction. For those looking for writing involving history, mystery and… a dead mouse… then look no further than Boy/Going Solo.

(marriedtobooks44 reviews. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram for the latest book reviewing updates and book collecting news! marriedtobooks3- Twitter marriedtobooks44- Instagram)

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