Ohuck Roast TEMPU's
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1 . THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1971 Average Daily Net Piess Run The Weather PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT For The Weric Ended Cleartng, cooler tonight etter lianfli^Btrr lEnmtns l$«raUi poeelMe thunder ehowere ttto M ay 29, 1971 evening; tow in 60e. Tomor row sunny; Wgh near 70.. Sun ” Hie Mountain Laurel Chap Glbboiis Assembly, Catholic Shriners Meet day fair, cooL About Toivn ter of Sweet Adelines will re Ladles of Columbus, will hotior 1 5 ,55 0 hearse tonight at 8 at the Rus^ its past presidents at a recep At New London Manchester— A City o f Village Charm WlvM and friends have been Sian American National Cen tion Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. Invited to the Friendship Lodge ter, 318 W ethersfield A v e., at the home of Mis. H. John For Ceremonial (OtoeeUled Adveritotng on Ptage 31) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS of Maaona tribute to Grand Hartford. The rehearsal is open Malone, 84 Prospect S t, a form VOL. LXXXX, NO. 208 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1971 Maater Merle P. Tapley tonight to all women Interested in Join er president of the assembly. Saturday will be Shriners Day at the Maaonio Temple. There ing this four-part harmony Mrs. Malone and Mrs. Geno at New London, ' .when Sidtinx la a dinner at 6:80, a abort chorus. Andrelnl are co-chairmen of the Temple plays host to visiting lodge meeting at 7:80, and then event which Is cgien to all mem Shriners from Pyramid Temple a program of entertainment bers of the Assembly. They wlU in Bridgeport and Palestine featuring a talk by Paat Grand T em ple Chapter, OBIS, w ill Arson Device Meskill Says be assisted by Mrii. John Tler^ Temple of Rhode Island at its Senate Rejects Maater Irving B. Partridge of sponsor its second annual Star Night Dance June 13 at Te Old ney, Mra. Urbane House and annual Spring Oeremonlttl. Wethersfield, and a half hour Mrs. Slrmano Garaventa. program by the Bilk City Cho Meeting wen in South Windsor. Sphinx Temple is dedicating F o u n d I n Fiscal T alk s rus. Reversations may be made by its spring class to the memory contacting Mrs. Charles R. The American Associatloh of of Past Potentate Jean E. Shep. End-of-Draft Bid Smith, 87 Alexander St. Medical Assistants will have an a rd o f South IKTndaor, w ho died Sunset Rebekah Lodge will New Britain Fruitless Installation of officers at its din last winter. WASfflNGTON (AP) — The Senate voted down meet Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd Fill! Gospel Christian Fellow ner meeting June 17 at the There will be a street parade NEW BRITAIN (AP)^An in By DON MEIKLE Friday a proposal by ^n . Mark 0. Hatfield, R-Ore., Fellowa HaU. Mra. n «a McCor Carleton Room, Hotel Sonesta, through New London, and the ship, Interdenominatlanal, will cendiary device made from rood Associated Press Writer to stop all draft calls on July 1. m ick at IDaat H artford, d istrict Hartford. Social hour at 7 din ritual and Inltlatlan activities deputy president of District. 18, have a Bible study and open flares was found In a stairwell HARTFORD (AP) — The long The vote was 67 to 23. -------------------- ^ ner at 8 p.m. will take place at Ocean Beach wlU make her official visit. Re dlscusUon tonight at 7:80 at series oC fiscal negottatlons be f\ It then headed toward a mid- idenlt right down” on wHfadraw- P ark. at St. Thomas Aquinas- High Orange Hall. tween Gov. Thomas MeskiU and aftemoon vote on the proposal al by Dec. 81 but the language freshments will be served. UMts from pm ar Shrine Club School here PYlday mqmlng. The executive committee of Church Leader legisiative leaders broke ott F ri by Sen. Richard S. Schwelker, leaves the way open for him to at Manchester wlU participate, me Ladies Guild of the Church Classes had been called eff day without on ogreemtnt be R-Pa., to limit draft extension maintain miUtary action in In and will have hocqpltallty room of the Assumption will meet to Mra. Ybrk Strangfeld -of U8 for the day about half an hour ing teactaed. MesklU said he to one year. - dochina after that date in the quarters at the Holiday Inn on night at 8 in the school library. Greenwood Dr. was installed as before, when a youthful caller . planned to call a q>ecial legls- The House has already ap- name of protecting troops dur- 1-96 at Rt. 1. The Omar Color president (rf the Ebnanuel trid the school and Its nearby laUve sessiaa to begin next Fri proved the administration’s re- |ng withdrawal. Guard will be in front of the P U U DEPT. STORE The chapel choir of Bmanuel Lutheran Church Women 'Dies- convent that thrae bombs had day. Republican sources reported Omar Marching Unit, whose (W e A KtMkm. T s • se) . Lutheran Church will rehearse day night at its atmual meeting been planted, set to go off In “I am sorry to have to report Hatfield contended that th e ___ J members will be Identified by DDUB 1TBB. (Neat to 1 aSar I I tonight at 7:30 In Luther Hall. in Luther Hall of the church. an hour and 20 minutes. that we were unable to reach Nixon administration’s goal of menjnirn are m w WB>., nom k, ■ ^ t Hall of the churph. their red Omar shirts. They will US. ^ou't Choice Center Cut ITie c€dls came in at 8:20. agreement,” said the RepubU- an aU-volunteer mlUtary force She succeeds Mra. Ernest Ben by mld-1973 could be ^eded up back any be followed by the Omar Jeeps Shortly after 9, the princlpcd, can governor at a news confer son. transporting older Nobles. the Rev, Thomas P. Quinn, spot two years because of decreased cute** befw a vote on their deck style sneakers The Rev. C. Henry Anderson ence. "Everyone tried very 1 F la n k A tw ood o f 100 W estland Members will meet at the ted the device under a metal manpower needs and by switch- am en^ent. bojrs’ • • missed - mens’ St., was elected vice president officiated at the Installation. hard to reach a package that Holiday Inn at noon, or at the stairway and police removed it. ing non-essential Jobe such as McGovem-HatfleW lost last of the Connecticut Horticultural Other crfficera who were install would be acceptable to both best fitting-sptmge.lmiersoles parade assembly area at Broad No others were found, and there KP and grass cutting from sol- year 66 to 3», and backers claim ' Society at its annual meeting. ed were Mra. Charles Basso, sid es.” and Williams Sts. at 1. The was no explosion. dlers to hired civUlans. It has at least 40 votes this year I He Is the former farm program vice president: Mra. Donald . “Everything depends on a parade Is at 1:30. TTie d ev ice consisted o f three Debate was marked by re- —weU above the 84 needed to •2.P7-*3.29 ■ director' of 'WTIC and writes a Toney, secretary; Mra. Robert compleite agreement,” . MesklU After the parade, the Shrine road flares, four searchlight bat cesses and limited attendance block any debate cutoff. A two- > garden column each BYlday for Peterson and Mrs. David Hawk Ohuck Roast said. by senators. thirds vote is required to choke teries, bare copper -wire, a small bands Will play a massed c«i- ChtAct ch u ik cut from tht Although the governor and the The Herald. ins, education co-chairmen; Mra. box of matches and a stopwatch Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton, D- off a fiUbuster. cert on the boardwalk at Ocean finest beef that money can ill Democratic leaders had already 'Victor Johnson and Mra. Charles that had been stolen from the Mo., deUvered a lengthy appeal Senate leaders had planned to Beach and motor units will per agreed on every major element Sgt. Harvey W. Duplin, son Reed, service co-chairmen. Miss buy. Do pian on sertmg a physlcca education department, to Senate war critics in briialf move for a debate cutoff after form at 8:80. Evening events in of the fiscal i>ackage except of Mr. and Mra. Harvey J. Dup Harriet Casperson is serving her fine pot roast this weekend schori officials ‘said. It was of a two-year draft extension, the vote on the Schweiker SHADE TREE SPRAYING clude performances by the drum taxes — and were r^xwtedly lin of 20 Hemlock St. is on duty second term as treasurer. — make sure this outstand wrapped together with black contending “ending the draft amendment. corps and patrol. lb nearing agreement on a state Ftoee ysnr ardor NOW to have your shade trees with the 48rd Strategic Wing at Mra. Blmest Ley was in charge ing value is on your shop- tape. wiU not end ^ s war, and It vrill ^ ^ Omar President Robert Mhr- Income tax—both sides are now 6sr chewtog iaaeeto. Kvergreeas and Oraamesrtris ahoald Anderson AFS, Guam. His wife, of devotions. Police said there -was no in not prevent future wars. All it Gravel, dock will lead the Manchester •phtg list. faUlng back to their original po ahw he sprayed to guard agatoat Inseeto aad disease . Linda, is the daughter of Mr. dication yet whether the inci Shriners. Captain of the c<dor sitions. WlU d o to ^ SSuaska, who is threatening a and Mra. Arnold Clarice of Bol dent was connected with four wars the business of POO*- flubuster against the dfaft, “is For Complete Tree Care Call guard is EMrl Petersen and For the governor, this means ton.