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Index to Volume 119 Compiled by Leslie Cody

Abies amabilis, 160 Alaska Beaufort Sea Lagoons, 1999-2002, Long-tailed Duck, balsamea, 129,255,381,457,570 Clangula hyemalis, Eider, Somateria spp., and Scoter, lasiocarpa, 186 Melanitta spp., Distributions in Central, 181 Acanthomyops subglaber,39 Alberta Alfalfa Fields, Body Weights of Adult and Juvenile Accipiter cooperii, 379 Northern Pocket Gophers, Thomomys talpoides,in striatus, 377 Central, 551 Acer negundo, 220,438 Alberta’s Tardigrade Fauna, Water-bears from the Rocky Acer pensylvanicum, 129 Mountains: A First Look at, 586 Acer rubrum, 17,240,386 Alberta, Travel Rates of Wolves, Canis lupus, in Relation to Acer saccharinum, 129 Ungulate Kill Sites in Westcentral, 573 Acer saccharum, 38,129,332,378,386,457 Alces alces, 43,50,136,168,186,194,197,323,330,381,574 Acer spicatum, 457 Alces alces, and Beaver, Castor canadensis, in Algonquin ohlerti, 269 Park, Ontario, 1860-2004, Reconstructing Changes tabulata, 269 in Abundance of White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus vir- tepidariorum, 269 ginianus, Moose, 330 Achigan à grande bouche, 363 Alces alces, in Central Interior British Columbia, Winter à petite bouche, 363 Habitat Use by Moose, 186 Achillea millefolium, 248 Alder, 96,591 millefolium f. rosea, 438 Speckled, 65 ptarmica, 438 Alewife, 18 Acjaearamea tabulata, 272 Alfalfa, 175,551 Aconitum sp., 438 Alfalfa Fields, Body Weights of Adult and Juvenile North- Actaea rubra f. neglecta, 438 ern Pocket Gophers, Thomomys talpoides, in Central Actitis macularia, 69,379 Alberta, 551 Aculepeira carbonarioides, 256 Alfalfa Fields Inhabited by Northern Pocket Gophers, Tho- Adkins-Giese, C.L., and F.J. Cuthbert. Woodpecker Nest Tree momys talpoides, Long-tailed Weasel, Mustela fre- Characteristics in Upper Midwestern Oak Forests, 367 nata, Movements and Diggings in, 175 Aegithalus caudata, 120 Alga, Marine Green, 82 Aegolius acadicus, 367,578 Alga Percursaria percursa from Hypersaline Springs in the funereus, 367,578 Middle of the North American Continent, Identifica- Aegolius acadicus, Caching Behavior by Wintering Northern tion of a Marine Green, 82 Saw-Whet , 578 Alisma plantago-aquatica var. americanum, 279 Aesculus hippocastanum, 344 triviale, 277 Agelaius phoeniceus,69 Allan, M., 453 Agelenopsis,95 Allomengea dentisetis, 259 utahana, 256 Alnus spp., 96,386,591 Agroeca ornata, 266 incana, 389 Agropyron sericeum, 279 incana americana, 96 smithii, 220 incana ssp. rugosa, 65,129,388 trachycaulum, 78, 279 rugosa,96 humilis, 417 Alopecosa aculeata, 266 scabra, 394 Alopecurus arundinaceus, 438 thurberiana, 420 geniculatus, 418 Agyneta sp., 259 occidentalis, 438 allosubtilis, 259 pratensis, 418 amersaxatilis, 259 Alopex lagopus, 120,323 dynica, 259 Alosa pseudoharengus,21 fabra, 259 aulica, 271 jacksoni, 259 Amaranthus spp., 548 olivacea, 259 Amaurobius borealis, 256 simplex, 259 Ambloplites rupestris,21 Aix sponsa, 69,379,548 Ambylpone pallipes,39 Alaska, Attempted Predation of a Child by a Gray Wolf, Canis Ambystoma gracile, 292 lupus, near Icy Bay, 197 macrodactylum, 291

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Ambystoma macrodactylum, in the Oregon Cascade Range, artocrea, 410 Apparent Predation by Gray Jays, Perisoreus canaden- artocrea ssp. pseudocatinus, 410 sis, on Long-toed Salamanders, 291 bathystoma, 410 Ameiurus nebulosus, 21,295,360 crenata, 410 Amelanchier alnifolia,78 formosa, 403 laevis, 240 leidyana, 410 lucida, 239 megastoma, 410 Amia calva,21 rota, 410 Ammodramus leconteii,69 Arcella formosa n. sp.: Two New of Testate Rhizo- Ammodytes americanus, 216 pods (Arcellinida, Protozoa) from Remnant Wetlands Ammophila harti,9 in Ontario, Canada, Cyclopyxis acmodonta n. sp. and, Amsinckia menziesii, 438 403 Anas acuta, 69,548 Archilochus colubris, 70,379 americana,69 Arctosa alpigena, 266 clypeata, 69,548 emertoni, 267 crecca, 69,548 insignita, 267 discors, 69,379,548 lama, 267 platyrhynchos, 69,379,541,546 quinaria, 267 rubripes,69 raptor, 267 strepera, 548 rubicunda, 267 Anas platyrhynchos, Use of Radio-Telemetry to Test for Inves- virgo, 267 tigator Effects on Nesting Mallards, 541 Arctostaphylos spp., 210 Anax junius, 234 alpina, 277 Andersen, D.E., 208 uva-ursi, 240 Andrena spp., 53,249 Ardea herodias, 69,379 Andrenid, 53 Argenna obesa, 258 Andromeda polifolia, 210 Argyneta cauta, 259 Anemone parviflora, 276 decora, 259 richardsonii, 276 Arnica alpina ssp. attenuata, 289 Anemone, Plumose, 355 angustifolia ssp. attenuata, 277 Angelica lucida, 417 chamissonis, 277 Angelica, Seacoast, 433 diversifolia, 417 Anguilla rostrata, 294,351 latifolia, 417 Species (: Formicidae) Richness at the Arnica, Diverse, 434 Mont St. Hilaire Biosphere Reserve, Québec, The Mountain, 435 Effect of Human Activity on, 38 Aronia melanocarpa, 240 Antennaria isolepis, 276 Arrow-grass, Seaside, 279 pulcherrima, 417 Artemisia sp., 220,532 Anthus spragueii, 490 absinthium, 438 Antistea brunnea, 259 dracunculus, 438 Apamea amputatrix, 12 furcata, 277 ophiogramma, 12 hyperborea, 289 Aphaenogaster rudis, 39 tilesii, 277,417 Aphileta misera, 259 Asclepias syriaca, 525 Aphragmus eschscholtzianus, 417 Ash, Mountain, 570 Apis mellifera, 53,249 Asio flammeus, 70,400 Aplodinotus grunniens,21 otus, 395 Apocynum androsaemifolium, 417 Asio otus: A Review of North American Banding, Long-eared Arabidopsis salsuginea, 417 Owls, 395 Arabis boivinii, 417 Aspen, 175,369,401 Aralia nudicaulis,44 Big-toothed, 371 corticarius, 256 Quaking, 370 diadematus, 255 Trembling, 65,135,186,220,370,381,442,451,574 displicatus, 257 Asphodel, Sticky False, 428 groenlandicola, 257 Aspicilia,78 marmoreus, 257 caesiocinerea,78 nordmanni, 257 Aster brachyactis, 418 saevus, 257 curtus, 245 solitarius, 257 hesperius, 439 trifolium, 257 lanceolatus, 390 washingtoni, 257 lanceolatus ssp. hesperius, 439 Araniella displicata, 257 puniceus, 276,388 proxima, 257 pygmaeus, 277 Arcella, 403 sibiricus, 277 arenaria var. grandis, 410 yukonensis, 418 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 620


Aster, Lindley’s American, 435 reprobus, 260 Purple-stemmed, 289 rufulus, 263 Rayless, 435 simillimus, 260 Western Willow, 439 sp. reprobus, 260 White-top,248 Bats, Myotis lucifugus, in a Trap in the Boreal Forest, Yukon, 435 Mortality of Little Brown, 589 Yukon-American, 435 Batt, J.H., 355 aster du Saint-Laurent, 556 Beak-rush, White, 281 Astragalus alpinus, 417,506 Bear, Black, 50,164,298,323,339,381,574 australis, 277 Brown, 339,449 eucosmus, 276 Grizzly, 574 eucosmus f. albinus, 276 Bear, Ursus americanus, Ecology on the Northeast Coast of richardsonii, 287 Labrador, Black, 164 Athene culicularia, 490 Bears, Ursus arctos, from Coastal British Columbia, Obser- Athyrium filix-femina var. cyclosorum, 417 vations of Autumn Courtship and Breeding in Brown, Atkinson, J., Review by, 305 449 Attix, L., 455 Bearberry, 210 Auditor’s Report, 478 Alpine, 288 Aulnes rugueux, 129 Beaudoin, A.B., Reviews by, 150,465,596,603 Avena sativa, 418 Beaver, 176,197,330,385,441,591 Aythya collaris,69 Beaver, Castor canadensis, Flooding on a Small Shore Fen valisineria, 546 in Southwestern Quebec, Consequences of, 385 Beaver, Castor canadensis, in Algonquin Park, Ontario, 1860- Babin, T., 453 2004, Reconstructing Changes in Abundance of White- Badger, 584 tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, Moose, Alces North American, 442 alces, and, 330 Badiou, P.H., 82 Beavers, Castor canadensis, Feeding on Salmon Carcasses: Baeolophus bicolor, 374 Opportunistic Use of a Seasonally Superabundant Baggs, E.M., 323 Food Source, 591 Bakeapple, 412 Beavers, Castor canadensis, in a Northern Ontario Water- Balaenoptera acutorostrata, 214 shed, Possible Tool Use by, 441 musculus, 214 Bedstraw, Sweet-scented, 434 physalus, 214 Beech, American, 38,332,378 Balaenoptera acutorostrata, in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence , 271 National Marine Park, Novel Surface Feeding Tac- Leaf, 88 tics of Minke Whales, 214 Mountain Pine, 186 Ballard, W.B., 584 ), in (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Baneberry, Red, 438 Chrysomelinae), New Distribution Records and Bio- Barbotte brune, 360 geography of Calligrapha Species (Leaf, 88 Barker, M.E., 58 Bembix americana, 10 Barnes, D.M. Possible Tool Use by Beavers, Castor cana- pallidipicta, 9 densis, in a Northern Ontario Watershed, 441 Bennett, B.A., 417 Bartramia longicauda, 69 Bennett, K.E., E.M. Baggs, J.R. Finney-Crawley, and M. Baryphyma kulczynskii, 259 McGrath. Analysis of the Parasites of a Mid-winter Bass, Largemouth, 21 Population of the Snowshoe Hare, Lepus americanus, Rock, 21 on Insular Newfoundland During a Cyclical Peak, Smallmouth, 21,295,353 323 White, 21 Bennett, R., Review by, 303 utahensis, 270 Bentgrass, Alpine, 420 Basswood, 369 Berry, C.R. Jr., 219 Bat, Big Brown, 132 Berry, Thorny Buffalo, 220 Hoary, 132 Betula sp., 96,186,255,386,413,591 Little Brown, 444,589 alleghaniensis, 332,386,457,570 Bat by American Crows, Corvus brachyrhynchos, Predation cordifolia, 570 of a, 443 glandulosa, 210 Bat, Lasiurus cinereus, Use of a Bridge for Day Roosting by lenta,96 the Hoary, 132 papyrifera, 41,96,103,129,381,386,451,457,569 Bathyphantes brevipes, 259 populifolia, 129,240 brevis, 259 Bidens sp., 388,548 canadensis, 260 cernua, 394 concolor, 260 connata, 390 crosbyi, 260 Bidensomela,89 gracilis, 260 Bilberry, Alpine, 412 pallidus, 260 Bind-weed, 428 pullatus, 263 Birch, 186,255,591 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 621

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Dwarf, 210,413 Branta canadensis, and Cackling Geese, Branta hutchinsii, Heart-leaved, 570 in the Eastern Canadian Arctic, Breeding and Non- Paper, 41,103,371,569 Breeding Range of Canada, 483 White, 381,386,451 Branta hutchinsii, in the Eastern Canadian Arctic, Breeding Yellow, 332,386,570 and Non-Breeding Range of Canada, Branta cana- Bistort, 283 densis, and Cackling Geese, 483 Bitter-cress, 248 Brasenia schreberi, 137 Bittern, American, 69 Braya glabella, 277 Blackbird, Brewer’s, 69 humilis, 277 Red-winged, 69 British Columbia, Body Size Distribution and Frequency of Bladderwort, Greater, 137 Anthropogenic Injuries of Bluntnose Sixgill Sharks, Lesser, 434 Hexanchus griseus, at Flora Islets, 537 Blarina brevicauda, 456,578 British Columbia, Visitation to Wildflowers in the Blarina brevicauda, Apparently Killed by Red Squirrel, Endangered Garry Oak, Quercus garryana, Ecosys- Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Short-tailed Shrew, 456 tem of, 245 Blueberries, Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. and V. myrtilloides British Columbia, Observations of Autumn Courtship and Michx. (Ericacaeae), in the Boreal Forest, Pollination Breeding in Brown Bears, Ursus arctos, from Coastal, and Breeding System of Lowbush, 48 449 Blueberry, 44 British Columbia’s Coastal Archipelago, Facts from Faeces: Lowbush, 48 Prey Remains in Wolf, Canis lupus, Faeces Revise Bluegill, 20 Occurrence Records for of, 192 Bluet, 234 British Columbia, The Distribution and Habitat Selection of Familiar, 234 Introduced Eastern Grey Squirrels, Sciurus carolinen- Blysmopsis rufa, 417 sis, in, 343 Blysmus rufus, 422 British Columbia, Winter Habitat Use by Moose, Alces alces, Boal, C.W. and D.E. Andersen. Microhabitat Characteristics in Central Interior, 186 of Lapland Longspur, Calcarius lapponicus, Nests Brodiaea, Howell’s, 248 at Cape Churchill, Manitoba, 208 Brome, Japanese, 421 Bobolink, 70 Bromus japonicus, 417 Boeckner, M.J. and H.C. Proctor. Water-bears from the Rocky Brooklime, American, 434 Mountains: A First Look at Alberta’s Tardigrade Broom, Scotch, 245 Fauna, 586 Broomrape, Clustered, 434 Bogbean, 433 Bubo scandiacus, 211 Bombus spp., 48 virginianus, 62,71,395,578 bifarius, 249 Bucephala clangula,69 flavifrons, 249 Buchanan, L., 453 ternarius, 56 Buckbean, 433 , 56 Buckbrush, 220 Bombycilla cedrorum, 70 Buckwheat, Wild, 428 Bombylius major, 249 Buddle, C.M., 38 Bonasa umbellus, 44,71,379 Buffalo, Bigmouth, 18 Bonasia bonasia, 120 Bufo boreas, 291 Bondrup-Nielsen, S., 164 Bullfinch, 120 Boreal Dip Net/L’Epuisette Boreale: Newsletter of the Cana- Bullhead, Brown, 21,295 dian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network/ Bulrush, 16 Reseau Canadien de Conservation des Amphibiens Common Three-Square, 439 et des Reptiles, The, 319,473 Great, 17 Botaurus lentiginosus,69 Hard-stemmed, 427 Bouleau blanc, 129,457 Red, 422 gris, 129 , 48 jaune, 457 Bunchberry, 44,412 Bouteloua gracilis, 220 Bunting, Snow, 120 Bowfin, 18 Bur-reed, 16,137 Boyd, D.K., 446 Bury, R.B., 291 Boyd, H., 483 Buteo lineatus, 377 Boyle, H.F., 6 platypterus, 71,377 Brachinus sp., 16 regalis, 490 Brachymyrmex depilis,38 Butter-and-eggs, 14 Bradford, R.G., 294 Buttercup, Western, 248 Brant, Eastern High Arctic, 486 White Water, 285 Branta bernicla hrota, 486 Butterfly, Monarch, 525 canadensis, 69,379,483 canadensis canadensis, 483 Cactus, Prickly Pear, 220 canadensis interior, 483 Calamagrostis canadensis,77 hutchinsii, 483 lapponica, 277 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 622


neglecta, 279 Campanula rapunculoides, 438 purpurascens, 277 rotundifolia, 417 stricta ssp. stricta, 277 uniflora, 276 Calcarius lapponicus, 208 Camponotus nearcticus,39 Calcarius lapponicus, Nests at Cape Churchill, Manitoba, novaeboracensis,39 Microhabitat Characteristics of Lapland Longspur, pennsylvanicus,39 208 Campostoma anomalum,21 Calidris alpina, 379 Campylium sp., 389 minutilla, 379 polygamum, 388 Calla palustris, 388 Canada? A Specimen from the Arctic Archipelago, North- Calliergon stramineum, 388 west Territories Links Two Allopatric Species of Alka- Calligrapha,88 li Grass, , Addition to the Flora of, 497 alni, 89 Canada, Branta canadensis, and Cackling Geese, Branta alnicola,89 hutchinsii, in the Eastern Canadian Arctic, Breeding amator, 89 and Non-Breeding Range of, 483 amelia,89 Canada, Cyclopyxis acmodonta n. sp. and Arcella formosa n. androwi,95 sp.: Two New Species of Testate Rhizopods (Arcel- apicalis, 89 linida, Protozoa) from Remnant Wetlands in Ontario, bidenticola,91 403 californica,92 Canada, First Record of the Plains Minnow, Hybognathus cephalanti,95 placitus, in, 219 confluens,92 Canada, Papillate Watermeal, Wolffia brasiliensis, in East- dislocata,95 ern Ontario: An Addition to the Flora of, 137 dolosa,96 Canada III, Additions and Range Extensions to the Vascular floridana,95 Flora of the Continental Northwest Territories fulvipes,95 and Nunavut, 276 ignota,89 Canadian Arctic, Breeding and Non-Breeding Range of Cana- incisa,96 da, Branta canadensis, and Cackling Geese, Branta knabi,92 hutchinsii, in the Eastern, 483 lunata,96 Canadian Field-Naturalist, Advice for Contributors to The, multiguttata,95 158,482,642 multipunctata,96 Canadian Field-Naturalist 119(1), Erratum: The, 320 ostryae,92 Canadian Journal: Wildlife Afield, New, 156 philadelphica,93 Canadian Species at Risk, 613 pnirsa,96 Canadian Waters, First Records of Long-beaked Common praecelsis, 96 Dolphins, Delphinus capensis, in, 110 pruni, 96 Canis latrans, 1,134,139,161,200,324,381,574,580,584 rhoda, 93 lupus, 1,101,135,192,197,381,442,446,573 rowena, 89 lupus beothucus, 323 scalaris, 93 lycaon, 139,330 sensu stricta, 89 Canis latrans, in Labrador, Evidence of Range Expansion serpentina, 95 of Eastern Coyotes, 381 sigmoidea, 96 Canis latrans, in , Chronology of Range Expansion spiraea, 94 of the Coyote, 1 stolonifera,96 Canis latrans, Record Size Female Coyote, 139 suturella,94 Canus lupus, Den and Associated Human Activity in the sylvia,95 Southwestern Yukon Territory, An Ancient Wolf, 135 tiliae,95 Canis lupus, Faeces Revise Occurrence Records for Mam- verrucosa,95 mals of British Columbia’s Coastal Archipelago, Facts vicina,95 from Faeces: Prey Remains in Wolf, 192 virginea,96 Canis lupus, in Relation to Ungulate Kill Sites in Westcen- wickhami,95 tral Alberta, Travel Rates of Wolves, 573 Calligrapha Species (Leaf Beetles), in North America Canis lupus, in the Wild, Longevity and Productivity of Three (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae), New Wolves, 446 Distribution Records and Biogeography of, 88 Canis lupus, near Icy Bay, Alaska, Attempted Predation of a Callioplus euoplus, 256 Child by a Gray Wolf, 197 tibialis, 256 Canvasback, 546 Callitriche hermaphroditica, 277 Capelin, 215,355 bennetti, 256 Capercaillie, 120 Calophasia lunula,12 Cappuccino, N., 525 Caltha natans, 276 Carassius auratus,21 palustris var. arctica, 277 Carbyn, S., 237 Camas, Common, 245 Cardamine sp., 248 Camassia quamash, 245 bellidifolia, 276 Camomile, Sea-shore, 290 pratensis, 276 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 623

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Cardinal, Northern, 71 Castor canadensis, in a Northern Ontario Watershed, Possible Cardinalis cardinalis,71 Tool Use by Beavers, 441 Carduelis flammea, 120 Caswell, P., 417 hornemanni, 120 Catbird, Gray, 70 pinus,71 Catchfly, Balkan, 439 tristis,71 Catfish, Channel, 21 Carex sp., 16,186,388,548,591 Catharus fuscescens,70 aquatilis, 210 guttatus,70 atherodes,77 ustulatus,70 bebbii, 277,394,417 Catling, P.M. Additions to the Flora of the Continental North- brunnescens, 417 west Territories from the Great Slave Lake Area, 437 buxbaumii, 417 Catling, P.M. A Potential for the Use of Dragonfly (Odonata) canescens, 276,417 Diversity as a Bioindicator of the Efficiency of Sewage comosa, 137 Lagoons, 233 cryptolepis, 388 Catling, P.M. Identification and Status of the Introduced Black eburnea, 417 Pine, Pinus nigra, and Mugo Pine, Pinus mugo,in enanderi, 425 Ontario, 224 lasiocarpa, 389,417 Catling, P.M., Review by, 597 laxa, 417 Catling, P.M. and S. Carbyn. Invasive Scots Pine, Pinus syl- lenticularis var. dolia, 417 vestris, Replacing Corema, Corema conradii, Heath- lenticularis var. lipocarpa, 417 land in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, 237 livida, 417 Catostomus commersoni, 21,221,295,360 media, 276 Cattail, 16,72,221,403 microglochin, 417 Broad-leaved, 17 microptera, 417 Common, 420 nardina, 277,418 Cedar, Eastern White, 386 nigricans, 417 Northern White, 404 parryana, 418 Western Red, 160,344 phaeocephala, 418 Celastrina echo, 249 pseudo-cyperus, 389 Celery, Wild, 546 rariflora, 276 Centromerita bicolor, 260 rotundata, 276 Centromerus bicolor, 260 sartwellii, 417 cornupalpis, 260 scirpoidea, 276 denticulatus, 260 siccata, 417 furcatus, 260 subspathacea, 277 latidens, 260 supina ssp. spaniocarpa, 277 longibulbus, 260 tonsa var. rugosperma, 240 persolutus, 260 vaginata, 277 sylvaticus, 260 Caribou, 43,119,168,201,355,381 Centropyxis, 410 Peary, 120 impressa, 407 Woodland, 135,573 Cerastium alpinum, 277 Carorita limnaea, 260 arvense, 248 Carp, Common, 18,546 beeringianum, 277 Carpiodes cyprinus,21 semidecandrum, 248 Carpodacus purpureus,70 alticeps, 260 Carya spp., 343 atriceps, 260 cordiformis, 369 bulbosus, 260 ovata, 369 fissiceps, 260 Cassiope stellariana, 433 laetabilis, 260 tetragona, 506 laetus, 260 Castanea dentata, 343 minutus, 260 Castilleja miniata, 418 similis, 260 parviflora, 418 , 260 unalaschcensis, 418 ornatula, 260 Castor canadensis, 176,197,330,385,441,591 parvula, 260 Castor canadensis, Feeding on Salmon Carcasses: Oppor- Ceratinopsis nigriceps, 261 tunistic Use of a Seasonally Superabundant Food nigripalpis, 261 Source, Beavers, 591 Ceratophyllum demersum, 16,137,548 Castor canadensis, Flooding on a Small Shore Fen in South- Cervus elaphus, 574 western Quebec, Consequences of Beaver, 385 Ceryle alcyon, 69,293,379 Castor canadensis, in Algonquin Park, Ontario, 1860-2004, Ceryle alcyon, During Fall Migration, Territorial Behavior in Reconstructing Changes in Abundance of White-tailed Belted Kingfishers, 293 Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, Moose, Alces alces, Cestode, 324 and Beaver, 330 Cetraria, 506 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 624


Chaenorhinum minus, 438 foliosum, 418 Chalcoscirtus alpicola, 268 Cistothorus palustris,69 Chamaedaphne calyculata, 388 CITES Control List 2005, 319 Chapleau, F., 359 Cladina sp., 78,413 Chara sp., 16,26 stellaris,78 altaica,32 Cladonia,78 aspera,33 Cladophora,84 buckellii,32 Clangula hyemalis, 181 canescens,26 Clangula hyemalis, Eider, Somateria spp., and Scoter, Melanit- contraria,35 ta spp., Distributions in Central Alaska Beaufort Sea delicatula,34 Lagoons, 1999-2002, Long-tailed Duck, 181 evoluta,26 Clark, H.O. Jr. Aggressive Behaviour Exhibited by a San fragilis,35 Joaquin Kit Fox, Vulpes macrotis mutica, 134 globularis,34 Claytonia perfoliata, 248 hirsuta,32 Cleavers, 248,439 sibirica,32 Clematis occidentalis, 418 zeylanica,30 occidentalis ssp. grosseserrata, 429 Chara canescens, Charophytes of Insular Newfoundland II: Clematis, Purple, 429 Chara evoluta and, 26 Clethrionomys spp., 122 Chara evoluta and Chara canescens, Charophytes of Insular gapperi, 43,123,323,414 Newfoundland II: 26 rutilus, 445 Charadrius montanus, 532 Cloudberry, 210,412 vociferus, 70,379 Club-, Mountain, 278 Charadrius montanus, Differential Parental Care by Adult Sitka, 418 Mountain Plovers, 532 Clubiona abbotii, 257 Chatte de l’est, 360 bryantae, 257 Chaulk, K., S. Bondrup-Nielsen, and F. Harrington. Black canadensis, 257 Bear, Ursus americanus, Ecology on the Northeast furcata, 257 Coast of Labrador, 164 johnsoni, 258 Chen caerulescens, 212,483 kastoni, 258 caerulescens caerulescens, 497 kulczynskii, 258 rossi, 483 mixta, 258 Chêne rouge, 129 moesta, 258 Cheniseo sphagnicultor, 261 norvegica, 258 Chenopodium spp., 548 obesa, 258 dessicatum, 277 opeongo, 258 leptophyllum, 283,437 riparia, 258 Cherry, Black, 371 trivialis, 258 Chestnut, American, 343 Clubrush, Hudson Bay, 427 Horse, 344 Soft-stem, 427 Chickadee, 121 Clupea harengus, 216 Black-capped, 71,367 pallasi, 112 Boreal, 70,367 Coccothraustes vespertinus, 71 Chicken, Greater , 507,515 Coccyzus erythropthalmus, 71 Chickweed, Field, 248 Cody, W.J., Reviews by, 150,463 Chimaerid, 539 Cody, W.J. and K.L. Reading. Additions and Range Exten- Chipmunk, 578 sions to the Flora of the Continental Eastern, 323 Northwest Territories and Nunavut, Canada III, 276 Chironomidae, 548 Cody, W.J., B.A. Bennett, and P. Caswell. New Records of Chlidonias niger, 69,78 Vascular in the Yukon Territory VII, 417 Chou puant, 129 Coeloglossum viride ssp. bracteatum, 418 Christie, K.S. and T.E. Reimchen. Post-Reproductive Pacific Colaptes auratus, 70,369,379 Salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., as a Major Nutrient Source Collinsia clypiella, 262 for Large Aggregations of Gulls, Larus spp., 202 palmeni, 262 Chrysemys picta, 389 parviflora, 248 Chrysosplenium tetrandrum, 277 Colpodium, 498 Chub, Creek, 295,351 wrightii, 498 Lake, 221,351 Comandra umbellata ssp. pallida, 418 Chubbs, T.E. and F.R. Phillips. Evidence of Range Expan- Commandra, Pale, 428 sion of Eastern Coyotes, Canis latrans, in Labrador, Commorant, Double-crested, 69 381 Comptonia peregrina, 9,240 Chytonix sensilis,12 Consaul, L.L., L.J. Gillespie, and K.I. MacInnes. Addition Cicuta bulbifera, 388 to the Flora of Canada? A Specimen from the Arctic Cinquefoil, Bipinnate, 431 Archipelago, Northwest Territories Links Two Allo- Circus cyaneus, 69,400 patric Species of Alkali Grass, Puccinellia, 497 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 625

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Contopus virens,71 White, 21 Cook, F.R., Reviews by, 141,145,148,154 Crataegus sp., 17 Cooke, S.J., Review by, 147 Crayfish, 17 Coontail, 16,137 cerasi,39 Coot, American, 69 Crepis nana, 277 Coras montanus, 256 Cress, Aleutian, 429 Coregonus huntsmani, 294 Saltwater, 429 Coregonus huntsmani, from the Wild, First Record of Age Crossbill, Red, 121 0+ Atlantic Whitefish, 294 White-winged, 70 Corema conradii, 237 Crotalus,95 Corema, 237 Crow, American, 70,291,443 Corema conradii, Heathland in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Crowberry, 255 Scotia, nvasive Scots Pine, Pinus sylvestris, Replac- Black, 210 ing Corema, 237 Crows, Corvus brachyrhynchos, Predation of a Bat by Amer- Corema, Corema conradii, Heathland in the Annapolis Val- ican, 443 ley, Nova Scotia, Invasive Scots Pine, Pinus sylvestris, Crustulina borealis, 269 Replacing, 237 sticta, 269 Coreopsomela,89 Cryphoeca montana, 259 versicolor, 270 Cryptogramma crispa var. acrostichoides, 277 Corixidae, 548 crispa var. sitchensis, 418 Cormorant, Double-crested, 72 Crystophora cristata, 382 Cornicularia auranticeps, 266 Ctenium banksi, 269 cuspidata, 266 boreale, 269 karpinskii, 266 fuscum, 269 minuta, 266 riparium, 269 unicornis, 266 Cuckoo, Black-billed, 71 vigilax, 266 Culaea inconstans, 221,360 Cornus,96 Curlew, Long-billed, 490 canadensis, 44,412 Currier, C., 132 racemosa,17 Cutgrass, Rice, 547 sericea Cuthbert, F.J., 367 Corvus brachyrhynchos, 70,291,443 Cyanocitta cristata, 71,377 corax, 70,291,444 euopla, 256 Corvus brachyrhynchos, Predation of a Bat by American tibialis, 256 Crows, 443 Cybaeota calcarata, 258 Corylus spp., 369 Cyclopyxis, 403 americana, 17,96 acmodonta, 403 cornuta, 457 arcelloides, 409 Cotton-grass, Slender, 426 crucistoma, 407 Cottonwood, 17 grospietschi, 407 Plains, 132 impressa, 407 Cottus sp., 582 lobostoma, 408 Coturnicops noveboracensis, 69 stellata, 408 Couesius plumbeus, 221,351 trilobata, 407 Cougar, 574,580 trilobata var. maxima, 407 Cougar, Puma concolor, in the Yukon, First Confirmation of, Cyclopyxis acmodonta n. sp. and Arcella formosa n. sp.: 580 Two New Species of Testate Rhizopods (Arcellinida, Couleuvre à collier, 457 Protozoa) from Remnant Wetlands in Ontario, Can- rayée, 458 ada, 403 Couleuvre à collier, Diadophis punctatus edwardsii, dans l’est Cyclosa conica, 257 du Québec, Extension de l’aire de distribution de la, Cynanchum rossicum, 525 457 Cynomys ludovicianus, 532 Coydog, 3 Cyperus erythrorhizos, 548 Coyote, 1,134,139,161,200,574,580,584 odoratus, 548 Eastern, 324,381 Cyprinella spiloptera,21 Coyote, Canis latrans, in New York, Chronology of Range Cyprinus carpio, 21,546 Expansion of the, 1 Cypripedium acaule, 240 Coyote, Canis latrans, Record Size Female, 139 Cystopteris fragilis, 276 Coyotes, Canis latrans, in Labrador, Evidence of Range montana, 277 Expansion of Eastern, 381 Cytisus scoparius, 245 Cranberry, Dry-ground, 210 Mountain, 288 Dace, Longnose, 221 Crane, Sandhill, 69 Northern Redbelly, 221 Crapet-soleil, 360 Pearl, 221 Crappie, Black, 21 Dactylis glomerata, 552 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 626


Daisy, Arctic-alpine, 435 nathus fuscus, sur la rive nord du fleuve Saint-Laurent, Large-flowered, 435 au Québec, 105 Northern, 435 Devine, A. and D.G. Smith. Caching Behavior by Wintering Subalpine, 435 Northern Saw-Whet Owls, Aegolius acadicus, 578 Danaus plexippus, 525 Devries, J.H., 541 Dandelion, 552 Diadophis punctatus edwardsii, 457 Rock, 436 Diadophis punctatus edwardsii, dans l’est du Québec, Exten- Danthonia spicata, 240,277 sion de l’aire de distribution de la Couleuvre à col- Dard à ventre jaune, 361 lier, 457 Darimont, C.T., 192 Dianthus barbatus, 438 Darner, Common Green, 234 Dichanthelium acuminatum ssp. fasciculatum, 240 Darter, 582 depauperatum, 240 Blackside, 18 Dicrocoelium dentriticum, 324 Iowa, 221 Dicrostonyx groenlandicus, 124 Johnny, 19 Dictyna alaskae, 258 d’aster du Saint-Laurent, laurentianum, aux annulipes, 258 Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Protocole de suivi des popula- arundinacea, 258 tions, 556 bostoniensis, 258 Davies, C., 453 brevitarsus, 258 Davies, J.C., 64 minuta, 258 Davis, H., 296 phylax, 258 Death-camas, Meadow, 248 Dicymbium elongatum, 261 Deer, Mule, 296,574,580 nigrum, 261 White-tailed, 101,330,381,573,580,591 Dietrichia hesperia, 261 Deer, Odocoilus hemionus, and Other Mammals, Passage Difflugia lobostoma var. impressa, 407 Through a Small Drainage Culvert by Mule, 296 Dimelaena,78 Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, Moose, Alces alces, and Bea- oreina,78 ver, Castor canadensis, in Algonquin Park, Ontario, Dinsmore, S.J. and F.L. Knopf. Differential Parental Care by 1860-2004, Reconstructing Changes in Abundance Adult Mountain Plovers, Charadrius montanus, 532 of White-tailed, 330 Diphasiastrum sitchense, 417 de Lafontaine, G. Protocole de suivi des populations d’aster Diplocentria bidentata, 261 du Saint-Laurent, Symphyotrichum laurentianum, aux corynetes, 264 Îles-de-la-Madeleine, 556 rectangulata, 261 Delphinapterus leucas, 214 Diplocephalus cristatus, 261 Delphinus bairdii, 110 cuneatus, 261 capensis, 110 subrostratus, 261 delphis, 110 Diplodia, 226 delphis bairdii, 110 Dipoena nigra, 269 Delphinus capensis, in Canadian Waters, First Records of Dismodicus alticeps, 261 Long-beaked Common Dolphins, 110 bifrons decemoculatus, 261 Dendroctonus ponderosae, 186 decemoculatus, 261 Dendroica caerulescens, 70 Dock, Golden, 429 coronata, 70 Dodecatheon hendersonii, 248 magnolia, 70 Dog, Coyote-domestic, 3 palmarum,69 Dogbane, Spreading, 433 pensylvanica,71 Dogwood, 17,96 petechia,70 plagiatus,39 tigrina,71 Dolichonyx oryzivorus,70 virens,70 Dolomedes, 255 Dendryphantes nigromaculatus, 268 fulviatronotatus, 255 Dermacentor albipictus, 330 scapularis, 255 Dermatocarpon,78 striatus, 255 reticulatum,78 triton, 255 flexuosa, 239 vittatus, 255 Descurainia sophioides, 277 Dolphin, Bottlenose, 217 Desmognathus fuscus, 105 Dusky, 217 Desmognathus fuscus, sur la rive nord du fleuve Saint-Lau- Long-beaked Common, 110 rent, au Québec, Premières mentions et répartition de Short-beaked Common, 110 la Salamandre sombre du Nord, 105 Dolphins, Delphinus capensis, in Canadian Waters, First de Solla, S.R., 58 Records of Long-beaked Common, 110 Desroches, J.-F., 129 Dondale, C.D., 254 Desroches, J.-F. et B. Roussel. Extension de l’aire de distri- Donovan, D., 453 bution de la Couleuvre à collier, Diadophis puncta- Dorosoma cepedianum,21 tus edwardsii, dans l’est du Québec, 457 Douglas-fir, 344 Desroches, J.-F. et D. Pouliot. Premières mentions et répar- Douglasia ochotensis, 418 tition de la Salamandre sombre du Nord, Desmog- Dove, Mourning, 71,379 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 627

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Draba albertina, 418 Eider, Somateria spp., and Scoter, Melanitta spp., Distribu- cinerea, 418 tions in Central Alaska Beaufort Sea Lagoons, 1999- crassifolia, 418 2002, Long-tailed Duck, Clangula hyemalis, 181 fladnizensis, 276 Eidmanella pallida, 267 juvenalis, 277 Eleocharis sp., 394,548 lactea, 286 erythropoda, 439 lonchocarpa var. vestita, 418 obtusa, 394 longipes, 285 Elk, 574 nivalis, 276,418 Elle, E., 245 oligosperma, 418 Elm, 369 scotteri, 418 American, 96,370 stenoloba, 418 Slippery, 370 stenopetala, 418 Elymus canadensis, 277 wahlenbergii, 276 junceus, 422 Draba, Alaska, 430 macrourus, 277 Few-seeded, 430 trachycaulus ssp. violaceus, 277 Slender, 429 Emberiza citrinella, 120 Snow, 430 Emblyna annulipes, 258 Dragonfly (Odonata) Diversity as a Bioindicator of the Effi- phylax, 258 ciency of Sewage Lagoons, A Potential for the Use Emery, R.B., 541 of, 233 Empetrum, 255 Drapetisca alteranda, 261 nigrum, 210 Drassodes neglectus, 258 Empidonax alnorum,70 Drepanocladus,78 flaviventris,69 Drosera anglica, 418 minimus,70 rotundifolia, 388 tyrannus,70 Drum, Freshwater, 21 Emydoidea blandingi, 389 Drummond, D.R., 135 Enallagma, 234 Dryas, 506 civile, 234 crenulata, 418 cyathigerum, 234 hookeriana, 418 Encalypta sp., 80 integrifolia, 210 Enoplognatha caricis, 269 integrifolia ssp. crenulata, 418 intrepida, 269 octopetala ssp. hookeriana, 418 marmorata, 269 Dryocopus pileatus, 70,367,379 ovata, 269 Dryopteris fragrans, 276 Entelecara abrupta, 266 spinulosa, 570 exigua, 264 Duck, 78,546 sombra, 261 American Black, 69 Enteromorpha, 84 Long-tailed, 181 Eperigone bryantae, 261 Mallard, 69 contorta, 261 Ring-necked, 69 entomologica, 261 Wood, 69,379,547 index, 261 Duck, Clangula hyemalis, Eider, Somateria spp., and Scoter, maculata, 261 Melanitta spp., Distributions in Central Alaska trilobata, 261 Beaufort Sea Lagoons, 1999-2002, Long-tailed, 181 undulata, 261 Ducks During Fall Migration in a Prairie Pothole System, Epilobium ciliatum, 394 Heron Lake, Minnesota, Food Habits of Dabbling, coloratum, 394 546 davuricum, 276 Dulichium arundinaceum, 390 hornemannii ssp. hornemannii, 418 Dumetella carolinensis,70 latifolium f. albiflorum, 276 Dunbrack, R. and R. Zielinski. Body Size Distribution and palustre, 277 Frequency of Anthropogenic Injuries of Bluntnose Épinette, 457 Sixgill Sharks, Hexanchus griseus, at Flora Islets, blanche, 458 British Columbia, 537 noire, 457 Dunlin, 379 Épinoche à cinq épines, 360 Dwarf-Primrose, Arctic-Montane, 433 à trois épines, 360 Epitheca cynosura, 234 Echiniscus spitsbergensis, 587 Eptesicus fuscus, 132 Echinochloa crusgalli, 548 Equisetum palustre, 276 Editor’s Report for Volume 118 (2004), 321 Equus cabalus, 574 Eel, American, 294,351 Érable à épis, 457 Eelgrass, 16,28 à sucre, 129,457 Eider, 181 argenté, 129 Common, 182 de Pennsylvanie, 129 King, 182 Eremophila alpestris,71 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 628


Erethizon dorsatum, 125,159,177,453 Fener, H.M., J.R. Ginsberg, E.W. Sanderson, and M.E. Gomp- Erethizon dorsatum, in Second-Growth Conifer Forests, The per. Chronology of Range Expansion of the Coyote, Influence of Thermal Protection on Winter Den Selec- Canis latrans, in New York, 1 tion by Porcupines, 159 Fern, Fragile, 278 Eridantes utibilis, 261 Fragrant Cliff, 278 grandiflorus ssp. arcticus, 418 Holly, 419 humilis, 418 Lady, 419 peregrinus ssp. peregrinus, 418 Mountain Bladder, 278 philadelphicus, 394 Sitka Parsley, 419 pumilus, 418 Sweet, 9 uniflorus ssp. eriocephalus, 277,418 Wood, 570 yukonensis, 418 Fescue, Alaska, 421 Erigone aletris, 261 Alpine, 421 atra, 261 Little, 421 blaesa, 261 brachyphylla, 276,418 dentigera, 261 brevissima, 418 dentipalpis, 255 filiformis, 240 ephala, 261 minutiflora, 418 mentasta, 262 richardsonii, 277 whymperi, 262 rubra ssp. richardsonii, 279 Eriophorum angustifolium, 277 Finch, Purple, 70 callitrix, 277 Finney-Crawley, J.R., 323 gracile, 418 Fir, Amabilis, 160 triste, 277 Balsam, 255,381,570 vaginatum, 277 Subalpine, 186 viridi-carinatum, 276 Fisher, 120,177,194 Ero canionis, 267 Fivefinger, Marsh, 287 Erskine, A.J., Review by, 299 Fleabane, Shaggy, 435 Erynnis propertius, 249 Yukon, 435 Erysimum pallasii, 276 Flicker, Northern, 70,369,379 Erythemis simplicicollis, 234 Floricomus rostratus, 262 Erythronium oregonum, 248 Flycatcher, Alder, 70 Esox lucius, 21,359 Great-crested, 367 masquinongy, 364 Least, 70 Esox lucius, dans le lac Ramsay, Parc de la Gatineau, Québec, Yellow-bellied, 69 et impact sur l’ichtyofaune, Charactéristiques d’une Fontaine, A.J., 483 population introduit du Grand brochet, 359 Ford, J.K.B. First Records of Long-beaked Common Dol- Estrandia grandaeva, 262 phins, Delphinus capensis, in Canadian Waters, 110 Etheostoma sp., 582 Forget-me-not, Common, 248 exile, 221,361 Forktail, Eastern, 234 nigrum, 21 Formica aserva, 40 Eulaira concava, 259 glacialis, 39 microtarsus, 262 lasioides, 39 Eupatorium maculatum, 394 neogagates, 40 perfoliatum, 389 nepticula, 40 Euphagus cyanocephalus,69 nitidiventris,40 Euphrasia stricta, 390 subaenescens,40 Eurycea bislineata, 106 subsericea, 40 Euthamia graminifolia, 388 42nd North American Moose Conference, 12-16, 2006 Bad- graminifolia var. graminifolia, 290 deck, Nova Scotia, Canada, 320 Eutrema edwardsii, 277 Fowlie, A.R., 582 Euxoa incallida,12 Fox, Arctic, 120,323 scandens,12 Red, 120,323 Evarcha hoyi, 268 San Joaquin Kit, 134 Evers, D., 455 Swift, 134,584 Ewins, P.J., 58 Fox, Vulpes macrotis mutica, Aggressive Behaviour Exhibited by a San Joaquin Kit, 134 Fagus grandifolia, 38,129,332,378 Fox, Vulpes velox, Den Located Next to a Railroad Track in Falco columbarius, 71,379 Northwestern Texas, Swift, 584 peregrinus,70 Foxtail, Meadow, 421 sparverius, 71,379 Fragaria virginiana, 394 Falcon, Peregrine, 70 Francoeur, A., 38 Farnell, R., P.G. Hare, and D.R. Drummond. An Ancient Wolf, Fraxinus nigra, 457 Canus lupus, Den and Associated Human Activity in Freeling, S.E., 219 the Southwestern Yukon Territory, 135 Frêne noir, 457 Felis concolor, 574 Fritillaria affinis, 248 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 629

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Frog, Boreal Chorus, 291 Gómez-Zurita, J. New Distribution Records and Biogeography Columbia Spotted, 291 of Calligrapha Species (Leaf Beetles), in North Amer- Northern Leopard, 389 ica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae), 88 Pickerel, 578 Gompper, M.E., 1 Froglog: Newsletter of the Declining Amphibian Populations Gonatium crassipalpum, 262 Task Force, 156 Gonzales, E.K. The Distribution and Habitat Selection of Fulica americana,69 Introduced Eastern Grey Squirrels, Sciurus carolinen- Fundulus diaphanus, 21,28,295 sis, in British Columbia, 343 Goodale, W., L. Attix, and D. Evers. Common Loon, Gavia Gadwall, 547 immer, Nest Attendance Patterns Recorded by Remote Galium aparine, 248,439 Video Camera, 455 tinctorium, 394 Goodwin, C.E., Reviews by, 144,600 trifidum, 276 Goose, Cackling, 483 triflorum, 418 Canada, 69,379,483,549 Gallant, J.J., 355 Lesser Snow, 497 Gallinago delicata,69 Ross’s, 483 Gambelia,95 Snow, 212,483 Gar, Longnose, 21 Gooseberry, 369 Gasterosteus aculeatus, 28,360 Goosefoot, Narrow-leaved, 283,438 Gaultheria hispidula,44 Gopher, Northern Pocket, 175,551 procumbens, 240 Valley Pocket, 551 Gavia immer, 455 Gophers, Thomomys talpoides, in Central Alberta Alfalfa Gavia immer, Nest Attendance Patterns Recorded by Remote Fields, Body Weights of Adult and Juvenile North- Video Camera, Common Loon, 455 ern Pocket, 551 Gawn, M., Review by, 604 Gophers, Thomomys talpoides, Long-tailed Weasel, Mustela Gaylussaccia baccata, 240 frenata, Movements and Diggings in Alfalfa Fields Geese, Branta hutchinsii, in the Eastern Canadian Arctic, Inhabited by Northern Pocket, 175 Breeding and Non-Breeding Range of Canada, Bran- Gosse, J.W. and B.J. Hearn. Seasonal Diets of Newfound- ta canadensis, and Cackling, 483 land Martens, Martes americana atrata,43 Gentiana affinis, 277 Grackle, Common, 70 Geomys spp. 175 Gramma, Blue 220 Geopyxella sp., 408 Grammonota angusta, 262 Geothlypis trichas,69 capitata, 262 Geranium erianthum, 418 gigas, 262 molle, 248 maritima, 262 Geranium, Dovefoot, 248 pictilis, 262 Northern, 432 vittata, 262 Ghelna canadensis, 268 Grand brochet, 359 Gilbert, B.K., 449 Grand brochet, Esox lucius, dans le lac Ramsay, Parc de la Gillespie, L.J., 497 Gatineau, Québec, et impact sur l’ichtyofaune, Cha- Ginsberg, J.R., 1 ractéristiques d’une population introduit du, 359 Glaucomys sabrinicus, 344 Graphicallo, 89 sabrinus, 591 Grasby, S.E., 82 volans, 374 Grass, Alkali, 497 Gleason, J.S., R.A. Hoffman, and J.M. Wendland. Beavers, Alkali Cord, 280 Castor canadensis, Feeding on Salmon Carcasses: Alpine Blue, 280 Opportunistic Use of a Seasonally Superabundant American Lyme, 421 Food Source, 591 Common Panic, 439 Glenostictia,6 Ice, 422 Glycine max, 547 Kentucky Blue, 245 Glyphesis scopulifer, 262 Needle-and-thread, 220 Gnaphosa brumalis, 258 Orchard, 552 microps, 258 Reed Canary, 422 muscorum, 258 Turtle, 114 parvula, 258 Western Wheat, 220 Gnathonaroides pedalis, 262 Widgeon, 114 Goat, Mountain, 197,574 Grass, Puccinellia, Addition to the Flora of Canada? A Speci- Goby, Round, 18,582 men from the Arctic Archipelago, Northwest Terri- Goby, Neogobius melanostomus, in the St. Lawrence River tories Links Two Allopatric Species of Alkali, 497 at Cornwall, Ontario, First Occurrence of the Round, Grass-of-Parnassus, Fringed, 431 582 Greasewood, 220 Gold, Spring, 248 Grebe, Horned, 69 Goldeneye, Common, 69 Pied-billed, 69 Goldfinch, American, 71 Grosbeak, Evening, 71 Goldfish, 18 Pine, 121 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 630


Rose-breasted, 71 , Broad-winged, 71,377 Grouse, Black, 120 Cooper’s, 379 Hazel, 120 Ferruginous, 490 Northern Sharp-tailed, 507,515 Red-shouldered, 377 Prairie, 507,515 Sharp-shinned, 377 Prairie Sharp-tailed, 507,515 Hawkweed, Slender, 435 Ruffed, 44,71,379 Hawthorn, 17 Sharp-tailed, 507 Hazel, 369 Willow, 120 Hazelnut, 17 Grouse”, Tympanuchus cupido × phasianellus, Hybridization American, 96 on Manitoulin Island, Ontario, “Prairie, 507 Hearn, B.J., 43 Grouse”, Tympanuchus cupido × phasianellus, of Manitoulin Hedysarum alpinum, 277 Island, Ontario, Plumage and Internal Morphology boreale ssp. mackenzii, 277 of the “Prairie, 515 mackenzii, 287 Grus canadensis,69 Helophora insignis, 262 Gull, 202 ontariensis, 259 Bonaparte’s, 203 Hemidactylium scutatum, 129 California, 203 Hemidactylium scutatum, à Québec, Québec: limite nord-est Glaucous-winged, 203 de l’espèce sur la rive nord du fleuve Saint-Laurent, Mew, 203 Découverte de la Salamandre à quatre orteils, 129 Ring-billed, 69 Hemlock, 38,332 Thayer’s, 203 Eastern, 386 Gulls, Larus spp., Post-Reproductive Pacific Salmon, Onco- Mountain, 291 rhynchus spp., as a Major Nutrient Source for Large Western, 160,197,344 Aggregations of, 202 Hen, Heath, 516 Gulo gulo, 120 Hendricks, P., J. Johnson, S. Lenard, and C. Currier. Use of a Gyrinophilus porphyriticus, 106 Bridge for Day Roosting by the Hoary Bat, Lasiurus cinereus, 132 Habenaria tridentata, 388 Heron, Great Blue, 69,379 Hahnia cinerea, 259 Herring, 203 glacialis, 259 Pacific, 112,216 Hake, Pacific, 112 Hêtre à grandes feuilles, 129 Halenia deflexa, 438 Hexanchus griseus, 537 Halichoerus grypus, 355 Hexanchus griseus, at Flora Islets, British Columbia, Body Halictus sp., 249 Size Distribution and Frequency of Anthropogenic Halorates alascensis, 262 Injuries of Bluntnose Sixgill Sharks, 537 holmgrenii, 262 Hickey, M.B.C. and A.R. Fowlie. First Occurrence of the palmeni, 262 Round Goby, Neogobius melanostomus, in the pertinens, 262 St. Lawrence River at Cornwall, Ontario, 582 Hamas, M.J. Territorial Behavior in Belted Kingfishers, Hickory, 343,369 Ceryle alcyon, During Fall Migration, 293 Hieracium gracile, 418 Hammer, U.T., 114 pilosella, 240 Haplodrassus hiemalis, 258 Hierochloe hirta ssp. arctica, 277 signifer, 258 odorata, 280 Hare, Arctic, 323 Hilaira algida, 265 European, 122 aquilonia, 262 Snowshoe, 43,121,197,323,395,569 canaliculata, 262 Hare, Lepus americanus, on Insular Newfoundland During dubia, 264 a Cyclical Peak, Analysis of the Parasites of a Mid- herniosa, 262 winter Population of the Snowshoe, 323 mentasta, 262 Hare, P.G., 135 Hippuris vulgaris,28 Harebell, 434 Hirundo rustica,70 Hares, Lepus americanus, on Kent Island, New Brunswick, Hoffman, R.A., 591 Tree Recruitment Limitation by Introduced Snow- Holyan, J., D.K. Boyd, C.M. Mack, and D.H. Pletscher. shoe, 569 Longevity and Productivity of Three Wolves, Canis Harrier, Northern, 69,400 lupus, in the Wild, 446 Harrimanella stellariana, 418 Honeybee, 250 Harrington, F., 164 Hood, D.J. and R.F. Stocek. The Fathead Minnow, Pimephales Harvey-Clark, C.J., J.J. Gallant, and J.H. Batt. Vision and promelas, in New Brunswick, 351 its Relationship to Novel Behaviour in St. Lawrence Hordeum vulgare, 438 River Greenland Sharks, Somniosus microcephalus, Horse, 574 355 Horsetail, Marsh, 278 Hasselman, D.J., P. Longue, and R.G. Bradford. First Record Houston, C.S. Long-eared Owls, Asio otus: A Review of of Age 0+ Atlantic Whitefish, Coregonus huntsmani, North American Banding, 395 from the Wild, 294 Houston, C.S., Reviews by, 595,596,598,606,607,608 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 631

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Howerter, D.W., 541 castaneus ssp. castaneus, 276 Hudsonia ericoides, 240 filiformis, 418 Huettmann, F., Reviews by, 142,151,302,313,314,315,467,601 stygius ssp. americanus, 277 Hulteniella integrifolia, 506 triglumis ssp. albescens, 277 Hummingbird, Ruby-throated, 70,379 Jung, T.S. and B.G. Slough. Mortality of Little Brown Bats, Hybauchenidium gibbosum, 262 Myotis lucifugus, in a Rodent Trap in the Boreal For- Hybocoptus denticulatus, 262 est, 589 Hybognathus spp., 219 Jung, T.S. and K.S. O’Donovan. Mortality of Deer Mice, argyritis, 219 Peromyscus maniculatus, in Wire Mesh Live-Traps: hankinsoni, 219,360 A Cautionary Note, 445 nuchalis, 219 Jung, T.S. and P.J. Merchant. First Confirmation of Cougar, placitus, 219 Puma concolor, in the Yukon, 580 regius, 219 Jung, T.S., K.S. O’Donovan, and T. Powell. Long-distance Hybognathus placitus, in Canada, First Record of the Plains Movement of a Dispersing Deer Mouse, Peromyscus Minnow, 219 maniculatus, in the Boreal Forest, 451 Hydatigera taeniaeformis, 324 Juniper, 78 Hydrocotyle americana, 394 Ground, 278 Hydrolagus colliei, 539 Juniperus,78 Hylocichla mustelina,70 communis, 240,277 Hylocomium splendens, 404 Hypericum mutilum, 394 Kaestneria pullata, 263 perforatum, 14,240 rufula, 263 Hypomma marxii, 262 Kalmia angustifolia, 240,381 Hypsibius, 586 Kariz, R.M., 186 cf. convergens, 587 Kelly, E., Review by, 311 Hypsosinga pygmaea, 257 Kestrel, American, 71,379 rubens, 257 Kevan, P.G., 48 Hyptiotes gertschi, 270 Killdeer, 70,379 Killifish, Banded, 18,28,294 Ictalurus punctatus,21 Kingbird, Eastern, 70 Icterus galbula,70 Kingfisher, Belted, 69,293,379 Ictiobus cyprinellus,21 Kingfishers, Ceryle alcyon, During Fall Migration, Territorial If du Canada, 457 Behavior in Belted, 293 Impatiens capensis, 394 Kinglet, Golden-crowned, 579 Iris setosa ssp. interior, 418 Ruby-crowned, 70 versicolor, 388 Knopf, F.L., 532 Ischnura verticalis, 234 Knotweed, Striate, 428 Islandiana alata, 262 Krawchuk, A., K.W. Larsen, R.D. Weir, and H. Davis. Pas- flaveola, 262 sage Through a Small Drainage Culvert by Mule Deer, holmi, 262 Odocoilus hemionus, and Other Mammals, 296 princeps, 263 Kuker, K.J., J.A. Thomson, and U. Tscherter. Novel Surface Isohypsibius cf. tuberculatus, 587 Feeding Tactics of Minke Whales, Balaenoptera Iviella sp., 258 acutorostrata, in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence National Marine Park, 214 Jacob’s Ladder, Showy, 433 Kurczewski, F.E. and H.F. Boyle. Nesting Behavior, Ecology, Jaeger, Parasitic, 211 Seasonal and Geographic Distribution of the Sand Jay, Blue, 71,377 Wasp, Stictiella emarginata (Hymenoptera: Spheci- Gray, 70,101,291 dae)*, 6 Jays, Perisoreus canadensis: Adaptations to Boreal Winters, Kuzyk, G.W., C. Rohner, and F.K.A. Schmiegelow. Travel Weight-carrying Ability and Caching Behavior of Rates of Wolves, Canis lupus, in Relation to Ungulate Gray, 101 Kill Sites in Westcentral Alberta, 573 Jays, Perisoreus canadensis, on Long-toed Salamanders, Ambystoma macrodactylum, in the Oregon Cascade Labidesthes sicculus,21 Range, Apparent Predation by Gray, 291 Labrador Tea, 288,381,412 John, R., Reviews by, 141,146,149,299,462,594,599 Dwarf, 210 Johnson, J., 132 Labrador, A Range Extension for the Rock , Johnson, S.R., 181 chrotorrhinus, in, 412 Joynt, B.L., 541 Labrador, Black Bear, Ursus americanus, Ecology on the Juglans nigra, 348 Northeast Coast of, 164 Junco, 578 Labrador, Evidence of Range Expansion of Eastern Coyotes, Juncus albescens, 282 Canis latrans, in, 381 arcticus, 276 vicina,12 brevicaudatus, 388 Lady’s-thumb, 428 bufonius, 418 Lady’s-smock, 285 canadensis, 394 Lagenorhynchus obscurus, 217 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 632


Lagopus lagopus, 44,120 duplicatus, 263 Lagotis glauca, 277 intricatus, 263 glauca ssp. minor, 288 leprosus, 263 Lambdina fiscellaria, 324 nigriventris, 263 Lance, Sand, 216 subalpinus, 263 Lanius sp., 102,578 tenuis, 263 ludovicianus, 490 triramus, 263 Lansing, S.W. A Range Extension for the Rock Vole, Microtus turbatrix, 263 chrotorrhinus, in Labrador, 412 umbraticola, 263 Lapierre, K. and Coad, B.W, Review by, 301 washingtoni, 263 Larinioides cornutus, 257 zebra, 263 patagiatus, 257 Leptothorax ambiguus,39 sclopetarius, 257 canadensis,39 Larix decidua, 255 ergatogyneus,38 laricina, 404,574 longispinosus,39 Lark, Horned, 71 Lepus americanus, 43,121,197,323,395,569 Larsen, K.W., 296 arcticus, 323 Larus spp., 202 europaeus, 122 argentatus, 203 Lepus americanus, on Insular Newfoundland During a Cycli- californicus, 203 cal Peak, Analysis of the Parasites of a Mid-winter canus, 203 Population of the Snowshoe Hare, 323 delawarensis,69 Lepus americanus, on Kent Island, New Brunswick, Tree glaucescens, 203 Recruitment Limitation by Introduced Snowshoe philadelphia, 203 Hares, 569 thayeri, 203 Leslie, J.K. and C.A. Timmins. Environment and Distribution Larus spp., Post-Reproductive Pacific Salmon, Oncorhynchus of Age 0 Fishes in River Canard, a Lowland Ontario spp., as a Major Nutrient Source for Large Aggrega- River, 16 tions of Gulls, 202 Lestes disjunctus, 234 Lasallia,78 Lethocerus sp., 292 pensylvanica,78 Leucorrhinia spp., 234 Lasiurus cinereus, 132 intacta, 234 Lasiurus cinereus, Use of a Bridge for Day Roosting by the proxima, 234 Hoary Bat, 132 Leymus mollis ssp. mollis, 417 Lasius alienus,40 Libellula pulchella, 234 nearcticus,40 quadrimaculata, 234 neoniger, 40 Lichen, 413 niger, 40 Lichter, J., 569 pallitarsis, 40 Lily, Bullhead, 429 umbratus, 40 Chocolate, 248 Lassioglossum sp., 249 White Fawn, 248 Lathyrus sphaericus, 248 Limosella aquatica, 277 Lauff, R., Reviews by, 144,462 Linaria vulgaris, 14 Laurel, Sheep, 381 Linnaea borealis var. americana, 277 Lavallée, B.F., 359 Linyphia marginata, 264 Ledum decumbens, 210 waldea, 264 groenlandicum, 276,381 Liquorice-root, 287 Leersia oryzoides, 547 Lithophragma parviflorum, 248 Lefevre, K.L. Predation of a Bat by American Crows, Corvus Little Nightmare, Eschscholtz’, 429 brachyrhynchos, 443 Lizard, 95 , Collared, 124 Lobelia inflata 394 Lenard, S., 132 Locky, D.A., J.C. Davies and B.G. Warner. Effects of Wetland Lepisosteus osseus,21 Creation on Breeding Season Bird Use in Boreal East- Lepomis cyanellus,21 ern Ontario, 64 gibbosus, 21,360 Locoweed, Blackish, 432 humilis,21 Logperch, 21 macrochirus,21 Lolium spp., 548 megalotis,21 Lomatium utriculatum, 248 Leproloma vouauxii,78 Londry, K.L., P.H. Badiou, and S.E. Grasby. Identification Leptarrhena pyrolifolia, 418 of a Marine Green Alga Percursaria percursa from Lepthyphantes spp., 263 Hypersaline Springs in the Middle of the North alpinus, 263 American Continent, 82 bihamatus, 263 Longspur, Lapland, 208 calcaratus, 263 Longspur, Calcarius lapponicus, Nests at Cape Churchill, complicatus, 263 Manitoba, Microhabitat Characteristics of Lapland, cracens, 263 208 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 633

2006 INDEX TO VOLUME 119 633

Longue, P., 294 Mann, H. and E.M.V. Nambudiri. Charophytes of Insular Lonicera involucrata, 418 Newfoundland II: Chara evoluta and Chara canes- Lontra canadensis, 459 cens,26 Lontra canadensis) Contribute to Fall Scent Marking?, Do Maple, Manitoba, 220 Juvenile Nearctic River Otters, 459 Red, 17,386 Loon, Common, 455 Sugar, 38,332,378,386 Loon, Gavia immer, Nest Attendance Patterns Recorded by Mare’s-tail, 28 Remote Video Camera, Common, 455 Margariscus margarita, 221,360 Looper, Hemlock, 324 Marine Turtle Newsletter, 156,319,473,613 Loosestrife, Purple, 18 Maro amplus, 263 Lophodytes cucullatus,69 nearcticus, 263 Lophomma sylvaticum, 263 Marsh, J., 76 Lotus, American, 17 Marsh-marigold, 285 Lousewort, Lapland, 289 Floating, 285 Loxia curvirostra, 121 Marten, 124 leucoptera,70 American, 43 Luetkea pectinata, 418 Newfoundland, 43 Lumsden, H.G. Plumage and Internal Morphology of the Pine, 121,194,323 “Prairie Grouse”, Tympanuchus cupido × phasianellus, Martens, Martes americana atrata, Seasonal Diets of New- of Manitoulin Island, Ontario, 515 foundland, 43 Lumsden, H.G. “Prairie Grouse”, Tympanuchus cupido × Martes americana, 43,124,194,323 phasianellus, Hybridization on Manitoulin Island, americana atrata,43 Ontario, 507 martes, 121 Lupine, Nootka, 432 pennanti, 120,177,194 Lupinus arcticus, 277 Martes americana atrata, Seasonal Diets of Newfoundland nootkatensis, 418 Martens, 43 Lutra canadensis, 323 Martin, P.A., S.R. de Solla, P.J. Ewins, and M.E. Barker. lutra, 459 Productivity of Osprey, Pandion haliaetus, Nesting Luxilus cornutus, 21,361 on Natural and Artificial Structures in the Kawartha Luzula piperi, 418 Lakes, Ontario, 1991-2001, 58 spicata, 418 Mary, Blue-eyed, 248 wahlenbergii, 277 Maskinongé, 364 Lycopodium sabinifolium ssp. sitchense, 418 Maso sundevallii, 263 selago, 277 Matricaria ambigua, 277 sitchense, 417 McCarthy, J., Reviews by, 153,308,316,601 Lycopus uniflorus, 277,388 McGee, B.K., 584 Lynx canadensis, 323 McGrath, M., 323 Lynx, 323 McKague, C.I. and N. Cappuccino. Response of Pale Swal- Lysimachia thyrsifolia, 389 low-wort, Vincetoxicum rossicum, following Above- Lythrum salicaria, 18 ground Tissue Loss: Implications for the Timing of Mechanical Control, 525 MacInnes, K.I., 497 McMillan, B.R., 546 Mack, C.M., 446 McNay, M.E. and P.W. Mooney. Attempted Predation of a MacPherson, A., Review by, 147 Child by a Gray Wolf, Canis lupus, near Icy Bay, Macrobiotus cf. areolatus, 587 Alaska, 197 cf. hufelandi, 586 Meadow-foxtail, Water, 421 cf. islandicus, 587 Meadowlark, Eastern, 71 cf. richtersi, 586 Mecynargus paetulus, 263 Madsen, J.D., 546 Medicago spp., 175,551 Madtom, Tadpole, 18 Megachile sp., 250 Maianthemum canadense, 240 rotundata,53 Mallard, 379,541,546 Megaptera novaeangliae, 214 Mallards, Anas platyrhynchos, Use of Radio-Telemetry to Megascops asio, 578 Test for Investigator Effects on Nesting, 541 Meioneta sp. rurestris, 259 Mallory, M.L., A.J. Fontaine, and H. Boyd. Breeding and Melampyrum lineare, 240 Non-Breeding Range of Canada, Branta canadensis, Melandrium apetalum ssp. arcticum, 284 and Cackling Geese, Branta hutchinsii, in the Eastern Melanelia,78 Canadian Arctic, 483 disjuncta,78 Mallotus villosus, 216,355 sorediata,78 Mallow, Dwarf, 439 stygia,78 Malva neglecta, 439 Melanerpes carolinus, 369 rotundifolia, 438 erythrocephalus, 369 Manitoba, Microhabitat Characteristics of Lapland Longspur, Melanitta spp., 181 Calcarius lapponicus, Nests at Cape Churchill, 208 fusca, 182 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 634


nigra, 182 Western Silvery, 219 perspicillata, 182 Minnow, Hybognathus placitus, in Canada, First Record of Melanitta spp., Distributions in Central Alaska Beaufort Sea the Plains, 219 Lagoons, 1999-2002, Long-tailed Duck, Clangula Minnow, Pimephales promelas, in New Brunswick, The Fat- hyemalis, Eider, Somateria spp., and Scoter, 181 head, 351 Melospiza georgiana,69 Minuartia biflora, 276 lincolnii,70 dawsonensis, 418 melodia, 70,120 rossii, 276 melodius, 578 rubella, 277 Méné à nageoires rouges, 361 yukonensis, 277 laiton, 360 Minyriolus castaneus, 266 Menyanthes trifoliata, 418 , 270 Mephitis mephitis, 454,584 Mniotilta varia,70 Merchant, P.J., 580 Moneses uniflora, 276 Merganser, Common, 69 Monotropa hypopithys, 240 Hooded, 69 Montia linearis, 248 Mergus merganser,69 Montia, Narrow-leaved, 248 Merlin, 71,379 Mooney, P.W., 197 Merluccius productus, 112 Moose, 43,50,136,168,186,194,197,323,330,381,574 , 249 Moose, Alces alces, and Beaver, Castor canadensis,in Meta menardi, 268 Algonquin Park, Ontario, 1860-2004, Reconstruct- ovalis, 268 ing Changes in Abundance of White-tailed Deer, Metaphidippus flavipedes, 268 Odocoileus virginianus, 330 montanus, 268 Moose, Alces alces, in Central Interior British Columbia, Metasyrphus, 250 Winter Habitat Use by, 186 Metepeira palustris, 257 Morone americana, 21,295 Metridium senile, 355 chrysops,21 Meunier noir, 360 Mosgovoyia pectinata, 324 Micaria aenea, 258 Moss, 210,413,586 constricta, 259 Mountain-avens, White, 210 longispina, 259 Mountain-heather, Alaskan, 433 pulicaria, 259 Mountain-parsley, 278 rossica, 259 Mouse, 589,591 Mice, Peromyscus maniculatus, in Wire Mesh Live-Traps: Cotton, 446 A Cautionary Note, Mortality of Deer, 445 Deer, 194,323,414,445,451 Micrargus longitarsus, 263 Grasshopper, 95 Microlinyphia mandibulata, 263 House, 446,578 Micropterus dolomieu, 21,295,353,363 Jumping, 578 salmoides, 21,363 White-footed, 446,452,578 Microstictia, 6 Woodland, 578 Microtus spp., 122,395 Mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, in the Boreal Forest, Long- chrotorrhinus, 412 distance Movement of a Dispersing Deer, 451 chrotorrhinus chrotorrhinus, 412 Mouse-ear, Little, 248 chrotorrhinus ravus, 412 Moxostoma sp., 21 longicaudus, 445 macrolepidotum,21 pennslyvanicus, 43,323,414,446 Mudminnow, Central, 19 xanthognathus, 446 Mudwort, 288 Microtus chrotorrhinus, in Labrador, A Range Extension for Aleutian, 435 the Rock Vole, 412 glomerata, 277 Milfoil, Eurasian, 16 Muldoon, F., 453 Milk-vetch, Alpine, 431 Mulet à cornes, 361 Milkweed, 525 perlé, 360 Milnesium tardigradum, 586 Multiceps sp., 324 Miner’s-lettuce, 248 serialis, 324 Mink, 175 Murray, M.P., C.A. Pear, and R.B. Bury. Apparent Predation Minnesota, Food Habits of Dabbling Ducks During Fall by Gray Jays, Perisoreus canadensis, on Long-toed Migration in a Prairie Pothole System, Heron Lake, Salamanders, Ambystoma macrodactylum, in the Ore- 546 gon Cascade Range, 291 Minnow, Bluntnose, 18 Mus domesticus, 446 Brassy, 219 musculus, 578 Eastern Silvery, 219 Museau noir, 361 Fathead, 21,221,351 Muskox, 168 Mississippi Silvery, 219 , 570,591 Plains, 219 Mustela erminea, 175,323 Pugnose, 18 frenata, 175 Silvery, 219 vison, 175 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 635

2006 INDEX TO VOLUME 119 635

Mustela frenata, Movements and Diggings in Alfalfa Fields (Arcellinida, Protozoa) from Remnant Wetlands in Inhabited by Northern Pocket Gophers, Thomomys Ontario, Canada, 403 talpoides, Long-tailed Weasel, 175 Nicholson, K.L., B.K. McGee, and W.B. Ballard. Swift Fox, Myiarchus crinitus, 367 Vulpes velox, Den Located Next to a Railroad Track Myosotis discolor, 248 in Northwestern Texas, 584 Myotis lucifugus, 132,444,589 Nitella,26 Myotis, Little Brown, 132 confervacea,35 Myotis lucifugus, in a Rodent Trap in the Boreal Forest, Mor- flexilis,35 tality of Little Brown Bats, 589 opaca,35 Myriophyllum sp., 16 Noel, L.E., S.R. Johnson, and G.M. O’Doherty. Long-tailed alterniflorum, 277 Duck, Clangula hyemalis, Eider, Somateria spp., and verticillatum, 418 Scoter, Melanitta spp., Distributions in Central Alaska americana,39 Beaufort Sea Lagoons, 1999-2002, 181 Myrmica detritinodis,39 Noisetier à long bec, 457 emeryana,39 North America (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae), fracticornis, 39 New Distribution Records and Biogeography of Cal- pinetorum,39 ligrapha Species (Leaf Beetles), in, 88 punctiventris, 39 North American Banding, Long-eared Owls, Asio otus:A sculptilis,39 Review of, 395 Mythoplastoides exiguus, 264 North American Continent, Identification of a Marine Green Alga Percursaria percursa from Hypersaline Springs Najas flexilis, 276,417 in the Middle of the, 82 Nambudiri, E.M.V., 26 Northwest Territories and Nunavut, Canada III, Additions Neave, P., 453 and Range Extensions to the Vascular Plant Flora of Nedra ramosula,12 the Continental, 276 Nelumbo lutea,17 Northwest Territories from the Great Slave Lake Area, Addi- Nematode, 324 tions to the Flora of the Continental, 437 Némopanthe mucroné, 129 Northwest Territories Links Two Allopatric Species of Alkali Nemopanthus mucronatus, 129 Grass, Puccinellia, Addition to the Flora of Canada? Neoantistea agilis, 259 A Specimen from the Arctic Archipelago, 497 magna, 259 Notemigonus crysoleucas, 21,295,361 riparia radula, 259 Notropis anogenus,21 Neogobius melanostomus, 21,582 atherinoides,21 Neogobius melanostomus, in the St. Lawrence River at Corn- heterolepis, 361 wall, Ontario, First Occurrence of the Round Goby, hudsonius,21 582 stramineus, 21 Neon nellii, 268 volucellus, 21 , 269 Noturus gyrinus, 21 Neriene clathrata, 264 Nova Scotia, Invasive Scots Pine, Pinus sylvestris, Replacing radiata, 264 Corema, Corema conradii, Heathland in the Annapo- Nero, R.W. Short-tailed Shrew, Blarina brevicauda, Apparent- lis Valley, 237 ly Killed by Red Squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Nucifraga columbiana, 291 456 Numenius americanus, 490 Nesticus pallida, 267 Nunavut, Canada III, Additions and Range Extensions to the Nevin, O.T. and B.K. Gilbert. Observations of Autumn Vascular Plant Flora of the Continental Northwest Ter- Courtship and Breeding in Brown Bears, Ursus arc- ritories and, 276 tos, from Coastal British Columbia, 449 Nuphar variegatum, 388,418 New Brunswick, The Fathead Minnow, Pimephales prome- Nutcracker, Clark’s, 291 las, in, 351 Nuthatch, Red-breasted, 71,367 New Brunswick, Tree Recruitment Limitation by Introduced White-breasted, 367 Snowshoe Hares, Lepus americanus, on Kent Island, Nymph, Wavy Water, 279,420 569 Nymphaea tetragona ssp. leibergii, 277 Newfoundland, An Annotated Checklist of the of, 254 O’Doherty, G.M., 181 Newfoundland During a Cyclical Peak, Analysis of the Par- O’Donovan, K.S., 445,451 asites of a Mid-winter Population of the Snowshoe O’Neill, J., Reviews by, 463,464 Hare, Lepus americanus, on Insular, 323 Oak, 343,368 Newfoundland Martens, Martes americana atrata, Seasonal Bur, 348 Diets of, 43 Garry, 245,344 Newfoundland II: Chara evoluta and Chara canescens, Charo- Red, 38,348,386 phytes of Insular, 26 Scrub, 9 New York, Chronology of Range Expansion of the Coyote, Oak Forests, Woodpecker Nest Tree Characteristics in Upper Canis latrans,in,1 Midwestern, 367 Nicholls, K.H. Cyclopyxis acmodonta n. sp. and Arcella for- Oak, Quercus garryana, Ecosystem of British Columbia, mosa n. sp.: Two New Species of Testate Rhizopods Insect Visitation to Wildflowers in the Endangered Garry, 245 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 636


Oatgrass, Poverty, 279 Ontario Woodlands, Detectability of Non-passerines Using Oats, 421 “Pishing” in Eastern, 377 Obbard, M., 48 Onychomys,95 Obeliscoides cuniculi, 324 Oporornis agilis,70 Oceanodroma leucorhoa, 570 philadelphia,70 Odocoileus heminous, 296,574,580 Opsopoeodus emiliae,21 virginianus, 101,330,381,573,580,591 Opuntia polyacantha, 220 Odocoilus hemionus, and Other Mammals, Passage Through Orchid, Bracted Green, 428 a Small Drainage Culvert by Mule Deer, 296 Orconectes propinquus,17 Odocoileus virginianus, Moose, Alces alces, and Beaver, Oreamnos americanus, 197,574 Castor canadensis, in Algonquin Park, Ontario, Oregon Cascade Range, Apparent Predation by Gray Jays, 1860-2004, Reconstructing Changes in Abundance Perisoreus canadensis, on Long-toed Salamanders, of White-tailed Deer, 330 Ambystoma macrodactylum, in the, 291 Oedothorax montiferus, 266 Oreonetides spp., 264 trilobatus, 264 flavescens, 264 Olson, R.W., J.K. Schmutz, and U.T. Hammer. Occurrence, rectangulatus, 264 Composition and Formation of Ruppia, Widgeon rotundus, 264 Grass, balls in Saskatchewan Lakes, 114 vaginatus, 264 Olson, Z.H., S.S. Stevens, and T.L. Serfass. Do Juvenile Oreophantes recurvatus, 264 Nearctic River Otters (Lontra canadensis) Contribute Oriole, Baltimore, 70 to Fall Scent Marking? 459 Orobanche fasciculata, 418 Ommatokoita elongata, 355 Orodrassus canadensis, 259 Oncorhynchus spp., 202 vastus, 259 gorbuscha, 202 Osmia sp., 246 keta, 202 lignaria, 246 kisutch, 197 texana, 246 tshawytscha, 591 Osprey, 58,379 Oncorhynchus spp., as a Major Nutrient Source for Large Osprey, Pandion haliaetus, Nesting on Natural and Artificial Aggregations of Gulls, Larus spp., Post-Reproductive Structures in the Kawartha Lakes, Ontario, 1991- Pacific Salmon, 202 2001, Productivity of, 58 Ondatra zibethicus, 570,591 Ostrya,96 Ontario: An Addition to the Flora of Canada, Papillate Water- Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club Awards for 2004, The, 614 meal, Wolffia brasiliensis, in Eastern, 137 Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club 11 January 2005, Minutes of Ontario, Canada, Cyclopyxis acmodonta n. sp. and Arcella the 126th Annual Business Meeting of The, 474 formosa n. sp.: Two New Species of Testate Rhi- Otter, European, 459 zopods (Arcellinida, Protozoa) from Remnant Wet- Nearctic River, 459 lands in, 403 River, 323 Ontario, Effects of Wetland Creation on Breeding Season Otters (Lontra canadensis) Contribute to Fall Scent Mark- Bird Use in Boreal Eastern, 64 ing?, Do Juvenile Nearctic River, 459 Ontario, First Occurrence of the Round Goby, Neogobius Ovenbird, 71 melanostomus, in the St. Lawrence River at Cornwall, Ovibos moschatus, 168 582 Ovis canadensis, 574 Ontario, Identification and Status of the Introduced Black , Barred, 367,379 Pine, Pinus nigra, and Mugo Pine, Pinus mugo, in, Boreal, 367,578 224 Burrowing, 490 Ontario, Movements of Two Rabid Raccoons, Procyon lotor, Eastern Screech, 578 in Eastern, 453 Great Gray, 69 Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre Science and Great Horned, 62,71,395,578 Information Newsletter, 319 Long-eared, 395 Ontario, 1860-2004, Reconstructing Changes in Abundance Northern Saw-whet, 367,578 of White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, Moose, Short-eared, 70,400 Alces alces, and Beaver, Castor canadensis, in Algon- Snowy, 211 quin Park, 330 Owls, Aegolius acadicus, Caching Behavior by Wintering Ontario, Plumage and Internal Morphology of the “Prairie Northern Saw-Whet, 578 Grouse”, Tympanuchus cupido × phasianellus,of Owls, Asio otus: A Review of North American Banding Long- Manitoulin Island, 515 eared, 395 Ontario, “Prairie Grouse”, Tympanuchus cupido × phasianel- Oxyptila americana, 270 lus, Hybridization on Manitoulin Island, 507 Oxytrope, Arctic, 432 Ontario, Productivity of Osprey, Pandion haliaetus, Nesting Jordal’s, 432 on Natural and Artificial Structures in the Kawartha Murray’s, 432 Lakes, Ontario, 1991-2001, 58 Oxytropis arctica var. arctica, 417 Ontario River, Environment and Distribution of Age 0 Fishes arctica var. murrayi, 417 in River Canard, a Lowland, 16 arctobia, 277 Ontario Watershed, Possible Tool Use by Beavers, Castor campestris ssp. jordalii, 418 canadensis, in a Northern, 441 deflexa ssp. foliosa, 277 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 637

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maydelliana, 277 Yellow, 20,295 nigrescens ssp. nigrescens, 418 Percina caprodes,21 sordida ssp. murrayi, 432 maculata,21 Ozyptila bryantae, 270 Percursaria percursa,82 distans, 270 Percursaria percursa from Hypersaline Springs in the Middle gertschi, 270 of the North American Continent, Identification of a sincera canadensis, 270 Marine Green Alga, 82 Perdix perdix, 122 Pachygnatha brevis, 268 Perisoreus canadensis, 70,101,291 Pagophilus groenlandicus, 382 Perisoreus canadensis: Adaptations to Boreal Winters, Paintbrush, Scarlet, 433 Weight-carrying Ability and Caching Behavior of Small-flowered, 434 Gray Jays, 101 Unalaska, 434 Perisoreus canadensis, on Long-toed Salamanders, Amby- Pandion haliaetus, 58,379 stoma macrodactylum, in the Oregon Cascade Range, Pandion haliaetus, Nesting on Natural and Artificial Struc- Apparent Predation by Gray Jays, 291 tures in the Kawartha Lakes, Ontario, 1991-2001, Pro- Peromyscus sp., 446,452,578,589,591 ductivity of Osprey, 58 gossypinus, 446 Panicum capillare var. occidentale, 439 leucopus, 446,452,578 dichotomiflorum, 548 maniculatus, 194,323,414,445,451 miliaceum, 438 Peromyscus maniculatus, in the Boreal Forest, Long-distance Papaver radicatum, 277 Movement of a Dispersing Deer Mouse, 451 radicatum ssp. kluanensis, 418 Peromyscus maniculatus, in Wire Mesh Live-Traps: A Cau- Papilio sp., 249 tionary Note, Mortality of Deer Mice, 445 Paquet, P.C., 192 Peterson, T.S., A. Uesugi, and J. Lichter. Tree Recruitment Parachnowitsch, A.L. and E. Elle. Insect Visitation to Wild- Limitation by Introduced Snowshoe Hares, Lepus flowers in the Endangered Garry Oak, Quercus gar- americanus, on Kent Island, New Brunswick, 569 ryana, Ecosystem of British Columbia, 245 Petrel, Leach’s Storm, 570 Paralochloa, 497 Petrochilidon pyrrhonota,70 Pardosa albomaculata, 267 Pewee, Eastern Wood, 71 concinna, 267 Phaeophyscia hispidula,78 furcifera, 267 sciastra,78 fuscula, 267 Phalacrocorax auritus,69 groenlandica, 267 Phalaris arundinacea, 418 hyperborea, 267 Phenacomys intermedius, 414 lapidicina, 267 Pheucticus ludovicianus,71 mackenziana, 267 Phidippus borealis, 268 moesta, 267 princeps, 268 saltuaria, 267 purpuratus, 268 xerampelina, 267 whitmanii, 268 Parelaphostrongylus tenuis, 334 Philanthus albopilosus, 9 Parmelia, 78 politus, 10 saxatilis, 78 Phillips, F.R., 381 sulcata, 78 Philodromus alascensis, 268 Parnassia fimbriata, 418 imbecillus, 268 Parrya arctica, 277,506 mysticus, 268 Partridge, Grey, 122 pernix, 268 Partridge-foot, 431 placidus, 268 Partridgeberry, 412 rufus, 268 Parula americana,69 rufus quartus, 268 Parus atricapillus, 367 algida, 418 Passer domesticus,71 Phlox gracilis, 248 Passerculus sandwichensis, 70,570 Phlox, Slender, 248 Pear, C.A., 291 Phoca hispida, 357 Peavine, Grass, 248 vitulina, 355 Pedicularis arctica, 289 Pholcus phalangioides, 268 capitata, 277,506 Phoxinus eos, 221,360 langsdorfii ssp. arctica, 277,506 neogaeus, 360 lapponica, 277 Phragmites australis, 17,277 macrodonta, 277 communis var. berlandieri, 280 parviflora var. macrodonta, 289 Phyciodes mylitta, 249 Pelecopsis mengei, 264 Phyllodoce × intermedia, 418 flavipes, 268 Physcia caesia,78 montana, 268 dubia,78 Perca flavescens, 21,295 phaea,78 Perch, White, 18,295 Physconia muscigena,78 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 638


Physidae, 547 sylvestris, 8,231,237 Physocarpus,96 thunbergii, 224 opulifolius,96 Pinus mugo, in Ontario, Identification and Status of the Intro- Picea sp., 135,208,457 duced Black Pine, Pinus nigra, and Mugo Pine, 224 engelmanii × glauca, 186 Pinus nigra, and Mugo Pine, Pinus mugo, in Ontario, Identi- glauca, 77,186,255,381,404,451,458,574 fication and Status of the Introduced Black Pine, 224 mariana, 186,255,333,381,412,457,574 Pinus sylvestris, Replacing Corema, Corema conradii, Heath- rubens, 570 land in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Invasive sitchensis, 160,197 Scots Pine, 237 Pickavance, J.R. and C.D. Dondale. An Annotated Checklist Pipit, Sprague’s, 490 of the Spiders of Newfoundland, 254 Pirata bryantae, 267 Picoides arcticus, 367 canadensis, 267 dorsalis, 367 cantralli, 267 pubescens, 71,369,379 insularis, 267 villosus, 71,369,379 minutus, 267 Pieris rapae, 249 montanus, 267 Pike, Northern, 21 piraticus, 267 Pimephales notatus, 21,361 Pityohyphantes costatus, 264 promelas, 21,221,351,361 limitaneus, 264 Pimephales promelas, in New Brunswick, The Fathead Min- subarcticus, 264 now, 351 Placidium squamulosum,78 Pin gris, 457 Planorbidae, 547 rouge, 457 Plantago eriopoda, 418 Pine, Black, 224 major, 394 Eastern White, 386 Plantain, Saline, 434 Jack, 332 Platanthera clavellata, 388 Japanese Black, 224 Platycrista cheleusis, 587 Japanese Red, 224 Plecoptera, 547 Lodgepole, 186,419,451,574 Plectrophanax nivalis, 120 Mugo, 224 Plenoculus davisi,10 Pitch, 9 Plethodon cinereus, 129 Ponderosa, 132 Pletscher, D.H., 446 Red, 8,38,237,332 Pleurozium schreberi, 586 Scotch, 8,231 Plover, Mountain, 532 Scots, 231,237 Plovers, Charadrius montanus, Differential Parental Care by Shore, 344 Adult Mountain, 532 White, 9,38,238,332,369,378 alpigena, 280 Pine, Pinus mugo, in Ontario, Identification and Status of the alpina, 277 Introduced Black Pine, Pinus nigra, and Mugo, 224 glauca, 277 Pine, Pinus nigra, and Mugo Pine, Pinus mugo, in Ontario, pratensis, 245 Identification and Status of the Introduced Black, pratensis ssp. alpigena, 277 224 Pocadicnemis americana, 264 Pine, Pinus sylvestris, Replacing Corema, Corema conradii, Podagrostis thurberiana, 420 Heathland in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Inva- Podiceps auritus, 69 sive Scots, 237 Podilymbus podiceps,69 Pinicola enucleator, 121 Poecile spp., 121 Pintail, Northern, 69,548 atricapillus,71 Pinus spp., 548 cinctus, 120 banksiana, 231,332,457 hudsonica, 70,367 cembroides var. edulis, 231 major, 120 contorta, 186,344,451,574 montanus, 120 contorta ssp. latifolia, 418 palustris, 120 densiflora, 224 Poeciloneta sp., 264 edulis, 231 furcata, 264 montana, 229 Pogonia ophioglossoides, 388 mugo, 224 Polemonium pulcherrimum, 418 mugo ssp. mugo, 229 Polites themistocles,12 mugo ssp. rotundata, 229 Polygonum spp., 547 mugo ssp. uncinata, 229 achoreum, 418 nigra, 224 convolvulus, 418 nigra var. nigra, 226 lapathifolium, 418,547 ponderosa, 132 pennsylvanicum, 548 resinosa, 8,38,231,237,332,457 pensylvanicum ssp. oneillii, 428 rigida,9 persicaria, 394,418,548 strobus, 9,38,238,332,369,378,386 viviparum, 277 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 639

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Polytrichum,78 sibirica, 433 lonchitis, 418 Proctor, H.C., 586 Pomoxis annularis,21 Procyon lotor, 62,298,453 nigromaculatus,21 Procyon lotor, in Eastern Ontario, Movements of Two Rabid Pondhawk, Eastern, 234 Raccoons, 453 Pondweed, Blunt-leaved, 279 Proietto, R.L., 139 Clasping-leaved, 28 Proulx, G. Body Weights of Adult and Juvenile Northern Closed-leaved, 278 Pocket Gophers, Thomomys talpoides, in Central Al- Curlyleaf, 546 berta Alfalfa Fields, 551 Fine-leaved, 278 Proulx, G. Long-tailed Weasel, Mustela frenata, Movements Horned, 28 and Diggings in Alfalfa Fields Inhabited by North- Sago, 28 ern Pocket Gophers, Thomomys talpoides, 175 White-stemmed, 420 Proulx, G. and R.M. Kariz. Winter Habitat Use by Moose, pennsylvanica,39 Alces alces, in Central Interior British Columbia, 186 Poplar, 41 Pruche du Canada, 129 Balsam, 77 Pruitt, W.O., Jr., Why and How to Study a Snowcover, 118 Populus sp., 41,367,401,457 Prunus spp., 344 balsamifera,77 Psathyrostachys juncea, 418 deltoides, 17,132 Pseudacris triseriata, 291 tremuloides, 65,135,175,186,220,381,442,451,574 Pseudocolpodium, 498 Porcupine, 125,159,177,453 Pseudotsuga menziesii, 344 Porcupines, Erethizon dorsatum, in Second-Growth Conifer Ptarmigan, Willow, 44 Forests, The Influence of Thermal Protection on Win- Pteridium aquilinum, 240 ter Den Selection by, 159 Pterostichus melanarius, 271 Porrhomma sp., 264 Puccinellia, 497 gertschi, 264 agrostidea, 498 terrestre, 264 angustata, 497 Portulaca oleracea, 438 arctica, 497 Porzana carolina,69 beringensis, 498 Posidonia, 114 byrrangensis, 498 Potamogeton sp., 16,546 colpodioides, 498 crispus, 546 jenisseiensis, 498 dichotomiflorum, 547 phryganodes, 497 epihydrus, 394 poacea, 498 filiformis, 277 vahliana, 498 foliosus, 277 vahliana X, 498 foliosus var. macellus, 278 wrighti var. colpodioides, 498 natans, 548 wrighti var. flava, 498 obtusifolius, 276 wrighti var. wrightii, 498 pectinatus, 28 wrightii, 498 perfoliatus, 28 Puccinellia, Addition to the Flora of Canada? A Specimen praelongus, 418 from the Arctic Archipelago, Northwest Territories pusillus, 547 Links Two Allopatric Species of Alkali Grass, 497 Potentilla anserina, 560 Puma concolor, 580 biflora, 277 Puma concolor, in the Yukon, First Confirmation of Cougar, bipinnatifida, 418 580 nivea ssp. nivea, 277 Pumpkinseed, 21 norvegica, 394 Pusa hispida, 382 palustris, 277 Pusillia mandibulata, 263 recta, 394 Pussytoes, Showy, 434 potentille ansérine, 560 Pyrola secunda, 277 Pouliot, D., 105 Pyrola, One-flowered, 288 Pouliot, D. et J.-F. Desroches. Découverte de la Salamandre Pyrrhula pyrrhula, 120 à quatre orteils, Hemidactylium scutatum, à Québec, Québec: limite nord-est de l’espèce sur la rive nord Quebec, Consequences of Beaver, Castor canadensis, Flood- du fleuve Saint-Laurent, 129 ing on a Small Shore Fen in Southwestern, 385 Powell, T., 451 Québec, et impact sur l’ichtyofaune, Charactéristiques d’une Prairie-dog, Black-tailed, 532 population introduit du Grand brochet, Esox lucius, Price, M.H.H., C.T. Darimont, N.N. Winchester, and P.C. dans le lac Ramsay, Parc de la Gatineau, 359 Paquet. Facts from Faeces: Prey Remains in Wolf, Québec, Extension de l’aire de distribution de la Couleuvre Canis lupus, Faeces Revise Occurrence Records for à collier, Diadophis punctatus edwardsii, dans l’est Mammals of British Columbia’s Coastal Archipelago, du, 457 192 Québec: limite nord-est de l’espèce sur la rive nord du fleuve Primrose, Siberian, 433 Saint-Laurent, Découverte de la Salamandre à qua- Primula nutans, 418 tre orteils, Hemidactylium scutatum, à Québec, 129 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 640


Québec, Premières mentions et répartition de la Salamandre Reedgrass, Bluejoint, 77 sombre du Nord, Desmognathus fuscus, sur la rive Reeves, H.M., Review by, 307 nord du fleuve Saint-Laurent, au, 105 Regulus calendula, 70 Québec, Québec: limite nord-est de l’espèce sur la rive nord satrapa, 579 du fleuve Saint-Laurent, Découverte de la Salamandre Reimchen, T.E., 202 à quatre orteils, Hemidactylium scutatum, à, 129 Rheum rhabarbarum, 438 Québec, The Effect of Human Activity on Ant Species Rhinichthys cataractae, 221 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Richness at the Mont Rhizocarpon disporum,78 St. Hilaire Biosphere Reserve, 38 Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca,78 Quercus spp., 9,343 Rhododendron groenlandicum, 412 alba, 368 lapponicum, 210 bicolor, 368 Rhynchospora alba, 277 garryana, 245,344 Rhytidium rugosum,80 macrocarpa, 348 Ribes spp., 369 rubra, 38,129,240,348,368,386 Robertus banksi, 269 Quercus garryana, Ecosystem of British Columbia, Insect borealis, 269 Visitation to Wildflowers in the Endangered Garry fuscus, 269 Oak, 245 riparius, 269 Quillback, 18 Robin, American, 70 Quinn, N.W.S. Reconstructing Changes in Abundance of Rogers, L.L. Weight-carrying Ability and Caching Behavior White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, Moose, of Gray Jays, Perisoreus canadensis: Adaptations to Alces alces, and Beaver, Castor canadensis, in Algon- Boreal Winters, 101 quin Park, Ontario, 1860-2004, 330 Rohner, C., 573 Quiscalus quiscula, 70 Rosa spp., 176 blanda, 277 Raccoon, 62,298,453 woodsii, 418 Raccoons, Procyon lotor, in Eastern Ontario, Movements of Rosatte, R., M. Allan, R. Warren, P. Neave, T. Babin, L. Two Rabid, 453 Buchanan, D. Donovan, K. Sobey, C. Davies, F. Rail, , 69 Muldoon, and A. Wandeler. Movements of Two Rabid Yellow, 69 Raccoons, Procyon lotor, in Eastern Ontario, 453 Rallus limicola,69 Rose, 176 Ramalina intermedia,78 Western, 431 Ramazzottius sp., 586 Rosebay, Lapland, 210 Rana luteiventris, 291 Rosemary, Bog, 210 palustris, 578 Roussel, B., 457 pipiens, 389 Roy, J.F., Review by, 605 Rangifer tarandus, 43,119,168,201,355,381 Rubus spp., 239,369 tarandus caribou, 124,136,573 arcticus ssp. acaulis, 277 tarandus fennicus, 124 chamaemorus, 210,412 tarandus granti, 124 idaeus, 44,277,570 tarandus groenlandicus, 124 strigosus, 287 tarandus pearyi, 120 vermontanus, 240 tarandus tarandus, 124 Rugathodes aurantius, 269 Ranunculus aquatilis var. eradicatus, 277 sexpunctatus, 269 occidentalis, 248 Rumex acetosella, 240 repens, 438 crispus, 438 sabinei, 277 maritimus ssp. fueginus, 418 xspitzbergensis, 277 Ruppia, 114 Raspberry, 369 cirrhosa, 115 Common, 44 maritima, 28,115 Red, 570 occidentalis, 115 Wild Red, 287 Ruppia, Widgeon Grass, balls in Saskatchewan Lakes, Occur- Rattlesnake, 95 rence, Composition and Formation of 114 Rauschia triangularis, 324 Rush, Bog, 282 Raven, Common, 70,291,444 Swaying, 422 Reading, K.L., 276 Thread, 427 Reddoch, A.H., 385 Toad, 427 Reddoch, J.M. and A.H. Reddoch. Consequences of Beaver, Rye, 422 Castor canadensis, Flooding on a Small Shore Fen Canadian Wild, 279 in Southwestern Quebec, 385 Russian Wild, 422 Redhorse sp., 21 Shorthead, 21 Sagebrush, 220,532 Redpoll, 120 Sagina caespitosa, 277 Common, 120 nivalis, 418 Redstart, American, 71 Sagittaria, 390 Reed, Common, 17,280 latifolia, 394,548 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 641

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Salad, Corn, 248 Satilatlas gertschi, 264 Salamander, Long-toed, 291 marxii, 264 Northwestern, 292 Savannah Sparrow,70 Salamanders, Ambystoma macrodactylum, in the Oregon Saving the Wild: RENEW 2005, 613 Cascade Range, Apparent Predation by Gray Jays, Saxifraga nelsoniana ssp. carlottae, 417 Perisoreus canadensis, on Long-toed, 291 nelsoniana ssp. pacifica, 418 Salamandre à deux lignes, 106 nelsoniana ssp. porsildiana, 277 à quatre orteils, 129 nivalis, 277 cendrées , 129 oppositifolia, 506 pourpre, 106 punctata ssp. carlottae, 431 sombre du Nord, 105 punctata ssp. pacifica, 431 Salamandre à quatre orteils, Hemidactylium scutatum,à punctata ssp. porsildiana, 286 Québec, Québec: limite nord-est de l’espèce sur la rivularis, 277 rive nord du fleuve Saint-Laurent, Découverte de la, rufopilosa, 418 129 tricuspidata, 78,506 Salamandre sombre du Nord, Desmognathus fuscus, sur la rive nord du fleuve Saint-Laurent, au Québec, Premières Saxifrage, Alpine, 286 mentions et répartition de la, 105 Leather-leaved, 430 Salix sp., 65,77,96,132,135,175,186,208,220,441,506,574,591 Prickly, 78 alaxensis, 277 Schmiegelow, F.K.A., 573 arctica, 277 Schmutz, J.K., 114 arctica × glauca, 276 Schoenoplectus acutus, 418 arctophila, 210,277 acutus var. acutus, 427 bebbiana,96 pungens, 439 brachycarpa ssp. niphoclada, 428 tabernaemontani, 418 fuscescens, 277 Sciastes dubius, 262 glauca ssp. callicarpaea, 276 truncatus, 264 glauca var. acutifolia, 277 Scirites pectinatus, 264 lanata ssp. richardsonii, 283 Scironis tarsalis, 265 myrtillifolia, 276 Scirpus sp., 16 niphoclada, 418 acutus, 418,548 planifolia, 277 americanus, 439 reticulata, 277 caespitosus ssp. austriacus, 277 richardsonii, 277 cyperinus, 137,394 rotundifolia, 276 fluviatilis, 548 rotundifolia ssp. rotundifolia, 283 hudsonianus, 418 sphenophylla, 277 rollandii, 277 Salmon, 591 rufus, 417 Chinook, 591 validus, 17,418,548 Chum, 202 Sciurus carolinensis, 343,456 Coho, 197 vulgaris, 121,343 Pacific, 202 Sciurus carolinensis, in British Columbia, The Distribution Pink, 202 and Habitat Selection of Introduced Eastern Grey Salmon Carcasses: Opportunistic Use of a Seasonally Super- Squirrels, 343 abundant Food Source, Beavers, Castor canadensis, Scolochloa festucacea, 77 Feeding on, 591 Scolopax minor,69 Salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., as a Major Nutrient Source for Scoter, 181 Large Aggregations of Gulls, Larus spp., Post-Repro- Black, 182 ductive Pacific, 202 Surf, 182 Salmonid, 353 White-winged, 182 Salticus scenicus, 268 Scoter, Melanitta spp., Distributions in Central Alaska Beau- Salvelinus fontinalis, 351 fort Sea Lagoons, 1999-2002, Long-tailed Duck, Clan- Sanderson, E.W., 1 gula hyemalis, Eider, Somateria spp., and, 181 Sandpiper, Least, 379 Scotinotylus pallidus, 265 Spotted, 69,379 sacer, 265 Upland, 69 Sculpin, 582 Sandwort, Bog, 429 Scutellaria galericulata, 394 Sanicle, Pacific, 248 Scyletria inflata, 265 Sanicula crassicaulis, 248 Seal, Grey, 355 Sapin baumier, 129,457 Harbour, 355 Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied, 71,367,379 Harp, 382 Sarcobatus vermiculatus, 220 Hooded, 382 Sarsparilla, Wild, 44 Ringed, 357,382 Saskatchewan Lakes, Occurrence, Composition and Forma- Seburn, D., Review by, 145 tion of Ruppia, Widgeon Grass, balls in, 114 Secale cereale, 418 Saskatoon, 78 Sedge, 16,186,211,591 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 642


Awned, 77 Silene acaulis ssp. subacaulescens, 418 Bebb’s, 423 cserei, 439 Blackish, 426 walensis, 277 Bristle-leaved, 424 Silverside, Brook, 21 Bristly, 137 Singa variabilis, 257 Brownish, 423 Sisicottus montanus, 265 Buxbaum’s, 423 quoylei, 265 Dunhead, 426 Sisicus apertus, 265 Enander’s, 425 penifusifer, 265 Few-seeded Fen, 425 Sisis rotundus, 265 Grey, 424 Siskin, Pine, 71 Hay, 426 Sitta canadensis, 71,367 Kellogg’s, 425 carolinensis, 367 Pale, 425 Sitticus cutleri, 268 Parry’s, 426 finschii, 268 Sartwell’s, 426 floricola palustris, 268 Slender, 424 palustris, 268 Small-winged, 425 ranieri, 268 Spikehead, 426 striatus, 268 Weak, 425 Skunk, 454 Seiurus aurocapillus,71 Striped, 584 noveboracensis,69 Slough, B.G., 589 Semljicola obtusus, 265 Smilacina trifolia,44 Semotilus atromaculatus, 295,351,361 Smith, D.G., 578 Senecio congestus, 277 Snake, Garter, 292 Serfass, T.L., 459 Snap-dragon, Dwarf, 438 Sericocarpus rigidus, 245 Snipe, Wilson’s, 69 Setaria spp., 548 Snowberry, Creeping, 44 glauca, 438 Soapberry, 287 Setophaga ruticilla,71 Sobey, K., 453 Shad, Gizzard, 18 Solenopsis molesta,39 Shark, Bluntnose Sixgill, 537 Solidago sp., 388 Greenland, 355 altissima, 525 Sharks, Hexanchus griseus, at Flora Islets, British Columbia, bicolor, 240 Body Size Distribution and Frequency of Anthro- canadensis, 390 pogenic Injuries of Bluntnose Sixgill, 537 graminifolia var. major, 277 Sharks, Somniosus microcephalus, Vision and its Relation- juncea, 240 ship to Novel Behaviour in St. Lawrence River Green- uliginosa, 388 land, 355 Solomon’s Seal, Three-Leaved False, 44 Sheep, 200 Somateria spp., 181 Bighorn, 574 mollissima v-nigrum, 182 Shepherdia azgenteas, 220 spectabilis, 182 canadensis, 276 Somateria spp., and Scoter, Melanitta spp., Distributions in Shik, J.Z., A. Francoeur, and C.M. Buddle. The Effect of Central Alaska Beaufort Sea Lagoons, 1999-2002, Human Activity on Ant Species (Hymenoptera: For- Long-tailed Duck, Clangula hyemalis, Eider, 181 micidae) Richness at the Mont St. Hilaire Biosphere Somniosus microcephalus, 355 Reserve, Québec, 38 Somniosus microcephalus, Vision and its Relationship to Shiner, Common, 21 Novel Behaviour in St. Lawrence River Greenland Emerald, 20 Sharks, 355 Golden, 21,295 Sonchus arvensis ssp. uliginosus, 439 Mimic, 21 arvensis var. glabrescens, 439 Pugnose, 18 uliginosus, 438 Sand, 21 Sora, 69 Spotfin, 18 Sorbus americanus, 570 Spottail, 21 sitchensis, 418 Shootingstar, Broad-leaved, 248 Sorex sp., 122,578 Shoveler, Northern, 69,548 cinereus, 43,324,579 Shrew, 122,578 hoyi, 414 Masked, 43,324,579 Souessa spinifera, 265 Pygmy, 414 Sougambus bostoniensis, 265 Short-tailed, 456,578 Soulgas corticarius, 265 Shrew, Blarina brevicauda, Apparently Killed by Red Squir- Soybean, 547 rel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Short-tailed, 456 Sparganium sp., 16,390 Shrike, 102,578 americanum, 137,389 Loggerhead, 490 hyperboreum, 277 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 643

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Sparrow, 578 Stictiella callista,13 Chipping, 71 corniculata,13 House, 71 emarginata,6 LeConte’s, 69 evansi,13 Lincoln’s, 70 formosa,13 Savannah, 570 pulchella,13 Song, 70,120,578 pulchella pulchella,13 Swamp, 69 pulchella serrata,13 White-crowned, 71 serrata,13 White-throated, 70 Stictiella emarginata (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)*, Nesting Spartina gracilis, 277 Behavior, Ecology, Seasonal and Geographic Distri- Spermophilus richardsonii, 442 bution of the Sand Wasp, 6 Sphagnum sp., 129,388,404 Stipa comata, 220 magellanicum, 388 Stocek, R.F., 351 teres, 388 Stoneroller, Central, 18 Sphaigne, 129 Stonewort, 16 Sphixapata vigilans,13 Strix nebulosa,69 Sphyrapicus varius, 71,367,379 varia, 367,379 , 95,254 Stuckenia spp., 546 Spiders of Newfoundland, An Annotated Checklist of the, filiformis, 548 254 pectinata, 28,546 Spike-rush, Bald, 439 Sturnella magna,71 Spiraea betulifolia, 438 Sturnus vulgaris,71 Spirembolus oreinoides, 265 Styloctetor stativus, 265 Spizella passerina,71 Sucker, White, 18,221,295 Spreadwing, Northern, 234 Sundew, Great, 430 Spruce, 135,186,208 Sunfish, Green, 21 Black, 186,255,333,381,412,574 Longear, 18 Red, 570 Orangespotted, 18 Sitka, 160,197 Swallow, Barn, 70 White, 77,186,255,381,404,451,570,574 Cliff, 70 Squirrel, Douglas, 344 Tree, 70 Eastern Grey, 343 Swallow-wort, Pale, 525 European Red, 343 Swallow-wort, Vincetoxicum rossicum, following Above- Grey, 456 ground Tissue Loss: Implications for the Timing of North American Red, 121,343 Mechanical Control, Response of Pale, 525 Northern Flying, 344,591 Swertia perennis, 417 Red, 43,121,323,456,591 Swertia, Alpine Bog, 433 Richardson’s Ground, 442 Sylvester, R.M., S.E. Freeling, and C.R. Berry, Jr. First Rec- Southern Flying, 374 ord of the Plains Minnow, Hybognathus placitus, in Squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Short-tailed Shrew, Bla- Canada, 219 rina brevicauda, Apparently Killed by Red, 456 Symphoricarpos accidentalis, 220 Squirrels, Sciurus carolinensis, in British Columbia, The Dis- Symphyotrichum ciliatum, 418 tribution and Habitat Selection of Introduced Eastern lanceolatum ssp. hesperium var. hesperium, 439 Grey, 343 laurentianum, 556 St. John’s-wort, 14 yukonense, 418 Starling, European, 71 Symphyotrichum laurentianum, aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Starwort, Umbellate, 429 Protocole de suivi des populations d’aster du Saint- Staurothele,76 Laurent, 556 drummondii,78 Symplocarpus foetidus, 129 fissa,78 Syrphus, 250 Steatoda bipunctata, 269 Stellaria calycantha, 277 Tachycineta bicolor,70 longipes, 277 Tachysphex pechumani,10 umbellata, 418 similis,10 Stemonyphantes blauveltae, 265 tarsatus,10 diecki,39 Taenia pisiformis, 324 impar,39 Tamarack, 255,404,574 Steniolia,6 Tamias striatus, 323,578 Stercorarius parasiticus, 211 Tamiasciurus douglasii, 344 Stevens, S.D. and T.I. Wellicome. A Survey for Federally List- hudsonicus, 43,121,323,343,456,591 ed Grassland Birds at First Nations Reserves, 490 Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Short-tailed Shrew, Blarina bre- Stevens, S.S., 459 vicauda, Apparently Killed by Red Squirrel, 456 Stickleback, Brook, 221 Tapinocyba bicarinata, 265 Threespine, 28 exigua, 264 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 644


flagellata, 265 Thomson, J.A., 214 lindrothi, 265 Thorn, T.D., R.B. Emery, D.W. Howerter, J.H. Devries, and minuta, 265 B.L. Joynt. Use of Radio-Telemetry to Test for Inves- scopuliferum, 262 tigator Effects on Nesting Mallards, Anas platyrhyn- simplex, 265 chos, 541 Tapinoma sessile,39 Thrasher, Brown, 71 Tapinopa bilineata, 265 Thrush, Hermit, 70 Taraxacum spp., 552 Swainson’s, 70 lyratum, 418 Wood, 70 Tardigrada, 586 Thuidium abietinum,80 Taxidea taxus, 442,584 Thuja occidentalis, 386,404 Taxus canadensis, 457 plicata, 160,344 Teal, Blue-winged, 69,379,547 Thymoites oleatus, 270 Green-winged, 69,547 Thyreosthenius parasiticus, 265 Tegenaria atrica, 256 Tibellus maritimus, 268 domestica, 256 Tick, Winter, 330 duellica, 256 Tigellinus tricornis, 266 Tennesseellum formicum, 265 Tilia,96 Tern, Black, 69,78 americana, 369 Tête-de-boule, 361 americana var. americana,96 Tetragnatha caudata, 255 Timmins, C.A., 16 elongata, 268 Timoney, K.P. and J. Marsh. Lichen Trimlines in the Peace- extensa, 269 Athabasca Delta: Variations in Flora, Form, and Dis- laboriosa, 269 turbance Regime, 76 vermiformis, 255 Tiso vagans, 265 versicolor, 269 Tit, Great, 120 Tetramorium caespitum,39 Greyheaded, 120 Tetrao parviventris, 120 Long-tailed, 120 tetrix, 120 Marsh, 120 Texas, Swift Fox, Vulpes velox, Den Located Next to a Rail- Willow, 120 road Track in Northwestern, 584 Titmouse, Tufted, 374 Thamnophis sp., 292 Toad, Western, 291 sirtalis, 458 Tofieldea coccinea, 277 Thanatus formicinus, 268 glutinosa ssp. brevistyla, 428 Theberge, J.B., Review by, 308 pusilla, 277 Thellungiella salsuginea, 429 Tokaryk, T., Reviews by, 305,306 Thelypteris palustris, 388 Tolypella glomerata, 26 Theonoe stridula, 269 Torreyochloa pallida var. fernaldii, 394 aurantium, 269 Tortula ruralis, 80 differens, 269 Toxostoma rufum, 71 glaucescens, 269 Trachynella nudipalpis, 266 montanum, 269 Tramea lacerata, 234 murarium, 269 Tree, Cherry, 344 petraeum, 270 Trematode, 324 pictum, 270 Triadenum virginicum, 388 sexpunctatum, 269 Triantha glutinosa, 418 tectum, 269 Trichophorum alpinum, 418 gemmosum, 255 Trichopterna mengei, 264 radiosum, 270 Trichostrongylus axei, 324 Theridula emertoni, 270 Trientalis borealis, 240 sphaerula, 270 Triglochin maritimum, 278 Thistle, Elk, 435 Tringa flavipes, 69,379 Leafy, 435 melanoleuca, 379 Thomomys spp., 175 Trisetum spicatum, 278 bottae, 551 Triteleia grandiflora var. howellii, 248 talpoides, 175,551 Trochosa terricola, 267 Thomomys talpoides, in Central Alberta Alfalfa Fields, Body terricola pratensis, 267 Weights of Adult and Juvenile Northern Pocket Troglodytes aedon, 374 Gophers, 551 troglodytes,69 Thomomys talpoides, Long-tailed Weasel, Mustela frenata, Tropaeolum sp., 438 Movements and Diggings in Alfalfa Fields Inhabited Trout, Brook, 351 by Northern Pocket Gophers, 175 Tscherter, U., 214 Thomson, E.R. Papillate Watermeal, Wolffia brasiliensis,in Tsuga canadensis, 38,129,332,386 Eastern Ontario: An Addition to the Flora of Canada, heterophylla, 160,197,344 137 mertensiana, 291 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 645

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Tunagyna debilis, 265 , Sitka, 434 Turdus migratorius,70 Valeriana sitchensis, 418 Tursiops sp., 217 Valerianella locusta, 248 Turtle, Blanding’s, 389 Vallisneria americana, 16,546 Painted, 389 Veery, 70 Twinberry, Black, 434 Ventre citron, 360 Twinflower, 289 pourri, 361 Tympanuchus cupido, 507,515 rouge du nord, 360 cupido cupido, 516 Verbena hastata, 418 cupido pinnatus, 523 Vermivora peregrina,71 cupido × phasianellus, 507,515 ruficapilla,70 phasianellus, 507 Vermontia thoracica, 265 phasianellus campestris, 507,515 Veronica americana, 418 phasianellus phasianellus, 507,515 Verrucaria,76 Tympanuchus cupido × phasianellus, Hybridization on Mani- Vetch, American, 432 toulin Island, Ontario, “Prairie Grouse”, 507 Common, 248 Tympanuchus cupido × phasianellus, of Manitoulin Island, Viburnum alnifolium, 129 Ontario, Plumage and Internal Morphology of the cassinoides, 129 “Prairie Grouse”, 515 nudum var. cassinoides, 240 Typha spp., 221,403 Vicia americana, 418 angustifolia,16 sativa, 248 latifolia, 16,72,389,418 Vincetoxicum rossicum, 525 Typhocrestus pygmaeus, 265 Vincetoxicum rossicum, following Aboveground Tissue Loss: Implications for the Timing of Mechanical Control, Uesugi, A., 569 Response of Pale Swallow-wort, 525 Ulmus,96 Vine, Dog-strangling, 525 americana, 96,370 Viola adunca, 418 rubra, 370 macloskeyi ssp. pallens, 389 Ulothrix,83 praemorsa ssp. praemorsa, 248 Ulva intestinalis,83 Violet, Hook-spur, 432 Umbilicaria,78 Yellow Montane, 248 deusta,78 Viorne à feuilles d’aulne, 129 muehlenbergii,78 cassinoïde, 129 Umbra limi, 21,361 Vireo gilvus,70 Umbre de vase, 361 olivaceus,71 Ursus americanus, 50,164,298,323,339,381,574 philadelphicus, 71 arctos, 339,449,574 solitarius, 71 Ursus americanus, Ecology on the Northeast Coast of Vireo, Blue-headed, 71 Labrador, Black Bear, 164 Philadelphia, 71 Ursus arctos, from Coastal British Columbia, Observations of Red-eyed, 71 Autumn Courtship and Breeding in Brown Bears, 449 Warbling, 70 Usui, M., P.G. Kevan, and M. Obbard. Pollination and Breed- Vole, 122,395 ing System of Lowbush Blueberries, Vaccinium angus- Heather, 414 tifolium Ait. and V. myrtilloides Michx. (Ericacaeae), Long-tailed, 445 in the Boreal Forest, 48 Meadow, 43,323,414,446 Utricularia cornuta, 388 Northern Red-backed, 445 macrorhiza, 137 Red-backed, 323 minor, 418 Rock, 412 Southern Red-backed, 43,414 Vaccinium spp., 44,48 Taiga, 446 angustifolium, 48,239 Vole, Microtus chrotorrhinus, in Labrador, A Range Exten- myrtilloides,48 sion for the Rock, 412 uliginosum, 412 bombylans, 249 vitis-idaea, 210,412 Vulpes macrotis mutica, 134 vitis-idaea var. minus, 278 velox, 134,584 Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. and V. myrtilloides Michx. vulpes, 120,323 (Ericacaeae), in the Boreal Forest, Pollination and Vulpes macrotis mutica, Aggressive Behaviour Exhibited by Breeding System of Lowbush Blueberries, 48 a San Joaquin Kit Fox, 134 Vaccinium myrtilloides Michx. (Ericacaeae), in the Boreal Vulpes velox, Den Located Next to a Railroad Track in North- Forest, Pollination and Breeding System of Lowbush western Texas, Swift Fox, 584 Blueberries, Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. and, 48 Vachon, J., B.F. Lavallée, et F. Chapleau. Charactéristiques Wabasso cacuminatus, 265 d’une population introduit du Grand brochet, Esox quaestio, 265 lucius, dans le lac Ramsay, Parc de la Gatineau, Walckenaeria arctica, 266 Québec, et impact sur l’ichtyofaune, 359 atrotibialis, 266 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 646


auranticeps, 266 Humpback, 214 castanea, 266 Minke, 214 clavipalpis, 266 Whales, Balaenoptera acutorostrata, in the Saguenay- communis, 266 St. Lawrence National Marine Park, Novel Surface cuspidata, 266 Feeding Tactics of Minke, 214 digitata, 266 Wheatgrass, Slender, 78 directa, 266 Whitefaces, 234 exigua, 266 Whitefish, Atlantic, 294 karpinskii, 266 Whitefish, Coregonus huntsmani, from the Wild, First Record lepida, 266 of Age 0+ Atlantic, 294 pallida, 266 Whitlow-grass, Alaska, 429 palustris, 266 Few-seeded, 430 redneri, 266 Gray-leaved, 430 spiralis, 266 Rocky Mountain, 430 tricornis, 266 Starflowered, 430 Walmus borealis, 256 Wigeon, American, 69 Walnut, Black, 348 Widgeon-grass, 28 Wandeler, A., 453 Widgeon Grass, balls in Saskatchewan Lakes, Occurrence, Warbler, Black-and-white, 70 Composition and Formation of Ruppia, 114 Black-throated Blue, 70 Willow, 65,77,132,135,175,186,208,220,441,574,591 Black-throated Green, 70 Arctic, 282 Cape May, 71 Barren-ground, 428 Chestnut-sided, 71 Bebb’s, 96 Connecticut, 70 Blue-green, 282 Magnolia, 70 Blueberry, 283 Mourning, 70 Net-veined, 283 Nashville, 70 Richardson’s, 283 Northern Parula, 69 Round-leaf, 283 Palm, 69 Tea-leaf, 283 Tennessee, 71 Willowherb, Hornemann’s, 432 Wilson’s, 69 Swamp, 288 Yellow, 70 Wilsonia pusilla,69 Yellow-rumped, 70 Winchester, N.N., 192 Warner, B.G., 64 Wolf, 135,139,192,197,330,381,446,573 Warren, R., 453 Eastern Canadian, 339 Wasp, Sand, 6 Gray, 1,101,197,442 Wasp, Stictiella emarginata (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)*, Newfoundland, 323 Nesting Behavior, Ecology, Seasonal and Geographic Timber, 101 Distribution of the Sand, 6 Wolf, Canus lupus, Den and Associated Human Activity in Water-bear, 586 the Southwestern Yukon Territory, An Ancient, 135 Water-bears from the : A First Look at Wolf, Canis lupus, Faeces Revise Occurrence Records for Alberta’s Tardigrade Fauna, 586 Mammals of British Columbia’s Coastal Archipelago, Water-horehound, Tuberous, 288 Facts from Faeces: Prey Remains in, 192 Watermeal, 137 Wolf, Canis lupus, near Icy Bay, Alaska, Attempted Predation Watermeal, Wolffia brasiliensis, in Eastern Ontario: An Addi- of a Child by a Gray, 197 tion to the Flora of Canada, Papillate, 137 Wolffia arhiza, 137 Water-milfoil, Verticillate, 432 borealis, 137 Watershield, 137 brasiliensis, 137 Waterthrush, Northern, 69 columbiana, 137 Waxwing, Cedar, 70 papulifera, 137 Way, J.G. and R.L. Proietto. Record Size Female Coyote, punctata, 137 Canis latrans, 139 Wolffia brasiliensis, in Eastern Ontario: An Addition to the Weasel, Long-tailed, 175 Flora of Canada, Papillate Watermeal, 137 Short-tailed, 175,323 Wolverine, 120 Weasel, Mustela frenata, Movements and Diggings in Alfalfa Wolves, Canis lupus, in Relation to Ungulate Kill Sites in Fields Inhabited by Northern Pocket Gophers, Tho- Westcentral Alberta, Travel Rates of, 573 momys talpoides, Long-tailed, 175 Wolves, Canis lupus, in the Wild, Longevity and Productivity Weir, R.D., 296 of Three, 446 Wellicome, T.I., 490 Wood-rush, Piper’s, 427 Wendland, J.M., 591 Spiked, 427 Wersal, R.M., B.R. McMillan, and J.D. Madsen. Food Habits Woodcock, American, 69 of Dabbling Ducks During Fall Migration in a Prairie Woodland Star, Small-flowered, 248 Pothole System, Heron Lake, Minnesota, 546 Woodley, E., Review by, 309 Whale, Beluga, 214 Woodpecker, American Three-toed, 367 Blue, 214 Black-backed, 367 Fin, 214 Downy, 71,369,379 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 647

2006 INDEX TO VOLUME 119 647

Hairy, 71,369,379 Yellowlegs, Greater, 379 Pileated, 70,367,379 Lesser, 69,379 Red-bellied, 369 Yellowthroat, Common, 69 Red-headed, 369 Yucca sp., 584 Woodpecker Nest Tree Characteristics in Upper Midwestern Yucca, 584 Oak Forests, 367 Yukon, First Confirmation of Cougar, Puma concolor, in the, Woodsia ilvensis, 278 580 Woodsia, Rusty, 278 Yukon Territory, An Ancient Wolf, Canus lupus, Den and Wool-grass, 137 Associated Human Activity in the Southwestern, 135 Worm, Meningeal, 334 Yukon Territory VII, New Records of Vascular Plants in the, Wormwood, Dragon, 438 417 Wren, House, 374 Marsh, 69 Zannichellia spp., 548 Winter, 69 palustris,28 Wubana drassoides, 266 Zapus sp., 578 pacifica, 266 Zea mays, 548 Zelotes fratris, 259 Xanthoparmelia somloënsis,78 subterraneus, 259 Xanthoria elegans,78 sula, 259 ×Ceratinops annulipes, 261 Zenaida macroura, 71,379 Xerostictia,6 Zielinski, R., 537 canadensis, 270 Zimmerling, J.R. Detectability of Non-passerines Using discursans, 270 “Pishing” in Eastern Ontario Woodlands, 377 elegans, 270 Zimmerling, T.N. The Influence of Thermal Protection on emertoni, 270 Winter Den Selection by Porcupines, Erethizon dor- keyserlingi, 270 satum, in Second-Growth Conifer Forests, 159 labradorensis, 270 Zonotrichia leucophrys,71 luctuosus, 270 Zonotrichia albicollis, 70 obscurus, 270 Zornella cultrigera, 266 triguttatus, 270 Zostera marina,28 Zygadenus venenosus, 248 Yarrow, 248,438 Zygiella atrica, 257 Pearl, 438 montana, 257 Yellowhammer, 120 nearctica, 257

Index to Book Reviews Botany Dixon, T.F. City Wilds: Essays and Stories about Urban Blouin, G. An Eclectic Guide to Trees East of the Rockies, Nature, 498 497 Donovan, T.M. and C.W. Welden. Spreadsheet Exercises in Douglas, G.W., G.B. Straley, D. Meidinger and J. Pojar. Illus- Conservation Biology and Landscape Ecology, 506 trated Flora of British Columbia Volumes 1-8, 329 Donovan, T.M. and C.W. Welden. Spreadsheet Exercises in Evans, C.L. The War on Weeds in the Prairie West: An Envi- Ecology and Evolution, 506 ronmental History, 670 D’Orso, M. Plundering Paradise, 335 Kershaw, L. Ontario Wild Flowers, 330 Ducey, J.E. Birds of the Untamed West: The History of Bird- Kirk, P.M., P.F. Cannon, J.C. David and J.A. Stalpers. Ains- life in Nebraska, 1750 to 1875, 336 worth and Bisby’s Dictionary of the Fungi, 328 Franklin, S.E. Remote Sensing for Sustainable Forest Manage- Lesica, P. A Flora of Glacier National Park, Montana, 159 ment, 330 Mitchell, R.S. and L. Danaher. Northeastern Fern Identifier, Frelich, L.E. Forest Dynamics and Disturbance Regimes: Stu- 669 dies from Temperate Evergreen-Deciduous Forests, 502 More, D. and J. White. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees, Higgs, E. Nature by Design, 505 496 Johnsgard, P.A. Great Wildlife of the Great Plains, 504 Riley, J.L. Flora of the Hudson Bay Lowland and its Post- Jones, H.G., J.W. Pomeroy, D.A. Walker and R.W. Hoham. glacial Origins, 669 Snow Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Examination of Schnell, D.E. Carnivorous Plants of the and Snow-Covered Ecosystems, 332 Canada: Second Edition, 496 Larson, D., U. Matthes, and P. Kelly. Cliff Ecology: Pattern Environment and Process in Cliff Ecosystems, 672 Bierregaard, R.O. Jr., C. Gascon, T.E. Lovejoy, and R. Mes- Morris, W.F. and D.F. Doak. Quantitative Conservation Bio- quita. Lessons from Amazonia: The Ecology and Con- logy: Theory and Practice of Population Viability servation of a Fragmented Forest, 672 Analysis, 507 DeGraaf, R.M. Trees, Shrubs, and Vines for Attracting Birds, Nadkarni, N.M. and N.T. Wheelwright. Monteverde: Ecology 160 and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest, 334 25_119(4)Index.qxd 3/12/07 5:20 PM Page 648


Pullin, A.S. Conservation Biology, 499 Gittleman, J.L., S.M. Funk, D. MacDonald, and R.K. Wayne. Schwartzman, D. Life, Temperature, and the Earth, 498 Carnivore Conservation, 155 Song, S.J. Ecological Basis for Stand Management: A Sum- Halliday, T. and K. Adler. Firefly Encyclopedia of Reptiles mary and Synthesis of Ecological Responses to Wild- and Amphibians, 327 fire and Harvesting in Boreal Forests, 500 Heintzelman, D. All-Weather Hawk Watcher’s Field Journal, Suzuki, D. and A. McConnell. The Sacred Balance: A Visual 326 Celebration of Our Place in Nature, 503 Holman, J.A. In Quest of Great Lakes Ice Age Vertebrates, Thomashow, M. Bringing the Biosphere Home, Learning to 494 Perceive Global Environmental Change, 159 Houston, C.S. and W. Anaka. Birds of Yorkton – Duck Moun- Watt, A. The Last Island: A Naturalist’s Sojourn on Triangle tain, 668 Island, 505 Jaramillo, A. Birds of , 659 Wiese, F. Seabirds and Atlantic Canada’s Ship-Source Oil Jones, K.A. Knowing Bass: The Scientific Approach to Catch- Pollution, 332 ing More Fish, 156 Kays, R.W. and D.E. Wilson. Mammals of North America, Miscellaneous 488 Arnaudin, M.P. A Bird in the Bush: The Story of the Province Knott, D.L. A Spring Expedition to the Falkland Islands and of Quebec Society for the Protection of Birds 1917- Antarctica, 320 2002, 508 Lacey, E.A., J.L. Patton, and G.N. Cameron. Life Under- Baker, D.B. John Keast Lord: Materials for a Life, 338 ground, the Biology of Subterranean , 157 Berry, M.F. The Dinosaur Filmography, 341 Leverton R. Enjoying , 327 Browne, J. Charles Darwin, The Power of Place, 340 Lieske, E. and R. Myers. Coral Reef Fishes: Indo-Pacific and Debus, A.A. and D.E. Debus. Paleoimagery, The Evolution of – Revised Edition, 662 Dinosaurs in Art, 341 Love, M.S., M. Yoklavich and L. Thorsteinson. The Rock- Hodgson, B. Naturalists: A Journal, 342 fishes of the Northeast Pacific, 323 Hodgson, B. Women Travelers: A Journal, 342 Manly, B.J., L.L. McDonald, D.L. Thomas, T.L. McDonald King, J. Farley: The Life of Farley Mowat, 509 and W.P. Erickson. Resource Selection by , Lawrence, R.D. The North Runner, 674 325 Nicklen, P. and H. Brody. Seasons of the Arctic, 674 Matthiessen, P. The Birds of Heaven: Travels with Cranes, Stroud, P.T. The Emperor of Nature: Charles-Lucien Bona- 158 parte and his World, 337 Maxwell, B.A., J.K. Werner, P. Hendricks, and D.L. Faith. Suzuki, D. When the Wild Comes Leaping Up: Personal En- Herpetology in Montana: A History, Status Summary, counters with Nature, 339,675 Checklists, Dichotomous Keys, Accounts of Native, Potentially Native, and Exotic Species, and Indexed Zoology Bibliography, 491 Barter, M.A., Shorebirds of the Yellow Sea: Importance, Mecklenburg, C.W., T.A. Mecklenburg, and L.K. Thorstein- Threats and Conservation Status, 321 son. Fishes of Alaska, 151 Behnke, R.J. Trout and Salmon of North America, 318 Riede, K. Global Register of Migratory Species (GROMS): Brooks, R.J., D. Strickland, and R.J. Rutter. Reptiles and Am- Database, GIS Maps, and Threat Analysis, 154 phibians of Algonquin Provincial Park, 490 Rossi, J. and R. Rossi. Snakes of the United States and Can- Byers, J.A. Built for Speed: A Year in the Life of Pronghorn, ada: Natural History and Care in Captivity, 666 661 Russell, C. and M. Enns. Grizzly Heart: Living without Fear Catling, P.M., C.D. Jones and P. Pratt. Ontario Odonata. Vol- among the Brown Bears of Kamchatka, 662 ume 3 (including observations for the year 2001), 487 Saffron, I. Caviar: The Strange History and Uncertain Future Clements, J.F. Birds of the World: A Checklist, 322 of the World’s Most Coveted Delicacy, 324 Collette, B.B. and G. Klein-MacPhee. Bigelow and Schroe- Scott, J.M., S. Conant and C. Van Riper III. Evolution, Ecol- der’s Fishes of the Gulf of Maine, 319 ogy, Conservation, and Management of Hawaiian del Hoyo, J., A. Elliott, and J. Sargatal. Handbook of Birds of Birds: A Vanishing Avifauna, 153 the World. Volume 8: Broadbills to Tapaculos, 663 Shirihai, H. The Complete Guide to Antarctic Wildlife, 489 Downer, J. Weird Nature: An Astonishing Exploratioin of Sibley, D.A. Sibley’s Birding Basics, 151 Nature’s Strangest Behavior, 158 Szczerbak, N.N. Guide to the Reptiles of the Eastern Pale- Eder, T. Mammals of Ontario, 487 arctic, 492 Ernst, C.H. and E.M. Ernst. Snakes of the United States and Taylor, P. The Birds of Manitoba, 660 Canada, 495 Urquhart, E. and A. Bowley. Stonechats: A Guide to the Fishpool, L.D.C. and M.I. Evans. Important Bird Areas in Saxicola, 667 and Associated Islands: Priority Sites for Con- Zug, G.R., L.J. Vitt, and J.P. Caldwell. Herpetology: An servation, 664 Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles, Second Edition, 493