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0" ~ ~~ 0" ~~ ~~... .­ "Butchcapades" for Homecoming

Five days of fun and excitement, day. The WSU Cougars will meet the following the theme "Butchcapades," OSU Beavers at 1:30 p. m. on Rogers are planned for Homecoming 1966. The Field. Halftime features will include Homecoming Committee and the Alumni the WSU Marching Band, card stunts by Association invite all alumni to re­ the Crimson Block, crowning of the turn to wsu to take part in the fes­ Homecoming Queen, and introduction of tivities, October 26 through 30. visiting dignitaries. The Haaecoming Homecoming will officially begin Dance, "Rhapsody in Memori1!s," wi 11 Wednesday evening with announcement be held throughout the CUB on Satur­ of the Queen at an exchange dance at day night. Each area will feature a the CUB. Thursday there will be a different era. The main Ballroom will Field D~ sponsored by the class gov­ be the era of the "Big Bands." Other­ ernments. Friday is Spirit Day; any­ areas wi 11 be "The Wild, Wild West," one caught wearing Oregon State col­ "The Roaring 'Twenties," "Spotlight ors, orange and black, will be arres­ on the 'Forties,"and "Butch-a-Go-Go." ted and tried in the CUB Fountain by These activities are being planned the Butchmen, men's spirit group. On by the Homecoming Committee under the Friday night there will be a street the chairmanship of Judy Klug of Med­ dance and the Chad and Jeremy concert. ical Lake. A complete schedule is Saturday, of course, is the big found on the back cover.

'<-. 'Forty-Ones to Celebrate 25th The Class of 1941 will celebrate program will include entertainment, its Silver Anniversary Reunion during door prizes, and greetings from the Homecoming on Oct. 28-29. Three Pull­ Homecoming Queen and the student body .an classmates are spearheading the president. celebration--ASA V.CLARK JR., CHARLES Saturday night class members will F. MARTIN, and H. K. "TOBY" SAUNDERS. be special guests at the Homecoming Reunion activities will get under­ Dance. And also on Saturday night way at 8:30 p. m. Friday at a no-host there will be a reunion of the 1941 party at the Pullman Country Club. basketball team. It will feature "bullfesting," danc­ Other members of the committee to ing, and a midnight buffet. plan the reunion are Mrs. Larry A. Class members will register start­ Broom (ROBERTA STONECIPHER), Waits­ ing at 8:30 a.m. Saturday in CUB 116. burg; H. B. "BENNY" DRAKE, Lafayette, The 25th Reunion' Luncheon will get Calif.; Mrs. Elmer Harris (BETTY KIM­ underway promptly at 11 a.m. Saturday ZEY),Seattle; CHARLES E.HATLEY, Pull­ in the CUB Dining Room. Class presi­ man; GLENN E. OMAN, Pullman; E. G. dent, RAYMOND M. SUNDQUIST, Aberdeen, "PAT" PATTERSON, Pullman, and SUND­ will be master of ceremonies. The QUIST.

POWWOW Washington State is a quarterly publi­ POWWOW Washington State cation of Washington State Universily for its alum­ Volume Lli Fall, 1966 Number I ni. Second class postage paid at Pullman, Wash. Change of address should be sent to: POWWOW, Sally Adams, Editor Washington State University, Pullman, Wash., 99163 FOOTBALL BRINGS FUN

A big fall football season is al­ Uhiversity of Arizona at Tucson, ready in full swing for Cougar root­ Nov. 12, 2:30 p.m. Alumni living in ers. Here is a rundown on the remain­ Arizona and New will be noti­ ing games and social functions to be fied of any plans made for a WSU ga­ held in conjunction: thering. Arizona State University at Pull­ University of Washington at Spo­ man, Oct. 8, 1:30 p.m. Dads' Day. kane, Nov. 19, 1:30 p.m. The tradi­ University of Utah at Salt Lake tional rally dance, sponsored by the City, Oct. IS, 1:30 p.m. Alumni liv­ Spokane area alumni,will be held Fri­ ing in Utah will hold a pre-game ga­ day night from 9 p.m. to 1 a. m. in thering on Friday night. Announce­ the Empire Ballroom at the Ridpath ments will be sent to all alumni in Hotel. the vicinity of Salt Lake City. Co­ Tickets for reserved Washington chairman are VICTOR L. STEVENS, '41, State sections at all "away" football and Dr. EDWARD A. TUGAW, '38. games as well as for "home" galles can University of at Moscow,Oct. be obtained by writing directly to 22, 1:30 p.m. Ticket Office, Bohler Gym, WSU. All Oregon State University at Pull­ reserved tickets are $5.00. NOTE: man, Oct. 29, 1:30 p.m. Homecoming. Reserved seats for the U of W game (See details above.) are sold out. University of Oregon at Eugene, Nov. 5, 1:30 p.m. The Portland area alumni will sponsor a rally dance at Films in Portland 8 p. m. Friday at the Portland West Portland area alumni are sponsor­ Motor Inn (formerly the Americana), ing showings of films of all Cougar 6th &SW Clay. Chairman is WILLIAM games each Thursday night. The meet­ L. GRANDSTAFF, '49. There will be a ings are held at the 3 Star Restaur­ social hour following the game at the ant, 8343 SW Barbur Blvd., at 8 p.m. Thurderbird Motor Hotel in Eugene. All WSU alumni and friends are invit­ Chairman is DON JACKSON, '57. ed to attend. Three Alums Named to Key Posts Appointaent of three alumni to key unanimously elected to another one­ positions was one of the highlights year term as treasurer. He has held of the annual summer meeting of the the position since 1920. He also was Alumni Association Board of Directors re-appointed an alumni board repre­ held in Bellingham on Aug. 27. sentative on the WSU Projects and Po­ Mrs. Elmer Harris (BETTY KIM2EY, licies Committee. '41), Seattle, is the new alumnae di­ rector at large for the west side of the state. At WSU, she was president *******.*.*************************** of Associated Women Students and a News of individual alumni for inclu­ member of the Board of Control, Mort­ sion in this Powwow has overwhelmed ar Board, Omicron Nu and Kappa Kappa the space. Therefore stories on the Gamma, and was an ROTC sponsor. Her Board of Directors meeting,establish­ husband is a 1942 WSU graduate. ment of new endowed scholarships, and Mrs.Bill Rathbun (JO NEWPORT,'39), winners of Alumni Opportunity Awards Richland, was re-appointed alumnae will be contained in WSU Reports to director at large for the east side. be mailed to alumni later this month. CLARENCE L. HIX, '09, Pullman, was ************************************* ~ THE SPOTLIGHT'S ON • • •

Fred Marshall, e'27 •..staff artist, cartoonist and ad­ vertising artist for The Post Intel­ ligencer for 33 years ••.past presi­ dent of Northwest Watercolor Society, past president of puget Sound Group of Northwest Painters, member of Am­ erican Watercolor Society•.•a prize winner in national AWS show in 1962 •..represented in exchange exhibit at London gallery of Royal Watercolor Society ' of England.••one of 21 na­ HEWETT tionally chosen artists for Brumbach­ er Traveloan Exhibition.•• teaches wa­ tercolor at Edison Technical School offices in regional and national bus­ ...lives in Seattle. iness organizations •.• lives in Port­ land. Kenneth G. Compton, '29, '30 ...appointed head of marine corrosion Victoria Hanson Savage, '32 portion of University of Miami's new ••• is president of Women Painters of program of applied research and de­ Washington, vice president of Artists velopment in ocean engineering•••was Sales Gallery Inc., member of newly­ research scientist with Bell Tele­ established Edmonds Art Gallery, and phone Laboratories for 35 years ..•is active in Artists Equity and North­ chairman of marine corrosion commit­ west Watercolor Society.•.work shown tee of American Society for Testing this year in American Watercolor So­ Materials ...holds seven patents on ciety exhibit in •.•has won electrochemical devices and processes awards in Seattle area shows ..•paint­ •..honors include Speller Award from ings in several private collections National Association of Chemical Eng­ throughout and in sev­ ineers, Tour Award and Award of Merit eral foreign countries •..married to from ASTM, Bronze Medal of American Robert Savage,'32 .•. lives in Seattle. Electroplating Society, and citation from U. S. Navy ... lives in Fort Laud­ Arthur J. Cagle, '32, '53 erdale, Fla. ...retired this summer as WSU exten­ sion economist •..had analyzed records Charles F. Ziebarth, '31 of various agricultural production ...visiting professor of business ad­ enterprises for cooperating Washing­ ministration at Pacific Lutheran Uni­ ton farmers for quarter of a century versity this year...is associate pro­ ...in 1953-54 worked with Inter Amer­ fessor of transportation, coordinator ican Institute of Agricultural Scien­ for Master of Business Administration ces in Latin America...in 1960 was a program, and director of executive member of USDA-sponsored group of ec­ development programs at Portland Cen­ onomists selected to study ways of ter for Continuing Education..••has expanding demand for U. S. farm prod­ taught at several universities ...dur­ ucts in seven Latin American coun­ ing World War II was lieutenant col­ tries ..•studied farm enterprises and onel and commanded V~couver Barracks marketing operations in South America ..•professional experience includes in 1964-65 ...lives in Pullman • ten years as railroad executive .••has been business consultant to state and Elmer C. Huntley, e'36 federal agencies ...has held numerous ••.new chairman of Washington State Highway Commission .•.is wheat, pea mal Farm's 700 animals and assists in and livestock rancher near Thornton genetic studies involved in school's ...has served on executive committee laboratory animal breeding program ••. of Washington Wheat Growers Associa­ had a private practice in Washougal tion•..was first president of Whitman •.• then served in diagnostic labora­ County Wheat Growers Association ... tory at. Oregon State University ..• was member of House of Representa­ lives in Hillsboro. tives for nine sessions ...was chair­ man of House highways committe.e from 1963 to 1965 •.. represented legisla­ ture on executive committee of Counc­ From '37 to '37 il of State Governments for 15 Two 1937 College of Veterinary Me­ states...appointed to highway commis­ dicine graduates were principal par­ sion in March 1965 .•.also member of ticipants in a recognition ceremony Washington State Toll Bridge Authori­ in Texas this summer. Dr. JOHN L. ty...member of Governing Board of the WILBUR presented Dr. FRED D. MAURER Shriners Hospital for Crippled Child­ with a certificate from the U. S. De­ ren in Spokane. partment of Agriculture in recogni­ tion of Outstanding Contributions to H. B. Hewett, '49 the Training of Veterinarians in the .:.Mark liB program manager for Air Diagnosis of Foreign Animal Diseases. Force's F-lll avionics system to be Dr. Maurer, Bryan, is associate dean built by Autonetics, a division of of the Texas A&M College of Veterina­ North American Aviation ..• joinedAu­ ry Medicine. Dr. Wilbur, Austin, is tonetics in 1964 after 22 years serv­ veterinarian in charge of animal dis­ ice in the Air Force..•is a retired ease eradication and animal inspec­ colonel .•.was chief of weapons divi­ tion and quarantine for the USDA in sion and deputy chief of staff for Texas. research and development of Defense Atomic Support Agency headquarters ••. also was chairman of Atomic Energy Commission/Department of Defense vul­ The Second Generation nerability board.•. commanded tactical Alumni reporting offspring attend­ missile group in ...spent four ing WSU include: years as assistant chief and chief of Mr. and Mrs. JOHN M. ENGELN, '37 strategic systems for Air Research (FRANCES GARMAN, '37), College Place Development Co_and ..• lives ,in Tust­ --two sons, Richard and Bill. in, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. OlARLES UHDEN, ' 39 (FRANCES SNOW, '40), Colbert--daugh­ John Kingsbury, '50 ter, Linda Kay • •.•Port Orchard district administra­ Mr. and Mrs. ED K. ERICKSON, '40 tor for State Department of Natural (AYLEEN FREDERICK, '38), Bellevue-­ Resources ...in charge of management son, Wayne. of 41,700 acres of state-owned land Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT H.HENDRICKSON, ...was a navigator of B-29 bomber in '42 (JEANELLEN CALKINS, '45), Seattle World War 11 ...now major and training --daughter, Janine. officer for Air Force Reserve unit ••. Dr. and Mrs. GEORGE V. OTT, '43 taught science and mathematics at (RUTH LUNDEN, '43), Kelso--daughter, Castle Rock in 1951 .•.joined former Vicki. division of forestry in 1952 ••• named JOHN ESTES, '52, Wappingers Falls, to present post in 1959 .••member of N.Y.--son, Glen. South Kitsap County planning advisory committee,county school advisory com­ . . . and the Third mittee, and county fire fighters as­ ART THOMPSON,'38, Longview--daugh­ sociation.•. lives in Port Orchard. ter, Carol; granddaughter of the late CHARLES A. THOMPSON, '14. Dr. Peter L. Clary, '64 .•.instructor in animal care at Uni­ *********************************.*.* versity of Oregon Medical School •.. looks after health needs of UOMS Ani­ Remember Homecoming" October 26-30 • • Alumni Serve In• Viet Nam


gon. is a contracting officer for the VC Kill Clower Army Procurement Agency Viet Nam. NORMAN L. CLOWERS.'60.'63. was killed this suamer in a Viet Cong ambush in Maj. GLENN H. KINNEY. '54. Fairchild Khan Hoa Province. He was a public AFB, has received the Air Medal for safety adviser for the Agency for In­ successful accomplishment of combat ternational Development. He had been support missions under extremely haz­ in the Tacoaa Police Department from ardous conditions. He is a KC-125 1948 to 1956. In 1957. he went to Strato Tanker ·aircraft commander. Viet Nam as a police adviser. Upon his return. he enrolled at WSU. In Capt. FRANK G. PADILLA. '54. Da Nang. 1960-61. he was chief of police in is an operations officer on a radar Laramie. Wyo. He later was a private site. detective and lie detector examiner in Tacoma. He returned to Viet Nam Capt. JERRY M. SWAIN. '58. Fairchild last March. AFB. has received the Air Medal for meritorious achievement during mili­ tary flights in Viet Nam. He is a KC­ OFC to Solberg 125 Strato Tanker pilot. Capt. HAROLD A. SOLBERG.'56. Da Nang. AB. has been decorated twice for he­ Capt. FRANK R. ZAHNISER. '59. has re­ roism as a helicopter search and res­ ceived the Air Medal with oak leaf cue pilot. He received the Distin­ cluster for missions in Southeast As­ guished Flying Cross for rescuing two ia. He is a KC-135 jet tanker air­ persons from a downed helicopter near craft commander. He and his wife. Quang Tri. He received the Silver the former DIXIE DRAKE. '59. are now Star for rescuing three survivors of stationed at Lockbourne AFB. Ohio. an AC-47 Dragon Ship shot down near Ashau. Capt. FRANK J. SHAVER. '59, Vung Tau. commands 765th transportation battal­ ion. The unit has adopted the 3.600 Men in Action Vietnamese refugees in a nearby camp Lt. Col. ALFRED H. HOPKINS JR •• '49, distributing food and clothing and Langley AFB. Va., was the first Air building a village for them. Force pilot to log 200 missions in an F-5 Freedom Fighter. He commanded an Capt. JOHN M. HEBERT. '60, Bien Hoa. F-5 squadron at Bien Hoa Air Base. is with Headquarters, 60th Ordnance Group. Maj. THEODORE S. BLOCK. '52.'63, .Sai- (Continued on page 29) Dr. RAY M. MAST,'18, Santa Rosa, Cal­ '00-'09 if.,is retired and does seasonal work CAL DONA RYKER ZELL, e'07, San Bruno, as a turkey inspector for the USDA. Calif., keeps active as a landscape He travels in the off-season to Mexi­ painter. Her work is on exhibit at a co, Europe and the Orient. delicatessen and wall paper shop in San Bruno. RUSSEL M. ADAMS,'l8, Corvallis, Ore., thinks he will retire. He has fin­ LLOYD C. WHITE,'07, Berkeley, Calif., ished 30 years of teaching vocational hopes to attend his 60th commencement agriculture and IS years in a child­ in Pullman next June. ren's clothing store. JAMES DE NEFF, '07, Gooding, Idaho, sent an interesting note regarding '20-'29 his experiences at WSU as a freshman RUDOLPH W. OLTMAN, '22, '42, Shelton, in 1899. has retired for the second time as superintendent of the Shelton schools. CHARLES W. TALBOT, '09, Boonville, He first retired in June 1964. In Mo., writes he is "just enjoying re­ December 1965 he was called back to tirement, nothing more." the same job to finish the school year. '10-'19 LUCIEN V. TYLER, '22, Los Angeles, is S. ELROY McCAW, '10, Bremerton, has a VISTA volunteer. He had six weeks displayed his fluorescent rock dis­ of training in Chicago to prepare him play at Calgary and Mission City in for work in urban community develop­ Canada and will display at the Kitsap ment. Fair and northwest and regional shows in Portland, Seattle and Vancouver, ROBERT M. KNOX,'23, Wedderburn, Ore., B.C., this fall. has visited and studied in 15 coun­ tries. VICTOR B. BONNEY, '12, Takoma Park, Md., is retired. He amuses himself CHARLES W. NASH, '23, Wenatchee, is in the SUmmer assigning tennis courts senior partner in the consulting en­ in Rock Creek Park. gineering firm of Munson-Nash &Asso­ ciates on engineering and surveys in CLARENCE J. COOIL, '12, Spokane, has the reservoir area behind Weils Dam been owner and manager of the Clark­ being constructed on the Columbia. Brewer-Huff Teachers Agency for the last 18 years. HILDA MESICK, '24, Yakima, is teach­ ing in the Yakima Business College. Dr. RALPH E. BAKER,'l3, Garden Grove, She retired last spring from high Calif., is now living with his son school teaching in Wapato. and family. ***EARL W. LLOYD, '24, Garden City, Col. RAY M. O'DAY, '16, Seattle, was N. Y., retired from Western Electric among the 300 persons who attended Co. on April 30 after more than 41 the reunion of the survivors of the years with the Bell System and start­ 1942 Bataan Death March. ed a new career with Design Service Co. of New York on May 1. J. ALBERT HARTMAN, e'16, Dinuba, Cal­ if., and his wife took part in an az­ EDWARD 1. ~IAJECK, '24, Walnut Creek, alea cruise tour down the Ohio and Calif., has retired after 40 years Mississippi rivers this spring. They with Equitable Life Assurance Socip.ty spent August and September in Alaska. and is living at Leisure World. Dr. CHARLES GLEN KING, '18, New York HARRY P. BOWMAN, '25, San Diego, Cal­ City, has been elected president of if., is still a county judge. the International Union of Nutrition­ al Sciences for a three-year term. Mr. and Mrs. DONALD A. KEISER, '25 School District when he retired in June as director of industrial arts. He had been director for 19 years, assistant director one year and in ,I the industrial arts department at the Roosevelt High School 18 years. ART GANSON, '29, Seattle, has received a bronze plaque for his outstanding service to 4-H in Washington. He is executive secretary of the Washington THOMPSON, '29 LLOYD, '24 Bankers' Association. LESTER L. WINGARD, '29, Renton, still is teaching U.S. history. (DOROTHY DEARLE, '25) live in Whitti­ er, Calif. She retired from the Los ALLEN S. CARY, '29, Seattle, is now Angeles City School System last June senior geologist for Shannon &Wilson and has taken a job as reference lib­ Inc., soil mechanics and foundation rarian in. Whittier. engineers. Mr. and Mrs. ELMER MILLER, '26 (MERLE ***PAULINE THOMPSON, '29, '30, San ELLIS, '23) live in Seattle, She re­ Francisco, Calif., pictured in Aus­ tired a year ago after 16 years with tralia, had a 14-month world tour on the art department of the Seattle Pu­ sabbatical leave from Jefferson Ele­ blic Library. He retired from teach­ mentary School District in Daly City ing in 1963 after 37 years service in in 1962. She retired this June. Washington schools,including 33 years at Queen Anne High School. He is a member of Seattle's Human Rights Com­ '30-'39 missio~. HORACE M. MERRIMAN, '30, Wenatchee, has retired. CORIENE SLAGHT HOWARD, '27, Seattle, writes that the "Howard Hotel" is Mrs. CARRIE BROWN BROWN, '31, San Ma­ very popular during the summer tour­ teo, Calif., retired June 19. ist season. FRED H. CLEWLEY,'3l, Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Lyle Downey (DOROTHY MAC LEOD, has been promoted to manager of con­ '27), Santa Clara, Calif., is regis­ tainer sales, Longview-Fibre Co. trar and head counselor at Santa Cla­ ra High School. She was selected for Mrs. Howard I. Bond (MARY LEWIS,'3l), Who's Who Among American Women in Tacoma, is teaching second grade in 1965. the Tacoma Public Schools.

Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM J. VAN HORN, '28 RAYMaN T. SMELTZ, '32, Pullman, is a (CONNIE WASHBURN, '29) live on the CPA. He is partner in the firm of beach on Lumqi Island. He works in Smeltz and Schoeff. Seattle and the seven northwestern states as president 9f Grange Insur­ Mr. and Mrs. THEODORE E. MANN, , 32 ance Association. (MAE ENSLEY, '34) live in Billings, Mont. He is regional engineer, Bur­ Mr. and Mrs. JASPER E. ANDERSON, '28 eau of Reclamation. (MARY BLOOD, '31) have retired in Ha­ cienda Heights, Calif. He was with JOHN W. HILL, '32, Grand Junction, General Electric and she taught dra­ Colo., is a retired mining engineer. matics in the Nt. Sougus school sys­ tem in Massachusetts. Mrs. HELEN THUN HARTNESS, '33, Port­ land, has received a $2500 award from EDWARD Y. GREER, '28, Seattle, ended Delta Kappa Gamma to complete a doc­ 38 years of service with the Seattle tor's degree in family life education and counseling at Oregon State Uni­ PETER E. KRAGHT. '35, , versity. She is a member of the Lew­ is now manager of weather services is and Clark College faculty • for American Airlines. .~ MAURICE W. ~ERRITSEN. '33. San Fran­ Mr. and Mrs. HERMAN C. ANDERSON,' 36 cisco. is manager of East Bay Branch (MARIETTE MOSER. e'39) live in Bould­ of what is now known as the Defense er. Colo. He is laboratory services Contract Audit Agency. He supervises director at Dow Chemical Company's 50 auditors in northern California Rocky Flats Plant. and Nevada. OLIVER H. JOHNSON, '36, Pullman, is EARL F. JOHNSON. '33. Spokane. has one of seven alumni in the country retired from Washington Water Power this year to receive a Distinguished Co. after 32 years with the utility. Service Award from Theta Xi fratern­ He has been structural design engin­ ity. eer since 1953. BOB WATERS. '36. Bellevue, has been MARC W. PRATT. '33. Seattle. reports elected to the board of directors of that the Everett Social Security Of­ National Electronic Distributors As­ fice which he manages has enrolled sociation and of Electronic Shaw Cor­ more than 17.000 beneficiaries of the poration. Medicare program. ANDREW LEXA, '36, Arlington, Va., is O. D. "OZZIE" GATES. ' 34. '44. Both­ an industrial security specialist for ell. is beginning his 13th year with the Defense Contract Administration New York Life Insurance Company. Services Region.

HARRY L. PETRIDGE. '34. Solana Beach. ARCHIE VAN DOREN, '37, Okanogan, is Calif.• is in the loan brokerage bus­ retired and living on his apple orch­ iness and has just completed $8 mil­ ard on the Columbia River between the lion loan to build new LaJolla Hospi­ dams. The Powwow apologizes to him tal. He also is a charter member of for incorrectly identifying him as the Whispering Palms Golf and Country "Arthur" in the last issue's "Spot­ Club. light" section. Mr. and Mrs. IRVIN W. BALES. '35 (HA­ ROBERT C. BIRKES, '37, Portland, has ZEL EVANS. e'32). Palo Alto. Calif•• been promoted to head of electrical visited Pullman for the first time in engineering at Pacific Power &Light many years this summer and found many Company. changes. R. D. SNYDER. '37. Spokane, has re­ R. STARR FARISH, e'35, Caldwell, Ida­ tired after 43 years of public school ho, has been promoted to vice presi­ work. dent, sales, for the food processing division of J. R. Simplot Co .• potato Dr. HOWARD F. CARROLL, '38, San Fran­ processors. cisco, has been elected president of the American Animal Hospital Assn. BERNARD NAFF,'35, Seattle, keeps busy giving some of his junior pharmic's a Maj . Gen. KENNETH R.POWELL,'38, Home­ little time away from their stores on stead AFB, Fla., is commander of the vacations. the 823rd Air Division. MELVIN HELANDER, '35, Albuquerque, Dr. WALTER W. STIERN, '38, Bakers­ N. M.• is assistant area .director of field, Calif., is running for his 3rd the Bureau of Indian Affairs. four-year term as a California state senator. His wife, the former ALYS­ FRANCES LYNCH YEEND, e'35. Morgan­ JUNE DUNNING, '38, is his political town, W. Va., has been appointed a campaign advisor. professor at the West Virginia Uni­ versity Center for the Creative Arts. Dr. CLARENCE C. SCHRAG, '39, Los An­ geles, has been named chairman of the General Mills Inc., western division. University of Southern California's She is a medical assistant to a derm­ department of sociology. atologist in Mountain View. Dr. NADENE DENISON HUNTER, '39, Son­ RALPH F. MORIARTY,'43, Memphis,Tenn., yca, N. Y., has been appointed super­ has been elected vice president and vising psychiatrist at Craig Colony member of the board of directors of School and Hospital. She returned to Conwood Corp. He is responsible for work following the death of her hus­ all sales and advertising activities band, Dr. Wallace Hunter, last year. of the corporation. Dr. O. A. VOGEL, '39, Pullman, is the ROGER V. LE CLERC, '43, Olympia, has new president of the Western Society been appointed materials engineer for of Crop Science. He is a USDA plant the State Highways Department. breeder stationed at WSU. Col. O. R. DINSMORE JR., '43, Annan­ WEDDINGS dale, Va., has been assigned to re­ search and development, Army Materiel Mrs. ANNE HARDER MAC KENZIE, '31, and Command. Robert J. Wyatt, on Oct. 21, 1965. The couple lives in Spokane. They ROBERT S. RACE, '44, Ketchikan, Alas­ took part in a People-to-People tour ka, has been re-elected president of to Europe and the Middle East. the Alaska State Board of Pharmacy. He operates Race Ketchikan Pharmacies '40-'49 Inc. Mrs. E. P. Erckenbrack (RUTH GAINES, RENE DE SAIX, '46, Santa Monica, Cal­ '40), Seattle, is a private music in­ if., took doctoral courses at UCLA structor. last fall and then returned to his regular teaching as assistant profes­ Mrs. Ellis Cox (MAXINE STALLCOP, '40) , sor of physiology at Los Angeles Com­ Pomeroy, is teaching at Pomeroy Jun­ munity College. ior High after many years of being a homemaker. H. MARSHALL CURTIS,'47, Lewiston, Id­ aho, is a real estate broker. WALTER A. HITCHCOCK, '40, '48, Kenne­ wick, is superintendent of schools of Mr. and Mrs. DAVID STRAUSZ, '47 (CAR­ Kennewick School District '17. OLINE GANNON, '48), Seattle, spent ten weeks in the Soviet Union last RICHARD SCHAEFER JR., '41, Lewiston, spring doing final research and field ran for the Idaho State Legislature work for his Ph. D. in geology at the in the August primary. University of Washington. They re­ turned via Siberia and Japan. Dr. JOHN JONTE,'42, Rapid City, S.D., is an associate professor in South Mrs. DOLORES YOUNG WHITMER,'47, Port­ Dakota School of Mines and Technology land, is medical secretary in the di­ chemistry department. vision of rheumatology at the Univer­ sity of Oregon Medical School and vi­ Mrs. Walter DeWane (JOSEPHINE DEMERS, olist with the Portland Symphony Or­ '42), Klamath Falls, Ore., is a re­ chestra. lief pharmacist. Mr. and Mrs. H. WAYNE KIRBY,'47 (MYR­ AL WORRELL, '43, San Jose, Calif., is TLE LUNDQUIST, e'50) live in Alamo, swimming coach at Blackford High. His Calif. He is regional operations man­ team has won the West Valley Athletic ager of the Bay area and the Seattle League title five year~ in a row. division of Lucky Stores Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. GENE YOUNGMAN, '43 (PAT Dr. JAMES M. THRASHER, '47, Denver, CHAMBERS,'43) live in Los Altos, Cal­ is director of the Rocky Mountain Ed­ if. He is advertising manager for ,ucational Laboratory Inc. RICHARD F. JOHNSON, '49, San Luis Ob­ ispo, Calif., was named an "outstand­ ing teacher" of 1965-66 at California ... State Polytechnic College. He is a member of the animal husbandry facul­ ty. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. M. CONNER AHRENS, '44 DOUST, '54 BROWN, '49 (BILLIE HOUSER, '50), Silver Spring, Md., a son, Mark Lee, on March 22. '50-'54 CARROLL A. CURTIS, '48, Oakland, Cal­ WILL L. RIGGEN, '50, '51, '60, Ketch­ if.,is head of the department of spe­ ikan, Alaska, is assistant superin­ cial analysis, Kaiser Engineers. tendent of schools. HOWARD E. HAMILTON, '48, Chehalis, Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT S. HUNTER, '50 has been promoted to advertising dir­ (VERA POWER, e'sO) live in San Luis ector of the Daily Chronicle, Chehal­ Obispo, Calif. He is assistant plan­ is &Centralia. ning director, County of San Luis Ob­ ispo. LESLIE W. METZGER, '48, Olympia, is vice principal of Olympia High School. CARL W. HIGBY, '50, Richland, is a senior development engineer in design Dr. FRANKLIN C. RANEY, '48, Belling­ and engineering of the Fast Flux Test ham, is associate professor of geog­ Facility Project of Battelle North­ raphy at Western Washington. west. Mrs. Edwin Peckens (JEWEL RUSSELL, MITCHELL L. "MIKE" WEISS, '50, Atlan­ '48) and family have lived in Pago ta, Ga.,is agent for 80 national man­ Pago,Samoa, for two and a half years. ufacturers of various building mater­ ials for light and heavy commercial Dr. and Mrs. DON K. SHAFFNER,'49 (HE­ construction. He is also aircraft LEN LLOYD, '46) live in Dillon, Mont. maintenance officer of Naval Air Re­ He was elected first vice president serve Squadron. of the Western States Veterinary Con­ ference. She has completed a three­ Mr. and Mrs. MAURI J. PELTO, '50 (JOAN year term as national secretary of McALMOND,'63) live in Juneau, Alaska. the Women's Auxiliary to the AVMA. He is an engineer-oceanographer for the Alaska Water Pollution Control RAY R. MILLIRON, '49, Portland, has Laboratory doing research. been named chief of the U.S. Army En­ gineer District's structures section. MALCOLM F. PARKMAN, '50, San Mateo, Calif., is head of materials and en­ ··-Dr. BERT E. ~ROWN, '49, Tacoma, ergy conversion technology in the re­ has been promoted to associate prof­ search department of Eimac, division essor of physics at the University of of Varian Associates. Puget Sound. Mr. and Mrs. DANVER W.JOHNS,'sO (VER­ Mrs. BETTY LOU DAVIS MULLAY,'49, Bre­ NA LARSEN, '53) live near Davenport. merton, is part-time instructor in He is a farmer. She is an accountant parent and family life education at in the Lincoln County Engineer's Of­ Olympic College. fice. BOB R. KITTLESON,'49, Arcata, Calif., ROBERT E. DARST, '51, Port Orchard, is president of the general faculty is teaching 6th grade at East Port at Humboldt State College. Orchard Grade School. Mrs. JOAN ELSENSOHN HERR, '51, ColllID­ USDA consumer and marketing service's bus, Ohio, is an assistant professor meat and poultry laboratory. in the College of Agriculture and Ha.e Econoaics, Ohio State Universi­ Dr. LAURENCE E. GALE, '52, Missoula, ty, teaching huaan nutrition classes. Mont., has been naaed acting dean of the School of Education at the Uni­ Mr. and Mrs. JACK fl>RELOCK, '51 (JAN­ versity of Montana. ET NOLLAN, '51) live in Salea, Ore. He travels in Oregon for Coats and Mrs. Ralph L. Body (MARY MARTIN,'53), Clark's Sales Corporation. She has Seattle, is Westline District direct­ ca.pleted ,a three-year tera as a rul­ or of the Seattle-King County Council ing elder and clerk of session of the of Caap Fire Girls. John Knox Presbyterian Church. WILLIAM C. SEIDLE, '53, Atlanta, Ga., VALENTINE PARTIDA, '51, San Pedro, is working for the Atomic Energy Com­ Calif., is in the public works engin­ mission. eering department (electronics design section)at the Long Beach Naval Ship­ Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT R. FINNELL, '53 yard. (JOYCE LYBECKER, '52) live in Camp­ . bell, Calif. He is working in the RALPH E. CORXRUM JR., '51, '53, Taco­ atomic products equipment department ma, has received a Fulbright grant of General Electric in San Jose. for lecturing in Finland for 9 aonths. He is an assistant professor of Eng­ Mr. and Mrs. PETER F. LINDE,'53 (MARY lish at Puget Sound University. BOUSLIMAN, e'54) live in San Francis­ co. He has been promoted to profes­ PAUL A. KAUTTU, '51, has completed sor of chemistry at Armed Forces Staff College, has been State College. promoted to lieutenant colonel, and has been assigned to GeI1lany as ca.­ PATRICIA OAKES, '53, Juneau, Alaska, mander of the 417th Tactical Fighter is supervisor of publications and re­ Squadron. search for the Alaska State Depart­ ment of Education. QUINTIN A. AUNE,'51, Redding, Calif., is California state mining geologist. Mrs. EMILY JACOBSEN CARPENTER, '53, Marysville,is attending Western Wash­ Mr. and Mrs. JAMES W. WRIGHT,'51 (EL­ ington State College working toward a LEN WHALL, '51) live in Tacoaa. He degree in education. received his aasters degree in urban planning f~ the University of Wash­ Maj. WILFRED C. BAIN, '53, Wahiawa, ington in June and is assistant dir­ Hawaii, has received the Air Force ector of urban renewal for Tacoma. Commendation Medal for meritorious achievement as a staff officer at the Mr. and Mrs. HAROLD H. AMES JR., '52 Wheeler AFB. He is a aember of the (ROSE -MARIE PROULX,'52) live in Wash­ A.F. Communications Service. ington, D. C. He spent the sumaer as Teaching English as a Foreign Lang­ Mr. and Mrs. KENNETH E. ZACHER, '53 uage - coordinator for a Peace Corps (PENNY ANDERSON, '49) live in Pleas­ project at Princeton University. She ant Hill, Calif. He is senior staff worked for a aonth as staff aember on assistant in the San Francisco reg­ the sa.e project. He is a graduate ional Social Security office. student in linguistics at Georgetown University. ***AROL R. DOUST, '54, San Francisco, has been promoted to major. He is Dr. and Mrs. GEORGE MlGAXI, '52 (RIY­ with the 6th Army Communications El­ OKO HAYASHI, 'SO) are living in Sil­ ectronics division at the Presidio. ver Spring, Md. He is co-a.thor of the third edition of the textbook, ALBERT R. YOUNG, '54, Salt Lake City, Meat Hygiene, published in April. He is a geologist with minerals branch is head veterinary pathologist in the of Phillips Petroleum Company and is completing work on a Ph.D. in geology Mr. and Mrs. RICHARD S. SUND,'50 (IR­ at the University of Utah. ENE JENSVOLD, '52), Eugene, Ore., a daughter, Brenda Rae, on July 9. Dr. and Mrs. JACK L. ALBRIGHT, '54, '58 (LORRAINE HUGHES, '54), West Laf­ Mr. and Mrs. LAWRENCE L. TIlOLA JR., ayette, Ind., attended the Interna­ '53, Bickleton, a son, Paul Alfred, tional Dairy Congress in Munich, Ger­ on March 9. many, in July and spent six weeks of research-oriented travel in Europe. Mr. and Mrs. DICK MOORE, '54 (LOIS OXRIEDER, '56), Spokane, a daughter, DONALD B. KING, '54, St. Louis, has Kimberly. proposed special training of lawyers for participation in juvenile court proceedings and creation of a nation­ '55-'59 al juvenile court bar as"sociation. Mrs. JANET ROLLINS LINDGREN,'55, Van­ He is associate professor of law at couver, is a home economist with the St. Louis University. Faaily Service Center, established under the economic opportunity act. Mr. and Mrs. JAMES P. RUCK, '54 (LEE ELLA NEFF, '54) live in Wauwatosa, Mr. and Mrs. BURTON K. HARWOOD, '55 Wis. He'is general for~.an of the (JAOQUIE IMESON, '55) live in Long­ Bostrom Corp. of Milwaukee. view. He is president of the Cowlitz County Association of Insurance Ag­ Maj. ROBERT L. SWANSON, '54, Ft. Lea­ ents. venworth, Kan., is attending Command and General Staff school. JOHN W. JESSE, '55, Mountain Home, Idaho, is manager of the First Secur­ Capt. GERALD R. CUMMINGS, '54, Robins ity Bank of Idaho in Mountain Home AFB, Ga., has received a master's de­ and vice chairman of the Idaho State gree in business administration from Heart Association. George Washington University. He is a supply management officer with the ROBERT C. RICE,'56, Olympia, is work­ Air Force logistics command. ing for Robert s. Olson, architect and partners in Lacey on the South DWIGHT W. BOND, '54, Walla Walla, is Sound Shopping Center teaching fifth grade. Capt. RONALD C. OVERBY, '56, Beale Dr. EUGENE E. HINMAN,'54, Mt. Vernon, AFB, Calif., is an Air Force meteor­ Iowa, has been promoted to associate ologist. professor of geology at Cornell Col­ lege. PATRICIA FLECHSIG,'56, San Jose, Cal­ if., is teaching homemaking in the Capt. DAVID W. THOMAS, '54, Edwards Alum Rock Union School District. AFB, Calif., is an experimental test pilot. VERN R. NELSON, '56, Olympia, is area conservationist for USDA Soil Conser­ WEDDINGS vation Service. VERNA STOCKS, '50, and C. J. Roberts. EVA BENALLY, '57, Chinle, Ariz., has The couple lives in Oakland, Calif. received a Master of Arts degree in elementary education from Colorado PEGGY ANN REID; '51, and Robert E. State College. Mays, on July 2, in Ojai, Calif. Capt. and Mrs. JAMES O. RANEY, '57 BIRTHS (CAROLYN SCHAUB, '57) are stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. FLOYD O. HUGHES, '50, Falls Church, Va., a son. The father RONALD L. HANSON,'57, Arlington, Va., is manufacturers agent in Maryland, is an hydraulic engineer with U.S. Virginia and the District of Columbia. Geological Survey water resources di­ LEO BUTLER, '58, Kooskia, Idaho, is Clearwater Valley school superintend­ ent.

Mr. and Mrs. RICHARD C. HULSEMAN, '58 (SHERRIL BARR, e'55) live in Middle­ ton, Ohio. He works for Kaiser Engi­ neers on the Armco Steel Corporation expansion.

KLAY, '58 DOOLITILE, '59 ERNEST L. BENNETI, '58, Seattle, has been appointed a sales representative of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insur­ ance Co. He is associated with the Jack K. Gannon Agency. vision. He received an M.S. in civil engineering from Stanford in January Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM E. LILLIQUIST, 1965. '58 (DIANE DE WITT, '62) are living in Bellevue. He now is associated DONALD C. • SMITH, '57, Honolulu, is with New York Life. assistant parade chairman for the Al­ oha Week Parade in October. He works GARY MOSER, '58, Colton, has opened for the Ilikai Hotel. the Driftwood Steak House and Restau­ rant. He is an insurance agent. Mrs. Marvin Swenson (CHELLIS SMITH, '57) is still in Edmonton, Alta. Capt. EDWARD A. HANSON, '58, Williams AFB, Ariz., has completed U. S. Air Dr. and Mrs. JOHN F. EISENBERG, '57 Force survival and special training (ELLEN GRANZEN, '57), College Park, course. He is an instructor pilot. Md., have returned from a five-month research project in Madagascar. He ***Dr. ROBERT F. KLAY, '58, Quincy, is resident scientist at the U.S. Na­ Ill., has been promoted to head of tional Zoo and a research associate the nutrition division of the Moorman professor at the University of Mary­ Manufacturing Co. research depart­ land. ment. Dr. WILLIAM R. LOSCHER,'57, Glendale, Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE A. HOIVIK, '58 Calif., has completed two years with (LAVONNE BEDKER, '58) live in Tacoma. the Navy and Marines in the Far East He is zoning administrator for the and Camp Pendleton U.S.N.H. in ortho­ city of Tacoma. pedic surgery. EVAN G. PURSER, '58, Mesa, is a sales ROBERT McINNIS, '57, Yakima, is the representative in the agricultural officer-in-charge of USDA consumer chemical division of Elanco Products food programs for eastern Washington. Company. He handles sales in Wash­ ington and part of Oregon. GILBERT D. SWANSON, '57, Burlingame, Calif., is factory sales representa­ Dr. T. S. BAKSHI, '58, Nelson, B.C., tive for Thomas & Betts Co. of New has received a $4,500 research grant Jersey. from the National Research Council of Canada to continue his study of the LAWRENCE L. LENZ, '57, Grangeville, forests of southeastern British Col­ Idaho, is with the Nezperce National umbia. Forest Supervisor's office. Mr. and Mrs. MAURICE HOOD, '58 (SHIR­ Dr. and Mrs. JAMES E. ROBBERS, '57 LEY MORRIS, '58) live in Anaheim, Cal­ (DIANN BLANKENBURG, '57) live in Laf­ if. He is plant superintendent at ayette, Ind. He is assistant profes­ the Colton plant for Shell Oil Co. sor of pharmacognosy at Purdue Univ­ versity School of Pharmacy. Capt. and Mrs. JAY M. ARCHER,'58 (JA­ CKIE SABOURIN, e'61) are stationed at E. A. TAHMAZIAN, '59, Calgary, Alta., Sewart AFB, Tenn. He is an instruct­ is a senior design engineer for con­ or pilot in C-130-E transition prog­ sulting firm working on a freeway in raDI. She has a wig shop, "The Coif­ Calgary. fure Closet," in Murfreesboro. Mr. and Mrs. RICHARD B. BAKER, '59 DELMAR R. SISLER, '58, Washington, (MARGARET BERRY, '59), live in Glad­ D. C., has received a Master of Busi­ stone, Ore. He is teaching at the ness Administration degree from Am­ new Gladstone High School. erican University. Mr. and Mrs. RODNEY L.DODGE,'59 (PAT­ Dr. DELBERT M. KOLE, '58, San Diego, RICIA HOGARTY, '60) live in Brewster. Calif., has completed a ~sychiatry He has a private practice of physical residency at the University of Oregon therapy in the Okanogan-Douglas Coun­ Medical School. He now is in the Na­ ty Hospital. ~. JACK D. STEVENS,'59, Milwaukee, Ore., Capt. MAX P. STARKEL, '58, McChord is developing a tire, battery and ac­ AFB, Wash., has graduated from Squad­ cessory sales program for over 500 ron Officer School. Shell Oil service stations in Oregon. RALPH W. PEHRSON, '58, Everett, has CHARLES CHAMBERS, '59, Shelton, is been appointed director of advertis­ reforestation forester for the Olym­ ing for the Snohomish County PUD. pic Peninsula area, Department of Na­ tural Resources. Mr. and Mrs. RAY A. LANDES,'58 (BETTY SCHREIBER, '61), Cinebar, are both Dr. and Mrs. BERGE G. BERG, '59 (BAR­ teaching at Mossyrock High School. BARA SCHILDT, '55) live in Redding, He teaches science and she teaches Calif. He opened the Berg Veterinary English. Hospital in January.

ROBERT O. WYNECOOP,'58,Helena, Mont., Mrs. Lewis Ranch ~ERY CARPENTER, is assigned to Helena National Forest '59) and family live at Cornwall-on­ Supervisor's Office in timber manage­ Hudson, N. Y. Her husband is an in­ ment planning. structor at West Point. Ens. LARRY R. AHO,'58, U.S. Naval Air ORVILLE E. TRAPP, '59, San Jose, Cal­ Station, Atsugi,Japan, graduated from if., has received his masters in me­ Naval Flight School in February. He chanical engineering from the Univer­ is attached to a Fleet Air Reconnai­ sity of Washington. He is working in sance Squadron (VQ-I). General Electric's nuclear energy di­ vision. Capt. DANIEL W. CLEM, '58, Ft. Lewis, is an Army chaplain. Mrs. LINDA MATHEWSON OGLE, '59, is now living in Hong Kong. HENRY VOSTRAL, '58, Kalamazoo, Mich., is a plant physiologist with the Up­ ***Mr. and Mrs. JOHN C. OOOLITTLE,'59 john Co. (ROBERTA ROBERTS, '59) live in Wil­ mington, Calif. He is an assistant Dr. and Mrs. DAVID T. STEPHENSON, '58 department manager of the Alkylation (JANET JEWSBURY, '57) live in Ames, department of Shell's Wilmington-Dom­ Iowa. He received his Ph.D. in elec­ inguez Refinery. trical engineering from the Universi­ ty of Illinois in October. He is an Mr. and Mrs. MARVIN CARPENTER, '59 assistant professor of electrical en­ (DIXIE DAVIS, '59) live in Tempe, Ar­ gineering at Iowa State University. izona. He is working for Motorola.

Dr. ROBERT A. VIRTUE, '59, Vancouver, LARRY PHELPS, '59, Phoenix, Ariz., is B. C., has opened an office for the food service manager for Manning's at private practice of dentistry. Arizona Title Building. Capt. and Mrs. MICHAEL M. MANRING,'59 JACOBSON, '56), Hermiston, Ore., a (JANET KEENE, '60) are stationed at daughter, Serena Raylene, on May 27. March AFB, Calif. He is a B-52 radar navigator. Mr. and Mrs. RICHARD D.DESPOSATO,'56, Ventura, Calif., a daughter, Kristine WEDDINGS Ruth, on March 21. He is a senior project engineer at the U. S. Naval Carol Petterborg and JEROME J.GOEDDE, Missile Center, Point Mugu, Calif. '55. The couple lives in Seattle. He is a mechanical engineer at Boeing Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE F. STALLCOP, '56 Company. (CECELIA WHITTAKER, '56), Carmichael, Calif.,a son, Keven Dean, on AprilS. Georgia Ellison and IRVING M. NYSETH­ ER, '55, on April IS. The couple is living at Lake Goodwin, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. RICHARD F. CARGILL, '56 (TRUDY LANGMAS, '54), Wenatchee, a Mary Lou Luedtke and RICHARD B. SAND­ daughter, Jana Terese, on May 12. ERS, '55. The couple lives in Seat­ tle. Mr. and Mrs. ALF K. EIKUM, '56 (DONNA KRAUSE, e'56), Seattle, a daughter, Carole Sue Frederick and DUANE LANG­ Kirsten Dee, on May 17, 1965. He re­ LEY, '55, on June 18. The couple is ceived his Ph. D. in physical metal­ stationed at Tinker AFB, Okla. He is lurgy from the University of Birming­ flying C-141 Starlifters at the "lDli­ ham, England, on Oct. 1, 1965. versity of MAC" as an instructor pil­ ot. Lt.Cmdr. and Mrs. William H. Loeffler (LORRAINE LYLE, '56), Pacific Grove, JOANNE FORBES, '56, and Edward Deli­ Calif., a son, Steven Edward, on Ap­ gan. The couple lives in Seattle. ril 16. Bonnie Conrad and CLIFFORD "KIP" NEL­ Mr. and Mrs. J. William Overstreet SON, '57, '62, in August 1964. The (SUZANNE WALTERS,'57), Scotch Plains, couple lives in St. Paul, Minn. He N. Y., twin sons, Tod and Thomas, on has received his Ph. D. in education April 13. and journalism from the University of Minnesota and has been appointed Mr. and Mrs.John Drain (DOROTHY SHEE­ assistant professor of education in LY, '57), Port Angeles, a daughter, the department of agricultural educa­ Emily Marie, on July 7. tion of the U of M. Mr. and Mrs. DON JACKSON, '57, Eugene, MARLENE MITCHELL, '58, and Bala Krish­ Ore., a son, James Donald, on March na. The couple lives in Hollywood, 29. Don is general manager of the Calif. She is working for TV Guide. Eugene Country Club and one of the fOlDlders of Eugene's new professional Deanna Schelin and ROBERT C. MORGAN, football team. '59. The couple lives in Bellevue. He is a restaurant manager for Clark Mr. and Mrs. RICARDO GONZALES, '57, Restaurant Enterprises. Costa Rica, a daughter, Sonja Anne, on July 18. Mrs. ROBERTA FAITHFUL GARDNER, '59, and David D. Gilley. The couple lives Mr. and Mrs.Jim Woods (ANN McCROSKEY, in Medford, Ore. '57), Seattle, a son, Paul Joseph, on May 23. JUDITH ANDERSON, '59, and Jack O.Corn­ wall, on June 24 in Portland. The Mr. and Mrs.Terry Biggart (JANET MAC­ couple lives in Beaverton, Ore. DONALD, '57), Seattle, a daughter, Lois Marie, on March 10. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES S. McKENZIE, '58 Mr. and Mrs. RONALD R.BAKER,'55 (JANE (MARILYN JENKINS, '58), Seattle, a Mr. and Mrs. WALLACE M. VOG. '60 (MARY KAY WILSON, '62) live in Reardon. He is vo-ag instructor at Reardon. His FFA chapter at Brewster last year was rated best in the state. Mrs. Wilhelm B. Bakke (ROSAL ORPILLA, '60) lives in Paramount, Calif. Her t husband is with Morrison-Knudsen. ···SEDDON T. ENGLUND, '60, Spokane, ENGLUND, '60 MASTERSON, ,60 has been named regional life sales supervisor for the Washington and Id­ aho region of Gulf Atlantic Life In­ surance Co. daughter, Mary Ann, on June 3. He is working for Olson and Richert, archi­ Mr. and Mrs. HOWARD G.KRAUS,'60 (DALE tects, in Renton. RUSSELL, e'62) live in Mayville, N.D. He has obtained registration as pro­ Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Smith (MARGAR­ fessional civil engineer in North Da­ ET SIMPSON, '58), Kent, a son, Wil­ kota. liam Christopher, on Dec . 25. DICK S. JACKSON,'60, Pullman, has re­ Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Wright (WILMA ceived a Certificate of Merit fraa GOOSSEN, '58), San Jose, Calif., a the pest control division of the USDA daughter, Deborah Marie, on March 28. Agricultural Research Service for his work with common barberry plants. He Mr. and Mrs. DOUGLAS L. JONAS, ,58 is stationed at WSU. (JANETTE WITKOWSKI, '58), Seattle, a son, Kenneth Lane, on Jan. 13. Mr. and Mrs. R. PERRY TRIPLETT, '60 (DIANE SOLBERG, '60) live in Pullman. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris (ARLYN HAR­ He is senior buyer in the purchasing RIS, '59, '65, Oakville, a daughter, department at WSU. Joy Yvonne, on Nov. 7. Arlyn is help­ ing part-tiae with 4-H in Grays Har­ Dr. and Mrs. GLENN B. RICE, '60 (JEN­ bor County. NIE MAC RAE, '56) live in Auburn. He opened a new veterinary clinic on Ju­ '60·'62 ly 1. SCOTT B.STOVIN,'60, MacDill AFB,Fla., C. KEITH BIRICENFELD, '60, Bremerton, has been promoted to captain. He is spent six weeks in Hartford, Conn., training in the F-4C. doing advanced technical study in connection with his duties with Con­ Sister MARY McGREEVY, '60, Mankato, tinental Inc., mortgage banking and Minn. , pronounced fi rst vows for the insurance firm. School Sisters of Notre Dame in July. Mr. and Mrs. JAY W. JARRETT, '60 (MAR­ Mrs. CAROL HESS BAGLEY, '60, '63, Po­ LENE FLIEGEL, '57) live in Spring­ catello, Idaho, received a Ph. D. in field, Va. He is a senior associate American Studies from WSU in June. with the Planning Research Corpora­ She has been promoted to assistant tion, management consulting firm. professor of English at Idaho State University. Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT G. WELLER, '60 (KAREN JUDKINS, e'6l) live in Pater­ .··Capt. MICHAEL J. MASTERSON, '60, os. He is principal of Pateros High Eglin AFB, Fla., has been awarded the School. Air Medal for landing a damaged un­ manned target drone aircraft by re­ Mrs. VIRGINIA RUSHTON WARD, '60, Se­ mote control. He is a member of the attle. is beginning her third year Air Force Systems Command. teaching 5th grade on Mercer Island. ROBERT E. HEATON, '60, Seattle, has is teaching in Warden after attending been practicing law there since 1963. WSU's Summer NSF Institute for mathe~ matics teachers. She is teaching kin­ JUDITH SOLBERG,'60, Tacoma, is teach­ dergarten in Moses Lake. ing 7th grade at A. G. Hudtloff Jun­ ior High School in the Clover Park Dr. ERDWIN H. PFUHL JR., '61, Bur­ District. She is listed in the cur­ lington, Vt., has been appointed as­ rent edition of Who's Who of American sociate professor of sociology at the Women. University of Vermont. DICK WILL, '60, Oxnard, Calif., is Lt. ROBERT W. LARGE,'6l, Edwards AFB, Manning's food service manager at St. Calif., has been graduated from Squa­ John's Hospital. dron Officers School. LARRY SMITH, '61, Medical Lake, is an JAY E. KENT, '61, Clayton, Victoria, egg consultant for ~oundup Grocery Australia, has been awarded a Ful­ and president of Sunset Farm Inc., an bright scholarship for research in egg production farm. chemistry at Monash University. BERNICE DE LANO, '61, Seattle, is a Mrs. JANET THOMSON BURK,'6l, Phoenix, home economics teacher at Foster Jun­ Ariz., taught a class of 6 and 7 year ior Senior High. olds in the partially deaf program of of Phoenix public school last spring. Mr. and Mrs. JAMES G. KENT, '61 (DAR­ LEEN JOHNSON, '61), live in Olympia. Lt. KENNETH B. McCLURE,'62, Luke AFB, He is a staff supervisor for Pacific Ariz., is a weapons controller with Northwest Bell Telephone Co. Headquarters 27 Air Division. Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE W. SCOTT,'61 (ZE­ Mr. and Mrs. PETER A. FORMUZIS, '62 LIA AYLWARD, e'63) live in Seattle. (JANE PATTERSON, '63) live in Kent, He is in industrial sales at Spencer Ohio. He is an assistant professor Aircraft. of economics at Kent State University. DARRELL E. LEWIS, '61, Morristown, JAMES M. MOYNAHAN JR., '62, Cheney, Tenn., received his Master of Fores­ is instructing in the Eastern Wash­ try degree from the University of Mi­ ington State College department of chigan in April. He is reservoir pro­ sociology. perties representative (recreation planning) for the Tennessee Valley ELIZABETH DAY, '62, Seattle, is doing Authority. medical social work at the University of Washington Hospital. RICHARD J. FOSNESS, '61, Seattle, has graduated from Xerox Corporation's Lt. CHARLES F. DIESEN, '62, Joppa, national sales development center at Md., is the legal assistance officer Fort Lauderdale, Fla. at Edgewood Arsenal. Mr. and Mrs. PETER F. WIEDEMANN, '61 Lt. WALTER K. SCHMIDT, '62, Clark AB, (PRICILLA PIPE, '61) live in Seattle, Philippines, has received the Air Me­ He is a mechanical engineer with a dal for meritorious achievement dur­ consulting firm. ing military flights. He is a navi­ gator. Mr. and Mrs. DONALD O. MALLEY JR.,'61 (MARILYN GORDON, '61) live in Seat­ Lt. WILLIAM E. BERRY, '62, Hanscom tle. He is assistant traffic manager Field, Mass., has been graduated from for Puget Sound-Alaska Van Lines, op­ Squadron Officer School. erators of rail c~r barges between Seattle and Alaska. Lt. and Mrs. WARD B. SMITH, '62 (ROS­ ALYN HILL, '65) live in Chula Vista, Mr. and Mrs. JOHN REPANICH, '61 (PAT Calif. He is engaged in operation and GANSON, '61) live in Moses Lake. He testing of small high speed craft and AFB, Calif., has been graduated from Officer Training School. He now is in navigator training. Capt. GLENN C. LAWTY, '62, San Fran­ cisco, is assigned to Headquarters 12th Marine Corps District. He re­ cently returned from Viet Nam where he was a rifle company commander and operations assistant. MANNEX, '62 MUSE, '63 DONALD G. NORRIS, '62, received his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Pennsylvania in May. He spent the summer interning at the the training of "swi ft boat" crews. Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. She is teaching in the Chula Vista school district. Mr. and Mrs. JERRY M. LOOK, '62 (DI­ ANA LEININGER, '62) live in Chehalis. Mr. and Mrs. JAMES E. GEIL,'62 (LINDA He is a pharmacist at Yard Bird Drug. LEWIS,e'63) live in San Diego, Calif. He spent the spring at Cape Kennedy MICHAE·L A. HORNE, '62, Orlando, Fla., as design representative from General is a senior designer for the Orlando Dynamics/Convair for the Atlas Cen­ division of Martin Co. taur vehicles. ***Capt. HENRY R. MANNEX, '62,Wright­ Lt. JOHN N. BOLTON, '62, San Diego, Patterson AFB, Ohio, has received the Calif., is with the Commander Cruiser Air Medal for meritorious service as Destroyer Force Pacific Fleet Staff. an avionics officer at Homestead AFB, Fla. He is a student at the Air Force ~r. and Mrs. DALE C. BIRDSELL, '62, Institute of Technology. '64 (DONNA RICHARDS,'64) live in Riv­ erside, Calif. He is studying for Lt. JOHN G. NETTLETON, '62, Tacoma, his Ph.D. in biology at the Universi­ is assigned to McChord AFB. He has ty of California at Riverside. received the Air Medal,Air Force Com­ mendation Medal, and Presidential Un­ WILLIAM P.BERGSTEN,'62, Eugene, Ore., it Citation for work done in 1965 in is vice president of the University Southeast Asia. of Oregon Law School Student Body. He is a senior in law school. Mr. and Mrs. DON LARSEN, '62 (MARDINE BAKER, '62) live in Wenatchee. He is Mr. and Mrs. M. DEAN KRAFT,'62 (WENDY an engineer with the state highway JOY, '61) live in Renton. He is per­ department. She is on the business sonnel manager at the Renton Sears and economics faculty at Wenatchee store. Valley College. Capt. JAMES W. LARSON, '62, is sta­ GARY TAHMAZIAN, '62, Calgary, Alta., tioned at Fort Knox, Ky. ,after a year is an oil company geologist. in Viet Nam. WEDDINGS LESLIE D. ELLIS, '62, Seattle, is a systems engineer with the Boeing Co. LYNN WALDEN, '60, and W. C. Walsten. The couple lives in Bellevue. Dr. and Mrs. DWIGHT DAMON, '62 (KAREN KIMZEY, e'62) live in San Diego, Cal­ GILLIAN REED, '60, and Christopher M. if. He graduated from the University Moore, in Los Angeles, in September of Washington Dental School in June 1965. The couple lives in Hermosa and is practicing with the Navy. Beach, Calif. Lt. BENNETT L. WINTERS, '62, Mather Catherine Trosper and JAMES H.MILLER, '60, on Aug. 20, in Seattle. The cou­ couple lives in Blacksburg, Va. He ple lives in Goldendale. is teaching mathematics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. He also is a VENITA HOUK, '60, and Jack G. Bayfus. doctoral candidate at the University The couple lives in Spokane. of Wisconsin. Patricia Dalquist and P.DANIEL LOGEN, LEONA SCHMIDT, '62, and Donald Barn­ '61, in June, in Spokane. The couple ett. The couple lives in Santa Ana, lives in Seattle. He is attending Calif. She is a teacher. the University of Washington Medical School. BIRTHS Elizabeth Connelly and CHARLES JOHN­ Mr. and Mrs. RICHARD R. MORGAN, '60, SON, '61 , in Chevy Case, Md. The Longview, a son, Richard R. Jr., on couple lives in Fairfax, Va. July 23. The father is a -juvenile probation officer for Cowlitz County. MARYLOUISE WEBB, '61, and Walter A. EYans, on June 26. The couple lives Mr. and Mrs. LESLIE R.RIDER,'60 (SHA­ in Seattle. She is a secretary for RON BURWELL,'6l), Tacoma, a son, Lyle D'Lores fashion Wigs. Robert, on Jan. 8. Les works for the National Bank of Washington. ANN PICKARD, '61, and John H. McDer­ mott, on Febr. 19. The couple lives Mr. and Mrs. Al Davis (SYLVIA VANDER in Chicago. GRIEND, '60), Portland, a son, Sean Ryan, on May 31. CAROLYN NEWSCHWANDER, '61, and Alec Stewart. The couple lives in Seat­ Dr. and Mrs. Galen O. Rowe (CORINNE tle. She is math supervisor for the LYLE, '60), Iowa City, Iowa, a daugh­ Shoreline Schools. ter, Patricia Gale, on May 28. Maria Denzin and GEORGE FALKENHAGEN, Mr. and Mrs. PERRY A. QUIGG,'60 (CAR­ '62, '66, in June, in Seattle. The OL ANN SHEFFELS,'58), Pullman, a son, couple lives in Seattle. Dale Allen, on Dec. 28. Jeanne Davidson and PAUL G. TOMLIN­ Mr. and Mrs. WAYNE T. STOCKDALE, '60 SON, '62, in Seattle. The couple is (CLAUDIA PERRING, '60), Vantage, a living in Seattle. daughter, Julia Beth, on June 28. Kathryn Graham and DOYLE W. JACKLIN, Mr. and Mrs. RICHARD H. JAMES, '60 '62, on April 23. The couple lives (MONITA MC CLELLAN, '62), Thousand in Spokane. He has joined the staff Oaks, Calif., a daughter, Julia Ann, of Jacklin Seed Company Inc. and is on June 27. working in the area of Kentucky blue grass sales to eastern markets. Mr. and Mrs. JAY R. ELIASON, '60 (KAY FISHER, e'60), Richland, a daughter, MARGET STILL, '62, and Frederick D. Loree Kae, on May 19. Jay is a re­ Van Tress. The couple lives in Spo­ search scientist with Battelle North­ kane. She teaches home economics at west. East Valley High School. Mr. and Mrs. Roland J. Ehlers (SUZ­ CAROL SUE BRABNER,'62, and Frank Kel­ ANNE SLATER,'6l), Castro Valley, Cal­ ler, on June 19, 1965. The couple is if., a daughter, Kristin Marie, on living in Seattle. May 20. Antoinette Towler and DOUGLAS ORKNEY, Mr. and Mrs. ROGER J.DUPREE,'61 (BAR­ '62, in April, in Seattle. The cou­ BARA HAYNES, '63), Kent, a daughter, ple lives in Seattle: Renee Christine, in April. He is em­ ployed by Weyerhaeuser Co. Deborah Collenburg and BRIAN UMMEL, '62, in August, in Tuckahoe, N.Y. The Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nelson (ELIZABETH NESS, '61), Los Angeles, a daughter, ter, Lynn Gay, on Jan. 29. He is a Lisa Louise, on June 23. The mother design engineer with John Fluke Manu­ is a graduate student at UCLA. facturing Co. in Mount Lake Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. GAYLE R.BURKE,'61 (CHAR­ Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT BOEHM, '62 (MAR­ LOTTE MONTGOMERY, '61) , Tacoma, a son, CIA PETTIBONE, '63), Berkeley, Cal­ David Robert, on Jan. 4. She is a if., a daughter, Deborah Anne,on Aug. part-time music teacher in the Tacoma 19. He is working for a Ph.D. in me­ elementary schools. chanical engineering at the Universi­ ty of California. Mr. and Mrs. KERMIT B. DUNCAN, '61, Walla Walla, a son, Jeffrey Allan, on Mr. and Mrs. JAMES D. COULTER, '62 July 19. (SHARON DAVIS,e'60), Bellevue, a son, Scott Ronald, on Jan. 21. The father Mr. and Mrs. McIrvin (PATRICIA SWAN­ is an operations staff engineer for SON, '61), Issaquah, a son, Andrew Washington Natural Gas Company's cen­ David, on Dec. 6. tral division in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. GERALD R.BLOOM,'62 (MAR­ GO KING, '63), Richland, a daughter, '63-'64 Monica, on April 7. He is a chemical Mr. and Mrs. WAYNE C. REMBOLD, '63 engineer with Battelle Northwest. (KAREN CAMP, '63) . live in Portland. He works for United Homes Corp.. She Mr.and Mrs. J.Douglas Campbell (KATH­ is teaching at Parkrose High School. LEEN DELANEY, '62), LaGrande, Ore., a son, Brent Nolan, on April 7. Lt. CHARLES A. KIMBROUGH, '63, Oak­ dale, Pa., is 31st Artillery Brigade Mr. and Mrs. JEREMY F. SMITH, '62, intelligence officer and legal assis­ Sewart APB, Tenn., a son, Jeremy F. tance officer. Jr., on July 2. The father is an air­ craft commander. ***DELBERT F. MUSE, '63, Spokane, has joined Science Research Associates as Mr. and Mrs. JEFFREY L. SMITH, e'62, a field associate representing the Washington,D.C., a son, Sam Sullivan, educational publisher in the north­ on June 22. The father was graduated west. He was "Teacher of the Year" from Hastings School of Law in June in the Central Valley School District and is now with the civil rights div­ last year. ision of the Justi'e Department. Mrs. William Cole (LYNETTE SKAARUP, Mr. and Mrs. JACK C. PHEASANT, '62 '63) and her husband are in Ethiopia (LYNDA TAYLOR,'61), Seattle, a daugh­ where he is a Public Health Service ter, Jean Kathleen, on May 30. Jack staff physician for Peace Corps vol­ is with the Boeing Company. He comp­ unteers. leted a three-year tour with the Army as a helicopter pilot. LLOYD E. BRELSFORD, '63, Washington, D. C., is in management analysis with Mr. and Mrs. JERRY DRAGGOO, '62 (GLO­ the U. S. Census Bureau and is a law RIA NELSON, ' '62), Oxnard, Calif., a student at George Washington. daughter, Michele Rene, on Sept. 10, 1965. Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT E. WIKOFF, '63 (BARBARA CREIGHTON, '63) live in Yak­ Mr. and Mrs. L. WARDELL LARSON, '62 ima. He has been promoted to indust­ (PATTI PRATER, e'65), Logan, Utah, a rial engineer for Libbey, McNeill & son, W. Parke, on Febr. 16. The fath­ Libbey. She is teaching private pia­ er is assistant coordinator of stud­ no lessons at home. ent activities at Utah State Univer­ sity. Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES R. OLDENBURG, '63 (GWEN BALDWIN, '64), Pullman, are Mr. and Mrs. THOMAS J. BARMORE, '62 building a six-unit apartment house. (NANCY HOGARTY, '60), Everett, daugh­ He is doing research in the WSU ag has received a Master of Landscape Architecture degree from Iowa State University. SANDRA BERTSCH KRUGER,'63, Iowa City, Iowa, has received a Master of Arts degree from the University of Iowa. Lt. CAROL PIPER, '63, Chanute AFB, Ill., is assigned to the · 3505th Re­ MAY, '63 HALDI, '63 cruiting Group. Mr. and Mrs. RONALD L. RICHARDS, '63 (PATRICIA KINCAID, '63), Stockton, Calif., toured Europe this summer. chemistry department. She is a phar­ He works in production management for .acist at Elk Drug Store in Colfax. General Mills in Lodi. She is teach­ ing home economics at Daniel Webster Mr. and Mrs. JAMES M. KELLAR,'63 (MA­ Junior High in Stockton. RY JO LE~THERS, '64), Woodland, both teach at Ridgefield High School. He ART NEELY, '63, Salem, Ore., is Man­ has the music program and she has the ning's food service manager at the art and physical education programs cafeteria in Salem Memorial Hospital. in alternate weeks. Lt. and Mrs. ROGER WHITNEY, '64 (SAR­ DONALD C. ADAMS, '63, Mountain View, AH ALDRICH, '62) are stationed at Ft. Calif., is working at Ames Research Benning, Ga., after 18 months in Ger­ Center, Moffitt Field. many. Mrs. NANCY COLLINS WOHLFORD, ' 63, San EARLE W. McNEIL, '64,'65, Tacoma, has Diego, Calif., is doing graduate work been named an instructor in sociology at San Diego State College and hopes at the University of Puget Sound. to do substitute teaching this fall. RICHARD L. BAGNALL, '64, Cougar, is FREDERICK A. BARNSEY, '63, Tacoma, is administrative assistant on the Lewis teaching 6th grade. He attended the River Ranger Uistrict of the Gifford University of Washington this summer Pinchot National Forest. working toward a master's degree in educational administration and super­ RICHARD CHURCHILL, '64, Sacramento, vision. Calif., is district manager for the A. Walt Ringlin Company, manufactur­ GARY R. PAUL, '63, Burley, Idaho, is ers' representative firm. a ~nge conservationist for the U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Land HAROLD J.HOCHSTATTER,'64, Moses Lake, Management. is an electrician. Mr. and Mrs. J. THOMAS BRADLEY, '63 DIANE PEDERSEN, '64, Olympia, is one (MARY ELLEN STONE, '63) live in St. of the state's seven female parole Louis, Mo, He is a senior in dental and probation officers working for school at Washington University. She the Board of Prison Terms and Paroles. is employed at the medical school and Her territory consists of 11 counties is working toward a teaching certifi­ in southwestern Washington. ' cate. ***Lt. RICHARD T. HALDI, '64, Mather ***Lt. DOUGLAS H. MAY,'63, Craig AFB, AFB, Calif., has been graduated from Ala., has been graduated from Officer Officer Training School. He now is Training School. He now is in pilot in navigator training. training. Lt. RONALD L. SHANAFELT, '64, McCon­ RICHARD E.HANSON JR.,'63, Ames, Iowa, nell AFB, Kan., has been graduated from the training course for U.S. Air Force missile launch officers. Mrs. JOAN WINIECKI DALTON, '64, Port­ land, is starting her third year of teaching business education at Wood­ row Wilson High School. She is work­ ing for an M.S.T. degree at Portland State College. BRYAN E. LOWE, '64, Everett, is work­ ing in the engineering department of BARNES, '64 McGOLORICK, '64 General Telephone Co. of the North­ west. He is working toward a B. A. degree at University of Washington night school. moore, Calif. He is flying A-4's at the Naval Air Station. She is teach­ EVELYN JAGER, '64, Seattle, is en­ ing 9th and 10th grade English in Le­ rolled at the University of Washing­ moore High School. ton for her 5th year study hoping to be a teacher-librarian by June 1967. Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT G. SANDERSON, '64 (BETTY MARTIN, '64) live in Kirkland. JOHN R. GILMAN, '64, Butte, Mont., is He is doing budget planning and of­ a mechanical engineer with Montana fice management for Sweden Freezer Power Company. Manufacturing Co. in Seattle. She is a special education teacher working Dr. ROBERT H. COOMBS, '64, Winston­ with the mentally retarded in the Se­ Salem, N. C., has been appointed to attle Public Schools. the faculty of the section on mar­ riage and family, department of ob­ Mr. and Mrs. JOHN B. BARBER,'64 (JANE stetrics and gynecology, Bowman Gray BARNHARD, '64) live in Ithaca, N. Y. School of Medicine. He is working for a Ph.D. in mechani­ cal engineering. Lt. (jg) STEPHEN P. THIEL, '64, is stationed at Sangley Point, Philip­ ROBERT K. SMITH,'64, Iowa City, Iowa, pine Islands. received a M. S. degree from the Uni­ versity of Iowa in August. ***Lt. and Mrs. CHARLES R. BARNES,'64 (SANDRA O'NEILL, '65) are stationed JANICE COLYAR,'64, is teaching a pri­ at MacDill AFB, Fla. He has complet­ mary classroom on the island of Maui, ed pilot training. Hawaii. ***Lt. PATRICK McGOLDRICK, '64, Day­ WESLEY J. BENTZ, '64, Moses Lake, is ton, Ohio, is with the 2104th Commun­ chief terminal clerk for Consolidated ications Squadron at the Defense El­ Freightways. ectronics Supply Center. LAWRENCE M. BROWN, '64, Chicago, has Lt. SAMUEL I. ESKENAZI, '64, Oakland been promoted to convention sales Army Base, Calif.,is assistant to the manager of the Sheraton-Chicago hotel. chief of the Military Ocean Terminal, Bay Area, Cargo Documentation Divi­ WEDDINGS sion. JANE SMITH, '63, and Cord Harms zum Mr. and Mrs. M. HALUK TAYSI,'64 (MAR­ Spreckel, on July 16, in Yakima. The GARET MAGINNIS, '65) will be travel­ couple lives in Bellevue. ing in Europe and the Middle East for several years. ELEANOR MORK, '63, and Keith E. Schu­ bert, on April 23, in Seattle. The Mr. and Mrs. GERALD E. BISHOP, '64 couple lives in Seattle. She teaches (CAROLE DE MATIS, '64) live in Le- in Edmonds.

-""­ JUDY NESS, '65, and Lt.DAVID D. SCHIN­ mussen, on June 25, in Seattle. The DELE, '63, on July 16,in Seattle. The couple lives in Kalamazoo, Mich. She couple lives in Minot N.D. He is a is a home economics teacher. Minute Man missile launch control of­ ficer. KAREN MARTINSON, '64, and Gary North­ rup, on Febr. 12, in Tacoma. The cou­ Arlene Hughes and KENNETH DE BORD, ple lives in Pullman. She is a teach­ '63, in Seattle. The couple lives in er. Seattle. Charlotte Pauker and RICHARD G. WOR­ DOROTHY SHANK, e'M, and DAVID S.SAC­ THY, '64, on July 30, in Claremont, CO, '64. The couple lives at Fort Minn. The couple lives in Cordova, Sill, Okla. He is office manager for Alaska, where both are teachers. He the Firestone Company at the Officer is teaching 5th grade. Candidate School. NANCY RAMSEY, '64, and Rudolf Zahn. MARILYN GANSON, '64, and Portus Boyce The couple lives in Lynnwood. Jr. The couple is stationed at Glyn­ co Naval Air Station, Ga. SUSAN McDONALD, '64, and Jarold C. Taylor, on June 18, in Forest Grove, Karin Pihl and LAWRENCE E. BRACKETT, Ore. The couple is living in Forest '64, on June 25, in Seattle. The cou­ Grove. She is teaching at Lincoln ple lives in Port Angeles. Junior High School. Diane Della-Dora and TIMOTHY J. WENG­ Diane Haskell and Lt. STEVEN B. Mc­ ER, '64, on April 27, in Mogadiscio, CLOUD, '64,on Dec.4, in Phoenix, Ariz. Somali Republic of East Africa. He He is an instructor at Williams AFB, is stationed in Somali with the Peace Ariz., in a T-37. Corps. JOAN SECORD, '64, and Robert B. Ben­ Betty Friend and MARK A. STREET, '64, nett. The couple lives in Stanford, on May 7, in Madras, Ore. The couple Calif. lives in Seattle. He is employed in the traffic department of Boeing Air­ BIRTHS craft. Lt. and Mrs. JOHN PEEK, '63 (GRACE JANICE MAGNUSON, '64, and Frank Balm­ EWING, '64), Air Base, Turkey, er, in Tacoma. The couple lives in a son, Martin Thomas, on May 27. John Fall City where both are teaching. is aircraft maintenance control offi­ cer for Detachment 117. LYNDAL KENNEDY, '64, and Leonard T. Bobbett, on Aug. 27, in Wilbur. The Mr. and Mrs. HOWARD E. LEFFEL, '63, couple is living in Burien. She is a Ft. Lewis, Wash., a son, James Howard, technical illustrator at Boeing. on Febr. 6. ·He is assigned to USATC. ROBERTA BURDICK,'64, and Dr. David G. Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT D. WILSON, '63 Porter, on June 18, in Spokane, The (DORAVIN WESTON,'63), Seattle, a son, couple lives in Maplewood, Mo. She Dwayne Robert, on March 2. received her Master of Science degree in speech and hearing from Washington Mr. and Mrs.Neil Bloom (LORALEE JOHN­ University in June and is teaching at SON,'63), King City, Calif., a daugh­ the Central Institute for the Deaf in ter, Susan Lori, on Aug. 3, 1965. St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Hodgson (SANDRA KAREN KJACK,'64, and Edward A. Demko, SNITILY, '63), Omak, a son, Michael on July 30. The· couple lives in Van­ Francis on June 7. couver where both teach in the Ever­ green High School. Mr. and Mrs. GERALD V. GILDEHAUS, '63 (JERI McGONEGAL, '64), Melpitas, Cal­ MARTHA ANDERSON,'64, and John R. Ras­ if., a daughter, Shelly Gay, on Oct. Mr. and Mrs. ELWIN N. RILEY, '64 (JU­ DITH WANNAMAKER, '64), Walla Walla, ,. a daughter, Angela, on March 25. He is a farmer.

Mr. and Mrs.LELAND "SKIP" STRAIT JR., '64 (GLORIA FRISCH, '64), Beaverton, Ore., a daughter, Jennifer Gay, on Aug. 21, 1965. He teaches 2nd grade in Beaverton. KIRSCH, '65 PORTER, '65 '65-'66 ROBERT W. PARRY, '65, East Hartford, Conn., is an experimental engineer 13, 1965. He is working for Lockheed for Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. Missile and Space Company at the Air Force Satellite Test Center. She is DAVID OWNBEY, '65, Pasadena, Calif., working part-time as a medical tech­ was a member of the crew controlling nologist. the Lunar Orbiter on its trip around the moon. He is with the Boeing Jet Mr. and Mrs. PETER W. BARBER,'64 (KA­ Propulsion Laboratory. REN HERDRICH, e'65), Long Beach, Cal­ if.,a daughter, April Ann,on April 6. CHERYL TJOSSEM, '65, Seattle, is a 2nd grade teacher in EdJlonds School Mr. and Mrs. GERALD N. WELLER, '64, District. Downers Grove, Ill., a child, on June 8. He is an assistant manager for Mr. and Mrs. DOUGLAS R. PARTRIDGE,'65 Stouffer Foods Corp. in Oakbrook,Ill. (PHYLLIS OSTERLOH,'63), live in Santa Monica, Calif. He is beginning grad­ Mr. and Mrs. LYNN A. JOHNSON,'64 (RO­ uate work on a masters degree at UCLA SALIE TAYLOR, '60), Newport, Ore., a under a work-study program of,Hughes son, Ronald Paul, on May 2. Lynn is Aircraft. She is working on a masters fire chief and mechanical engineer in degree at UCLA in speech and is a 6th the maintenance department at Georgia grade teacher in the Santa Monica Pacific paper mill in Toledo. She is School District. a private voice instructor and Pres­ byterian Church choir director. Mr. and Mrs. DAVID R. KRUDWIG, '65 (CAROLYN ADAMS, e'65) live in Balti­ Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM W. VAUX,'64 (JU­ ,more, Md. He is working for Westing­ LIE VANASSE,e' 66) , Burlington, a son, house Molecular Electronics Division Robert ' William, on March 27. Bill as an engineer. works for Vaux Tractor Company in Mt. Vernon. ***Lt. JOHN P. KIRSCH, '65, Mather AFB, Calif., has been graduated from Mr. and Mrs. DWIGHT E. FORGEY, '64, Officer Training School and is in na­ Toppenish, a son, Bradley Dwight, on vigator training. Jan. 18, 1965. Dwight is now foreman of the Toppenish branch of Western ***Lt. and Mrs. STEPHEN G. PORTER,'65 Farmers Association. JEANNE KUNZ, '65) live in Valdosta, Ga. He was a distinguished military Mr. and Mrs. JAMES W. BARCOTT, '64 graduate of Officer Training School (MARY MAYNARD, '64), Everett, a son, and now is attending jet pilot school Bruce Lawrence, on July 9. Jim is a at Moody AFB. She is teaching 4th management trainee with J.C. Penney. grade in the Pine Grove Elementary Schools. Mr. and Mrs. NORMAN ADAMS, '64 (MARY ELLISON, '65), Cle ElUIII, a daughter, Lt. SARA McCONNELL, '65, Offutt AFB. Terece Alana, on May 5. He works for Nebr., is an air intelligence offi­ the U.S. Forest Service. cer. CATHY PRIHAR, '65, Spokane, is teach­ ing home economics at Bridgeport. AI 3c GAYL P. INMAN, , 65, Gunter AFB, Ala., has been graduated from the Air Force medical helpers training course. SANDRA OELLIEN,'65, Uthaithance,Thai­ land, is a Peace Corps English teach­ er at Benchama Rachutit School. Dr. CLYDE C. BERG, '65, University STEVENS, ,65 Park, Pa., has been appointed a re­ search geneticist (plant) with the crops research division of the Agri­ cultural Research Service. (REBECCA JOHNSTON, '65) live at Quan­ tico, Va. He 1s in the Marine Corps. Mr. and Mrs. STEPHEN A.BUSH,'65 (JUDY PADUR, '66) live in Portland. He is NANCY BUCKMAN,'65, Palo Alto, Calif., working for Owens-Corning Fiberglass is a research assistant in the genet­ Corp. ics department at Stanford Medical Center. JULIA PUTERBAUGH, '65, Washington, D.C.,is working in northern Virginia. SHARON WHITNEY, '65, Connell, teaches girls physical education at Chief Mo­ ---Lt. RICHARD L. STEVENS, '65, Mac­ ses Junior High in Moses Lake. Dill AFB, Fla., has been graduated fra. pilot training. He is an F-4C SHARON CLINTON, '65, Mount Vernon, is Phantom II pilot. teaching 7th and 8th grades. Mr. and Mrs. THOMAS W. SAGERSER, '65 Mr . and Mrs. ROBERT J. GROSS,'65 (JU­ (SHIRLEY THOMASSEN,'64) live in Port­ DITH JAEGER, '65) live in Portland. land. He is an architect for Skid­ He is working for Albers Milling Com­ more, Owings ~ Merrill. She is a pany with drug and quality control. bookkeeper for International Health Assurance. Lt. STANLEY G. KING, '65, Webb AFB, Tex., is in pilot training. C. DOUGLAS AUBURG, '65, Longview, is a design engineer for Longview Fibre ANN KLEIVA, '65, Iowa City, Iowa, is Company. a fulltime dietitian in the depart­ ment of internal medicine metabolic WILLIAM C. FRANK, '65, Tumwater, is a research unit of the State University supervising counselor at Capital For­ General Hospitals. She also is work­ est Youth Camp, under the Department ing for an M.S. in nutriti~n. of Juvenile Institutions. JAMES S. ROBERTS, '65, St. Louis, is Mr. and Mrs. DAVID GRESHAM,'65 (LINDA a medical student at Washington Uni­ BROWN,'65), Iowa City, Iowa, are both versity. doing graduate work at the University of Iowa. He is a teaching assistant SANDRA LORD, '65, Seattle, is a diet­ in rhetoric. She is a teaching as­ itian at the artificial kidney center sistant in Spanish. at Swedish Hospital. ROY M. PERCIVAL, '65, Fairbanks, Al­ Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES H. PRESTRUD, '65 aska, is chief dispatcher, fire con­ (TERRI FISHER, e'65) live in Long­ trol, for the Fairbanks district and view. He is a construction engineer land office of the Bureau of Land Ma­ with Weyerhaeuser Company. nagement. Lt. CHARLES W. GRUTZMACHER, '65, a Lt. and Mrs. BRUCE R. KELLERAN, '65 member of the 7th Army Band, partici­ •

McMI LLAN, ' 66 WIGGINS, '66 Mrs. WITHERS, '65 WITHERS, ' 65

pated in the annual North Atlantic Lt. ROBERT C. McCLINTICK, '66, Reese Treaty Organization Taptoe in Arnhem, AFB, Tex., is in pilot training. Holland. He and his wife, the former BARBARA YOUNG, '62, are stationed in CAROL BJORNER, '66, is in the Peace Germany. Corps teaching English and music in Malaysia. Mr. and Mrs. CLAYTON D. ROBISON JR., '65 (RITA SLINGSLEY,'64) live in Syd­ DOUGLAS W.SMITH,'66, Collbran, Colo., ney, N.S.W., Australia. He has been has completed the VISTA training pro­ appointed the first pollution biolog­ gram and is working with the Collbran ist of the fisheries department of Job Corps. New South Wales. She teaches consum­ er economics in a Sydney college. Lt. THOMAS C. WEBB, '66, Webb AFB, Tex., is in pilot training. ***Dr. and Mrs. SOLON F. WITHERS, '65 (LILA GRIFFITH, '65) live in Sydney, NANCY SPANGENBERG, '66, Fremont, Cal­ N.S.W., Australia. He has own veter­ if., is a teacher. inary hospital. She is teaching in a primary school. Mr. and Mrs. JAMES E. REECE JR., '66 (JOAN KILLGORE, '66) live in Los An­ MERA GUSTAV, '66, is attending Navy geles. He is working for Chrysler Officer Candidate School in Rhode Is­ Corp. She is a medical technologist land. at Los Angeles County General Hospi­ tal. ROBERT D.MURRAY,'66, is a Peace Corps volunteer teaching in Sierra Leone. WEDDINGS DAVID M. ROSE, '66, Seattle, has won LANA HARO,'65, and CURTIS B. McPHAIL, a $3000 National Institutes of Health e'65, in Bellevue. The couple lives traineeship . in bio~mathematics for in Valdosta, Ga. He is a lieutenant graduate 'study at the University of in the Air National Guard in jet pil­ Washington. ot training. DAVID C. LINDEBLOM, '66, Pateros, is Janice Sweaney and LEONARD E. FONDA a junior-senior high school teacher. JR., '65, in Milton. The couple is living in Seattle. ***Lt. MICHAEL O. WIGGINS, '66, Vance AFB, Okla., has been graduated f~m ARNELLE HALSAN, '66, and RICHARD J. Officer Training Schooi. He now is HALL, '65, on June II, in Seattle. in pilot training. The couple lives in Prosser. They both are teaching school. ***Lt. RALPH K. McMILLAN, '66, Laugh­ lin AFB, Tex. ,has been graduated from KATHLEEN BLACK, '65, and KENNETH G. Officer Candidate School. He now is OSWALD, '65, on June 18, in Richmond in pilot training. Beach. The couple lives in Seattle. He teaches at Federal Way High School JR.,'65, on . Aug. 14, in Pullman. The and she teaches at Tot.. Junior High couple lives in Pull.an. He is work­ School, also in Federal Way. ing for a Ph.D. in .athematics at WSU on a NASA fellowship. She is a grad­ Carol Davis and GARY M. STACK, '65, uate student in foreign languages. in Glendale, Calif. The couple lives in Glendale. BETTY JEAN GOULD, '66, and HARRY A. LINKER, '65. The couple lives in Se­ ESTHER GOMBOS,' 66, and HARRY N. KOCH, attle. '65, on June 4, in Pullman. The cou­ ple lives in Menlo Park, Calif. He MARIAN HARRISON, '66, and WILLIAM D. is nployed by Burroughs Corp. of San NOVAK, '65. The couple lives in Ta­ Francisco, She is a girls' physical coma. education instructor in Abraham Lin­ coln Junior High School in San Jose. Katherine Kirk and ROBERT W. DILLMAN, '65, on July 1, in Seattle. The cou­ CAROL SEEGERT, '65, and Kenneth Koch­ ple lives in San Francisco. er, on Aug. 6. The couple lives in Seattle. She is teaching at Butler JUDITH KLUSMAN, '66, and Lt. DAVID Junior High School in the Shoreline RAYMOND, '66, in June, in Richland. District. They are stationed at Ft. Bliss, Tex. He is attending Air Defense School. JEAN LYNN, '65, and Douglas Zook. The couple lives in Bakersfield, Ore. She Kathryn Carter and ROBERT M. COOPER, is a teacher. '66, on June 18, in Spokane. The cou­ ple lives in Biloxi, Miss. He is a SHARON CLAUS, '64, '66, and SAMUEL D. lieutenant in the Air Force. CAMPBELL, '65, '66. The couple lives in Rockville, Md. He is a sanitary MARGARET ORR, '66. and Jon E. Reding­ engineer with the U. S. Public Health er, in Spokane. The couple lives in Service. Pull.an. PAMELA POTUCKE, '65, and STUART Y. Donna Niblock and A. NEIL ANDERSEN, REHNSTROM, '65, in Tacoma. The cou­ '66, on April 9, in Kirkland. The ple lives in Sparta, N. J. He is a couple lives in Nacogdoches, Tex. He pilot with TWA. is attending Austin State College.

JO ANN KLOSSNER, '66, and JAMES S. CAROL GARDINER, '66, and David Hor­ ROBERTS, '65, on June 12, in Pullman. lacher, in Kirkland. The couple lives The couple lives in St. Louis. He is in Spokane. a medical student at Washington Uni­ versity. She works' at The Jewish Ho­ JILL WESTBERG, '66, and Mark Longmei­ spital. er, in Spokane. The couple lives in Colfax. MAUREEN GAY, '65, and Dennis E. Nag­ el, on Aug. 6, in Taco.a. The couple MAJELLA PEPIN, '66, and TYLER N. JAR­ lives in Garden Grove, Calif. She is VIS,'66, on June 18, in Seattle. The teaching 2nd grade in Westminster. couple lives in Pensacola, Fla. He is in Navy flight training. SUSAN STEPHENSON, '65, and Edwin A. DUlUS, on Aug. 13, in Pullman. The SANDRA GUFFEY, '66, and ROBERT STURG­ couple lives in Pullman. She is a IS,'66, in Seattle. The couple lives graduate student in speech at WSU. in Edmonds. He is an architecture student. Sherla Waggoner and CHARLES BROCKWAY, PATRICIA TSUBOI, '66, and RICHARD W. '66, in Tacoma. The couple lives in CARLTON, '65. The couple lives in Bellevue. Corvallis, Ore. SUSAN ELLIOTT. '66, and George Crumb . LINDA BUCHANAN, '65, and O. C. RAMSEY The couple lives in Seattle. Ila Charles and JOHN M. FORBES, '66, pIe lives in Pullman. He is working on June 4, in Seattle. The couple for a _aster's degree in business ad­ lives in Los Angeles. ministration at WSU. Marilyn Boyle and MALCOLM P. BOWMAN, JUDITH BROWN, '66, and CARL R. HAST­ '66, in Kent. The couple lives in INGS, '66. The couple lives in Santa Akron, Ohio. Clara, Calif. Susan Morrison and DANIEL M.PERCIVAL, BIRTHS '66, on July 2, in Pullman. The cou­ ple lives in Seattle. He works for Lt. and Mrs. RICHARD L. STEVENS, '65 the Boeing Company. (ROSEMARY REINBOLD,'65), MacDill AFB, Fla., a daughter, Teresa Diane, on ROBIN MACDONALD, '65, and WILLIAM B. Oct. 29, 1965. He has been graduated "SHANE" CARTER, '66, on March 19, in from pilot training and is flying the Tacoma. He is in the Army. She is a F-4C. home economist for Grandma's Cookies in Seattle. Dr. and Mrs. J. ROBERT SWANSON, '65 (STORMA AMLING, '62), Durham, N.C., a PATRICIA ENGER,'66, and BRUCE E. JEN­ daughter, on "arch 3. He is doing SEN, '66, in Spokane. The couple is biochemical research as a postdoctor­ living in Pensacola, Fla. al fellow for National Institutes of Health at the Duke University Medical BETTE SHANNON, '66, and Richard L. Center. Crabtree. The couple lives in Seat­ tle. She is a teacher. Men in Action (con.) JAN McKENNA, '65, and CRAIG M. BROOK­ Lt. GEORGE O. ZIEGWIED, '61, has re­ MAN, '66, on June 4, in Seattle. The ceived the Air Medal with 14 oak leaf couple lives in Los Angeles. clusters for meritorious achievement during military flights. He is a C­ Nancy Rooks and ROBERT O. SLIND, '66, 123 Provider pilot. in Spokane. The couple lives in Se­ attle. He is attending the universi­ Lt. WILLIAM E. McGOURIN, '63, Saigon, ty of Washington Medical School. has flown more than 85 combat mis­ sions. He is an F-4C Phantom II pil­ JERI SMITH, '66, and R. Ralph Leaton, ot. in Seattle. The couple lives in Mos­ cow, Idaho. Capt. B. J. GEE, '63, is an Army avi­ ator in Viet Nam. His wife, the form­ BARBARA HEPPENSTALL, '65, and ROBERT er, KAREN NELSON, '63, Medford, Ore., G. SHAW, '66, on June 12, in Seattle. gave birth to a son, Erik Nelson, on The couple lives in Calgary, Alta. March 13. He plays professional football with the Calgary Stampeders. Lt. ALBERT L. PENCE, '64, is with the 1st Air Cavalry Division. He is an KAREN HEIMBIGNER, '66, and JOHN F. observer in a helicopter directing HEART, '66. The couple lives in Ta­ artillery fire. coma. WILLIAM R. WASHBURN, '66, Qui Nhon, CATHERINE WOOD, '66, and ROBERT G. is a junior engineer for R.M.K. Com­ STEVENS, '66. The couple lives in pany. Lewiston, Idaho. LYNDA MULLIS, '66, and KENNETH W. ER­ Camouflaged Wife Helps ICKSON,'66. The couple lives in Port Lt. and Mrs. EDGAR L. SMITH II. ' 66 Orchard. (L~N RADEBAUGH, e'68) are stationed at Ft. Devens, Mass. She helped him Janice Hart and HOWARD L.CORNIlIT JR., teach ROTC cadets this summer by cam­ '66, on July 23, in Yakima. The cou­ ouflaging herself as a jungle fighter. ALUMNI DEATHS HENRY L.CHITTENDEN, e'97, Abbotsford, TARO, '24, and a son, Dr. HUGH MUZ­ B.C., died Febr. 26. He was a retired ZALL, '53, Edmonds. construction engineer for Grant-Smith and Company. He was right tackle on JOEL L. FOULON, '24, Cheney, died Ap­ the 1894 (then) W.A.C. football team ril 25. and in his later years .ade several trips back to Pullman to watch the LINCOLN MEEKER,'23, Plainfield, N.J., Cougar teams in action. He was wound­ died March 24. Survivors include his ed in action in World War I as a cap­ wife, the former THELMA SHAFER, '24. tain of a command of Canadian engin­ eers. JESSE W. CURTIS, '26, Clarkston, died July 29. He was a public school sup­ J. HOUSTON McCROSKEY, '09, Spokane, erintendent in Inland Empire Schools died Aug. 19. He was a past presi­ for many years prior to 1930. For dent of ' the Alumni Association. He two years during the 'thirties, he had farmed in Garfield until he moved published the Wilbur Register. In to Spokane in 1931 to join Broadview later years he returned to teaching Dairy Co. which later beca.e a sub­ and retired in 1950. Survivors in­ sidiary of Carnation Co. He retired clude two sons, H. MARSHALL CURTIS, in 1957 as general manager and presi­ '47, Lewiston, Idaho, and CARROLL A. dent. His many civic positions in­ CURTIS, '48, Oakland, Calif. cluded: member of the Spokane City Planning Commission, member of Spo­ BREN H. STARCHER, '28, Medford, Ore. , goods kane Park Board, county chairman of has died. He was a sporting '11-' the American Red Cross, president of salesman and gunsmith for the Rogue the board of directors of the Spokane . Sportsman. Survivors include wife, County Good Roads Association, board the former OLIVE SWAN, '28• • ember of the Inland Auto Associa­ tion, president of Washington State FREDERICK E. JOCHEN, '28, Richland, Milk Dealers Association, and dist­ has died. He had been with Dupont rict governor of Sigma Nu fraternity. Co. and General Electric Co. for 38 Survivors include his wife, the form­ years. He was a specialist in tech­ er MARION FLOOD, 'II, and two daugh­ nical personnel. Survivors include ters, Mrs. Lee J. Sahlin (JOAN Mc­ his wife, the former JAYE ISRAEL,'28. CROSKEY, '49), Spokane, and Mrs. Jos­ eph W. Rupley (JANET McCROSKEY, '34), HARVEY L. COLE, '29, Lafayette, Cal­ Orinda, Calif. if., died in March. He was a general contractor with VanBakkelen-Cole Co. R.L. LATHROP,e'14, Walla Walla, died in July. GEORGE C. STARLUND, '30, Seal Beach, Calif., died this suamer. He was re­ Dr. ERNEST MUZZALL, '23, '24, Ellens­ gional coordinator for the Bureau of burg, died Aug. 21. He was a profes­ Commercial Fisheries at Terminal Is­ sor emeritus at Central Washington land. He was director of the Wash­ State College. He was superintendent ington State Department of Public As­ of schools at Garfield from 1925-28, sistance from 1957 to 1961. He pre­ at Ritzville from 1928-32, and Top­ viously had been assistant state lic­ penish from 1932-38. He joined CWSC ense director. From 1961 to 1965 he as professor of education and direct­ was Washington State Fisheries direc­ or of public service in 1938, became tor. At one time, he was WSU editor dean of instruction in 1941, and was of publications. Survivors include named director of graduate studies in his wife, the former JOY BARCLAY,'24. 1954. He retired in 1961. Survivors include his wife,the former ELLA MUS­ LEONARD W. SWANSON, '32, Centralia, died May 17. He was a pharmacist at WALTER D. ERIKSEN, '48, Portland, and Garrison's Rexal Store for 20 years. one of his daughters were killed in Survivors include two sons, DONALD A• an auto accident near Arlington ,Ore. , .. SWANSON, '60, Menlo Park, Calif., and this summer. His wife, the former RICHARD L.SWANSON,'64,Issaquah, and a MARYEMMA NUNAMAKER, '48, was serious­ brother, THEODORE O. SWANSON, '26, ly injured. He had taught at Sunny­ Tacoma. side before moving to Portland eleven' years ago. He was a counselor and ROBERT E. BURGGRABE,'32, Oxnard, Cal­ social studies teacher at Marshall if., died July 7. He was a budget High School. At WSU, he was a member analyst in the prograa planning de­ of the track team. Survivors include partment of the U. S. Naval Ship Mis­ his wife and a sister, Mrs. Robert sile Systems Engineering Station at Benedict (JEAN ERIKSEN,'45), Everett. Port Hueneme, Calif. Survivors in­ clude a sister, Mrs.Ben Campbell (MA­ Mrs. Alva Q. Mizer (PERYL BELTZ, '50) , GARET BURGGRABE, '34), Lewiston, Ida. Kennewick, died May 12. She had been a social worker for the State Depart­ LESTER N. HATFIELD, '33, Flushing, ment of Public Assistance. Survivors N.Y., died in April 1962. He was di­ include her husband, ALVA Q. MIZER, rector of quality control for Fair- '51. child Controls Corp. DAVID A. STROUD, '54, Zenith, died PAUL P. NUTTING, '35, Laguna Beach, Febr.14, 1965, in a highway accident. Calif., died May 12. He was a farmer. Mrs. Frank J. Kenney (JANICE SOUR­ Dr. CLARENCE L. NAGRA JR., '55, West WINE, '36), Portland, died June 28. Chester, Pa., died April 3. He was For the last two years she had worked an endocrinologist at Wyeth Labora­ at Frank Nau Pharmacy and was active tories in Radnor. in the Washington and Oregon Pharma­ ceutical Associations. She had been STANLEY A. MURDOCK,'52, Concord, Cal­ student body secretary at Washington if., died Jan. 27. He was a chemical State. engineer for Dow Chemical Co., Pitts­ burg, Calif. He was active in Boy ROBERT L. PLUMMER, '39, New Canaan, Scout activities and the Clayton Val­ Conn., died Aug. 10. He was manager ley Little League. Survivors include of international sales for Rayonier his wife, the former JQYCE SCHNEIDER, Incorporated and its subsidiaries. '51. He had been with the company in sev­ eral executive posts since joining ROGER DUCKWORTH,'59, Walla Walla, has them as a major market pulp producer died. He was a draftsman for T. O. in 1939. Survivors include his wife, Williams, architect. Survivors in­ the former JEANNE SWEAZY, '41. clude a brother, RONALD V. DUCKWORTH, e'51, Burlington. JAMES W. STUBBS,'39, Lyle, was killed in an auto accident near St. Cloud, PAUL F. HELMICK JR., '60, Seattle, Minn., on Aug. 9. He was with the died this spring. His body was found Bureau of Indian Affairs. He was an in Puget Sound in June. He had dis­ extension forester at WSU in 1940~41 appeared in February. He was a grad­ and instructor in forestry and junior uate student in oceanography at the forester from 1947 to 1953. A lieu­ University of Washington. He had been tenant colonel in the USAF Reserve, an electronics engineer on the Apollo he held Distinguished Flying Cross project for NASA in Sunnyvale, Calif. and the Air Medal with four Oak Leaf clusters for service in the European CHARLES R. LAMBSON, '65, Seattle, and and Pacific theaters in World War II. his parents were killed in a private plane crash this summer near McCall, THOMAS J. LOONAM, '42, Louisville, Idaho. He was a second-year medical Ky., died May 28. He was product su­ student at the University of Washing­ pervisor for Reynolds Sales Company. ton. i' '':' ,:..;-:':' 1 . "! !

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'.: .~. :r. .. , .~: 0; HOMECOMING SCHEDULE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 11 a.m.--Class of '41 Reunion Lunch­ All day--Alumni Registration (CUB 204 eon (enter through CUB 116) Alumni Office) 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.--Homecoming Buffet 5 to 7:30 p. m.--Seafood Buffet (CUB Luncheon (CUB Ballroom) Dining Room) 1:30 p.m.--Washington State Universi­ 6:30 p.m.--Homecoming Rally (Rogers ty vs Oregon State University (Ro­ Field) gers Field) 6:30 p.m.--Lighted Displays and Dis­ Immediately after the game--Coffee play Judging (living groups) Break Reunion for one hour for the 8:15 p.m.--Speech Department Play, Classes of 1936-37-38-39, Class of "Outward Bound" (Bryan Hall Audi­ 1941, Classes of 1946-47-48-49, torium) and Classes of 1956-57-58-59 (CUB 8:30 p.m.--Class of '41 No-Host Reun­ 200 Series) ion Party (Pullman Country Club) Immediately after the game--Living 8:30 p.m.--Chad and Jeremy Concert Group Open Houses (Bohler Gym) 5:30 to 7:30 p.m . --Country Style Din­ 9 p.m. to Midnight--Homecoming Street new (CUB Ballroom) Dance (tennis courts) 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. --Lighted Displays SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 8:15 p.m.--Speech Department Play, 7:30 to 10:30 a.m.--Kickoff Breakfast "Outward Bound" (Bryan Hall Audi­ (quick service in CUB Fountain) torilJll) 8:30 to 11 a.m.--Class of '41 Regis­ 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.--Homecoming Dance, tration (CUB 116) "Rhapsody in Memories" (CUB) 8:30 a.m. to Noon--Alumni Registra­ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30 tion (CUB Lobby) 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.--CUB Famous Smorg­ 9: 30 a.m.--Freshman Football, Wash­ asbord (CUB Ballroom) ington State Coubabes vs Oregon 2:15 p.m.--Speech Department Play, State University Fr'eshmen (Pullman "Outward Bound" (Bryan Hall Audi­ High School Field) torium)