Lawrence Block | 286 pages | 01 Mar 2005 | HarperCollins | 9780060731250 | English | United Kingdom Burglar Who Like to Quote Kipling, the PDF Book

LB and his wife Lynne are enthusiastic New Yorkers and relentless world travelers; the two are members of the Travelers Century Club, and have visited around countries. A book-dealer stealing a book? Sign in. Bernie Rhodenbarr 1 - 10 of 12 books. Friend Reviews. Pulling only an occasional, very discreet job, Bernie manages to maintain his comfortable apartment and keep his unorthodox vocation a closely- guarded secret. True, there are some similarities between Bernie R. These "The Burglar Who It's not really any different than either of the other 2 books. I'm a big fan of the Bernie mysteries. They even seek him out in the shop to hire him for a little larceny. Ever since he bought Barnegat Books, Bernie has been having trouble making ends meet. His earliest work, published pseudonymously in the late s, was mostly in the field of midcentury erotica, an apprenticeship he shared with Donald E. Of course, dusty old tomes don't always turn a profit, so to make ends meet, Bernie's forced, on occasion, to indulge in his previous occupation: burglary. More titles may be available to you. Please sign in again so you can continue to borrow titles and access your Loans, Wish list, and Holds pages. Please sign in again so you can continue to borrow titles and access your Loans, Wish list, and Holds pages. This was one of the better books in this series. Evan Tanner ran head-first into a piece of shrapnel in Korea, and now he can't But by night, he gets his kicks gaining illegal entry into the posh residences of the wealthy. Burglar Who Like to Quote Kipling, the Writer

I am merely pointing out that these two characters were beautifully accepting of each other while never making any sort of big deal about the acceptance. The delivery of the ill-gotten volume, however, is a different story. If you're looking for a mystery series with humor and likeable characters, with little violence, this is a good one. Ford has created a private detective who tackles cases armed Oh one other note about Bernie's character: in this book he had to steal a car for a burglary but on his way to put the car back, he filled it with gas and got the oil changed. I'm loving the Bernie books almost as much as the Scudder books. It was nice. How about something new Bernie steals, Bernie finds dead body or not but it's there rest of book Bernie evades cops and murder charge then wala Bernie proves he didn't really kill anybody oh and the cop pockets some cash You know the saying: There's no time like the present Keller possesses all the qualities of a professional killer. It's not meant to be a grand masterpiece and that's fine. Jerry Keller is a regular guy. Adding to library failed. Block employs his gifts for dialogue and humor to excellent effect in every one of the Burglar novels. Besides which, he likes it. Reasons this book was boring: 1. Time to write term papers theses for students with more money than knowledge. Heck, even the murder, a bullet to the head, produces very littl e blood. He is a modest and humble fellow, although you would never guess as much from this biographical note. Hillerman, Tony. Newer Post Older Post Home. It is an enjoyable quick read, filled with light banter and other stuff. The library card you previously added can't be used to complete this action. Recently added by. Review Posted Online: Sept. Somehow it's easy to read without being annoying, in fact sometimes it's even quite charming with a hint of humour that doesn't try too hard to be funny. Burglar Who Like to Quote Kipling, the Reviews

As is typical Bernie burgles himself into a corner and has to use every ounce of his resourcefulness to keep himself from a long prison stay. Stream or download thousands of included titles. Lawrence Block - Author. Trying to go legit, Bernie has taken over a secondhand bookstore in Greenwich Village, but he still can't resist stealing things when the rewards are right. Here, Bernie for the first time operates a bookshop, an antiquarian bookshop, which means valuable used or old books, which are things that people physically bought in stores before the advent of E- books. He is still stealing things and everyone seems to know it. I wish someone could write a story that would allow them to meet , but I do not think that the setting fits Mr. Published March 1st by HarperTorch first published The OverDrive Read format of this ebook has professional narration that plays while you read in your browser. It's the well explored theme of each story that separates the books, for example the work of Kipling is explored here in a very interesting way. Become a LibraryThing Author. Kindle Book Release date: October 13, The only one of its kind. Has he reformed or is it just a cover? Drugged by the client's female go-between, Bernie wakes up in her apartment to find the book gone, the lady dead, a smoking gun in his hand, and the cops at the door. View all 4 comments. About Lawrence Block. Kewlest New Word The writing is fast and humorous about a New York bookseller who also happens to be a burglar, his best friend, a self proclaimed lesbian who runs a dog grooming shop a few doors from his book shop is cleaver and well written. The case is closed, as far as the NYPD is concerned. This time around Bernie is unwittingly involved in a fraudulent rare book scheme. The characters are wonderfully realized by Mr Block in one the best books in a great series. Evan Tanner ran head-first into a piece of shrapnel in Korea, and now he can't sleep. The first book published under his own name was Mona ; it was reissued several times over the years, once as Sweet Slow Death. Sign in to see the full collection. He's a bit of a modern day Robin Hood, takes from the rich and maybe gives some back to the not so rich. Reader Writer Industry Professional. But old habits die hard, and when the economic downturn knocked out the construction business, a phone call from Dot draws him back into the old game. I'm a big fan of the Bernie mysteries. Romance for men. It is an enjoyable quick read, filled with light banter and other stuff. Have a card? Bernie is approached to burgle an item of value and somehow, in the course of burgling or fencing the item, a dead body appears and the police and the media think that Bernie is the killer, although he has never turned to violence before. It does grow old in the series that, by continuously recycling out any regular characters, there is no need for Bernie to have a continued, developing or layered relationship. For more help see the Common Knowledge help page. It is somewhat more convoluted than some of the others.

Burglar Who Like to Quote Kipling, the Read Online

The characters are wonderfully realized by Mr Block in one the best books in a great series. Review Posted Online: Sept. The plot got so convoluted that even the suspects were expressing confusion -- Block's puckish nod that his own story had gotten away from him? You could wait in the car. View 2 comments. Pub Date: Oct. Lists with This Book. Billingsgate n. The Burglar in the Library. Edgar Award-winner Lawrence Block invites you into the criminally funny world of the most notorious star of : Bernie Rhodenbarr, bookseller by day and burglar by night. I'm not going to rate this because I didn't finish it. I wish someone could write a story that would allow them to meet , but I do not think that the setting fits Mr. Now a collector is offering Bernie an opportunity to combine his twin passions by stealing a very rare and very bad book-length poem from a rich man's library. The delivery of the ill-gotten volume, however, is a different story. Pay using card ending in. This is my first mystery review for Goodreads, and I am glad I chose this book. Get A Copy. As if that were not enough, he was also presented with the key to the city of Muncie, Indiana. Stealing on behalf of a policeman is a sure recipe for disaster. This is the third book in the series and can be read out of sequence without any major difficulty. This is the second in series I have read. Sort by:. CD Audiobook 0 editions. A big Kipling fan persuades Bernie to steal a precious and rare book by Rudyard Kipling. Lawrence Block's talent for creating colorful characters, sophisticated dialog, and engaging atmosphere has earned him many awards: the title of Grand Master, three , four Shamus Awards, and a Award. Here, Bernie for the first time operates a bookshop, an antiquarian bookshop, which means valuable used or old books, which are things that people physically bought in stores before the advent of E-books. Daftboy1 Sep 25, Bernie owns a bookstore and has seemingly given up the life of crime. Community Reviews. By: Lawrence Block. Recently added by Colonino , ktkeith , mawete , ponnypoppy , Balkan , reader , private library, libraryganesh , Judson-Library. Jason Please add your card again, or add a different card.

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