LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version)

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LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) EJptIa SerleI, Vol. XIV No.IZ Moada" Mareb 10, 1'86 Pbalpaa 19. 1907 (SUa) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fiftb Session (Eightb Lok Sabia) (Yol. XIV contairu NOl. 11 10 10) LOX: SABRA SBCIlBTAllIA'r NEW DBLIII P,lce: h. 4.00 (OR.IGINAL BNOLISH PR.OCBBDIMOS INCLUDBD IN BNOLIIH VB1lIION A.ND ORIGINAL HINDI PROCEEDINGS INCLUDBD 1M HINDt VBlSlON WILL 88 TRBATBD AS AUTHORtTATlVI A.MD MOT THB TaAMll.ATlON THBRIOP.) CONTENTS No. 12. Me.tly, Morcla 10, J9'6/PhDJ,llu 1', 1907 (SA.KA) COLUMNS 0.1 Answen to Questions- ·Starred Questions Nos. 2.04, 20S and 210 to 214 ••• 1-29 Written Answers to Questions- Starred Queltions Nos. 206, to 208 al\d 21 S to 223 29-47 Vnlture<! Question Nos. 1966 to 204'. 2047, to 20&4, 2066 to 2101 and 2J09 to 2112 48-330 Papers laid on the Table ... 334-337 Suppplementary Demands for Grants <Oencral), 1'85.86 ... 338 Demands for SKeess Grants <0 en era I), 1983-84 ... 338 Statement Re. Failure of Constitutional Machinery in Jammu and Kashmir '" 338-339 Matterl Under R.ule 371 339-343 (i) Demand for measures for upliftmcnt of the Adlvasis in Pali di,trict of Rajasthan Shri Mool Cband Daga ... 239-340 Oi) Demand for a Ra. 100 crore arant to Mabarasbtra OOVtfnment. for carrying out housina/.lum clearance . • chemes in Bombay 8hri Sharad Dighe 340 (iii) Demand for settina up a Watch Allembly Unit by HMT in Ladakh resion Shri P. NaIQYaJ 340-341 (Iv) DemlDd for early clearance and construction of the SW AN channelisa tioo and the Shivalit Project iD Himachal Pradesh Prof. Nuain Chand Paralhar ••• 341 -The Sip +marted above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually laked on the Boor of tho Hou~ by that Member. COLUMNS (v) Delnand for measures to provide the villages of Purnca district in Bihar with adequate drinking water facility Shrimati Madhuree Singh 341-342 (vi) Demand for survey of vi11agcs' in Faizabad and . , Barabanki districts of U. P. to prepare schemes for , , providing drinking wate~ there Shri Nirmal Khattri (vii) Need for providing the residents of SecLlndarabad Cantt. area with the bsiie civic amenities. ','I Dr. G. Vijaya Rama Rao ... 342- 343 (viii) Demand for stopping the system of obtaining visas by Indians in U.K., USA Canada, Malaysia and Singapore desirous of visiting India Shri Balwant Singh Ramoowalia General Budget, 1986·87-General Discussion eontd. Shri Shyam LuI Yadav 343-350 Shri Brahma Dutt 3'0~3S' Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee 35S-362 Shri Umakant Mishra 362-367 Dr. Prabhat KUD1ar Mishre 367-373 Shri Ranjit Singh Gaekwad 373-377 Shri Amal Datta Shrimati Hasavarajeswari 389-393 ~~ ,. .. Shri H. M. Patel 393-402 Shri Dharam 'pal 'Singh Malik ..• . Shri Y. S. Mahajan 406-411 Shri K. N Pradhan 411-416 , .. Shri Ram Pujan Patel ·416-421 Shri H. A. Dora 421-424 Shri Anoopchand Shah 424,-427 '" (ii) COLUMNS Shrimati Madburee Sinab 428-431 Sbri Lal Vijay Pratap SinJh ... 431-433 Shri M. R. Saikia 433-436 Prof. K. V. Thoma. 436-440 Shri Anadj Cb aran Dal 4«)-442 Shri Somna tb Ratb 443-441 Shri pjyus Tiraky 441-450 Shri Narcsh Chandra Cha turvcdi 450-454 Shri Rf Jeevaratbinam 454-455 Businc .. Advisory C'.mmittee- 4" Twenty first Report lle : Half-an-Hour Discussion- 455 Discussion Re : Situation arisinl out of droulbt IIIld otilcr aatural calamities in various parts of tbe COUDtry 45'-482 Shri YOlcndra Makwana (iill LOK SABRA DEBATES 1 2 LOK SABHA science and technology inputs available within the country. The Technology Monday March 10, 1986 Mission would aim at the identification of Phalguna 19, 1 907 (Sakal the different problem areas and developing .'.' , ~'~ appropriate low cost technology to overcome The Lok Sabha met at these problems through application in the Eleven (If the Clock. field. The broad thrust of the technology d::velopment would be low cost ,water treatment for fluorides, salinity and brackish- [MR. SPEAKER in the GhairJ ness, iron and bacteriological contamina. tion, improving the ground water condition through proper recharging as well as ORAL ANSWERS 10 QUESTIONS retention of run off, and developing tradi. tional water retention and collection struc­ [English] tures and making these sources safe fOT Technology Mission for Drinking drinking water by suitabte treatment. Water SHRI P. R. KUMARAMANGALAM: + Mr . Speaker, Sir, earlier in the year 1983, *204. SHRI P. R. KUMARAMANGA­ to an Unstarred Question No. 64, July LAM: 1983 that was raised, it was said that SHRI YASHWANTRAO drinking water supply was a State subject GADAKH PATIL : and that in the Sixth Plan period, efforts would be made to cover all problem villages Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE in the country, i. e. on source of drinking be pleased to state: water. Even in the Budget Speech of the Finance Minister as well as in the Book (a) whether Government have decided issued by the Agriculture Minister entitled to launch a technology mission to provide "New Strategies for fighting poverty through safe drinking water to all villages by appli­ agricultural and rural development in cation of science and technology inputs; India", it is admitted that out 4.31 Jakh and identified problem villages, only 1.92 lakh problem, villages were covered. (b) if so, the details thereof 7 Now~ would this Technology Mission for Drinking water aid in any way in THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE ensuring, at least in the 7th Plan period (S. BUTA SINGH): (a) and (b). A state- potable drinking water supply to all villages ment is given below. irrespective of whether problem village or not '1 Or, is the Mission only going to be Statement another method of using th,e term techno­ logy to divert the reat intentions '1 A Technology Mission on "Drinking water in villages and Water Manage ment" has been launched recently with an aim at S BUTA SINGH: Sir, the Techno- finding low cost but equally effective alterna. logy Mission' will aid in many ways in the tive solutions to capHal intensive rural 7th Plan in making the drinking water drinki '8 water schemes by utilising the available. By the end of 7th Plan it is ~ Oral Answers MAR.CH 10. 1986 Oral Answers 4 proposed that every v;llase would have one from ftorine content, for some of which source of potable water and the whole previously there was some assistance from population of the village would be cO'fered. Netherlands IJut man~ of such schemes wbich were initiated. were not completed SHRI UTT AM RATHOD: What and the people in those villages are suffer­ about hamlets? ing a lot and the cattle population is also the worst victim. S. BUTA SINGH: Yes. Sir. I ask the hon. Minister whether the MR. SPEAKER: Does it include Government is transferring this new Speaker's also, Sir '1 Technology Mission on "Drinking Water in vilhlges.,.and Water Management" to tbe s. BUTA SINGH: We can launch it States to'>l take up this New Technology from Sikar in Rajasthan. method whereby speedily, within the shortest time, the problem villages can be assured of safe drinking water. MR. SPEAKER: Thank You. That is a special treat. Professor, win you S. BUT A SINGH: Basically, the approve of it '1 It is about my const.i­ Programme is primarily in the States' tuency. jurisdiction. Weare only helping to the extent that wherever the States find it SHRI SO~NATH CHATTERJEE : difficult to find that kind it of technology We concede that subject to our hamlets which could be cheap and effective, we being covered. ba ve involved all the major Institutes SHRI P. R. KUMARAMANGALAM: of the country, 7 or 8 of them, including My Second supplementary is this. The new the Defence Research Laboratories which Technology Mission is supposed to replace bave been placed at the disposal of the even hand pumps but even the hand pumps Mission. The M iS3ion will be beaded by are not available. What form of technology a very Senior Officer, Secretary, Rural are you thinking in the form of supply of Development and all the Organisations drinking water '1 which ha ve something to do with the availability of water research and attending to various water borne diseases will be S. BUTA SINGH: Mr. Speaker, the associated, and we propose to have a zonal objective of the new Technology Mission is; system in which all the States will be invol­ firstly to utilise the low cost technology for ved. We will place some funds at their supplying drinking water to the rural areas. disposal. Primarily the States will be Wherever it is not possible to find water in implementing the Scheme and our first the local area and there is a compulsion priority will be to those villages which that we have to have piped water, we.shall have spilled over from the Sixth Plan be­ have it. Wherever it is possible, preference cause first priority is to the villages which will be given to hand pumps because it is have no source of drinking water and then not only low cost, but easy to maintain after having completed it, we propose to and also, it is available for the whole village. take up towards the end of Sev.:nth Plan to Otherwise, the tapped water is earmarked see that no village in the country remains water supply which Somet~es becomes diffi­ without drinking water supply at least with cult for some sections of the societ)' in the one source. village. The hand pump will continue to have top priority but wherever the water­ [Translation] table has gone so much deep that we will have to go in for alternative, we will do it.
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