UWE student projects in St Pauls and Ashley area 2020 Community led There are ongoing discussions for a proposal to form a community led Community parks: St Pauls, Interest Company (CIC) to take over and develop the parks/public green spaces in BSWN is a BME led infrastructure organisation that has Montpelier and St Pauls, Montpelier and St Werburghs from Bristol City Council. The outline brief worked extensively with BME communities and BME led St Werburghs is to investigate the green spaces and the local communities around these and put delivery organisations across the South West. BSWN forward proposals for community led inclusive parks that would support their engages with BAME people across Bristol’s communities viability going forwards with the aim of working with and for those marginalised in society due to their race or ethnicity; a discrimination that is often exacerbated by their socio-economic background and other factors of inequality such as gender, sexuality, faith, and disability. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/property/five-most-family-friendly-places-1256021 Lead client Black South west Network (BSWB https://www.blacksouthwestnetwork.org/ Main contact Sibusiso Tshabalala Research Fellow BSWN Cognitive Paths
[email protected] St Pauls Working with the local community, students are tasked with developing a brief and Museum: proposals for an aspirational, creative museum. A provisional site has been Black South West Network (BSWN)/Cognitive Paths Decolonising the selected but students need to think about key principles of the museum that might About Black South West Network (BSWN) museum work in another setting within St Pauls.