1 Running head: warming impact on - 2 3 Towards more intimacy: Elevated temperature enhances ant-aphid relationship 4 5 Blanchard Solène1,2, Van Offelen Julie1, Verheggen François2, Detrain Claire1* 6 7 1 Ecologie Sociale, C.P. 231, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50, 1050 8 Bruxelles, Belgique 9 10 2 Entomologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, Gembloux Agro-BioTech, TERRA, Université de 11 Liège, Avenue de la Faculté d’Agronomie 2B, 5030 Gembloux, Belgique 12 13 * Corresponding author: Claire Detrain 14 [email protected] 15 02/650.55.29 16 17 Key words: climate change, warming, aphid-ant interactions, behavior, ant tending level, 18 collective behaviors, honeydew collection 19 20


21 22 Abstract 23 24 Climate change will likely affect the association between species interacting at different trophic

25 levels. However, studies focusing on the impact of an elevation of temperature on between-

26 species interactions remain scarce. In the present study we compared, in laboratory conditions,

27 the behavior of the ant niger and its mutualistic interactions with the aphid

28 Aphis fabae under three conditions of temperatures (i.e. 20, 23 and 26°C), as predicted by

29 climatic scenarios. As regards the , they were more mobile but as likely to release a

30 honeydew droplet at higher temperatures. As regards the , a moderate 3°C increase of

31 temperature positively impacted their mutualistic interaction with aphids. Such a reinforcement

32 was achieved through an increase in the walking speed of ant forager, in the flows of mobilized

33 ants as well as in the total amount of honeydew harvested by the .

34 A further elevation of temperature to 26°C reduced the benefits gained by the aphid-tending

35 ants, in terms of the lower amount of collected honeydew.

36 Based on our results, we hypothesize that, in temperate regions, a moderate increase of ambient

37 atmospheric temperature by 3°C will benefit to the L. niger - A. fabae mutuaslistic interaction

38 but that an more marked elevation of 6°C may represent a threshold thermic value above which

39 a witch of partners or a disruption of the interaction may occur under the temperatures predicted

40 by the most realistic forecast models. for the end of the century.

41 42


43 44 Introduction


46 The impact of global change on terrestrial ecosystems has received growing attention from

47 scientists during the last decades. There is an increasing body of evidences that global climate

48 changes alter multi-species interactions as well as the structure of ecological communities

49 (Hughes, 2000; Kiers et al., 2010; Jamieson et al., 2012; Mackenzie et al., 2013). Increased CO2

50 concentrations or warming temperatures were repeatedly shown to directly affect plants as well

51 as their ’s pests (Hunter, 2001; Stiling & Cornelissen, 2007; Jamieson et al., 2012; Zhou

52 et al., 2017). According to the most accurate forecasts, the mean global temperature will rise of

53 2 to 4°C by the end of the 21st century (IPCC 2007, 2013, 2019). Potential responses of

54 to such elevated temperatures include changes in geographic range (Pecl et al., 2017), life-

55 history traits (Robinet & Roques, 2010), population dynamics (Cammell & Knight, 1992; Porter

56 et al., 1991;) and trophic interactions (DeLucia et al., 2012). By way of consequence, the

57 economic and ecological challenges due to phytophagous insects such as aphids are likely to

58 be exacerbated by global warming, which may accelerate their individual development, favor

59 their population growth and increase the frequency of population outbreaks. Elevated

60 temperature can also induce changes in the behavioral traits of aphids such as their feeding

61 behavior or their escape response to predators (Sable & Rana, 2016; Barton & Ives, 2014; Adler

62 et al., 2007; Ma & Ma, 2012). Furthermore, global warming can have cascade effects on the

63 natural enemies and mutualistic partners of these insect pests (Hance et al., 2007; Gilman et al.,

64 2010; Barton & Ives, 2014). Since several mutualistic relationships are considered as being

65 ephemeral and unstable interactions, it is likely that rapid climatic change could promote shifts

66 from mutualism to antagonism, switches to novel partners, or even the abandonment of any

67 relationships altogether (Sachs & Simms, 2006; Kiers et al., 2010). Such alterations of the


68 network of insect relationships can have destabilizing and disrupting effects on the whole

69 functioning of the ecosystem (Aslan et al., 2013).


71 Because the mutualism between pollinating insects and plants is an ecologically and

72 economically important interaction, the impact of climate change on this insect-plant mutualism

73 is one of the most documented (Brown & Paxton, 2009; Schweiger et al., 2010; Hegland et al.,

74 2009). The aphid-ant mutualism is another well-known interaction due to its frequent

75 occurrence in nature but also due to the crop pest status of several aphid species (Banks &

76 Nixon, 1958; Way, 1963; Stadler & Dixon, 1998; Detrain et al., 2010; Yao, 2012; Fischer et

77 al., 2015; Kremer et al., 2018, Van Emden & Harrington, 2017). Due to their worldwide

78 geographic distribution and their numerical dominance in different biotopes, ants play an

79 important role in the trophic network of ecosystems and are often key partners in mutualistic

80 interactions with sap-sucking insects. However, compared to the plant-pollinator system, the

81 impact of global warming on aphid-ant relationships has received little attention (Barton &

82 Ives, 2014; Marquis et al., 2014; Mooney et al., 2019).


84 Aphid-ant mutualism is based on reciprocal services: aphids feed ants with their honeydew and,

85 in return, receive protection against their predators and benefit from an improved hygiene in

86 their colony (Way, 1963; Holldöbler & Wilson, 1990). Ants can be attracted from a distance

87 by volatile organic compounds in the honeydew (Fischer et al., 2015) or by low-amounts of

88 aphid alarm pheromones (Verheggen et al., 2012). Once ants have come into contact with

89 aphids, the honeydew sugars are essential compounds that will cement the ant-aphid mutualistic

90 relationships (Detrain et al., 2010). When the aphid abdomen is stimulated by the antennae of

91 ant foragers, the homopteran is likely to extrude a honeydew droplet without ejecting it, thereby

92 allowing its collection and ingestion by the ants. Ants that have fed on honeydew can decide to


93 recruit additional nestmates towards the aphid colony, through the laying of a trail pheromone.

94 The intensity of the recruitment trail as well as the level of food exploitation by ants will depend

95 on the amount and composition of carbohydrates in the aphid honeydew (Mailleux et al., 2003;

96 Detrain et al., 2010).


98 Because of the protection and hygienic care provided by workers, the population of ant-tended

99 aphids usually grow faster than unattended aphid colonies, thus suggesting mutual benefits for

100 both partners (El-Ziady & Kennedy, 1956; Buckley, 1987; Flatt & Weisser, 2000). However,

101 the truly mutualistic nature of this relationship can be questioned in some cases. For instance,

102 ants can occasionally switch to predation when an aphid population becomes too dense (Stadler

103 & Dixon, 2005), too mobile or more eager to disperse (Way, 1963). Likewise, in the case of

104 obligate myrmecophilous aphids, whose survival depends on the presence of ants, the energetic

105 costs of maintaining a mutualistic interaction may become quite high (Stadler & Dixon, 1998).

106 Indeed, ant-tended aphids produce tinier droplets, but in greater number, to fulfil the energetic

107 needs of ants, which may lead to a shortage of the nitrogen that is usually available for aphid

108 growth and reproduction (Yao & Akimoto, 2002). Maintaining a mutualistic relationship is thus

109 far from being taken for granted by both partners, of which the cost-benefit balance can become

110 disadvantageous. For example, any change (e.g. temperature-induced ones) in the physiological

111 and behavioral traits of aphids, that alter their relative value as a source of carbohydrates, could

112 make ants disregarding their trophobionts and may endanger the stability of the whole

113 mutualistic interaction.


115 Despite the potential consequences for the control of aphids as crop pests, it is still unclear how

116 the predicted elevation of temperature may alter the behavior of aphid-tending ants and, by way

117 of consequence, may hamper or reinforce the mutualism with their trophobionts. On the one


118 hand, temperature it determines both the onset and the duration of ant foraging activity, along

119 with the speed of foragers (Cerda & Retana, 1998; Drees et al., 2007; Stuble et al., 2013) and

120 is thus expected to positively impact the time investment of ants in aphid-tending activities. In

121 an ant- interaction, an elevation of temperature also had a positive effect on

122 ’ honeydew excretion and ant performance, including their investment in tending

123 homopterans (Sagata & Gibb, 2016). On the other hand, elevated temperatures can alter the

124 sugar composition of aphid honeydew, with ants being less eager to tend their trophobionts

125 (Mooney et al., 2019). Furthermore, higher temperatures can decrease the aggressiveness of

126 ants towards the natural enemies of aphids, thereby leading to cascading effects on aphid

127 abundance (Barton & Ives, 2014). Since there is evidence of mixed directionality of responses,

128 it is difficult to determine the net changes in the cost/benefit balance for each partner that

129 outcome from climate warming. More in-depth studies of temperature-related changes in the

130 biological mechanisms that underlie ant-aphid interactions may improve estimates of climate-

131 warming effects on aphid crop pests.


133 In this study, using representative species, we raise the hypothesis that an elevation of

134 temperature will impact the facultative mutualistic interaction existing between the black

135 garden ant Lasius niger (Linnaeus, 1758) and the Aphis fabae (Scopoli, 1763).

136 We hypothesize that both partners, as they are poïkilothermous insects, will be more mobile

137 under elevated temperatures, thereby increasing the rate of physical contacts and interactions

138 between both partners. We will also examine whether temperature-driven changes in encounter

139 rates are related to a higher honeydew production and consumption, leading to a reinforcement

140 of the mutualistic relationship between ants and aphids.


142 Material and methods



144 Insect rearing

145 Colonies of the garden black ant Lasius niger were collected in Brussels, Belgium (Ixelles

146 50°49'06.4"N 4°24'04.7"E and Auderghem 50°48'49.2"N 4°26'16.0"E). The colonies were

147 reared in plastic containers whose edges were covered with polytetrafluoroethylene (Fluon,

148 Withford, U.K.) to prevent ants from escaping. Aqueous sucrose solution (1 M) and water filled

149 test tubes were provided. Once a week, dead mealworms (Tenebrio molitor (Linnaeus, 1758))

150 were added as protein sources. The colonies were reared in laboratory-controlled conditions:

151 LD 16h:8h, 21  1°C, 40% relative humidity. Black bean aphids (Aphis fabae) were reared on

152 broad bean plant L. (var. “Major”), grown in plastic pots filled with a mix of perlite

153 and vermiculite (1:1 w/w) and placed under the same laboratory conditions as above.


155 Tested temperatures

156 To determine the values of the tested temperature conditions, we used the meteorological data

157 collected by the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium during the past seven years in

158 Brussels. At the end of spring and in summer (May to September) and during daylight (8am to

159 22pm), the average temperature was close to 20°C, while the mean maximal temperature

160 reached 26°C. Besides, the report of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

161 (IPCC, 2013) foresees a raise of 2° to 4°C by the end of the 21th century, and up to 6°C when

162 considering the most pessimistic scenario. Based on these data, we chose to test the three

163 following temperatures: 20°C (corresponding to the mean actual summer temperature in

164 Brussels), 23°C (likely to be reached by the end of 2100) and 26°C (corresponding both to the

165 current maximal summer temperature experienced in Brussels, and to the most pessimistic

166 elevation of average temperature predicted by IPCC for 2100). These three tested temperatures


167 nevertheless stand within the range of the development temperatures of both the host plant

168 V.faba , i.e. 18 to 23 °C (Duke, 1981), and the aphid A.fabae, i.e. 25°C (Harrington et al., 2007).


170 Experimental setup

171 Closed climatic chambers (120x70x60 cm) were built with polycarbonate transparent panels.

172 The ambient temperature inside each chamber was controlled using heat plates (HabiStat

173 Reptile Radiator 75 Watts HRR75), coupled to a thermostat (HabiStat Digital Temperature

174 Thermostat, 600W, HTDT). An air pump (SuperFish Koi-Flow 60, 30 L/min air flow) renewed

175 the ambient air inside the chamber, thereby helping to limit temperature fluctuations at around

176 ± 0.4°C during all the experiments.


178 Behavioral observations

179 We tested nine ant colonies under the three different temperatures. Three days before the

180 experiment, broad bean plants of similar age (around 16 days) and physiological stage (three

181 leaves) were selected. The chosen plants were moved into plastic pots with a standardized

182 amount of water (20 mL) and were infested with 70 adult aphids. The aphid-infested plant and

183 the ant colony were both placed in the climatic chambers, under the tested temperature, for

184 three days before the experiment. After three days the aphid populations were of about 180 ±

185 20 individuals. The plants were placed in the foraging area of the ant colony, i.e. their rearing

186 tray, and the plant pot was surrounded by plastic walls (2cm high) covered with

187 polytetrafluoroethylene (Fluon, Withford, U.K.) to prevent ants from climbing on the plant and

188 from having access to aphids. Before the experiment, the tested ant colonies could not access

189 the aphid colonies and were deprived of food for three days in order to stimulate their search

190 for food resources. The experiment was carried out on the fourth day of starvation.


191 The experiment lasted eight hours and started when a bridge was added in the set up to connect

192 the ant colony to the aphid-infested plant. Each ant colony was tested once on each of the three

193 temperatures, meaning that nine replicates were carried out for each tested regime of

194 temperature. Between successive tests, each colony was allowed to rest for at least seven days

195 at 21°C and was given access ad libitum to water and food.


197 Dynamics of collective exploration and foraging

198 We quantified the foraging response of the ant colony once it had discovered the aphid colony.

199 We placed a camera (Logitech C920) on the top of the bridge connecting the ant colony and to

200 the aphid-infested plant. We video-recorded the traffic of ants crossing the bridge during the

201 first two hours. On these recordings, we counted the flows of ants that were either climbing on

202 the plant or going back to the colony. After these two first hours, the ant flows were quantified

203 every hour for 5 minutes, until the end of the experiment. Furthermore, every 15 minutes during

204 the whole experiment, we counted the number of ants exploring the foraging area, walking on

205 the bridge, and exploring the aphid-infested plant.


207 Ant-aphid interactions

208 We quantified the occurrence and duration of several behaviors displayed by the ants while

209 foraging over the aphid-infested plant. These observations were done by eye and by using the

210 Behavioral Observation Software BORIS (Friard & Gamba, 2016). Every hour during the

211 whole duration of the experiment, we randomly chose two ant foragers that we followed from

212 the moment they climbed on the plant until they left it. When an ant stayed on the plant more

213 than 30 minutes, we stopped recording its behavior what enabled us to observe two ants per

214 hour of experiment.


215 First, we measured the total time spent by the ant walking over the plant and we considered a

216 worker to be inactive as long as it stopped moving without performing any other behavior for

217 at least 5 seconds. As long as the ant stayed over the plant, we quantified the number and

218 duration of the antennal contacts it performed on aphids. We also measured the number of

219 honeydew droplets emitted from the anus of aphids and collected by the ants. Finally, we noted

220 any aggressive behavior towards the aphids, food exchanges between nestmates and self-

221 grooming behavior.

222 Concurrently to these behavioral observations of ant foragers, we placed a camera with a macro

223 lens (Kurokesu model KITC920) close to a group of 4 to 10 aphids. We video-recorded the

224 behavior of these aphids for 20 minutes every hour during the whole experiment and we

225 analyzed these data using the software BORIS. We counted the number of antennations that the

226 aphids received from the ants. We quantified the number of honeydew droplets produced by

227 aphids that were emitted either spontaneously, without any previous contact with ants, or after

228 a stimulation performed by ants. We also observed whether the emitted honeydew droplets were

229 either collected by the ants or withdrawn by the aphid and falling on the plant. We analyzed the

230 total duration of antennal contacts received by the aphids, as well as the time elapsed between

231 the emission of a honeydew droplet and its collection by ants. A short duration of antennations

232 before release of a honeyew droplet and short time ellapsed before its ingestion were used as

233 proxies for the propensity of aphids to produce honeydew and for the eagerness of ants to feed

234 on honeydew, respectively.


236 Statistical analyses

237 All data were analyzed with R software (v. 3.5.0) and all tests were two-tailed with a

238 significance level of α =0.05. No data met normality conditions. The number of ants present on

239 the foraging area before the beginning of the experiment was compared across temperatures by


240 using a Kruskal-Wallis test. Other data were analyzed using Generalized Linear Mixed Models

241 (GLMMs). When necessary, transformations were applied to fit the model’s assumptions. We

242 used generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) from the ‘lme4’ R-package, to analyze data

243 that met the models' assumption and that showed no overdispersion based on model

244 deviance/degrees of freedom values (Bates et al., 2015). Ant colonies were used as random

245 factor in all analyses. Tukey post hoc comparisons were performed using the R package lsmeans

246 (Lenth, 2016). For all count and proportion data, we used Poisson GLMMs with a Logit link

247 function. For duration data, inverse gaussian GLMMs were used with a 1/mu^2 link function.

248 For most of the observations only temperature was taken as fixed effect. For temporal changes

249 in the number of mobilized foragers or in the time they spent over the plant, we considered

250 temperature and time as fixed effects ). In this case both the ambient temperature and the time

251 were considered as fixed factors. No interaction between these two factors was ever found in

252 our data.


254 Results


256 Dynamics of collective exploration and foraging

257 Just before starting the experiment, a similar number of ants were walking over the foraging

258 area between the three temperature regimes (Kruskal-Wallis test, χ2 = 3.6325, N=24, df=2, p-

259 value = 0.545). Once the foraging area was connected to the plant, the first ant workers climbed

260 on the bridge within the first 30 minutes for all the nine tested colonies (Fig1.). We noticed an

261 effect of the time of the day on the level of ants’ foraging on the plant. In less than half an hour,

262 we observed a steep increase in the number of workers that reached the plant, with 12 to 26 ants

263 on average exploring this new resource. Then, after two hours, for all three temperature

264 regimes, the number of ants present on the plant converged to around 15 ants and stayed steady


265 until the end of the experiment (Fig.1). We also found that temperature had a significant impact

266 on the total number of ants foraging on the plant, depending on the time of the experiment

267 (GLMM, z-value = 2.848, df = 2, N=288, p-value < 0.001). Indeed, a higher number of ants

268 foraged on the plant at 23°C compared to the other two temperatures, during the first two hours

269 of the experiment (Tukey’s post-hoc, at 10h00 p-value(20-23) = < 0.001, p-value(20-26) = 0.064, p-

270 value(23-26) = 0.122; at 12h00, p-value(20-23) = 0.018, p-value(20-26) = 0.056, p-value(23-26) = 0.393).

271 After two hours, the tested temperatures no longer had a significant effect on the number of

272 foragers. To assess whether temperature altered the ants’ investment in the exploitation of the

273 aphid-infested plant, we defined a plant occupation index for each colony. This occupation

274 index is the relative number of ants staying on the plant over the total number of ants located

275 outside the nest averaged over the 32 measures done during the whole experiment. These

276 occupation indices, did not differ between the three temperatures (GLMM, z-value = 0.555, df

277 = 2, N=9, p-value = 0.586). About 64% of the ants present on the set up were foraging on the

278 plant infested by aphid colonies at 20°C, 65% at 23°C and 59% at 26°C (Table 1).

279 By filming the bridge for the first two hours of the experiment, we measured the ascending and

280 descending flows of ants towards the plant stalk. We found that the ascending ant flows were

281 significantly impacted by the ambient temperature (GLMM, z-value= 19.470, df = 2, N=27, p-

282 value < 0.001). The cumulated number of ants in the ascending flow was the highest at 23°C

283 and 26°C compared to 20°C (Tukey’s post-hoc, p-value(20-23) = < 0.001, p-value(20-26) = < 0.001,

284 p-value(23-26) = 0.0505; Fig.2; Table 1). We did not observe any significant difference in the

285 descending ant flows, although it was correlated to the ascending flows (GLMM, z-value =

286 19.073, df =2, p-value = 0.282).

287 We also found a significant effect of temperature on the proportion of ants contacting aphids

288 with their antennae (GLMM, z-value = 2.662, df = 2, N=144, p-value = 0.008). Indeed, nearly

289 70% of the ants performed at least one antennal contact with an aphid at 26°C compared to


290 23°C and 20°C, where less than 50% contacted aphids at least once (Tukey’s post-hoc, p-

291 value(20-23) = 0.8122, p-value(20-26) = 0.0235, p-value(23-26) = 0.004; Fig.5; Table 1). We looked

292 at the global success rate of honeydew collection , which is the total number of honeydew

293 droplets collected by all the observed ants divided by the total number of antennal contacts they

294 performed on the aphids. We found a significant effect of temperature (GLMM, z-value =

295 2.316, df = 2, N=9, p-value = 0.021) on the success rate of honeydew collection, which was the

296 highest at 23°C and significantly different from the lowest success rate observed at 26°C?.

297 (Tukey’s post-hoc, p-value(20-23) = 0.934, p-value(20-26) = 0.054, p-value(23-26) = 0.025; Fig. 7;

298 Table 1).

299 One can also extrapolate the amount of honeydew brought back to the nest after two hours of

300 food exploitation by multiplying the mean number of honeydew droplets collected per ant

301 capita with the cumulated number of ants that had returned to their nest after 2 hours of

302 foraging. We thus estimated that, on average, after two hours, a colony had retrieved a mean

303 total of 65 droplets at 20°C while 223 and 123 droplets were retrieved by at 23°C and 26°C

304 respectively. A limited 3°C increase of temperature thus favored the collection of aphid

305 honeydew while a further elevation of temperature to 6°C reduced the amount of this sugar

306 resource that was retrieved inside the ant colony.


308 Ant-aphid interactions


310 Impact of temperature on the ant behavior

311 On average, ant foragers tended to spend less time searching and foraging for food over the

312 plant with the increase of temperature, although this result was not significantly different (table

313 1; GLMM, z-value = 2.662, df = 2, N=144, p-value = 0.109).


314 The time took by the first five ants to climb the bridge at the beginning of the experiment did

315 not differ across the three tested temperatures (GLMM, df = 2, z-value = 2.451, N=45, p-

316 value=0.090; Fig.3). However, after two hours of experiments, the ambient temperature had a

317 significant impact on the time spent by ants to cross the bridge (GLMM, df = 2, z-value = 2.742,

318 N=45, p-value < 0.001; Fig.3) which was significantly higher at 23°C and 26°C compared to

319 the ambient tested temperature (Tukey’s post-hoc, p-value(20-23) < 0.001, p-value(20-26) < 0.001,

320 p-value(23-26) = 0.2346; Table 1). Hence, a higher temperature enhanced the walking speed of

321 foragers that moving faster on the plant at 23°C and 26°C after two hours of experiment.

322 As regards the ant-aphid interactions, the elevation of temperature did not impact the average

323 number of antennations made by each ant that contacted aphids (GLMM, z-value = 1.967, df =

324 2, N=57, 52 and 76 respectively for 20°C, 23°C and 26°C, p-value = 0.884; Fig.6; Table 1).

325 However, the total duration of the antennations made by each ant significantly differed under

326 the tested temperatures (GLMM, z-value = 0.159, df = 2, N=57, 52 and 76 respectively for 20,

327 23 and 26°C, p-value < 0.001; Table 1). In total, the antennal contacts made by each ant lasted

328 les time at 23°C and 26°C compared to 20°C (Tukey’s post-hoc, p-value(20-23) = < 0.001, p-

329 value(20-26) = < 0.001, p-value(23-26) = 0.785). Furthermore, the mean number of honeydew

330 droplets that were collected per contacting ant was significantly impacted by the temperature

331 (GLMM, z-value = 2.145, df = 2, N=57, 52 and 76 respectively for 20, 23 and 26°C, p-value =

332 0.032). Each ant collected a higher amount of honeydew at 23°C compared to 20°C and 26°C

333 (Tukey’s post-hoc, p-value(20-23) = 0.041, p-value(20-26) = 0.99 p-value(23-26) = 0.039; Table 1).

334 We looked at the individual success rate of honeydew collection, which is the number of

335 antennal contacts performed per ants on aphids which were followed by the collection of a

336 honeydew droplet by the same ant, and found no significant effect of temperature (GLMM, t-

337 value = 0.840, df = 2, N = 28, 17 and 25 respectively for 20, 23 and 26°C, p-value = 0.404;

338 Table 1).


339 We never observed any agonistic behavior from the ants towards their aphid partners, whatever

340 the temperature studied.




Behavioral observation 20°C 23°C 26°C Cumulated ant flows; 71.42 ± 29.84 a 172.15 ± 48.47 b 152.37 ± 49.78 ab Mean + SE; N=9 Occupation index of the plant; 0.64 ± 0.05 a 0.65 ± 0.04 a 0.59 ± 0.05 a Mean + SE; N=9

Proportion of ants contacting a a b 0.39 ± 0.04 0.40 ± 0.04 0.53 ± 0.04 aphids; Mean + SE; N=9 Global success rate of honeydew

collection triggered by an ab a b Ant colony Ant 0.23 ± 0.04 0.26 ± 0.05 0.16 ± 0.04 antennal contact Mean + SE; N=9 Estimated number of droplets retrieved per colony after 2h 64.72 ± 11.67 223.16 ± 57.65 122.97 ± 29.16 foraging; Mean + SE; N=9 Time spent by each forager on the 296.44 ± 30.47 a 249.58 ± 28.92 a 225.36 ± 25.21 a plant Mean + SE; N=144 Time spent by ants to cross the bridge at the beginning of the 31.58 ± 2.50 a 31.87 ± 2.35 a 31.40 ± 2.41 a experiment (s); Mean + SE; N=45 Time spent by nants to cross the

bridge after 2h of foraging (s); 30.68 ± 1.68 a 22.37 ± 1.67 b 21.99 ± 1.68 b Mean + SE; N=45 Number of antennations made per 4.79 ± 0.62 a 4.88 ± 0.79 a 5.66 ± 0.79 a dual Forager dual ants having contacted aphids; N=57 N=52 N=76 Mean + SE

Indivi Total duration of antennations 10.44 ± 1.31 4.90 ± 0.32 5.27 ± 0.33 made per ant having contacted a b b N=57 N=52 N=76 aphids; Mean + SE Number of droplets collected per 0.93 ± 0.20 1.42 ± 0.35 0.93 ± 0.20 ant having contacted aphids; a b a N=57 N=52 N=76 Mean + SE


Individual success rate of 0.17 ± 0.03 0.15 ± 0.03 0.13 ± 0.02 honeydew collection after a a a N = 57 N = 52 N = 76 contacting aphids; Mean + SE 344 Table 1: Summary of the behavioral observations made by the ants during the experiment. Collective behaviors and individual 345 behaviors are separated here. N values are the number of observations made per temperature. Tukey’s post-hoc were performed 346 for all observations. Experimental conditions that shared a common letter were not significantly different. 347 348 Impact of temperature on the aphid behavior

349 The impact of an elevation of temperature on aphid’s mobility was analyzed on video

350 recordings focused on a section of the plant stem, where aphids were present in patches of 5 to

351 15 adult individuals. We found that the proportion of mobile aphids changed according to the

352 temperature (GLMM, z-value = 4.882, df = 2, N=64, p-value < 0.001) by being slightly higher

353 at 26°C than at the other two temperatures (Tukey’s post-hoc, p-value(20-23) = 0.9564, p-value(20-

354 26) = < 0.001, p-value(23-26) = < 0.001; Fig. 4; Table 2).

355 The elevation of temperature did not impact the number of antennations that were received per

356 aphid (GLMM, z-value = 1.844, df = 2, N=64, p-value = 0.385; Table 2). Only a few (at most

357 11 %) of these antennations triggered the emission of a honeydew droplet regardless of the

358 tested temperature conditions (GLMM, z-value = 2.563, df = 2, N = 59, 61 and 64 respectively

359 for 20°C, 23°C and 26°C, p-value = 0.659 Table 2). Furthermore, we found no impact of

360 temperature on the total number of honeydew droplets emitted per aphid over 120 minutes of

361 observation (GLMM, z-value = 6.132, df = 2, N= 64, p-value = 0.090; Table 2). Also, similar

362 amount of honeydew was collected from the aphids by the ants after stimulation, indifferently

363 of temperature (GLMM, z-value = 2.632, df = 2, N = 64, p-value = 0.085; Table 2). We also

364 found no impact of temperature both on the motivation of ants to trigger the release of aphid

365 honeydew and on the aphid responsiveness to these ants’ stimulations. Indeed, the duration of

366 the antennation that preceded the release of a honeydew droplet by the simulated aphid did not

367 differ between the tested temperature conditions (GLMM, z-value= 1.564, df = 2, N = 32, 39

368 and 33 respectively for 20°C, 23°C and 26°C, p-value = 0.486; Table 2). Furthermore, aphids


369 were as reactive to the stimulations provided by the ant tenders since the time elapsed between

370 a stimulating antennation and the emission of a honeydew droplet was similar across

371 experimental conditions (GLMM, z-value= 0.124, df = 2, N = 32, 39 and 33 respectively for

372 20°C, 23°C and 26°C, p-value = 0.461; Table 2).

373 To sum up, at the aphid scale, an elevation of temperature increased the number of contacts

374 they received from the ants, although this higher level of stimulation did not concurrently lead

375 to an increase in the number of honeydew droplets they released. The honeydew produced by

376 the aphids under the three tested temperatures seemed to be as attractive for the ants that were

377 similarly quick to ingest the emitted droplet.

378 Behavioral observation 20°C 23°C 26°C Proportion of mobile aphids 0.45 ± 0.03 a 0.46 ± 0.03 a 0.51± 0.03 b Mean + SE; N=64 Number of contacts received per observed aphid 3.06 ± 0.43 a 3.27 ± 0.40 a 3.48 ± 0.29 a Mean + SE; N=64 Proportion of antennations received by aphids that 0.11 ± 0.02 0.08 ± 0.01 0.07 ± 0.01 a a a triggered honeydew emission N=59 N=61 N=64 Mean + SE; Total number of honeydew droplets emitted per aphid 0.25 ± 0.03 a 0.25 ± 0.03 a 0.27 ± 0.03 a Mean + SE; N=64 Proportion of honeydew droplets collected per observed aphid over the 0.73 ± 0.08 a 0.72 ± 0.08 a 0.73 ± 0.08 a antennations they received Mean + SE; N=64 Duration of antennation 22.44 ± 5.94 19.48 ± 3.41 15.30 ± 2.80 triggering honeydew emission a a a N=32 N=39 N=33 (s) Mean + SE Time elapsed between 10.67 ± 2.60 8.73 ± 3.24 11.19 ± 3.38 honeydew emission and a a a N=32 N=39 N=33 ingestion by an ant (s)


Mean + SE 379 Table 2: Summary of the behavioral observations made on aphids during eight hours. N values are the number of observations 380 made per temperature. Tukey’s post-hoc were performed for all observations. Experimental conditions that share a common 381 letter were not significantly different. 382

383 Discussion



386 The present study suggests that an elevation of temperature – corresponding to the predicted

387 scenarios of climate change by the end of the 21th century – has reinforcing effects on aphid-

388 ant mutualism (Table 3). Elevated temperature had a direct impact on the activity, the foraging

389 and the exploitation of food by the ant colony. Individually, the foragers moved faster and

390 collected higher amount of resources, especially at 23°C. Aphids did not show any changes in

391 their behaviors, except for a higher mobility directly due to an increase in temperature.

Interaction Ants Aphids Ant flows (+)23 Ant’s and aphid’s mobility (+)26 and 23 (+)26 Contact rate given or received (+)26 (0) Proportion of ants contacting aphids (+)26 Honeydew emission by aphids (0) Ant eagerness for honeydew (0) Reactivity towards antennal contacts (0) Honeydew collection (+)23 (-)26 392 Table 3: Impact of the elevation of temperature on the behaviours of ants and aphids. (+) means significant increase of the 393 behavior performed by an ant or an aphid, (-) meansa significant negative impact . (0) when no impact of temperature was 394 found. Squares left in blank mean that the selected behavior was not applicable for one of thespecies. 23° and 26° represents 395 the temperature at which the significant impact was found.

396 397 Impact of elevated temperature on the ants’behaviour

398 Food iscovery and foraging flows


399 Ants are poïkilothermous organisms, whose foraging activityclosely depends on the thermal

400 conditions (Azcarate et al., 2007; Hurlbert et al., 2008; Jayatilaka et al., 2011), as long as the

401 temperature value stays beneath critical thermic zones (Cerda et al., 1998). As regards the

402 search for food resources, the aphid tending ant species, Lasius niger explore the nest

403 surroundings either on an individual basis or collectively by laying an exploratory trail

404 (Devigne & Detrain, 2002; Detrain et al., 2019).In the 20°-26°C range of tested temperatures,

405 we found no impact of temperature on the global exploratory activity displayed by ant colonies

406 at the beginning of the experiment.

407 Once ants hand discovered the aphid-infested plants, at the beginning of food recruitment,

408 foragers walked at a similar speed regardless of the ambient temperature but the ant flows

409 towards the infested plant doubled at 23°C and 26°C compared to 20°C with the highest number

410 of workers being mobilized at 23°C. Then, after two hours, the flows of recruited foragers

411 slightly decreased and stabilized at similar values for all the tested temperatures while t ant

412 workers walked faster on the bridge at 23°C and 26°C than at 20°C. As a result, throughout the

413 experiment, the total flow of foragers ascending the bridge to the plant, or going back to their

414 nest, was the lowest at 20°C. A moderate 3°C increase of temperature triggered a higher level

415 of foragers’ mobilization. An elevation of temperature of 6°C did not further enhance the

416 mobilization of foragers whose ascending flows on the plant became even lower than at 23°C.

417 Similar results were shown in another ant-homopteran mutualistic interaction, but at a higher

418 temperature, 29°C, compared to 23°C and 25°C (Sagata & Gibb, 2016), probably due to the

419 fact that the ant species studied is known to face higher extreme temperatures (Walter &

420 Mackay, 2004).

421 The direct effect of temperature on the metabolism of foragers (Jayatilaka et al., 2011) explains

422 the higher speed of foragers, resulting in more intense flows of ants heading towards the aphid-

423 infested plant at higher temperature conditions. Temperature-induced changes in ant flows


424 could also indirectly result from changes in the quantity and/or quality of aphid honeydew,

425 which in turn, lead to differences in the intensity of recruitment trails laid by ant foragers (Völkl

426 et al., 1999; Detrain et al., 2010, Detrain & Prieur, 2014). Further studies are still needed to

427 assess whether the recruitment signals transmitted by successful scouts having discovered food

428 actually change with a warming of the ambient temperature. At most, one can say that a

429 potentially higher evaporation rate of trail pheromone at 23°C and 26°C compared to 20°C did

430 not hamper the dynamics of collective exploitation of aphid honeydew by L.niger foragers.

431 Furthermore, ant species such as L.niger, whose trail pheromone compounds have a relatively

432 long half-lifetime (around 40 minutes, Beckers et al., 1992), would show a recruitment

433 dynamics more resilient to elevated temperatures than other mass-recruiting ant species relying

434 on highly volatile trails (Van Oudenhove et al., 2011; Boullis et al., 2016).

435 Aphid-Tending behavior

436 Once they get over the plant, foragers spent a slightly lower, although not significantly different,

437 amount of time on the aphid-infested plant at warmer temperatures, probably in relation with

438 their concurrent increase of locomotory activity. As a correlate, each ant spent less time at

439 contacting and tending the aphids with the increase of ambient temperature. On the other hand,

440 the increased locomotory activity at higher temperatures made ant workers more likely to

441 encounter trophobionts per unit of time, thereby leading to a higher proportion of aphid-tending

442 foragers at 26°C compared to the other two temperature conditions. Similarly, in the case of

443 an ant-mealybug mutualism (Zhou et al., 2017); the ant tending level (i.e. the number of

444 interacting ants per mealybug) increased with temperature (26°C compared to 23°C). On the

445 contrary, such tending level was found to decrease concurrently to an elevation of temperature

446 in another study on ant-aphid mutualism (Mooney et al., 2019). Such differences could be due

447 to the fact that the field study done by Mooney et al., 2019 was focused on different ant and

448 aphid’s species and was carried out under temperatures which daily and seasonally varied. Such


449 variations may have included extremely high temperatures, above 29°C during summer, which

450 might have negatively affected the tending of aphid colonies by ants.

451 Honeydew collection

452 Through antennal contacts, ants typically encourage their mutualistic partners to increase their

453 honeydew production (Larsen et al., 1992, Degen et al., 1986; Sagata & Gibb, 2016). The higher

454 the proportion of tending ants at warmer temperatures contributed to reinforce the mutualisitic

455 interaction between the two partners. However, in terms of food income for the ant colony, the

456 total amount of collected honeydew was estimated to be the highest at 23°C. Indeed, this

457 moderate increase of temperature increased both the cumulated ant flows and the global success

458 of foragers at getting a honeydew droplet. At the colony level, a further increase of temperature

459 to 26°C reduce the total amount of honeydew that was brought back to the nest, mainly due to

460 to a lower success of ants to trigger the release of honeydew by contacted aphids.

461 When considering the global impact of warming on ant colonies, a moderate increase of

462 temperature to 23°C seemed to be optimal in temrs of honeydew reward but a further elevation

463 to 26°C made the benefits brought along less pronounced. On may even assume that, in the

464 long term, at 26°C, foragers may become less and less successful at bringing honeydew

465 resources to their nest thereby destabilizing the cost-benefit balance of this mutualistic

466 relationship.


468 Impact of temperature on the aphids

469 As for the ants, due to their enhanced metabolic activity, aphids were more mobile over the

470 plant at 26°C compared to the two tested temperatures. In some aphid species, an increased

471 mobility can trigger aggressiveness from their tending ants, but we never observed such

472 agonistic behavior for the tested range of temperature . Furthermore, in the case of a low density

473 of aphids as in our experiment, predation rarely occurrs because the homopterans are primarily


474 used by the ant as honeydew producers (Sakata, 1995). Although higher flows of L.niger

475 foragers were mobilized towards the aphid infested plants at higher temperatures, each aphid

476 received, at its local scale, the same number of antennations and potentially the same level of

477 care from the ants, regardless of the ambient temperature. Likewise, warming temperatures did

478 not alter the amount of honeydew droplets emitted by the aphids nor the number of antennal

479 contacts required to trigger the emission of a honeydew droplet. This suggests that aphids were

480 as likely to produce honeydew within the tested range of thermal conditions. Finally, we

481 examined whether the honeydew quality could change according to the ambient temperature.

482 Indeed, high temperatures (41°C) can alter the nutritional content of honeydew (Salvucci et al.,

483 1999), affecting the nutritional requirements and ant preference for sap-sucking insects (Kiss,

484 1981). The composition of honeydew was not studied here, but some hints about honeydew

485 quality are provided by the ant responses toward emitted honeydew droplets, which might

486 hesitate before taking this droplet, or just leave it if not interested. In our experiments, the

487 honeydew droplets were immediately collected by the ants at the same rate, suggesting an equal

488 attractivity of honeydew regardless of the tested temperature. In addition, a similar number of

489 honeydew droplets were left uncollected by the ants for all tested conditions.


491 To sum up, a moderate warming of 3°C seems to impact positively the ants which, at the colony

492 level, mobilize larger flows of foragers and that retrieve a higher total amount of honeydew,

493 with potential cascading effects for aphids, which might also get direct benefits from the

494 increase of interactions with ants. It has been suggested that benefits to the homopterans from

495 ant tending are strongly related to the ant tending level (Breton & Addicott, 1992; Zhou et al.,

496 2015). The more foragers tend aphids and get in return high amount of food, the more likely

497 they protect the aphid colony against predators and keep their environment clean thereby

498 preventing the development of fungi, or sooty molds on the plant (Way, 1963; Dixon, 1998;


499 Stadler & Dixon, 2005). An average temperature of 23°C during summer days and/or an 3°C

500 increase of atmospheric temperature as predicted by climatic scenarios may therefore benefit

501 for both partners and reinforce the mutualism between Lasius niger and Aphis fabae in

502 temperate regions. On the other hand, a further increase of temperature to 26°C may represent

503 a threshold thermic value, below which the L.niger-A.fabae mutualism is the strongest, and

504 above which a witch of partners, or disruption of the interaction may be observed. Under natural

505 conditions, some episodes of extremely high warming are expected in temperate regions, with

506 temperatures frequently reaching 26°C and above (Meehl & Tebaldi, 2004; IPCC, 2013) as

507 well as long-term exposure to elevated temperature. In such cases, the increased ant flows and

508 the higher proportion of ants interacting with aphids may lead to an overstimulation of the

509 trophobionts, a resulting lower ability to respond to ant solicitation due to a limited renewal rate

510 of honeydew droplets (Stadler & Dixon, 1998) and potentially higher physiological costs and

511 impaired development of the homopterans. Aphids may also experience long-term changes of

512 their honeydew quality, through the impact of warming on their host plant (Walther, 2003;

513 Adler et al., 2007). It is well established that changes in plant chemistry can alter honeydew

514 quality (Fischer et al., 2005; Katayama et al., 2013; Pringle et al., 2014) and modulates the

515 aphid-ant mutualism (Breton & Addicott, 1992). The high cost of producing high quantity and

516 high-quality honeydew for aphids in these conditions might become a limiting factor in their

517 interaction with ants and could lead in time to a disruption of this aphid-ant mutualism (Mooney

518 et al., 2019) and to a switch of partners towards other aphid species better adapted to warmer

519 climates (Mooney et al., 2019, Offenberg, 2001).

520 Besides, in natural conditions, climate warming is associated with higher CO2, which is also

521 likely to affect nutritional value of the sap and aphid honeydew (Roderick & Berry, 2001;

522 Thomas et al., 2004; Kremer et al., 2018). Studying the effect of multiple abiotic stressors on

523 aphid-ant mutualism may provide new understanding on the evolution of this interaction in the


524 next decades. Because of the species-specificity of aphids and ants, and the difficulty to

525 investigate multitrophic interactions under multiple climatic factors, providing clear

526 conclusions are still challenging.


528 Acknowledgements

529 This work was supported by a research grant from the Belgian National Fund for Scientific

530 Research (FRS-FNRS) grant number n° T.0202.16.

531 We also acknowledge the Institut Royal de Météorologie de Belgique (IRM Belgium) for

532 providing the temperature data.

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Figure 1: Number of ants present on the plant as a function of time. The number of ants staying over leaves and stem were counted every fifteen minutes for the whole duration of the experiment, at three different ambient temperatures. N=288


811 812 813 814

Figure 2: cumulated flow of ants leaving the aphid-infested plant as a function of time for the three tested temperatures. N=9 for each condition. For each time and each condition, the mean value and the standard errors are represented.


815 816 Figure 3: Comparison of the time spent by the 5 first ants and the five last ants to cross the bridge in function of the 817 temperature. N=45


819 820 Figure 4: Percentage of mobile aphids during the observations under the three tested temperatures. N=64 for each 821 temperature.

822 823



Figure 5: proportion of ants antennating at least one aphid as a function of temperature. N=9 for each condition. 825

826 827 Figure 6: Mean number of antennations received by one aphid for all the tested temperatures. N=64

828 829 830



832 833 Figure 7: Success of collection of a honeydew droplet making an antennation for all observed ants during the whole 834 experiment, under the three tested temperatures. N=9

835 836 837 838 839