Faculty Image Dr.Poonam Rani Assistant Professor-II ,Headof the Department Department of Visual and Performing art Institute of Humanities Contact Details: Mobile: 8057276769 Email:
[email protected] Experience: 15+ Years Teaching/Research Qualifications: PhD (Drawing &Painting ) 2012 , “Mugalchitrakala main etihasikghatnaonkachitran – ekvishleshnatmakadhyan” Dr. B. R. Ambedakar University, Agra M.A (Drawing &Painting ) 2000, T.R. Girls College, Aligarh Other Academic Achievements: UGC NET, June 2015 Research Proposal/Project: Awarded by Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR), June, 2017 Teaching Interest: History of Indian & Western art Indian contemporary art Techniques of caves and temples mural paintings Research Interest: Manuscript culture of Indian art 1. Publication in Journals and conference proceedings: Poonam Rani - EtihasikPandulipichitaran main Mughal Shelykakramikvikas Remarking An Analisation, 3, 257-262, 2018, ISSN: 2394-0344. Poonam Rani, SapanaAgrawal – Madhaykaal main pothi-chitrankataknikiadhayan, National Research Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 6, 113-119, 2018, ISSN:2321-8282. Poonam Rani - AdhunikBhartiyakala main nareeswroopkachitran, in edited book ‘Sangitika’, Manish Prakashan, BHU-Varanasi, 25-27, 2016, ISBN: 978-93-85789-15-1. PoonamRani-BadamiGufhaein-Chalukyashashakonkikalatmatakabhiruchikaparichay, Aesthetical Values of Humanity through Art, 10-12, 2014, ISBN:978-81-8376-453-7. Poonam Rani - Akabar Kaleen chitritgranthevamvishay–samagree, Expression International Journal of Fine Art & Interdisciplinary,1,326-330, 2014, ISSN:2347-6761. Poonam Rani - Rajasthanishaily, sahitya,sangeet or kalakitriveni, Biannual National Research Journal, 2,168-171, 2015, ISSN:2321-8282. Poonam Rani - KhajurahokeMandir - kala or Sanskrtikeadbhutsangam, National Research Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 1, 126-132, 2013, ISSN:2321-8282. Poonam Rani - Chitrakalakemadhyam se rag ragniyonkidrishtavyaabhivyakti, Proceedings of National conference, Music therapy part-2, 320-321, 2011, ISBN:978- 39-81022-17-7.