Minutes of the meeting held on 7th December 2011

PRESENT: Councillor J.Arwel Roberts (Chair)

Councillors E.G.Davies; Lewis Davies; Jim Evans; W.T.Hughes; T.H.Jones; R.L.Owen; Clive McGregor; Eric Roberts; H.W.Thomas; J.Penri Williams;

IN ATTENDANCE: Planning Development Manager (DFJ); Planning Assistant(IWJ); Legal Services Manager (RJ); Chief Engineer (Netwock)(HP); Senior Engineer (Development Control); Development Control Officer (RE); Committee Officer (JMA) ; Admin.Assistant (SWJ);


Apology for absence by Councillors John Chorlton and K.P.Hughes


Declarations of interest were received and recorded under the respective items.


Submitted and confirmed as a true record, the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 2nd November 2011.


No Site Visits held following the 2nd November 2011 meeting. The Planning Control Manager reported that the review of planning decisions would take place on 18th January 2012.


The Chair reported that there would be a public speaker in respect of application 11.8.


Declaration of Interest made by Councillor W.T.Hughes and T.H.Jones in respect of applications 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 . Both Members withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and voting on the applications.


6.1 – 11C572 – Erection of a wind turbine with a maximum hub height of up to 15, rotor diameter of up to 9.7m and a maximum vertical tip height of up to 19.85m on land at Tal y Llyn, Mynydd Parys, .

The Planning Development Manager reported that the application was reported to the Committee because the application fee had been paid by a Councillor of the County Council.

At the meetings of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 5th October 2011 and 2nd November 2011 Members had resolved to defer consideration of the application to allow further consultation regarding noise levels.

The Planning Development Manager recommended that the application be deferred as discussions are ongoing and remain unresolved. He reported that doubts remained as to whether the noise levels would be satisfactory and emphasised more work was required prior to the Committee reaching a decision on the application.

Councillor Eric Roberts proposed and R.L.Owen seconded that the application be deferred.

RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.

6.2 – 11C573 – Erection of a wind turbine with a maximum hub height of up to 15, rotor diameter of up to 9.7m and a maximum vertical tip height of up to 19.85m on land adjoining Penrallt, Penrhyd, Amlwch.

The Planning Development Manager reported that the application was reported to the Committee because the application fee had been paid by a Councillor of the Anglesey County Council and the application is made on the land of another Isle of Anglesey Councillor.

The Officer reported that the application had been deferred at the 5th October and 2nd November 2011 meetings to allow further consultation regarding noise levels. Discussions had now been held and the Environmental Health Section were of the view that the proposal would have no adverse effect from a noise perspective. However, the Ecological Advisor had raised concerns regarding the siting of the turbine in that it should be 50m from the hedge so as to protect bats. The original required distance had been 40m but this had now been amended to 50m. The noise issue had been fully resolved and therefore the Officer asked that the application be approved in principle with Officers being granted authority to resolve the siting issue by negotiation and possibly reaching a joint agreement between the applicant and the advisor. In the event of the turbine being resited, further neighbourhood consultations would take place with any new, unconsidered views or new and unconsidered objections being reported back to the Committee.

In response to a question by Councillor Jim Evans, the Officer confirmed that the Council has policies regarding turbines and that consultation on Supplementary Planning Guidance would terminate on 10th February 2012. Councillor J.Penri Williams said he was in favour of wind energy despite its use having ceased in Denmark. He voiced his concern at the number of turbines appearing across the Island and the effect this could have on the landscape, particularly from a tourism aspect. He proposed that the application be deferred pending receipt of a report on the possible adverse impact on tourism. He believed the economic argument could be stronger than any planning policies and that whilst he did not have an opinion either way with regard to this particular application he believed deferring it until a report had been received was a wise move.

The Planning Development Manager said he was aware of concerns across the Island but reminded Members that this application is for a 15m turbine. He drew attention to his report which showed a detailed assessment had been carried out on the application and that the conclusion reached was that the proposal would not adversely affect the landscape. Deferring


the application until a report on the tourism aspect would mean a delay of many months, resulting in non-determination and he would be unhappy having to defend the decision at an appeal. The Chair concurred with those views.

Councillor Hefin Thomas recognised the need to review policies regarding large wind turbines. He was not unduly concerned with this application as the turbine was only 15m, however, he reminded Members that the application had been submitted over six months ago and expressed serious concerns that the Ecological Advisor had only now made his views known. He queried the need to move the turbine away from the hedge, bearing in mind the owner could have demolished the hedge without permission had he wished to do so. He proposed that the application be approved with Officers being authorised to negotiate the resiting of the turbine. Councillor Eric Roberts seconded the proposal.

RESOLVED to approve the application and that the Officers be authorised to negotiate the resiting of the turbine.

Councillors Lewis Davies and John Penri Williams abstained from voting on the application.

6.3 - 38C266 – Erection of a wind turbine with a maximum hub height of up to 15, rotor diameter of up to 9.7m and a maximum vertical tip height of up to 19.85m on land at Rhoslan, .

The Planning Development Manager reported that the application was reported to the Committee because the application fee had been paid by a Councillor of the Anglesey County Council.

The Officer confirmed that discussions had taken place with the Environmental Health Section and that all areas of concern had been resolved satisfactorily. He added that conditions would be imposed on the decision notice should the application be approved and asked that Members allow him to reword condition 10 in the light of further information as to noise levels in the locality.

Councillor Hefin Thomas proposed and Councillor Jim Evans seconded that the application be approved.

RESOLVED to approve the application and authorise the Officers to reword the conditions, particularly condition 10, so as to be appropriate to the application.

Councillors Lewis Davies and John Penri Williams abstained from voting on the application.

6.4 – 44C288 - Erection of a wind turbine with a maximum hub height of up to 15m, rotor diameter of up to 9.7m and a maximum vertical tip height of up to 19.85m on land at Pensarn, Rhosgoch.

The Planning Development Manager reported that the application was reported to the Committee because the application fee had been paid by a Councillor of the Anglesey County Council.

At the meetings of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 5th October 2011 and 2nd November 2011 Members had resolved to defer consideration of the application to allow further consultation regarding noise levels.

The Planning Development Manager recommended that the application be deferred as discussions are ongoing and remain unresolved. He reported that doubts remained as to whether the noise levels would be satisfactory and emphasised more work was required prior to the Committee reaching a decision on the application.

Councillor Eric Roberts proposed and R.L.Owen seconded that the application be deferred.


RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


7.1 – 42C60F –Erection of a dwelling and garage at Chapel Street, .

The application is a departure from the development plan which the local planning authority is minded to approve. The application was deferred at the November meeting to allow notification and consultation on the amended plans described in the Officer’s report.

The Planning Development Manager reported that one objection had been received with regard to surface water and sewerage, however, Officers had dealt with all the issues raised. In addition, concerns raised by the Council had been considered and resolved.

Councillor Hefin Thomas proposed that the application be approved with Councillor Eric Roberts seconding the proposal.

RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and to authorise the Officers to resolve any technical matters prior to releasing the decision notice.


No Economic Applications submitted for determination. . 9 AFFORDABLE HOUSING APPLICATIONS

None to be considered at this meeting.


None to be considered at this meeting.


11.1 – 11C216C – Erection of 1 wind turbine with a maximum hub height of up to 15m, rotor diameter of up to 5.5m and a maximum upright vertical tip height of up to 17.5m on land at Erwau’r Gwynt, .

Councillor W.T.Hughes and T.H.Jones both declared interests in this application and withdrew from the room during consideration and voting on the application.

The Planning Development Manager reported that the application was reported to the Committee as the application site is on land owned by a Member of the County Council. The application was originally made for a larger turbine but had subsequently been reduced in size and power rating. An amended plan had been received re-siting the turbine in accordance with the recommendations of the Council’s Environmental Adviser as noted in the report to the Committee. An environmental assessment had been satisfactorily completed and noise level issues resolved. He drew attention to the fact that this is an application for 1 wind turbine whilst the report refers to more than one, he therefore asked for permission to amend the conditions to refer to one wind turbine only.

Councillor Eric Roberts proposed the application be approved. Councillor Jim Evans seconded the proposal.


RESOLVED to approve the application and that Officers be authorised to amend the conditions to refer to one wind turbine only.

Councillors Lewis Davies and John Penri Williams abstained from voting on the application.

11.2 – 19C222E/CA - Application for conservation area consent for the demolition of the existing property together with the erection of 9 apartments at the Old Scout Hall and land adjacent to 2 Garreg Domas, .

(This application was considered in conjunction with 11.3 below)

The application was reported to Committee as the applicant’s partner is employed by the Local Authority. The application had been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.

The Planning Development Manager reported that the proposal is for Conservation Area Consent.

RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and subject to conditions outlined within his report.

11.3 - 19C222F – Full application for the demolition of the existing property together with the erection of 9 apartments at the Old Scout Hall and land adjacent to 2 Garreg Domas, Holyhead. (This application was considered in conjunction with 11.2 above)

The application was reported to Committee as the applicant’s partner is employed by the Local Authority. The application had been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.

The Planning Development Manager reported that the site is situated on the outskirts of Holyhead Town Centre within the designated Holyhead Conservation Area. The application had previously been withdrawn so as to amend and agree the design of the proposal.

RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and subject to conditions outlined within his report.

11.4 – Full application for the erection of a two-storey dwelling on land adjacent to Tafarn y Gors, .

The application was reported to the Committee as the applicant is related to a member of staff who works within the Managing Director’s Department. The application had been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.

The Planning Development Manager reported that the proposal is a full application for the erection of a two storey detached dwelling with the existing access which serves the public house and caravan park being utilised for the proposal. His recommendation was one of approval.

Councillor Hefin Thomas asked whether the Officer was satisfied that the proposal would not contribute towards closing the gap between Holland Arms and . The Officer said an assessment had been carried out and on balance he felt he could support the application. The Officer further confirmed that there is no development boundary in Holland Arms therefore the issue of affordable housing did not apply.

Councillor Eric Roberts proposed the application be approved. Councillor R.L.Owen seconded the proposal.


RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions outlined within the report to Committee.

11.5 – 33C293 – Full application for the erection of a two-storey dwelling on land adjacent to Tafarn y Gors, Pentre Berw.

The application was reported to the Committee as the applicant is a member of staff employed by the County Council. The application had been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.

The Planning Development Manager reported that the proposal is a full application for the erection of a two storey detached dwelling with the existing access which serves the public house and caravan park being utilised for the proposal. His recommendation was one of approval.

Councillor Eric Roberts proposed the application be approved. Councillor John Penri Williams seconded the proposal.

RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions outlined within the report to Committee.

11.6 – 34C625 – Alterations and extensions together with the demolition of existing garage at 30 Eithinog, Tan Capel, .

The application was reported to the Committee as the applicant is related to a member of staff employed by the County Council. The application had been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.

The Planning Development Manager reported that the application site is a semi-detached dwelling and the application involves the demolition of the existing detached garage to the rear of the property and the erection of a two storey extension to the rear and side of the dwelling. His recommendation was one of approval.

Councillor Eric Roberts proposed the application be approved. Councillor R.L.Owen seconded the proposal.

RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions outlined within the report to Committee.

11.7 – 36C63G – Full application for the change of use of garage into a dwelling together with alterations and extensions at Tyn y Gongl, Rhostrehwfa.

The application was reported to the Committee as the applicant is related to a member of staff employed by the County Council. The application had been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.

The Planning Development Manager reported that the proposal is to convert the former garage and residential unit, which comprises a ground and upper floor, into a wholly residential unit. The upper area would be used as two bedrooms and a bathroom whilst the lower floor will comprise a kitchen area, shower/toilet area and living rooms. A single storey extension is proposed to the rear of the building. In addition, small rear extension is proposed measuring some 4 x 8.5m on plan, under a flat roof with lantern light. The existing building measures 8 x 9m on plan with a 6m ridge height with accommodation arranged over two storeys. The Officer’ recommendation was one of approval. The Local Member, Councillor W.I.Hughes said he concurred with the Officer’s recommendation.


Councillor Hefin Thomas said he was surprised to see reference to previous applications on the site included as part of the Officer’s report as Members are instructed to consider the application before them without regard to any previous application. Councillor John Penri Williams said the existing garage looks like a dwelling and asked whether, had the application been for two dwellings ,would the recommendation be one of approval. He also referred to the fact that the previous recommendation had been one of refusal. The Chair reminded Members that they should consider the application in front of them and only on its merits.

Councillor R.L.Owen proposed the application be approved. Councillor Eric Roberts seconded the proposal.

RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions outlined within the report to Committee.

11.8 – 47C116A – Full application for alterations and extensions at Bronwen, Llantrisant.

The application was reported to the Committee as the applicant is an employee of the County Council and works in the Planning Department. The application had been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.

The Chair invited Mr Darren Hughes, the partner of Delyth, the applicant, to address the meeting. Mr Hughes said he wished to expand on the letter of support he had submitted as part of the application. The current situation is one where they have a 10 year old son sharing a bedroom with his 4 year old sister. As Members could imagine this was not ideal as the eldest child is of an age where he needs his own space so he could invite friends over, do his homework and to relax without having his sister under foot. In addition, the school nurse had presented a letter in support of the application for the benefit of the children.

The main reason for submitting the original application had been to enable Delyth and himself to raise a family in the same rural area as she had been fortunate enough to be brought up, and in addition to provide support for her family with their agricultural business and assist them as they get older. He and Delyth wished to continue with the family connection and provide a home for the next generation of the family in the same area.

He had inspected the reasons for refusal and disagreed with them. According to Policy HP8 of the Stopped Unitary Development Plan, adapting a building for the purpose of making it habitable is favourable than to allow a building to go to rack and ruin thereby damaging the landscape. He believed, in accordance with Policy 55 of the Local Plan that the appearance of the existing building had been substantially improved when planning permission had previously been granted to adapt the building. The design of the current extension reflects the design of the existing property and the proposal does not intrude unfavourably into the landscape nor does it adversely affect the beauty of the surrounding area. Access arrangements, parking arrangements, open space and sewerage arrangements are all satisfactory.

He and Delyth had worked hard to retain the character of the cottage and to create a family home to a high standard. Many people, when they had seen him and Delyth in the garden, had stopped to congratulate them on their achievement. He stressed they are a young family who wish to remain in the area in which they had been raised and the last thing they wished to do was to move away from the area.

He hoped the Committee could support their application for the reasons he had explained and approve this simple extension to allow them, as a family, to remain in the area in which they had settled so well. They were not asking for a large, luxurious property, merely for a family home to meet their needs.

The Planning Development Manager reported that the site is a converted property granted approval in April 2007 as a dwelling house and is located in open countryside. The proposal entails a bedroom extension at the side of the property. The LPA considered that the proposed extension is contrary to the provisions of Policy 55 of the Ynys Môn Local Plan and Policy HP8 of the stopped Unitary Development Plan and would undermine the integrity of those policies


together with the guidance contained within the Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance – Design Guide for the Urban and Rural Environment and Rural Conservation. He added that the extension granted in 2007 had more than doubled the original footprint of the property and that allowing another extension would be outside the provisions of the policies. His recommendation was one of refusal.

The Chair invited the Local Member, Councillor E.Schofield to address the meeting. Councillor Schofield thanked the Chair for the opportunity and stated Members would be aware that this was the first time for him to take advantage of the new system of addressing Members, however, he firmly believed this to be a worthy application. He acknowledged the Planning Development Manager’s views and assured Members he did not wish to oppose Policy 55 or HP8, he did however question whether those policies were appropriate for this particular application. He said Policy 55 allowed for an extension in excess of the original dwelling provided it was not detrimental to the environment. This application was to create a family home for a young family, in their own area. The original footprint was small with the first extension being only 8’ x 6’ – he knew of properties with a lounge larger than 8’ x 6’ therefore 50% or even 100% of the original would be reasonably small in this instance. This family had invested in their home according to their means. They now found themselves in a position where they had two children and therefore required an additional bedroom to meet their needs. He did not believe this militates against the policy but merely met the young family’s needs. He accepted that Officers were bound by Policies but believed Members could be a little more flexible and asked that they support this family who had conscientiously built a dwelling according to their means and only to meet their needs. He urged Members to allow them to remain in the area where they had been raised by approving the application.

In responding, The Planning Development Manager reiterated that Policy 55 is appropriate. The erection of a building in a rural area is an exception which would only be allowed by adapting an existing building. The applicant was aware of the terms and conditions of the development when the first application had been submitted. Permission would not have been granted for a larger building from the outset, the original building was small and a small extension was permitted. Whilst he had huge sympathy with the applicants, he believed the proposal was in excess of a minor extension and he was not prepared to undermine the Policy. His recommendation therefore remained one of refusal.

Councillor Eurfryn Davies said he had supported the initial application and welcomed old buildings in rural areas which had fallen into disrepair being renovated to be used as family homes. He proposed the application be approved.

Councillor John Penri Williams seconded the proposal but asked whether it would be possible to impose a Section 106 Agreement so as to ensure there will be no further development on the site.

Councillor Eric Roberts also supported the application but without the Section 106 Agreement. Councillor T.H.Jones also supported the application as the family had expanded in the past five years and there was a need for a third bedroom. He was aware of the location of the property and took the view the extension would not impact on any neighbouring properties.

In response to a proposal that a Section 106 Agreement be imposed, the Legal Services Manager said he did not believe it to be appropriate in this instance. Any future application on the site would need to be determined at that time and on its merit.

Councillor Eurfryn Davies proposed the application be approved, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation, and Councillor J.Penri Williams seconded the proposal.

The voting was as follows:-

To approve the application, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation:-

Councillors E.G.Davies; L.Davies; J.Evans; W.T.Hughes; T.H.Jones; R.L.Owen; C.McGregor; Eric Roberts; J.Penri Williams.


Councillors J.Arwel Roberts and H.Thomas abstained from voting.

The reasons given for approving the application were that Members believed the application was in compliance with policy 55; it was for an acceptable extension due to its size and location. It would not impair on any other property and would fit well into the landscape.

RESOLVED to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation. In accordance with the Council’s Constitution the application was automatically deferred to the next meeting to allow Officers the opportunity to prepare a report on the reasons for approving the application.


12.1 – 11C143H – Change of use from light industrial to an ambulance station at Unit 2 Amlwch Business Park, Amlwch.

The application was brought to Committee as the application is on Council owned land. The application is for the change of use of the unit from light industrial under Class B1 to an ambulance station which is sui generis. The recommendation was one of approval.

Councillor Eric Roberts proposed the application be approved. Councillor Hefin Thomas seconded the proposal.

RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions outlined within the report to Committee.

12.2 – 19C333B – Full application for the erection of 12 dwellings together with the construction of a new vehicular and pedestrian access on land at Westbury Mount, Road, Holyhead.

The application was brought to Committee at the request of the Local Members. Councillor J.V.Owen said the site fell into a dual ward area therefore he would be presenting his own and Councillor Trefor Lloyd Hughes’ views. Councillor Hughes wished to express concern regarding the traffic element. Councillor Owen said he took the view that the application was for an honest and fair use of the land and that the traffic problem existed further down the road from the proposed site. He added the developer was a reputable local builder therefore he did not wish to raise any objection against the proposed development. The Officer confirmed the proposal included a 30% affordable housing element.

Councillor Hefin Thomas proposed the application be approved. Councillor Eric Roberts seconded the proposal.

RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions outlined within the report to Committee.

12.3 – 21LPA951/CC – Full application for the construction of a footbridge to create an addition to the Anglesey Coastal footpath over the River, Pwllfanogl, Llanfairpwll.

The application was brought to Committee as it had been submitted by the Local Authority.

Councillor Lewis Davies proposed the application be approved. Councillor Eric Roberts seconded the proposal.

RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions outlined within the report to Committee.


12.4 – 25LPA798D/CC – Formation of a car park together with the erection of a 1.5m high fence at Ysgol Gynradd Llanerchymedd, Wellington Street, Llanerchymedd.

The application was brought to Committee as the application was submitted by the Local Authority.

Councillor Hefin Thomas proposed the application be approved. Councillor Eurfryn Davies seconded the proposal.

RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions outlined within the report to Committee.

12.5 – Erection of a non illuminated advertisement board at Ysgol y Graig, Stad Ddiwydiannol Bryn Cefni, Llangefni.

The application was brought to Committee as the application is on Council owned land. The proposal involves the erection of 2, 4m high non-illuminated advertising boards arranged in a “V”. The Officer’s recommendation was one of approval.

Councillor Eurfryn Davies proposed the application be approved. Councillor T.H.Jones seconded the proposal.

RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions outlined within the report to Committee.

12.6 – Construction of a horse ménage at Alma Cottage, Carreglefn.

The application was brought to the Committee at the request of the Local Member, Councillor T.H.Jones. He said the Community Council were concerned about the development on this land as the local school is situated to the right of the proposed development site. He had given local persons the opportunity to attend the meeting to object to the proposal but noted there was no one in attendance.

Councillor R.L.Owen proposed the application be approved. Councillor Hefin Thomas seconded the proposal.

RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions outlined within the report to Committee.

Councillor Eric Roberts took no part in the discussion or voting on the application. Councillor T.H.Jones abstained from voting.

12.7 – 41C109C – Outline application for the erection of a dwelling, construction of a vehicular access together with the installation of a septic tank on land adjacent to Artwood, Star.

The application was brought to the Committee at the request of the Local Member, Councillor Eric Jones.

The Planning Development Manager reported that the site is located next to the last dwelling on leaving the village of Star to the north west and comprises of an agricultural field enclosure bounded by a stone wall and fence.The site is visually removed from Star, in particular by a bank of trees which separate it from the adjacent dwelling. This, together with its elevated position in relation to the remainder of the village, exacerbates its separation from the village and a development here would extend the settlement beyond its logical limits creating an extension of ribbon development on this side of the road. The application does not therefore


comply with Policy 50 which states that proposals should be clearly within or form a reasonable minor extension to the developed part of the settlement. His recommendation was one of refusal.

Councillor Eric Jones said the applicant is a local young person who had been born and brought up in Star and who wished to settle in the area to raise his family. He said that at a recent Planning Seminar reference had been drawn to the importance of helping young people who wished to settle in their local area.T he applicant farms 50 acres and had been offered a plot by his mother. He would be willing to enter into a Section 106 Agreement prohibiting any further development and would plant trees so as to reduce the visual impact. He was surprised at the Officer’s recommendation of refusal and referred to other developments and planning decisions in the area. He concluded by saying there was no local objection to the application.

The Planning Development Manager said that in actual fact five letters of objection had been received. He did not accept that volunteering to enter into Section 106 Agreement should be considered as reason to grant the application. He was of the firm view that the proposal broke through the existing physical and visual boundary. This was not a matter of opinion, it was an actual fact. He had visited the site and had no doubt that the proposal would intrude into the countryside.

Councillor Hefin Thomas said he found himself in a difficult position. The Committee had earlier in the meeting granted permission for two dwellings in Holland Arms where there was a gap of 100m between the development site and nearest property. This application site was merely over the boundary wall. It was not a departure. The young person had been given an opportunity to build a home for himself and family and was prepared to enter into a Section 106 Agreement. He proposed that the application be approved.

Councillor John Penri Williams said he had been sympathetic towards the application until he had seen the clear boundary. With apologies to the applicant he proposed that the application be refused.

Whilst confirming Councillor T.H.Jones’ question as to whether the proffered Section 106 Agreement related to the whole of the field, the Planning Development Manager stressed that this was not a reason to approve the application. Members should deal with the application in front of them which was clearly outside the physical boundary of the village. Whilst he also sympathised with the applicant, permission was being sought on a parcel of land not for individuals. He reiterated the proposal would impact unfavourably on the landscape.

The Local Member said that whilst he had no planning qualifications he was able to see for himself that the development would be acceptable. He again referred to previous planning applications and added that should the application be refused he would be advising the applicant to lodge an appeal on the grounds of inconsistencies. The Chair took umbrage at that remark, however, the Officer said he would be quite prepared to defend his recommendation at any appeal.

Councillor Hefin Thomas proposed that the application be approved contrary to the Officer’s recommendation. Councillor T.H.Jones seconded the proposal.

Councillor John Penri Williams proposed that the application be refused in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation. Councillor Eric Roberts seconded the proposal.

The voting was as follows:-

To approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation:- Councillors H.Thomas; T.H.Jones; W.T.Hughes; E.Davies; 4 votes

To refuse the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation:- Councillors J.Penri Williams, L.Davies; R.L.Owen; Eric Roberts; W.T.Hughes; J.Arwel Roberts; C.McGregor; 7 votes


RESOLVED to refuse the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the reasons outlined within the Officer’s report.

Councillor J.Evans abstained from voting on the application.


13. 1 – 11C545 – Conversion, alterations and extensions to existing copper bins to form a new visitor centre at Marine Terminal, Amlwch Port.

The application was originally presented to the Committee as it involved development of Council owned land. The applicant had requested to carry out a minor amendment to the approved scheme which comprised the erection of a small enclosure to mask the proposed heating cassette and bins. Given the relatively minor nature of the proposed amendment it was not considered that the changes materially affected the appearance or nature of the scheme as previously approved. His recommendation was one of approval.

RESOLVED to approve the proposed amendment in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.

13.2 – 21LPA632A/CC – Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the erection of an agricultural shed for the storage of implements and feed at Glanllyn, Llanedwen.

The Planning Control Manager reported that the prior notification application had been submitted by the Local Planning Authority. It had been determined that prior approval would not be required for the erection of an agricultural building.

RESOLVED to note the report for information purposes only.

13.3 – 38C185B/SCR – Screening opinion for the erection of one wind turbine with a maximum hub height of up to 32m, rotor diameter of up to a maximum of 29m and a maximum upright vertical tip height of up to 46.5m on land at Maes Mawr, .

Councillors W.T>Hughes and T.H.Jones both declared interests in this application and withdrew from the room during discussion and voting on the application.

The Planning Control Manager reported that the application had been submitted by the Local Member and it had been determined that an Environmental Impact Assessment would not be required with the submission of a full application. He added that any application for the erection of a wind turbine on the land would be brought to the Committee for consideration.

RESOLVED to note the report for information purposes only.

13.4 – 47/LPA697A/CC – Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the erection of an agricultural shed for the storage of hay, machinery and implements at Bryn Dernog, Llanddeusant.

The Planning Control Manager reported that the prior notification application had been submitted by the Local Planning Authority. It had been determined that prior approval would not be required for the erection of an agricultural building.

RESOLVED to note the report for information purposes only.


Dates of meeting for the Planning and Orders Committee and Site Visits for 2012 were submitted and noted for information.


The meeting commenced at 1.00 p.m. and was drawn to a close at 2.25p.m.