BIX AND ASSENDON PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 7TH NOVEMBER 2016 Bix and Assendon Parish Council Clerk - Mrs. Jane Pryce, 56 Galsworthy Drive, Caversham Park Village, Reading, Berkshire RG4 6PP Tel: 01189 475915 Email:
[email protected] The minutes of Bix and Assendon Parish Council meeting held on 7th November 2016 Present: Ms. L. Thiesen (LT), Mr. R. Aitken (RA), Mr. W. Murdoch (WM), Mr. M. Beesley (MB) and Mrs. I. Chantry (IC) Also present: Cllr. D. Bartholomew (DB) and Dr. Jim McWhirter for part of the meeting. Mrs. J. Pryce (JOP - Clerk) and 10 members of the public. JOP handed out the maps, requested at the last meeting, showing official path numbers. 076/16 Apologies for absence Cllr. David Nimmo-Smith emailed his apologies for non-attendance. Charles Bailey did not attend. 077/16 Members declarations of personal and prejudicial interests None 078/16 Confirmation of the minutes of 4th September 2016 The minutes contained some errors in the minute reference numbers which were corrected and then were declared true and accurate and signed by LT. 079/16 Report from Cllr. David Bartholomew (Oxfordshire County Council) UNITARY DEBATE OCC is continuing to develop a model for a single unitary council with some decision making devolved to different parts of the county based on the current boundaries of the five District and City councils. There is no agreement with District Councils about this and there needs to be a lot of detailed negotiation in the weeks and months ahead. PUBLIC HEALTH ANNUAL REPORT The Annual Report by OCC's Director of Public Health has been published and it summarises key issues associated with the Public Health in Oxfordshire.