RESEARCH ARTICLE Characterization of ecto- and endoparasite communities of wild Mediterranean teleosts by a metabarcoding approach 1 1 1 Mathilde ScheiflerID *, Magdalena Ruiz-RodrõÂguez , Sophie Sanchez-Brosseau , 1 2 3 4 Elodie Magnanou , Marcelino T. SuzukiID , Nyree West , SeÂbastien Duperron , Yves Desdevises1 1 Sorbonne UniversiteÂ, CNRS, Biologie InteÂgrative des Organismes Marins, BIOM, Observatoire OceÂanologique, Banyuls/Mer, France, 2 Sorbonne UniversiteÂ, CNRS, Laboratoire de Biodiversite et Biotechnologies Microbiennes, LBBM Observatoire OceÂanologique, Banyuls/Mer, France, 3 Sorbonne a1111111111 UniversiteÂ, CNRS, Observatoire OceÂanologique de Banyuls, Banyuls/Mer, France, 4 CNRS, MuseÂum a1111111111 National d'Histoire Naturelle, MoleÂcules de Communication et Adaptation des Micro-organismes, UMR7245 a1111111111 MCAM, MuseÂum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France a1111111111 a1111111111 *
[email protected] Abstract OPEN ACCESS Next-generation sequencing methods are increasingly used to identify eukaryotic, unicellu- Citation: Scheifler M, Ruiz-RodrõÂguez M, Sanchez- lar and multicellular symbiont communities within hosts. In this study, we analyzed the non- Brosseau S, Magnanou E, Suzuki MT, West N, et specific reads obtained during a metabarcoding survey of the bacterial communities associ- al. (2019) Characterization of ecto- and ated to three different tissues collected from 13 wild Mediterranean teleost fish species. In endoparasite communities of wild Mediterranean teleosts by a metabarcoding approach. PLoS ONE total, 30 eukaryotic genera were identified as putative parasites of teleosts, associated to 14(9): e0221475. skin mucus, gills mucus and intestine: 2 ascomycetes, 4 arthropods, 2 cnidarians, 7 nema- pone.0221475 todes, 10 platyhelminthes, 4 apicomplexans, 1 ciliate as well as one order in dinoflagellates Editor: Anne Mireille Regine Duplouy, Lund (Syndiniales).